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Smart Metering: A Significant Component of Integrated Water Conservation System


Elisa Idris
Energy Conservaton Systems, Suite 2, 16 Suakin St, Pymble NSW 2073


This paper highlights the importance of water usage data in implementing water conservation
practices and achieving an Integrated Water Conservation System. It discusses the role of smart
water meters in obtaining valuable water usage data by determining how, when and why water is
used. An overview is given of the technology which is utilised in smart metering and the existing
set ups currently used. The paper also emphasises the benefits and value of smart water meter
data through several case studies and examples.
Monitoring, remote reading, smart metering, water conservation, water meter,


Water conservation is becoming increasingly significant as Australia faces a reduction in water

supplies, increase in demand and future threats from changes in climate patterns.

Water conservation means limiting or modifying the use of water by using water more efficiently
and using alternate sources of water. This can be achieved through installation of water efficient
appliances and flow restrictors, toilets and urinals flush optimisation, recycling of stormwater and
greywater, education, incentives (rebates) and tighter regulation. Water wastage can also be
reduced by installing smart irrigation systems, identifying and fixing leaks, and optimising
processes that use water, such as cooling towers. Implementing a combination of these
approaches is consistent with improved water management and is defined as an Integrated Water
Conservation System.

Prior to taking steps to implement water conservation practices, it is vital to understand how, when
and why water is used. Currently, more often than not, the only water usage data available is either
monthly or quarterly bill readings. It is impractical to manage water usage without the ability to
measure it.

This paper examines the role and potential of smart metering as an essential tool of an integrated
water conservation system. It discusses the benefits as well as the challenges of smart metering in
commercial applications through several case studies and examples.


Since the 1980s, radical changes in information and communications technologies have
revolutionised the potential of utility meters (Marvin, 1999; Lascelles & Adonis, 1995). Compared to
the ‘simple’ method of measuring consumption and taking manual readings, new systems
employing the latest in communication capabilities and enhanced functionality have come to be
known as ‘smart meters’. Conventional water meters count each kilolitre of water as it passes
through the meter without the ability to record when the consumption takes place. By contrast,
smart meters quantify water use during a defined time interval and record data on consumption,
demand and time of use.

Although in the energy management industry, smart meters have been used extensively (Marvin,
1997, 1999; Herbert, R., 1999; NYSERDA, 2003), the technology has not been propagated and
extended as widely to the water sector. This is mainly a consequence of the relatively lower price
of water and until recently the high costs of remote reading. Within Sydney, it is cheaper to employ

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Smart Metering: A Significant Component of Integrated Water Conservation System

a group of meter readers to manually drive up to each house/business and read its water meter. As
a result, water consumption is only read monthly or quarterly and accepted as an accumulation for
this period.

Smart metering can provide more than just usage data for water consumption issues. They are
also a powerful tool to identify an otherwise unnoticed leak, bursts or a large water usage
immediately as it occurs, thus reducing unnecessary costs, identifying potential for water savings
and delivering consistent and accurate billing.


Data Collection
By definition, smart metering is a concept that embraces two distinct elements; meters that use
new technology to capture water use information and communication systems that can capture and
transmit water use information as it happens, or almost as it happens (NYSERDA, 2003). Smart
Water Meters essentially perform three functions – they automatically and electronically capture,
collect and communicate up-to-date water usage readings on a real-time (or nearly real time)

A typical water meter is able to produce a pulse output signal representing a fixed quantity of water
used. These pulses are easily measurable using pulse probes or reed switches which are inserted
into the water meter. Essentially, as the water meter counter completes a revolution, representing
the usage of a fixed volume, a pulse is generated and recorded. A data logger is then used to
record the pulses generated which thus corresponds to set water consumption.

A wireless ‘Global System for Mobile (GSM)/ General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)’ modem with
a microcontroller interface can be activated via GPRS mobile phone technology. When
interrogated, the data logger downloads the water consumption data to a server, giving a value of
water consumption of the required period. Figure 1 shows the components of a typical smart meter
set-up and figure 2 shows its set up on site, utilising a solar panel for power supply to the device.


Data Modem

Water Meter
Control and Monitoring

Figure 1 – Typical Smart Meter Set-Up Figure 2 – Smart meter

and solar panel on site

Data Distribution
Communication between meters has in the past required expensive dedicated infrastructure. Now
with the proliferation of IT networks, wireless communication has created more options and an
overall decline in the cost to transmit data. Smart meters can communicate the captured data to a
broad audience (e.g. utility managers, power marketers, facility authorities) through a variety of
methods including radio frequencies, telephone wires and mobile technology, local computer
networks and the Internet. Depending on site application and ease of installation, the different
options for data distribution are summarised in the following flow diagram.

