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FGL3e 21.05.

2002 21:50 Uhr Seite 39

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

Good Lighting for Safety

on Roads, Paths and Squares 3
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:24 Uhr Seite 2


In 1997, 3,834 of the road users

8,549 roads deaths who were seriously
in Germany oc- injured were in-
curred on quiet volved in accidents
roads at night; at twilight or after
34.9 percent of dark.

Good street lighting As illuminance

improves visual increases, the
performance and incidence of car
reduces accidents theft, burglaries,
by an average of physical and sexual
30 percent. assault and other
forms of night crime
sharply decreases.
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:24 Uhr Seite 1

With a connected Street lighting Pedestrian

load of 13 W per and safety 2 precincts and
squares 20
person, the electrici- Street lighting
ty consumed by and costs 4 Parks 22
street lighting
works out at less Street lighting and Indoor and outdoor
than 50 kWh a the environment 6 car parks 24
person a year.
Street lighting costs
DM 20 per person
a year, only DM 7
of which is for

Seeing and Tunnels and
being seen 8 underpasses 26

Thoroughfares 14 Lamps 28

Collector, local service Luminaires 30

and residential streets 16
Lowered night-time
Lighting system lighting 32
geometry 18
European standards 33
Cycle paths 19
Literature 34
Pedestrian crossings 19
Acknowledgements 35

Imprint 36

Information from
Gutes Licht 37

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:27 Uhr Seite 2

Street lighting and safety

Accidents at night:
more frequent and Road accident casualties
more serious in and outside built-up areas (1997)
Despite lighter traffic, acci-
Total Daylight Casualties during
dents on the roads at night
casualties:: casualties: hours of darkness*:
are both more frequent
509,643 359,184 150,459
and more serious than
during the day: nearly 50
percent of fatal accidents
occur during the hours of
darkness, although night-
time motoring accounts
for only 25 percent of all
kilometres driven. That is
one of the findings of a
1993 study by the Interna-
tional Lighting Commission fatalities 8,549 fatalities 4,715 fatalities 3,834
CIE (Commission Inter- severely injured 115,414 severely injured 75,176 severely injured 40,238
nationale de L’Eclairage) lightly injured 385,680 lightly injured 279,293 lightly injured 106,387
conducted in 13 members Source: Statistisches Bundesamt *During twilight and at night
states of the Organization
for Economic Co-operation Fig. 7
and Developemnt (OECD). However, accidents during
the hours of darkness
In 1997 in Germany, the (twilight and at night) 75%
number of road deaths fell claimed 3,834 of those
lives (44.8 %)
and were 51.5%
Street lighting enhances road safety and responsible 48.5%
guards against crime for 34.9 per-
We rely on our eyes for more than 80 percent cent of cases
of the sensory impressions we register. So poor of serious 25%
visual conditions obviously reduce the amount injury.
of information that reaches our brain. That, in
road traffic, is extremely dangerous. Street light- Visual per-
ing thus makes for greater safety at night, be- formance a
cause it helps or even actually enables us to fill key factor K V K V
the gaps in the information we receive. In part, of day night
course, the
shocking Kilometres driven (K) and fatal road accidents (V) during
by 2.8 percent to 8,549 – statistics are due to non- the day and at night Fig. 8
the lowest level since visual factors, such as
records began in 1953. fatigue, effects of alcohol, Mean luminance and ratio of day and
night-time accidents resulting in injury
to persons (Scott 1980)


night/day accidents




0.5 _ 1.0 1.5 2.0
mean luminance L (cd/m2)

Raising luminance Fig. 9

Because good street light- from 0.5 to 2 cd/m2
ing is an aid to visual per- reduces the night/day
formance, it cuts the num- accident ratio from 50
ber of traffic accidents by to 30 percent.
an average of 30 percent.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:27 Uhr Seite 3

lack of motoring experi- worldwide on the connec- against property are vertical illuminance where
ence and seasonal condi- tion between accidents and mostly committed in dark, the presence of pedestri-
tions. But the root cause street lighting. secluded places. Those ans is pronounced (see
remains: the human eye who commit them are less “Identifying faces at a
does not perform as well Doubling the average road- inhibited in such places distance” – makes for
in the dark as in the light. way luminance significantly because there is less risk better visual perception:
Visual acuity diminishes, reduces the number of of them being identified suspicious movements are
distances are harder to night-time accidents. This and potential victims are spotted farther away, details
gauge, our ability to distin- was shown by a before-
guish colours is reduced, and-after study conducted Dependence of crime rate on level of
and vision is impaired by for the German Transport street lighting
glare. Ministry in 1994 on ten
stretches of road in six Night/day-time cime rate
More light, fewer cities: the total number of 10
accidents accidents decreased by
Good street lighting im- 28 percent. The number of 8
proves visual performance accidents involving pedes-
and considerably reduces trians and cyclists dropped 6
the number of accidents – by 68 percent and the
by 30 percent overall and number of casualties fell 4
by 45 percent on country by 45 percent.

less 2,5 4 6,4 10 16 more
than 1,6 than 16
Illuminance in lx

Fig. 11

and the intentions of

approaching figures are
made out more clearly.
Fast and reliable identifica-
tion gives us more time to
prepare for danger and
react accordingly.

Numerous studies have

shown that increased illu-
minance produces a sharp
decrease in night crime
(see Figure 11). They also
confirm that a higher light-
ing level gives residents a
greater sense of security,
which makes for a better
neigbourhood and a better
quality of life.

roads and at crossroads Light prevents crime insecure and more
and other danger points. Good, correct lighting also vulnerable.
This was shown by another prevents crime. Experience
1993 CIE study, based on has shown that acts of Higher horizontal illumi-
every study available violence and crimes nance – together with high

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:28 Uhr Seite 4

Street lighting and costs

False economies • Capital cost

Faced with the need to cut of luminaires, construction Energy consumption and operating cost of street
budget deficits, many local elements and installation lighting in Germany (old federal states)
authorities decide to switch (including depreciation/
off parts of the street light- interest).
ing system. This supposed • Operating costs Percentage of total primary energy
economy measure may for energy, servicing/main- consumed by street lighting approx. 0.1 %
even affect whole streets, tenance, lamp replacement Percentage of total electricity
which are no longer lit late consumed by street lighting approx. 0.7 %
at night. Acquisition costs, spread Electricity consumption
over the long service life of per person approx. 50 kWh/year
What the authorities fail to the facilities, account for a
realise, however, apart from much smaller percentage Connected load of street lighting approx. 700 Megawatts
the implications for public of total costs than operat- Connected load per person approx. 13W
safety, is how little street ing costs.
lighting costs. Decisions to Total operating cost
switch lights off are normal- Economic damage of street lighting approx. DM 1.1 bn/year
ly reversed in the wake of The general breakdown Total operating cost per person approx. DM 20/year
subsequent public protest of costs does not take
over the “black-outs” – account of the economic Total cost of electricity
because detailed study of damage caused by acci- for street lighting approx. DM 400
the economics of lighting dents. This can be de- million/year
shows that: duced, however, from Cost of electricity for
night-time accident figures: street lighting per person approx. DM 7/year
• street lighting is not in 1997, a total of 108,072
expensive, accidents were registered Average percentage of local govern-
• refurbishment costs are in Germany during the ment expenditures attributable
soon recouped and pave hours of darkness (com- to electricity for street lighting approx. 0.4 %
the way for future pared with 272,763 in day-
economies. light). 45,165 were classed Source: VDEW
as serious accidents (as
Costs against 64,224 in daylight).
Total street lighting costs Altogether, the 380,835
consist of the costs in- accidents in which people
volved in setting up and were hurt caused econom-
operating the system: ic damage estimated at
DM 25 billion.

Duty to ensure road safety

The duty to ensure road safety – enshrined in Germany
in court rulings based on Section 823 of the Civil Code
(Compensation) – includes a duty to provide lighting. This
is basically confined to built-up areas and stretches of
road where special hazards are present, such as cross-
roads, junctions, bottlenecks, sharp bends, inclines and
pedestrian crossings. It also extends to stretches of road
which are damaged or hazardous because of their layout.
As such hazards present a high risk of accident, lighting
is a legal requirement in these cases both within and out-
side built-up areas.

