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I think that my mother is a beautiful person.

She is not tall but not short, and she has curly hair
and brown. Her eyes color are like honey and her color skin color light brown, and she has a
beautiful smile. Her weight likes 120 lbs.

She is a very kind person. She is very lovely, friendly, patient, and she loves to help people. I
love my mom, because she is a good example to me. She loves being in the Church, and she
loves sing and dance too.

She is a very good child, wife and mother. She always takes care of her family. She likes her
house to be clean and organized. She a very organized person, and all things in the house are in
the right place. She doesn’t like messes.

She always has a smile on her face. She is so sweet and lovely. I like when I am going to sleep or
went I wake up or when I am going to go to some places, she always give me a kiss, and when
the family have a problem she always be with us to helps us and to give us all her love.

2. My Mother

Every people certainly have a mother. Because people was born from her. 
The existence of her among us is definitely important. That is why I love her so much. I
owe great debt to what she has been doing to me until right now. I love you, mom.

(Setiap manusia pastinya memiliki seorang ibu. Karena manusia lahir darinya.
Kehadirannya diantara kita sungguh sangat penting. Itu lah mengapa saya sangat
mencitainya. Saya berhutang banyak pada apa yang dia lakukan sampai sekarang
ini. Saya cinta ibu.)

My mother's name is Khodijah. She was born 49 years ago. She is short, but not too
short. She is little fat. And she is old. She has got short white straight hair. She has got
brown skin. She is beautiful. Her hand is so soft, the hand that have taught me to be
kind person.

(Ibu saya bernama Khodijah. Beliau lahir 49 tahun yang lalu. Beliau pendek, tetapi
tidak begitu pendek. Beliau sedikit gemuk. Dan beliau sudah tua. Beliau memiliki
rambut putih pendek yang lurus. Beliau memiliki kulit coklat. Beliau cantik. Tanganya
begitu lembut, tangat yang telah mengajarkan saya untuk menjadi orang yang baik.)

She never stops to support me. She always tells me to not give up so easily. She always
gives me some fine solutions when I have some problems. The importance of her is
never denied. That is why I never reject her willing.

(Beliau tidak pernah berhenti mendukung saya. Beliau selau memberitahu saya untuk
tidak menyerah dengan gampang. Beliau selalu memberi saya beberapa solusi bijak
ketika saya menghadapi beberapa masalah. Pentingya beliau tidak pernah
terelaknya. Itu lah mengapa saya tidak pernah menolak keinginannya.)

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