MIDISynth Control User Guide

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MIDISynth-Control 1.1.

1 Overview .................................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Requirements .............................................................................................................. 5
1.1.1 iOS ................................................................................................................................................... 5
1.1.2 Android ........................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Current Inbuilt Synths .................................................................................................. 6
1.2.1 In Progress: ..................................................................................................................................... 6

2 Synth Selector ........................................................................................................... 7

2.1 Synth Tile Settings........................................................................................................ 8
2.1.1 Synth MIDI Port............................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.2 Status Panel .................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.3 Controller MIDI Port ....................................................................................................................... 8
2.1.4 Show All MIDI .................................................................................................................................. 8
2.1.5 MIDI In ............................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.6 MIDI Sets Dirty ................................................................................................................................ 8
2.1.7 Track PC .......................................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.8 User Guide ...................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2 External Synth Tiles ...................................................................................................... 9
2.2.1 Synth MIDI Port............................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.2 Load/Save ....................................................................................................................................... 9
2.2.3 Clock/Seq (requires Link+ IAP) ........................................................................................................ 9
2.2.4 Control (requires Control+ IAP) ...................................................................................................... 9
2.2.5 Keyboard (requires KeyDrum+ IAP) .............................................................................................. 10
2.2.6 Drumpad (requires KeyDrum+ IAP) .............................................................................................. 10
2.3 Global Settings........................................................................................................... 10
2.3.1 Show All Vals ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.2 Show Val ....................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.3 Left-Handed .................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.4 Phone Mode ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.5 Performance ................................................................................................................................. 10
2.3.6 Config ............................................................................................................................................ 10
2.3.7 Bluetooth ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.3.8 Double Click Action ....................................................................................................................... 11
2.3.9 Skin................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.3.10 Notifications ............................................................................................................................. 11
2.3.11 Reconnect ................................................................................................................................ 11
2.4 Synth Options ............................................................................................................ 11
2.4.1 Common Options .......................................................................................................................... 12

3 General Operation .................................................................................................. 14

3.1 Options ..................................................................................................................... 14
3.2 Patch Navigation........................................................................................................ 14
3.2.1 Performance Mode Navigation..................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Patches Screen........................................................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Common Operations ..................................................................................................................... 15
3.4 V-Macros ................................................................................................................... 17
3.5 User Layouts .............................................................................................................. 17
3.5.1 Snapshots...................................................................................................................................... 19
3.5.2 Global User Layout ........................................................................................................................ 19
3.6 Section Operations .................................................................................................... 19
3.6.1 Common Operations ..................................................................................................................... 20
3.7 Control All ................................................................................................................. 21
4 Ableton Link ............................................................................................................ 22
4.1 Global Controls .......................................................................................................... 22
4.1.1 Tempo ........................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.2 Enable ........................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.3 Start/Stop...................................................................................................................................... 22
4.1.4 Re-Sync ......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Link Tile ..................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.1 Activate ......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Process Link Start/Stop ................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.3 Latency .......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.4 Start/Stop...................................................................................................................................... 23
4.2.5 Re-Sync ......................................................................................................................................... 23
4.3 Link+ Tile ................................................................................................................... 23
5 Purchasing Modules ................................................................................................ 25
5.1 iOS ............................................................................................................................ 25
5.2 Android ..................................................................................................................... 25
5.3 Additional Functionality ............................................................................................. 26
5.4 Randomise/Morph/Performance ............................................................................... 26
5.4.1 Randomise .................................................................................................................................... 26
5.4.2 Morphing ...................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4.3 XY Controls .................................................................................................................................... 28
5.4.4 Custom Parameter Assign ............................................................................................................. 29
5.4.5 Performance Screen ..................................................................................................................... 29
5.5 Keyboard (only available for tablet)............................................................................ 31
5.5.1 View Mode .................................................................................................................................... 32
5.5.2 Velocity Sense Mode .................................................................................................................... 32
5.5.3 Hold/Send Off ............................................................................................................................... 33
5.5.4 Chord Mode .................................................................................................................................. 33
5.5.5 Polyphonic After-Touch ................................................................................................................ 33
5.5.6 Custom Scales ............................................................................................................................... 33
5.6 Drumpad (only available for tablet) ............................................................................ 34
5.7 Global View ............................................................................................................... 34
5.8 Link+.......................................................................................................................... 35
5.9 Arp/Drum Repeat ...................................................................................................... 36
5.9.1 Arpeggiator ................................................................................................................................... 36
5.9.2 Drum Repeat ................................................................................................................................. 39
5.10 Keyboard/Drumpad+ ................................................................................................. 40
5.10.1 Keyboard Configuration ........................................................................................................... 40
5.10.2 Drumpad Configuration ........................................................................................................... 40
5.11 Control+ .................................................................................................................... 41
5.11.1 MIDI Learn ................................................................................................................................ 42
5.12 Patten Sequencer....................................................................................................... 42
5.12.1 Step Tile.................................................................................................................................... 43
5.12.2 Playing a Sequence .................................................................................................................. 43
5.12.3 Editing Sequences .................................................................................................................... 44
5.12.4 Linking Sequencers................................................................................................................... 44
5.12.5 Options ..................................................................................................................................... 44
1 Overview
MIDISynth-Control provides a control hub for your MIDI synthesisers from a single
application and also provides in-depth editing for a number of inbuilt, popular synths and
drum machines.
For the inbuilt synths, all controls are automatically provided, as well a librarian features and
functionality specific to the synth.
For all other synths it is possible to define your own control map for the controls you wish
access to and then lay these out as you see fit.
From here global layouts can be created allowing several synths & drum machines to be
controlled from a single screen in the app.
On top of this there are keyboard and drumpad screens available and integration with Ableton
Link where necessary.
Each supported synth and module are available as an In-App-Purchase (IAP) for iOS or via a
PayPal purchase for Android.
Before purchasing a module, a 3-day trial is available with most functionality enabled.
This document covers the basic operation of the app – for each module a separate user guide
is available detailing the specific operation for that synth.

