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60 ãîäèíè Аграрен университет - Пловдив, Научни трудове, т. L, кн. 6, 2005 г.

Юбилейна научна конференция “Състояние и проблеми на аграрната наука и образование”

Agricultural University - Plovdiv, Scientific Works, vol. L, book 6, 2005
Jubilee scientific conference “State-of-the-art and problems of agricultural science and education”



Elka Kóňová
Slovak Agricultural University in Nitre

There was explored possibility of introduction of selected decorative Allium species in
Slovakia. The experiment was established in the Botanical Garden of Slovak Agricultural
University in Nitra. 10 decorative Allium species were included into the experiment,
obtained from Index Seminum and from ordinary shop net. Following parameters of plant
biology were explored: growth and development, flower colour and size, plant height,
formation of propagation organs, beginning of flowering period, method of exploitation,
bulb girth.
The studied species require light, well drained soils, in a dry and sunny position.
Individual species differ in beginning of flowering period which occurs from the beginning
of May to mid July. All the explored species are suitable for planting in beds of perennials
as a component in groups of plants requiring less irrigation. They can be used in flower
arrangements as fresh cut flowers or as everlasting cut flowers.
There are propagated via bulbs, bulbils and seeds.

Key words: Allium, genus, species, introduction, decorative

Genus Allium L .are relatively rich on species and includes about 600 species.
They occur mostly in moderate latitudes of northern hemisphere and they are observed
except for Europe and Asia in Africa and North America. Nearly 80 species are planted as
decorative ones, but many of them in botanical gardens only (Grunert, 1974). Great
attention was paid on study of biological principles of growth and development in 50´s
within research projects of Central Botanical Garden of Academy of Science of USSR
(Daeva, 1963). The result of the research was that origin of plant species according to
latitude zonality have to be taken account for successful introduction.
Despite the fact that exact criterion is not easy to do, two groups of plants can be
distinguished among Allium species: decorative (ornamental) and productive species.
Growing of productive species is of long history when they were utilized as significant root
crop, many times used for medical purposes too. Bulbs contain essential oils, alycine and
sulphuric compounds of phytoncide and disinfection effects. They are of specific smell and
chilly taste. During last century the Allium species are applied more and more for
decorative purposes because of their ornamental flowers and stylish look (Štursa, 1997).

Before they were not known as decorative plants. Maybe they were denied for their garlic
smell or relativity to common vegetable. A lot of Allium species are considered as
important ones today, especially in permanent gardens of late spring and early summer
(Petrova, 1998).
The aim of the paper is to select among large decorative Allium species those ones
which are acceptable for growing after selection in natural conditions of Slovakia.

Material and methods

Allium species that can be potentially used for decorative purposes in climatic conditions of
Slovakia were concentrated in Botanical Garden of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra.
Biological material was obtained via Index-seminum, exchange with other botanical
gardens as well as from net of garden centers. Today this collection creates 40 species. This
collection is growing on sunny area in the garden. The habitat is defined as follow:
- latitude: 48º 19´, longitude: 18º 07´, altitude 142m
- fluvisoils (on proiluvial sediments)
- moderately heavy soil, claim and loamy claim soils
The growing area was not fertilized and no agro technical measures were applied before
Next species of decorative garlic species were used in field trials: Allium giganteum
PALL., Allium christophii TRAUTV., Allium aflatunense FEDTSCH., Allium caeruleum
PALL., Allium sphaerocephalon L., Allium moly L., Allium karataviense REGEL, Allium
oreophilum MEYER, , Allium rosenbachianum REGEL (bulblets from garden centers) and
Allium stipitatum REGEL A .coeruleum PALL., A. stipitatum (seeds from Index-seminum)
Bulbs were planted in September or October. As a last the bulbs of A. stipitatum was
planted at the beginning of November 2002. For weed control Roundup was applied on the
area and later after three weeks the soil was cultivated. Each species was planted in
irregular groups. Spacing between plants and depth of seeding depended on scale of flowers
and bulbs. Coarse grained sand was added on the bottom of seeding bed due to aeration and
drainage properties improvement. Heavy and cold soils with high level of underground
water are not temperate effectively during early spring and so this measure is necessary to
do for successful growing of Allium species.
Next parameters were observed for five specimens of each species during evaluating
- color and scale of flowers
- height of plants
- creation of generative organs
- beginning of flowering
- way of utilization
- scale of bulb
Results and discussion
Field trials were evaluated during years 2003–2004 according to methodology.
Allium giganteum REGEL. is of Central Asia origin, mean height is 1,45 m. Purple-
pink inflorescences are of diameter 0,15 m, bulb is prolong, hard with perimeter. Beginning

