Lazo, Noul Vien T. Bped 2: Pause and Ponder

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Lazo, Noul Vien T.


Pause and Ponder

1. Do you have a baby brother or sister? What was he/she like while growing up?

Yes, I have a younger sister and her dream when she grows up is to be a doctor and be able to finish
school and find a good job.

2. When you were in grade school, what were the similarities and differences between you and your

I have a classmate, but we don't get along because of our personalities. We treat one other as though
we were strangers every day. One day, I inquire as to why we are ignoring each other. And I'm
sociable with my students, but she's constantly grumpy.

3. As an adolescent, what are the changes that you have noticed within you?

Growth of the penis and testes (testicles) changes in body shape and height. erections with
ejaculation. growth of pubic, body and facial hair.

1. State the various child development theories and discuss each one with a partner.
These theories can be categorized as emotional, cognitive and moral.
The Aflatot curriculum is designed for children who have not yet started primary school and are
between the ages of three and six. It offers a curriculum for early childhood education that creates
the groundwork for social and financial literacy. The program is based on the knowledge that early
investments in early childhood education give children with benefits that are magnified and
reinforced over time.

Positive intervention is particularly important in early life. The environment has a significant impact
on children's development during this era, and that impact continues throughout their lives. It's
critical that educational and life skills programs like Aflatot be started as soon as possible.

An understanding of child development is essential because it allows us to fully appreciate the

cognitive, emotional, physical, social, and educational growth that children go through from birth and
into early adulthood.

2. What are the various child development theories in relation to the different milestones of each

Often, developmental stages are defined by milestones. A milestone is a sort of marker that

tells you where you are while traveling. There are seven stages a human moves through during his or
her life span. These stages include infancy, early childhood, middle childhood, adolescence, early
adulthood, middle adulthood and old age.

3. Enumerate and discuss the various domains of development.

The major domains of development are physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional. Children
often experience a significant and obvious change in one domain at a time.

Physical Development
The physical domain comprises the growth of physical changes like as size and strength, as well as the
development of gross and fine motor abilities. The physical domain also encompasses the
development and use of senses.

Cognitive Development

Intellectual growth and creativity are within the cognitive realm. Kids grow the capacity to process
thoughts, pay attention, build memories, comprehend their environment, exhibit creativity, and
make, implement, and complete plans as their cognitive development progresses.

Social and Emotional Development 

A child's increasing comprehension and management of their emotions falls within the social-
emotional realm. They also learn to recognize what others are feeling, develop cooperation skills,
demonstrate empathy, and use moral reasoning.

Language Development 

Language development is dependent on the other developmental domains. The ability to

communicate with others grows from infancy,3 but children develop these abilities at different rates. 

Developmental Delays

As children grow and learn, they will pass certain developmental milestones. While every child is
different and progresses at a different rate, these milestones provide general guidelines that help
parents and caregivers gauge whether or not a child is on track.

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