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1. Stock Transfer from Plant to Plant with one step procedure

(T Code MIGO/MB1B- Movement Type 301) (Only Inventory department involves in this

2. Stock transfer from Plant to Plant with two step procedure (MB1B/MIGO- Movement
type 303 & 305) (Only Inventory department involves in this case)

3. Stock transport order without SD shipping and with out billing ( PO Document Type:
'UB', Supply Plant in PO, Movement type : 351, Receiving plant GR 101) (Only Purchase
department, Inventory department involves in this case)

4. Stock Transport order with SD Shipping and without billing (Intra Company) (PO
document type 'UB', outbound delivery type 'NL', PGI Movement type 641, GR M type 101)
(Purchase department, shipping department and Inventory department involves in this

5. Stock transport Order with SD Shipping and Billing (Inter Company) (PO Document type
'NB', Out bound delivery 'NLCC', PGI Mov Type;643, Billing Type 'IV', GR Movement type
101, Invoice Verification.) ( Here all departments involving include accounting

Stock Transport Order without SD shipping and with out Billing:

Company Code

(Supply Plant) 2. STO ME21N, Doct Type: UB, It Cat: U (Receive Plant)

3. Transfer Postings (MB1B/MIGO,351) 1. PR ME51N,

Item Cat 'U'
4. GR w.r.t. STO, Mov Type 101

 Ensure material is extended to both plants.
 Observe prices and price control Indicators for both materials in Material master
accounting view
 Observe stock overview for both materials in MMBE

Step 1: Create PR in Receive Plant

 Go to ME51N
 Enter Item Categoty 'U'
 Enter Material number, quantity, and Recieve Plant and supplying Plant
 Click Save

Step 2: Create STO or PO in receive Plant

 Go to ME21N
 Document type 'UB'
 Then vendor field is replaced by supply plant, based on document type 'UB' Img

SPRO MM Purchasing Purchase Order Define Document


{ Document type: UB Control: T (Transport)}

 In Item row enter PR Number and Click enter

 Enter recive plant purchase organization, company code in Organization data tab
 Here also Item category 'U'
 In Condition tab Click 'analysis' button and observe the adopted STO pricing
procudure "RM2000" based on determination of calculation schema for STO.

SPRO MM Purchasing Conditions Define price

determination process Define Schema determination

{Click determine for STO, Doct type : UB Procedure: RM2000}

 In PO Item condition tab 'condition type P101' is picked supplying plant material
price. That means material is coming with supplying plant price to receive plant and
with that price only stock value increases in receiving plant but not with the receive
plant material price. But standard price is there in receive plant then in standard
price only stock value increases in receive plant.
 If Freight is paying to any transporter then enter price condition type 'FRC1' say 10
Rs/pc and select freight condition type and click condition details button and enter
freight vendor no.

 In condition tab all condition types are statistical that is why any condition type
amount is not adding to net price.
 Here no Invoice tab is coming as per Item category 'U' IMG Settings.
 Save PO.

Step 3: Transfer Posting in Supply Plant

 Go to MIGO(MB1B)
 Goods Issue; Purchase Order; PO Number; Movement Type 351
 Click Enter
 Enter Quantity and Storage Location
 Item OK, Check and Post
 In MMBE stock decreased in Supply Plant and not increased in receive plant and
stock is in transit to receive Plant
 See the transit stock in 'MB5T'
 In accounting document supplying plant stock value decreased with 'BSX' and
receive plant stock value increased with 'BSX' and freight value credited with
transaction key 'FR1'.

Step 4: GR for in receive Plant

 Go to MIGO
 Goods receipt; Purchase Order; PO Number, Movement type 101
 Click Enter
 In Where tab observe receive plant and store
 In quantity tab enter actual received quantity
 In Partner tab observe supply plant
 Item OK check and Post
 Transit stock decreases in 'MB5T' and receive plant stock increased in MMBE
 Again no accounting document is created at 'GR' because already stock value
updated in both plants during transfer posting
 If freight is planned at PO then enter Invoice with respect to PO in MIRO by selecting
Planned delivery cost.

