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D Change these sentences j : into Ubahiah kalimat di bawah ini Balik ‘menjadi kalimat negatif. 1. Samsu goes to school at 6.30 everyday. 2. Mr. Denni explains the lesson clearly. 3. She forgets to bring her workbook. 4. Lia and Santi eat meatball at the school canteen. 5. | always leave the school at 12 o'clock. E Write what students don’t do in the classroom. Tuliskan apa yang tidak boleh siswa lakukan di dalam kelas. 4. Don't be noisy! 2. ! 3. 4. } 5. i ions. Complete the dialogs with the correct expressi ° Lengkapilah Bean di bawah ini dengan ungkapan yang tepat. __thave Sure, here» Ls B Fill in the blanks with the correct words. Isilah titik di bawah ini dengan kata-kata yang tepat. is Johan. Papua. is singing. oe: _name is Lisa. ee ten years i _ hobby reading. ne introduce my friend. is name Dewi. C Fill in the blanks with your own data. Isilah titik di bawah ini denga data dirimu. ? j ‘eview 1 Cc 7 ‘omplete the dialogs with the correct expressions. Lengk: igkapilah percakapan di bawah ini dengan ungkapan yang tepat. ‘Good moming, pom 4 - A Andi. ——— Good morning, 4h im fn thank) — you. 4 Hello, Miss Dewi Nice to meet you! (Good bye, Budil "Sit! (see you tomorrow. / Hello, Good Fae students. Hello, __ morning Mr. Thomas. 4. the - let's - concert - music - ! - see ~ 2. come - could - to - ? - my - you - home 3. can't-|-.- piano - play 4, |-this - solve - couldn't - . - problem §. could - the - play-| - . - piano ay 6. the -!- room - clean - let's Basketba EEERCELECECECECEIE Can sing ee Guitar pee. (eee Let's go aa I can draw Bee aes opens He ... swim. The bird ... fly. She ... dance. He ... play basketball. They ... sing. rerPT > We want to play the game. Let's ... video game. 2. | want to stop the car. Let's ... here. | want to get out of the room. Let's find the ... I want to enter the room, At the park The park is clean. Las The park is large. Let’s play in the park. Amel, Tomi, Dito and Rangga go to the park. Tomi and Amel fly a kite. Dito plays skateboard. Rangga plays roller skates. Answer the questions. Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah inl. 4. Is the park clean and large? 2. Whoare going to the park? i 3. What do Tomi and Amel fly? 4. What does Dito play? 5. What does Rangga play? Tono can play basketball. He is exercising for the tournament. Toni can fly kites. He is trying to fly kites. They are playing in front of Andis house happily. Andi can write poems. He is writing a poem about his village. He can’t play basketball. He can't fly kites either. Answer the questions. ‘Jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini, 4: ‘Speed Up English 4 Who can play basketball? Who can fly kites? Who can write poems? Who can't play basketball? Who can't fly kites? Could couldn't — ‘homework — Sorry watch —_ piano can’t 4. A: Could you the movie? B: Yes, | could. 2A see the movie! * B: OK. Let's see! S274: you see the concert music? Pe | B: No,1 4. A: Could you go to my 9 e B: OK. on. 5. A: Could you do my a >» B; , | couldn't. " 6 A: Could you the guitar? a B: Yes, of course. cartoon film! Could you play basketball? > Yes, | could. Could we play basketball? > No, we couldn't. Could they play basketball? - Yes, they could. Could he play basketball? = No, he couldn't. Could she play basketball? -» Yes, she could. play the guitar / Could you play \ swim in the pool “the guitar? speak English send this letter turn on the computer FR eN a - Lcould watch cartoon film. . Leouldn’t go t 1 2. 3, 4, 5. 6, Sa 42 Speed Up English 4 _ . Could you see AW the movie?” 7 € Let's see the) “Could you see my the movie? see the movie play the guitar OK. Let's se (No, I couldn't. ) (Yes, I could. _ y ] e. » play basketball! dance! — tur on this lamp! Could is used to express polite requests. We make requests with question using could. we play rednbal? | “you dance? ility or possibility. play basketball. dance. turn on this lamp. Negative Sorry, | can't. Sorry, | can't play basketball. No, | couldn't. I'm afraid I'm busy. Sorry, I’m busy." Santi is helping her mother in the kitchen. e She go with us to the bookstore. 2. Father is sick now. He go to the office. ‘ 3. Rudi and Radit are doing their homework. od They play basketball with us. 4. |. am not doing anything now. I play soccer with my friends. 5. Deni usually stays at home on Monday. He watch movie with us at the cinema. a 6. Joko and | do not go to school on Monday. i : We go to the beach. - Mr. Ruhut does not have driving license. He drive the car to the city. 7. 8. All teachers are having a meeting. Students go home early. Sanjay is from India. speak Bahasa well. king for a book at the library. school. 2. breakfast. 3. basketball. 4. the homework. 5. the circus. “6. dinner. 7. ___ the beach. 8. the television. could play basketball. > could play basketball. > could play basketball. -® could play basketball. > could play basketball. > “could play basketball. > 1 You They We He She couldn't go to the cinema. couldn't go to the cinema. 