1.1 Requirements
1.1.1 iOS
• iPad/iPad Pro/iPhone
• Camera connection kit or equivalent, Wi-Fi MIDI, Bluetooth MIDI receiver
• iOS 9.0 or later

1.1.2 Android
• Android tablet/phone
• OTG (On-The-Go) cable, Bluetooth MIDI receiver
• Android Marshmallow 6.0 or later Android Installation
The Android installation is provided as a downloadable .apk file for installation on your
To install this product, you will need to set your tablet permissions to be able to install
content from unknown sources.
If you are not willing to install content from unknown sources, please do not purchase this
product as you’ll not be able to install it and no refunds will be given. License
After purchasing the product you’ll receive a license in a separate mail from
noreply@sigabort.co.uk. Please make sure this is in your safe senders list and check your
spam folders if this does not turn up in a short time.
Save this license key to your Android device and use the ADD LICENSE button in the
Buy/Trial screen to install the license. Scaling
The resolutions support by Android devices are weird and wonderful – whilst I’ve done as
much to accommodate this as possible, if things are looking somewhat weird on your device
then send some screen grabs over to midisynth@sigabort.co.uk along with the device specs
and I’ll see if I can improve things for you.

1.2 Current Inbuilt Synths

• Circuit
• Circuit Mono Station
• Peak/Summit
• LPX/MMk3
• Launch Control XL
• Elektron Digitakt
• Elektron Digitone
• Korg Minilogue xd

1.2.1 In Progress:
• Modor NF-1
2 Synth Selector
The main screen consists of a number of tiles with each tile representing a supported synth
that you have purchased (or are currently running in demo mode).

To load up a particular synth click on the title bar containing the synth’s name.
When operating a synth, short press on the icon on the corner of the screen to return to this
When operating a synth, long-press on the icon to bring up synth options and custom settings
(see section 2.4).
2.1 Synth Tile Settings

Each synth tile has a number of options that apply only to the particular synth.

2.1.1 Synth MIDI Port

The default MIDI port of the synth is auto selected if detected at startup. If you have enabled
‘Show All MIDI’ and selected a different MIDI port, then this port will be selected instead.

2.1.2 Status Panel

Shows the current connection status of the synth MIDI port.

2.1.3 Controller MIDI Port

The controller MIDI port can be used to select a MIDI device that can be used for controlling
the V-Macro controls (see section 3.4) and the custom controls (see section 5.4.4).
Additionally, all MIDI from this port will be routed through to the synth so you can route an
external keyboard or controller to the synth.

2.1.4 Show All MIDI

If enabled all MIDI devices will be displayed for selection – if disabled only MIDI devices
matching the synth will be displayed.

2.1.5 MIDI In
Enabling this option will processing incoming MIDI data from the controller and update the
GUI appropriately (turning the knobs on the synth or automation data). Depending on the
state of the ‘MIDI Sets Dirty’ flag, this will also set the edit buffer as “dirty”.

2.1.6 MIDI Sets Dirty

Enabling this option will cause incoming MIDI (turning the knobs on the synth or automation
data) to mark the current edit buffer as “dirty” and flag that the user needs to save it when
moving away from the patch.
2.1.7 Track PC
Determines whether the synth editor should follow program change (patch selection) on the
synth (this option will not be available if the synth does not send PC).

2.1.8 User Guide

Click on this button to launch the user guide for the synth.

2.2 External Synth Tiles

External synth tiles refer to tiles that are not part of the core supported synths that can be
added by the user after purchasing either the Control+ or Keyboard/Drumpad+ modules.

2.2.1 Synth MIDI Port

Select the MIDI port for the synth.

2.2.2 Load/Save
Synth configurations can be loaded and saved using the LOAD and SAVE buttons for
backup purposes or for loading a configuration onto multiple tiles.

2.2.3 Clock/Seq (requires Link+ IAP)

If CLOCK is enabled the synth will appear on the Link configuration screen (see 4.2).
Additionally, if SEQ is enabled then sequencer control options will be available (this should
be enabled if the synth has an onboard sequencer that you with to control).

2.2.4 Control (requires Control+ IAP)

Enable CONTROL to allow a control map to be defined for the synth so that it can be
controlled from MIDISynth-Control. Use the CONFIG button to configure (see ).
2.2.5 Keyboard (requires KeyDrum+ IAP)
Enable KEYBOARD to allow they keyboard module to be used on the synth. Use the
CONFIG button to configure (see 5.10.1).

