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No. SeteWrel © C@ at 1 3,0)5,6,7 A) f—____] @uesticn ar | sketch 6 titration cueve sod suggest suirable indicator Foc the titeation ——| between [05.0 mt of 10M Dhydeazine, NoHu with [10M 4, deochlorre _ocie\, | | Ne! soutien Colewlate the pH Cky Na Hus Lamont Ky rivie™) los the initia! Natu sotuben ‘fetter the addition of 150ml of HEI Wid} @Fter the addition of 22-cmb oF HC) W)] at equivolenre point v)] asta the adddion of 225ml oF HCI after the addin of UOOmL of HC\ es D[initat Nath solution \ equation Netw + HCI ~» Natls Cl) i CA (a) (aay if =—> N = 7 Natu gt Happ 2 Notrayt OH ay ZT ol M - ° ° c = 40 mH E o-l- % in = + . Ky (Wars JCon J weok base : Cnotlu J O1~% ge Or 12 ¥e0 a? poHs—loq Con] on -leg Cur2xco™) xz U2 1074 M = Con] = 8.34 pH tu - 3.34 = 10-6} Now. ee nf towne © CG ar, 2 45,455,670) pe AiG salsa ——tietch 2 titration cuve ont suggest q suitable indeator foe the _d:teakion % between [35.0 ml _of O10 Jigdraring, NoMa with (0.104 hudeochlerre acre 7 ae 4 ie Coleulete the ph Cy Wa Yu * Lamoe 2 . Va ive) 3 Dlot me intiat NoHu solution 7 faen the addition of 15-Oml of HC} ; fee the asdtvor op 22-cmb of HED | get couinmtere point wo] esa the addutar of 22-€ mt oF HC! vi efier the eadtion of UOOmL of HCN DO] ieihel Natu solubon eguetor Naty HOI > Nate} ay (ea) (aay T Naty, + 140 > ONa Hp + On L fg. 20 cH fa) ke Tt ol M a ie S [notu J On1~% He OF T Ky =fonsJfon'] weole base? es in trio Se porl = > log Com) me UID KO 2 8.94 prlstt- 3.34 e 10-61 a w)| ASter adding $5 mb 0F HEI “3 mol © oNety = Co-1Casmi) = 2-50 70 tooo WHT FOTOS © vio me) Teo G Nowy + Hel —> Nadel Liew) 9svio? —_swro”” ° IC-mol -* -% +% Evol 25x10 21.fwo" Lesvio"? tere Lswio 2 1y107 ?mot > Oo mol 1-5 007 "mot C1 = 1 xco mo! = leew"? CEE) Sees tees = 0-025 M = 0-0375 M @ 4+ equiliberum (Noty] = 0-025 Cras Oly =(Nate J = 00375 Salt F = = tue Natls¢1 —y Notes” 4 ch ple lu- sas weak base eB O 5 Noty *tteO =S Nate? +0H7 pOH = ~log Ky - log _( base oa ) = leg Deo 21S ti | OStee adding ng oF a 2-6mL oF HC] —————++ nNa Hu = 2.810" eo) o Hor = ——_—| 22SC010) = 2.9¢%107 2 mol tooo Not + HCI Nadel Teopl 2.2510” ° é Ce on} -% -x% ne = = =. 7 Ema 2-S¥10 9.2810" gasvie'-2.2¢m00 2.950 = eiocewtor wel z° as x0) Chel a-sxr0" 225%007? 