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Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur

EEL2010: Signals and Systems

Quiz 3
Date: July 5, 2021, Max Marks: 14
Max Time: 35 min (Including Submission Time)
Attempt all questions. Best of luck ©

1. Let x(t) be a seismic trace (a continuous time signal) which essentially provides a measure of activities
inside earth’s surface. Further, it is known that useful signal information in x(t) lies in the frequency
range between 1.5 Hz to 450 Hz. In order to analyze x(t) digitally, we sample it at 4 kHz to get a
discrete time signal x[n]. The signal x[n] is now read into a software program. However, due to an error
in indexing, the said program is faulty and reads every 4-th sample (i.e. instead of x[n] it will read
x[4n]). Explain, with technical justifications, how the faulty program will affect analysis of useful signal
information present in x(t).
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2. Determine the value of the integration −∞ sint2(t) dt.
3. Consider a continuous-time periodic signal x(t) with period T such that its Fourier Series coefficients
ak = 0 for non-zero even integer k. Show that x(t) = −x t + T2 .

Marks Distribution 5+5+4

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