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Smart Metering: A Significant Component of Integrated Water Conservation System


Is it p r a c t ic a l t o T e m p o ra r y b a tt e r y
Is m e te r c lo s e to NO NO
s u p p ly p o w e r t o o p e ra t e d w ir e le s s
u s e r?
m e te r lo c a t io n ? u n it

YES Y ES W ir e le s s

H a r d w a r e s ig n a l W a te r
c a b le T r a n s m it v ia M e te r
p o w e r lin e

H a rd w a re
User P o w e r lin e
W a te r User
M e te r W a te r
M e te r

Figure 2 – Options for water consumption data transmission

Data Storage
Water consumption data can be directly sent to a PC via an Intranet or secured Internet
connection. This enables direct customer access to critical consumption data, 24 hours a day,
where Internet connection is available, without waiting for monthly bills to arrive. The raw data
(pulses generated by the water meter) is entered into a database, which is then converted into
engineering units, typically litres of water per minute or per hour.

There are a number of website providers that can provide for raw data (pulse counted) to be
transmitted securely to a protected website (IP address) for a monthly or one-off service fee.
Through these websites, data can be stored in a database, up loaded, displayed in graphs and
tables as well as easily extracted into different file formats. Websites can also be used to configure
the smart meters to change settings and alarms from the desktop without having to visit the site.

Capturing the Value through Data Analysis

The value of smart water meters is in the information they give. It is the actions and decisions
made from this information that is the key to efficient water management. The steps of the ‘data
conversion’ process, which is essentially the translation of “data to information to knowledge to
wisdom”, are vital in getting the full benefits of smart water metering. This is illustrated in the
examples and case studies discussed below.

The information from smart water meters can

• Improve the understanding of water consumption and flow patterns.
• Track, predict and change trends in demand.
• Warn of high and low flows, highlight anomalies
• Identify leaks and other waste minimisation opportunities

Water users who know of their actual consumption during particular periods are better prepared to
understand and reduce their costs for water. Data from smart meters can help quantify baselines,
savings and load shapes before, during and after measures are taken, thus making it also a strong
tool in the process of monitoring and verification (M&V) (AEPCA, 2004).

In addition, the application of smart metering in gaining beneficial statistics and a reliable database
for documenting demand reductions and water savings in domestic and commercial purposes is
invaluable. Better data on overall water usage patterns (for example in schools, shopping centres,
hospitals), data on specific water users (for example in male and female restrooms, in food
preparation businesses, individual water using devices), data on stormwater and greywater reuse,

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Smart Metering: A Significant Component of Integrated Water Conservation System

data on the demand for recycled water in new development areas, can all be obtained through the
smart water meter. In short, wherever a water meter can be installed, a smart water meter can be
connected and valuable data can be obtained.



Identifying trends and Anomalies – Willoughby Leisure Centre

Willoughby City Council has committed to undertake energy and water conservation measures.
Taking the ‘Integrated Water Conservation System’ approach, it was identified that savings could
be achieved from the installation of flow controls at all of its sites and through a significant
rainwater harvesting scheme at one of its aquatic centre.

Two 22 kL tanks would collect rainwater which would be used for topping up the pools at the
centre. Before installation of the rainwater harvesting scheme, a period of monitoring was
undertaken to confirm baseline conditions and verify the scheme’s savings.

From the six week monitoring period, it was recognised that the aquatic centre was using a
significant amount of water in a short period, at non-regular times. The data showed that the peaks
of high water use occurred at least once each day and approximately 11 kL of water was used
within 15 to 30 minutes. After discussions with pool management, it was identified that the high
peaks may be a result of intermittent back flushing of the pool and thus the topping of the balance
tank. However this did not explain the peaks which occurred throughout the night. Further
investigations into pool management and automatic controls system are currently undertaken to
locate where the high usage could be occurring.

Water Consumption
Water Consumption Willoughby
for the Leisure
Willoughby CentreCentre
Fromfrom Monday
Monda 10/10/05 to
y 10/10/05 to Sunday




High Water Use



Mon Mon Tue Tue Wed Wed Thu Thu Fri 14/10 Fri 14/10 Sat 15/10 Sat 15/10 Sun Sun Mon
10/10 10/10 11/10 11/10 12/10 12/10 13/10 13/10 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 16/10 16/10 17/10
0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00

Date and Time Logged

Figure 3 - From data to information. An example of the use of the smart water meter in the
identification of trends and anomalies.

Data from the smart water meter would also allow for verification of savings and monitoring of the
next stage of the project which is the rainwater harvesting scheme. The data will assist in
confirming the identified savings, proving the reduction of potable water and providing the water
balance of the aquatic centre.

