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The movement of food through the intestines is known as:

1. Peristalsis 
2. Ileum translation 
3. Microvilli propulsion 
4. Flexure propulsion
2. The enzyme maltase does the following:

1. Breaks down lactose to glucose 

2. Turns glucose into maltose 
3. Breaks down maltose to glucose 
4. Turns glucose into lactose
3. High levels of bilirubin in the blood stream can result in:

1. Uric acid overexposure 

2. Jaundice 
3. Bile salt production 
4. Hepatic mutation
4. The symbol B on the periodic table stands for:

1. Beryllium 
2. Boron 
3. Barium 
4. Berkelium
5. The symbol Mn on the periodic table stands for:

1. Magnesium 
2. Molybdenum 
3. Manganese 
4. Margon
6. The symbol Ca on the periodic table stands for:

1. Calcium 
2. Carbon 
3. Cobalt 
4. Chlorine
7. The symbol Br on the periodic table stands for:

1. Beryllium 
2. Boron 
3. Barium 
4. Bromine
8. Vinegar is also known as:

1. Acetic acid 
2. Acetone acid 
3. Sulfuric acid 
4. Ascorbic acid
9. A Lewis acid is a/an ____ pair acceptor.

1. Neutron 
2. Proton 
3. Electron 
4. Ion
10. _____ reactions produce heat.

1. Endothermic 
2. Exothermic 
3. Hydrogen 
4. Buffered
11. Which of the following match the definition: The pressure (P) is inversely proportional to the volume (V) of a gas.

1. Archimedes’ principle 
2. Charles’ law 
3. Boyle’s law 
4. Anderson’s principle
12. The combination of sodium and chlorine to form NaCL is considered a/an ___ bond.

1. Ionic 
2. Covalent 
3. Hydrogen 
4. Metallic
13. Outer shell electrons are known as ______ electrons.

1. Hybrid 
2. Valence 
3. Vector 
4. Transitional
14. Forces can be indicated on graph paper by the use of _____.

1. Empirical rules 
2. Interaction coefficients 
3. Variables 
4. Vectors
15. P1V1 = P2V2 represents:
1. Archimedes’ principle 
2. Charles’ law 
3. Boyle’s law 
4. Anderson’s principle
16. Which of the following is not considered a primary color of light?

1. Green 
2. Blue 
3. Red 
4. Yellow
17. The unit of charge is called the _____.

1. Newton 
2. Coulomb 
3. Joule 
4. Watt
18. A/An ______ is a device specifically designed to measure current.

1. Ammeter 
2. Cyclotron 
3. Resistor 
4. Capacitor
19. The two bones found in the area between the knee and ankle in humans are known as:

1. Femur and Tibia 

2. Fibula and Tibia 
3. Ulna and Tibia 
4. Radius and Tibia
20. _____ is the current flow of one coulomb per second.

1. Ampere 
2. Joule 
3. Watt 
4. Kilowatt

1.A  11. C 
2. C  12. A 
3. B  13. B 
4. B  14. D 
5. C  15. C 
6. A  16. D 
7. D  17. B 
8. A  18. A 
9. C  19. B 
10. B  20. A
Q1) Blades of a windmill possess, hence they are turned by a fast wind.
Ans -: Potential Energy
Q2) A dark-skinned man experiences, as compared to a fair-skinned man.
Ans -: Less heat & Less cold
Q3) What device is used to break/complete an electronic circuit?
Ans -: Switch
Q4) What is the temperature at which both the Fahrenheit and the centigrade scales have the
same value?
Ans -: -40°
Q5) Acceleration acts always in the direction of the .
Ans -: Net force
Q6) The principle used in working of an atom bomb is .
Ans -: Nuclear Fission
Q7) What is the unit used to measure the depth of sea?
Ans -: Fathom
Q8) Astigmatism can be corrected by .
Ans -: Cylindrical lenses
Q9) Lambert’s Law is related to .
Ans -: Illumination
Q10) In a Battery, which energy is converted into Electrical energy?
Ans -: Chemical Energy
Q11) The longitudinal mechanical waves of less than 20 Hz are called .
Ans -: Infrasonic
Q12) Distance of stars are measured in ?
Ans -: Light Years
Q13) Albert Einstein was awarded the Noble prize for .
Ans -: Photoelectric Effect
Q14) Electric Motor converts the Electric energy into .
Ans -: Electric energy to Mechanical energy
Q15) Robert Koch has invented the .
Ans -: Electron microscope
Q16) Force of attraction between the molecules of different substances is called .
Ans -: Adhesive Force
Q17) Electrons in Good conductors are .
Ans -: loosely bound
Q18) One barrel of oil = litres . (approximately)
Ans -: 159
Q19) If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts, what will the total number of poles be?
Ans -: 6
Q20) If the body is hollow, then its centre of gravity lies?
Ans -: Outside the material
Q21) If the temperature inside a room is increased, the relative humidity will.
Ans -: Decrease
Q22) In summer, the mirages are seen due to the phenomenon of.
Ans -: Total Internal Reflection
Q23) In the visible spectrum which colour has the longest wavelength?
Ans -: Red
Q24) In which medium sound travels faster?
Ans -: Solid
Q25) Insects can move on the surface of the water without sinking due to.
Ans -: Surface tension of water
Q26) The Laws of Electrolysis were proposed by –
Ans -: M Faraday
Q27) Light travels in a .
Ans -: Straight line
Q28) What is used as a cooling agent in most of the world’s commercial nuclear power plants?
Ans -: Water
Q29) Nature of sound waves is?
Ans -: Longitudinal
Q30) 1 fermi unit is equal to –
Ans -: 10⁻¹⁵m
Q31) How many basic S.I. units are there?
Ans -: Seven
Q32) What is the principle on which a transformer works?
Ans -: Mutual Induction
Q33) The distance between Earth and Sun is termed as –
Ans -: 1 Astronomical unit
Q34) Potential energy of your body is minimum when you.
Ans -: Lie down on the ground
Q35) What is the freezing point (temperature) of Pure water?
Ans -: 32 F
Q36) What is the unit of measurement of an Angle?
Ans -: Radian
Q37) Radio waves of constant amplitude can be generated with an.
Ans -: Oscillator
Q38) Hooke’s law is related to
Ans -: Elasticity
Q39) Sudden fall in barometer is indication of .
Ans -: Storm
Q40) Water moving up a straw is an example of.
Ans -: Capillary Action
Q41) The blue colour of the clear sky is due to.
Ans -: Dispersion of Light
Q42) What is a magnetic field’s direction within a magnet?
Ans -: From South to North
Q43) The experiment demonstrating the existence of electromagnetic wave was first conducted by
Ans -: Heinrich Hertz
Q44) The filament string in an electric bulb is made of which metal?
Ans -: Tungsten
Q45) Drag is the force exerted by fluids.
Ans -: Friction
Q46) The hydraulic brake used in automobiles is a direct application of.
Ans -: Pascal’s Law
Q47) The image formed by convex lens in a simple microscope is.
Ans -: Virtual & Erect
Q48) What kind of mirror is used in motor vehicles near the driver’s seat?
Ans -: Convex Mirror
Q49) & are present in the nucleus of an atom.
Ans -: Neutrons and protons
Q50) The size of atomic nucleus is of the order of.
Ans -: 10⁻¹⁵ m
Q51) From the moon’s surface, Astronauts see a Black Sky. This is because of.
Ans -: Absence of Atmosphere on Moon
Q52) The specific resistance of a wire varies with its.
Ans -: Material
Q53) The speed of light will be decreased with the rise in the temperature of the medium. True or
Ans -: False. (It remains unchanged)
Q54) Which is the strongest force in the nature?
Ans -: Nuclear Force
Q55) Which device is used to measure the temperature of the sun?
Ans -: Pyrometer
Q56) Which phenomenon occurs when light passes from a denser to rarer medium?
Ans -: Total Internal reflection
Q57) Which substances do not allow flow of charge through them?
Ans -: Insulators
Q58) The value of which quantity remains same in all system of units?
Ans -: Specific Gravity
Q59) What is the speed of sound in air?
Ans -: 332m/sec
Q60) The working of the quartz crystal in the watch is based on which effect?
Ans -: Piezoelectric Effect
Q61) Permanent magnets are made of .
Ans -: Steel
Q62) During a fog, the visibility is reduced. This is because of which phenomenon?
Ans -: Scattering of light
Q63) Weightlessness experienced in a spaceship is due to .
Ans -: Absence of Gravity
Q64) Which device is used to find submerged objects?
Ans -: SONAR
Q65) What converts the alternating current into direct current?
Ans -: Rectifier
Q66) Which element is used as a moderator in nuclear reactors?
Ans -: Graphite
Q67) Which device converts light energy into electric energy?
Ans -: Photoelectric cell
Q68) The unit of power of lens is called .
Ans -: Dioptre
Q69) What is the unit of Radioactivity?
Ans -: Curie
Q70) An object has to attain the velocity of to escape from earth’s atmosphere?
Ans -: 11.2 km/sec
Q71) What is the measuring unit of length of light waves?
Ans -: Angstrom
Q72) A short duration wave is known as –
Ans -: Pulse
Q73) When did Einstein propose that matter can be converted into energy?
Ans -: 1905
Q74) What is the SI unit of luminous intensity?
Ans -: Candela
Q75) What is the unit of magnetic flux?
Ans -: Maxwell
Q76) What is the unit of specific resistance?
Ans -: Ohm-metre
Q77) The wavelength of visible spectrum ranges from .
Ans -: 390-700 nanometres
Q78) A Washing machine works on the principle of –
Ans -: Centrifugation
Q79) When a ball is thrown upward, what happens to its Acceleration?
Ans -: It remains Constant
Q80) Magnifying glass is made of which type of lens?
Ans -: Convex lens
Q81) What colour will a red glass appear if it is heated in dark room?
Ans -: Green
Q82) What happens to the surface tension of the water when a detergent is added to it?
Ans -: Decreases
Q83) The value of ‘g’ (acceleration due to gravity) is maximum at ?
Ans -: at poles
Q84) Which instrument is used to measure altitudes in aircrafts?
Ans -: Altimeter
Q85) Which instrument is used to measure change in volume of substances ?
Ans -: Dilatometer
Q86) Which instrument is used to measure depth of ocean ?
Ans -: Fathometer
Q87) The power of electric circuit is measured with a .
Ans -: Wattmeter
Q88) Which instrument is used to measure the scattering of light by particles suspended in a liquid
Ans -: Nephelometer
Q89) Which is more elastic – Steel or Rubber?
Ans -: Steel
Q90) Which is the only natural magnet?
Ans -: Magnetite
Q91) What Principle is used in the designing of ships and submarines?
Ans -: Archimedes Principle
Q92) Nuclear Fissions are initiated by .
Ans -: Neutrons
Q93) The wire in an electric heater is made up of .
Ans -: Nichrome
Q94) During Sonography which types of Waves are used?
Ans -: Ultrasonic waves
Q95) Diode Bulb was discovered by .
Ans -: Sir J. S. Fleming
Q96) Who gave the first experimental value of G?
Ans -: Cavendish
Q97) Who had showed that the electric and magnetic waves are equal in vacuum?
Ans -: James Clerk Maxwell
Q98) What is the escape velocity of Moon?
Ans -: 2.38 Km/s
Q99) Why does a liquid drop tend to assume a spherical shape?
Ans -: To minimize surface tension
Q100) Resistance of a Conductor is inversely proportional to it’s .
Ans -: Cross Sectional Area
Q1) What is used in nuclear reactor as a moderator. It is also known as Heavy Water?
Ans -: Deuterium Oxide (D2O)
Q2) Which Metal is in liquid state at room temperature?
Ans -: Gallium
Q3) elements are non-metal.
Ans -: Electro-negative
Q4) What is known as Artificial Silk.
Ans -: Rayon
Q5) Nitrous Oxide (N2O) is also known as –
Ans -: Laughing Gas
Q6) Which compound is used to prepare water proof clothes?
Ans -: Calcium hydride
Q7) Which Nobel Gas is also known as ‘Stranger Gas’?
Ans -: Xenon
Q8) Which Acid is know as ‘Oil of Vitriol’?
Ans -: Sulphuric acid
Q9) For making of parachute, which polymeric substance used?
Ans -: Viscose
Q10) Acid rain is caused when the air is polluted by Gases.
Ans -: Nitrous Oxide & Sulphur dioxide
Q11) All noble gases are & .
Ans -: Colourless and Odourless
Q12) is used as a Water Purifier.
Ans -: Alum
Q13) Aluminium is extracted from which ore?
Ans -: Bauxite
Q14) The Process is used to synthesized Ammonia (NH3)?
Ans -: Haber’s Process
Q15) Which compound/acid commonly known as Aspirin?
Ans -: Acetylsalicylic Acid
Q16) gas used to fill Balloons.
Ans -: Helium
Q17) is also known as Baryta Water?
Ans -: Barium Hydroxide
Q18) Best sources for Vitamin D are –
Ans -: Sunlight & Fish liver
Q19) Which gas is the chief component of Bio-gas?
Ans -: Methane
Q20) is the purest form of Carbon found in Nature.
Ans -: Diamond
