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03-11 15:22:23.

109 917 917 E wificond: vivo add tx_good 29869 tx_bad 171
rx_good 82818 tx_retry 8426
03-12 04:16:27.359 29869 30363 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for
03-12 05:48:22.229 485 1593 I libPowerHal: [perfNotifyAppState]
foreground:com.ss.android.ugc.trill, pid:29869, uid:10538
03-12 05:48:22.936 29869 21894 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:5
strType=android.sensor.light delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class X.2zx num: 0
03-12 05:48:27.519 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 05:48:28.538 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 05:48:30.155 521 1082 I BufferQueueProducer:
(this:0xb400007188968858,id:978,api:1,p:29869,c:521) queueBuffer: fps=41.66
dur=1008.26 max=42.42 min=11.74
03-12 05:48:34.398 29869 6246 I _V_MediaCodec: OMX.MTK.VIDEO.DECODER.HEVC,
mInputBufferCount = 30 fps, mOutputBufferCount = 31 fps, mRenderFrameCount = 30
fps, mReleaseFrameCount = 0 fps
03-12 05:48:34.525 29869 1158 I ttmn :
<0x0,av_player_holder.cpp,sendEvent,420>event is: 3
03-12 05:48:34.538 29869 1158 I ttmn :
<0x0,av_player_holder.cpp,sendEvent,420>event is: 8
03-12 05:48:34.539 29869 1158 D VCStrategy: <vc_manager.cpp,eventLog,446>[center]
[event] on event, id = 6834118451621053954T1678571165682T19511, key = 2021, value =
0, info = {"net_block_avg":2250.0,"net_block_std":-
03-12 05:48:34.539 29869 1158 D VCStrategy: <vc_manager.cpp,eventLog,446>[center]
[event] on event, id = 6834118451621053954T1678571165682T19511, key = 2022, value =
1, info = 0
03-12 05:48:34.550 29869 1158 D VCStrategy: <vc_manager.cpp,eventLog,446>[center]
[event] on event, id = 6834118451621053954T1678571165682T19511, key = 2023, value =
-1, info = {"last_buf":-100,"last_res":0,"last_ts":1678574914113}
03-12 05:48:34.550 29869 1158 D VCStrategy: <vc_manager.cpp,eventLog,446>[center]
[event] on event, id = 6834118451621053954T1678571165682T19511, key = 2025, value =
-1, info = []
03-12 05:48:34.550 29869 1214 D AudioTrack: pause(393): 0x775f84ef00, prior
03-12 05:48:34.550 29869 30394 D VCStrategy:
<EventListenerBridge.cpp,operator(),103>[center][event] on event, mediaId =
7203348861371354395, key = 2009, value = 0, info =
03-12 05:48:34.551 29869 30394 D VCStrategy:
<EventListenerBridge.cpp,operator(),103>[center][event] on event, mediaId =
7203348861371354395, key = 2000, value = 5, info =
03-12 05:48:34.552 29869 30394 D VCStrategy:
<EventListenerBridge.cpp,operator(),103>[center][event] on event, mediaId =
7203348861371354395, key = 2010, value = 23, info =
03-12 05:48:34.553 29869 30394 D VCStrategy:
<EventListenerBridge.cpp,operator(),103>[center][event] on event, mediaId =
7203348861371354395, key = 2020, value = 0, info = []
03-12 05:48:34.554 29869 1159 I ttmn : <0x0,normal_clock.cpp,resume,114>aclock
test: resume, update time: 12033
03-12 05:48:34.554 29869 1159 I ttmn : <0x0,av_base_thread.cpp,run,428>Player-
V59:thread to stop.mState:1431655765
03-12 05:48:34.556 29869 1109 I ttmn : <0x0,av_base_thread.cpp,run,428>VDecode-
V59:thread to stop.mState:1431655765
03-12 05:48:34.557 29869 1204 I ttmn : <0x0,av_base_thread.cpp,run,428>ADecode-
V59:thread to stop.mState:1431655765
03-12 05:48:34.566 29869 1214 V PlayerBase: basePause() piid=3311
03-12 05:48:34.569 29869 1214 D _V_PlayerBase: updateState piid 3311 state 3
03-12 05:48:34.570 29869 1107 I ttmn : <0x0,av_base_thread.cpp,run,428>Reader-
V59:thread to stop.mState:1431655768
03-12 05:48:34.571 1306 1306 D MediaSessionService: Audio playback is changed,
config=AudioPlaybackConfiguration piid:3311 type:android.media.AudioTrack
u/pid:10538/29869 state:paused attr:AudioAttributes: usage=USAGE_MEDIA
content=CONTENT_TYPE_MUSIC flags=0x800 tags= bundle=null, removed=false
03-12 05:48:34.572 29869 1160 I ttmn : <0x0,av_base_thread.cpp,run,428>AGraph-
V59:thread to stop.mState:1431655765
03-12 05:48:34.572 29869 23746 D AudioTrack: stop(393): 0x775f84ef00, prior
03-12 05:48:34.572 29869 23746 D AudioTrack: stop(393): called with 530048 frames
03-12 05:48:34.572 29869 1214 I ttmn : <0x0,av_base_thread.cpp,run,428>AOutlet-
V59:thread to stop.mState:1431655765
03-12 05:48:34.574 29869 23746 D AudioTrack: stop(393): 0x775f84ef00 stop done
03-12 05:48:34.575 29869 23746 V PlayerBase: baseStop() piid=3311
03-12 05:48:34.576 29869 23746 W _V_PlayerBase: baseStop state not match:4
03-12 05:48:34.576 29869 23746 D _V_PlayerBase: updateState piid 3311 state 4
03-12 05:48:34.577 29869 23746 V PlayerBase: baseRelease() piid=3311 state=4
03-12 05:48:34.578 29869 23746 W _V_PlayerBase: baseStop state not match:0
03-12 05:48:34.579 29869 23746 D AudioTrack: ~AudioTrack(393): 0x775f84ef00
03-12 05:48:34.581 29869 23746 D AudioTrack: stop(393): 0x775f84ef00, prior
03-12 05:48:34.688 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:48:38.526 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:48:39.841 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:48:40.083 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:48:40.084 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:48:40.393 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:48:40.566 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 05:48:40.567 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:48:40.761 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:48:40.761 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:48:40.937 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:48:42.035 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:48:42.135 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:48:42.235 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:48:42.336 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:48:42.436 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 1 line
03-12 05:48:42.536 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:48:42.536 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34612621,5511
03-12 05:49:03.763 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:03.764 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34634353,5006
03-12 05:49:11.279 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:12.037 29869 23866 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 9 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 05:49:12.084 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:16.292 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:16.293 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34646875,5013
03-12 05:49:26.987 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:29.868 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:30.672 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:31.934 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:31.934 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34662524,5006
03-12 05:49:32.787 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:33.280 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:34.776 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:37.726 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:38.262 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:38.362 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 1 line
03-12 05:49:38.463 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:38.563 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:38.663 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:38.663 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34668851,5408
03-12 05:49:44.774 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:44.964 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:49:44.964 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:49:45.200 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:49:45.547 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 4 lines
03-12 05:49:45.547 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:49:45.742 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:49:47.348 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 18 lines