25+ 28 22.5425) ¢ ot a TOO0 = Sabo FA > o-ovtuM © [oe einen CNotey =826 nro M (CaneciJe[Nots*] = cowry mM salt Nats! > NgHs +e” pHs lU-6.74 Weak base = 2-28 + I Nou +420 Na We agli : -s =a hogC imo” oT pees =] > 664% to. St equivalenre point asm4 010M Nally Reva, » @ oom HC) NoVA b NoHu+ HCl —» Ne Ct nNaHy = 2.5 x10 mol [TNoWu) = 2-sxi0 oC 2ss2S va, t Gy) Vy T ooo Vo = 2501 acl = BECO 5 Avex mel | Tee [nc] = 25x? = oosM oor sii + HeL —— > _Natscl eos adel ® —x Ts = 0.05-005=0 0/06-0.05 +0 @0chA © sat Nas] ——> Note? Fel” o.0sm O-O5 AA “Hydrolisis 7 Noticdg + H20q => Natu + A307 Oo = ° o eka a w x o0s- % re = No: Kaki, = kw Kas 1oxto 6-05 -% 0.0F lav. - Ka = 6-8 8x0 4 pie log CHs 0 *J 2 $-B3%10 x oor s-23%10 = 2 = Dor mez 7110 MA LH") No. Yl aster addition of aS-sml of Hel PNatly = a.syco tmer OMCl = ogis looo cl No ty + Hel cee eee ce L. aewel 2-55 x10" md e re eas oa <3 2-3 ko dssmo = Sxo® = asx? $¥LO = nf (fis) EE) es = 44Mo TM erouesi act = [Ht] = arco M 7 pHe=loy 24 ¥L0 = 3-00 ; ee eee : : \ a vw] after addition of oro m) o£ HCI — oNaty = 2.5%" two! rHCl = wolon) 2 Uxio? Toso Notley + Hel ———_ Note Ifo) ewe? teco” © Cond) -1 ~H ied Engl a-Sxt 0" 9.510" Guo 2250” 2-5 to" * = i ° Lex”? ae ee, O+ae Werte (eoe28 | (aes) > 0.0931M + 0-03g5m Her] =fH] = 0.0231 M pls -leqCo.0231) & = leu 01, BAY —— ae No.: Titration curve PH aS *« et +++ £ \o ts 2 25 30 35 ue Us volume oF HCI Nox Solubsiby peodued 21 Cucston 1 * Wie the solubsity product concton4 expresio0 Rie foc the following en 3 7 }PbSOu =? Ph iey + SO cog me LO TOI = moi? /? b]CuCon)s == Cun + 20H @ Gay Ta —& Kep = Cou" Jf ou) = mol*/U? Ag COs = 2hq" Ss oO Fray Kep * [Ag (€05" J = mol ?/t* + COs egy oF UiP.I, = Pb + at wep [Pe SUE] 2)] Fe Cot) 2 == Fe + 2 OH” 3 Kep =[ Fe "JTon J Question 3 calculate the solubility of dhe following some Compound’ in moles per liter and grams pec litre. ee @[ Coors Ksp =5-s vio * Cal Om, Fla + 26H © Tey texy ee wm 2% / [ea Jong axom per Wire x GD Site asa a — = ux? u Vovo! Ca(OWDa - R= 0.024 moll = _Ierzey gt” 7 Nt a [calories Kep # 2.90107? Watele tH = = CulOH)o¢mg F= Cu @gy + 20M pg gram pec Litve ~ 2x — Wee = (Cu JL OH U74S X00” Tele _38W05 y L oapio?? ; Ux? te mol CuCon) ‘ mee te 6S ¥1077 mol/L = fora xto gt" — = Question b+ 95°C the molar ctability of AggPOu is U-R*tO mol/L. Calculate the stability product Kep Fox thie salt 1 + Poy elarco Prot /C Ag POu =e 5h 4. a) 4. L a 3x a aCamoF) btr0 Sol /L ep" [Ag] [fou J 2 2-Bx107"? mot" = (9%)? (a) ae : = aad avo?) Se eee eee cal Now: 7 ve Luo % mort wl va water to] the motor stabiity of Bog (POuda 10 Hh solubility product, Kep Soe the colt Bey CPOu)y g= 3Ba 1 2 POw oy c mH ax 2x Kep =[ Bo" “E roe) (0%)? (2x)? c 2 C3(-uno"8)?C a¢,.wio’?)) € Msp = sei vo*® moi /b) © o. 7 The solubility oF Calsium gulphete, CasCy 1s Sound experimentally 40 be 0-6 7gl Calewiate value of Hep For Ca SOu- Conder mass: CeSOys 136-24 mol!) 7 Mme) y 136.29 = O-G1gL te ¥ m0) CaSOu me baa KO mol JL Ca50vg, = Ca” + SOu H a * € ep = [Ca JE SOu Usp = = (ua