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Perception of Suarez National High School Grade 12 Students on Awareness

and Adherence toward Core Values of Department of Education

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements in

Inquiries, Investigation, and Immersion

Submitted by:

Capones, Julie May S.

Columna, Jefferson Richard I.

Flores, Alicia Nicole T.

Gamba, Raymart P.

Sultones, PregieAdriene C.

Submitted to:

Mrs. Jashmin Charm M. Corazon



Background of the study

The Preamble of the Constitution of 1987 embodies the promotion of Filipino

values. Which contains first, the value of being Maka-Diyos which is articulated in the

faith in the almighty. Second, the value of being Maka-Tao which focuses on truth,

justice, freedom, love, equality and peace. Third, the value of being Maka-bayan

which includes respect for law, the government of the republic of the Philippines and

its instrumentalities, patriotism, promotion of the common good and building a just

and humane society and lastly the value of being Makakalikasan which involves the

conservation and development of our patrimony.

Aside from the Department of Education Vision and Mission, the Core Values

are also essential. They serve as guide in doing the teaching and learning process.

The Core Values teach us to have love for God (Maka-Diyos), love for our fellowmen

or others (Maka-tao), love for nature (Makakalikasan), and love for thecountry

(Makabansa). Every program or co-curricular and extra-curricular activities close in

school mustbe guided by the said value.

According to Asiye Toker Gökçe (2021),Core values play an essential role in

establishing the relationship between the students and the teachers. The study for

core values is crucial not only for the students but also to the teachers and the

school administration. Core Values is part of significant component as we cultivate

ourselves to be a well-oriented person we want to be.

Department of education core values are notable particularly for students,

several researches was conducted that focus on core values and its underlying

existence. However there are missing gaps of the studies that we want to fill in

especially on what is the perception of the students towards the core values that is

given. As a student we aim to gain and grant more knowledge to probe in the

mystery of core values but with the gaps and limitations the study will be conducted

with the limited respondents however the results can be used for further research as

a reference for their study.

In this study, we want to determine on how the students perceive the Core

Values of Department of Education. As a Filipino student we want to focus our topic

on Department of Education Core Values for it is essential to every individual to be

decorous. This study is limited only to the Senior High School Students of Suarez

National High School. Research methodologies will be used and hand out

questionnaires well be distributed to the respondents to collect data. And lastly to

establish conclusion on how the Suarez National High School Grade 12 students

perceived awareness and adherence towards our Department of Education Core

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to develop an evaluation on what is the perspective of Grade

12 Students of Suarez National High School towards the public school Core values

of Maka-Diyos (Godly), Makatao (person-oriented), Makakalikasan (environmental),

and Makabansa (nationalistic). Specifically it aims to answer the following question:

1.) What is the demographic profile of the respondents? In terms of:

1.1) Gender

1.2) Grade

1.3) Strand

3.) What is the perception of Grade 12 Students towards Department of Education

core values awareness and adherence?

2.) Does the students apply this core values? In terms of

2.1) Daily Life Activity

2.2) School Activity

Conceptual Framework


The Perception of Grade Application of Core

12 Students of Suarez Values
National High School

Research Hypothesis

H 0: There is no significant relationship between the Grade 12 Suarez National High

School students perspectives to the application of core values in life as a student.

Definitions of Terms:

1. Department of Education Core Values

In this study this core values will be the basis for our respondents application

and conduct especially in school.

2. Senior High School

According to the Department of Education, Senior High School (SHS) refers

to Grades 11 and 12, the last two years of the K to 12 Basic Education Program. In

this study Senior High School students have become a huge part, because we are

trying to have information on how students react or apply Deped Core Values in their

life at school.

3. Awareness

According to Reinhardt et al. (2015), awareness means background

information about a thing, event, or a phenomenon. 

4. Adherence

According to Meriam Websters, adherence is the act, action, or quality of


5. Perception

Perception is the organization, identification, and interpretation of sensory

information in order to represent and understand the presented information or

environment. All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system,

which in turn result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system. 

6. Education

According Meghan M. Burke Education describes these areas of learning as

domains: cognitive (knowledge), affective (attitude), and psychomotor (skill).

7. Person-oriented (Maka-tao)

Shows adherence to ethical principles by upholding truth, sensitive to

individual, social, and cultural differences and demonstrates contributions toward

solidarity (Llego, 2019).

8. Environmental (Makakalikasan)

Cares for the environment and utilizes resources wisely, judiciously, and
economically (Llego, 2019).

9. Nationalistic (Makabansa)

Demonstrates pride in being a Filipino; exercises the rights and

responsibilities of a Filipino citizen and Demonstrates appropriate behavior in

carrying out activities in the school, community, and country (Llego, 2019).

10. Godly (Maka-Diyos)

Expresses one’s spiritual beliefs while respecting the spiritual beliefs of others

(Llego, 2019).
Scope and Limitations

This study is aims determine the perspectives of Grade 12 Students

Perception of Grade 12 Students on Awareness and Adherence toward Core Values

of Department of Education. The study will be conducted inside the school premises.

The study is only limited to the Grade 12 Students of Suarez National High

School. This study mainly focused on the perceptions of respondent’s awareness

and adherence toward DepEd core values application in terms of demographic

profile of the students, daily life activity, and school activity. There may be more

factors however, those would not be within this study.

Importance of the Study

The researches believes that this study is deemed significant to the following:

To teachers, the researchers believe that the results of this study will give

information to the students’ adherence to the DepEd institution core values such that

they can determine the lacking values of students and their conduct at school and

also in the community. Through this they can have a reference for their students’

perception on awareness and adherence toward the core values of DepEd especially

for the Grade 12 students.

