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Background Culture is the totality of learned, socially transmitted customs, knowledge,
material objects and behaviors

of the Study
Culture is a pattern of human activities and the symbols that give these
activities significance

It is the totality of the way of life evolved, by a people in their attempts to

meet the challenges of living in their environment, which gives order and
meaning to their social, political, economic, aesthetic and religious norms
and modes of organization thus distinguishing people from their neighbors

The global entertainment companies as an agent of globalization shapes

the understanding, the dreams of ordinary citizens and the local culture
are inevitable falling victim to global consumer culture an
1.1. Globalization has become one of the most popular buzzword of our time

frequently used by people

of the Study Globalization has increased the interaction of all nations including the
interaction at the national economy with that of the first world, which
ultimately aims at creating the state of friction less capitalism

The process of globalization entails that there is interconnection of

sovereign nations through trade and capital flow, harmonization of
economic rule, the governorship among the sovereign nations creating the
structure of supper and facilitate interdependent and creating the global
market place

The harmonization culture is due to advancement in communication

technologies and Medias
1.2. Today the world is very much connected and thus becomes a globalized


of the In this globalized world the availability of communication technology takes

Problem a leading role

Among the communication technology facilities, the television, radio,

internet can be accounted as contributing ones

Although globalization has since recently been growing at a greater pace

following the growing of communication technology, similar kind of
globalization or global integration and interconnectedness had already
been experienced a century before; especially with regards to the
economic integration
1.2. According to David the process of globalization entails that the
inter connection of sovereign nations through trade and

capitalism flow, harmonization of economic rule, the
governorship among the sovereign nations creating the
structure of supper and facilitate interdependent and creating

of the the global market place

Problem While it is recognizable that globalization leads to all of these

consequences, the study of globalization and the manifestation
of global culture is equally important with globalization, which
have received much attention from the academia and from

The effect of globalization is diverse and effect every one's

Socio-cultural condition at different ways, mainly the youths of
developing countries
1.2. Statement of the Problem

• The media plays a great role as an agent of globalization

1.3. To assess the attitudes of the youths
Objective of towards cultural globalization
the Study To assess the manifestation of
western culture on the youths

To assess the effects of western

culture on the youths life

To investigate the youths feeling to

continue their indigenous culture
1.4 What are the attitudes of the youths towards
Research western culture?

Questions What are the manifestations of cultural

globalization on the youths?

What are the effects of cultural globalization on

the youth’s life?

What legislation had been taken by the campus

administrators to continue their indigenous
1.5. Significance
of the Study

• This study will have its own significance and

contribution in different areas

• The finding of this study is highlights the impact of

western cultural elements on the identity and life
style of Debre Tabor university students

• And this research also may initiate the other

researchers to give emphasis on this area, to
provide accurate information to the readers and to
policy makers because it benefits for policy
1.6 Scope of the

• The study is restricted only on the impact

of western culture on the life style of
youth and in regard with geographical
scope, the study is limited to Debre Tabor
University due to financial and time
1.9. Globalization: the concept was predominantly dealt in terms of its

Definition of cultural aspect means coming in to cultural homogeneity of all

peoples with that of western society

Terms Westernization: - the concept was predominantly dealt in terms of its

cultural aspect , way of life that dominate by western in terms of its
cultural aspect way of life that dominate by western world

Lifestyle:- the individual engagement in day today activity

Youth:- youth refers that adolescent between the ages of 18

Industrialization:- industrialization refers to the process of

development in mass media and communication technologies
3.1. Description of the Study Area

The town is located around 201

kilometers to north of Addis
Debre Tabor town is found in
Ababa, which is the capital city
Amhara regional state
of Ethiopia and north east of
particularly in southern Gonder
Amhara regional state,
specifically the researcher area
in Debre Tabor University
3.1. Description of the Study Area

• Debre tabor university was established in is non-profit public university, officially
recognized by the ministry of education of it’s name suggested the university is
located in Debre tabor town in north-central Ethiopia.the university offers of degree programs
within the field of technology,agriculture,medicine,and health science, business and
economics,social science and humanities,natural,and computational science,law,information
communication technology and biotechnology.there are both undergraduate and graduate
course available for students to study
3.2. Research

• As the variable of the study will culture, in this study the qualitative
method will be prominent approach which could better be reached
through well-structured statement than statistical figure?

• The study will do by quantitative method to substantiate the data

gathered from questionnaires

• The research will be select qualitative method as a prominent

approach because of the nature of the topic; this means it is simple
to use that descriptive analysis in order to explain and describe the
effect of western culture on the identity and life style of youth in the
university rather than statistical analysis
The population of the study is the regular
Sampling students of the Debre Tabor University
In this study researcher will done non-
probability sampling techniques of purposive
method and probability sampling techniques
use in simple random sampling techniques

The reason for choosing the purposive

method will organize volunteer respondents
simply, to save time, to find out reliable
3.3. Source of Data

The sources of data that the researcher will be used both primary and secondary

Primary data will acquired and collected from the primary sources by interview,
observation,and focus group discussion at the study area and also by developing
questioner that consisted close and open ended type

The secondary data will collected from both published and unpublished material journals
and the like
3.4. Methods of data collection

Observation:-this method
Interview: -in depth will be used for the purpose
interview with student of the right choice to attain
president will employed the best qualitative data
needed for the study
3.5. Method of Data
Analysis and

• quantitative data analysis will used to describe the

data in numerical value such as using chart,
graph, table, frequency, and percentages

• The data that will be collected through

questionnaire that means close ended
questionnaires will be analyses through
quantitative by using descriptive statics

• The qualitative data will analysis used to percent

and analysis through qualitative data narrative will
also analysis through qualitatively by using textual
3.6 Ethical Consideration

The researcher respect's the respondent

right and dignity, the researcher has to
promise to the confidentially and
Ethical issue inevitable company the
anonymity of the respondent’s
collection such information so the
information, finally when handling of the
research to try maintain the following
research data participate where not be
code of issue on research conduct
request write or introduce their names
and we inform them to only research

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