of flowering was occurred on May10th. The plant creates bulblets and moderate number of
seeds. In decorative gardening the species is possible to use as a solitary plant on the
background of low crops of creeping coniferous, or in combination with perannuals and
annuals that can during flowering cover died down leaves of this plant. The plant can be
cutting or used for dry arrangement.
Allium christophii TRAUTV. – is of Central Asia origin, mean height was 0,60 m.
Purple-pink inflorescences of metallic shininess creates about 80 flowers and they are of
diameter 0,30 m, bulb are relatively big, of spherical shape with perimeter 0,14m. Scaly
bulbs are brown. Leaves are erected, lanceolated with white hairs on underside, of size 0,40
- 0,50 m. During flowering the inflorescences do not strike esthetically and therefore this
species is recommended to use in combination with other perannuals in decorative
gardening. Beginning of flowering was occurred on May 25th and prolong during 3 - 4
weeks. The plant can be cutting or used for dry arrangement. This species is possible to use
also as a rock plant.
Allium aflatunense FEDSTCH. – is of North Iran origin. Mean height was 0,92m.
Inflorescences are of spherical shape and scale 0,12m. They consisting of bright violet
flowers with purple strip on flower lamellae. Bulb are relatively large, prolong with
perimeter 0,12m. Beginning of flowering was occurred on May15th and prolongs next 3
weeks. Past blossoming inflorescences created small amounts of seeds, but bulbs created
bulblets. The plant can be cutting or used for dry arrangement. This species is possible to
use also in combination with perannuals, because its leaves died down before beginning of
Allium caeruleum PALL. – is widely spread from Siberia to south of Europe. Mean
height reached 0,57m. Flowers are of very interesting sky-blue color arranged into spherical
inflorescence with diameter 0,06m. Some individuals create bulblets. Beginning of
flowering was occurred on May14th and prolongs next 2-3 weeks. Bulbs are tiny, egg-
shaped with perimeter 0,06m. The plant can be cutting. Combination with perannuals is
dangerous because of easy releasing of seeds from inflorescences and during next years
plants can widely expand as a weed.
Allium sphaeocephalon L.– is of Mediterranean origin. The height of plant was 0,78m.
Purple-pink flowers of campanular shape create wide and thick inflorescences with
diameter 0,05-0,06m. The course of flowering is very interesting. At the beginning whole
inflorescence is totally green, later at the top flowers start to be deep purple colored and
start to open. The plant can be cutting or used in combination with perannuals.
Allium moly L. – is spread in Pyrenees. Height of plants was 0,35m. Inflorescences
are flat and consist of about 40 gold-yellow flowers. Inflorescences are 0,08m wide and
0,05m height. Flowering was occurred from the end of May to beginning of June. The plant
bears a lot of seeds, bulbs are tiny of nearly spherical shape with white scales and perimeter
0,05m. Creation of bulblets is observed and plants can easy gradate. The plant can be
cutting or used for dry arrangement. This species is possible to use also as a rock plant.
Allium karataviense REGEL. – is of Central Asia origin. Plants can reach height
0,23m. This species bring 2-3 very decorative leaves - wide, oval, glucose with narrow red
margin. Spherical inflorescences with diameter 0,13m consist of grey rose color . The
inflorescences are decorative after blossoming too. Flowering was occurred at the end of

May. The plant bear moderate amount of seeds, potential of propagation is high also
because of creation of bulblets. Bulb is spherical with grey white scales and perimeter
0,12m. Due to its interesting leaves the plant is very decorative in rock arrangements. The
plant can be used in combination with perannuals.
Allium oreophilum MEYER. – is of Central Asia origin. Plants can reach height
0,13m. The inflorescences are flat of height 0,03m and wide 0,05m. Color of flowers is
pinky-carmine with dark stripe on each flower fontanel. The plant is easy reproduced by
seed and bulblets. Bulbs are tiny, spherical with yellow-white scale of perimeter 0,04m.
This species is possible to use also as a rock plant.
Allium stipitatum REGEL.- is of Central Asia origin. Height of plants was 1,44m.
Spherical, thick inflorescences of violet color are of diameter 0,12m. Bulb is grey-white,
spherical with perimeter 0,12m. The plant is easy reproduced by seed and bulblets. The
plant can be used for dry arrangement. This species is possible to use also in combination
with perannuals, because its leaves died down before beginning of flowering
Allium rosenbachianum REGEL. – is spread in Afghanistan. Spherical inflorescence’s
of purple-violet color are of diameter 0,08m. The heights of plants reach 0,65m. Flowering
is occurred at the end of May. Propagation via bulblets is occurred. Oval bulbs with white
scales are of perimeter 0,13m.
This species is possible to use for cutting and dry arrangements. The plant can be used in
combination with perannuals too.

Flowering fenophase for all Allium species was occurred earlier in condition of
Botanical Garden of Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra as compared with data from
Moscow botanical garden (Kokoreva, 2001) .

ƒ Daeva, O.V.: Biologičeskie osobennosti razvitia sredneaziatskych vidov luka
v glavnom botaničeskom sadu. Moskva: Izdatelstvo Akademii Nauk SSSR 1963, 33s.
ƒ Grunert, Ch. : Cibuľové a hľuznaté kvetiny. Bratislava: Príroda, 1974, 252 s.
ƒ Kokoreva, V.A, : Luki dekorativnije. Moskva : Armada press, 2001, ISBN: 5-309-
ƒ Petrová, E.: Okrasné česnaky. In: Záhradkář, -ISSN 0139-7781. Roč. 30, č. 6,
1998, s.14-15
ƒ Štursa, J.: Cibuľové a hľuznaté rostliny. Praha: Aventium. 1997, ISBN: 80-


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