4 couldn't go to the cinema. _ couldn't go to the cinema. The objects the teacher may use: — the room — breakfast — the homework — the show — school — the zoo — the guitar — the museum — the party - some fun the teacher may also find other objects. Example: (Let's clean the >) room! Let's see the film. Let’s see the badminton comps Let’s see the television. Let’s play guitar. Let’s play soccer. Let’s play piano. Listen to and repeat after your teacher. Dengar dan ulangilah ucapan gurumu / Could we see > : ems you a ) (the soccer ig? “game? _ Of course, you f Yes, | could. — | Let's see the soccer game! Example: Borrow coloring pencils (Yes) ~~ May | borrow your coloring pencils, Mike? ‘forget to bring mine. Yes, of course. We y can use mine . together. Come on. 4, Ask for a glass of milk (Yes) 2. Borrow your friend's English textbook (No) 3. Use your friend's bicycle (Yes) 4. Read your sister's magazine (Yes) ] 5. Ask to turn the TV on (No) . exam > ujian explain : menjelaskan : lupa + lem : jalan raya : majalah + (suara) ribut . Playing foot ball on the street. 2. The room is very dark. = Turn 3. Your sister is havingacold. = Don't 4, The room is very hot. " oO 3 ® $ 5. The room is too quiet. 6. You are watching the TV. = Don't 7. You are carrying a lot of book. 8. You are studying. 0 2 3 " x ap oT g Complete the dialog with the expression in the box. Lengkapilah dialog berikut dengan ekspresi yang ada di kotak. + Yes, you may + May | have a glass of cold water * May | borrow your comic + May | borrow you dry t-shirt + No, you may not + When can | borrow it Andi: 2 Rizza :___. | haven't read it? Andi : Okay.___? Rizza_: You can have it tomorrow. + Ouch. I'm soaking wet. 2 __I'Itake one for you. Andi: May | copy your homework? Irene: May | come fo Hei oun Rizza : No, you may not. You should Oa do it by yourself. era beblen on 3 Andi: But! don’t understand how to Irene : Great! | want to borrow some do it. Can you help me? of your books. Rizza : Sure, I'll help you. Come on. Sisca_; All right. I'll wait for your Let's start now. coming tomorrow. Answer the question based on the dialogs. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan dialog di atas. 4. What Andi try to do? 4. Why does she want to go there? 2. How does Rizza respond to it? 5. How does Sisca respond to it? 3. Where will Irene go tomorrow? Focus Don’t / do not Please Don’t is used to give prohibition. Please is a polite way to ask for help or something. in the class. bel heibthi det acrobat to loud. Open the door bicycle _in the highway. Close the window please. | the writing Tum off the light your pencit? a glass of water? Andi: May | copy your homework? Rizza_: No, you may not. You should do it by yourself. Andi do it. Can you help me? Rizza : Sure, I'll help you. Come on. Let's start now. | + But | don't understand how to Irene | tomorrow? - Sisca : Yes, you may- | won't go. anywhere. Irene: Great! | want to borrow some of your books. Sisca : All right. I'll wait for your + May | come to your house | coming tomorrow. Answer the question based on the dialogs. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut berdasarkan dialog di atas. 4. What Andi try to do? 2. How does Rizza respond to it? 3. Where will Irene go tomorrow? Focus ‘Don’t / do not Don't is used to give prohibition. inthe class. to loud. | bicycle in the highway. _ 4. Why does she want to go there? 5. How does Sisca respond to it? Please Please is a polite way to ask for help or something. Open the door, pleas Open the door Close the window Tum off the light please, odal that can be used to ask for things. be noisy in the class! 't speak loudly at the library! : wear sunglasses in the class! 't cheat in exam! Close the door, please. — — Do this exercise, please. _ Be quite, please. Listen and respond to your teacher. Do what you are told. Dengar dan responiah gurumu. Lakukan apa yang diperintahkan. Stand up, please. Sit down, please. Say hello to your , friend, please. erase move Today, class 6A is going to clean the class together. | the table. Draj and Ted me out. Fitri, Archie, and Ruby the floor. Some boys __ the table. John them where to go. Miss Anna____ some students how to paint. We are going to paint the class green. Rearrange the words below into good sentences. Susun ulanglah kata-kata berikut menjadi kalimat yang benar. 4, yard — practice — band — not — in — marching — does — Terry — the 2. to —Anita — homework — submits — teacher — the — the 3. anniversary — operet - We — in — play — the — school 4, |- borrow — not — book — your — do 5. you — breakfast — Do — morning — every — have - ? Change these sentences into the other forms. Ubahiah kalimat-kalimat berikut ke bentuk yang lain. _ 1, Ocid joins the school choir. = (-) ag) 2. Kevin and | don't take the school bus. Focus |. |He — reads books in the library. read books inthe library. ‘She sleeps every night. sleep “1 drink a coffee. drink a cofee You | sweep the class. sweep the class. ‘We walk —toschool_ every morning. walk to school every moming. They have — lunch in the canteen. have lunch in the canteen. eer errr ‘Does he read re books _inthelibrary2 No he/she doesn't sleep ‘every night? I/you/we/they don't. drink — a coffee? Yes, he does | sweep the class? ceded tail walk to school? Yes he/she have — lunch Inthe canteen? I/you / we /they answer with your partner using Simple Tense. See the example below. “Do you go to No, I don't. \ school by bus? | ride a bike to oT school. Does your brother) like music?