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Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 101 (2019) 200–206

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Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics

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Cutting resistance of soft materials: Effects of blade inclination and friction T

A. Spagnoli , R. Brighenti, M. Terzano, F. Artoni
Department of Engineering and Architecture, University of Parma, Parco Area delle Scienze 181/A, 43124 Parma, Italy


Keywords: In cutting soft elastic materials, friction is often the most relevant term of the total applied force, and techniques
Cutting to minimise the required effort involve the restraint of frictional dissipation. It is well known from practical
Slicing experience that cutting is made much easier if performed with a combination of slicing and pushing. A slice-push
Soft materials effect, known to reduce the cutting force, can be introduced by skewing the blade with respect to the travelling
Fracture toughness
direction of the blade itself. The observed drop of the required force is connected to the competing dissipative
contributions, with frictional dissipation being reduced at larger inclination angles. This study reports the results
of several cutting tests on soft elastomeric plates, in which we have recorded the experimental force-displace-
ment curves during the insertion of sharp stainless-steel blades. An energy-based model is employed to discern
the different contributions to the measured force in the various stages of the cutting process, with particular
focus on the steady state initiated after full penetration of the blade. The effects of the inclination angle of the
blade are discussed with respect to the steady state force obtained from the experiments.

1. Introduction being cut, but it is not easy to separate its contribution from that of the
real material toughness [10,11]. Moreover, because of the large de-
Cutting is a recurrent process in several human activities, from formations taking place locally at tip of the cut material, the fracture
professional and industrial applications down to the everyday life. toughness of soft materials cannot be measured adopting the traditional
Evolving from its origins in the manufacturing of metals, cutting is now linear elastic approach of traditional hard solids. In addition, mechan-
seen as a peculiar fracture mechanics process, where the fracture en- ical properties can be rate and temperature dependent, with the limit of
ergy is provided by an external tool and separation of the material has some very soft materials which show a gel-like viscous behaviour [12].
to be obtained with the smallest possible work [1,2]. Soft solids show Methods to reduce the cutting forces are sought out in practical appli-
peculiar features when it comes to cutting: they can usually be cut with cations, mainly because they allow to obtain a better finish and mini-
negligible strain energy, but often high forces are required, due to the mise unwanted damage. One of such methods is to control the frictional
remarkable effect of friction. There are several examples in which dissipation by altering the contact area between tool and material.
cutting, and other processes strictly connected such as piercing and Traditionally, this is what led to the extensive use of wire cutting in
puncturing, are applied to determine the mechanical properties of soft processing cheese or other foodstuff, where the reduction of the contact
materials, ranging from biological tissues to soft foodstuffs [3–8]. The area results in a significant drop of the cutting forces and the absence of
role of friction in cutting is a long-debated issue, which in the present waste material [7]. A similar effect on frictional dissipation is obtained
work we are considering both by the point of view of its effect on the if the workpiece is approached with an inclined blade: in the so-called
cutting forces and the contribution to the fracture resistance of soft oblique cutting, a reduction in the measured force is observed as soon
materials. Friction is usually modelled in terms of the well-known as the tool is skewed with respect to the cutting direction. Sadly, this is
Coulomb law, in which the frictional dissipation depends on the contact the principle upon which the guillotine was devised. Atkins and co-
pressure, but this may not be the most suitable choice for soft materials: workers [9] showed that a slice-push effect is induced because of the
despite little contact pressure between the offcut and the tool, the component of the tool velocity parallel to the edge, and determined the
frictional force might be relevant. An alternative definition of the analytic relationship between the inclination angle and the cutting
frictional force is based on a constant adhesive shear stress acting along force. However, in oblique cutting there is an optimum blade angle
the whole length of the cut interface [9]. The effect of friction is to give corresponding to the minimum cutting force: this because of the mutual
an apparent enhancement of the fracture resistance of the material competition between the reduction of the frictional force, on the one

