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A nda l usia
Castilla - la Mancha
JAEN Ubeda

Puente Baza
SEVILLE Ecija Genil
Lepe HUELVA Lucena
Dos Hermanas Antequera
MALAGA Motril El Ejido
Jerez de la
CADIZ Marbella
Mediterranean Sea
Atlantic Ocean Western Andalusia
Eastern Andalusia
National parks in... Andalusia
Hi! I’m Blanca and I’m from Rota. I like nature and wild
animals. You can see lots of them in Andalusia!

1 BEFORE Look at the photos. Can you guess which national parks
in Andalusia they show?

2 WHILE Read and check your answers.

Natural parks in Andalusia

da Doñana Bolonia Beach
S i e r r a N e va Doñana National Park is a In Cádiz, there is a
ny natural
There are ma very important place for natural park where you
parks in And birds that fly to Europe can see the dunes. Dune
is Sierra s
One of them from Africa. They can are made of sand which
nal Park.
Nevada Natio find a lot of food in the comes with the wind and
The highest Guadalquivir river. There stops on the beaches.
n Peninsula
on the Iber ia are more than 300 types The dune at the Bolonia
is there. It’s of birds in the park. For Beach is over 30 metres
the park,
Mulhacen. In example, the flamingos! high!
kiing or v isit
you can go s
the lakes.

Fun Fact rk is one of the few

Doñana National Pa the wild.
Iberian lynx lives in
in Spain where the
3 AFTER Read and say True or False.
1 There are a lot of natural parks in Andalusia.
2 You can see 30 types of birds in Doñana National Park.
3 Dunes are made with the sand that comes with the rain.
4 The highest mountain in Spain is Mulhacen.
5 The Iberian lynx only lives in Doñana National Park.
6 You can do winter sports in Sierra Nevada Park.

A natural park poster

1 In groups, talk about natural parks. 4 Put your text and drawings or
Then choose one you want to photos on a poster.
write about as a group.
This is Sierra Nevada
Sierra National Park.
2 Write about the park: Nevada
It’s in Andalusia,
• What’s it called? National park between Granada, Málaga
• Where is it? and Almería.
• What animals live there? You can see high
• What can you do there? mountains and lakes.
Eagles live there.
This is … Yo u can …

It’s in … … live there. 5 Look at the posters

as a class. Which
park is the most
3 Draw pictures or find photos. interesting?

We think that the most

interesting park is …
because you can …
Traditional clothes in...
Hi! I’m Pablo and I’m from Málaga. I like special days
when you can wear traditional clothes. Read about some
of the traditional clothes in Andalusia.

1 BEFORE Look at the the illustrations. Do you know where

the clothes come from?

2 WHILE Read and check your answers.

Traditional clothes
in Andalusia
In Andalusia, every region has got special clothes.
Look at some traditional clothes from Málaga.
Women wear a black skirt, a white shirt and a red belt.
Men also wear a white shirt and a red belt and
black trousers.

head scarf shawl

In Jaén
Jaén, people wear
jacket buttons
traditional clothes
on San Ildefonso Almería
In Almería,
Day. Women wear a women wear a
black jacket, a blue long, stripy
skirt and a blue skirt with a
apron.. They also white apron.
wear a red head They also wear
scarf.. Men wear a a silk shawl.
white shirt, black Men wear black
trousers and a black trousers and
jacket. They wear a
jacket. jackets with
black hat, too. golden buttons.
apron Fun Fact es of traditional clothes!
In Málaga, there are three typ
and malagueño.
They are marengo, verdiales
3 AFTER Read and say True or False.
1 In Málaga, women and men wear a red belt.
2 In Málaga, only women wear a white shirt.
3 In Jaén, men wear a blue jacket and black trousers.
4 In Almería, women wear a skirt with flowers.
5 In Almería, men wear black trousers and jackets.

Traditional clothes collage

1 In groups, find out about traditional clothes in Andalusia that you don’t
know about. Then choose one region you want to write about as a group.

2 Write about the clothes: thes in ...

These are traditional clo
• What region are the clothes from?
W omen wear …
• What do women wear? M en wear …
• What do men wear? They wear them on …
• When do they wear the clothes?

3 Draw pictures or find photos. 4 Put your text and drawings or

photos on a piece of paper.
T hese are traditional
clothes in Málaga. Women
wear a black jacket, a
colourful skirt and black
shoes. Men wear grey
trousers, a grey jacket and
a white shirt. T hey wear it
during Feria de Málaga.

5 Look at the collages

as a class. Which
traditional clothes
do you like most?
We like most clothes
from … because … 5
Food in... Andalusia

Hi! I’m Oscar and I’m from Córdoba. There’s a lot of great
food here. Let’s take a look at some typical dishes!

1 BEFORE What are your favourite traditional dishes?

2 WHILE Read. Does the text talk about your favourite dishes?

ham boiled egg

This is salmorejo, a cold soup.

It’s made with tomatoes,
garlic, bread and olive oil.
You eat it with ham and boiled eggs.
olive oil

roulade If you like ham and cheese,

you should try a flamenquin.
It’s a roulade made of pork,
ham and cheese.
It’s often served with French fries.
French fries It’s delicious!

boiled potatoes

A typical dish from Andalusia is bull tail

stew, or rabo de toro estofado.
Now it’s popular in many places around
Spain, not only in Andalusia. It’s usually
served with boiled potatoes or rice.

Fun Fact cold and many

Salmorejo is served .
ly eat it on hot days
people think you on
eat it all year round.
But in fact you can
3 AFTER Read and say True or False.
1 You eat salmorejo with ham and boiled potatoes.
2 It's made with garlic, tomatoes and bread.
3 Flamenquines are made with ham and cheese.
4 They aren’t very good.
5 Bull tail stew is only popular in Andalusia.
6 It’s often served with rice or potatoes.

Traditional dishes recipe book

1 In groups, talk about traditional 4 Put your text and drawings or

dishes. Then choose two you want photos in the class recipe book.
to write about as a group.

2 Write about your food: Churros and hot chocolate

• What’s it called?
• What’s in it? These are churros with hot chocolate.
Hot chocolate is made with cocoa and
• When do you eat it?
milk. Churros are
made with flour and
This is / These are … water. You eat them
… is / are ma de with … mer) / for breakfast.

Yo u eat it / them in (sum

for (breakfast). 5 Read your recipe
book together.
Which dish is
3 Draw the dishes or find photos. your favourite?

Our favourite dish is …

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