2.2.6 Drumpad (requires KeyDrum+ IAP)

Enable DRUMPAD to allow they drumpad module to be used on the synth. Use the
CONFIG button to configure (see 5.10.2).

2.3 Global Settings

The global settings section contains a number of options that apply to all synths.

2.3.1 Show All Vals

Enabling this option will show the current value underneath each control. The user can click
on this to manually enter a value.

2.3.2 Show Val

Enabling this option will show the value of the currently moving control in the top left-hand
corner of the screen.

2.3.3 Left-Handed
When enable all menus will be placed on the right-hand side of the screen allowing for easier
combi operation for left-handed people.

2.3.4 Phone Mode

Enabling this will change the UI to use the paged phone display which may be preferable on
smaller devices.

2.3.5 Performance
When engaged some items will be removed from patch navigation (e.g. init, fetch) and
STORE will be replaced by RELOAD allowing initial patch settings to be restored (see
section 3.2.1).

2.3.6 Config
When enabled the configuration for each tile will be displayed. If not enabled only the tile
name will be displayed for navigation. This allows more tiles to be visible at the same time.

2.3.7 Bluetooth
Connect to MIDI BLE devices.
After connecting to a BLE received, please use the RESCAN button to rescan available
devices. If your device does not appear, try enabling SHOW ALL MIDI DEVICES.

2.3.8 Double Click Action

Determines what happens when a control is double-clicked:
• Off: No action
• Zero/Centre: Control is set to 0 or centred if it is bipolar
• Default: Control is set to the default value
• Patch: Control is set to the value when the patch was loaded

2.3.9 Skin
Change the look of the App.

2.3.10 Notifications
Shows a count of any unread notifications.
Click to read/delete notifications.

2.3.11 Reconnect
Attempt to reconnect all tiles to their last used connection. If this is not available internal tiles
will attempt to reconnect to their default MIDI port.

2.4 Synth Options

Performing a long press on the Sigabort icon in the top left of the screen will bring up options
particular to that synth.
These options are only displayed whilst the icon is held down – release the icon to return to
the main editing screen.
Below the available options are a list of long-press operations that are applicable to the

2.4.1 Common Options

These options are common to all modules – for any other options please refer to the specific
module documentation. Load All/Save All
This is a top-level load/save which stores all module data in a single file for convenient
archiving. This differs from Load/Save in the patches screen which will only save/restore
patch data (see section

The data saved/loaded with this operation typically as follows, though will vary from module
to module:
• Setup data
• Patch data
• Any extended patch data
• XY control assignments (global)
• Performance control assignments
• V-Macro assignments
• Colour assignments
• User layouts
• Snapshots
• Keyboard/drumpad+ configurations View Modes
If the tablet version support more than a single default layout then these will be listed here. Control All Selection
If the module has more than two synth engines, this selector will determine which synth
engines are affected when the ALL button is held down whilst modifying a control (see
section 3.7). Fine Control
Enable to allow fine control of sliders/rotaries. Show Envelope
Show envelope displays for envelopes.
3 General Operation
3.1 Options
An option bar will appear on the left (or right) hand side of the screen giving you access to all
functionality of the module. The items on this bar will vary from module to module and also
which additional functionality modules you have purchased (e.g. rand/morph/performance).

3.2 Patch Navigation

Along the top of the screen is a navigation bar that will allow quick navigation between
patches, as well are some more common operations such as storing the current edit bugger,
creating an init patch, and fetching patch details from the synth.
This bar may additionally contain patch information if applicable (e.g. category, genre).
3.2.1 Performance Mode Navigation
If performance mode is enabled in global options, the navigation bar will have most options
remove and the STORE button will be replaced with RELOAD.

Pressing the RELOAD button will reload the patch to its save state – this allows numerous
changes to be made to the patch followed by a return to a known state.
If the module contains a number of synth engines, this will typically reset the selected synth
to its saved state. However, holding down the ALL button whilst pressing RELOAD will
reload all synth engines to their saved state.
Whilst is performance mode changes to a patch can still be saved if you wish by entering the
patches screen.

3.3 Patches Screen

The patches screen gives access to a number of patch operations.

3.3.1 Common Operations

These operations are common to all modules – for any other operations please refer to the
specific module documentation. Load/Save
Brings up the load/save screen. This will load/save the patch (bank) state independently of
the rest of the editor state. If you wish to save the patches as part of an overall setup, then use
the LOAD ALL/SAVE ALL buttons in the setup section (see
If the SYSEX button is selected patches will be loaded/saved in standard sysex for the synth.
If the SINGLE button is selected, single patches will be loaded/saved – if not, banks will be
loaded/saved. Switch
If SWITCH is selected, then when a new patch is selected the view will automatically switch
back to the editing view. Store
Store the current edit buffer at the currently selected slot. The button will turn red when there
are un-stored changes. Store To
Pressing STORE TO will allow a different patch slot to be selected and the current edit
buffer will be stored to that slot. The destination patch is selected via the upload/store to
patch selector below the UPLOAD button. Init All
This will initialise patches all patches in the editor.
If the module has patch banks (e.g. Peak) then a long press on this button will initialise the
current bank only. Upload
Allows patches to be uploaded to the synth for off-line access and uploads the current editor
buffer as it stands. You can select which patch slot to upload to on the synth by the
dropdown(s) below. Upload All
This will upload all patches to the synth.
If the module has patch banks, a long press on the button will upload the current bank only. Fetch All
This will fetch all patches from the synth.
If the module has patch banks, a long press on the button will fetch the current bank only.
3.4 V-Macros

