Ethics Pretest

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1. ___________ are intended to maintain social order.

A. Rule
B. Rules
C. Norm
D. Norms
2. When do you feel the suffocating and limiting presence of a rule?
A. When you are doing good
B. When you are doing the opposite of good
C. When you are neutral
D. None of the above
3. "The more laws and commands there are, the more robbers and thieves there will be."
A. Lao Tzu
B. Confucius
C. Lao Che
D. Xi Jin Ping
4. Ethics comes from the Greek word __________
A. Ethos
B. Ethiopia
C. Ethon
D. Etheon
5. _____________is the study of the morality of human acts and moral agents, what makes an
act obligatory, and what holds a person accountable.
A. Norms
B. Moral
C. Custom
D. Ethics
6. It is a branch of philosophy that investigates the rightness or wrongness of human behavior or
the goodness or badness of a personality, trait, or character.
A. Moral standards
B. Moral
C. Custom
D. Moral philosophy
7. The following are supposed to be examples of moral standards, EXCEPT;
A. "It is the right thing to do to protect the environment."
B. "Preserving the environment is the wrong thing to do."
C. "Justice is giving what is due to others.”
D. “Telling lies is wrong."
8. Among are some statements about rules, which is NOT true?
A. Rules are meant for everyone.
B. Rules have two classifications.
C. Rules are meant to set order.
D. Rules help you grow in freedom.
9. What is the Latin etymology of the word ethics?
A. Ethos
B. Custom
C. Moral
D. Morality
10. “Environment preservation is the right thing to do” is an example of?
A. Non-moral standards
B. Consequence standards
C. Moral standards
D. Non-consequence standard
11. What do we call those rules or laws that restrict your ability or strength to do good?
A. Restricting laws
B. Bad laws
C. Suffocating laws
D. Constricting laws
12. This classification of moral standard may also be based on good will or intention, and on a
sense of duty. What is it?
A. Non-moral standards
B. Consequence standards
C. Moral standards
D. Non-consequence standard
13. You take part in a project that results in the improvement of the majority of people. The
statement show what type of moral standard?
A. Non-moral standards
B. Consequence standards
C. Moral standards
D. Non-consequence standard
14. What do we call to those norms or prescriptions that serve as the frameworks for determining
what ought to be done or what is right or wrong action, what is good or bad character?
A. Non-moral standards
B. Consequence standards
C. Moral standards
D. Non-consequence standard
15. What pertains to social rules, demands of etiquette and good manners?
A. Non-moral standards
B. Consequence standards
C. Moral standards
D. Non-consequence standard
16. What adjective is used in describing a human act as either ethically right or wrong, or
qualifying a person, personality, character, as either ethically good or bad?
A. Morality
B. Ethos
C. Moral standards
D. Moral
17. This states that an act is right or wrong depending on the consequences of the act, that is, the
good is produced in the world. What is it?
A. Moral dilemma
B. Moral standards
C. Consequence standards
D. Non-consequence standard
18. They are believers in God’s existence, and believes that moral standards are commandments
of God revealed to man through prophets. Who are they?
A. Theists
B. Non-theists
C. Thiests
D. Non-thiests
19. This refers to a problem in the decision making between two possible options, neither of which
is absolutely acceptable from an ethical perspective. What is it?
A. Moral standards
B. Moral dilemma
C. False dilemma
D. Non-moral standards
20. This refers to a situation where the decision-maker has a moral duty to do one thing, but is
tempted or under pressure to do something else. What is it?
A. Moral standards
B. Moral dilemma
C. False dilemma
D. Non-moral standards