German court rulings are based on the latest industrial

standards, i.e. the stipulations of DIN 5044. Lighting sys-
tem operators’ responsibilities include monitoring the con-
dition of the systems, right down to checking the stability
of columns. Where accidents occur as a result of failure
to comply with these requirements, an operator may be
liable to civil or criminal prosecution. The same applies
where lighting systems are not installed or operated in
accordance with the duty to ensure road safety. The amount and total cost of energy consumed 12
by street lighting are often overestimated.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:28 Uhr Seite 5

Low energy consumption • to energy-saving electrical

Decisions to switch off components and circuitry. A practical example showing that refurbishment
street lights are often taken pays off
with a view to cutting oper- The efficiency of new light- Along a 2.5-kilometre stretch of road with a central reser-
ating costs. Since these are ing systems permits greater vation, luminaires fitted with high-pressure mercury
mostly electricity costs, spacing between columns, vapour lamps (a) were replaced by new luminaires with
such decisions are also so fewer luminaires are optimised optical control systems and high-pressure
defended on environmental needed to achieve the sodium vapour lamps (b). The 40 percent reduction in
grounds as an “energy same level of lighting. That energy consumption cuts the electricity bill by DM 27,830
conservation” measure. In saves money – reducing a year. After a payback time of just 2.7 years, this money
actual fact, street lighting both outlay and operating has a direct positive impact on accounts.
consumes comparatively expenses.
little energy and thus offers System comparison Old system New system
limited scope for conserva- Maintenance costs Investment costs – 75,372 DM
tion (see Figure 13, halved Lamping (a) (b)
page 6). Modern lighting technology Lamp wattage 400 W 150 W
is not just amortized Luminaire wattage 425 W 170 W
Public street lighting in through energy savings; Luminous flux 22,000 lm 17,000 lm
Germany – in its entirety – it also lowers all other Connected load 52.66 kW 21.1 kW
accounts for only operating costs: Annual operating hours 4,000 hrs. 4,000 hrs
• 0.1 percent of all the en- • Long-life luminants save Annual consumption 210,640 kWh 84,400 kWh
ergy consumed and lamp replacement costs. Annual electricity costs DM 46,828 DM 18,998
• 0.7 percent of the electric- • Longer lamp replacement Annual saving – 126,240 kWh
ity consumed nationwide intervals lower mainte- – DM 27,830
each year. nance costs.
• Quality luminaires and
The connected load of mounting elements of high-
street lighting in Germany grade materials are easier
works out at 13 W per per- to maintain and require
son, which means per less attention. Maintenance
capita consumption is just intervals have now doubled
50kWh a year. to four years, i.e. mainte-
nance and servicing costs
Low energy costs have been halved.
The electricity bill for street
lighting amounts to just
DM 7 per person a year.
Street lighting power costs
make up an average of
0.4 percent of local authori-
ty expenditures.

Other operating costs add

another DM 13, which rais-
es the total annual cost of
operating street lighting to
DM 20 a person.

Refurbishment lowers
In some places, electricity
costs are unusually high.
This is almost always due
to ageing lighting systems,
i.e. systems which are 20,
25 or even 30 years old.
The only remedy is refur-
bishment: complete re-
newal or conversion
• to long-life lamps with
high luminous efficacy,
• to cost-efficient luminaires
with optimised optical con-
trol systems and

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:28 Uhr Seite 6

Street lighting and the environment

Energy consumption
relatively low Conserving energy systematically
From an environmental
angle, one of the most im- Minimising street lighting power consumption calls for energy-efficient lighting
portant points to consider systems. These consist of
about street lighting is how • long-life lamps with high luminous efficacy, measured in lumens (lm) per Watt (W):
much energy it consumes. the higher the ratio lm/W, the more light generated by the energy consumed and the
The answer is: relatively better the energy balance of the lamp.
little (see Figure 13). Never- • efficient luminaires (high light output ratio) with optical controllers directing the light
theless, even street lighting generated onto the surface where illumination is needed,
has become more energy- • electrical components with low power loss ratings.
efficient: in recent years, it
has decreased its share of Connected load reduced: power consumption cut by 47 percent
the electricity used for light-
ing (excluding private Systems compared Old system New system
households) by 1.5 percent
to 6.2 percent – thanks to Luminaire mushroom luminaire with post-top luminaire with
energy-saving lamps and opal enclosure optical control system
more efficient lighting tech-
nology incorporated in new Lamping high-pressure mercury compact fluorescent lamps
and refurbished lighting vapour lamps
Lamp wattage per
luminaire 80 W 2 x 18 W
Luminaire wattage 89 W 48 W
Connected load per km 3 kW 1.6 kW
Saving per kilometer – 1.4 kW

Energy balance (LiTG). Calculating the other 98.5 percent was

on the road energy balance of a road consumed by motor vehi-
Another comparison under- lined with 25 luminaires a cles. Even if fuel consump-
lining street lighting’s rela- kilometre and a traffic load tion were reduced to 5
tively minor role in overall of 3,000 vehicles in 24 litres/100 km (1 litre petrol
energy consumption is hours, it found that station- = 10 kWh), the energy
made by the German light- ary street lighting account- used by street lighting
ing society Deutsche Licht- ed for just 1.5 percent of would still account for less
technische Gesellschaft e.V. the energy consumed; the than three percent of the

total energy consumption = 100 % electricity consumption = 100 % electricity consumption

percentage as electricity 17.39 % percentage for lighting 10.8 % for lighting = 100 %
percentage for lighting 1.9 % percentage for street lighting 0.7 % percentage for street lighting 6.2 %
percentage for street lighting 0.1 % Fig. 13

Low energy consumption: In Germany, the electrical energy used for street lighting accounts for only 0.1 percent of
total annual energy consumption (diagram not to scale, based on 1993 figures).

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:28 Uhr Seite 7

Recycling lamps
Lamps contain minute quantities of mercury, so under Germany’s Com-
mercial and Industrial Waste Management Act, most discharge lamps
need to be treated as special waste. Lamp recyclers in the AGLV working
group (Arbeitsgemeinschaft Lampenverwertung) have created a nation-
wide collection and recycling system in compliance with strict certification
criteria, thus ensuring that raw materials are recovered and re-used.

AGLV members include members of the Electrical Lamp Manufacturers

Association in the Zentralverband Elektrotechnik- und Elektronikindustrie
(ZVEI) e.V. (for information available from the ZVEI, see page 34). These
companies place their expertise at the recyclers’ disposal and advise
them of the waste management requirements of materials contained in
new lamps. One of the primary objectives of the AGLV is to raise the
return rate of used lamps.

Spectral radiance distribution of a 14

high-pressure sodium vapour lamp

Avoiding light pollution Light and insects

Where residents are both- Artificial lighting attracts
ered by light from street- insects, so there is a risk
lamps shining into their it could interfere with the
homes, they have a right natural habits of nocturnal
to complain – a right en- animals.
shrined in Germany in the
Federal Ambient Pollution Light with a predominantly
Control Act. So any risk of yellow/orange spectral
“light pollution” needs to be content is not so attractive Spectral radiance distribution of a 15
eliminated at the planning to insects because their general service tungsten filament lamp
stage. eyes have a different spec-
tral sensitivi-
Neither the Pollution Con- ty from the
trol Act nor its implement- human eye.
ing regulations set out any They re-
actual ceilings or limits but spond more
the LiTG has published de- sensitively to
tails of useful methods of the spectral
monitoring and assessing composition
light pollution, together with of the light
maximum admissible limits from fluores- Spectral radiance distribution of a 16
based on them (see Litera- cent lamps, metal halide lamp
ture, page 34) The ambient high-pres-
pollution control committee
of Germany’s federal states
(Länderausschuss für Im-
missionsschutz – LAI) has
incorporated these meth-
ods and ceilings in its
guideline “Measurement
and assessment of light im-
missions” and recom-
mends that they should be Spectral radiance distribution of a 17
applied by environmental warm-white fluorescent lamp
protection agencies.

sure mercury vapour lamps light cast by a high-pres- ence knows about this
and metal halide lamps. sure sodium vapour lamp, subject has been published
Pale moonlight, which in- however, appears darker. by the LiTG (see Literature,
sects presumably use for Orange and red spectral Page 34).
orientation, also appears components produce virtu-
much brighter to the insect ally no response.
eye than to humans. The A summary of what sci-

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:29 Uhr Seite 8

Seeing and being seen

Light and vision Contrast sensitivity

There is a simple recipe The ability to perceive 60

for preventing accidents: differences in luminance 50

see and be seen. But vision in the visual field is called

contrast sensitivity
is a complex process. contrast sensitivity. The
Street lighting needs to higher the brightness level 30
take account of that. (adaptation luminance),
the finer the differences in 20
Daylight illuminance ranges luminance perceived. Contrast
ntrast 10
from 5,000 to 100,000 lux. Contrast sensitivity is sensitivity 0
On a moonlit night, 1 lux is reduced by glare (see 10-3 10-2 10-1 100 101 102
about the maximum. The Pages 10/11). ambient luminance cd/m2
fact that we can “see” over
this vast brightness range Visual acuity Fig. 18
is due to the eye's ability The eye’s ability to make such as a traffic obstruction proves as adaptation
to adapt. In some adapta- out the contours and – is determined by visual luminance increases.
tion zones, however, visual colour details of shapes – acuity. Visual acuity im-
performance is impaired.

Cones for colour vision,

rods for seeing in the
Visual performance is best
in daylight, when the eye’s
colour-sensitive cone re-
ceptors are activated:
colours are easily distin-
guished, objects and de-
tails clearly made out. In
darkness, different recep-
tors are active: rods, which
are fairly insensitive to
colour but highly sensitive
to brightness. In the tran-
sitional stage of twilight,
both receptor groups are

Identification depends
on contrasts
Contrasts are differences
in brightness and colour in
the visual field. To be per-
ceived by the human eye,
they need to be sufficiently
pronounced. The minimum
contrast required for per-
ception depends on the
ambient brightness (adap-
tation luminance): the
brighter the surroundings, In daylight, visual performance is at its peak: the eye's colour-sensitive cone 19
the lower the contrast per- receptors are active, everything is precisely and vividly discernible “in colour”.
ceived. Where surround-
ings are darker, an object
needs either to contrast
more sharply or be larger
in order to be perceived.

