English 5 Q3 Week 4 PDF

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Learning Area ENGLISH Grade Level FIVE

Quarter THREE Date
I. LESSON TITLE Making Generalizations and Summarizing Various Text Types based on Elements
Summarize various text types based on elements
III. CONTENT/CORE CONTENT Summarizing Various Text Types based on Elements
IV. LEARNING PHASES Learning Activities
Time frame
A. Introduction 50 mins. Summarizing teaches students how to recognize the most important ideas in the
Panimula text, how to ignore irrelevant information and how to integrate the central ideas in a
meaningful way.
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. Make generalizations.
2. Summarize various text types based on elements.
A generalization is a broad statement drawn from a group of facts about a
topic. It must be supported by evidence that is logical and factual. Learning to
make generalizations will help you develop conclusions and identify trends.
In making generalizations we may use the following guidelines:
1. gather information
2. identify relationships among facts
3. make a generalization that states a relationship and is consistent with most of
the supporting facts
A clue word such as all, most, always, usually, or generally signals that an author
is making generalization.
Read the paragraph.
Asma’s letter on Christmas is different in some ways. One, it isn’t a greeting card.
Two, it is a letter addressed to Jesus Christ who is not a common person, relative, friend, or
acquaintance. Jesus, for the Christians, is the Son of Mary. And three, the letter is asking
for some explanation of the untoward happenings here on planet Earth. Lastly, the letter
will not be mailed but will be placed on the altar for the angels to carry to Jesus.
Amazingly different in three ways, the letter holds the greatest message of all time-the
message of love and justice, of brotherhood, and sisterhood.
(Castillo, K.E. (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Vibal Group, Inc for the Department of Education)
Which sentence states the generalization? How did you know? What
examples, reasons, or facts are presented to validate the generalization? What words
or phrases introduce them? Remember that generalizations are like “big umbrellas.”
A summary restates only the main points of a text without giving examples or
details such as dates, numbers or statistics. When you summarize, you keep in mind the
answers to the (5) Wh’s and How questions.
Texts are written for a variety of purposes, using different forms and standards of
composition. These forms of writing are known as text type.
There are two main text types, factual and literary. Factual text types include
factual description, recount, or persuasive. Literary text types include poetry,
narrative or personal response.
One of its kind is the narrative text. It is a type of literary text that tells a story. It
presents series of events which can either be fiction or non-fiction. Fiction narrative
may include picture books, cartoons, fantasy, adventure, science fiction, fairy tales,
legends, fables or plays. Non-fiction narratives include autobiography, biography,
memoir, diary and others.
The basic elements of narrative include the theme, setting, characters and plot.
Theme refers to the author’s message about life or human nature he or she tries to
convey in the story. The setting answers the when and where the story happens and
the characters are the people, animals or things playing an important role for the
events. The plot consists of the episodes happened from beginning, middle and
ending events.
Now that you already know its elements, let us find out how are we going to
summarize it if we come across with a very long text. Here are some ways on how
you can summarize a text.
Text A
Mario stood calmly by the door of the principal’s office while waiting for his teacher.
He looked farther to check on his adviser if she would be coming because she was
nowhere. After a few minutes, a spectacle man was in sight, it was the school principal.
Mario told the principal about the purpose of his visit. He made his statement clear
why he brought his cell phone to school. He told the principal that his classmates shouted
at him in their classroom, telling him that bringing cellphone was not allowed. He felt
weak explaining his reason for doing it. He told the principal that it hurt him to have
violated a school policy but doing this made him feel secure to text or call up his sick
mother at home. He told the principal that he was sorry for doing it, but it hurt him
because his purpose was concern of his sick mother.
The principal patted the apologetic pupil on the shoulder and spoke kindly to him.
Text B
While waiting for his adviser to come, Mario visited the principal’s office. His purpose
was to explain why he had brought his cell phone in class. Earlier, his classmates noisily
reminded him that bringing cell phone in school was not allowed. Nevertheless, Mario
told the principal that it hurt him to violate the school policy but he had to do it. Mario
said that he felt secure to text or call his sick mother. The principal just patted the
apologetic pupil and spoke to him kindly.
How is Test A different from Text B? Text B is the summary of Text A, which is the
original text? How are the two texts the same? Do they have the same idea and
Likewise, you may also use a summary chart to organize your ideas like in Story

