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Police Blotter
The police blotter relates to the public
record of incidents as reported by law
enforcement agencies.

At present, most police blotters, which are

considered public documents, already
include the “TDPO” (time, date, place of
occurrence), information of the victims and
the suspects and the facts of the case.
What is a
A concise narrative report of
essential information covering
events or conditions that may
have an immediate and significant
effect on current planning and
operations that is afforded the
most expeditious means of
transmission consistent with
requisite security.
A progress report is a report in which you are
updating information about an investigation.
Progress reports make it possible for police
officers to stay informed about an investigation.
Final report refers to that document
which records the conclusion arrived at
by the Police after the investigation
process. Final report is deemed to be
final as it signifies the culmination of
An affidavit of arrest is generally filled
out by the arresting officer and states
the facts and circumstances
surrounding an arrest.
A sworn statement is a written
statement of fact related to a legal
proceeding. It is signed by the declarant
to state that all the content is true, and
that they acknowledge that the penalty
of perjury may follow if they do not tell
the truth.
A “criminal complaint” is a self-
contained charge that sets forth the
sufficient facts that, with reasonable
inferences, allow a person to reasonably
conclude that a crime was probably
committed and that the suspect,
defendant, is likely culpable.
A complaint affidavit is a sworn
statement prepared by someone who
wishes to file a legal complaint.
Complaint-Affidavit which will prove all
the elements of the crime or felony.
After filing your Complaint-Affidavit, the
Office of the City Prosecutor will issue a
subpoena against the accused, requiring
him to appear on a certain date and
time to submit his Counter-Affidavit.
an accusation in writing charging
a person with an offense
subscribed by the prosecutor,
and filed with the court.
A dying declaration is a statement
made by a declarant, who is
unavailable to testify in court
(typically because of the declarant's
death), who made the statement
under a belief of certain or impending
death. The statement must also
relate to what the declarant believed
to be the cause or circumstances of
the declarant's impending death.
An endorsement is an
amendment to a document or
contract, an authorizing signature,
or a public declaration of support.
Learn how to endorse a check.
this is fondly called IR in the PNP. It
has a distinctformat that shouldbe
followed. The main paragraphs are
written boldly, all capitalized and
numbered using Roman Numerals, and
the paragraphs under each main
paragraph are numbered using the
Arabic Numerals.The IR is usually used
within the PNPorganization; hence, the
Memorandum format is used.
this is fondly called IR in the PNP. It
has a distinctformat that shouldbe
followed. The main paragraphs are
written boldly, all capitalized and
numbered using Roman Numerals, and
the paragraphs under each main
paragraph are numbered using the
Arabic Numerals.The IR is usually used
within the PNPorganization; hence, the
Memorandum format is used.
The main
paragraphs of an
The main
paragraphs of an
Authority –
in other forms of police
communication, this is the Reference.
The authority should contain the basis
for the report. It could be verbal or
handwritten instructions or directives
from high-ranking police or local
government officials, and
StandardOperating Procedures. Any
authority which is made in writingis
made an exhibit.
Investigated –
this made up to a single sentence
which answers the purpose of the
report or what has been
investigated. Included in the
purpose are the answersto the
what, where, when and who
Facts of the
Case –
this is the summary of the exact presentation of
all information as narrated by the witnesses or
based on documentary pieces of evidence. All
testimonies and other pieces of information are
presentedobjectively. In other words, only facts,
and not opinionsof the investigator-on-case
should be included. The IOC has nothing to say in
the facts of the case. All he has to do is to
summarize sworn statements and the content of
other documents i.e, laboratory examination
report. All documents containing facts about the
case are made as exhibits.
Discussion –
this is where the investigator-on-case
(IOC) will discuss the facts of the case
based on their evidentiary value. He may
explain, elaborate, analyze or interpret the
facts, so that the case will be clearer to
the reader. As such he may present
qualifying, aggravating, mitigating,
justifying, alternative and exempting
circumstances where he could base his
conclusion later. Remember, the
Discussion is not a copy-paste from the
Facts of the Case.
Conclusion –
this is a statement that is
deduced from the discussion.
What now the investigator has
tosay after a thorough discussion
of the case? The IOC here
presents a summary of all the
investigations he conducted. It is
very important that he shows
resoluteness or firmnessin his
this is consistent with the
conclusion which shows what the
IOC likes to be done with the
case or how it could be disposed.
It consists of his judgmentas to
what appropriate actionshould be
done by properauthority.
this is consistent with the
conclusion which shows what the
IOC likes to be done with the
case or how it could be disposed.
It consists of his judgmentas to
what appropriate actionshould be
done by properauthority.
this is consistent with the
conclusion which shows what the
IOC likes to be done with the
case or how it could be disposed.
It consists of his judgmentas to
what appropriate actionshould be
done by properauthority.
Traffic accident
investigation report
Investigation report
of an admin case
Administrative case is a case
between state authority on the
one side and a person from the
other. Administrative cases are
governed by Administrative
procedure and differs comparing
to civil procedure
Investigation report
of an admin case
Administrative case is a case
between state authority on the
one side and a person from the
other. Administrative cases are
governed by Administrative
procedure and differs comparing
to civil procedure
Investigation report
of an admin case
Dismissal from service.
Withholding of privilege.
Restriction to specified limits.
Restrictive custody.
Forfeiture of salary.
One rank demotion.
Police Operational
Plan –
this is done by the PNP in order that they could
be able to efficiently and effectively achieve their
goals and objectives of whatever police operation
they thought of doing like conducting patrol in the
community, police operation against the New
People’s Army or other wanted persons, VIP
security, campaign against illegal drugs, and the
like. This could also be done for the safe and
orderly conduct or celebration of significant
activities like Panagbenga, Gotadad Ifugao,
Imbayah,All Souls Day, Labor Day, Independence
Day, etc. It is usuallyclassified as confidential,
secret or top secret depending on its significance
to peace and order,and security.
Parts of a Police
Operational Plan
Situation – this explains the current
condition of an area of responsibility. It could
also be a statement of all present
circumstances in a given area that might
significantly affect the conductof what the
police had thought to accomplish.
Mission – this is a statement of what the
police intends to accomplish. It could be to
safeguard a VIP, conduct patrol for the
preservation of peace and order, conduct
surveillance or undercover operations, etc.
Parts of a Police
Operational Plan
Execution – this usually consists of two parts: the Concept
of Operation, and the Tasks. The Concept of Operation
generally shows how the operational plan will be carried out
in order to accomplish the statedmission, and the Tasks
enumeratespecific responsibilities of each of the different
divisions or units.
Administration and Logistics – this consistsof a list of the
names of those who will participate in the police
operation, includingthe key officers. The equipmentneeded
for the operation will also be included.
Command and Signal – this shows how communication is
done and passed during the police operation. It also
includespasswords, and call signs.
it prescribes the operational guidelines
and procedures to be undertaken by
personnel during patrol operations to
enhance the campaign on crime
prevention and control in relation to the
implementation of the Police Integrated
Patrol System (PIPS).
it prescribes the operational guidelines
and procedures to be undertaken by
personnel during patrol operations to
enhance the campaign on crime
prevention and control in relation to the
implementation of the Police Integrated
Patrol System (PIPS).
Return of warrant means a return of
a warrant for the arrest of a person,
by the officer to whom it was given
for service, showing substantially all
that the officer did within the scope
of proper execution.

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