Exercice Pronoun

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Subject and Object pronoun

I. Complete each sentence with the appropriate subject pronoun.

1- (My Aunt Jane) _______She_______ likes to watch scary movies on television.
2- (The small girl) _______________ is the youngest student in the class.
3- (The green apple) _____________ will be ripe in a couple of weeks.
4- (You and I) _____________ can go to the swimming pool today.
5- (Joe, Scott, and Bob) ____________ went hiking on the mountain together.

II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate object pronoun.

1- I give ...... (she) all my books.
2- She doesn´t want to tell ...... (he) the truth.
3- They always say “hello” to ...... (I) when I see ...... (they).
4- He sometimes shows ...... (she) how to drive.
5- Paul gives ...... (we) lots of strawberries when we visit ...... (he).
6- Sandra doesn´t want to tell ...... (you) the story.
7- We sometimes send ...... (they) a postcard.
8- I phoned ...... (you) but nobody answered.

III. Substitute the underlined word(s) with the appropriate object pronoun.
1- Helen always tells the students to be quiet. ........................................................
2- I give Jane a hand with her homework ........................................................
3- Mrs. O´Connell teaches the children to write. ........................................................
4- We show Sam the house ........................................................

IV. Underline the correct pronouns from the choices given in the following sentences.
1- I / me like London.
2- All the students passed except I / me.
3- They / them love vegan food.
4- A: Is that the man you told me about? B: Yes, that's he / him.
5- We all like cake except she / her.
6- He / him will get a new phone soon.
7- Is that chocolate for I / me?
8- She / her wants to go home early.
9- We / us have been to Rio.
10- Could you pass the coffee to she / her?
11- My brother is taller than I / me.
12- I / me went to the bookshop yesterday.
13- Our new teacher is friendlier than she / her.
14- All the children came inside except they / them.

Possessive Pronoun

Subject pronouns Possessive pronouns

I have a bicycle My bicycle The bicycle is mine
You have a bicycle Your bicycle The bicycle is yours
He has a bicycle His bicycle The bicycle is his
She has a bicycle Her bicycle The bicycle is hers
We have a bicycle Our bicycle The bicycle is ours
You have a bicycle Your bicycle The bicycle is yours
They have a bicycle Their bicycle The bicycle is theirs

I- Choose the right word

1- It is their / theirs problem, not our / ours.
2- That’s not my / mine umbrella. My / mine is black.
3- Whose books are these? Your / yours or my /mine?
4- Catherine is going out with her / hers friends this evening.
5- My / mine room is bigger than her / hers.
6- They have got two children but I don’t know their / theirs names.
7- Can we use your washing machine? Our / ours is broken.
8- This is a nice camera. Is it your / yours?

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