03-12 05:49:47.348 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:49:47.602 29869 24225 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 9 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 05:49:47.628 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:49:49.664 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:49.665 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34680256,5005
03-12 05:49:51.701 29869 24257 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 05:49:56.589 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:49:56.590 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34687179,5006
03-12 05:50:01.411 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:50:02.058 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:50:06.354 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:50:06.354 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34696944,5006
03-12 05:50:22.649 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:50:27.406 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 05:50:28.420 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 05:50:40.314 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:50:55.275 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:51:36.652 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:51:39.436 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:51:40.178 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:51:41.607 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:51:41.607 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34792197,5006
03-12 05:51:54.048 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:51:57.126 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:51:59.041 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:51:59.042 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34809630,5008
03-12 05:51:59.885 29869 29869 E _V_VivoStats: holder is null so no need to
noteStats destroy, surfaceMap size : 2
03-12 05:52:00.610 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:00.784 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:00.784 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:01.133 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:01.326 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 05:52:01.326 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:01.495 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:01.495 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:01.692 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:01.693 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:01.858 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:02.571 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 8 lines
03-12 05:52:02.571 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:52:02.794 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:04.001 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:06.685 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:52:06.685 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34817275,5006
03-12 05:52:13.316 29869 1211 E ttmn : <audio_outlet.cpp,process,649>silence
audio : 71
03-12 05:52:14.311 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:20.043 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:52:20.043 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34830631,5008
03-12 05:52:27.413 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 05:52:28.426 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 05:52:42.578 29869 29869 E _V_VivoStats: holder is null so no need to
noteStats destroy, surfaceMap size : 1
03-12 05:52:45.702 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:45.731 29869 24542 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 9 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 05:52:47.006 29869 24602 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 6 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 05:52:50.690 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:52:50.691 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34861276,5010
03-12 05:52:53.602 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:55.075 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:56.199 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:52:58.558 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:52:58.558 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34869149,5004
03-12 05:53:08.763 29869 29869 E _V_VivoStats: holder is null so no need to
noteStats destroy, surfaceMap size : 2
03-12 05:53:09.585 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:53:10.533 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:53:11.190 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:53:11.190 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34881776,5010
03-12 05:53:15.326 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:53:20.201 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:53:20.201 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34890792,5005
03-12 05:53:31.405 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:53:36.357 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:53:36.358 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34906949,5004
03-12 05:53:41.689 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:53:46.595 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:53:46.595 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34917186,5005
03-12 05:54:06.160 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:54:11.058 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:54:11.058 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34941648,5006
03-12 05:54:18.462 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:54:21.644 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:54:21.799 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:21.799 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.253 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.256 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 05:54:22.256 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.386 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.387 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.565 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.566 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.757 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:22.925 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 05:54:22.925 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:23.103 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:23.104 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 05:54:23.190 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:54:23.450 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:54:23.851 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 4 lines
03-12 05:54:23.951 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:54:24.051 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:54:24.152 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:54:24.252 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:54:24.452 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 2 lines
03-12 05:54:24.553 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:54:24.553 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 34954035,6114
03-12 05:54:27.417 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 05:54:28.429 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 05:55:16.545 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:55:21.638 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:55:21.638 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35012229,5005
03-12 05:55:26.007 29869 1168 E ttmn : <audio_outlet.cpp,process,649>silence
audio : 9266
03-12 05:55:26.557 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:55:30.406 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:55:30.407 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35020996,5007