Stock Transfer Order with SD Shipping and without Billing

Company Code

Supply Plant 2. STO ME21N, Doct Type 'UB', Item Cate 'U' Receive Plant

1. Pr Item Cate 'U'

3. Outbound Delivery Doct type 'NL'

T Codes: VL10B, VL10G, VL04

4. PGI VL02N, Mov Type: 641

5. GR wrt STO, Mov type: 101

Vendor Customer
(SD Flow) (MM Flow)

Create Enguiry RFQ

Create Quotation Maintain Quotation

Sales Order PO

Outbound Delivery POST GR

Create Billin/Invoice Invoice Verification

A/C Receivable Payment (A/C Payable)

Sales Org. (JUSO) Co. Code (TSPC)

Dist.Channel 22 Dist. Channel Plant TSJU Plant TSRP

(Direct Sales) 20 (Whole Sale)

Dist. division ZZ Dist. divsion 01 Dist Divison ZZ Dist Division

(Mechanicals) (Auto mobile)
YY (Dearlers)

(Sales Area)

SD IMG Settings:

SPRO Enterprise Structure Definition Logistics General

Define copy, delete, check division
 Define Divison
Note: Sellable materials are grouped together and assigned to a division.

 Click New Entries

Division Name
ZD Cardiac division
ZE Cancer Division
 Save
 Back to IMG

SPRO Enterprise Structure Definition Sales & Distribution

Define copy, delete, check Sales Organization
 Click Define Sales Organization
 Select existing Sales Organization say '1000' Click copy as and enter as
'TSSO' - Tata Steels Sales Organization
 Enter currency, and Calender
 In address screen enter address details of Sales organisation

 Click yes and save
 back to IMG
 Define Copy, delete, check distribution Channel
 Click enter
 Click define distribution Channel
Note: Distribution Channel is the way of reaching the goods to customer i.e., through
dealer channel or distributor channel or direct sales or Internet sales or whole sale
 Click New Entries

Distribution Channel Name

ZC Direct Sales
 Click save
 back to IMG
 Logistics Execution
 Define Copy, delete, check shipping point
 Define Shipping Point
Note: Shipping pint is group of loading/unloading points and from shipping point
goods are shipped to the customer
 New Entries

Shipping Point: JUSP (Jamshedpur shipping point)

Determine Load Time: 'A'
Determine pick/pack time: 'A'
Rounding work days: '1'
 Click enter and save
 enter the address details of shipping point in address screen
 create other shipping points also for unloading points.i.e., customer shipping point.
 Back to IMG
 Assignment
 Sales and Distribution
 Assign Sales organizations to Co. Code
 Enter Sales Organisation and our company code
 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Assign Distribution channel to Sales Organization
 Click New Entries
Sales Org. Dist. Channel
 Back to IMG

 Assign Sales division to Sales Organisation
 Click New Entries

Sales Org. Dist. Div


 Back to IMG
 Set up Sales Area
 Click New Entries

Sales Org. Dist Channel Dist. Div


 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Logistics Execution
 Assign shipping point to Plant
 Select our Plant (TSJU) and Click assign button on the top
 Select our shipping Point (JUSP)
 Click Save
 Back to IMG

SPRO Sales & Distribution Master Data Define Common Distribution


Sales Organization Dist. Channel Dist. Channel Conditions Dist. channel Cust/Mate

 Back to IMG
 Define Common divisions

Sales Organization Division Division Conditions Division Condtions


 Click Save

Create Customer Master record for receive Plant:
(From supplying sales area point of view) (XD01)