Up to 8 virtual macros can be defined per patch. Each virtual macro can be set to control up
to 4 parameters on the synth (selected via buttons A-D), and the start, end and depth of each
parameter can be controlled.
Using the L button, each V-Macro can be MIDI learnt to a controller assigned to the
Controller MIDI port (see 2.1.3). Engage learn and then move the control on your MIDI
controller to assign. Long-press L to remove the assignment.

3.5 User Layouts

A single user layout is provided with each module. This can be increased to six with the
purchase of the performance module (see section 5).

Each user layout consists of a grid of controls that can be from 2x2 in size up to 12x8 on
tablet and 8x3 on a phone.

When running the trial, the following limitations are imposed:

• Only 1 page is available
• Only 1 snapshot is available
Clicking on the appropriate page button will load the page. Long-pressing the button will
allow the page to be named. Pages that are not defined (i.e. are empty) are indicated by [].
Pressing the PAGES button will toggle the display of the page selector at the top of the
Pressing the SNAPSHOTS button will toggle the display of the snapshot selector at the
bottom of the screen.
Pressing the EDIT button will change the display into the edit display.
For each cell you can specify:
• The control to be placed in the grid cell
• How the control is to be displayed (if appropriate): Rotary, Vertical Slider, or
Horizontal Slider.
• Minimum value of the control (if appropriate)
• Maximum value of the control (if appropriate)
Once editing is finished, press the EDIT button again to return to normal operation. All
updates will automatically be saved.

3.5.1 Snapshots
Each page can have up to six snapshots stored. Each snapshot stores the value of each control
at the time it is saved.
To create a new snapshot, long-press on the appropriate slot.

You can name the snapshot at the same time as storing it or press the CLEAR button to clear
the contents. Snapshots that are not defined (i.e. are empty) are indicated by [].
To load a snapshot simply press the appropriate snapshot button.

3.5.2 Global User Layout


3.6 Section Operations

A number of operations can be carried out on each UI section.
Some operations will be placed on the section header if there is room:

Additional operations can be displayed by holding down the SECTION button:

If there is no room for operations on the section header then all operations will appear when
SECTION is held down:

3.6.1 Common Operations

These operations are common to all modules – for any other operations please refer to the
specific module documentation. A/B
Toggling the A/B switch will toggle between your current (edited) settings and those of the
patch when it was loaded.
Note: When A/B is enabled (i.e. using the loaded patch settings rather than the edited
settings), the COPY and SAVE buttons will operate on the patch settings, not the edited
settings. Load/Save
Up to 10 presets can be saved and recalled for use in other patches – think of this as a
favourites menu.
Pressing SAVE will bring up a menu showing any existing entries. Choose an existing entry
to overwrite or an empty slot to create a new preset.

Clicking on an empty slot, will allow you to name the preset.

Long-pressing on an existing slot will delete the preset. Copy/Paste
Each section can be individually copied to a copy buffer via the COPY button and pasted to a
different patch using the PASTE button. Rand
Randomise the section using the current randomisation settings (see section 5.4.1). Init
Initialise the section to default values Reset
Reset the section to the values when the patch was loaded

3.7 Control All

If a module has multiple synth engines, holding down ALL whilst modifying a control will
update the same control in all synth engines to the current value.
4 Ableton Link

Ableton Link support is provided for syncing synths with sequencers to an Ableton Link
session. This can also be used for syncing arps, LFOs etc for synths with/without internal

4.1 Global Controls

4.1.1 Tempo
This slider displays the tempo of the current Link session – this will update if the tempo of
the session is changed or can be used to change the tempo of the session.

4.1.2 Enable
Enable/disable Link processing.

4.1.3 Start/Stop
This will send a start or stop command to the Link session allowing all Link participants
supporting this to either start or stop. All Link tiles that have Process Link Start/Stop
enabled will respond to this command.
4.1.4 Re-Sync
This will send a re-sync to all Link tiles that have Process Link Start/Stop enabled.

4.2 Link Tile

Each synth is represented by a tile on the display.

4.2.1 Activate
Enable Link processing for the synth.

4.2.2 Process Link Start/Stop

If this is enabled the synth will respond to start/stop instructions from the global start/stop
button, and also from any other participants in the Link session.

4.2.3 Latency
Each synth can have up to 250ms of latency applied to it. Any changes in latency will be
applied from the next bar.

4.2.4 Start/Stop
If the synth has an internal sequencer then this button is used to start and stop the sequencer.
This operation is quantised to the next bar of the Link session.

4.2.5 Re-Sync
Failsafe to re-sync the synth to the Link session. This should never be needed but is provided
just in case.

4.3 Link+ Tile

If you have purchased the Link+ module then up to 6 additional external USB devices can be
specified for syncing to the Link session.
Additional tiles can be added by using the + button.
Link+ tiles are the same as normal Link tiles except the synth name is replaced by a
dropdown allowing you to select a MIDI port.
5 Purchasing Modules
Click on the BUY/TRIAL button on the selection screen to enter the purchase screen.

