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Introduction is the first chapter of the research. Introduction as the first step in
the research processes describe several components include background of the
study, focus of the study, research questions, research objectives, research impact
and systematic discussion.

A. Background of The Study

The progress and growth of information and communication technology in

Indonesia have increased significantly. This development has an impact on
people's lives as their effects on the economy, culture, politics, society, defence,
security and daily life, including education. Advances in information and
communication technology in the world of education today have been widely used
as a guide in learning. The learning model based on Information and
Communication Technology is a learning model that has been developed and is
proven to solve learning problems in education. The application of information
and communication technology-based learning has given rise to many new terms
such as web-based learning, online learning, distance learning, and e-learning.

Distance learning can be defined as a process of creating learning access

for learners separated by time and distance to the source of information. In a
distance learning course, They are flexible to manage their time between learning
and their daily activities such as working or studying at school or university.

Since 1964, the Test of English as a foreign language or well-known as the

TOEFL test has been administered as a standardized test of English proficiency
which is globally used worldwide. It is used to measure the ability of non-native
English speakers in using and understanding English language. 1 Globally, TOEFL
test is administered by Educational Testing Services (ETS). ETS defined TOEFL
test as a test for evaluating the way people have the ability in using and
understanding integrated listening, reading, writing and speaking skill to be

Al-Rawashdeh, “Difficulties That Face Graduate Students During Their TOEFL Preparation
Program at Jordanian Universities.” P.2308
successful in an academic field.2 Since the first time TOEFL test was
administered by them, there have been more than 25 million test-takers in 165
countries across the world taking TOEFL test.3

The recent dramatic shift to online teaching has made the language teaching
community very small. If anything, it's time to reflect on the role of the two most
important aspects that make online courses possible, the learner and the teacher.
However, the latter is expected to adapt to online settings, platforms and tools as
if nothing had changed, assuming that existing jobs must also work online.
Learners have to go through a fairly sudden transition from face-to-face learning
or blended learning to online learning. They are now fully responsible for having
the right equipment to enable them to take online classes, they must organize their
schedule and resources to be present and active during class, and they must be
ready to take pictures. When discussing the roles of teachers and students in a
networked environment, it seems that there are several parameters that must be

Nowadays, the TOEFL test plays a crucial role in life. There are many local
and international educational or non-educational institutions that regard TOEFL
score certificate as the requirement of their admission or recruitment. It is used as
reliable evidence to prove whether people have good proficiency in the English
language as their foreign language or not. So, people who want to continue their
studies to a higher level or to get a proper job, need to have a TOEFL score
certificate. Especially, those who want to continue their study overseas for free by
getting an international scholarship program. That is why people have a huge
interest to take TOEFL test in any TOEFL course. Every people assuredly want to
get TOEFL certificate with a high score. They attempt to do everything to seize it.

To take the TOEFL PBT prediction test some institutions and educators
propose taking the preparation course before test taking. Students should have test
preparation strategies before taking the test. Not only PBT TOEFL but also iBT

Daniel Moglen, The Re-Placement Test: Using TOEFL for Purposes of Placement, The Catesol
Journal of University of California, (Vol: 27, No: 1, 2015), P.3-4
Afif Khoirudin, “A Descritptive Study Of ‘Sekolah Toefl’ As Massive Open Online Course
and ITP TOEFL should be well prepared to cover objectives, resources,
infrastructures, preparation, results, and other related programs.

But, there are several problems they usually face: lack of reachable TOEFL
course places, lack of money to afford the fee, and lack of time to join the course.
Usually, the first and second problems are faced by people from the outskirt area.
It is difficult for them to find any reachable TOEFL course places in their area.

They also don’t have enough money to afford the fee for offline TOEFL
courses. The third problem is usually faced by people who are busy with their jobs
or studying at school or varsity level. As a result, their chance to get an
international scholarship program or a proper job might be hampered.

It is needed to create any solution to solve those problems. People need a

solution to bridge the gap between the learners and TOEFL itself. The idea came
up recently to conduct a learning approach that makes the learners do not need to
go to the classroom to have a face-to-face learning process with teachers or
lecturers. They also do not worry about the fee to join the learning program
because the fee is so reasonable and do not need to be worried about the
accommodation. The solution is by learning TOEFL through a distance learning

Recently, there are many sorts of distance learning courses to enrol in. In
Indonesia, there is a TOEFL preparation online course. This online course has
already more than 119.000 students almost all over Indonesia and Indonesian
students who live abroad and are interested in learning TOEFL. In each class
enrolment, there are a lot of students who apply to join this TOEFL preparation
online course. It indicates that the need for Indonesian students to learn English is
still high and this online course gives a positive impact on the students. This
online course integrates with competent tutors to support its learning program.
The students consider the online group discussion feature as an online learning
environment that can assist them to facilitate and support their language learning.
Moreover, the students at a low level of proficiency feel more comfortable and
less threatened when they participate in online discussion than face-to-face in
class, which are mainly dominated by the high proficiency learners.
Students feel more motivated while they are involved in online group
discussions, and they are able to grasp a better understanding of the learning
materials. It indicates that when the online learning environment can make the
students feel more comfortable and confident in learning, they will be easier to
understand the materials given and they can be more motivated to learn.

In this online course, the students are given material and assignments related
to TOEFL such as listening, structure and written expression, and reading
comprehension. And the program is brought efficiently and delivered in a fun and
exciting way. By enrolling on this program, the students are expected to get a
higher score and meet the demand of the scholarship’s requirement.

At this time, teachers also have to quickly adapt to new situations.

Dissemination of information on academic forums, social media, professional
platforms, and websites may have contributed positively in educating faculty
about the procedural and technical aspects of the new teaching and learning
environment, which has left many practitioners overwhelmed, confused, and
confused. It is not clear their role in this new context. Another complicating factor
is that in many cases of online language teaching, teachers need to record online
courses as proof of delivery, for beginners, or for assessment and professional
development purposes.

Online teachers should pay attention to what they need to create, develop and
manage their online courses, and how to communicate effectively with learners
without physical presence and interaction. It is important for teachers and students
to consider time management issues. It is also important to note that there are
different modes of perception and time control in online courses.

In this study, the researcher analized “Fullbright” as a distance learning course

established by PT. Intermedia Multibahasa since 2017 and all of the founders
are polyglot. For TOEFL Preparation Class, learners still can communicate with
the teachers easily. They are also flexible to choose the optional time when they
enrol on the program. Besides that, they can attend a private class or group one.

This online course is intended to help people from disadvantaged conditions;

live far away from any TOEFL courses, and less time to follow the course, easily
bored with less interesting learning. As the former participants of “Fulbright”, the
researcher figure out the significance teaching method of “Fulbright” in tackling
those barriers and helping its students to improve their capability in TOEFL in
order to get an international scholarship program based on the learning process
and test conducted there.

The writer tries to investigate further about the teaching method of “Fulbright
TOEFL Preparation Class”. In this study, the variable x (independent) is the
Fulbright TOEFL Preparation and the variable y (the dependent) is the TOEFL
score. Based on the description above, the authors are interested in conducting
research with the title "The Teaching Method of Fullbright TOEFL Preparation

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