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Version 5.32
Proprietary Program of
Technology Development Centre
Date = 14 March 2023
Time = 11:36:23 AM

**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - General Shear


SIZE : 35.00M x 32.00M

Depth of Foundation : 2.00M

Existing Ground level : 0.00M

Ground Water Table level: -22.50M

Void Ratio: 0.69

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Above Footing Base : 1.71 T/Cu.M.

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Below Footing Base : 1.72 T/Cu.M.

Cohesion C : 0.20 T/Sq.M

Inclination Angle of Load with vertical : 10.00

Factor of Safety : 2.50

Shape factor Depth Factor Inclination Factor

Sc = 1.183 Dc = 1.020 Ic = 0.790
Sq = 1.183 Dq = 1.010 Iq = 0.790
Sg = 0.634 Dg = 1.010 Ig = 0.379

Water Table Correction Factor w' = 0.82

Effective surcharge at base level q = 3.42 T/Sq.M.

****For General Shear Failure****

Ultimate Net B.C. = Qult_n = C*Nc*Sc*Dc*Ic + q*(Nq-1)*Sq*Dq*Iq + 0.5*B*W*Ng*Sg*Dg*Ig*W'

Angle of Internal Friction(phai) : 26.00

Bearing Capacity Factors

Nc = 22.27
Nq = 11.86
Ng = 12.55

Thus Qult_n = 108.02 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 43.21 T/Sq.M.

**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - Local Shear


SIZE : 35.00M x 32.00M

Depth of Foundation : 2.00M

Existing Ground Level : 0.00M

Ground Water Table level: -22.50M

Void Ratio: 0.69

Bulk Density (W) of Soil Above Footing Base : 1.71 T/Cu.M.

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Below Footing Base : 1.72 T/Cu.M.

Cohesion C' : 0.13 T/Sq.M

Inclination Angle of Load with vertical : 10.00

Factor of Safety : 2.50

Shape factor Depth Factor Inclination Factor

Sc = 1.183 Dc = 1.017 Ic = 0.790
Sq = 1.183 Dq = 1.009 Iq = 0.790
Sg = 0.634 Dg = 1.009 Ig = 0.198

Water Table Correction Factor w' = 0.82

Effective surcharge at base level q = 3.42 T/Sq.M.

****For Local Shear Failure****

Ultimate Net B.C. = Qult_n = C'*N'c*Sc*Dc*Ic + q*(N'q-1)*Sq*Dq*Iq + 0.5*B*W*N'g*Sg*Dg*Ig*W'

Effective Angle of Internal Friction(phai') : 18.01

Bearing Capacity Factors

N'c = 13.12
N'q = 5.27
N'g = 4.07

Thus Qult_n = 27.06 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 10.82 T/Sq.M.

**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - Intermediate Between Genear & Local Shear

Under Loacl Shear Failur Mode Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity= 27.06 T/Sq.M.

Under Genearl Shear Failur Mode Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity= 108.02 T/Sq.M.

Void Ratio: 0.69

Thus Ultimate net Bearing Capacity (Qult_n) = 51.35 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 20.54 T/Sq.M.
Version 5.32
Proprietary Program of
Technology Development Centre
Date = 14 March 2023
Time = 11:37:08 AM

**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - General Shear


SIZE : 35.00M x 32.00M

Depth of Foundation : 2.50M

Existing Ground level : 0.00M

Ground Water Table level: -22.50M

Void Ratio: 0.69

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Above Footing Base : 1.71 T/Cu.M.

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Below Footing Base : 1.72 T/Cu.M.

Cohesion C : 0.20 T/Sq.M

Inclination Angle of Load with vertical : 10.00

Factor of Safety : 2.50

Shape factor Depth Factor Inclination Factor

Sc = 1.183 Dc = 1.025 Ic = 0.790
Sq = 1.183 Dq = 1.013 Iq = 0.790
Sg = 0.634 Dg = 1.013 Ig = 0.379

Water Table Correction Factor w' = 0.81

Effective surcharge at base level q = 4.28 T/Sq.M.

****For General Shear Failure****

Ultimate Net B.C. = Qult_n = C*Nc*Sc*Dc*Ic + q*(Nq-1)*Sq*Dq*Iq + 0.5*B*W*Ng*Sg*Dg*Ig*W'

Angle of Internal Friction(phai) : 26.00

Bearing Capacity Factors

Nc = 22.27
Nq = 11.86
Ng = 12.55

Thus Qult_n = 116.43 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 46.57 T/Sq.M.
**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - Local Shear


SIZE : 35.00M x 32.00M

Depth of Foundation : 2.50M

Existing Ground Level : 0.00M

Ground Water Table level: -22.50M

Void Ratio: 0.69

Bulk Density (W) of Soil Above Footing Base : 1.71 T/Cu.M.