Modules to extend base functionality can be found at the bottom of the page.
From here it is possible to run a 3-day trial for any of the supported synths or purchase the
full version. Some features (e.g. Load/Save) are disabled in the trial version.

5.1 iOS
Purchasing on iOS will be done through the App Store.
Click the RESTORE button to restore any previous purchases.

5.2 Android
Purchasing on Android will take you to PayPal where you can pay for the module. Once
payment is complete you will receive an email containing your license for the module. The
license should be stored on your tablet and added to the application using the ADD
LICENSE button.
5.3 Additional Functionality
Screenshots are from the Circuit module but are similar for all modules. Please refer to synth
module documentation to see any specific details for a particular synth.

5.4 Randomise/Morph/Performance
This module adds randomisation, morphing and performance functionality to each purchased
synth module.
The keyboard (see 5.5) and drumpad (see 5.6) modules are provided as part of this purchase.
When running the trial, the following limitations are imposed:
• 1 XY pad (instead of 4)
• 4 custom controls (instead of 16)

5.4.1 Randomise
Three randomisation algorithms are provided for discovering new sounds. Several parameters
are provided for each randomisation mode to tailor how mild or extreme the randomisation is,
and sections or individual parameters can be excluded to further increase control. Common Controls

These controls are available in all random modes.
• Dials Only – enabling this will disable all dropdowns from randomisation
• Exclude – Allows individual controls to be excluded from the randomisation
• Random – Randomise with the current settings Absolute

An absolute value will be set for the parameter between its min and max value.
• Range – this determines the max upper value – a random value will be chosen
between 0 and this %age of its max value
• Affinity – whether the value tends to favour min (-ve) or max(+ve) values. Relative

This randomiser will generate random values based on the current values in the synth.
• Range – the maximum movement as a %age of range (i.e. max – min values) that the
value can move
• Noise – how often (%age) the range is ignored to pick a random value. Negative
values still obey the max of 50% of range, positive values set the range to be 100%
• Clip – affects behaviour when the new value would be outside of the min/max range.
When clipping is on, they are fixed to min/max values. When disabled, they will
“bounce back” from the min/max difference by the appropriate amount.
• Direction – sets direction of value change to down, up, or both. Patch

The new value will be picked between min and max values when the minimum is taken from
the first patch specific and the maximum is taken from the second.
• Patch Select 1 – the first patch number to use
• Affinity – whether the value tends to favour patch 1 (-ve) or patch 2 (+ve)
• Patch Select 2 – the second patch number to use
• Noise – how often (%age) the affinity is ignored to pick a completely random value.
Negative values still obey the bounds of min/max from patch 1 and 2, positive values
will pick a value from min to max of the parameter. Exclude

Pressing the EXCLUDE button will enter exclude mode where each control or section can be
individually excluded from the randomisation. Controls highlighted in blue are included. To
toggle the inclusion/exclusion of a control/section, simply click on it.
By default, all macros and mods are excluded from randomisation and morphing, as well as
some other basic controls that would affect output adversely unless required (e.g. levels).

5.4.2 Morphing

It is possible to morph between two patches or sessions (depending upon which screen you
are on) using the controls provided.
Noise – How often (%age) the min/max values of the patches are ignored to pick a random
value. Negative values still obey the bounds of min/max from patch 1 and 2, positive values
will pick a value from min to max of the parameter.
• Patch Select 1 – the first patch number to use
• Morph bar – Left is fully patch 1, right is fully patch 2 – in-between is where the
magic can happen
• Patch Select 2 – the second patch number to use
• Dials Only – enabling this will disable all dropdowns from morphing
• Exclude – Allows individual controls to be excluded from the morph (see section

5.4.3 XY Controls
Four XY controls are provided for easy control of multiple parameters at the same time.
The XY controls are freely assignable to any parameter of the synth. Once assigned these
controls will be available in the Performance Screen (see section 5.4.5).

Clicking a MAP button will highlight the parameter controls, and these can then be assigned
by clicking on the appropriate control. Its name will then appear in the XY control to show it
has been assigned. The XY controls will only operate when two controls have been assigned.
A long-press on a MAP button will remove an existing mapping. Global XY Controls
It is possible to store a set of XY definitions for each patch as some controls may be more
appropriate for certain patches compared to others.
It is also possible to define a set of global XY controls that are always available.
To enter global XY control mode, click on the XY button whilst already in XY sub-mode.
The button will change colour and you can now define a set of global XY controls. Pressing
the button allows easily toggling between the two modes.
5.4.4 Custom Parameter Assign
16 parameters can be freely assigned to any parameter on the synth and these will then be
available in the Performance Screen.

Mapping is similar for the XY controls – hit the M button to enter map mode and then select
the destination control. A long-press on the M button will remove the mapping.
Using the L button, each custom control can be MIDI learnt to a controller assigned to the
Controller MIDI port (see 2.1.3). Engage learn and then move the control on your MIDI
controller to assign. Long-press L to remove the assignment.
Use the 1-8/9-16 button at the left of the screen to move between the two banks of 8

5.4.5 Performance Screen

Performance screen pulls a number of performance related controls onto a single screen.