 Account group :
 Customer No:
(Ensure Customer no. is New Nos)
 Company Code
 Sales Organization
 Distribution Channel
 Distribution Division
 In address screen enter name and address details of receive Plant
 Click Company Code data and enter reconciliation account
 Click Sales area data tab
 In shipping tab enter shipping conditions say '01'
(Shipping conditions determines suitable shipping point automatically in PO
shipping tab from shipping point determination ) T Code OVL2
 Click Save

STO IMG Settings in MM:

SPRO MM Purchasing Purchase Order Set up Stock Transport

Order Define Shipping Data for Plants

 Select Receive Plant 'TSRP' and click details button, assign customer No. to this
receive plant. That means in STO process this receive plant is treated as a customer
by supplying Sales area.
 Go To Supplying Plant 'TSJU' and click details, assign which sales area involving in
this supply plant to transfer the goods to any receive Plant.

Sales Area TSSO

Dist. Ch ZC
Dist. Div YY

Note: If this supplying plant is also receiving goods from any other plant then create and
assign customer no. to this plant also.

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Create Checking rule

(Checking rule is used to check material availability in supplying plant by carrying
out availability check programme.)
 New Entries
CRI Description
YY Checking Rule

 Save
 Back to IMG
 Define Checking rule
(here define which stocks has to consider as avaialble stock in availability check and
which inward and outward documents has to considered in availability check etc.,)
 New Entries
 Availability Check Say '01' ( It is assigned to material master)
 Checking rule 'YY' (It is assigned to supplying plant in next screen)

 Stocks:

Stock in Transfer
Incl. Qual. Ins. Stock
(If We selected these stocks only considered as available stocks of supplying plant)

 IN/Outward Movements:

Incl. Purchase Order

Incl. Purchase Requisition
Incl. Sales requirements
Incl. Deliveries
Incl. Ship. Notifications

 Replenishment Lead Time:

 If it is selected, Normally availability check carries out with RLT (Replenishment

Lead Time) that means, If stock is deficit in supplying plant to issue to customer or
to receive plant then it confirms the delivery date to customer or to receive plant by
considering planned time (from Vendor) or in house production time + GR
Processing time +Pick/pack time+ Loading time + Transportation time

 If it is selected without RLT then It won't consider planned delivery time or in house
production time and GR processing time

 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Assign Delivery type and checking rule
**This settings control against receive Plant 'PO' in supplying plant goods has to
transfer with 'SD' Shipping process or without 'SD' shipping process (i.e., with
Inventory Department)

Doc.Type S Plant Del Type CRI (Intra Company)


(** If we want to STO with SD, We keep delivery type as NL to supplying plant, If
without SD We have to delete 'NL' against supplying plant)

Doc.Type S Plant Del Type CRI (Inter Company)


 Click Save
 Back to IMG
 Assign document type one step procedure under delivery tolerance

Supply Plant Rec. Plant Doc. Type One Step Tole

Intra Company
TSJU 1000 NB Inter Company

 If one step is selected, Whenever PGI is posted in supplying plant then GR also
posted automatically in receive plant in the same step
 In One step procedure PGI movement type is in Intra company is 647, and in Inter
company is 645.

 Click Save.


Step 1: Create Material Master in Supplying Plant:

 Go to MM01
 Select Material type FERT or HALB
 Select all sales views and MM views and all MRP views
 Click Organizational levels
 MRP Profile : PD01
 Click Enter
 In Sales Org. 1 View, Enter Division, Tax Classification as '1'
 In Sales Org. 2 view, enter Item Category group as 'NORM'
 In Sales/Gen Plant view, enter Availability Check: '01',enter Transportation Group
and Enter Loading group as '0001'
 In MRP2 View : ( Based on procurement type 'E' enter either in production time (say
10 days) or planned delivery time and enter GR Processing time say 1 day
 In MRP 3 view enter Total Repl. Lead Time : 10 Days
Note: If availability check carries with RLT then this RLT only considers. If availability
check carries without RLT then It won't consider this RLT and it considers in house
production time or planned delivery time + GR Processing time only.
 Enter Other views and save
Note: Extend the same material to receive plant also will all MM and all Sales and MRP