Another way of summarizing a text is through scanning and skimming. Scanning

is a technique of quick reading that helps you find specific details or relevant
information. When you scan you only find the keywords needed to answer the
questions. Here are the tips on how are you going to do this:
* look for the key information
* look at each paragraph, locate the topic sentence, the first one and
decide what the main point is
* list the key points and include only the main ideas of the text.
Skimming is letting your eyes and mind skim over the text quickly as to note the most
important points. What do you do when you skim?
* Let your eyes travel down the page lightly but rapidly.
* Find the key words that tell to who, what, when, where, why and how.
* Keep in mind that the first sentence in a paragraph or the first paragraph of an
article usually contains the important details that give the general idea. As you scan
and skim you may underline, circle or put any mark on the words or phrase which are
to be remembered. You may write the summary in a complete sentence or two. Just
like in the example presented below.
The Moscow Circus was the biggest circus troupe ever visited the Philippines. The show
officially opened at two o’clock in the afternoon. This was held at Quezon City Big Dome. The
136-man Soviet group arrived on a big ship. The circus troupe featured world class acts involving
over 100 human performers, 10 lions, a team of clowns, a team of Cossack horses, the world’s
number one hula hoop artist, and Iriwa Bugrimova, the tiger tamer. The Moscow State Circus has
been named after the famous clown, the Legendary Karandash who heads the group.
B. Development 50 mins. A. Directions: Read each sentence. Is it a generalization? Write YES or NO on the
Pagpapaunlad following statement. Write the signal word.
1, All boys love to play basketball. __________
2. Some people are afraid of the dark. __________
3. The grade five learners are respectful. __________
4. My sister and my brother are fond of playing chess. __________
5. Always wear face mask in going to the market. __________
B. Directions: Summarize in five to six sentences the fable “Two Cats and a
Monkey” using the (5) wh’s and how as guide questions.

Two Cats and a Monkey

Once upon a time, there lived two cats near a village. They were close friends. They
played, slept and went everywhere together.
Suddenly, one day there was no food for both of them. The two cats went for the
search of food, they found a loaf of bread. They began to fight over it. One cat said, "I
found it first its mine." Another cat said, "No I found it first, give it to me."
A monkey in the tree seeing them fighting said, 'It will be great if I get that bread. It
looks yummy.". He came to the cats and said, "Friends why are you quarreling? I will settle
your fight". Both the cats agreed to his proposal.
The Monkey split the bread into two uneven pieces. One-piece was large and the
other piece was small. Then, he ate a portion from the larger piece. But this made the
other piece larger. So, it took a bite from the other piece. likewise, the monkey ate the
whole loaf of bread. It climbed back the tree laughing at the cats.
(Adapted from Panchatantra Tales For Kids in English)

C. Engagement 50 mins. A. Directions: Read the text below and write a generalization of the details on your
Pakikipagpalihan paper.
Some astronomers believe that asteroids are the remnants of a planet that
came close to Jupiter and was torn apart by Jovian gravity. Others say that they
resulted from a collision between two or small planets. Still others think the solar system
originated from swirling clouds of particles that once surrounded the sun and that the
asteroids are rocks that never came together to form a planet.
(Castillo, K.E. (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Vibal Group, Inc for the Department of Education)

B. Directions: Summarize its elements by completing the graphic organizer. (See the
graphic organizer presented above)
Until We Eat Again
by: Mary Grace De Galicia
A midst the pandemic, fastfood restaurants, let me in or let me out. Children, the
young ones and even adults really missed their experiences in eating at different fast foods
together with the family, friends or relatives due to rise in number of people infected by the
Fast food owners and managers think of ways on how they can still serve their food to
many. Some opened their fastfood chains but they are offering take out though pick-up
or by a delivery service. There are also other people offering the what we call as pasabuy
in which will be paid in a minimal amount base on the location to where the food will be
delivered. This way, people from all walks of life still had a chance to eat the food served
in fastfood chains and restaurants even if they are at home.