This consists of:

• Access to 16 user-defined control mappings
• Access to 8 V-Macro controls
• Access to 4 user-defined XY controls
• Custom control morphing
• Mixer page (if appropriate)
• Snapshot and Autoreset functions
• Any additional module-specific controls Zooming Performance Controls
Holding down the SELECT button will allow a number of performance controls to be
selected which will be zoomed to fill the available screen space:

Highlighted controls will be displayed when the SELECT button is released: Setting Range of Performance Controls

Pressing the RANGE button will superimpose range sliders on the mapped custom and XY
controls allowing you to set the minimum and maximum %age value of the control. Morphing
Enabling the MORPH button will add a morph slider to the display for morphing between
two custom parameter banks.
Pressing the EXCLUDE button under the left morph control will change the SELECT
buttons under the custom sliders into EXCLUDE buttons. It is then possible to define custom
controls that are excluded from the morph operation. Custom Banks

Up to 16 banks of custom parameter values can be stored and retrieved. It is also possible to
morph between two banks.
Press the BANKS button to bring up the controls for storing banks which operate in a similar
way to other banking controls. Selecting View
It is possible to rotate through three view modes for the Performance Mode, accessible from
the top control button:
• All: Shows all sliders and XY controls
• Slider: Shows all sliders
• XY: Shows XY controls XY Controls
Pressing the XY GLOBAL button will toggle between viewing the global XY controls and
those that have been assigned to a patch. It is possible to select which patch controls are used
for the XY controls via the selection button underneath. Snapshot
Engaging snapshot using the SNAP button will take a snapshot of the current performance
controls: macros, custom controls, XY controls, channel levels, delay sends, reverb sends,
mute states, master filter.
You are then free to change any of these controls and have them all reset back to their value
when you engaged snapshot by another press of the button. Autoreset
Engaging Autoreset via the AUTO button will reset each supported control (macros, custom
controls, XY controls) to a specified value when the control is released.
The reset values are set with a long-press of the AUTO button. Any controls being operated
at this point will have their values updated.

5.5 Keyboard (only available for tablet)

The keyboard module allows you to send note data to your synth (if applicable).
The keyboard module is provided with both the Performance IAP (see 5.4) and the
Arp/Repeat IAP (see 5.9).
When running the trial, the following limitations are imposed:
• Only 1 channel is available for multi-channel synths
• Chord configure is not available
If the synth contains more than one synth channel this can be selected from the channel
selector along the top of the keyboard.
The following settings are per channel:
• Velocity
• Octave
• Root note
• Scale
• Chord configuration

5.5.1 View Mode

The following view modes are supported:
• Standard – standard keyboard layout
• Iso – Isomorphic grid layout
• Root – Root note grid layout
• Piano – Piano view grid layout

5.5.2 Velocity Sense Mode

Pressing the VEL SENS button will enter velocity sensitive mode which will display a fewer
number of larger keys. When in this mode you have the option of using the fixed velocity
slider (by enabling the FIXED button) or using dynamic velocity using the vertical position
on the key to adjust the velocity being sent to the synth.
5.5.3 Hold/Send Off
It is possible to create held notes by holding HOLD whilst releasing a selected note. Any
held notes on a channel can be released by pressing the SEND OFF button.

5.5.4 Chord Mode

Enabling the CHORDS toggle will display 8 chord selectors which can be used to play a
chord from a single keyboard pad. This is momentary by default but can be set to a latch
mode by using the LATCH button.
When a chord is selected, the octave selector changes to an inversion selector where any
inversions for the chord can be selected.

Pressing the CONF button will allow a chord to be selected for each slot from those available
– each chord is stored along with a selected inversion, so it is possible to store different
inversions in each slot.

5.5.5 Polyphonic After-Touch

If this is available for the synth then enter velocity sensitive mode in order to use the
When in 2 octave mode and a note is held down, the SEND OFF button will be replaced with
an AFTER TOUCH button.

Holding down the AFTER TOUCH button will enable poly after touch mode – whilst held
down, dragging up and down on any currently held notes will send an after-touch value for
that note.
NOTE: Whilst AFTER TOUCH is held down, no note off messages will be send so it is
possible to lift your fingers from any previously held notes to adjust the after-touch value.

5.5.6 Custom Scales

5.6 Drumpad (only available for tablet)
The drumpad module allows you to send drum data to your synth (if applicable).
The drumpad module is provided with both the Performance IAP (see 5.4) and the
Arp/Repeat IAP (see 5.9).

Each drumpad can have its own velocity specified if the FIXED VEL button is enabled. If
not, the pad will generate dynamic velocity depending on the vertical position of the press on
the pad.

5.7 Global View

The global view allows quick access to mixer, keyboard, or drumpad displays from the main
synth select screen, and allows quick switching between these views for each module.

Each of the buttons becomes available when you have multiple modules that contain one of
the views, e.g. if you have purchase Circuit and Digitakt, which both have mixer views, the
Mixer button will be visible. If you have purchase Peak and CMS, which both contain
Keyboard views, then the Keys button will be available.
Pressing the button will take you to the global view of the corresponding page.
From here you can switch to other views that are available for your configuration, and also
switch to other modules that contain the same view.

