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1. Bachok, S. H. (2022). BBED4103 E-Commerce (Fourth ). Open University


2. Barone, A. (2022, September 9). Digital Marketing Overview: Types, challenges,

and required skills. Investopedia. from

3. Farm Fresh Malaysia. (n.d.). Retrieved from

4. Wikimedia Foundation. (2022, November 1). Digital Marketing. Wikipedia.

Retrieved from

5. Chris, A. (2022, October 26). What is Digital Marketing?

Retrieved from

6. 10.6.2021. (2022, November 10). What is a digital marketing strategy? American

Marketing Association. Retrieved from

7. 10.6.2021. (2022, November 10). What is a digital marketing strategy? American

Marketing Association. Retrieved from

Part I


Farm Fresh Berhad is a Malaysian dairy company, a vertically integrated

dairy group engaged in the farming, manufacturing, and distribution of dairy and
plant products. Farm Fresh has two factories in Bandar Muadzam Shah, Pahang,
and Larkin, Johor, where production capacity reaches 12 million litres per year
and an estimated one million litres per month. The company was founded in 2009
by Loi Tuan Eee and is 30% owned by Khazanah Nasional Berhad, the
investment arm of the Malaysian government. Since his childhood in a small town
in Perak, Loi Tuan Eee has had a deep respect for agriculture and a love of nature.
When he noticed that many Malaysian brands were selling products made from
reconstituted or powdered milk, he decided to buy a small plot of land in Johor
and import 60 Holstein Jersey cows from Australia to start Farm Fresh Milk Sdn

Farm Fresh grew faster than Loi could have ever imagined. To expand the
business, he brought in his old friend Azmi Zainal as a partner and Khazanah
Nasional, the strategic investment arm of the Malaysian government, as an
investor. These collaborations laid the foundation for the company's continued
success. More than 10 years after its establishment on a humble farm in Johor,
Farm Fresh is now the leading dairy brand in Malaysia. With their wide range of
products, they aim to provide quality nutrition to all Malaysians. This includes
best-selling milk, yogurt-based products, and plant-based products such as soy,
almond, and oat milk.

Farm Fresh aims to maintain balance and equilibrium with the land upon
which they produce and have introduced regenerative dairy farming practices to
achieve it. In the future, Farm Fresh plans to further their regenerative agricultural
practices by installing a biogas plant to convert farm manure into fuel for power
generation, thus reducing its carbon footprint substantially as well. Farm Fresh

care is all about the quality of products, ensuring that all have healthy and happy
cows, preserving the environment, and giving customers what they truly deserve.


Digital marketing, also called online marketing, refers to all marketing

activities that take place on the Internet. Companies use digital channels such as
search engines, social media, email, and other websites to connect with current
and potential customers. This also includes communication via text or multimedia
messages. Digital content and digital marketing are so prevalent in businesses that
consumers expect and rely on them to learn about brands because digital
marketing offers so many opportunities and strategies
Digital marketing is defined as the use of numerous digital tactics and
channels to connect with customers where they spend the most time online. The
best digital marketers know exactly how each digital marketing campaign
supports their overall goals. Depending on the goals of their marketing strategy,
marketers can support a larger campaign through the free and paid channels
available to them. There are many types of marketing efforts, and there are many
types of digital marketing.
Digital marketing is essential for businesses and brand awareness. It seems
that every brand has a website. And if they do not, they at least have a social
media presence and a digital advertising strategy. Digital content and digital
marketing are so prevalent that consumers expect and rely on them to learn about
brands. Precisely because digital marketing offers so many options and strategies,
businesses can get creative and experiment with a variety of marketing tactics - all
on a shoestring budget. Digital marketing allows a company to reach a larger
audience than traditional methods and target the prospects most likely to buy
products and services. It's also often less expensive than traditional advertising
and allows success to be measured daily and actions adjusted accordingly.

