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Model Default Temperature: 1 Top-p:11 Presence Penalty:0 Frequency Penalty: 0 ee You are ChatGPT, a large language model trained by pend Poe eee) eee Cee) Es 10 dimensions of services , eo The 10 dimensions of services, as identified by the Gaps Model of Service Cres 1. Tangibles - the physical appearance of the service environment, including ea ac 2. Reliability - the abilty to perform the promised service dependably and Sea 3. Responsiveness - the willingness to help customers and provide prompt service 4. Assurance - the knowledge, competence, and professionalism displayed by Cee 5. Empathy - the abilty to understand and respond to individual customer oe Rca CeCe ee Reus eed 7. Communication - the effectiveness and clarity of communication during the service delivery process 8. Credibility - the believabilty and trustworthiness of the service provider. 9. Security - the physical and emotional safety provided to customers during the service delivery process. Sec nS ee ee ee uc eo Ce eee nee - eo coment e , eo Tee ee 1s developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml, and Berry in the late 1980s rene _—e ee Se eee ee Re et ae any ‘The SERVQUAL model consists of five dimensions of service quality: 1. Tangibles - The appearance and physical facilities ofthe service provider, Pree Cae ee ee eee een eet ToL 2. Reliability - The abilty to deliver the promised service in a dependable and Ss 3. Responsiveness - The willingness and eagerness of the service provider to ee eeu en en cues 4. Assurance - The knowledge, competence, and trustworthiness of the service provider, as well as their abilty to inspire confidence and trust in the customer. 5. Empathy - The degree to which the service provider listens to and understands the customer's needs and provides personalized and individualized attention. Customers’ expectations of service quality are also an essential element of the SERVQUAL model. By comparing customers’ perceptions of the service they received with their expectations, the model provides a comprehensive assessment of the service quality If customers perceive that the service Deen eee ccna eu ace ‘organizations need to address. By addressing these gaps, organizations can improve their service quality and enhance customer satisfaction.

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