03-12 05:56:27.423 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 05:56:28.438 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 05:56:38.278 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:56:40.939 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:56:44.476 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:56:48.823 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:56:48.824 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35099412,5007
03-12 05:57:38.009 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:57:40.303 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:57:42.960 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:57:42.961 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35153548,5008
03-12 05:57:57.662 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:57:57.662 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35168251,5007
03-12 05:58:18.826 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:58:18.826 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35189415,5007
03-12 05:58:25.117 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:58:25.118 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35195705,5008
03-12 05:58:27.411 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 05:58:28.423 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 05:58:34.058 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:58:34.059 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35204648,5006
03-12 05:58:34.790 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:58:39.779 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:58:39.780 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35210370,5005
03-12 05:58:51.874 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:58:53.658 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:58:56.827 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:58:56.827 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35227418,5005
03-12 05:59:00.825 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:59:02.714 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:59:02.714 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35233303,5007
03-12 05:59:03.146 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:59:09.105 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:59:09.105 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35239697,5004
03-12 05:59:17.303 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:59:17.791 29869 25486 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-137]
(id:74ad00000089,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) connect: already connected (cur=3 req=3)
03-12 05:59:17.792 29869 25486 E SurfaceUtils: Failed to connect to surface
0x77ed619010, err -22
03-12 05:59:17.792 29869 25486 E MediaCodec: nativeWindowConnect returned an error:
Invalid argument (-22)
03-12 05:59:17.792 29869 1186 E MediaCodec: configure failed with err 0xffffffea,
03-12 05:59:17.824 29869 1186 E ttmn :
<aj_media_codec_async.cpp,reconfigureCodec,901>codecConfigure failed
03-12 05:59:17.827 29869 1186 E ttmn :
<aj_media_codec_async.cpp,printErrorInfo,721>exception info :
03-12 05:59:17.906 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:59:18.653 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:59:22.371 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:59:22.371 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35252958,5009
03-12 05:59:27.198 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 05:59:52.102 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 05:59:52.102 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35282693,5005
03-12 06:00:27.112 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:00:27.113 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35317704,5004
03-12 06:00:27.413 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 06:00:28.423 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 06:00:40.839 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:00:40.839 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35331430,5005
03-12 06:00:49.195 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:00:49.596 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 4 lines
03-12 06:00:49.697 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:00:49.697 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35339786,5507
03-12 06:00:56.007 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:00:56.007 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35346597,5006
03-12 06:01:03.631 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:03.631 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35354221,5006
03-12 06:01:20.389 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:20.390 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35370980,5005
03-12 06:01:25.778 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:26.079 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 3 lines
03-12 06:01:26.179 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:26.279 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:26.280 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35376369,5507
03-12 06:01:36.259 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:36.360 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:36.460 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:37.162 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 7 lines
03-12 06:01:37.262 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:37.262 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35386851,6007
03-12 06:01:39.154 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:01:44.125 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:44.125 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35394714,5007
03-12 06:01:45.420 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:01:48.027 29869 25780 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 9 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 06:01:48.105 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:01:50.376 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:01:50.377 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35400966,5006
03-12 06:01:59.008 29869 25808 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 16 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 06:02:04.002 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:02:04.002 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35414591,5007
03-12 06:02:09.452 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:02:16.268 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:02:16.268 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35426858,5006
03-12 06:02:27.413 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 06:02:28.425 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 06:02:28.932 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:02:29.447 29869 25881 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 9 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 06:02:29.469 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:02:33.907 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:02:33.908 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35444499,5005
03-12 06:02:34.182 29869 25895 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 16 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: download failed with
waitGeckoUpdate=false ,channel = tiktok_live_ecommerce_profile_shop,bundle =
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: java.lang.Throwable: invalid
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
03-12 06:02:38.737 29869 25952 E Forest_GeckoFetcher: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: Uninitialized ActivityThread,
likely app-created Instrumentation, disabling AppComponentFactory
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: java.lang.Throwable