To parents, through this study parents will realize that they share

responsibility as a strong influential factor in their children’s demeanor. Through this

study parents will recognize that they also have increase awareness and

understanding of their children in terms of conduct, behavior, and manner. Parents

themselves should be aware of the current education refinements and trends to give

their children an assurance to acquire quality education and mold them to become

well-existence student at school and to our country.

To student, the result of this study will provide the academic concrete data

they can use to develop more effective and comprehensive career guidance to hone

themselves and that would help them have a deeper understanding how important

this core values that the DepEd upholds.

To School Administration, the result of this study will help the school to

analyze the perception of Grade 12 students of Suarez National High School

towards the DepEd core values and put up an effective learning with integrated

information and guidance system to accompany students towards keeping the

DepEd Core Values to take a step higher to the their preferred courses in the future

and let this institution be a furnish of well-mannered students from our refutable

school of Suarez National High School.

To future researchers, the researchers believe this study would help the

student researchers to be aware and knowledgeable of the results and

interpretations of this study conducted during the year of research. It will help them

to a better analyst and it can be a help as a future reference for more studies in the



This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of the sub-

topics of this research; personality traits, education, values, and it includes journals,

articles, and etc.:

In a research studied by Garcia and Bual (2022), they examined that the core

value awareness and practice of maka-Diyos, makatao, makakalikasan, and

makabansa is sustainably established among the students when the public school

strongly implements and promotes this Department of Education (DepEd) mandate.

Making these values visible in the school environment can help the learners

recognize their importance. In their study they presents the difference in the

students' level of awareness of public school core values. Using Mann-Whitney U-

test and Kruskal Wallis, the results showed that there were no significant differences

in religion [U=2967.0, p=0.323] and family structure [χ2(2)=1.798, p=0.407]. Hence,

the hypotheses are accepted. Meanwhile, in sex [U=4553.5, p=0.004], there was a

significant difference in the students' awareness. Therefore, the hypothesis is


Another research by Gökçe (2021), his study examines the underpinning core

values which educators ought to have, and students must acquire at schools

adequately according to preservice teachers’ perception. The research was

designed according to the quantitative model, and three open-ended questions

questionnaire was used for data collection. The research group involved 263
preservice teachers. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Findings,

first, revealed 17 values that teachers ought to have, 21 values that school principals

ought to have, and 20 values that students ought to acquire. The revealed values

were also categorized as follows: moral values, professional values, and cultural

values. Examining the ideas of preservice teachers has importance because they

carry the existing values and in return affect the value formation of the society in the


In addition, a web-based survey was utilized to gather core values and

demographic data from hospice professionals. Data was collected over a one year

period and involved 531 hospice professionals from 33 states. The demographic

information collected was similar to comparative data from previous hospice studies.

The top three core values identified in the study were family, faith and love and

represented 76% of all responses. No statistically significant identifiable differences,

based on demographic variables, were found. Based on the findings, no support was

found for the perceived differences noted by leaders working in the hospice industry.

However, it identified that hospice professionals regardless of demographic

characteristics appear to hold similar values as being important. Based on the

findings, core values appear to be an area of commonality versus difference among

hospice professionals and could serve as a focal point for building a positive

organizational culture. (Longenecker, 2013)

Meanwhile, Imperial (2019), presents that the school core values influence

the desirable behaviors, beliefs, and attitudes of senior high school students. This

descriptive-comparative study assessed the perceived degree of influence of the

school core values on the behaviors of the senior high school students as assessed

by students themselves and teachers. Using a researcher-made survey

questionnaire, the data were collected and were analyzed using mean and Mann

Whitney. The findings generally revealed that teachers and students strongly agree

on the perceived influence of core values on students’ behaviors. When results were

compared according to assessors’ designation, students significantly rated higher

than teachers. On the other hand, students' assessment of the perceived influence of

core values to students' behaviors showed a significant difference when compared

according to sex, but no significant difference in the school of origin. 

Futhermore in this study by Libed (2017), his results showed that students

have good stress coping skills, self-motivation, family and peer relationships.  Their

overall cognitive skills and core values are fair and good, respectively. Students

with good family and peer influence, high academic performance have

significantly higher cognitive skills and core values. Their cognitive skills

also positively affect core values. There is hope for a much better performance as

they are rated good in core values given that the respondents are still grade 9. With

proper intervention, they could assume leadership roles and be highly competitive


Garcia, J. V., & Bual, J. M. (2022). Awareness and Practice of Public School Core

Values among Junior High School Students. Asian Journal of Education and Social

Studies, 1–12.

Gökçe, A. T. (2021). Core Values in Education From the Perspective of Future

Educators. SAGE Open, 11(2), 215824402110144.

Llego, M. A. (2019, March 4). DepEd Vision, Mission, Mandate, Core Values and

Organization Structure. TeacherPH. -


Imperial, J. G. (2019). Perceived Influence of Core Values to the Behaviors of Senior

High School Students. Philippine Social Science Journal.

Libed, G. D. (2017). The Influence of Cognitive Skills on the Core Values of Science

Class Students. JPAIR Multidisciplinary Research, 27(1), 165–184.

Longenecker, P. D. (2013). The Positive Impact of Individual Core Values. Journal of

Business Ethics, 115(3), 429–434.

Reinhardt, W., Mletzko, C., Sloep, P. B., & Drachsler, H. (2012, September 1).

Understanding the Meaning of Awareness in Research Networks. ResearchGate.


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