Step 2: Create PR in Receive Plant:

 Go to ME51N
 Document Type: NB
 Item Category 'U', enter quantity, receive plant and Supply Plant
 Click Enter and Save

Step 3: Create STO in Receive Plant

 Go to ME21N
 PO Document Type 'UB'
 In Item row enter PR NO.
 Click Enter
 In Shipping tab: The receive plant customer no and supply plant sales area is picked
based on STO IMG Settings.

{SPRO MM Purchasing Purchase Order Set up Stock

Transport Order Define Shipping Data for Plants}

 based on PO Document type 'UB' and supplying plant 'TSJU', the delivery type 'NL' is
copied from IMG Settings.

{SPRO MM Purchasing Purchase Order Set up Stock Transport

Order Assign delivery type and checking rule}

 From customer master record shipping condition and for material master loading
group is picked here

 based on this shipping conditions and loading group and supplying plant
combination the shipping point is determined automatically from 'OVL2- T Code'.

 In Condition tab: Observe condition type 'P101'

 Select Item row and from Menu bar click 'Environment Availability'
 observe how much stock available in Supply plant as on date as per availability
check and checking rule
 Back and Save.

Step 4: Create Outbound delivery in Supply Plant:

 Go to VL10B (VL10G or VL04)

 Shipping point which is there in PO
 Delivery creation date (Ensure PO item delivery date is with in this from and to
 Calculation rule: 1 or 2 based on PO's Delivery date
 In Purchase Order data tab enter PO Number
 Click Execute
 In next screen select row click 'background' button
 Click Log for creating deliveries button
 If errors are there then select error and click note
 Select no. click 'document' button
 observe created Outbound delivery document no
 Back and save

Step 5: PGI in Supply Plant

 Go to VL02N
 Enter Outbound delivery No.
 Click Enter
 In Picking tab enter storage location and picked quantity
 Click enter
 In goods movement data tab movement type '641' is picked automatically.
(Note: If one step is selected then 641 is picked here)
 Click Post Goods Issue
 In the same screen click document flow button and observe created transfer posting
or PGI document or in ME23N. In PO history tab also observe PGI document and go
to this PGI document display in 'MIGO' or 'MB03' and observe accounting document
and movement types.

NOte: Observe updated stock in supplying plant in MMBE and transit stock in

Step 6: Enter GR for Receive Plant

 Goods Receipt; R05 Outbound Delivery; Outbound delivery No., Mov. Type: 101
 Enter Storage Location (Receive Plant)
 Received quantity
 Check and POst.
 Here No accounting document created
 Transit stock is decreased in MB5t
 Receive Plant is increased in MMBE

STO with SD with Billing (Inter Company)

2. STO ME21N, Doct Type 'NB', Item Cate 'STD' Receive Plant
Supply Plant

3. Outbound Delivery Doct type 'NLCC' 1. PR Item Cat U

(T Codes: VL10B, VL10G, VL04)

4. PGI VL02N, Mov Type: 643

5.Create Billing/Invoice in Supply Plant (VF01)

6. GR in Receive Plant

7. Invoice Verification in Receive Plant (MIRO)

Note: Configure SD enterprise structure for supplying plant same as Intra company
1. Create Receive Plant as customer master in supply plant sales area.
2. Create Supplying plant as a vendor with receive plant purchase organization and
Company code and in purchasing data screen from menu bar-- Extras-- additional
data, assign supplying plant to vendor master.
3. Configure STO settings in MM same as Intra company but assign document type as
'NB' and delivery type as 'NLCC'

Test Scenario:
Same as Intra company from material master up to GR, but create additionally billing or
Invoice in supplying plant in VF01 and enter Invoice verification in receiving plant in MIRO.


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