Normative Ethical Theories

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Normative Ethical Theories

Nahahati sa dalawa:
1. Ethics of Conduct
 What sort of actions should we perform?
 Naka depende sa consequences ng action if good or bad sya
 The end justify the means
 Tinitignan ang consequence
 Based on action
Two types of consequential
 Utilitarianism
o Tinitignan kung ethical ang action based sa Consequences for greater good &
greatest number (Majority)
o Benefits of the majority
o Consequences for greater good & greatest number
o For the good of the majority
 Egoism
o Consequences for one self
o Benefit oneself
o For the good of oneself
 Tinitignan kung nagagawa mo yung duty
 Duty to others
 The end does not justify the mean
 Walang pake alam sa outcome
 Based on character
Two types of non-consequential
 Deontological
o Ethics of Duties or Duty-Oriented
o Hindi tinitignan yung consequence
o End does not justify the mean
o Examples:
 Do not kill - self defense
 DO not steal - for family
 Keeping promises - fail to pay borrowed money
 Ethics of Rights and Justice

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