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The king was in the highest position, providing peasants and fiefs to lords. In
Impact of the BC on medieval society EARLY & HIGHT MIDDLE AGES return, they showed him loyalty and provided military assistance. The lords
provided the knights with food, protection, and shelter. They thank them with
homage and military service. The knights gave the peasants food, shelter, and
Blac death is one of the greatest pandemics in Middle Ages. Its name comes
from Bubonic Plague. It started to spread in October 1347 from Caffa. The 3F protection, but they had to take care of the land and pay rents. The most
important gift that lord could give a vassal was a land, because the wealth was
disease lasted for 5 years, when it gradually reached eastern Europe and there and trade opportunity.
Russia. Rats and flies were carriers of this deadly bacteria. One of the main daily MENU for peasants
causes were increased international trade, rising urban populations and lack
of medical knowledge. However, people began to have doubts. They began to
deodorize the Jews from the spread of the disease when the Jews had breakfast 2E
completely different hygienic conditions. But also, a different belief that barley/rye bread
myths about Jews poisoning other people began to erupt. Also, that BD is 1. the greatest pandemic in
caused by the devil. trade started to decline. Landlords were paying more for lunch Middle Ages
labor. Some peasants bargained with lords to pay rent instead of owning 2. anti-semitism – hostility
salmon + bread + pottage + sorrel sauce
services. BD decreased the population of Europe. toward Jews
Great changes have occurred, such as socio-economic changes, medical 3. flies and rats were carrying
knowledge and practice, religious belief and practice, women’s rights or art dinner this highly infecting bacteria
and architecture have developed. barley/rye bread + cheese + ham 4. bacteria of the BD is called
Yersinia pestis
5. the BC originated in China
drinks 6. this pandemic was called the
ale (booze beer) BC because of the black
spots on the skin of many
2B people

1E -they performed many practical

services headache
1F 1. One of the changes in the fundamental paradigm of -they assisted poor people
European was a Religious... and Practice feaver
-they read Bible
-they worshipped in Church
2.There was a ... of medical knowledge
-they were doing their chores around
the Monastery
3. One of the 3 main causes of the BD was increased
international … -they were studying Latin vomiting
-they dedicated their lives to God
4. Where did people turned for a help/save? -Church possessed religious and
moral authority back pain
5. What happened with the trade? -Church dominated everybody’s life
-Church provided education
6. Who were blamed for the BD?

7. From where did the BD come? B e l i e f

8. The BD was the … pandemic in Middle Ages L a c k
t r A d e
C h u r c h
D e c l i n e d
J E w s
C A f f a
e r e a T e s t
Viktória Hrašková – 2.M

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