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:39.142 29869 29869 E Instrumentation: at
03-12 06:02:44.015 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:02:44.015 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35454606,5005
03-12 06:02:48.345 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:02:54.684 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:02:54.685 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35465276,5004
03-12 06:03:15.024 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:03:15.024 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35485613,5007
03-12 06:03:22.683 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:03:25.673 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:03:25.673 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35496264,5005
03-12 06:03:48.997 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:03:50.435 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:03:53.925 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:03:53.925 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35524515,5006
03-12 06:03:56.532 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:03:58.622 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:02.778 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:02.779 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35533367,5008
03-12 06:04:03.427 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:08.401 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:08.402 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35538958,5040
03-12 06:04:13.260 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:17.815 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:17.816 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35548396,5015
03-12 06:04:27.417 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 06:04:28.431 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 06:04:29.469 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:33.488 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:34.426 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:34.426 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35565011,5011
03-12 06:04:35.995 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:38.289 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:41.482 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:41.482 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35572072,5006
03-12 06:04:46.158 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:51.074 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:51.093 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:04:51.174 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:51.274 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 1 line
03-12 06:04:51.375 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:51.475 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:51.575 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:51.676 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:51.776 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 1 line
03-12 06:04:51.876 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:04:51.876 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35581665,5807
03-12 06:05:10.484 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:15.418 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:15.418 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35606009,5005
03-12 06:05:20.910 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:23.262 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:25.146 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:25.856 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:25.956 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:25.957 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35616446,5106
03-12 06:05:37.251 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:38.963 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:41.850 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:42.172 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.272 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 1 line
03-12 06:05:42.372 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.472 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.573 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.673 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.773 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.873 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.974 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:42.990 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:43.074 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:43.876 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 8 lines
03-12 06:05:43.976 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:43.976 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35632760,6812
03-12 06:05:45.422 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:46.497 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:48.575 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:49.977 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:50.602 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:50.702 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:50.802 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:50.903 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:51.003 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:51.103 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:51.140 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:51.203 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:51.604 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 4 lines
03-12 06:05:51.704 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:51.804 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:51.904 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:52.005 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:52.105 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:52.203 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:52.205 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:52.305 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:52.706 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 4 lines
03-12 06:05:52.806 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:52.906 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:53.007 29869 29890 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
HeapTaskDaemon identical 1 line
03-12 06:05:53.107 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:53.207 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:53.307 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:53.307 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35641191,7712
03-12 06:05:54.405 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:55.726 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:05:59.400 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:05:59.401 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35649986,5010
03-12 06:06:01.542 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:06:02.332 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:06:03.958 29869 27266 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 9 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 06:06:04.081 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:06:06.302 29869 1106 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-186]
(id:74ad000000ba,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) query: BufferQueue has been abandoned
03-12 06:06:06.344 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.346 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.346 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.347 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.347 29869 27302 E Surface : freeAllBuffers: 16 buffers were freed
while being dequeued!
