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Situations Where You May Encounter

Child Safeguarding Risks

Situations Risks of harm (examples)

At work
Research, communication and/or • Privacy violations when collecting data from/about children
advocacy: when it involves children as • Inappropriate interviewing techniques (e.g. judgmental, re-
participants or uses information or data traumatizing)
from children • Negative impact of findings of research/ publication on
children (e.g. stigma, reprisals)

Travel: when it involves children • Neglect of basic needs of children travelling (e.g. food,
travelling (e.g. workshops, conferences, shelter, supervision)
reunification with families/caregivers) • Abusive or untrained guardians of children travelling

Field visits: when personnel, VIPs, • Culturally insensitive or offensive conduct of participants
donors, media representatives or others (e.g. private sector, media)
come into contact with children • Children questioned or photographed without their

Fundraising: when involving children in • Unsafe or exploitative fundraising activities involving

fundraising activities children

Programming: when involving children • Neglect of basic needs of children

in activities • Neglect of program adaptation for vulnerable children (e.g.
children with disabilities, minority groups)
• Unsafe location for programming activities
• Abusive personnel
• Violence against children: offline, online

In your personal life

Household: when hiring children for • Economic exploitation of children working as household
household duties (e.g. cleaning, servants
babysitting) • Abuse of children working in household

Family: when caring for our own • Physical or emotional abuse when disciplining children
children or the children of relatives • Neglect of basic needs of children
• Sexual abuse of children

Social/online activities: when it directly • Emotional abuse by watching pornography in front of a child
or indirectly involves children • Sexual abuse by having a relationship with a child
• Cyberbullying
• Child sexual abuse images and online exploitation
• Inappropriate contact with children online

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