Types Description
Content The intentional creation and curation of content
Marketing with the goal of both attracting new prospects
and nurturing them into leads. The goal of
content marketing isn’t necessarily immediate
sales but rather lead generation combined with
strong brand recognition.
Example: Buffer uses guest blogging to fuel
initial growth, writing a couple of times a day
and publishing content.

Social Media A method that uses social media to promote a

Marketing brand, product, or content. In this method,
brands and content are promoted on social media
channels to increase brand awareness, drive
traffic, and generate leads for the company. The
most important thing is to choose the most
appropriate social network for the persona,
brand, product/service, or content. Channels that
can be used in social media marketing include
Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram,
Snapchat, and Pinterest.
Example: Bath & Body works uses Instagram to
always keep updated and as a direct
communication to the audience.

Digital marketing helps to expand the brand's presence and creates a
platform to reach many customers. The advantage of digital marketing is that it
makes the brand accessible to the customer because there is always a possibility
that existing customers will leave reviews for a good shopping experience and

want to recommend it to their friends. So digital marketing provides a platform
where customers can write down their reviews. At the same time, potential
customers may also want to know where the store is located, what services are
offered, how long it is open if it is available, and what the brand essentially
specializes in
Using digital marketing is beneficial because it allows the brand to capture
the attention of customers until it has succeeded in creating brand loyalty and
developing a credible reputation. The cost-effectiveness of digital marketing is
immensely beneficial for businesses. The expenditure on digital marketing is very
low compared to traditional marketing campaigns. The method of digital
marketing is easier than the difficult approach of traditional marketing, especially
for small businesses that have a limited budget for advertising.
The main advantage of digital marketing is that it can reach a specific
target audience cost-effectively and measurably. Other benefits of digital
marketing include increasing brand loyalty and driving online sales. The benefits
of digital marketing allow a website to enter new markets and trade globally with
only a small investment. In addition, when the customer database is linked to the
company website, it can come up with targeted offers every time they visit the
site. The more of them buy, the more the company can refine the customer
profiles and effectively market to them. By engaging in and carefully managing
social media, you can build customer loyalty and gain a reputation for being easy
to reach
Digital marketing provides businesses with a platform for one-to-one or
customized marketing that helps the brand stand out from the competition by
designing content or advertising in a way that customers feel the brand is catering
to their individual needs. The brand is caring towards customers; this creates a
sense of positivity for the brand among customers.
The use of digital marketing is beneficial primarily because it allows the
brand to capture the attention of customers until the brand has succeeded in
creating brand loyalty and developing a credible reputation. Brand survival
becomes easy when the brand is recognized by more people, and this can be

achieved through digital marketing with regular blog posts with relevant and real-
time content on social media, and the use of engaging posts such as surveys, event
promotions, and promotional offers.
The many advantages of digital marketing are also offset by some
disadvantages. While digital marketing can help a company reach a global
audience, it must also compete against global competitors. It can be a challenge to
stand out from competitors and attract attention among the many messages
directed at consumers online. Any monotonous approach or repetitive method will
push the brand away from the competition in no time. Digital marketing
campaigns have become very competitive; therefore, brands need to be responsive
and fast.
One of the biggest drawbacks of digital marketing campaigns is their time-
consuming nature. Disorganized tactics and strategies can take up a lot of time,
often making it difficult to devote the desired amount of time to the campaign.
This ultimately leads to negative results. Therefore, it has been suggested to focus
on a strategy that the business needs most, and then plan and curate content
accordingly. Not only that, but a task like optimizing online advertising
campaigns and creating marketing content can take a lot of time. It's important to
measure results to ensure a return on investment
In addition, security is the most important requirement for any brand, and
protecting the website is something you need to be serious about as a digital
marketer. Securing the network and network connections with firewalls and
encryption tools like VPN is always recommended. The basic approach of a good
antivirus program is highly desirable. When obtaining customer data for use in
digital marketing strategies, all necessary formalities must be followed. Protecting
customer data should be a top priority, as it can be compromised in the event of a
data breach.


