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Anastasiia Baikovska, 76656

"You don't have to be born rich to be a millionaire" - do you agree?

Each of us at least once in our life thought about what you need to do to become a
millionaire. Many people believe that the only one way to be prosperous is to be born
into a wealthy family. Is it true?
Yes, there are people who have achieved success in life only because of the
achievements of their parents, but there are very few such people in the world. But
still the majority, these are the people who are not afraid to work and know how to
portray savings. These are the people who not only live, but also enjoy their work. I
am well aware of this, since that is exactly the kind of person my father is. He was
born into a poor family and couldn't even afford to buy a change of clothes. But
everything has changed, and now he is the owner of a large chain of jewelry stores. I
managed to find out from him thanks to what factors he managed to succeed, and
here are some of them:
First of all, you don't need to spend everything you've earned. After all, thanks to
savings, you will be able to invest in various profitable projects and feel more stable.
Secondly, be decisive. Most often, people who are not confident or doubt
themselves, eventually go bankrupt, without having time to enrich themselves. And
the third, perhaps the most important thing - a big profit lies in your own business.
Such people have a much greater chance of becoming a millionaire than someone
who works for someone else. Since the salary growth of employees depends on the
will of the employer, while the income of a smart businessman is limited only by
business development opportunities.
To my mind your future financial condition doesn't depend much on which family you
were born into. As Oscar Wilde said: "There is only one class in the community that
thinks more about money than the rich, and that is the poor. The poor can think of
nothing else". I completely agree with him, because really, the less money a person
has, the more he wants to get.

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