Daylight: Optimum visual 20 Street lighting: Shapes 21 Moonlight: No colour 22

performance, good colour and colours are much perception, low-contrast
discrimination, objects, harder to make out but details are no longer
details and spacial relation- can still be adequately discernible.
ships can be clearly made distinguished.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:29 Uhr Seite 9

brightness, shapes, colours Visual disturbance occurs

and details are perceived when our eyes don’t have
(speed of perception): a enough time to adapt to
1.5 person travelling fast, for differences in brightness.
example, has much less Hence the need for adapta-
visual acuity S

1.0 time for this than a pedes- tion zones – e.g. at tunnel
trian. entrances and exits – to
0.5 make for a safe transition
Adaptation time between one luminance
V s acuity It takes time for the eye to level and the other.
2 4 68 2 4 68 2 4 6 8 cd/m2 adapt to different bright-
10-1 100 101 102 nesses. The adaptative
adaptation luminance L process and hence adapta-
Fig. 23 tion time depend on the
Visual performance sensitivity and visual acuity. luminance at the beginning
Visual performance is It also depends on the time and end of any change in
determined by contrast in which differences in brightness: adapting from

Luminous flux is the rate

at which light is emitted
by a lamp. Measured in
lumen (lm), it defines
the visible light radiating
from a light source in
all directions.

Luminous intensity is
the amount of luminous
flux radiating in a parti-
cular direction. It is
measured in candela
(cd). The way luminous
intensity is distributed in
the room – normally
depicted by an intensity
distribution curve (IDC) –
defines the shape of the
beam of a luminaire or
reflector lamp.

Luminance is the bright-

ness of a luminous or
illuminated surface as
perceived by the human
As darkness increases, visual performance deteriorates. Street lighting restores 24 eye. Measured in cd/m2
lost performance, enabling shapes and colours to be adquately made out. or cd/cm2, it expresses
the intensity of the light
1.0 dark to light takes only emitted or reflected by
seconds, adapting from a surface per unit area.
0.8 light to dark can take
several minutes. Illuminance – measured
relative sensitivity

0.6 in lux (lx) – is the lumin-

Visual performance at any ous flux from a light
0.4 one time depends on the source falling on a given
state of adaptation: the surface. Where an area
0.2 more light is available, the of 1 square metre is uni-
0 Adaptation faster unimpaired visual formly illuminated by 1
0 5 10 15 20 25
5 performance can be lumen luminous flux,
adaptation time min achieved. illuminance is 1 lux.
Fig. 25

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:30 Uhr Seite 10

Seeing and being seen

Adequate level of 1.25 planning factor

brightness on installation
To enable us to see well, To ensure that all quality
an adequate level of bright- features are maintained for
ness (lighting level) is a lengthy period of time
essential. In DIN 5044, without the need for extra
the yardstick used to deter- maintenance work, DIN
mine level of brightness is 5044 recommends that a
mean luminance or mean planning factor of 1.25
illuminance. should be adopted on
installation. Maintenance
Illuminance (measured in work needs to be carried
lux) is the amount of light out at the latest when
falling on a surface. Lumi- 26 luminance or illuminance
nance (in cd/m2) is the For most roads designed for automobile traffic, decrease to 70 percent of
light reflected by the sur- luminance is the definitive criterion for lighting level. this rated value.
face into the eyes of the
observer. This is perceived Uniformity makes
as brightness. for safety
It is not enough just to
Luminance maintain the correct light-
Luminance is the key ing level. Brightness also
quantity for nearly all roads needs to be distributed
with motor traffic (see evenly so that visual tasks
pages 14/15). It depends can be properly performed.
on the position of the ob- Dark patches act as cam-
server, the geometry of ouflage, making obstacles
the lighting system, the and hazards hard to make
reflective properties of the out or completely conceal-
road surface, the luminous ing them from view. Cam-
flux of the lamps and the 27 ouflage zones occur where
intensity distribution of the For collector, local service and residential streets, too few luminaires are in-
luminaires. Luminance is what counts is horizontal illuminance on the roadway. stalled or individual lumi-
calculated for standard naires are deactivated or
assessment fields. defective.

Illuminance Uniformity of luminance is

For collector, local service established by calculating
and residential streets (see overall uniformity UO and
pages 16/17), illuminance longitudinal uniformity Ul,
is the yardstick used be- taking account of the
cause neither clear-cut geometry (assessment
assessment fields nor a field) and reflective proper-
standard observer position ties of the roadway. Overall
can be defined. What is uniformity UO expresses
assessed is the horizontal the ratio between the low-
illuminance on the road- est and mean luminance
way. Where pedestrian 28 values over the entire
traffic is heavy, vertical The uniformity of the luminance along and across the roadway; longitudinal uni-
and semi-cylindrical illumi- roadway is good. formity Ul is the ratio be-
nance (see “Identifying tween the lowest and high-
faces at a distance”, page est luminance values in the
11) are also used. centre of the observer’s

Illuminance uniformity g1 is
the quotient of the lowest
and mean illuminance.

Switching off individual luminaires severely disrupts the
longitudinal uniformity of the roadway luminance.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:30 Uhr Seite 11

Less glare – better visual This percentage rise in Identifying

performance threshold values TI faces at a
Glare can impair visual (Threshold Increment) from distance +90°
performance to such an ∆ L0 to ∆ LBL is the mea- Good lighting
extent that reliable percep- sure of physiological glare. is essential
tion and identification are Where the luminance cal- to enable
impossible. culation produces high TI pedestrians -90°
values, glare is intense. to identify
Physiological glare causes Glare-suppressed lighting approaching
a measurable impairment systems take account of figures, anti-
of visual faculties, e.g. threshold increments be- cipate their EV
visual acuity. Psychological tween 7 and 10 percent. intentions and
glare is discomforting and For relatively quiet roads, react accord-
affects concentration and 15 to 20 percent is still an ingly. 1 lux
thus also causes accidents. acceptable value. semi-cylindri-
cal illumi-
Glare cannot be avoided Direction of light nance is a
altogether but it can be Directional light can create minimum Fig. 30
greatly limited. Standard shadow zones, e.g. be- requirement here. Measured at a height of 1.5 metres
assessment procedures tween parked vehicles, above the ground, semi-cylindrical illuminance de-
exist for both kinds of where brightness is un- scribes the amount of vertical illuminance that falls on
glare. evenly distributed. Where a semi-cylindrical surface.
deep shadows cannot be
Veiling luminance avoided, supplementary
Physiological glare occurs lighting is the answer.
as a result of excessively
high luminance in the Light colour and colour portance in outdoor light- Lamps with poor colour
visual field or differences rendering of lamps ing. Even so, it is still advis- rendering properties, such
in luminance to which the Light colour describes the able to use lamps with as low-pressure sodium
eye cannot adapt. The colour of the light radiated good colour rendering vapour lamps, are only
source of glare creates by a lamp. Colour render- properties so that colour suitable for pedestrian
scattered light which ing refers to the effect its contrasts can be made out crossing, seaport and se-
spreads over the retina light has on the appear- and information intake is curity lighting.
like a veil and substantially ance of coloured objects. maximized.
reduces the contrast of the
images projected onto it. These two characteristics
The higher the glare illumi- are of relatively minor im-
nance at the observer’s
eye and the closer the
glare source, the higher
the veiling luminance.

Glare assessment and

threshold increments
_At adaptation luminance
L , an object and its sur-
roundings need at least
luminance contrast ∆ L0 for
the object to be identifiable.
Where glare occurs, veiling
luminance causes the eye
to adapt to the
_ higher lumi-
nance level L + Ls: at
luminance contrast ∆ L0, ∆L
the visual object is invisible. ∆ LBL
To make it discernible, the
luminance contrast needs visible invisible
to be raised to ∆ LBL.
∆ LO
_ _
L L + LS L
Where glare occurs, luminance contrast must Fig. 31
be raised to ∆ LBL in order to make the visual ob-
ject discernible.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:31 Uhr Seite 12

Seeing and being seen

Requirements defined
by risk potential
The greater the risk of
accident during the hours
of darkness, the more light
a street lighting system
needs to provide. Where
traffic volumes at night are
high, so is risk potential –
and the danger of collision
is even greater where road
users differ in speed, size
and identifiability, i.e. they
include motorists, cyclists
and pedestrians. Closely
connected with this is the
safety of the road itself,
which depends on its size,
its position and the speed Non-accessed urban road with no stationary vehicles, infrequent disruption:
limit that applies. medium lighting requirements during peak traffic hours (left), low requirements
when traffic is light.
DIN 5044 criteria
In defining risk potential,
DIN 5044 makes a distinc-
tion between traffic and
structural criteria:

Traffic criteria
• Roads with or without
oncoming traffic (with or
without central reservation).
• Average traffic volume
at night.
• Excess periods (number
of hours a year in which
average traffic load is

Structural criteria
• Cross-sectional design
of road and form of traffic
control. Built-up street with stationary vehicles on or alongside the carriageway, moderate
• Segregation of different to frequent disruption: lighting requirements rise as traffic volume increases (left).
types of road user.
• Road within or outside
built-up area.
• Built-up or non-accessed
• Road with or without
stationary vehicles on/
alongside carriageway.
• Speed limit.

Collector, local service and residential street with mixed traffic, frequent disruption:
lighting requirements rise in line with traffic volume (left).

