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Exercise 5

Use the words to make the second conditional statements and questions.
I'd play with
you ..................................................................................................................................
help me | with the housework | you | if
I'd play with you if you helped me with the housework.

I wouldn't go there if I was you

Suppose we had to travel to Paris, we'd catch an express train.

Would you admit a crime, if you didn't commit it?

Jim would be happier if you didn’t tell him about it.

If you won this match, would you win the tournament?

We should take some coins in case we needed a trolley in the shop.

Would we go to the beach, if it were cloudy?

We wouldn't mind your marriage, on condition that you got married in church.

Suppose I wanted to renovate the house, would you give me a hand?

What would you do, if he didn’t give you the money back?

Exercise 5(а)
Use the words to make the first conditional sentences.
I'll play with you, as long as you
help | housework | you | as long as | me | the | with
I'll play with you as long as you help me with the housework.

Will you tell me, if you go out?

If Sarah doesn’t reply my email to, I'll phone her.

Suppose the plan land on time, we'll catch the 10 o'clock train.
Nobody will believe you unless you always tell the truth.

Providing everybody come to the party, how many chairs will we need?

OK, you can drive my car, on condition that you don’t drive fast.

If we are late for the meeting , we'll let you know.

I'll take my credit card, in case I run out of cash.

Your purse will get stolen, unless you are careful.

What will you do, if Peter isn’t be in his office?

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