aod = Q.42™07F mol/L? Question ¢ 1 Silver_chlovide Sere AGC! 8 a while cycling wold uch fy weil Knnun fet its solute ne Boule Calculate the sowbility oF slvet chlosrde Cingt!) Pro Mt slver_aiteate solution . Cisp Agel? 1 6mo™?) AgNO, ==> + = = 4 = + NOsaay x = az fea") = gma” Agtl == Ag? + Cl” I Bevo 0 c 4m + e Bowe 4H +% Msp (ag? 3 Cor * 6x00 =(g.4x00 4 x Ca) BIRO FH WB-AKLO Lexa ve e-3K1o x 3 ee 14 9x10 > mol/L m= 149v107 Feat 143.32 9 = 277 m0% gt”? Wf t Vimo} Agel \ Question 6 4 Gold (D) chlocido , AuCl, hay a solubslity, product Keo valve of 3.210"? LH t Caleuloe the molar solubility of Avis in =| ) | 2) Puce _vater 4 | 34, = FS Aullag = Aut 3¢1 3-210) x CrIK®) 4 a x 2% me = 3,49x107 mol/L H tp ede) int = (%) C 3x)? 2.020 MHC! solutron Aull, = Au + 3ch_ fi ° o.020M | — 43 43% ea 2-020 MESH Mp Gu Led 202049 Fe 0-020M - Bx E (%)C0-020M49%) =~ 3.910% aw ¢ 0-020)” = me _uxio7?? M OC] O- PIM Au(Nos)s solution 7 = i AuCNOs)s cg, = Au + 3NOs = x ea ax F _ ty Balad 002m 360.02), si = Gl — 4ulla ay Aut + 201 | T - O-02m ° | - ne ™ +3 | . Opry +32 . a =? O02 tH RH oH Mep = (uJ Cer] 02 te & 0-02 =F pane (062 tx) ax)? aE 3 3.2% = (O-02)C 3%) 3.2007 (6-02)(9127) =k uxto tM ~Tgaston, 9 +: | sites acetate ha Cotsen y aes 2 has Ip = uri > ol of awosre et Ure". Corso pesipibere fou whan iThalanee thy 30 mol _Co(CaNs0a)aare dinolved try ef toot ef solution 7 AgNOo = ag? ~ s+ NOs Q= Cag Clas J 2 * = @-01)C 0.40) rot « = 2-210 mel :010me) = oxi"? w TU Q <_ Ke = 0.01 me We o-o1mel (te o-or mol/L 0-00% o-co 4 —Y preciprate will Ay Cots0s = 4g" + Cas0o~ not form and = voi M ° dhe sotusron unsatuced ed © i me % i Dror tH = Vip = CAS JE Cots02 3 Srolire e721 uxco” = (0-018) Cx) vig”? = 001% 1 ee ot mol/L CoCesioOa)o = Ca +2CaMsO. ms nw ax 2,20 mol 0-20mel 2(0.40m0)) - 2:20 mot o-s0mo) o- 60mol =e te me ue te = 0-4 mol IL 0-3 mali 0-60 mol /L o-64K ROG F a i Ag CotlsOn = Ag’ + Cattle Oo uo? = Cag’) CCrts0 ) 7 7 I 2 0-6 moh Ute = 0 Cog te) i ax +m +m uvic =.10-%% +H 06 +% me 667 HHO > > ~ | cm Nos Question 4 Sot Nal is slowly «died to a solutvon thed tt 0-01 Mtn end_0:01 HK In Ag" ( ap Cul» f00 010" Kup Ag i= $30") Di which compound will begin +0 precipitate Siesd PA catewtere CAg*T when Cul just begins 10 pee D1 Msp Sy < Kes Cul so Ag! will begin preupitate $trtd : & fl) | when Cut will precipitate fivet so +he concentration of ion we need to fied + CAgtlahen Cu>* just begin to precipitate an Cul. But first, find [17] from Cul Col = Cu +T7 usp *(Cu EI J savio? =@op€T) Cr Stxco'? A agr Ss Ag? + T ( é : f Use = (Ag "JLT J [grace = Ay" TEs” J sf 7 7 mA ea Cag] = 6 3%t0

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