Specific Trends in Educational Administration

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A. Decision-Making
B. Organizational Compliance
C. Organizational Development
E. Modern Trends in Educational Management

A. Decision-Making

For school-based decision-making to work, four key resources need to be present to develop the
capacity to create high performance organizations:

1. Knowledge and skills in new instructional strategies; interpersonal, problem-solving, and

decision skills for working together as a team; business knowledge for managing the
organization, including budgeting and fiscal planning; and assessment strategies for
analyzing, interpreting, and acting on school performance data.
2. Information about the performance of the organization, including student performance
data, budgets, and demographic-trend data.
3. Power and authority to make decisions, especially in the areas of curriculum and
instruction, staffing and personnel, and resource allocation and budgeting.
4. Rewards for high performance, including intrinsic and extrinsic rewards, such as salary
adjustments, professional development opportunities, performance-based pay, group or
team-based rewards, and public recognition for their accomplishments.

B. Organizational Compliance
C. Organizational Development

D. Program/Project Evaluation Review Technique (PERT)

PERT is a method of analyzing the tasks involved in completing a given project, especially the
time needed to complete each task, and to identify the minimum time needed to complete the
total project. It incorporates uncertainty by making it possible to schedule a project while not
knowing precisely the details and durations of all the activities. It is more of an event-oriented
technique rather than start- and completion-oriented, and is used more in those projects where
time is the major factor rather than cost. It is applied on very large-scale, one-time, complex,
non-routine infrastructure and on Research and Development projects.

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