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:31 Uhr Seite 13

Basis for planning: Roadway luminance

for streets in built-up areas (DIN 5044 guide values)
Cross-section of road with central reservation without central reservation
in motor vehicles/(h x lanes) 900 600 200 200 600 300 100 100
with Excess period in h/a ≥200 ≥300 ≥300 <300 ≥200 ≥300 ≥300 <300 <300
Ln UI Ln UI Ln UI Ln UI Ln UI Ln UI Ln UI Ln UI Ln U0
Urban roads
non-accessed street,
no stationary traffic 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3
built-up, no stationary traffic
on/alongside carriageway 1.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.5 2.0 0.7 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3
built-up, with stationary traffic
on/alongside carriageway 2.0 0.7 2.0 0.7 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.6 2.0 0.7 2.0 0.7 1.5 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.3
Kraftfahrstraßen (Road sign 331 Road Traffic Act)
permissible speed > 70 km/h 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.6 1.5 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6
permissible speed ≤ 70 km/h 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1.0 0.6 1.0 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.6
Autobahnen (Road sign 330 Road Traffic Act)
permissible speed > 110 km/h 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7 1.0 0.7
permissible speed ≤ 70 km/h 1.0 0.7 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6
LI,min _
Ln: nominal luminance in cd/m2 UI: longitudinal uniformity L U0: overall uniformity Lmin/L
(standard value: U0 ≥ 0,4)

Guide values for highest luminance in the area. Apart from horizontal
luminance centre of the observer’s illuminance and uniformity,
For motorways, urban lane. UO is the overall uni- semi-cylindrical illuminance
roads and major roads, formity, the ratio of the also needs to be consid-
DIN 5044 uses luminance lowest to mean luminance ered (see “Identifying faces
as the yardstick for lighting over the entire assessment at a distance”, page 11) to
levels. The emphasis here field. take account of vertical
is on illuminating the road- illuminance as well.
way. The table above Guide values for
shows the relevant guide illuminance The level of lighting provid-
values. For collector, local service ed for pedestrian precincts,
and residential streets, squares and park paths
Ln is the nominal lumi- DIN 5044 uses illuminance should be at least as high
nance, which is the local as the yardstick for lighting as for local service roads.
and temporal mean lumi- level. It is recommended Where pedestrian volumes
nance of the roadway. UI is that the adjacent building are at times high, up to
the longitudinal uniformity, façades should be lit as 10 lx illuminance is re-
the ratio of the lowest to well as the entire traffic commended.
Basis for planning: Illuminance

Traffic-calmed zones (DIN 5044 guide values)

Streets used by through traffic En = 7 lx g1 ≥ 0.2
Streets used by residents En = 3 lx g1 ≥ 0.1

Cycle paths For better

in streets with lighting Emin ≥ 3 lx g2 ≥ 0.15 perception
in streets with no lighting Emin ≥ 3 lx g2 ≥ 0.3 Street lighting which
at least 8 m away from conforms to DIN 5044
streets with no stationary is designed to improve
street lighting: Emin ≥ 1.5 lx g2 ≥ 0.15 road users’ perception
Pedestrian zones • the surface, course
Pedestrian precincts En = 5 lx g2 ≥ 0.08 and boundaries of
Squares En = 5 lx g2 ≥ 0.1 the roadway,
Squares, high density use En = 10 lx g2 ≥ 0.1 • junctions and inter-
Flat footpaths Emin ≥ 1 lx sections,
Footpaths with steps Emin ≥ 5 lx • obstructions,
Outdoor staircases En = 15 lx g2 ≥ 0.3 • the position and
Underpasses En = 60 lx g2 ≥ 0.3 movements of other
road users
E_n: nominal illuminance in Lux (lx) g1 = Emin/E • and to prevent
34 E: mean illuminance in Lux (lx) g2 = Emin/Emax disruption of traffic.
Emin: minimum illuminance in Lux (lx)

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:32 Uhr Seite 14


Lighting requirements
On thoroughfares, visual
conditions need to be
tuned to the needs of the
motorist, who has to be
able to identify and judge
the course of the road,
the state and boundaries
of the carriageway, traffic
signs, other vehicles and
road users as well as ob-
stacles on the carriageway
and hazards from the side
of the road.

The surface of the road

plays a major role in lumin-
ance calculations. This is
because objects are only
visible if their luminance
contrasts adequately with
that of their surroundings,
which from the motorist’s
viewpoint is mainly the
roadway. Since higher The course of the road, the carriageway and its boundaries, traffic signs and 35
ambient luminance makes hazards on and at the side of the road are clearly identifiable.
for greater contrast sensi-
tivity, making objects stand zones, such as junctions, Where street lighting ends
out visually from their sur- crossroads or pedestrian or drops to a lower lighting
roundings (roadway) is one crossings (see page 19), level, the decrease in lumi-
of the primary functions are identified earlier if they nance should be gradual.
street lighting needs to are furnished with supple- This makes it easier for the
perform. mentary lighting and, if eye to adapt to the darker
necessary, distinguished conditions, which takes
The arrangement of lumi- by a different light colour longer than adapting from
naires in a street lighting from that of the adjacent dark to light.
system provides visual street lamps.
guidance. Special hazard

Hazard zones on a road are highlighted by supplementary lighting – here pro- 36

vided by the luminaire in the background on the right.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:32 Uhr Seite 15

At crossroads, supplementary lighting heightens 37 A link road between two villages with lighting 39
road safety. designed to DIN 5044 specifications.

Assessment criteria server, the arrangement of the lamps and the way the Standard definitions, classi-
How bright a road appears luminaires, the reflective light is distributed by the fications and methods for
– its luminance – depends properties of the road sur- luminaires. calculating all these factors
on the position of the ob- face, the luminous flux of are contained in DIN 5044
and other relevant indus-
trial standards. There are
also calculation tables and
computer software avail-
able for street lighting

Minimum values for mean

roadway luminance are be-
tween 0.3 and 2 cd/m2
(see page 13). Other vari-
ables which have an im-
portant bearing on street
lighting quality are longitu-
dinal and overall uniformity
(see page 10) and glare
limitation, which needs to
be adequate and to take
account of admissible
threshold increments
(see page 11).

On the bend, luminaires are not positioned on the central reservation. Closer 38
luminaire spacing in the middle of the bend makes for a better “guide-rail” effect.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:33 Uhr Seite 16

Collector, local service and residential streets

Good for road safety and Assessment criteria

good-looking as well: light- Lighting criteria here are
ing and luminaires help mean horizontal illumi-
make a shopping street nance – 3 lx for low traffic
more attractive after dark. loads (local service street),
7 lx for heavier traffic (col-
lector street, see also page
13) – and its uniformity.


Lighting requirements
Collector, local service and
residential streets need to
cater to a variety of road
users. Given this mix of
slow-moving and parked
motor vehicles and the
frequent presence of
cyclists and pedestrians,
one of the primary require-
ments lighting has to meet
is the need to reduce the
risk of accident, especially
for the “weaker” road

equally im-
LIGHT FOR portant task is
crime preven-
SECURITY tion: higher
makes for
better per-
ception and
identification and thus acts
as a deterrent for would-
be assailants and thieves
(see page 3).

Apart from performing

actual lighting functions,
luminaires in traffic-calmed
zones are an element of Urban architecture:
urban design: they help luminaires lend character
shape the face of a street and create a “homely”
and contribute significantly atmosphere.
to a better residential en-
vironment. Even the light
they distribute makes an
aesthetic impact: its warm
colour appearance creates
a “homely” atmosphere.

A typical residential street

for mixed traffic.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:33 Uhr Seite 17

This is because traffic- Collector, local service and

calming installations and residential street lighting
multi-textured road surfaces needs to illuminate more
make luminance an unsuit- than just the roadway. It
able criterion for assessing should also provide ade-
residential street lighting. quate, uniform illuminance
Lighting quality is further for adjacent areas such
enhanced by taking ac- as cycle paths, footpaths

Collector streets have high lighting requirements; 43

illuminance is the key lighting quantity.

Quality lighting even where nothing moves faster than 44

walking pace: globe luminaires in a traffic-calmed street.

count of vertical illumi- and building façades.
nance, assessed by the Care must be taken here
semi-cylindrical illuminance to avoid “light pollution”
method (see “Identifying due to excessively high
faces at a distance”, page illuminance near windows
11). This makes it easier (see page 7).
to identify approaching
figures, permits a prompter To avoid glare, the lumi-
response to a perceived nous intensity of luminaires
threat and thus provides a at certain beam angles
safeguard against criminal should be reduced. Adequate illuminance is also important for areas 45
assault. flanking the roadway.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:34 Uhr Seite 18

Lighting system geometry

Fig. 46 Fig. 47 Fig. 48

One-sided arrangement. Two-sided facing arrangement. Two-sided staggered arrangement.

Fig. 49 Fig. 50 Fig. 51

Double-row arrangement over Single-row arrangement over Double-row parallel suspended
central reservation. central reservation. arrangement.

Fig. 52 Fig. 53 Fig. 54

Single-row suspended arrangement Double-row arrangement on bends: Single-row arrangement on bends:
over the centre of the roadway. closer luminaire spacing in the mid- closer luminaire spacing in the mid-
dle of the bend makes for a better dle of the bend and positioning on
“guidance” effect. the outside of the bend makes for
a better “guidance” effect.