03-12 06:06:06.352 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.353 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.356 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.357 29869 27281 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 1 line
03-12 06:06:06.357 29869 27281 E BufferQueueProducer: [SurfaceTexture-0-29869-184]
(id:74ad000000b8,api:3,p:29869,c:29869) cancelBuffer: BufferQueue has been
03-12 06:06:06.493 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:06.494 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:06.722 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:06.914 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 06:06:06.915 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:07.101 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:07.259 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 06:06:07.260 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:07.443 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:07.627 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 06:06:07.628 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:07.791 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:06:07.791 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35658381,5006
03-12 06:06:07.804 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:09.430 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 18 lines
03-12 06:06:09.431 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:09.600 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:09.600 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:09.778 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:09.960 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 06:06:09.960 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:10.142 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:10.331 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 2 lines
03-12 06:06:10.331 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:10.502 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:10.503 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:06:10.661 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:06:12.340 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:06:14.968 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:06:14.968 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35665558,5006
03-12 06:06:22.387 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:06:22.388 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35672978,5005
03-12 06:06:27.426 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 06:06:28.438 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 06:06:30.886 29869 1094 E ttmn : <audio_outlet.cpp,process,649>silence
audio : 18554
03-12 06:07:09.170 29869 29890 I droid.ugc.tril: Background concurrent copying GC
freed 38118(2893KB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 1% free, 123MB/125MB,
paused 430us total 1.506s
03-12 06:07:17.477 29869 1094 E ttmn : <audio_outlet.cpp,process,649>silence
audio : 10102
03-12 06:07:30.125 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:07:30.126 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35740715,5007
03-12 06:07:36.053 29869 1094 E ttmn : <audio_outlet.cpp,process,649>silence
audio : 28678
03-12 06:07:40.586 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:07:40.586 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35751176,5006
03-12 06:07:52.806 29869 1094 E ttmn : <audio_outlet.cpp,process,649>silence
audio : 84638
03-12 06:08:09.694 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:08:12.423 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:08:14.642 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:08:14.642 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35785232,5006
03-12 06:08:27.412 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: registerListenerImpl type:1
strType=android.sensor.accelerometer delay:200000 maxLatency:0 by: class ms.bd.o.m1
num: 1
03-12 06:08:28.424 29869 30301 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=ms.bd.o.m1@37934dcsensor=NULL num: 2
03-12 06:09:11.308 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:09:11.599 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:09:13.212 29869 29869 I chatty : uid=10538(com.ss.android.ugc.trill)
identical 18 lines
03-12 06:09:13.213 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:09:13.399 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:09:13.400 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:09:13.603 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:09:13.604 29869 29869 E droid.ugc.tril: No package ID ff found for ID
03-12 06:09:13.697 29869 29869 E KEVA.NATIVE: fail to modify long
_6648641291511267329, just delete it and store new
03-12 06:09:14.418 29869 27609 E _V_SensorManager: unregisterListenerImpl
listener=X.2zx@be224fbsensor=NULL num: 1
03-12 06:09:16.372 29869 29890 E jato : too long GC blocking
03-12 06:09:16.372 29869 29890 E jato : gc block end, 35846867,5101

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