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Spagnoli).
Accepted 26 February 2019
Available online 01 March 2019
0167-8442/ © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Spagnoli, et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 101 (2019) 200–206

hand, and the increase of the work due to out-of-plane deflection at Incidentally, frictional dissipation is often the most relevant con-
larger angles, on the other [9]. A detailed study on oblique cutting, tribution of the energetic balance. In the contact of soft materials with
applied to stacked paper sheets, is provided in [13], where an energy- rigid tools, the model of adhesive friction offers a suitable approxima-
based analysis of cutting is combined with finite element simulations. In tion, assuming a constant shear stress τf (irrespectively of the existing
the present work, which represents an extension of a previous study on normal stress) acting over the contact length on each face of the blade.
cutting of thin polymeric sheets [14], we are considering the issue of The increment of frictional work is:
the frictional effects in relation to the fracture resistance and cutting
dUf = 2ltτf dv (2)
forces in soft elastomeric materials. Experimental indentation-cutting
tests of elastomeric thin-plated specimens are performed, using a rigid where dv is the displacement increment in the cutting direction, l is the
sharp symmetric blade that penetrates under different rates and in- length of the contact zone, t is the plate thickness and the factor 2 ac-
clination angles. Following the initial indentation, the steady state of counts for both sides of the tool-material contact (see Fig. 2).
cutting is described by means of an energetic balance equation, which In floppy materials displaying a low bending resistance, the con-
includes the following terms: (i) the frictional work; (ii) the strain en- tribution of the elastic energy to the dissipation is usually negligible,
ergy contribution, and (iii) the work of fracture. With respect to the unless a pre-existent stress state exists in the material. For instance,
latter term, a discussion on how to determine the fracture resistance of stretching normally to the cutting path results in lower cutting forces,
soft elastic materials is presented, according to the concept of a critical because the strain energy directly feeds the propagation of the cut.
tearing energy introduced by Rivlin [15–17]. An observation of the Often in the cutting experiments, a state of compression exists because
force vs penetration displacement recorded during the tests confirms of the clamping system of the testing rig. From some previous experi-
the influence of the inclination angle, although at larger angle the re- mental computations, it was found that the strain energy contribution is
sponse is controversial: possibly, three-dimensional effects caused by one order of magnitude lower than frictional dissipation [14], therefore
the inclination of the crack front might influence the steady state dUs is ignored in the present work.
evolution of the crack path during the penetration. The paper is The work of fracture is generally referred to the energy available G,
structured as follows: Section 2 is devoted to the presentation of the per increase of unit of fracture surface, so that we can write:
basic concepts of cutting and its connection with a fracture mechanics
dUG = Gt da (3)
approach, tackled with energetic considerations. In Section 3 we con-
sider the case of oblique cutting, presenting the definition of the so- The critical condition for propagation of a cut in the steady state is
called slice-push ratio and the analytic relationship with the cutting obtained by differentiation of Eq. (1), assuming dUS = 0 and expressing
force. Section 4 is devoted to the presentation of the experimental re- dUf as in Eq. (2):
sults, concerning the force versus penetration curves and the results for F
the oblique cutting. Finally, Section 5 outlines some concluding re- − 2lτf = GC
t (4)
where GC is the fracture resistance of the material.
2. Cutting and fracture mechanics
2.2. Fracture resistance of soft materials
2.1. The energetic approach to cutting
In soft materials, defining the fracture resistance is a critical task. As
An energy-based description of cutting can be derived directly from the zone of large deformation might be significant, linear elastic frac-
the well-known relationships of fracture mechanics [8]. Below, we ture mechanics (LEFM) relationships generally do not hold, and thus
describe the main stages of cutting through the thickness of an elastic the definition of the fracture resistance cannot be related to the stress
plate with a thin rigid blade (Fig. 1), and provide the equation of the intensity factor, as it is commonly done for hard brittle solids. In a series
energetic balance, written in incremental form. of pioneering works on fracture of natural rubbers, Rivlin introduced a
The first stage consists in the initial indentation of the material: new definition of a critical energy for rupture, denoted the tearing en-
generally, in elastic solids it is a fully reversible process, that can be ergy of the material [15]. For elastic materials, such energy is analogous
described using simplified contact mechanic models, such for instance to the well-known concept of the critical energy release rate of LEFM,
those related to the indentation of an elastic substrate by means of a thus we can compute the fracture resistance GC using the test config-
wedge-shaped tip [18,19]. The extent of the deformation, as well as the urations devised for the tearing energy of rubbers. In the present work,
force corresponding to initial failure, depend on the elastic modulus of we have used the so-called single-edge crack test, according to which
the material and on the tool sharpness: from experimental evidence, the critical energy is defined as [16]:
blunt tools require higher forces [20] than sharp blades. Following 6
failure and relaxation of the material, the tool advances under in- GC = W (λ c ) a
λc (5)
creasing force, because the contact area expands as the material travels
along the sides. Once that full penetration is achieved, the force stops Differently from LEFM, the fracture resistance is obtained as func-
increasing: this point marks the beginning of the third stage, usually tion of the strain energy density (SED) W of the material, in corre-
defined as the steady state of cutting. spondence of the stretch λ c at which the specimen tears. The tearing
Let us consider the above-mentioned third stage of cutting: as- stretch λ c generally depends on the length a of the initial cut, offering
suming that the increment da of cut length is equal to increment of an indirect measure of the flaw sensitivity of the material. The testing
penetration displacement dD , we can express the external work done by procedure consists in performing several tensile tests on single edge
the cutting force as dWext = F da . Such work is consumed by three dif- cracked specimens, with different lengths of the initial cut, and then
ferent dissipative contributions, due to the strain energy, the work of average the results to obtain a measure of the fracture resistance
fracture and the frictional dissipation, so that the general energy bal- (Fig. 3).
ance equation takes the following form: An alternative method has been proposed by several authors (see,
for instance, McCarthy et al. [20]): the fracture energy is computed
dWext = dUS + dUG + d Uf (1)
directly from a cutting experiment, inverting Eq. (4). A compensation of
where dUS is the elastic strain energy contribution, dUG is the work of the frictional contribution is obtained by a double run of the blade in
fracture and dUf is the energy dissipated because of the frictional forces the specimen, the second time following the open cut, i.e. by fictitiously
acting at the tool-material interface. cutting the already cut material. In this fashion, we can assume that the