Fig. 55 Fig. 56 Fig. 57

Crossroads and junctions: addition- Roundabout: central tall column. Roundabout: positioning at entries
al luminaires highlight hazard and exits.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:34 Uhr Seite 19

Cycle paths Pedestrian crossings

Lighting requirements “Forschungsgsellschaft für Lighting requirements cast sideways onto the
More and more cycle paths Straßen- und Verkehrswe- Even a young child knows pedestrian in the direction
are being created – but in sen” apply also to cycle that the only relatively safe of travel. Depending on the
built-up areas at least, paths and call for 1.5 to 3 lx place to cross a road is at intensity distribution of the
cyclists’ freedom to travel horizontal illuminance a light-controlled pedes- luminaire, it should be
in a lane of their own is still along the cycle path axis trian crossing. And to make positioned at a distance of
sometimes restricted: either (see Page 13) and good sure it stays safe after dark, between half a mounting
the cycle path borders uniformity. Luminaires with
directly on the footpath or reflectors for extremely
cycle path and footpath are wide-angled intensity distri-
one, used jointly by cyclists bution are particularly suit-
and pedestrians. Correct able. They provide uniform
lighting permits prompt lighting while permitting rel-
identification of other path atively wide – and therefore
users and thus helps economical – luminaire
prevent collisions. It also spacing.
makes hazards, such as
potholes or bumps, easier
to make out, which reduces
the risk of accidents, espe-

Even where a zebra crossing is controlled by traffic 59

lights, supplementary lighting is recommended for
pedestrian safety.

a pedestrian crossing height (0.5 x h) and a full

should have separate light- mounting height (1.0 x h)
ing. Light with a colour from the pedestrian cross-
appearance different from ing (see Fig. 60).
that of the general street
lighting has an additional Assessment criteria
signal effect. The requirements for sup-
plementary lighting for
Motorists identify pedes- pedestrian crossings are
trians best when they see set out in DIN 67523, Part
them as light objects 1. The mean vertical illumi-
against a dark background nance required for achiev-
Where no light from 58 (positive contrast) This is ing positive contrast on a
cially for cyclists travelling street lighting is available, achieved by positioning a road lit to DIN 5044 specifi-
fast. cycle paths require a luminaire between the cations is 40 lux in the
separate lighting system. motorist and the zebra direction of travel over the
In built-up areas, correctly crossing so that light is central axis of the crossing.
planned street lighting also In addition, illuminance
caters for cycle paths flank- should be no less than 5 lx
ing the roadway. For cycle approx. 0.5 x h to 1.0 x h at any point within the sup-
paths in parks and gar- plementary lighting zone.
dens, set back from main footpath
roads or outside built-up The highest illuminance
areas, separate lighting is direction of travel should be directed onto the
required. Here, special luminaire pedestrian in the middle of
attention should be paid the crossing. To avoid daz-
to uniformity of lighting be- luminaire zling motorists, luminous
cause visual performance direction of travel intensity in the opposite di-
is severely impaired by rection – i.e. in the direction
patches of darkness. footpath of an approaching vehicle
– needs to be very limited.
Assessment criteria approx. 0.5 x h to 1.0 x h These requirements are
The”Pedestrian Zone Light- met only by special optical
ing Guidelines” published Illuminating pedestrians from the side in the Fig. 60 control systems incorporat-
by the Cologne-based direction of travel (positive contrast); “h” is the ed into pedestrian crossing
traffic research institute mounting height of the luminaire. luminaires.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:35 Uhr Seite 20

Pedestrian precincts and squares

Vandal-proof and
The right choice of
luminaire guards
against damage by A pedestrian precinct with atmosphere: light and 61
vandals or thieves: Lighting requirements luminaires dominate the scene, making it more
strong, compact quality Lighting for squares and attractive and exciting. At the same time, the light
luminaires stand up well pedestrian precincts needs makes pedestrians feel safe. The luminaires are also
to mechanical stress. to meet decorative criteria. a decorative feature during the day.
The sturdiest designs Luminaires must harmonise
are described as - with the surrounding archi-
“vandal-proof”. Impact- tecture and harness light to Attractively designed pedes- Floodlighting is an addi-
resistant plastic en- create atmosphere. How- trian precincts heighten the tional design option (see
closures avoid the ever, this requirement must intensity of the downtown page 23).
risk of glass being not be met at the expense experience and generate
broken, for example, of safety. Lighting should more trade for retailers and Assessment criteria
on easily reachable also help prevent crime restaurateurs. This aesthetic Where only pedestrians are
wall luminaires. How- and make obstructions and requirement is met during present, mean horizontal
ever, even the toughest hazards identifiable well in the day and at night by illuminance should be 5 lx.
luminaire cannot with- advance. decorative luminaires and For malls which at times
stand constant exposure columns in historical or attract large numbers of
to rough treatment. modern designs chosen shoppers,this figure should
to suit the surroundings. be doubled. Where pedes-

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:35 Uhr Seite 21

Showing the way: even in pedestrian precincts, 62 Light and luminaires shape and structure a square. 63
luminaires act as “guiding lights”.

trian precincts cross (traffic- tial criminals run a greater

calmed) streets with vehicle risk of being discovered
traffic, the requirements for and/or identified. The high-
pedestrian crossings (sup- er the vertical illuminance
plementary lighting, vertical ratio, the greater the dis-
illuminance up to 40 lx, see tance at which suspicious
page 19) need to be met. figures or movements can
be spotted. At the same
Taking additional account time, passers-by feel a
of vertical illuminance greater sense of personal
makes for better crime pre- security.
vention (see “Identifying
faces at a distance”, page
11). It significantly improves
visual perception, so poten- Night scene: a new perspective created by light. 64

Discreet but decorative: when luminaires are selected, 65 The geometry of the square is reflected by the 66
their day-time function should also be taken into account. luminaire design and arrangement.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:36 Uhr Seite 22


Lighting requirements Assessment criteria light-dark contrasts should “Identifying faces at a

The primary function of The level of path lighting be avoided: they present distance”, page 11). Higher
lighting in parks and other required depends on adaptation problems for vertical illuminance has
public gardens is to ambient brightness. Mean the eye and impair visual a positive psychological
enhance public safety: horizontal illuminance performance. effect: it reduces disquiet
luminaires along paths should be more than 1 lx; about the darkness in the
show us the way, help us where there are steps on Taking additional account farther reaches of the park.
get our bearings and the path or the surface is of vertical illuminance
enable us to make out the uneven, 5 lx is a minimum. significantly lowers the risk The general rule for path
pathway surface and any Dark patches and high of criminal assault (see luminaire spacing is: the

A decorative feature in 67
daylight as well: the lumi- lower the mounting height,
naires harmonize with the the shorter the distance
design of the park. required from one lumi-
naire to the next. In addi-
tion to this, however, spac-
ing also depends on the
obstructions or hazards course of the path and
on it. Another, equally im- obstructions to visibility in
portant safety aspect is the park.
crime prevention.

As well as performing
these practical functions,
however, path lighting also
serves a decorative pur-
pose – during the day as
well as at night.

Off-path floodlighting is
purely decorative: it pro-
vides attractive accentuat-
ing light, creates atmos-
phere and heightens a The lower the mounting
park’s appeal. height, the closer the
spacing required between

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:36 Uhr Seite 23

There are virtually no de- One thing which is impor-

sign restrictions on lighting tant to remember, however, Floodlighting
for illuminating trees, bush- is that passers-by must not Floodlighting creates decorative “night pictures”: entire
es, flowerbeds, fountains, be dazzled (direction of buildings, building sections or façades, artworks,
ponds or other park fea- light = line of vision) and fountains and trees become eye-catching features and
tures. For these “lighting there should be no risk of enhance the appeal of their surroundings.
productions”, dark zones light from the park disturb-
are a positive requirement ing neighbours in their Observers are not dazzled where lighting and viewing
to heighten the impact of homes. (see page 7). directions are the same. Light which could disturb
the objects illuminated. neighbours in their homes can be prevented by careful
planning (see page 7). Installing floods at an adequate
distance avoids excessive-
ly deep shadows on the
object which is illuminated
(see also Booklet 9
“Prestige Lighting”, page

The illuminance required

depends on the colour
and reflectance of the
object illuminated (object
luminance) as well as on
the ambient brightness:
the darker the object and
the brighter the surround-
ings, the more light is

Particularly effective “night

pictures” are created
where the colour appear-
ance of the lamps is se-
lected to suit the material
of the object illuminated:
high-pressure sodium 70
vapour lamps bathe sandstone in a gentle yellowish
light and emphasize the colour character of red
leaves. Metal halide lamps underline the gleam of
The luminaires show where the path goes and help 69 metal and glass façades and are suitable for yellow or
park visitors get their bearings. yellowish green as well as dark green or blue-green

The decorative path lighting highlights hazards and 71 Atmosphere and security – achieved with path 72
acts as a deterrent against crime. luminaires alone.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:37 Uhr Seite 24

Indoor and outdoor car parks

Lighting requirements zones in multi-storey car ed for all peripheral zones. In the main directions of
The principal purpose of parks (indoor car parks). The illuminance required movement in movement
indoor and outdoor car In vehicle entrance and for zones used exclusively and parking zones, ade-
park lighting is to enhance exit zones, mean horizontal by pedestrians – stairs, lifts, quate vertical illuminance
safety: it aids orientation, illuminance during the day payment points – is set out must also be ensured: at
makes persons, vehicles, should be 100 lx where in DIN 5035 “Interior light- least 10 lx semi-cylindrical
boundaries and obstruc- adaptation conditions are ing with artificial light”, illuminance (horizontal 60
tions easier to distinguish. favourable and 200 lx Parts 1 and 2, and ranges lx) is needed for good 3D
What's more, a good level where they are not. At between 100 and 150 lx. identification.
of lighting with high vertical night, it should be 30 lx. Rules for emergency light-
illuminance acts as a deter- In movement zones (road- ing are contained in DIN Other factors relevant to
rent for burglars, car ways with mixed vehicle 5035, Part 5, DIN VDE indoor car park lighting are
thieves and assailants. and pedestrian traffic) 60 lx 0108, Parts 1 and 6 and the uniformity of illuminance
is a minimum requirement. regulations relating to and adequate limitation of
For vehicle traffic especial- Parking zones require 30 lx garages in the individual glare from luminaires and
ly, approach roads, en- mean horizontal illumi- German states. from daylight in multi-storey
trances and exits are nance, which is the level car parks.
accident black spots. The that should also be provid-

Good lighting from en- 73

risk of accidents is reduced trance to exit: brightly lit
by supplementary lumi- indoor car parks are safe
naires in signal arrange- and user-friendly.
ments providing higher
Clear view: lighting on both
Assessment criteria sides of the movement
DIN 67528 makes distinc- zone also illuminates park-
tions between different ing spaces.