Undoubtedly, the evolution of digital marketing has completely changed
the scenario of using technology for marketing brands and businesses. Farm Fresh
Berhad has realized this and has done further research to leverage some digital
marketing strategies for the success of the company. Farm Fresh uses website
marketing to promote its business and attract more customers to its products and
turn them into customers of its brands. As the best marketing tool, a website with
great imagery and valuable content sets Farm Fresh apart from the competition
and increases sales.

Farm Fresh Berhad also uses sponsored content to create and promote
content that addresses the company's brand and service. In addition to using

infographics on its website, Farm Fresh Berhad also uses television and radio for
another part of its digital marketing. Farm Fresh sponsors live shows on television
to create content that can be shared online as live video or heard on the radio by
listeners, greatly increasing the potential audience. This has resulted in massive
revenue for Farm Fresh Berhad.

One of the most effective ways that digital marketers can use is to create a
viral campaign. This strategy involves partnering with a well-known content
creator and creating something that will be able to reach a wide audience. The
goal is to create something that will be able to share on social media. With Farm
Fresh, you can easily schedule content for different platforms at the same time.
You can also monitor the analytics of the platform in over a hundred words


Digital marketing is becoming more important for businesses that want to
build a strong brand and engage with their customers. There are various ways that
Farm Fresh can improve its digital marketing efforts. Google My Business is a
free platform that allows businesses to create a listing on Google. It's free to use
and a great way to reach potential customers, especially if you're a local business
with customers in your area. Farm Fresh can add or update relevant information
about the business, such as contact details, website URLs, images, videos, events,
business hours, and more. Also, customers can the business and add a review,
which means Farm Fresh can respond to feedback and learn what the audience
likes or dislikes. In addition, adding business to Google My Business is a form of
search engine optimization that improves the ranking in search results.
In addition, Farm Fresh can benefit from pay-per-click advertising, which
is one of the most effective digital marketing strategies to reach target audiences
and drive traffic to the site. It can feel risky to spend money on digital ads, but in
the highly competitive e-commerce market, PPC advertising is essential. PPC ads
can be a useful tool to experiment with messages and brands. The goal is to find
out what brings the most clicks and constantly improve ROI. Google Ads and
YouTube Ads are examples of PPC advertising.
Additionally, just as online stores are an evolution of brick-and-mortar
stores, digital marketing tools make marketers more efficient, data-driven, and
effectively online. Farm Fresh may use Chatbots, which use artificial intelligence
to communicate with visitors. They can be used to answer questions, provide
customer support, and promote products. Chatbots are a scalable and cost-
effective way to engage with customers on a personal level when you don't have a
real human available to answer every question.


In summary, Digital marketing is important because it connects a business
to its customers when they are online, and it is effective across all industries. It
connects businesses to their ideal customers when they are active on Google
through SEO and PPC, on social media through social media marketing, and
through email marketing. Every business needs digital marketing. There are many
forms and uses for high-quality digital marketing, including banner ads, email
marketing, content marketing, and social media posts. By learning how to
creatively do digital marketing, businesses open a variety of possibilities for
future advertising strategies. With digital marketing, they also can test and stop
campaigns that are performing poorly in real-time.
Customers tend to engage more with marketing materials that combine
multiple types of content, including photos, video clips, and audio. It's much
easier to incorporate all these types of content into digital marketing than any
other type of advertising - and it's very important. There was once a time when
the development and execution of marketing campaigns consisted of running ads
on television and radio and print ads in newspapers and magazines. However, as
the world of commerce moves more and more toward a digital marketplace,
companies now can expand their reach and engage with their target market
through digital marketing tactics.
Any modern brand that wants to get ahead in the current business climate
must use digital marketing tactics as part of its overall strategy. This does not
mean they have to jettison traditional print ads, especially if the business already
has a great response to these types of ads. However, by using digital marketing
tactics in combination with current traditional marketing strategies, the business
can begin to optimize its campaigns for maximum results.

Part II


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