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Define osmosis:
It is a passive movement of water from a region of lower solute concentration to a region of
high solute concentration through a partially permeable membrane
2. Outline how transport occurs across membranes by facilitated diffusion:
Through channels protein across the plasma membrane from an area of higher
concentration to an area of lower concentration
3. Explain how the properties of phospholipids help to maintain the structure of cell
membranes: (3 marks)
. phospholipids have hydrophilic and hydrophobic regions
. hydrophilic heads are attracted to water whereas hydrophobic tails are not
. phospholipid bilayer forms with phosphate heads in contact with water on both sides of
the membrane
. hydrophobic tails are found at the centre of the bilayer away from the water
. the stability to the membrane is created by the attraction between hydrophobic tails or
between hydrophilic heads and water
4. Distinguish between active and passive movements of materials across plasma membranes,
using named examples:
Passive transport:
. diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion
. does not require energy
. down the concentration gradient
. no pumps needed only channels for facilitated diffusion
. an example of passive transport is oxygen across the alveoli
Active transport:
. endocytosis, exocytosis
. requires energy from ATP
. against the concentration gradient
. requires protein pumps
. an example of active transport is sodium-potassium pump or glucose absorption in the
5. What route is used to export proteins from the cell?
rER-GA-plasma membrane
6. Explain how the properties of phospholipids help to maintain the structure of cell
membranes: (8 marks)
. the phospholipids consist of a phosphate head and 2 fatty acid tails
. the heads are hydrophilic whereas the tails are hydrophobic
. hydrophilic heads are attracted to water whereas the hydrophobic tails are not
. the properties of these phospholipids lead to the formation of the double layer
. heads are located outside of the structure whereas tails point inwards providing stability in
the double layer
. phospholipid bilayer is a fluid allowing membranes to change shape
. cholesterol controls the fluidity of the membrane
7. What is the difference between a cell in G1 phase and a cell in the G2 phase of the cell cycle?
A cell in the G2 phase would have more mitochondria than a cell in the G1 phase
8. State the process that results in tumour (cancer) formation:
Cells multiplying rapidly / uncontrolled cell division
9. Outline the stages of the cell cycle: (5 marks)
. interphase and then mitosis and then during mitosis but after telophase cytokinesis
. interphase is the longest phase
. interphase includes G1, S and G2
. in G phases, cell performs normal functions, protein synthesis
. in S phase, DNA replicates
. mitosis is when nucleus, genetic material divides
. cytokinesis that happens after telophase in mitosis stage, cytoplasm divides and two new
daughter cells are being formed
10. Describe the events that occur during mitosis: (9 marks)
. prophase-metaphase-anaphase-telophase
. chromosomes supercoil, become shorter and fatter in prophase
. spindle microtubules grow in prophase/metaphase
. nuclear membrane breaks down in metaphase
. spindle microtubules attach to the centromeres in metaphase
. chromosomes line up at equator in metaphase
. chromosomes separate into two chromatids in anaphase
. spindle microtubules disappear in telophase
. nuclear membrane reforms in telophase
. cytokinesis occurs
. cytoplasm divides and the two new daughter cells are being formed
11. Explain how the cell cycle is controlled: (4 marks)
. cell cycle includes stages of G1, S, G2 and mitosis
. is being controlled by cyclins
. levels of cyclins rise and fall once they reach a certain concentration
. conditions inside as well as outside the cell affect regulation
. there are four different cyclins to enter different stages of cell cycle
. cyclin A, cyclin B, cyclin D, cyclin E
. cyclins have active site, bind to kinases and activate them
. kinases phosphorylated other proteins

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