A. Spagnoli, et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 101 (2019) 200–206

Fig. 1. Typical experimental load-deflection curve of an indentation cutting through the thickness of an elastic plate. The following stages are illustrated: 1, initial
indentation, with failure in correspondence of the depth Di ; 2, cut propagation under increasing force; 3, steady state after full penetration of the cutting tool, of
length l.

Fig. 2. (a) Model of oblique cutting of an elastic plate by means of a thin blade. The cutting tool moves in the material along a direction parallel to the plate and is
inclined at an angle β . Inset shows the tip cross-section geometry of the blade, with the adhesive shear stress τf . (b) Variation of the dimensionless cutting force as a
function of the slice-push ratio, for different values of the parameter η (Eq. (10a)). η = 3 is the approximate value that we have used in the experiments (Section 4).

work of fracture is null, thus only the frictional work remains. one that is parallel [8]. Such components are (see Fig. 2):

V = F cosβ H = F sinβ (6)

3. Oblique cutting
with the slice-push ratio defined as: ξ = V = tanβ .
In this section we introduce the model of oblique cutting, in which Following the formulation presented by Atkins et al. [9] in the case
an inclined tool cuts through the thickness of an elastic plate. When a of frictionless slice-push cutting, and neglecting the strain energy dis-
thin blade, whose normal forms an angle β with the direction of its sipation, the energetic balance in the steady state is obtained from Eq.
motion, cuts through a workpiece, a slice-push effect is induced. (1):
Indeed, the cutting force F, acting along the direction of motion, has
two components, one that is perpendicular to the edge of the blade, and V dv + H dh = GC teff dv (7)

A. Spagnoli, et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 101 (2019) 200–206

Fig. 3. (a) Schematic representation of the single-edge crack test, for measurement of the fracture energy GC . Average dimensions of the specimens used in the tests
are w0 = 25 mm, H0 = 85 mm . (b) Experimental curves of nominal stress vs stretch, and SED vs stretch in the sound specimen. The coloured values on the plot are the
critical values of the stretch λ = 1 + 2Δ/ H0 , corresponding to the tearing of the specimens with different initial cut lengths a. (For interpretation of the references to
color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

where the term on the left is the external work. The contribution is due curves of the cutting force vs slice push ratio are shown. We can observe
both to the normal force (by a displacement dv) and to the parallel force that at higher values of η, corresponding to higher friction, the cutting
(by a displacement dh). The symbol teff indicates the effective thickness force is larger. This means that the cut resistance of the material is
of the specimen, equal to t / cosβ . Friction can be easily included by enhanced by friction.
adding the frictional dissipation to the right side of Eq. (7). The fric- The effect of the blade tip angle θ , which might be relevant for
tional force acts in the direction of the resulting displacement, and is wedge cutting, is included by slightly modifying Eq. (10a), although
defined as: with thin blades the effect is almost irrelevant [1]:
Ff = 2lteff τf (8) F GC
⎛ 2 ⎛θ ⎞ + ξ2⎞
⎜1 + η sec ⎟
or, in terms of its components, GC teff 1 + ξ2 ⎝ ⎝2⎠ ⎠ (12)
1 ξ
Vf = 2lteff τf Hf = 2lteff τf
1 + ξ2 1 + ξ2 (9) 4. Experimental results