21. The belief that each culture must be understood in terms of the values and ideas of that
culture and should not be judged by the standards of another culture.
A. Culture
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Ethnocentrism
D. Subculture
22. Proper gestures and body language are important business interactions. When conducting
business with other cultures, how should we understand gestures?
A. Gestures are universal and always have the same meaning.
B. Gestures are interpreted the same way by all cultures.
C. Gestures are naturally understood by humans and animals.
D. Gestures are defined uniquely by each culture.
23. Studies have shown that in some tribal cultures, it is normal to have multiple wives. While it is
not considered legal or common practice in many parts of the world, researches believe that
an individual’s norms and actions should be understood by others in terms of that individual’s
own cultural context. This concept is referred to as:
A. Cultural boundaries
B. Cultural interpretation
C. Cultural relativism
D. Cultural sensitivity
24. Women in India wear red on their wedding day while most Christians wear white. This reflects
a/ an _______________.
A. Cultural boundaries
B. Cultural interpretation
C. Cultural relativism
D. Cultural sensitivity
25. What is 'absolute morality'?
A. You always have the same moral outlook, regardless of the situation.
B. Having to decide between two difficult options.
C. Each situation is different and you act accordingly to get the better outcome.
D. Always following absolute religious laws.
26. What is 'relative morality'?
A. Following religious laws in every situation.
B. Always having the same moral outlook, regardless of the situation.
C. Judging each situation differently and acting accordingly to get the better outcome.
D. Disregarding all laws and making your own decisions on what is right.
27. It is the behavior's, ways of life, arts, beliefs and institutions of a population that are passed
down from generation to generation.
A. Culture
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Absolute Cultural Relativism
D. Critical Cultural Relativism
28. It is the ability to understand a culture on its own terms and not to make judgments using the
standards of one’s own culture.
A. Culture
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Absolute Cultural Relativism
D. Critical Cultural Relativism
29. It holds the idea that everything that happens within a culture must and should not be
questioned by outsiders.
A. Culture
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Absolute Cultural Relativism
D. Critical Cultural Relativism
30. It creates questions about cultural practices in terms of who is accepting them and why.
A. Culture
B. Cultural Relativism
C. Absolute Cultural Relativism
D. Critical Cultural Relativism
31. In ethics, for you to be morally liable, you must have done the unethical act ______________.
A. Knowingly
B. Freely
C. Willingly or voluntarily
D. All of them
32. Situation: Accidentally dropping a gun causing the gun to fire and hit and kill someone.
A. You are accountable even it is an accident.
B. Won't make anyone accountable, unless you have been negligently playing with the gun.
C. Won’t make you accountable for it is an accident.
D. You are accountable because it is your gun.
33. Absence of knowledge is ____________.
A. Curiosity
B. Ignorance
C. Wisdom
D. Talent
34. What is the correct order of degrees of ignorance?
A. vincible, invincible, affected, and supine or gross ignorance
B. invincible, vincible, affected, and supine or gross ignorance
C. affected, vincible, invincible, and supine or gross ignorance
D. affected, invincible, vincible, and supine or gross ignorance
35. ____________ refers to positive emotions like love, desire, delight, hope, and bravery and negative
emotions like hatred, horror, sadness, despair, fear and anger.
A. Passion
B. Mission
C. Vocation
D. Profession
36. If Jhonny exerted a physical force on Amber for the purpose of compelling Amber to act against her
A. Freedom
B. Violence
C. Domestic violence
D. Free will
37. ___________ ignorance cannot be overcome by due amount of diligence.
A. Vincible
B. Gross
C. Supine
D. Invincible
38. ____________ does decrease voluntariness so increases moral accountability.
A. Consequent passion
B. Antecedent passion
C. Precedent passion
D. Enlightened passion
39. ____________ is an emotional state or reaction, experience of physical sensation, like feeling of joy,
feeling of warmth, love, affection and tenderness.
A. Passion
B. Thinking
C. Speaking
D. Feeling
40. What is the first step of Scott Rae’s moral reasoning?
A. determine the ethical issues
B. gather the facts, information.
C. determine what virtues/principles have a bearing on the case
D. compare the alternatives with the virtues/principles.
41. What does my company's ethics officer or legal counsel say about this?
A. Organization test
B. Defensibility test
C. Harm test
D. Publicity test
42. What is the last step of Scott Rae’s moral reasoning?
A. consider the consequences or test the options
B. make a decision
C. compare the alternatives with the virtues/principles
D. list the alternatives or develop a list of options
43. The minimum requirements of morality are ___________.
A. Thinking and fairness
B. Cause and effect
C. Reason and impartiality
D. Happiness and freedom
44. Ad hominem, ad verecundiam and ad miserecordiam are examples of __________.
A. Truthful reasoning
B. Fallacious reasoning
C. Dependent reasoning
D. Independent reasoning
45. _____________ is responding silently or verbally to a call and address an ethical problem
creatively by considering all possible points of view, thinking outside the box, using relevant
A. Creative responsibility
B. Dependent reasoning
C. Co-responsibility
D. Fitting responsibility
46. It consists of a series of questions which one may ask himself or others in order to arrive at
one's true values, values that he really possesses and acts upon.
A. Scott Rae’s Method of Reasoning
B. Values Clarification Method
C. Ethical Decision
D. Ethics
47. ___________ reasons needed to establish truth and meaningfulness of moral judgments.
A. Logical
B. Meaningful
C. Coherent
D. Diligent
48. __________ are not assertions of what is true or false.
A. Emotional expressions
B. Feelings
C. Reasoning
D. Responsibility
49. Emotional expression is like __________.
A. Expression of feeling.
B. Expression of hearing
C. Expression of touch
D. Expression of taste
50. To be an ethical person, one must manage his/her _______ well.
A. Thinkings
B. Tastings
C. Feelings
D. Touching

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