5.8 Link+
The Link+ module is an enhancement to the natively supplied Ableton Link support. Ableton
Link synchronisation is automatically supplied with each purchased module, and Link+
allows up to six additional external MIDI ports to be synchronised to an Ableton Link
Please note: No other purchases are necessary to purchase and use Link+ standalone which
can then be used to sync up to 6 external USB devices to an Ableton Link session.
For further information, please refer to section 4.
5.9 Arp/Drum Repeat
The Arp/Repeat module provides an arpeggiator for the keyboard module and also drum
repeat functionality for the drumpad.
The keyboard (see 5.5) and drumpad (see 5.6) modules are provided as part of this purchase.
When running the trial, the following limitations are imposed:
• Reduced number of arp rates
• Arp up/down/octave up/octave down are not available
• Arp gate and steps are not available
• Reduced number of drum repeat rates

5.9.1 Arpeggiator

Each channel on the synth has its own independent arp. If a channel is currently running a
latched arp then its channel name will be surrounded by brackets, e.g. [Lead].
The controls, working from top to bottom, left to right. Type
• Up – Notes are played in ascending order
• Down – Notes are played in descending order
• Up/Down – Notes are played in ascending order then descending order.
• Down/Up – Notes are played in ascending order then descending order
• Converge
• Diverge
• Converge/Diverge
• Pinky Up
• Pinky Down
• Pinky Up/Down
• Thumb Up
• Thumb Down
• Thumb Up/Down
• Rand 1 – Notes are played in a totally random order.
• Rand 2 – Notes are played randomly, but each note will only appear once in each
• Played – Notes will play in the order they are entered.
Rate at which the arp plays – this is linked to the tempo. Include Boundary Notes
For Up/Down, Down/Up, Converge/Diverge, Pinky Up/Down and Thumb Up/Down this
determines whether the start and end notes are played twice (on) or once (off). Link Enable
Enable Ableton Link synchronisation. This is only available if Link is enabled (see 4).
If this is enabled the tempo will be taken from the Link session instead of being specified
manually. Link Quantise
If enabled the arp will be quantised to the Link session (sync is ¼ note). Shift Up/Shift Down
Shift the notes in the arp a specified number of steps (see up/down in the current key. Shift Steps
Specified the number of steps to shift the arp (see Shift Octave Up/Down
Shift the notes in the arp up/down an octave. Reset Count
Allows the arp to be reset after running the specified number of notes. Tempo
Arp tempo. This is only available if Ableton Link sync is not enabled (see Octaves
Number of octaves to generate notes for in the arp. Gate
Gate length of each note in the arp. Velocity
Specified the velocity of the arp notes, if the keyboard is not in velocity sensitive mode. Rhythm
The 16 steps can be used to determine a rhythm sequence for the arp.
TODO Rhythm Skips Notes
Determines whether when a rhythm step is skipped the corresponding arp note is skipped (on)
or plays on the next active rhythm step (off). Latch
If enabled, notes in the arp will continue to play after the note is released on the keyboard.
Notes currently in the arp will flash.
When in latch mode, notes can be added to/removed from the arp by toggling them on the
keyboard. Velocity Sensitive
If the keyboard is in velocity sensitive mode, it is possible to specify a velocity for each note
in the arp.
If not in latch mode, the velocity of the note can be changed by sliding your finger up and
down the note when it is held down.
If in latch mode a slider will be present on each note in the arp and the velocity can be
changed via this.
5.9.2 Drum Repeat

Each note on the drumpad has its own independent repeat. If a pad is currently running a
latched repeat then its pad name will be surrounded by brackets, e.g. [Kick].
The controls, working from top to bottom, left to right. Latch
If enabled the drum note will continue to repeat after the pad is released on the drumpad. Select
Allows a pad to be selected without sounding. Repeat Rate
Rate at which the repeat plays – this is linked to the tempo Repeat Tempo
Repeat tempo. This is only available if Ableton Link sync is not enabled (see Link Enable
Enable Ableton Link synchronisation. This is only available if Link is enabled (see 4).
If this is enabled the tempo will be taken from the Link session instead of being specified
manually. Link Quantise
If enabled the repeat will be quantised to the Link session (sync is ¼ note).

5.10 Keyboard/Drumpad+
This module allows the keyboard and drumpad modules to be used on up to six external
See sections 5.5 and 5.6 for detailed operation.
New synths are added using the + button. The last tile can be removed by using the - button.

5.10.1 Keyboard Configuration

Underneath the keyboard enable button are 16 selectors which can be used to specify which
MIDI channels the keyboard can operate on.
• Mod – show modulation slider.
• PB – show pitch bend slider.
• AT – show after-touch slider.
• PAT – enable polyphonic after-touch.

5.10.2 Drumpad Configuration

Specify the number of pads on the drumpad using the dropdown. Press the BACK button to
exit configuration.
For each row the following can be configured:
• Pad name
• MIDI channel for the drum.
• MIDI note for the drum.
• Drumpad colour.

5.11 Control+
This module allows a control map to be defined for the synth and controls assigned to a
number of user layouts (see 3.5).
This currently supports encoders, sliders and toggle buttons.

