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Review of Related Literature

Positive association between parent and child personality has an ability to

promote positive character of a child. It is also possible that characteristics of parents

and children may be linked through social learning processes separate from the

parenting variables we consider in the present study (Loehlin, 2010).

Parents who has a deep connection with their child will know what the child

needs to have between them. It is important to be committed to a child’s discipline

because it can define the parents’ attitude, parenting and behavior because of the

child’s action and well-being. The characteristics of a child that they nourish from

their family atmosphere and parents’ behavior will be considered as a background for

the children’s learning and ability improvement.

Parents that are devoted to child care, one-on-one activities, supportive dialogue,

or playtime has a vital role to bring children in an atmosphere of the house that may

lead to acquire positive traits (Bartkowski & Xu, 2009).

It is important to be committed to the child’s development because it will give

them the understanding of having a deep connection between parent and child. Also,

it will help the child to be a good person. Attitudes and behavior of a child will define

their connection to their parents and will show how their parents discipline them.

Positive traits of a child is because of the parents’ way of disciplining and

communicating to their child.The upbringing of a child because of their parents will

lead them to be more matured enough to think and act for what is right for them to

show their parents’ success to discipline them accordingly.

Adolescents raised in authoritative homes achieve more in school, report less

depression and anxiety, score higher on measures of self-reliance and self-esteem, and
are less likely to engage in antisocial behavior, including delinquency and drug use

(Olds et al., 2011).

Authority is the combination of the demandingness and responsiveness of the

parents. It is the engagement between the parents who set demands and limits to their

child but they allow their child to participate in the decision making inside the family

and they accept the opinion of each member. It this kind of disciplining and parenting

a child will be full of obedience but in some point is considerate at all. The child that

is under this authoritative parenting is far from being involve in troubles and self-

doubt but full of achievements and self-reliance.

Parents basically mold and shape their children into adults through their world of

influence which also known as family atmosphere. Parental demandingness is the

extent to which parents set guidelines for their children, and how their discipline

based on these guidelines. Parental responsiveness is the emotional characteristic of

parenting. Responsiveness passes on to the degree to which parents support their

children and attend their children's needs. Both parenting responsive and demanding

has been linked to secure attachment in children (Karavasilis, Doyle & Markiewicz,


Parents who have their support to their child and who knows what is better in

terms of disciplining will result to a deep connection between one another. The

response of the parents’ in their child’s needs in terms of actions and behavior will

determine what kind of parenting style they are using whether they use authoritative,

authoritarian or permissive kind of parenting style. Children’s discipline is based on

how their parents train and assist them in terms of their emotional status, physical

well-being and even in their school problems or achievements.

Authoritarian parents are inclined to set high standards and guidelines and

obedience is required. The environment in this kind of parenting style is more

influencing. Authoritarian parents connect love with success and are not as nurturing

as the other two styles of parenting but the goodness is it will teach children to obey

the authority and make themselves to have fear and learn to honor parents (Berg,


Children who are under this kind of parenting styles are those who are always

required to obey the rules and are not open for any opinion and consideration. In this

term, children are taught to obey the authority and make them fear of doing something

or sometimes parents in authoritarian parenting styles uses threads, commands or

force. This kind of parenting style only engage a little interaction between their

parents because of the parents’ unresponsiveness.

Positive Parent and child relationship is the foundation of a healthy home

environment and school environment. Parents have influence on whole life of children

mean birth to adulthood period effect due to parents. Children spend most time at

home and parent’s attitudes, behaviors, life standards and communication with

children has great impact on child’s future life (Chaudhry, 2013).

A child grows with parents. Parents has a big influence to their child because

what a child sees from their parents even if it is correct or not, they use to think it is

okay to deal with it. Parents’ actions and behavior directly affect their child’s

behavior and performances even in their socialization and school or academic

performances. Due to parents’ attitudes and their family environment, every child is

affected in different ways.

Cause of high academic achievement and good social relations was love with

mother and father of high responsive and high demanding parents had no conflict with

their children (Shek, Lee, and Chan, 2015).

A child’s performance and achievement whether it is on school or in their

socialization between other people is because of the parents’ treatment to them,

because of the parents’ actions and because of their family atmosphere or

environment. Parents’ love and discipline in handling their child makes the child to

feel very special to that they are inspired to be a good example and an achiever

academically or socially.

Parenting has three essential components. First, care protects children from harm.

Care also encompasses promoting emotional as well as physical health. Second,

control involves setting and enforcing boundaries to ensure children’s and others’

safety, in ever widening areas of activity. And third, development involves optimizing

children’s potential and maximizing the opportunities for using it (Muller Fj, 2013).

Every parents have their different ways and kinds of disciplining their children.

Parents who controls their child accordingly will result to a good behavior of the

child. Every child who receives proper care and guidance from their parents are

developed on their behavior and in their performance. Parents who assures the safety

and gives the opportunity to the child to be more improved will increase the child’s

self-confidence and trust to others.

Parents have an influence to their parents and, likewise, children have an

influence to their parents. A good family atmosphere or environment can influence

their self-reliance, their commitments, their motivation, their academic achievements,

and their habits and routines (Kurvin, 2018).

As parents who influence their child’s actions, attitudes and behavior, a child

also influences their parents on how to handle them because of what the child acts.

Every child’s improvement is because of their parents and every parents;

improvement in their parenting ways and style sis because of their child’s behavior to

be handle. Because of the family atmosphere a child’s commitment and achievements

are improved.

Each Family is a world in itself and each comes with its own set of problems as

well as jewels. The environment that children grow up in will directly and

significantly influence the person that they become. It is up to the adults in the family

to provide a peaceful coexistence based on love and respect (Smith, 2017).

Every family has their own concept of disciplining and molding a child. Each

family has their own problems, and as a family every member of the family must

know what is happening within the circle of their family to be aware what is going on.

The result of being open to each other within the family is making the child to become

a good or bad person. But in having the circle of a good family atmosphere will result

to a child’s good action and behavior in their life even in school, community or even

in themselves.

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