Q21) The Chemical name of ‘Washing Soda’ is –
Ans -: Sodium Carbonate
Q22) What is the Chemical name of Chromic Acid?
Ans -: Chromium trioxide
Q23) Chemical name of Picric Acid is –
Ans -: Tri Nitro Phenol
Q24) In Photography, which chemical used as a fixer.
Ans -: Sodium thiosulphate
Q25) What are used to control the chain reaction in a nuclear reactor?
Ans -: Cadmium rods
Q26) In sunlight, Chloroform is converted into , a poisonous gas.
Ans -: Phosgene
Q27) Which Vitamin contains Cobalt?
Ans -: Vitamin B12
Q28) is one of the most common preservatives used in food processing industry?
Ans -: Benzoic Acid
Q29) Which compounds are responsible for permanent hardness of water?
Ans -: Sulphates and Chlorides of Calcium and Magnesium
Q30) The temporary hardness of water is caused of because of which compounds?
Ans -: Bicarbonates of Calcium and Magnesium
Q31) Copper is extracted from which ore?
Ans -: Copper Pyrite
Q32) When there is , Dead organisms are transformed into petroleum and natural
Ans -: Absence of air
Q33) Deuterium is of Hydrogen.
Ans -: Isotope
Q34) the weight of iron is , when it is undergoing the process of ‘rusting’.
Ans -: Increases
Q35) Efficiency of the catalyst depends on its –
Ans -: Molecular State
Q36) Egg shell is made up of .
Ans -: Calcium Carbonate
Q37) Which Vitamins are Fat Soluble?
Ans -: A, D, E & K
Q38) Which was the First organic compound synthesized in a lab and it was done by whom?
Ans -: Urea by Friedrich Wöhler
Q39) Fuse wire is made up of .
Ans -: Lead and Tin
Q40) is used to coat Galvanised Iron.
Ans -: Zinc
Q41. Which Gases are used by sea divers for under water breathing?
Ans -: Oxygen & Helium
Q42. & gases are helpful for ripening of raw fruits.
Ans -: Ethylene & Acetylene
Q43. The found in an ore is known as Gangue.
Ans -: Impurities
Q44. Iron is extracted from which ore?
Ans -: Hematite
Q45. Kerosene is a mixture of .
Ans -: Aliphatic hydrocarbons
Q46. Which Element is used for making of Lead pencil.
Ans -: Graphite
Q47. The lightest metal is .
Ans -: Lithium
Q48. is the main ore of Mercury.
Ans -: Cinnabar
Q49. Which Metal is found in the highest proportion in earth’s crust?
Ans -: Aluminium
Q50. Mine explosions are mostly caused by mixing of Air & .
Ans -: Methane
Q51. What is the compound used to in Nail polish remover?
Ans -: Acetone
Q52. Natural rubber is a polymer derived from .
Ans -: Isoprene
Q53. The coating on non-stick cookware is of .
Ans -: polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) – TEFLON
Q54. The Nuclear Fusion on the Sun’s surface result into formation of Atoms.
Ans -: Helium
Q55. Organic Compounds are only soluble in .
Ans -: Non-polar solvents
Q56. is also know as “FOOL’S GOLD”.
Ans -: Iron Pyrite
Q57. In an Oxidation process happens.
Ans -: Loss of electrons
Q58. Oxides of metals are .
Ans -: Alkaline
Q59. Ozone is in nature.
Ans -: Diamagnetic
Q60. The chemical composition of paper is that of a .
Ans -: Cellulose
Q61. Paraffin wax is .
Ans -: Saturated hydrocarbon
Q62. In which type of Rocks is Petroleum (Fossil Fuel) is found?
Ans -: Sedimentary Rocks
Q63. is also called White Gold.
Ans -: Platinum
Q64. Which is the purest form of Iron?
Ans -: Wrought Iron
Q65. Which Ore is used to extract Radium?
Ans -: Pitchblende
Q66. Solder is an alloy of .
Ans -: Tin and Lead
Q67. Which Radioactive Isotope is used in Cancer treatment?
Ans -: Cobalt – 60
Q68. is the element common to all acids.
Ans -: Hydrogen
Q69. is created by Alloying Iron and Chromium.
Ans -: Stainless Steel
Q70. The lustre of a metal is due to .
Ans -: Presence of free electrons
Q71. Which Mineral element is found in chlorophyll?
Ans -: Magnesium
Q72. The most abundant element in the earth’s crust is –
Ans -: Oxygen
Q73. The term ‘catalysis’ was coined by .
Ans -: Jöns Jakob Berzelius
Q74. Which element is the primary reason for radioactivity found in human body?
Ans -: Potassium – 40
Q75. Germanium, an ultra pure metal is purified by which method?
Ans -: Zone refining
Q76. Tooth enamel is made up of .
Ans -: hydroxyapatite, a mineral compound of calcium and phosphate
Q77. Which gas is filled inside a Tube light?
Ans -: Mercury Vapour & Argon
Q78. is an aqueous solution of Acetic acid.
Ans -: Vinegar
Q79. Which Vitamins are Water Soluble?
Ans -: Vitamin B complex & Vitamin C
Q80. Silver turns black (Tarnish) because of its reaction with .
Ans -: Sulphur
Q81. Melting of ice can be prevented with the use of –
Ans -: Gelatin
Q82. A Bee Sting contains which Acid?
Ans -: Methanoic Acid
Q83. An Orange contains Acid.
Ans -: Citric Acid
Q84. Etching of glass is done with the help of .
Ans -: Hydro fluoric acid (HF)
Q85. Which acid is used in soft drinks?
Ans -: Carbonic acid (H2CO3)
Q86. Silver Iodide is used as a ‘seed’ agent for making of –
Ans -: Artificial Rain
Q87. is used as a catalyst for the synthesis of Sulphuric Acid by Contact Process.
Ans -: Platinum (Pt)
Q88. Vanaspati Ghee is synthesized with the help of which catalyst?
Ans -: Nickle (Ni)
Q89. Swelling of bread takes place because of –
Ans -: Carbon dioxide
Q90. Cigarette lighters contain Gas.
Ans -: Butane
Q91. Which gas is used in fire extinguisher?
Ans -: Carbon dioxide
Q92. is termed as ‘Metal of Future’.
Ans -: Titanium
Q93. Safety matches are prepared using –
Ans -: Red Phosphorous
Q94. A Photoelectric cell contains metal.
Ans -: Selenium
Q95. Zinc Phosphide is used as?
Ans -: Rat Poison
Q96. Which is the hardest substance found in human body?
Ans -: Tooth Enamel
Q97. Ozone is an of Oxygen.
Ans -: Allotrope
Q98. Which Metal is naturally Anti-Bacterial?
Ans -: Copper
Q99. Which was the first element to be produced after Big Bang?
Ans -: Hydrogen
Q100. If you pour a handful of salt into a glass of water, the water level will .
Ans -: Go Down
Q1. Alcoholic drink contains .
Ans -: Ethyl Alcohol
Q2. Glucose in stored in the form of by Animals.
Ans -: Glycogen
Q3. Ascariasis is caused by .
Ans -: Round Worm
Q4. BCG vaccination (Bacillus Calmette Guerin) givesimmunity from .
Ans -: Tuberculosis
Q5. Blood groups was discovered by –
Ans -: Karl Landsteiner
Q6. The first successful heart transplant in India was performed by –
Ans -: Dr. Panangipalli Venugopal
Q7. The oral polio vaccine was discovered by –
Ans -: Jonas Salk
Q8. Companion cells are unique to .
Ans -: Angiosperms
Q9. DNA stands for .
Ans -: Deoxy ribonucleic Acid
Q10. Dog bite can cause rabies. Bite of which other animal can also cause rabies?
Ans -: Bat
Q11. Endocrine glands are also known as .
Ans -: Ductless Glands
Q12. The Small Pox vaccine was discovered by –
Ans -: Edward Jenner
Q13. Deficiency of iodine leads to .
Ans -: Enlargement of Thyroid Gland
Q14. First vaccine produced by bio-technology was used against which virus?
Ans -: Hepatitis-B
Q15. Turmeric is obtained from of a Plant.
Ans -: Stem
Q16. Genes are made by .
Ans -: Polynucleotides
Q17. Haematopoies is occurs in .
Ans -: Bone marrow
Q18. Leprosy is also known as .
Ans -: Hansen’s Disease
Q19. A human skull has number of bones.
Ans -: 22 Bones
Q20. Deposition of which acid in the muscles leads to a feeling of fatigue in Humans?
Ans -: Lactic Acid
Q21. RBC’s count in the blood is increased when a person is having .
Ans: Polycythaemia
Q22. Where are the Lachrymal glands situated in the human body?
Ans: Eye Orbit
Q23. The red, blue and purple colour seen in plants is because of the pigment.
Ans: Anthocyanin
Q24. Which part of the human brain controls Motor skills of the body?
Ans: Frontal Lobes
Q25. What is the name the hormone that regulates the amount of glucose in the blood .
Ans: Insulin
Q26. Name the gas used for making vegetable ghee?
Ans: Hydrogen
Q27. Which is the largest gland in the human body?
Ans: Liver
Q28. The smallest functional unit of a kidney is the ?
Ans: Nephron
Q29. James D. Watson, a Nobel Prize winning scientist is expert in the field of .
Ans: Genetics
Q30. Polio is caused by a .
Ans: Virus
Q31. The flow of energy in the Energy Pyramid is always .
Ans: Upwards
Q32. Saliva helps in the digestion of .
Ans: Starch
Q33. Which Parent’s chromosome is used for sex determination test?
Ans: Father
Q34. The bio-gas used for cooking is a mixture of .
Ans: Methane & Carbon dioxide
Q35. The yellow colour of the human faeces is a result of the pigment called .
Ans: Urobilin
Q36. Which air pollutant causes the most serious health hazards?
Ans: Sulphur dioxide
Q37. Vitamin K is required for the synthesis of .
Ans: Prothrombin
Q38. Which compound is used in anti-malarial drug?
Ans: Chloroquine
Q39. Dental cavities are caused because of the deficiency of?
Ans: Fluorine
Q40. What is the process of filtering blood through an artificial kidney called?
Ans: Dialysis
Q41. Which is the first vaccine injected into a newly born baby?
Ans: BCG
Q42. Food poisoning is caused by .
Ans: Clostridium botulinum
Q43. Which hormone is used as an oral contraceptive?
Ans: Progesterone
Q44. The longest and largest bone in the human body is?
Ans: Femur
Q45. Which metal is present in hemoglobin?
Ans: Iron
Q46. What is the total number of chromosomes found in the human gene?
Ans: 46
Q47. The PH value of human blood is?
Ans: 7.40
Q48. The plants, which grow under water stress conditions are called?
Ans: Xerophytes
Q49. During photosynthesis, Solar Energy is converted to .
Ans: Chemical energy
Q50. Which is the smallest bone in the human body?
Ans: Stapes
Q51. The study of Trees is called?
Ans: Dendrology
Q52. Who proposed the Theory of natural selection?
Ans: Dendrology
Q53. Turpentine oil is obtained from .
Ans: Resin from Pines
Q54. Upper most layer of skin is called?
Ans: Epidermis
Q55. Which is the only element found in Chlorophyll?
Ans: Magnesium
