Ways To Alleviate Challenges of Online Learning

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Ways to alleviate challenges of online learning

Covid-19 possibly the worst pandemic the world has ever seen. The
problems we face now is only beginning, how about the future? Among many
difficulties Covid-19 has brought along with it, is online learning. Many
children all around the world find difficulties with this way of learning.
Focusing on the subject while learning is one thing, how about other problems
such is internet connection. That’s what we are here to discuss about, how to
alleviate these problems in the future.

This is a technique which has already been used in everyday learning,

make learning more interesting. By doing so students attention span will last
longer and the session wouldn’t be a waste of time. Teachers can get creative
with their teachings. They can make it into a game or even have students do
group work and even have presentations. Putting students in situation which
requires them to think out of the box makes them more creative and more
focused on the subject.

Other than being more creative with teaching, having a well-managed

time table is also very useful. Let’s face it, when students are at home they
become lazier. They can do anything they want, as for their homework it can
wait because it’s not like it’s going anywhere . Having a well-managed time
table can solve all of this without worrying about a single assignment. Not to
mention, it also reduces stress from trying to finish homework in time. If there’s
some free time students can also use it for their hobbies. This also allows
students to have the proper eating periods and not during classes.

Apart from that, having a good online learning setup at home is also
among the things that should be taken into consideration. Having weird random
things on your working desk and pieces of paper here and there isn’t exactly a
suitable learning environment. A clean, comfortable and ventilated room allows
students to optimize their learning capabilities and also allows ease their
movement. The room should also be well lighted, by doing so students wouldn’t
feel tired during sessions thus improving learning quality.

As I mentioned earlier, connection can be a struggle because sometimes it

just goes out for no apparent reason. To overcome this problem the government
can build internet towers and specific sites with high internet connection. This is
done namely in rural areas since not everyone has internet connection in those
parts. By doing this students in rural areas can learn their lessons with high
speed internet and ease. As an effect, students will be well equipped with
knowledge and education for the future.

Last but not least, teachers and students should always be patient. Things
may not always go as plan and that is something very normal in the process of
learning. The new era of technology is constantly changing and humans are
constantly evolving according to the situations which we are put in. Being
patient with one another will most certainly help students and teacher mentally,
thus making the online learning experience so much better.

In conclusion, online learning which is being faced by just about every

student now isn’t as bad as it seems but it can certainly be better. The quality of
learning at home isn’t as good as in school is because of the effort put into it. At
home students have to work harder because not everything is prepared in front
of their face unlike in school. If there is one thing that can be learnt from online
learning it would be self-discipline. To pay attention to a screen with your
teacher’s face on it, prepare your own room, have a well-managed time table,
and try to find the best internet connection for you to join classes requires a lot
of self-discipline. To put the effort and dedication into what you do is what
makes things like this work.

644 words

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