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:37 Uhr Seite 25

Minimum nominal illuminance En required by DIN 67528

Zone Indoor Outdoor car parks

car parks heavy light
traffic load

Vehicle entrances During the day:

and exits
favourable adaptation
conditions En = 100 lx – –
adaptation conditions En = 200 lx – –

At night:
En = 30 lx En = 15 lx3) En = 7 lx3)

Movement zones En = 60 lx1) 2) En = 15 lx3) En = 7 lx3)

g1 ≥ 0,4 g1 ≥ 0,2 g1 ≥ 0,2

Parking zones En = 30 lx1) 2) En = 15 lx3) En = 7 lx3)

g1 ≥ 0,4 g1 ≥ 0,2 g1 ≥ 0,2

Peripheral zones En = 30 lx1) En = 15 lx En = 7 lx

g1 ≥ 0,4 g1 ≥ 0,2 g1 ≥ 0,2

1) Double for open-sided multi-storey car parks where external luminance is high.
2) At least 10 lx semi-cylindrical illuminance at any point in the principal direction of
3) At least 1 lx semi-cylindrical illuminance at any point in the principal direction of
g1 = Emin/E

Lighting is essential everywhere in an indoor car 75

park – also in areas used exclusively by pedestrians.
The important thing here: light gives a sense of

For outdoor car parks, the and thus helps afford pro-
mean horizontal illumi- tection against crime (see
nance required depends pages 3, 11). Other require-
on volume of traffic: DIN ments are uniformity of illu-
67528 stipulates 15 lx mini- minance and adequate
mum for car parks where glare limitation.
mean traffic loads are
heavy and 7 lx where
traffic is light. Semi-cylin-
drical illuminance should
be at least 1 lx to ensure
that vertical illuminance is
adequate for making out
approaching persons’ faces
Outdoor car park 76
lighting is an orientation
aid and makes persons,
vehicles, boundaries and
obstructions easier to

The arrangement of park-

ing spaces dictates the
arrangement of luminaires.
Mounting heights up to
12 metres are suitable for
lighting a large outdoor
car park like this.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:45 Uhr Seite 26

Tunnels and underpasses

Lighting requirements
Lighting plays a crucial role
in making tunnels safe for
traffic. The risk of accident
during the day is high: the
difference in visual condi-
tions between daylight out-
side and a comparatively
dark tunnel entrance re-
quires intense visual con-
centration. Adaptation from
dark to bright conditions
at the tunnel exit is not so
critical; nor are transitions
from outside darkness to a
bright tunnel interior at

Tunnel lighting needs to

be tailored to the adaptive
capacity of the human eye.
From outside, a tunnel
entrance looks like a black
hole. What helps here is a
high level of lighting, which
should be lowered only
gradually over the entrance
zone and a subsequent
transition zone.

For the rest of the tunnel

interior, a relatively low
level of lighting is enough.
It should be somewhat

The lighting inside a tunnel at night should be 80

brighter than the street lighting outside. This counter-
acts any oppressive sensation of confinement within
the tunnel.

tunnel roof
tunnel tunnel
entrance exit

length of tunnel
inner tunnel zone

From outside, a tunnel entrance looks like a black 78

hole. A high level of lighting dispels that impression
and makes it easier for our eyes to adapt.
transition zone exit zone
entrance zone
higher than that of the sensation of confinement tunnel approach
street lighting outside, within the tunnel. In the direction of travel
however, in order to exit zone, it is advisable to Fig. 81
counteract the oppressive raise the lighting level to Luminance in a road tunnel

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:45 Uhr Seite 27

Assessment criteria The criterion for assessing to ensure uniformity of

Requirements for tunnel underpass lighting is illumi- lighting and adequate
lighting are set out in DIN nance. During the day, limitation of glare.
67524, Parts 1 and 2. For mean horizontal illumi-
tunnels accommodating nance needs to be 100 lx;
vehicle traffic, the key light- at night, 40 lx is enough. Adaptation is less of a
ing quantity is luminance. Semi-cylindrical illumi- problem for pedestrians
The level required varies, nance needs to be 25 lx because they move slower
depending on traffic load and 10 lx respectively. than motorists. Even so,
and speed limit: 100 to Care must also be taken the entrance zone of an
250 cd/m2 at 50 km/h, underpass should be
160 to 320 cd/m2 at 80 well lit.

79 82 83
make for a safer transition km/h, 250 to 400 cd/m2
to daylight brightness. at 100 km/h. The guide
values refer to roadway
For underpasses with and walls up to a height
pedestrian traffic, it is of 2 m.
advisable to keep lighting
at a high level throughout. Changes in luminance
The horizontal illuminance level between tunnel en-
should be supplemented trance and exit need to
by adequate vertical illumi- be tailored to the adaptive
nance (semi-cylindrical capacity of the eye (see
illuminance, see pages 3 above). Figure 81 shows
and 11). how the luminance varies.

Even short underpasses Adjusting luminance at the

require artificial lighting tunnel entrance to the fluc-
because they normally tuating level of luminance
have only small coss- outside is a task performed
sections, which means by special lighting control
daylight decreases rapidly systems fitted with lumi-
within metres. Large under- nance sensors. Tunnel
passes in city centres or lighting is a job for special-
underground railway sys- ists. Because no tunnel is
tems are not classed as the same as another, light-
exterior lighting applica- ing system requirements
tions. also differ from one project
to the next.

Safe conduct: the lighting accompanies pedestrians 84

from one end of the underpass to the other.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:46 Uhr Seite 28


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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Lamp type Mercury
High-pressure sodium vapour lamps Metal halide lamps
Features vapour
Rating classes from 50 35 50 35 50 70 250 70 35 70 50 18 55
(Watt) to 1,000 1,000 80 100 400 400 3,500 1,000 150 250 1,000 180 165
Luminous flux from 4,400 2,200 3,600 1,300 4,000 6,800 20,000 5,200 3,400 6,300 1,800 1,800 3,500
(Lumen) to 130,000 128,000 6,000 4,700 55,000 48,000 320,000 95,000 12,700 20,000 58,000 32,000 12,000
Luminous efficacy from 88 63 72 39 80 97 80 74 87 92 36 100 65
(Lumen/Watt) to 130 128 75 48 138 120 91 95 92 95 58 178 73
Light colour ww ww ww ww ww ww nw, dw ww, nw, dw ww ww ww, nw – ww, nw
Colour rendering grade 4 4 3 1B 4 4 1A, 2B 1A,1B, 2B 1B 1B 2B, 3 – 1B
E27 E27 PG12-3 E27 Fc2 E27 Rx7s E27
Base PG12-1 E40 G12 BY22d Spezial
E40 E40 E27 E40 Rx7s E40 Fc2 E40

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:47 Uhr Seite 29

The principal selection criteria for street lighting

lamps are energy balance (luminous efficacy)
and service life. Closely connected with these is
the decision on wattage (W). Light colour and
colour rendering properties are less important
here than for interiors (see Page 11).

Luminous efficacy
Luminous efficacy is the measure of a lamp’s
efficiency, expressed in lumens (lm) per watt:
the higher the ratio of lumens to watts, the more
11 12 13 light a lamp produces from the energy it con-
sumes. An ordinary tungsten filament lamp
generates only 12 lm/W, whereas the luminous
efficacy of discharge lamps is several times
higher (see table). Discharge lamps operated
by electronic ballasts achieve even greater

Service life
For incandescent lamps and energy-saving
lamps, this is the average service life of the
model, defined as the time for which 50 % of
lamps operate. For high-pressure sodium vapour
lamps, metal halide lamps, induction lamps and
tubular fluorescent lamps with plug-in base, eco-
nomic life ratings are used, taking additional ac-
count of the downturn in system luminous flux.
System luminous flux must not fall below pre-
20 scribed minimum levels.

The longer a lamp operates before it needs to

be replaced, the lower the cost of re-lamping and
maintenance. Detailed comparative data on the
service life of discharge lamps is available from
the electrical lamp association (Fachverband
Elektrische Lampen) within the German electrical
and electronics industry association ZVEI (see
Literature, page 34).