_ ning. 4. Dino always come / comes to school early every mo © 2. | like / likes reading in the library. 2 Q) ___ rr 3. Mark and Johny do / does the homework together. @ — 4. Mr. Lee explain / explains the lesson up front. Q 5. She forget / forgets to bring her textbook. oO 6. Vivian and | eat / eats our lunch under the tree. on Sunday? -> No, | don't, on Sunday? > No, they d on Sunday? => No, we a book at the library > book at the library > Read the comic strip below. It tells Joe's activi Bacalah komik strip berikut tentang aktivitas Joe hari ini, Joe starts to study at 7.15 in the Joe goes to school at 6.30 morning. every day. Joe has lunch at 12.00 o'clock. Joe leaves school in the afternoon. | Atthe Schoo! 27 cs > and repeat after your teacher. an ulangilah ucapan gurumu- study English You study English She studies English He _ studies English on We study English They study English on M I don’t study Math on Monday. You don't study Math on Monday. ‘She doesn't study Math on Monday. He doesn’t study Math on Monday. We don’t study Math on Monday. They don’t study Math on Monday. bee us ti ae Don’t : donot (I, you, we, the Doesn’t : does not (he, she) king & the sentences orally. Don’t forget to change the ver 7 ‘simple present form. Number one is the example. _ kalimat berikut secara lisan. Jangan lupa untuk mengubah ‘Simple Present yang benar. Nomor satu sebagai conte 1. Mr. Usman teaches us Science every Friday. (teach) a the black shoes to school. (use) 3. They______the books in the library. (read) 4, She bus to school. (take) 5. 6. ‘Andi and | lunch in the canteen, (have) Anto, Rio, and Tom ‘martial art in the school Miss Rara____ the lesson patiently. (explain) ie In front of the class. (sing) yard, (practice) don't have English lesson today. always comes to school on time. your uniform sloppily. your work? not. You should do it yourself. ter, please? er ae a nam, é, are, my, your, his, her, their. 1. You are my best friend Your hobby is reading. 2. |__astudent. ___ school is near from my house. 3. __ bus is big. He __ a bus driver. 4. She __ my aunt. __ house is the village. 5. We___boyscouts. __ uniform is brown. 6. They classmates. teacher is Miss Bertha. BOGS Personal Pronouns ossessive Prono Personal Pronouns are words ~—_Possessive Pronouns are usec to show pat take the nae of nouns. ownership Possesive Pronouns My Your Her lama student. You are a girl. \ My name is Farah. Your name is Lisa. He is my friend. His name is Kadi She is my sister. &. e Her name is Kant &. We are family. Our family is big. They are classmates. Their names are Lia and Yanti. king id to your teacher by saying the correct sentences. apilahy petunjuk gurumu dengan mengucapkan kalimat yang ar Dea and Tio Aral He is pclae His name is Andi. Father and oe Mr. Ron is my father. 0 My younger brother is Tedy. e My mother is Emmy. 6 Bill is wearing a yellow shirt. She is standing beside my father. He is my cousin. | am Dea. He is Bion. lama girl. Ge He is my older brother. _, Writing Fill in the blanks with the correct answers. i titlk-titik di bawah ini dengan jawaban yang tepat. 1__ Johan. She __ Made. 1___ from Papua. She ___ from Bali. |___ a policeman. She ___ a student. 1___ nota pilot. She ___nota nurse. “They __ Budi and Parto. nae He __ Mr. Herman, __ from Bogor. He __from Medan, He __a teacher, He __not a bank offi eRe She is Lina. i They are my classmates. b + f 3. His name is Teddy. . He is her baby. We are family. Mr. Hidayat and Budi. is Budi's father. Listen to and repeat after your teacher- Dengardan ulangilah ucapan guru. Speaking Respond to your teacher by saying the COnact. sentences. Tanggapilah potunjuk gurumu dengan mengucapkan Budi —a student am a student. are agirl. is my friend. is my father. are classmates. are happy. 71 am not ~ You are not > He is not +> She is not > They are not + We are not my’ sad. neighbou y tepat. He is Budi. He is a student. Tika — a student Doni ~a student Lesson Friends and Family + What is your name? My name is Rudi. + How old are you? Jam ten years old. + Where are you from? 1am from Bandung. G Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. Isilah titik di bawah ini dengan kata-kata yang terdapat di kotak. 1. Let's home. 2. Let's basketball. 3. Let's lunch together. 4. Let's homework at my home. H Complete the dialogs with the correct expressions. Lengkapilah percakapan di bawah ini dengan ungkapan yang tepat. Let's play > OK, Would you like basketball! \ 1 to see the film? Sorry, _ can't. “a _ |__goingto | _learn English. _ lam going to fou play \ see the movie. a the guitar?

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