Q56. What are Bryophytes ?
Ans: Amphibious Plants
Q57. Which component of the Cell is called it’s ‘Kitchen’?
Ans: Chloroplast
Q58. What is known as ‘Suicidal bags of cell’?
Ans: Chloroplast
Q59. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man?
Ans: 120mm & 80mm
Q60. Dermatology is the study of?
Ans: Human Skin
Q61. Which chemical is popularly used in Rat poison?
Ans: White Phosphorus
Q62. What is the Dental formula of man?
Ans: 2123/2123
Q62. What is the name of first cloned sheep?
Ans: Dolly
Q64. is the normal cholesterol level in human blood.
Ans: 180-200 mg/dL
Q65. A is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system.
Ans: Neuron
Q66. 99% percentage of water is lost during transpiration, True or False?
Q67. Which enzyme is present in all members of the animal kingdom except Protozoa?
Ans: Amylase
Q68. Zika virus is carried by Mosquito.
Ans: Aedes
Q69. Tomato contains which acid?
Ans: Oxalic Acid
Q70. Which animal respire without having blood in them?
Ans: Oxalic Acid
Q71. Which cells acting as phagocytes are present in the liver?
Ans: Kupffer cells
Q72. Which cell organelles function as the power house of a living cell?
Ans: Mitochondria
Q73. A bite of a mad dog causes –
Ans: Hydrophobia
Q74. Which disease is known as ‘silent killer’?
Ans: High Blood pressure
Q75. Human saliva contains the enzyme known as .
Ans: Ptyalin
Q76. Which gland disappears during old age?
Ans: Thymus
Q77. The insect responsible for the spread of Kala-azar is –
Ans: Sand Fly
Q78. is known as the strongest natural fibre.
Ans: Silk
Q79. Which is known as graveyard of RBC’s ?
Ans: Spleen
Q80. The gland known as master gland in human body is the .
Ans: Pituitary gland
Q81. The process of cell division is known as –
Ans: Mitosis
Q82. Which part of the Plant body acts as the carrier of food and other substances to all its parts?
Ans: Phloem
Q83. Which is the sweetest sugar?
Ans: Fructose
Q84. The hearing function is associated with which part of the Human Brain?
Ans: Temporal Lobe
Q85. Which major chemical compound is found in human kidney stones?
Ans: Calcium oxalate
Q86. Which metal is present in Insulin?
Ans: Zinc
Q87. Thirst, hunger and sleep are controlled by which part of the brain?
Ans: Hypothalamus
Q88. Alcohol affects which part of human brain?
Ans: Cerebellum
Q89. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomiting?
Ans: Medulla Oblongata
Q90. Which part of the Human Eye changes it size based on the amount of Light?
Ans: Pupil
Q91. is the plant which yields biodiesel or biofuel.
Ans: JatrophaCurcas
Q92. The part of the human eye which regulates the quantum of light entering is – Ans: Iris
Q93. Which salt is found in bone in largest amount? Ans: Calcium
Q94. What is the name of the test done to diagnose cancer? Ans: BiopsyTest
Q96. Intake of which vitamin is recommended to improve blood coagulation? Ans: Vitamin K
Q97. Who explained about the blood circulation for the first time? Ans: William
Q98. Alexander Fleming invented.
Ans: Penicillin
Q99. Who is credited for producing first man-made Gene in a lab? Ans: Dr.
Hargobind Khurana
Q100. Xerophthalmia is a disease caused by lack of which vitamin?
Ans: Vitamin A
1.  A bullet hits and gets embedded in a solid block resting on a horizontal frictionless table. What is
conserved’? – Momentum
2. Which mixture is homogeneous? – Methanol and water
3. What is formed by strong heating of potassium petmanganate? – O2
4. Most of the digestion occur in which part of alimentory canal of man? – Small intestine
5. What is the Branch of biology in which we study about relationship between living and their
environment? – Ecology
6.  Why does a man inside an artificial satellite feels weightlessness? – Because the force of attraction due to earth is zero at
that earth is
7. Which has the longest wave length? – Infra red radiation
8. Which plant produce seed but not fruit? – Mint
9. When are positive ions are formed from neutral atoms? – By loss of electrons
10. Which Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compound? – Nitrogen fixing bacteria
11. If the ratio of the amplitudes of two waves is 4 : 3, then what will be the ratio of maximum and
minimum intensity? – 49 : 1
12. When the universal gas constant (R) is divided by Avogadro’s number (N), what is their ratio called?
– Boltzmann’s constant
13. Why is yeast is used in bakery in the preparation of bread? – Because it make bread soft and spongy
14. Which variety of glass is used for the manufacture of optical glasses? – Flint glass
15. Sex determination of child is done by whose chromosome? – Father
16.  In a stationary longitudinal wave, nodes are points of which variation? – Maximum pressure
17. Which crop enrich the soil with nitrogen? – Pea
18. At constant temperature, the product of pressure and volume of a given amount of a gas is constant, whose this law?
– Boyles’law
19. If the amplitude of sound is doubled and the frequency reduced to one-fourth, what will the
intensity? – Decrease by a factor of 4
20. What is good source of protein ? – Soyabean
21. The compressed gas available in cooking gas cylinder is a mixture of which gases? – C4H10 + C3H8
22. What is the temperature at which the speed of sound in air becomes double of its value at 27°C? –
23.  For television broadcasting. how much MHz frequency employed normally? – 30-300 MHz
24. Which insect spreads kala-azar? – Sand fly
25.  By which enzyme is Urea converted into ammonia and carbon dioxide? – Urease
26. In the leaf of tobacco what is found? – Nicotin
27.  Which property occurs in alkali metals? – Largest atomic radil
28.  A number of images of a candle flame are seen in thick mirror which image will be brightest? – The second image is the
29.  Parthanogenesis is seen generally in which fruit? – Grapes
30.  Inert gases (Except Helium) comes in which block in the periodic table? – p-block
31.  Whose experiments proved that the speed of light was always the same? – Michelson and Marley
32.  Why do Blood cells do not shrink in blood? – Because blood is isotonic
33.  Which stem is modified to perform the function of leaf and many internodes called? – Phylloclade
34.  What is the process of slow and homogeneous cooling of glass called? – Annealing of glass
35. Which is largest cell organelles? – Plastid
36. An endoscope is employed to view the internal parts of the body organ. It is based on the principle of which reflection?
– Internal reflection
37.  A solution contains 1 mole alcohol and 4 mole water. What will mole fraction of water and alcohal be? – 4/5 and 1/5
38.  What is the process in which loss of water occurs in the form of water vapour through aerial part of plant? – Transpiration
39. A strong magnetic field is applied on a stationary electron, then how will the electron? – Remains stationary
40.  Why does Pure water not conduct electricity? – Because it is almost not ionised
41.  Besides water and light which is more essential as a raw material for photosynthesis? – CO2
42.  Why is the conduction of electricity through the electrolyte solution? – Due to movement of ions of electrolyte
43.  Which fraction is obtained between temperature 150–300°C during fractional distillation of crude petroleum? – Kerosene
44. What is the process of transfer of genetic information from DNA to RNA or formation of RNA from DNA? – Transcription
45.  What is the Study of integrated use of microbiology, biochmistry and engineering? – Biotechnology
46.  If a proton is brought towards an electron from infinity, how will the potential energy of the system? – Decrease
47.  What is an example of emulsion? – Milk
48.  Which system is formed by the interaction of a community of organisms with its environment? –
49.  Which branch of science deals with the study of tissue found in the body of organism? – Histology
50.  In the electrolysis the amount of mass deposited or liberated at an electrode is directly proportional to which thing? –  Amount
of charge
51.  Activated charcoal is employed to remove colouring matter from pure substance, it work? –
52.  Which substance is more than 80% in the cell? – Water
53.  A horizontal cable carries a current from west to east. the direction of the magnetic field produced by the current at a point
vertically above the wire is which side? – North to south
54.  What is the Eosin used to detect the end point of precipitation titration by adsorption called? –
Normal indicator
55.  Which branch of science that deals with the study of law is genetics for the improvement of human race? – Eugenics
56.  What is the bond between two amino acids in a protein? – Ester bond
57.  What is the Study of inter-relationships between an entire community and its environment? –
58.  Ophthalmology is the branch of science in which we study about which thing? – Eye
59.  The process of converting hydrate Al2O3 into anhydrous aluminium is known as which name? –
60.  Fluorescent tubes are fitted with a choke. What does the choke coil? – Reduces current in the circuit
61. What is the second most common element in the universe? – Si
62.  Entamoeba histolytica is found in which part of man? – Intestine
63.  What is the maximum number of different electrical combination possible with three equal
resistances? – 4
64.  Which is the compound in that oxygen shows + 2 oxidation state? – F2O
65.  The statements “Protoplasm is the physical basis of life” is given by which person? – Purkinje
66. Purification of aluminium by electrolyte refining is known as which name? – Hoope’s process
67.  Malaria parasite and Amoeba are grouped under? – Protozoa
68. Magnetic dipole moment is a vector quantity directed from which direction? – South to north