Combining Eqs. (5)–(7), we obtain the expression of the resultant 4.1. Materials and methods
cutting force and of its components V and H, normalised with respect to
the effective plate thickness teff : We have performed a number of cutting and fracture tests, using
(V − Vf )2 + (H − Hf )2 thin-plated silicone specimens (Fig. 4). The specimens were prepared
F 1
= =η+ in-house, using a commercial silicone rubber (Zhermack Dental Elite
GC teff GC teff 1 + ξ2 (10a) Double 32). The preparation followed the prescriptions of the producer,
and the specimens were allowed at least 24 h of resting time, in order to
V η 1
= + ensure a full polymerization of the network chains. Temperature fluc-
GC teff 1 + ξ2 1 + ξ2 (10b) tuations between different tests were not significant (no relative hu-
midity control was made in the experiments). Specimens for cutting
H ⎛ η 1 ⎞ experiments were rectangular plates of length 57 mm, width 40 mm and
= ξ⎜ +
GC teff 1 + ξ 2 1 + ξ2 ⎟ (10c) thickness 6 mm. The cutting tool was a commercial stainless steel cutter
⎝ ⎠
blade (no specification on roughness parameters of the blade surface
In Eq. (10a), we have introduced the variable η to indicate the ratio was available), with the following dimensions: wedge angle θ = 20°,
between the adhesive shear stress and the fracture resistance of the blade length l = 18 mm (see Fig. 2a). The tool has been replaced after
material. It is defined as: each test, in order to have the same sharpness. We have mounted the
2lτf cutting tool on a rigid frame, and applied displacements at a quasi-static
η= rate of 0.1–1 mm/s, measuring the reaction force with an external load
GC (11)
cell. The application of higher blade penetration rates is beyond the
Firstly, we notice that in frictionless cutting η = 0 , hence, from Eq. scope of the present paper.
(10a), F = GC teff / 1 + ξ 2 = GC t , confirming that the blade angle exerts Tensile tests for material characterisation were performed on dog-
no effect on the cutting forces if friction is not taken into account. Then, shaped specimens, subjected to uniaxial tension, and the resulting
we can explore the influence of η on the cutting force. In Fig. 2b, three stress-stretch curves were fitted with hyperelastic incompressible

A. Spagnoli, et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 101 (2019) 200–206

Fig. 4. The experimental set-up of the cutting tests, showing the beginning of
the test and an intermediate stage, in which the silicone plate is indented by the
orthogonal blade.
Fig. 5. Experimental indentation cutting with orthogonal blade (β = 0 °). The
constitutive laws. In the range of interest (stretch λ < 1.5), a good fit is red thicker line shows the normalised force-displacement curve for the blade
obtained with the single-parameter neo-Hookean law, with the shear advancing in the sound material, while the blue thinner line is related to a
modulus μ = 0.46 MPa. second pass, following the open cut. Here we assume that the measured force Ff
Fracture testing has been performed according to the procedure is only due to friction. The dashed line is the stiffness-displacement curve of the
first pass. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
outlined in Section 2.2. The specimens were rectangular plates of
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
average length 80 mm, width 25 mm and thickness 4.5 mm, with edge
crack lengths ranging from 0 to 5 mm. A fracture resistance
GC = 1.02 kJ/m2 was obtained. linearly, and the stiffness showing some fluctuations around a mean
In order to get an estimation of the adhesive shear stress τf , we have value. It appears that the cut propagation occurs in a stable manner,
performed a specific cutting test with a double run of the blade in the with the tool tip always touching the tip of the cut (refer to Spagnoli
specimen, similarly to the test illustrated in Fig. 4. The second run of et al.[14] for a detailed explanation). At a depth approximately equal to
the blade is made following the open cut: neglecting the strain energy D = Di + l , the blade has fully penetrated the specimen, and the force
contribution, and being the fracture work null, we can assume that the stabilises at a constant, slightly decreasing value. It is the beginning of
force is only due to friction. Therefore, from Eq. (4) we have: the steady state cutting, with the stiffness curve dropping to zero. The
blue thinner line is related to a second pass of the blade, following the
τf = open cut. The force is due approximately only to friction, and the dis-
2tl (13)
tance between the curves remains constant after the initial indentation.
where Ff is the average value of the steady state force, with the sub-
script f indicating that this force is due to friction only. From various 4.3. Effect of blade inclination angle
tests, we have found an adhesive shear stress falling within the range
70–80 kPa, and using Eq. (11), we have obtained η ≈ 3. Here we consider the effect of the blade inclination angle on the
cutting force. In Fig. 6a, the measured normalised force F/t is plotted
4.2. Results with orthogonal blade against the applied displacements D. We have considered 3 different
values of the blade inclination, corresponding to β = 10, 20, 30°. Notice
The first results we present are related to the typical case of in- that the sign of the inclination angle has no effect on the magnitude of
dentation-cutting with an orthogonal blade (β = 0 °). We have measured the forces. The case of the orthogonal blade (β = 0°) is added as a
the reaction force during the whole penetration, up to a depth of ap- comparison. From the plots we can see that the angle has an effect on
proximately 30 mm, that is enough for full penetration and beginning of the cutting forces, although rather small. In particular, we consider the
the steady state. Various tests were performed under the same condi- average force measured after the onset of the steady state: as expected
tions, showing good repeatability. Some scatter was noticed in certain from the model described in Section 3, the angle has the effect of re-
tests, probably due to small differences in the clamping torque and ducing the cutting force, because of the induced slicing action. How-
temperature fluctuations. In order to distinguish the different stages of ever, we could not identify a regular trend: we notice that a small blade
cutting, we have also computed the slope of the force-displacement angle tended to reduce the measured forces, but larger angles caused a
curve. In particular, we have calculated the stiffness as a moving relatively smaller reduction. This is probably due to the out-of-plane
average of the tangent at each point of the curve. deformation occurring in the sample, induced by the parallel compo-
The results are shown in Fig. 5. The red thicker line plots the nor- nent H of the cutting force, which grows with the angle.
malised cutting force F/t versus the penetration displacement D. The The same effect is captured in Fig. 6b, where we illustrate the trends
curve rises initially in a non-linear manner, up to a depth of approxi- of the steady state cutting forces as a function of the slice-push ratio ξ .
mately 3.5 mm: this point corresponds to the first failure with formation The black dashed curve plots the theoretical resultant force, i.e. in the
of a cut. Evidence is more visible from the stiffness curve, where failure travel direction of the blade, which displays a decrease in the di-
is marked by a significant drop in the stiffness. In the following stage, mensionless force with an increasing slice-push ratio. The other curves
the blade advances in the material with the force increasing almost refer to the normal/pushing force and the parallel/slicing force: while