21 22


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8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1) Where lamps are operated by

Mercury Low-pressure Tubular fluores- Compact fluores- Energy-saving Tungsten halogen electronic ballasts, luminous
Metal halide lamps Induction lamps
vapour sodium cent lamps cent lamps lamps lamps 230 V efficacy is increased to 81–100
70 35 70 50 18 55 100 20 18 5 18 5 5 60 60 lm/W. Power consumption
1,000 150 250 1,000 180 165 150 65 58 42 552) 23 15 250 2,000 decreases from 18 W to 16 W,
from 36 W to 32 W and from
5,200 3,400 6,300 1,800 1,800 3,500 8,000 1,150 1,350 250 1,200 240 200 820 840 58 W to 50 W.
95,000 12,700 20,000 58,000 32,000 12,000 12,000 4,400 5,200 3,200 4,800 1,500 900 4,200 44,000 2) 40 W and 5 W only with EB
74 87 92 36 100 65 58 751) 50 67 48 40 14 14 ww = warm white
95 92 95 58 178 73 68 931) 76 88 65 60 17 22 colour temperature
below 3,300 K
ww, nw, dw ww ww ww, nw – ww, nw ww, nw ww, nw ww, nw, dw ww, nw ww, nw ww ww ww ww nw = neutral white
1A,1B, 2B 1B 1B 2B, 3 – 1B 1B 2A, 2B, 3 1B 1B 1B 1B 1B 1A 1A colour temperature
G23 3,300 to 5,000 K
E27 Rx7s E27 dw = daylight white
G12 BY22d Spezial Spezial G13 G13 G24, 2G7 2G11 E27 E27 E27 R7s
E40 Fc2 E40 temperature
GX24 over 5,000 K

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:48 Uhr Seite 30


Luminaires should be se-

lected on the basis of the
lighting requirements set
out in DIN 5044 and the
stipulations of any special
regulations relating to the
application in question.
Secondly – but not of
secondary importance –
is the matter of luminaire
design, the visual impact
the luminaires make during Fig. 85 Fig. 86 Fig. 87
the day. Street luminaire with high- Street luminaire with high- Pendant luminaire with
pressure sodium vapour pressure sodium vapour high-pressure sodium
It definitely pays to invest in lamps or metal halide lamps, metal halide lamps vapour lamps, metal halide
quality luminaires. Crucial lamps for thoroughfare or compact fluorescent lamps or high-pressure
advantages of their design lighting. lamps for collector streets, mercury vapour lamps for
and manufacture are local service streets, resi- suspension on catenary
• high light output ratios for dential streets and outdoor (overhead) wires for
economical operation car parks. thoroughfares.
• lighting quality and
• mechanical and electrical
reliability (VDE, ENEC)
• long service life (material
quality, surface treatment,
compact design)
• quality control throughout
• easy assembly and low
In addition, manufacturers
of quality luminaires offer
professional advice and
assistance with planning.
Fig. 91 Fig. 92 Fig. 93
Special attention should be Secondary luminaire with Bollard luminaire with Wall luminaire with tung-
paid to the degree of pro- high-pressure sodium compact fluorescent sten halogen lamps, incan-
tection: the higher it is, the vapour lamps or metal lamps, energy-saving descent lamps, energy-
greater the luminaire’s re- halide lamps and indirect lamps, tungsten halogen saving lamps or compact
sistance to external factors optical control system for lamps or incandescent fluorescent lamps for
and the longer its useful decorative lighting in lamps for path lighting mounting on buildings, e.g.
life. It is recommended that pedestrian precincts and in parks and gardens. in parks and gardens or
the luminaire wiring com- downtown squares. narrow downtown streets.
partment should be pro-
tected to at least IP 23 and
the lamp compartment to Numeral 1st numeral Protection against foreign 2nd numeral Protection
at least IP 54. The table on bodies and physical contact against water
the right lists and explains 0 unprotected unprotected
all the IP codes (Ingress protected against solid protected against drops of
Protection). The first numer- foreign bodies > 15 mm water falling vertically
al (1–6) describes the de- protected against solid protected against drops of water
gree of protection against 2
foreign bodies > 12 mm falling up to 15° from the vertical
solid foreign bodies, the protected against solid protected against
second (1–8) indicates pro- 3
foreign bodies > 2,5 mm spraywater
tection against moisture. protected against solid protected against
The higher degrees of pro- 4
foreign bodies > 1 mm splashwater
tection also indicate confor-
protected against protected against
mity to the degrees lower 5
harmful dust deposits jetwater
down the scale.
protected against protected against
ingress of dust floodwater
protected against the
7 —
effects of immersion
protected against
8 — …m
effects of submersion

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:48 Uhr Seite 31

Fig. 88 Fig. 89 Fig. 90

Street luminaire with tubu- Decorative luminaire with Decorative luminaire with
lar fluorescent lamps for high-pressure sodium high-pressure sodium
local service street lighting. vapour lamps, metal halide vapour lamps, metal halide
lamps, high-pressure mer- lamps, high-pressure mer-
cury vapour lamps or com- cury vapour lamps or com-
pact fluorescent lamps for pact fluorescent lamps for
service streets, residential pedestrian precincts and
streets, squares and squares; also suitable for
pedestrian precincts. service streets, residential
streets and path lighting.

Fig. 94 Fig. 95 Fig. 96 Fig. 97

Pedestal luminaire with in- Recessed wall luminaire Flood with high-pressure Recessed ground flood
candescent lamps, tung- with compact fluorescent sodium vapour lamps, with high-pressure sodium
sten halogen lamps, ener- lamps, energy-saving metal halide lamps or vapour lamps, metal halide
gy-saving lamps or com- lamps or tungsten halogen tungsten halogen lamps lamps or tungsten halogen
pact fluorescent lamps lamps for path lighting, for illuminating buildings, lamps for floodlighting
for mounting on walls or mainly used on stairs and artworks or vegetation. from below.
pillars in parks and gar- approach paths.
dens as well as for paths
leading to buildings.

Fig. 98 Fig. 99 Fig. 100

Luminaire with high-pres- Luminaire with high-pres- Damp-proof luminaire with
sure sodium vapour lamps sure sodium vapour lamps tubular fluorescent lamps
or metal halide lamps for or metal halide lamps for for indoor car park and
pedestrian crossing light- tunnel lighting. underpass lighting.

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:48 Uhr Seite 32

Lowered night-time lighting

During the night, when traf-

fic is light – e.g. between
the hours of 11 p.m. and
5 a.m. – the level of street
lighting can be lowered.
This is a widely accepted
way of saving energy.
Around half of all the
exterior luminaires used
in public lighting systems
in Germany are powered
down at night.

For single-lamp luminaires,

lowering the lighting level
at night means reducing
the lamp power of each
individual light source, e.g.
from 80 W to 50 W (power
reduction). This preserves
the uniformity of the light-
ing, which would not be
the case in a single-lamp
luminaire system where
every second luminaire
was simply switched off.
The dark zones this would Where luminaires are single-lamped, the only acceptable way to power down to a 101
create would considerably lower night-time lighting level is to reduce the connected load of each light source.
impair the visual perform-
ance of the road user and a changeover switching tapping the choke or by are already very good:
thus severely compromise arrangement is needed to using an additional choke; igniters which automatically
road safety. ensure that paired lamps changeover switching is cut out at the end of a
or luminaires are switched by relay. lamp’s service life work

L1 phase K p.f. capacitor L1 phase K p.f. capacitor

N neutral TSP AF reactor N neutral TSP AF reactor
Pst control phase La lamp Pst control phase La lamp
D choke Üz superimposed-pulse ignitor D choke Üz superimposed-pulse ignitor
R relay ZD additional choke R relay
Power reduction with tapped choke. Fig. 102 Power reduction with additional choke. Fig. 103

Switching off lamps to off alternately so that the without an EB; even
lower the lighting level at life expectancy of each Electronic ballasts (EBs) modern computerised
night is possible only lamp decreases at the are now widely used in master/slave control
where two or more same rate. street lighting, especially systems require no EB.
luminaires are mounted for operating compact
on the same mast (one Lighting components fluorescent lamps. At pre-
luminaire always stays on) With high-pressure dis- sent, EBs are rarely used
or where luminaires are charge lamps, power re- for high-pressure discharge
twin-lamped (one lamp duction calls for a ballast lamps. One reason for this
always stays on). To avoid with integrated power re- is that the performance
extra maintenance costs duction circuitry. Power characteristics of conven-
due to lamp replacement, reduction is achieved by tional lighting components

FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:48 Uhr Seite 33

European standards

plans at EU level are only

for a “Technical Report”.

Contents of the
forthcoming standard
DIN EN 13201
The street for which lighting
is required needs to be as-
signed to a situation class
and thence to the lighting
class corresponding to it.