69. What is France’s global ranking in terms of the number of animal species under threat? – 8
70. Which is the largest phylum in the animal kingdom in respect of number of species? – Arthropoda
71. A large magnet is broken into two pieces. If the lengths of two pieces are in the ratio of 3 : 4. what is the ratio of their pole
strengths? – 1 : 1
72. Van arkel method of purification of metals involves converting the metal to which compound? –
Volatile compound
73. By whom was Tetrahedral nature of bonding in carbon atom first shown? – van’t Hoff and Le-Bel
74. Which ancestor of man for the first time began the bipedal locomotion ? – Australopithecus
75.  Which is the contractile protein muscle? – Myosin
76.  Which is the compound in that oxygen shows –1 oxidation state is? – Na2O2
77.  What is the reason of floating of the ore particles in concentration by froth floatation process? –
Their being hydrophobic
78.  What is also known as green protozo? – Euglena
79.  If the electric current in a lamp decreases by 5% then the power output decreases by how many
percentages? – 10%
80.  Acid rain is caused due to emission of which gases into the atmosphere? – Oxides of nitrogen and sulphur
81.  Which naturally occurring element in the rice husk makes it termite resistant? – Silicon
82.  Which quantity remains constant in a step-down transformer? – Power
83.  In the extraction of zinc the formation of blue flame is due to the burning of which gas? – CO
84.  What number of essential amino acid is found in man? – 20
85.  Which of the following potassium compounds is known as ‘Pearl ash’? – K2CO3
86. By which is the amount of light entering into the eye controlled? – Iris
87.  Over the last 100 years global sea level has risen by about howmany cm? – 10-12. 5 cm
88.  Whose statement is this? “Algebraic sum of the current meeting at a node is zero”– – Kirchhoff’s law
89.  What is formed when white phosphorus is heated at 540 K in the absence of air? – Red phosphorus
90.  Which tissue help in keeping the body warm? – Fatty tissue
91.  A particle of mass m and charge q travels from rest through a potential difference V. What is its final energy? – qV
92. Why are elements of group I known as alkali metals? – Their oxides are alkaline
93. In which organ carbohydrate is stored as glycogen? – Liver
94. Which particle has the longest de Broglie wavelength if they are moving with same velocity ? – â particle
95. Which pollutant is main product of automobile exhaust? – NO
96.  If all plant of the world die than why will all animal ultimately die? – Due to Lack of oxygen
97.  Why does Coagulation of blood not occur inside human body? – Due to presence of Heparin
98.  Which oxide is amphoteric in nature? – SnO2
99.  In methane molecule how are the four hydrogen atoms arranged? – As tetrahedral
100. What is an association of individuals of different species living in the same habitat and having
functional interactions? – Biotic community
101.What is the name of the scientist who stated that matter can be converted into energy? – Einstein
102. The isotopes of chlorine with mass number 35 and 37 exist in which ratio? – 3 : 1
103.A gas is found to have the formula (CO)n. Its vapour density is 70. What must the value of n be? – 5
104.Which law directly explains the law of conservation of mass? – Avogadro’s law
105.To whom the credit for the discovery of transuranic element goes? – Seaborg
106. How many moles are there is 140 g of Si (atomic mass of silicon is 28)? – 5
107.Which substance does not have a melting point? – Glass
108.By which a mixture of sand and naphthalene can be separated? – sublimation
109.An element X forms an oxide X03. What is the valency of X? – 6
110.Sodium carbonate crystals lose water molecules. What is this property called? – Efflorescence
111. By whom was the law of constant proportions enunciated? – Proust
112.What is the number of unpaired electrons in carbon atom? – 2
113. In an atom the order of filling up of the orbitals is governed by which principle? – Aufbau principle
114. Regarding the atom of a chemical element, magnetic quantum number refers? – Orientation
115. What are the atoms of the elements having same mass number but different atomic number called? – isobars
116.Rutherford’s scattering experiment related to the size of which thing? – nucleus
117. By whom was the absolute value of charge on electron determined? – R.A. Millikan
118.Which property of the elements is a whole number? – Atomic number
119.Discovery of the nucleus of an atom was due to the experiment carried out by which person? –
120. What are the atoms of the elements which have same number of neutrons called? – Isotones
121. Whose experiment proved that the speed of light was always the same? – Michelson and Morley
122. Which element has two electrons in the K-shell only? – Helium
123.What is Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength? – Radio waves
124.Which nuclear particles responsible for holding all nucleons together? – Mesons
125. In which process, a nucleus spontaneously breaks down by emitting radiation? – Radioactive decay
126.In atomic reactors, graphite is used as which name? – Moderator
127. Why is Cobalt-60 commonly used in radiation therapy? –Because it emits gamma rays
128. A radioactive substance has a half life of four months. Three-fourth of the substance would decay in howmany months? –  8
129. What is a bond formed by the transfer of electrons between atoms of the elements called? – ionic bond
130.What is a bond formed by sharing of electrons between atoms of the elements called? – covalent
131.What is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds in a H2O molecule? – 4
132. Select the compound in which chlorine shows oxidation state + 7? – HClO4
133. What is the oxidation of two Cl atoms in bleaching powder Ca(OCl) Cl? – +1,–1
134. What is the Oxidation state of Mn in acidic KMnO4 change from? – +7 to +2
135.Why is Molten NaCl good conductor of electricity? – Free ions
136.What is the common oxidation state of alkali metals in the combined state? – +1
137.What is the oxidation number and covalency-of sulphur in S8? – 0, 2
138.Starch iodide paper is used to test for the presence of which agent? – Oxidising agent
139.The pH of water at 25° C is 7. When it is heated to 100°C, what will the pH of water? – increases
140.When Metal carbonate reacts with dilute acids, what does it forms? – CO2
141.The element common to all the acids is known as which name? – Hydrogen
142. What is the sum of pH and pOH in aqueous solution at 25°C? – 14
143.By what factor is a solution with pH = 2 more acidic than one with pH = 6 ? – 104
144. Red litmus paper is changed into blue in solution of which thing? – Base
145. What is formed by dissolution of base or acid in water? – Exothermic
146. Blue litmus paper is converted into red in solution of which thing? – acid
147.According to Arrhenius theory of an acid and base, an acid is a substance that gives which ions in
water? – H+ ions
148.What is the negative logarithmic value of hydrogen on called? – pH
149.What are the physical state of dispersion medium of a cloud ? – Gas
150.Vander Wall’s equation explains the behaviour of which gases? – real gases
151.In general gas equation, pV= nRT, V is the volume of which gas? – n mole of a gas
152.What is the ratio of rate of diffusion of oxygen and hydrogen? – 1 : 4
153.Absolute zero is the temperature where all gases are expected to have howmuch volume? – Zero
154.4.4 g of CO2 contains how many litre of CO2 at STP? – 2.24 litre
155.Glucose or fructose is converted into C2H5OH in the presence of which thing? – zymase
156.Which type of materials act as effective catalysis? – Transition metals
157.What is the substance which decreases the rate of a chemical reaction? – Poison
158.TEL minimise the knocking effect when mixed with petrol, how does it act? – As negative catalyst
159.Which is the catalyst used in the manufacture of sulphuric acid by contact process? – V2O5
160.Which catalyst is sensitive to temperature changes? – Enzyme
161.Which is the temperature at which the catalytic activity of the catayist is maximum? – Optimum
162. Alcoholic fermentation is brought about the action of which thing? – Yeast
163.Which is catalyst used in the Deacon’s process for the manufacture of chlorine? – CuCl2
164. In the Ostwald’s process for manufacture of HNO3, which catalyst is used? – Pt
165.Which gas has maximum colorific value? – Oil gas
166. When ammonium chloride is dissolved in water, the solution becomes cold. Whiat is change? –
167.When ice melts into water, which type of change occurs in entropy? – Increases
168. In which type of coal percentage of carbon is the highest? – Anthracite
169. What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and nitrogen called? – Producer gas
170. What is the mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen called? – Water gas
171.Which law of thermodynamics introduces the concept of entropy? – Second law
172.For which element, the standard enthalpy is not zero? – C (Diamond)
173.Which fuel causes minimum environmental pollution? – Hydrogen
174.Which gas has the highest fuel value? – Hydrogen
175.The compound with negative heat of formation is known as which name? – Exothermic compound
176.Which hydrocarbon is mainly present in gobar gas? – Methane
177.What happens when the door of a refrigerator is kept open? – Room heated
178.What does the second law of thermodynamics introduced? – The concept of Entropy
179.What is an extensive property of the system? – Volume
180.A gas expands isothermally and reversible. How much work is done by the gas? – Maximum