Figure 4 is another example of the use of smart water meter in understanding how water was used
and to identify a routine and pattern. Here, it is seen that irrigation is undertaken once a day for two

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Smart Metering: A Significant Component of Integrated Water Conservation System

Water Consumption
Water Consumption Blacktown Showground
for a Showground
Fromfrom Sunday20/11/05
Sunday 20/11/05 to
Oval 1 Oval 1 Oval 1 Oval 1 skipped? Oval 1

Oval 2 Oval 2 Oval 2 Oval 2 Oval 2






Sun 20/11 Sun 20/11 Mon 21/11 Mon 21/11 Tue 22/11 Tue 22/11 Wed 23/11 Wed 23/11 Thu 24/11 Thu 24/11 Fri 25/11 0:00
0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00

Date and Time Logged

Figure 4 - Identifying water usage pattern of an irrigation schedule.

Detection of Leakages – Monitoring of a block of female toilets

From the following figure, it can be seen that from the smart water meter data, base flow was not
reduced down to zero after business hours but remains at a flow of approximately 1 L/min. This
denotes a leak in the female toilets as there is no other accounted water usage. Further
investigations can pin point the exact location of the leak.

Water Consumption of Female Toilets Level 3

from Monday 05/11/05 to Sunday 13/11/05






Sat 5/11 Sat 5/11 Sun 6/11 Sun 6/11 Mon Mon Tue 8/11 Tue 8/11 Wed Wed Thu Thu Fri 11/11 Fri 11/11 Sat Sat Sun
0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 7/11 7/11 0:00 12:00 9/11 9/11 10/11 10/11 0:00 12:00 12/11 12/11 13/11
0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00

Date and Time Logged


Figure 5 - From information to knowledge. Leaks often go undetected and can vary in size from a
dripping tap or seeping toilet cistern to a broken underground pipe.

The next example shows the contrast of a leaking system. The monitored cooling tower shown in
the figure below is an example of a system which was identified to have no leaks. Water
consumption dropped to zero, adhering to its operational settings. Water consumption was higher
on hotter days in response to greater heat transfer loads.

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Smart Metering: A Significant Component of Integrated Water Conservation System

Water Consumption of Cooling Towers North

from Monday 05/11/05 to Sunday 13/11/05

Hotter days



Colder days



Sat 5/11 Sat 5/11 Sun 6/11 Sun 6/11 Mon Mon Tue 8/11 Tue 8/11 Wed Wed Thu Thu Fri 11/11 Fri 11/11 Sat Sat Sun
0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 7/11 7/11 0:00 12:00 9/11 9/11 10/11 10/11 0:00 12:00 12/11 12/11 13/11
0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00 12:00 0:00

Date and Time Logged

Figure 6 - The potential of smart water meters in identifying best practices

From a plumbing perspective, the smart metering will require increasing diverse training and
continuing education. The implementation of these systems will mean that maintenance staff will
have to be well versed in electronics and technology, in addition to the traditional skills.

Economically, although smart water meters have no direct payback periods, the water usage data
can prevent thousands of litres and dollars from pouring down the sewer. Not only can precious
water be saved, but valuable heat energy and expensive chemicals that may have been added for
processing of water treatment can also be recovered. The challenge however is to educate water
users of the benefits in smart metering and encourage its use.

Smart water metering plays an important role in an integrated water conservation system by
helping identify the large water users, leading to greater understanding of water usage details and
helping to monitor the success of implementing any water conservation measure.

Herbert (1999) stated that the possibilities in smart metering systems are almost endless. He
envisages a time when customers will be able to leave their homes or businesses and be able to
rely on their metering system to alert water utilities of burst water mains, damaged hot water
services and faulty appliances. It is also anticipated that with the increase in smart metering, there
will be a rise in water conservation awareness and may also create an incentive for residents and
businesses to save precious potable water.

1. The Australian Energy Performance Contracting Association (AEPCA). (2004), A Best Practice
Guide to Measurement and Verification of Energy Savings, Commonwealth of Australia.
2. Herbert, Ray W (1999) “Australia: Smart Water-Metering System May Even Call the Plumber”.
Watermarque, Issue 1.3, Jan/Feb.
3. Lascelles, D., & Adonis, A. (1995). Highways into your home: The coming revolution in domestic
technology. The Financial Times, 8 April, p3.
4. Marvin, S., & Guy, S. (1997), Smart Metering technologies and privatised utilities. Local
Economy, August, pp 119 – 132.
5. Marvin, S., Chappells, H., Guy, S. (1999), Pathways of smart metering development: shaping
environmental innovation. Computers, Environment and Urban System, 23 (1999) 109-126.
6. New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) (2003). A Primer on
Smart Metering.

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