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Faculty of Engineering

School of Electrical, Electronics & Communication

B.Tech. (ECE)
VI Semester
Mid-Term-I Examination: 2021-22
EC3251 VLSI Design with Verilog HDL

Duration: 1 Hours Max. Marks: 20

• Answer all questions
• Missing data, if any, may be assumed suitably.

1. (a) Using Condition operator in Verilog write a code which can work as one bit [3]
Adder & Subtractor both.

(b) Write a Verilog code that defines the User Defined Primitive (UDP) which [2]
performs the following Boolean Function:

2. (a) Design a XNOR gate using transmission gate and write its switch level [4]
Verilog code.
(b) If a = 1’b1, b = 2’b00, c = 2’b10. [1]
What will be the output for the given conditions?
Y={4{a},3{b}, c}

3. Design a 2to4 decoder in Verilog using any style. Use this decoder to design [5]
4to16 decoders using structural. Use Block Diagram.

4. Write a Verilog code for the given circuit using any style of coding. Also [5]
Write test bench for it.

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