181.About which is the information not conveyed by thermodynamics? – Rates of reactions
182.Which is the element that has the highest first ionization potential? – Nitrogen
183.What has the highest ionization potential? – Ne
184.Which of the following among alkali metals is most reactive? – Cs
185.Which is the element having lowest melting point in periodic table? – He
186.Which are the elements on the right side of the periodic table? – Non-metals
187.Which transition metal is in liquid state? – Mercury
188.Which electronic configurations exhibits metallic character? – 2, 8, 2
189.Which element has the lowest electron affinity? – Argon
190.By whom was the calculation of electronegativities first done? – Pauling
191.Which element does not exist in liquid state at room temperature ? – Na
192.What is the most electropositive amongst the alkaline earth metals? – Barium
193.Which block of elements is mostly metals with high B.P., M.P. values? – d-block
194.Which are the vertical lines in modern periodic table called? – Group
195.What is horizontal line in modern periodic table called? – Period
196. In a period, the elements are arranged in which order? – Increasing charges in the nucleus
197. Which noble gas does not have octet of electrons in its outer shell? – He
198.Which pair of elements is in the same period of the periodic table? – Na, Cl
199.Why is the electron affinity of chlorine highest than that of fluorine? – Smaller nuclear charge
200. What is the Electron affinity of noble gases? – Almost zero
201.Which mirror is to be used to obtain a parallel beam of light from a small lamp ? – Concave mirror
202.The focal length of the lens in a photographic camera is 5 cm. What is the power of the lens? – + 20 D
203.When viewed in white light, why do soap bubbles show colours? – Because of interference
204.Angular separation between two colours of the spectrum depends upon which thing? – Angle of
205. Total internal reflection of light is possible when light enters from which thing? – Water to air
206.Which is used to remove astigmatism for a human eye? – Cylindrical lens
207.Why does diffusion of light in the atmosphere take place? – Due to dust particles
208.Which phenomena can not be attributed to the refraction of light? – Redshift
209.Total internal reflection can take place when light travels from which thing? – Diamond to glass
210. The refractive index of a given piece of transparent quartz is greatest for which light? – Violet light
211.A virtual image larger than the object can be formed by which mirror? – Concave mirror
212. If there were no atmosphere, what will be the length of the day on the earth? – Decrease
213. The focal length of a convex lens is 50 cm. what is its power? – +2 D
214.For an astronaut in a space ship, how does the sky appear? – Black
215. Which phenomena is used in optical fibres? – Total internal reflection
216. What is the phenomenon of splitting white light into seven colours? – Dispersion
217. Critical angle is minimum when a light ray passes which thing? – Glass to air
218. If the angle between two plane mirrors is 60°; then how many number of image will be formed? – 5
219. In which part of the eye lies the pigment, that decides the colour of the eyes of a person? – Choroid
220. Critical angle of. light passing from glass to water is minimum for which colour? – Violet colour
221.To an observer on the lunar surface, during the day time, how will the sky appear? – Black
222.What is the unit of luminous efficiency of an electric bulb? – Lumen / watt
223. Which of light are strongly absorbed by plants? – Blue and red
224. A far-sighted person has a near point at 100 cm. What must be the power of the correcting lens? – +3.0 D
225. How many image can a man see if he stands between two plane mirrors inclined at an angle of 60°? – 5
226. How is image formed on the retina of a human eye? – Real and inverted
227. The resistance of material increases with temperature. What is this? – Metal
228. When do all the magnetic materials lose their magnetic properties? – Strongly heated
229. What is the relative permeability of a paramagnetic material? – Greater than unity
230. A soap bubble is given negative charge then what happen in its radius? – Increases
231. How is the relative permeability of a diamagnetic material? – Less than unity
232. How are the magnetic field lines in the middle of a solenoid? – Parallel to the axis
233. Why do Electricians use rubber gloves while working? – Rubber is an insulator
234. What work is work done in moving a positive charge on an equipotential surface? – Zero
235.Kirchhoff’s voltage law is based on the law of conservation of which thing? – Energy
236. Why is In a hydel station the motion produced in turbines? – Due to the flow of water
237. What is most suitable for the core of an electromagnet? – Soft iron
238. At a grid sub stations the voltage is stepped up to reduce loss of which thing? – Power
239.Equal charges are given to two spheres of different radii. What will the potential be? – More on
smaller sphere
240.Two electron beams are travelling parallel to each other. What will be their reactions? – Repel each other
241.Instrument used to store the electric charge is known by which name? – Capacitor
242.When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur, which charge acquired by the fur? – Positive
243.Conversion of chemical energy into electrical energy occurs in which thing? – Battery
244.What is the temperature at which a ferromagnetic material becomes paramagnetic? – Curie
245. A magnetic needle is kept in non uniform magnetic field. What does itexperiences? – A force and a torque
246.Where will be the Time period in a vibration magnetometer infinite? – At magnetic pole
247.The north pole of the earth’s magnet is near the geographical which direction? – South
248.If the current in the core decreases, what will the strength of the magnetic field be? – Decreases
249.The intensity of a magnetic field is defined as the force experienced by which pole? – Unit north pole
250. If a material, placed in a magnetic field is thrown out of it, then how is the material? – Diamagnetic
251.The capacity of a pure capacitor is 1 farad. In D.C. circuit, what will its effective resistance be? –
252. If a bar magnet is cut length wise into 3 parts, what will the total number of poles be? – 6
253.For electroplating a spoon, it is placed in the voltameter at which postion? – The position of cathode
254. A substance, when inserted between the poles of a magnet, is pushed out, what is it? – Diamagnetic
255. By inserting a soft iron piece into solenoid, what does the strength of the magnetic field? – Increase
256.The magnetic induction associated with currents flowing in a hollow copper tube, how will be? –
only out side
257. How is the electric potential at the centre of a charged conductor? – Same as on the surface
258. What is not the cause of low conductivity of electrolyte? – Ionisation of salt
259. What is Electric field intensity at a point a hollow charged spherical conductor? – Is zero
260. Which property is processed by the ferromagnetic substance? – Hysterasis
261.Which type of cell can be used if a device requires 75 A of current for 15 seconds? – Lead-acid cell
262. A hydrogen atom is paramagnetic. What is a hydrogen molecule? – Diamagnetic
263. In nuclear fission, how many percentage of mass is converted into energy? – 0.1%
264. X210 has half life of 5 day. What is the time taken for seven-eights of sample of X210 to decay? – 15 days
265.If a U-238 nucleus splits into two identical parts, how will the two nuclei be so produced? – Stable
266. What is the half-life of a radioactive element which has only 1/32 of its original mass left after a
lapse of 60 days? – 12 days
267. If a proton of mass m is moving with the velocity of light, what will its mass be? – Infinite
268. What was the fissionable material used in the bomb dropped at Nagasaki (Japan) in the year 1945? – Plutonium
269.Energy transferred to a person through gamma rays is measured in by which unit? – Roentgens
270. Which field is used to produce deflection in a television picture tube? – A magnetic fields
271. The electron emitted in beta radiation originates from where? – Inner orbits of atoms
272. From which the cathode ray particles originate in a discharge tube? – Cathode
273. Einstein’s mass energy relation is given by which expression? – E = mc2
274. Which rays will deflect in electric field? – Cathode rays
275. What percentage of the original quantity of a radioactive material is left after five half lives
approximately? – 3%
276. What is the important conclusion given by Millikan’s experiment about the charge? – Charge is
277. What are Alpha rays emitted from a radioactive substance? – Helium nuclear
278. Which are the Particles that can be added to the nucleus of an atom without changing its chemical properties? – Neutrons
279. Which particle has similar mass to that of the electron? – Positron
280. When the speed of electrons increases, then what happens in the value of the specific charge on an electron? – Decreases
281.The colour of the +ve column in a gas discharge tube depends on which thing? – The gas in the tube
282.The first explosion of an atomic device in India was carried out in which state? – Rajasthan
283.Direct conversion of solar energy with the use of photovoltaic cell results in the production of which energy? – Electrical
284.Why is energy is continuously generated in the sun? – Due to nuclear fusion
285. What is the ratio of specific charges of an á-particle to that of a proton? – 1/2