D, Assimilation 50 mins. A. Directions: Read the paragraph, then provide a generalization.

Many, if not all, infectious diseases can be prevented by some means such as
immunization, hand washing, and general cleanliness. Most people are immunized against
flu, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio, and tetanus. Still other people who travel in other
parts of the world need to undergo vaccination for diseases like typhoid and yellow fever.
Through thorough hand washing and other good food habits may help prevent the spread
of colds, flu, and food poisoning. Brushing one’s teeth is another practical way to protect
the teeth from cavities and gum disease. Most importantly, general cleanliness of
surroundings contribute greatly in the prevention of diseases.

(Castillo, K.E. (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Vibal Group, Inc for the Department of Education)
B. Directions: Summarize the text by skimming through the selection. Your answer
should be in a complete sentence or two, cover the main idea and use
your own words.
If you are reading this right now, you are taking part in the wonder of literacy. Because
of printed words, people can send information across both time and space. Ideas are
put in writing and sent to readers across thousands of miles and years. Because
of writing, the words of distant people can influence events, offer knowledge, and
change the world. Much of the credit for the development of this phenomenon can be
attributed to one man

(Castillo, K.E. (2016). Joy in Learning English 5. Vibal Group, Inc for the Department of Education)

V. ASSESSMENT 50 mins. A. Directions: Read the text below and make a generalization. Choose the letter of
(Learning Activity your answer.
Sheets for 1. Ariane showed her report card to her friend, Kyle. Ariane received all As. On her
Enrichment, report card. Her teacher said that she enjoys having Ariane in her class.
Remediation or A. Ariane is a girl.
Assessment to be B. Ariane enjoys going to school.
given on Weeks 3 C. Ariane received As in all of the subjects.
and 6) 2. The canteen servers have noticed that when they serve green beans, the green
beans often remain uneaten. When they serve squash, however most squash are
gone when the students returned their lunch trays.
A. Squash is a vegetable.
B. More kids like green beans.
C. Most students eat squash than green beans in school.
3. A blue whale can reach a length of 100 feet. That is almost as long as three school
buses. Blue whales are thought to be as one of the biggest animals that ever lived
on Earth.
A. Blue whales are the ocean’s king.
B. No other other is as big as the blue whale.
C. The size of a blue whale is very impressive.
B. Directions: Read the paragraph below. Make a generalization on what they
prefer to eat.
If you travel to Oceanland to go snorkeling in the clear blue water, you will find
octokids. Octokids make their houses in the coral reefs in warm waters. They love to find
caves to curl up in. Octokids sometimes eat snails, but always eat algae, plants, leaves,
seaweed and sea grass.

C. Directions: Summarize the story.

The Ant and the Dove
One hot summer day, a thirsty ant was searching for water. The ant walked along,
until reaching the river. She climbed up on a small rock, to drink the water. But she slipped
and fell into the river.
A dove was sitting on a branch of a tree who saw an ant falling into the river. The
dove quickly plucked a leaf and dropped it into the river near the struggling ant. The ant
moved towards the leaf and climbed up onto it. Soon, the leaf drifted to dry ground, and
the ant jumped out. She looked up to the tree and thanked the dove.
Later, a bird catcher nearby was about to throw his net over the dove hoping to
trap it. An ant saw him and guessed what he was about to do. The dove was resting and
he had no idea about the bird catcher. An ant quickly bit him on the foot. Feeling the
pain, the bird catcher dropped his net and let out a light scream. The dove noticed it
and quickly flew away.
(Adapted from the Aesop’s Fable)

VI. REFLECTION In your notebook, write your personal insights about the lesson using the prompts below.
I understand that _________________________________________________________.
I realize that ______________________________________________________________.
I need to learn more about ________________________________________________.
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