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Below Footing Base : 1.72 T/Cu.M.

Cohesion C' : 0.13 T/Sq.M

Inclination Angle of Load with vertical : 10.00

Factor of Safety : 2.50

Shape factor Depth Factor Inclination Factor

Sc = 1.183 Dc = 1.022 Ic = 0.790
Sq = 1.183 Dq = 1.011 Iq = 0.790
Sg = 0.634 Dg = 1.011 Ig = 0.198

Water Table Correction Factor w' = 0.81

Effective surcharge at base level q = 4.28 T/Sq.M.

****For Local Shear Failure****

Ultimate Net B.C. = Qult_n = C'*N'c*Sc*Dc*Ic + q*(N'q-1)*Sq*Dq*Iq + 0.5*B*W*N'g*Sg*Dg*Ig*W'

Effective Angle of Internal Friction(phai') : 18.01

Bearing Capacity Factors

N'c = 13.12
N'q = 5.27
N'g = 4.07

Thus Qult_n = 30.46 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 12.18 T/Sq.M.

**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - Intermediate Between Genear & Local Shear

Under Loacl Shear Failur Mode Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity= 30.46 T/Sq.M.

Under Genearl Shear Failur Mode Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity= 116.43 T/Sq.M.

Void Ratio: 0.69

Thus Ultimate net Bearing Capacity (Qult_n) = 56.25 T/Sq.M.
Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 22.50 T/Sq.M.

Version 5.32
Proprietary Program of
Technology Development Centre
Date = 14 March 2023
Time = 11:37:24 AM

**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - General Shear


SIZE : 35.00M x 32.00M

Depth of Foundation : 3.00M

Existing Ground level : 0.00M

Ground Water Table level: -22.50M

Void Ratio: 0.69

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Above Footing Base : 1.71 T/Cu.M.

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Below Footing Base : 1.72 T/Cu.M.

Cohesion C : 0.20 T/Sq.M

Inclination Angle of Load with vertical : 10.00

Factor of Safety : 2.50

Shape factor Depth Factor Inclination Factor

Sc = 1.183 Dc = 1.030 Ic = 0.790
Sq = 1.183 Dq = 1.015 Iq = 0.790
Sg = 0.634 Dg = 1.015 Ig = 0.379

Water Table Correction Factor w' = 0.80

Effective surcharge at base level q = 5.13 T/Sq.M.

****For General Shear Failure****

Ultimate Net B.C. = Qult_n = C*Nc*Sc*Dc*Ic + q*(Nq-1)*Sq*Dq*Iq + 0.5*B*W*Ng*Sg*Dg*Ig*W'

Angle of Internal Friction(phai) : 26.00

Bearing Capacity Factors

Nc = 22.27
Nq = 11.86
Ng = 12.55

Thus Qult_n = 124.88 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 49.95 T/Sq.M.
**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - Local Shear


SIZE : 35.00M x 32.00M

Depth of Foundation : 3.00M

Existing Ground Level : 0.00M

Ground Water Table level: -22.50M

Void Ratio: 0.69

Bulk Density (W) of Soil Above Footing Base : 1.71 T/Cu.M.

Bulk Density (W)of Soil Below Footing Base : 1.72 T/Cu.M.

Cohesion C' : 0.13 T/Sq.M

Inclination Angle of Load with vertical : 10.00

Factor of Safety : 2.50

Shape factor Depth Factor Inclination Factor

Sc = 1.183 Dc = 1.026 Ic = 0.790
Sq = 1.183 Dq = 1.013 Iq = 0.790
Sg = 0.634 Dg = 1.013 Ig = 0.198

Water Table Correction Factor w' = 0.80

Effective surcharge at base level q = 5.13 T/Sq.M.

****For Local Shear Failure****

Ultimate Net B.C. = Qult_n = C'*N'c*Sc*Dc*Ic + q*(N'q-1)*Sq*Dq*Iq + 0.5*B*W*N'g*Sg*Dg*Ig*W'

Effective Angle of Internal Friction(phai') : 18.01

Bearing Capacity Factors

N'c = 13.12
N'q = 5.27
N'g = 4.07

Thus Qult_n = 33.87 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 13.55 T/Sq.M.

**Sample Calculation for Bearing capacity**

Failure Mode - Intermediate Between Genear & Local Shear

Under Loacl Shear Failur Mode Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity= 33.87 T/Sq.M.

Under Genearl Shear Failur Mode Net Ultimate Bearing Capacity= 124.88 T/Sq.M.
Void Ratio: 0.69

Thus Ultimate net Bearing Capacity (Qult_n) = 61.17 T/Sq.M.

Allowable Bearing Capacity (Qall) = 24.47 T/Sq.M.

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