286. Long distance short-wave radio broad casting uses which waves? – Ionospheric wave
287. Which satellite is used in ship-to-shore and shore-to-shore and shore-to-ship communication? –
288. Which is electrical circuits used to get smooth de output from a rectified circuit called? – Filter
289. When the temperature of semiconductor is increased, what will happen in its electrical conductivity? – Increases
290. With the rise of temperature, what will happen in the specific resistance of semiconductor? –
291. The absorption of radio waves by the atmosphere depends on which thing? – Their frequency
292. Which are the space waves are affected seriously by atmospheric conditions? – UHF
293. With which can Radio wave of constant amplitude be generated? – Oscillator
294. What is the electrical circuit used to get smooth DC output from a rectifier circuit called? – Filter
295. If germanium has to be doped with a donor impurity, how should the foreign atom be? –
296. In a p-type semiconductor, Which are the majority charge carriers? – Holes
297.The unidirectional property of a pn-junction is useful for its use as which thing? – Rectifier
298.Which energy of the electron at absolute zero is called? – Fermi energy
299. For television broadcasting, what frequency is employed normally? – 30-300 MHz
300.A zener diode is also a p – n junction diode. It can be used as which regular? – DC voltage regulator
301. Which effect shows particle nature of height? – Photoelectric effect
302.A particle is executing S.H.M. Then what is the graph of acceleration as a function of
displacement? – Hyperbola
303.An atom has 7 electrons in its M-shell and contains 18 neutrons in its nucleus. What is its
mass number? – 35
304. The medicine ephedrin used in the treatment of cough, asthma and bronchitis, from where is
obtained? – Ephedra
305. By whom was the concept of dual nature of radiation proposed? – de-Broglie
306.In a bisexual flower if androcium and gynoecium mature at different time the phenomenon is
known as which name? – Dichogamy
307.A small drop falls from rest from a large height h in air. What is the final velocity? – Almost
independent of h
308. Why does Molten sodium chloride conduct electricity? – Due to the presence of free ions
309.Which modification of root does not store food? – Stilt
310. The total energy of a particle vibrating in S.H.M. is proportional to which thing? – The square
of its Amplitude
311. A body rolling freely on the surface of the earth eventually comes, why does it to rest? –
Because it suffers friction
312.What is the a biological process in which glucose and fat is oxidised to librate energy? –
313.What is an example of Miscelles System here? – Soap + Water
314.A gale blows over a house. The force due to the gale on the roof is in which direction? –  In
the upward direction
315. Why is Ail aqueous solution of copper sulphate is acidica in nature? – Because the salt
undergoes hydrolysis
316. Oxygen released during photosynthesis of green plant comes from the breakdown of which
thing? – Water
317.The pressure at the bottom of a liquid tank does not depend on which area? – Area of the
liquid surface
318. Which compound transforms baking soda into baking powder? – KHC4H4O6
319. Water will be absorbed by root hairs, then how is when the external medium? – Hypotonic
320. Why is Weightlessness experienced in spaceship? – Due to absence of gravity
321. How is Perchloric acid prepared? – By the action of Concentrate sulphuric acid on potassium perchlorate
322.What is the Study of system of animal body which protects it from infection of various
disease? – Immunology
323.A particle revolves round a circular path with a constant speed, how is the acceleration of
the particle? – Along the radius
324.Which is the Branch of science that deal with the improvement of human race by providing
better environmental condition? – Euthenics
325.Aluminium surface are often ‘anodized’. This means deposition of a layer of which oxide? –
Zinc oxide
326.Which Animal is also known as ‘Portuguese man of war’? – Physalia
327. Which metal is extracted by thermal reduction process? – Copper
328. An ideal liquid flows through a horizontal tube of variable diameter. The pressure is lowest
and what will be velocity? – Velocity is highest
329. If a non-metal is added to the interstitial sites of a metal, then how does the metal become?
– less malleable
330. Which is used as a gift in Japan? – Euplectella
331.A gas is enclosed in a container which is then placed on a fast moving train. What will be the
temperature of the gas? – Remain unchanged
332.When will a hot body radiate maximum energy? – If its surface is black and rough
333. How many electrons are involved in the oxidation by KMnO4 in basic medium? – 4
334.Which chemical substance secreted by particular species of animal to attract another
member of same species? – Pheromones
335.How is the heat transferred by the radiator of a refrigerator? – More than that at the
336. Which compound of zinc is white when cold and yellow when hot? – ZnO
337. Pheretima posthuma is scientific name of which animal? – Earth worm
338. Merscuric sulphide dissolves in aqua-regia to form which compund? – HgCl2
339. An individual whose blood type is B may in an emergency donate blood to a person which
blood groups? – AB or B
340. If the amplitude of a wave at a distance t from a point source is A, what will be the
amplitude at a distance 2r? – A/2
341. In which sequence are the electromagnetic radiations in decreasing order of wave lengths?
– Infrared, radio, X-rays, visible
342. Salts of which element provide colours to fireworks? – Strontium and barium
343. Which organ have the capacity of regeneration? – Liver
344.With the increase in temperature, what happens in the frequency of the sound from an
organ pipe? – Increases
345.What is obtained when cadmium chloride is treated with water? – Cd(OH)2
346.Which organ cannot be transplanted? – Brain
347. When a coin placed in a bowl of water is seen from above, how does it appears? – Raised
from its position
348. What is formed when cadmium reacts with H2S? – CdS
349. Appetite and satiety centres of brain, where are present in? – Hypothalmus
350. Which gland disapear during old age? – Thymus
351. How is the matallic nature of transition elements is than that of alkali metals? – Less
352. Which types of waves are used in a night vision apparatus? – Infra-red-waves
353. When seen in green light, what will the saffron and green portions of our national flag
appear? – Black and green respectively
354. The 3d transition series contains how many elements from atomic number? – 21 to 30
355. Which blood group is universal doner? – O
356. Which lanthanides are used in glass, blowers, goggles? – Pr, Nd
357. Why is the function of the collimator in a spectrometer? – To obtain a parallel beam of light
358. What is the smallest structural and functional unit of nervous system? – Neuron
359. Which compound is obtained when auric chloride reacts with sodium chloride? – Na[AuCl4]
360. What is systolic and diastolic pressure in a healthy man? – 120 mm and 80 mm
361. The refractive index of a piece of transparent quartz is the greatest for which light? – Violet
362. Which part of human brain is the regulating centre for swallowing and vomating? – Medulla
363. By which Carbon and hydrogen are estimated in organic compounds? – Liebig’s method
364. If the refractive angle of a prism is 60° and the minimum deviation is 30°, then the angle of
incidence is how many degrees? – 45°
365. What is present both in plant and animal? – Plasma membrane
366.What does mixture of CS2 and H2S on passing over heated copper give? – Methane
367.If the rotational velocity of a dynamo armature is doubled, what will then the induced emf?
– Become double
368. Which is used in storage batteries? – Lead
369. What is the name of the poisonous gas formed by the interaction of acetylene and arsenic
trichloride? – Lewisite
370. Which tissue take part in healing the wounds? – Epithelium tissue
371. When a body is earth connected, electrons from the earth flow into the body. What is its
mean? –This means the body is Charged positively
372.Acetylene is used as an anaesthetic under which name? – Narcylene
373.In daily requirement basis which vitamin is required in largest quantity by the human body?
– Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)
374.When does not No current flows between two charged bodies? – If they have same
375.Denatured spirit is a mixture of ethyl alcohol, methyl alcohol and which other thing? –
376.Consumption of fish is considered to be healthy compared to flesh of other animals why? –
Because it contains polyunsaturated fatty acids
377. What is the reason for excessive solubility of ethyl alcohol in water? – Due to hydrogen
bonding with water
378. Through which are the characters are transferred from parents to progeny? – DNA
379. A radioactive substance has a half life of 4 months. In how many months will three fourths
of the substance will decays? – 8 months
380. The cause of fractional atomic weights of elements? – The presence of Isotopes
381. Which gas, is used for artificial ripening of fruit? – C2H4
382. Which branch of biology deal with the study of heredity? – Genetics
383. The maximum number of photo electrons released in photocell is independent of which
thing? – Frequency
384. A fruity smell is produced by the reaction of C2H5OH with which formula? – CH3COOH
385.By which can Evolutionary development of a species be best studied? – Studying fossils of
this species
386. What is the process by which vegetable ghee is manufactured? – Hydrogenation
