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TOXIC PLANET: How To Be Healthy In A Sick World

EPISODE 4 - Toxic Planet:
How to be Healthy in a Sick world.
"Humans are a very arrogant
species. We somehow believe
that because we have these
big brains...that we can
outsmart the planet."
2:06 - Dr. Kirk Parsley

Episode 4 begins with the onslaught of problems being caused by our modern
industrialized societies. We hear from a number of experts and elders the
severity of the toxicity we are facing, and most importantly: why things are the
way they are.

The experts explain introduction of synthetic chemicals is directly linked to the

skyrocketing disease rates we are seeing, which are really the biproduct of our
disconnection from nature and the ancient wisdom of our ancestors. We assume that
the industrial innovations we see in our stores, our grocery stores, and in our media
are normal and healthy, when we really barely have a clue what kind of side-effects
and destruction that's being created by our disconnection from ancestral wisdom.

"Then you heat up your coffee or you go to Starbucks

and drink coffee, drink to that plastic lid and release all
that BPA from the heat into your system, go to
work, you go into formaldehyde chemical laden office,
oxycide exposures and benzeneexposures from gas and
other things around you and now you're getting all these
chemicals that you think are part of your everyday life."
14:35 - Dr. Datis Kharrazian

The message is that the toxicity crisis we are experiencing is systemic, and only has
come into existence within the past 100-200 years, and the causes are: the
staples we take for granted to run our daily lives: our plastic bottles, our bodycare
products, our grocery bags, construction materials, fertilizers and pesticides, many
linked to risks to to the cellular health of our bodies, our plant life, our animals, our
children, our soil microbiome, and our water supply. These chemicals from the modern
industrial world are being found in life-threatening quantities. What will we do?

"Spending time in nature is probably one of the simplest

and most profound things you can do for your health. Not
only brain health but total health in general.....It heals us
at the deep energetic levels of our mitochondria."
38:50 - Dr. Titus Chiu

The experts tell us the countless benefits of spending time in living environments, like
the forest, the ocean, the mountains, outside in our natural habitats. These living
environments creating a totally different response in the body, reducing stress levels,
improving reaction time, creativity. It improves strategic and creative thought.
Proactively spending time in these environments is a huge factor in ensuring
your longevity, both healing and preventing disease in the human body.

"When people are living in environments where that's part of the culture and
that's part of the way of life, is that you not only have gratitude towards these things
and you don't waste them, you don't take them for granted. I think that adds a whole
other dimension to life that we don't have here. We just take everything for granted. I
think that divorces us from being connected and feeling connected." Dr. Lara Adler


"The thing is, in life, you can either fight nature
or you can go with it. Of course, if you're always
trying to fight it, you're always going to be
expending more and more energy and,
unfortunately, life or nature just isn't going to
support you. Whereas if you actually tune
yourself into what nature can provide for you,
what it can nurture, what it can help... life and
your health becomes much, much easier."
52:15 - Harry Massey

"The pharmaceutical companies purify one.. component

of the plant to turn into a drug and then they produce that
synthetically. But actually, plants...have incredibly diverse
and nuanced ways of healing in our body that
(pharmeceutical) drugs never really have."
- Dr. Maya Shetreat-Klein
Remember the importance of the microbiome in regulating your body's gene
expression? Well the soil has a microbiome of its own, and your body depends on the
regulation soil brings to its own microbiome, and as our planet's soil is being
devastated by industrial spraying of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, our
internal microbiome is being contaminated with these carbon-based chemicals we
know today, in particular by a dangerous compound known as Glysophate, a popular
weed-killer linked to the decreased absorption of nutrients in the body and in plants,
and the unfortunate side effect of increasing the absorbtion of Aluminum in the brain.

As we learn about longevity we realize that it is about these inputs. It's about the food
that we eat. It's about the chemicals in our environment, the air that we breathe. That all
of these things that are actually impacting our longevity in negative ways. We have to
step out of ourselves and so our self interest and our enlightened self interest also
becomes an interest for the environment, for the community, and the world. - Michael McEvoy:

In closing, Paul Chek shares a powerful message for viewers & the planet:
"We're at the point right now where we have a great opportunity to
use our advances in science in moral and ethical ways that are life
affirmative and we have got to shut down the corporations that are
destructive to the planet....we're in a situation that we've created for
ourselves... the destruction of the planet is bringing us to such a
dangerous situation that we have to now overcome all racial, ethnic,
religious barriers to become one,..we've created the situation that
has to be all hands on deck or we all cease to exist together."

Okay... Wow. Look, it can feel overwhelming, but in order to make a difference, we
have to take a look at the problem, and get to the real cause of the problem: forgetting
our ancestral wisdom, and the age-old healing traditions of using plants and nature's
elements to restore the body, mind and spirit. We strongly recommend you take action
now to ensure you and your loved ones are educated and informed about the most
important healing & longevity practices in the full documentary series... Get the
digital and hard copy of the series for only $197, plus you'll get access to the
full interviews, transcripts, and our exclusive, and our easy-to-access Action
Plan. If you know it's time to take action to protect your family and health today:
join us. It's totally risk free. See you on the inside. - Your friends
The Human L
ongevity Proje


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