The situation classes A to

E are defined by
• the speed limit which
needs to be observed by
the principal road user
(high > 60 km/h, medium
30 to 60 km/h, low 5 to 30
km/h, very low < 5 km/h).
• the nature of the principal
road user and other road
users (motor traffic, slow
vehicles, bicycles, pedestri-

Precisely when the national standard DIN 5044 “Stationary street lighting” will be 104 In every situation class, the
replaced by the European standard DIN EN 13201 “Street lighting” is not yet known. following parameters need
to be assessed for assign-
The information contained car park (garage) lighting. sponding sections of DIN ment to the lighting classes
in this booklet is based on In its place will be stan- EN 13201 (especially light- ME, CE, S, A, ES or EV
the DIN standards and VDE dards for indoor car parks ing classes S and A) (see table):
stipulations in force at the contained in DIN EN 12464 • weather conditions
time of going to press “Workplace lighting”. DIN 67524 “Lighting of (dry, wet)
(December 1999). In the street-tunnels and under- • stuctural conditions
foreseeable future, national The specifications set out passes” will not be re- • traffic intensity (average,
industrial standards in for outdoor car parks will placed for the moment. in motor vehicles/hour)
member states of the Euro- be replaced by corre- As regards tunnel lighting, • permission to park
pean Union (in Germany:
DIN) will be replaced by
Lighting classes Applications Lighting quality criteria
European standards (EN).
ME 1 to ME 6 medium and high motor vehicle Luminance: Lm and U0i and
DIN 5044 “Stationary traffic speeds; for wet roads: Ui and TI; Surrounding
lighting” will be replaced classes MEW 1 bis MEW 5 Ratio (SR) = 0,5
by DIN EN 13201 “Street CE 0 to CE 5 as for ME classes but with Illuminance: _
lighting” “conflict areas”, i.e. shopping Em and U0i = Emin/E = 0,4
Part 1: Quality criteria with streets, crossroads, T-junctions,
appendix for lighting class roundabouts, traffic congestion
selection zones, streets with pedestrians
Part 2: Calculation of and cyclists; applies also to
quality criteria underpasses and staircases
Part 3: Methods for _
S 1 to S 7 pedestrian and cyclist zones, Illuminance: Em and Emin
measuring quality criteria
hard shoulder and other zones
not on the roadway, prestige
DIN 67523 “Lighting of streets, footpaths, park roads,
pedestrian crossings (Road school yards
sign 293 Road Traffic Act)
and supplementary light- A 1 to A 6 as for S classes Hemispherical illuminance:
ing” will be replaced by Ehs and U0 = Ehs, min/Ehs
corresponding sections of ES 1 to ES 9 areas where lighting is intended Additional appraisal by semi-
DIN EN 13201. to help reduce crime and cylindrical illuminance Esc, min
combat subjective feelings
DIN 67528 “Lighting of of insecurity
parking areas and indoor
EV 1 to EV 6 Turnpikes, transshipment points, Additional appraisal by vertical
car parks” will be super-
shunting areas, etc. illuminance Ev, min
seded as regards indoor

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:49 Uhr Seite 34


• crime risk What else will change DIN 5044 Stationary traffic lighting – Street lighting for
• need to be able to make Other major differences be- automobile traffic
out approaching persons’- tween EN 13201 and DIN Part 1: General requirements and recommendations
faces 5044: Part 2: Calculation and measurement
•”conflict area” status of the
street (intersecting traffic • In many instances, the DIN EN 13201 Street lighting – draft –
streams) European standard recom- Part 1: Quality criteria with appendix for lighting class
• complexity of the visual mends that lighting should selection
field and degree of orienta- encompass areas which Part 2: Calculation of quality criteria
tional difficulty border on the roadway, illu- Part 3: Methods for measuring quality criteria
• ambient brightness minating these “surround-
Appended to each lighting ing areas” to a depth of DIN 67523 Lighting of pedestrian crossings (Road sign
class is a numerical suffix: half the roadway’s width 293 Road Traffic Act) and supplementary lighting
the higher the numeral the with half of the roadway
lower the requirements. illuminance. DIN 67528 Lighting of parking areas and indoor car parks
• EN 13201
makes no DIN EN 12464 Workplace lighting – draft – “Garages”
provision for section
planning fac-
tors. Instead, DIN 67524 Lighting of street-tunnels and underpasses
it sets out Part 1: General requirements and recommendations
servicing Part 2: Calculation and measurement
which illumi- Uschkamp, G.: Straßenbeleuchtung und Verkehrssicher-
nance and heit. Berichte der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (BaSt),
luminance (Street lighting and road safety. Reports of the Federal
must never Highways Institute) Bergisch Gladbach, in “Verkehrstech-
fall below. nik” vol. 14, Bergisch Gladbach, February 1994
• In streets
where lumi- Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen
nance is the (FGSV), Cologne: Richtlinien für die Beleuchtung in
key criterion, Anlagen für Fußgängerverkehr (Recommendations for
glare is as- pedestrian precinct lighting), Cologne 1987
sessed by the
TI method Verband Deutscher Elektrizitätswerke (VDEW) e.V., Frank-
(see page 11). furt am Main: Planung, Bau und Betrieb der Straßen-
• Glare can beleuchtung (Street lighting design, construction and
also be as- operation), Frankfurt am Main 1991 (3rd ed.)
sessed on the
basis of stan- Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft (LiTG) e.V., Berlin:
dard lumi- Straßenbeleuchtung und Sicherheit (Street lighting and
nous intensity safety), Berlin 1998 (LiTG publication No. 17:1998)
ceilings and
Street lighting installed 105 by the glare Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellchaft (LiTG) e.V., Berlin:
before the European index (GI) method. Messung und Beurteilung von Lichtimmissionen künst-
standard DIN EN 13201 licher Lichtquellen (Measurement and assessment of
becomes effective is Present position light immissions from artificial light sources), Berlin 1996
covered by current At the end of 1999, the (LiTG publication No. 12.2:1996)
national standards. European standards for
exterior lighting exist only Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesellschaft (LiTG) e.V., Berlin:
The European street light- in draft form. They are not Zur Einwirkung von Außenbeleuchtungsanlagen auf
ing standard contains a due to be adopted before nachtaktive Insekten (Impact of exterior lighting systems
table summarising the the end of the year 2000. on nocturnal insects), Berlin 1997 (LiTG publication No.
quality criteria required for When they come into force, 15:1997)
the individual lighting they will apply to new light-
classes. ing systems only; systems Publications by the Deutsche Lichttechnische Gesell-
installed prior to the intro- schaft (LiTG) e.V. can be obtained from LiTG-Geschäfts-
duction of the relevant stelle, Burggrafenstraße 6, 10787 Berlin. Please quote
European standard will be “LiTG” when ordering.
covered by current national
standards. Fachverband Elektrische Lampen within the Zentralver-
band der Elektronik- und Elektroindustrie (ZVEI) e.V.:
Lebensdauerverhalten von Entladungslampen für
Beleuchtung (Service life of discharge lamps for lighting),
Frankfurt am Main

ZVEI, Stresemannallee 19, 60596 Frankfurt am Main




(Figure 31)

(35, 40, 104)

on back page:
(Figures 32–34)

Numbering of photos
Rolf Hellmeier, Lemgo

Walter Klein, Düsseldof

ready GmbH, Darmstadt

Gerhard Wellmer, Lemgo

21:49 Uhr

Andreas Kelm, Darmstadt

Furnished by members of

Barbara Nichtweiß, Büttelborn


Andrea Gunschera, Halle/Saale

Breschinski/Stammler, Darmstadt

(Figures 85, 87, 88, 91, 93, 98, 99)

Eichler Graphik GmbH, Zorneding

(71–75, lamps on pages 28/29, 111)

Seite 35

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht (FGL)

(Figures 30, 86, 89, 90, 92, 94–97, 100)

101, 105–109, 112–114; Figures 102, 103)
(Cover, 2–6, 10, 12, 14–17, 19–22, 24, 26–29,

(Figures 7–9, 11, 13, 18, 23, 25, 46–47, 60, 81)
36–39, 41–45, 58, 59, 61–70, 76, 78–80, 82–84,

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02 Good Lighting for Schools and Educational Establishments (1/94) R 9,– Name, Company, Office
03 Good Lighting for Safety on Roads, Paths and Squares (5/00) R 9,–
04 Good Lighting for Offices and Office Buildings (3/92) R 9,–
05 Good Lighting for Trade and Industry (4/99) R 9,–
06 Good Lighting for Sales Premises and Shop Windows (4/93) R 9,–
07 Good Lighting for Health Care Premises (7/94) R 9,–
08 Good Lighting for Sports Facilities (4/91) R 9,–
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FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:49 Uhr Seite 37

Information from Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

Gutes Licht (FGL) pro-
vides information on
Lighting with Good Lighting for Safety on Good Lighting for Offices
the advantages of good Artificial Light 1 Good Lighting for Schools and
Educational Establishments 2 Roads, Paths and Squares 3 and Office Buildings 4
lighting and offers exten-
sive material dealing with
every aspect of artificial
lighting and its correct
usage. FGL information
is impartial and based
on current DIN standards
and VDE stipulations.

Information on Lighting
The booklets 1 to 15 in
Good Lighting Good Lighting for Sales Good Lighting Good Lighting
this series of publications for Trade and Industry 5 Premises and Shop Windows 6 for Health Care Premises 7 for Sports Facilities 8
are designed to help
anyone who becomes
involved with lighting –
planners, decision-
makers, investors – to
acquire a basic know-
ledge of the subject.
This facilitates cooper-
ation with lighting and
electrical specialists.
The lighting information
contained in all these Prestige Notbeleuchtung Good Lighting for Economical Lighting Comfort
booklets is of a general Lighting 9 Sicherheitsbeleuchtung 10 Hotels and Restaurants 11 with Lighting Electronics 12

Lichtforum is a specialist
periodical devoted to
topical lighting issues
and trends. It is published
at irregular intervals.
FGL is also on the Inter-
net. Its website “www.ger- Gutes Licht für kommunale Ideen für Gutes Licht Gutes Licht” offers Bauten und Anlagen 13 zum Wohnen 14 am Haus und im Garten 15
tips on correct lighting for
a variety of domestic and
commer-cial “Lighting
Situations”. These are
linked to a “Product/Manu-
facturer” matrix which not
only lists products but
also contains the ad-
dresses of the more than
140 FGL members. Under
“FGL publications”, vis-
itors can view specimen
pages of all FGL print
publications. Other site
features include hotlinks
and a discussion forum.
FGL3e 21.05.2002 21:50 Uhr Seite 38

Information on
Lighting Applications
Booklet 3

Good Lighting for Safety on Roads, Paths and Squares

Fördergemeinschaft Gutes Licht

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