387. Early atmosphere contained methane and other hydrocarbons they have been now
replaced by which gas? – Carbon dioxide
388. For an electric dipole, how are the field at a point on the equatorial line and the dipole
moment? – In opposite direction
389. Crop sown soon after the onset of south-west monsoon in India, what is this called? – Kharif
390.Thermal decomposition of alkanes is known as which name? – Cracking
391.If a diamagnetic substance is brought near north and south pole of a oar magnet, what will
be then? – It is Repelled by poles
392.What is a glass sided tank, bowl in which aquatic animals live? – Aquarium
393.Deficiency of which vitamin causes xerophthalmia? – Vitamin A
394. If a wire of resistivity p is stretched to double its length, then what will change in its new
resistivity? – Not change
395.Cathode rays enter an electric field normal to the lines of force. Then how is their path in
the electric field is – Parabola
396.The word “biodiversity” is a combination of which two words? – Biology and diversity
397. Which thing is the sweetest natural sugar? – Lactose
398.Jaundice in human beings affects which of the body part? – Liver
399. How many orangutans disappear each year as result of palm oil farming? – 5000
400. The sky wave propagation is suitable for radio waves of frequency form how many MHz? –
From 2 MHz to 30 MHz
401.. Which is considered a hot-spot of biodiversity in India? – Western Ghats
402.Trunk of tree increases in grith due to cell division in which tissue? – Meristematic tissue
403.Which tissue in cells have lost the capicity of cell division? – Permanent tissue
404.Which scientist studied about wheat rust problem? – K. C. Mehta
405.Most of the plants obtain nitrogen from the soil in which from? – Nitrates
406.Which fungus is responsible for disease late blight of potato? – Phytophthora infestans
407.Which is responsible for red rot of sugarcane? – Collectorichum falcatum
408.Which stage of development of insect is most harmful for crop? – Caterpillar
409.In India famous Bengal famine accurred in 1942 by which disease? – Leaf spot of rice
410.Which factors are most responsible for disease in plant? – Fungi
411.Which fungus is responsible for the tikka disease of groundnut? – Cercosplora personata
412.Which animals who have constant body temperature? – Homeothermic
413.What is treatment of body defects through massage and exercise? – Physiotherapy
414.What is making interesting discoveries unexpectedly or by accident? – Serendipity
415.What is Study of growth and development of embryo? – Embryology
416.Which branch of biology is concerned with study and function of internal organ of
organism? – Physiology
417.Which branch of science deal with the study of causative agent of disease? – Etiology
418.What is the Study of pulse and arterial blood pressure called? – Sphygmology
419.Which branch of biology deals with the study of processing and preservation of food? –
Food technology
420.What is the Study of the effects of toxic chemical substance on animal and plant? –
421.What is the Branch of science which deals with the study of skin of man? – Dermatology
422.The release of which fish into wells helps in controlling the mosquitoes? – Gambusia fish
423.Which animal lays eggs and does not produce young ones directly? – Echidna
424.How many pair of heart is found in an earthworm? – Four
425.Which substance found in blood which helps in cloting? – Fibrinogen
426.Which worm reach into intestine of human by eating leaf? – Tape worm
427.Which is the phylum that includes exclusively marine animal? – Echinodermata
428.Which organs has its own wave of autonomic excitation? – Heart
429.What is the short upper part of human intestine next to the stomach? – Duodenum
430.A person feel fatigued due to depositon of which acid in their muscles? – Latic Acid
431.In the retina of eye cells what is present for colour differentiation? – Cones
432.Which gland is responsible for the secretion of insulin? – Pancrease
433.What is considered as the easily digestable source of protein? – Soyabean
434.What percentage of water found in blood plasma of human? – 91 to 92%
435.Which blood vessel bringing blood into Bowman’s capsule? – Afferent arteriole
436.Bu which antibodies are produced in the plasma of blood? – Lymphocytes
437.Which enzyme take part in digestion of milk protein? – Rennin
438.Which part of brain is centre of thirst hunger and sleep? – Hypothalmus
439.Blood Coagualtion is prevented by which chemical when it flow through artery and vein? –
440.Which organelles in the cell, other than nucleus contains DNA? – Mitochondria
441.What is infolding from the inner membrane of mitochondria called? – Cristae
442.In a living cell what is the site of ribosome formation? – Nucleolus
443.What do both respiration and photosynthesis require? – Cytochromes
444.In absence of ribosome in cell which function does not takes place? – Protein synthesis
445.Deficiency of which vitamin, causes xerophthelmia? – Vitamin A
446.Which antimicrobial drug is suitable for treatment of both tuberculosis and leprosy? –
447.Insects that can transmit diseases to human are referred to as which name? – Vectors
448.Pneumoconiosis affects the workers who work mainly in which industry? – Coal mining
449.Lathyrism is caused by excessive consumption of which thing? – Khesari Dal
450.Which part of blood carry out the function of body defence? – White blood cell
451.Which disease is caused due to presence of excess arsenic in water? – Skin Cancer
452.What is the transmission of characters from one generation to next? – Heredity
453.Who got noble prize for artificial synthesis of DNA? – Kornberg
454.What is the smallest part of DNA that undergoes recombination? – Recon
455.By whom was Artificial gene synthesis first done in laboratory? – Khurana
456.By whom the concept of survival of the fittest as advanced? – Herbert Spencer
457.From the evolutionary point of view, which is the most primitive animal? – Turtle
458.Which was the Russian scientist who proposed the theory of origin of life? – Oparin
459.Who published the book ‘Origin of species by natural selection in 1859’? – Darwin
460.Which is most primitive ancestor of man ? – Australopithecus
461.Which harmful element tobacoo exists in tobacoo ? – Nicotine
462.What is abiotic component of ecosystem? – Water
463.What is Study of inter relationship between living organism and their environment? –
464. Epiphytes are plant which depend on other plants for which purpose? – Mechanical support
465.What amount of energy transfered from one trophic level to next? – 10%
466.Plant and animal living in a particular area, what is it called? – Community
467.Reduced leaves and sunken stomata are the main feature of which thing? – Xerophytes
468.What ratio of forest area needed for ecologycal balance in India? – 33.3%
469.Ultimate environmental hazard to mankind, why? – Due to Nuclear pollution
470.Sound become hazardous noise pollution at which level? – Above 80 dB
471.Which energy do not have the problem of pollution? – Sun
472.Which air pollutant affect the nervous system of man? – Lead
473.By which is the Atmosphere of big metropolition cities is polluted most? – Automobile
474.National Environmental Engineering research institute is situated in which city? – Nagpur
475.Edward Jenner is related with which disease? – Small pox
476.Which Scientist first explained about circulatory system? – William Harvey
477.Who discovered Anopheles mosquito transmit malaria? – Ronal ross
478.Who discovered the causal organism of the disease Anthrax? – Robert Koch
479.Which Scientists has established the ‘Phylum Annelida’? – Lamark
480. Which Biologist proposed the theory of Germ plasm? – Weisman
481.For which is the southern blot technique used for the detection? – DNA
482.For which is the northern blot technique used for the detection? – RNA
483.What is the introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype? – Immunisation
484.Which vitamin is transformed in golden rice ? – Vitamin A
485.Human protein x –1 – antitrysin is used for which disease? – Emphysama
486.Which type of cell has the ability to develop into any type of all ? – Stem cell
487.What is the percentage of land area covered under forest according to Indian Forest policy?
– 33%
488.Which organisation is responsible for maintaing Red data book? – IUGN
489. What is the main cause of extinction of species from tropics? – Deforestation
490.What is the number of plant species estimated to be present in India? – 40,000
491.Which group has the highest number of endangered species ? – Reptiles
492.Silent valley having rare plant and animal is located in which state? – Kerala
493.Which is the first national park established in India? – Corbet
494.Insectivorous plant generally grow in soil which is deficient in which gas? – Nitrogen
495.What is one-way relationship where one species benefits at the expense of another is
called? – Parasitism
496.What is symbiotic relationship in which both species benefit’ is best described? – Mutualism
497.Which of a species describes the tropic function it fills in its environment? – Niche
498.What is the least influential in determining the distribution of terrestrial biomes? – Salinity
499.What is the term for the maximum number of individuals that an area can support
indefinitely? – Carrying capacity
500.The massive hole in the ozone layer over the Antarctica was first discovered in which year?
– 1985
501.Which animals have a diet mainly consisting of bamboo? – Red pandas

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