Press the + button to add a new parameter to be configured manually. Press the BACK button
to return to the previous screen.
For each parameter, the following can be configured:
• Parameter name
• MIDI channel
• Parameter type (CC, NRPN)
• Hires (not yet implemented)
• Min value
• Max value
• Colour
In order to set the colour, select the colour you wish to use from the colour selector bar and
then click on the colour on the parameter row. Colours on the colour selector bar can be
changed by long-pressing on a slot.

5.11.1 MIDI Learn

Pressing the LEARN button will activate MIDI learn. Move a control on the synth to create a
new parameter entry for that control.

5.12 Patten Sequencer

The pattern sequencer allows you to sequence the patterns of the Digitakt to create song
structures from your pattern bank.
Each sequence can contain up to 25 steps (12 on phone) and up to 4 sub-sequences allowing
you the freedom to creatively manipulate each song. Up to 64 sequences can be stored.
Note: The pattern sequencer currently requires Ableton Link to be enabled in order to
function. This does not require any other participants in the session, just that it is
enabled in the Link configuration page.

For the purpose of the descriptions below, each tile is labelled via its column then row
number, i.e. tile 1-1 is playing pattern A01 and 3-2 is playing pattern A09.
5.12.1 Step Tile
A sequence is made up of a number of tiles. Each tile consists of:
• A loop indicator (see section
• The pattern number to play.
• The pattern length (in steps).
• The number of times to repeat the pattern before proceeding to the next step.
• Track mutes – lit means the track will play, unlit means the track is muted Pattern Length
It is important to set this correctly if you want to repeat counter to work accurately.
If the pattern has global length, this can be set to the length of the pattern.
If the pattern has track length, this should be set to the longest track in the pattern. This is
essentially the highest CH.LEN value.
Digitakt/Digitone will not interrupt a pattern that is already playing, and it will always play
for its entire length. Thus, if you set, in this case, pattern A02 (step 3-1) to be 64 steps when it
is in fact 128, then even though the pattern sequencer will attempt to start pattern A04 after
64 steps it will not start until Digitakt/Digitone has finished playing the pattern of 128 steps.
The sequencer will handle this situation, but repeat counting will not work properly. Empty Tiles
Empty tiles can be placed in order to break up the flow of tiles as a visual aid and order to
control sequencer behaviour when using linked sequencers (see section 5.12.4).

5.12.2 Playing a Sequence

Playback of a sequence can be started at any step by pressing and of the PLAY buttons.
Whilst a sequence is playing any step can be cued up to play by pressing another PLAY
button in the sequence.
When a tile is playing its PLAY button will change into a PAUSE and a STOP button. The
tile will also show the current position of play in the pattern, and the overall position of play
including any repeats. Pause
This will cause the sequencer to pause on the current tile and not advance when it has
finished playing the pattern. To continue at the next stop hit the PAUSE button again to un-
pause the sequence or use another PLAY button to shift the current play point. Stop
Stop the sequencer playing. Loops
Loops can be specified by enabling the loop indicator on a tile. After a tile with a loop
indicator has played it will repeat the enclosed loop. The start of the loop is determined by a
previous loop indicator, or the first tile of the sequence. The last tile in a sequence, as well as
any empty tiles, have the loop indicator explicitly set (i.e. always loops).
In the above example tiles 1-1 to 5-1 will loop, tiles 1-2 and 2-2 will loop, tiles 4-2 to 2-3 will
loop and tiles 1-4 to 3-4 will loop.

5.12.3 Editing Sequences

Press the EDIT button to enter edit mode.
When editing new tiles can be added to the end of the sequence, and any existing tiles can be
Pressing the STORE button will store any changed that you have made. Copy
Copy the selected sub- sequence. Paste
Paste the copy buffer into the current sub- sequence. Clear
Clear all steps from the current sub-sequence. Sub-Sequences
Each sequence can have up to four sub-sequences (i.e. pages) of steps associated with it
allowing you set different structure to the song. These are selected using the 1-4 buttons
along the top of the screen.
Any sub-sequence that has been edited and not stored will be identified with an *.

5.12.4 Linking Sequencers

Sequencers can be linked via the use of the SEND and RECEIVE buttons.
If a sequencer has its SEND button enabled, it will send operational updates to any
sequencers that have their RECEIVE button enabled.
The operational updates consist of:
• Start/stop the sequencer
• Changing the played step Stop on Empty
This button determines what happens if a step does not exist in the receiving sequencer.
If enabled, the sequencer will stop playing after the previous steps completes and will restart
the next time a step is played that exists for this sequencer.
If not enabled the sequencer will continue to play the last step until the next time a step is
played that exists for this sequencer.

5.12.5 Options Program change send/receive channel
Set this to be the same as that configured on your Digitakt. Quantise
Pattern launches will be quantised to this amount. This can be half-bar (8 steps), 1 bar (16
steps), 2 bars (32 steps) or 4 bars (64 steps). Fixed (Pattern Length)
If enabled, changing the pattern length of a pattern will change the length of all occurrences
of that pattern in all sequences. Auto Start Seq
When enable the sequencer on Digitakt will be started when the first pattern is played, if it is
not already playing. Send/Receive/Stop on Empty
See section 5.12.4.

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