A. Spagnoli, et al. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 101 (2019) 200–206

Fig. 6. (a) The normalised cutting force as obtained from the experimental tests, for different values of the blade angle β . The arrow marks the beginning of the steady
state with constant force. (b) Steady state cutting forces versus the applied slice-push ratio. The curves are obtained from the model of oblique cutting, Eqs.
(10a)–(10c), where η ≈ 3. In the enlarged view, the open circles indicate the resultant forces F obtained from the experimental curves.

the former decreases constantly, the latter seems to peak at a critical is more suitable than the pressure-dependent Coulomb’s law. We have
ratio, and then decreases [9]. In the enlarged view we consider only the also addressed the issue of the fracture resistance of soft materials,
region of interest: notably, the slice-push ratio in our tests changes where the large strain region around the tip of the cut is relevant. The
between ξ = 0 (corresponding to β = 0°) and ξ = 1 (for β = 45°). fracture resistance of such materials is defined according to the concept
Larger ratio are accomplished, for instance, by adding a slicing motion of a critical energy, corresponding to the complete tearing of a cracked
of the cutting tool. The open circles mark the cutting forces obtained specimen.
from the experimental curves and averaged at the steady state. We Reduction of the required force for cutting is of interest in many
notice that the trend at large angles does not agree with the theoretical fields, for instance in the food industry and in surgery, where soft tis-
predictions. In fact, larger inclination angles induce a non-negligible sues can be damaged severely by higher forces. Oblique cutting is a
deflection of the thin plate, so that part of the external work is spent to well-known technique that, within certain limits, can be used to achieve
elastically bend the specimen and is not available to the cutting process. a reduction of the required force, thanks to a fictitious slicing action due
This secondary effect has not been considered in elaborating the tests to the blade angle. Significantly, this so-called slice-push effect is
results because of the difficulty in quantifying the bending energy of the bonded to the frictional dissipation. In our tests, we have explored
partially cut plate. For larger cutting angles, the results shown in Fig. 6b different blade inclination angles, and measured the cutting force at the
might overestimate the effective cutting force; however, since in real steady state. The experimental results show the decrease of the cutting
cases of cutting the out-of-plane displacements are difficult to constrain, force by introducing an angle, but the trend is not confirmed at larger
the actual cutting force must include such a contribution. According to angles, suggesting that there might exist an optimal cutting angle cor-
the above observation, when out-of-plane bending is not negligible, responding the lowest cutting force.
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