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Dental Research Journal

Review Article
The association of periodontitis and metabolic syndrome
Abhijit N. Gurav1
Department of Periodontics, Tatyasaheb Kore Dental College and Research Centre, New Pargaon, Kolhapur, Maharashtra, India

Metabolic syndrome (MS) is a condition, which constitutes a group of risk factors that occur
together and increase the risk for Coronary Artery Disease, Stroke and type 2 diabetes mellitus.
This disorder is found prevalent in the industrialized societies of the world in epidemic proportions.
Periodontitis is an oral disease of microbial origin characterized by loss of attachment apparatus
of tooth, resulting in edentulism if untreated. Periodontitis has been attributed to produce a low
grade systemic inflammatory condition. The link of periodontitis to various systemic disorders
has led to the evolution of a new branch termed as “periodontal medicine.” Studies reviewed
in the present paper have indicated a positive link between the MS and periodontitis and it is
Received: September 2012 suggested that subjects displaying several components of MS should be submitted to periodontal
Accepted: May 2013 examination. Present studies have displayed coherent relation between the two entities. This review
will address the vicious association between MS and periodontitis, depicting the commonality of
Address for correspondence:
Dr. Abhijit N. Gurav,
pathophysiological pathway between the two entities. Systematic reviews, meta-analysis addressing
Department of Periodontics, the concerned subject were screened. Whether the systematic periodontal therapy in individuals
Tatyasaheb Kore Dental exhibiting MS has the potential to reduce the incidence of various adverse systemic complications
College and Research remains a logical proposition. Further, longitudinal and controlled trials with a large population
Centre, New Pargaon,
Kolhapur - 416 137,
would be imperative to depict the robustness in the association between MS and periodontal
Maharashtra, India. disease in human subjects.
E-mail: dr_abhijitg Key Words: Metabolic syndrome, periodontitis, periodontal therapy, type 2 diabetes mellitus

INTRODUCTION abnormal cholesterol and triglyceride (TG) levels

and hypertension (HT).[1] MS has attracted immense
The developing countries serve as a major clinical significance since the last two decades.
contributor to the global increase in cardiovascular Prevailing data suggests that obesity and MS are
disease (CVD) through the increased mortality and immediate precursors of type 2 diabetes mellitus
prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS). MS is a (T2DM) and CVD.[2] Various definitions of MS have
widely prevalent and multi-factorial disorder, also been proposed over the years, punctuating on IR or
known by other names such as Reaven’s syndrome, abdominal/visceral obesity. International Diabetes
insulin resistance (IR) syndrome, plurimetabolic Federation proposed a new definition based on
syndrome, syndrome X and the deadly quartet. MS clinical criteria [Tables 1 and 2].[3]
is a configuration of multiple system abnormalities
characterized by hyperglycemia, central obesity, Periodontitis is a common, chronic, low-grade
inflammatory disease of microbial origin, affecting
Access this article online humans and resulting in the destruction of tooth
supporting apparatus. The signs and symptoms of
periodontitis include swollen gums, deepening of
the gingival crevice leading to the formation of
Website: http//
periodontal pocket, bleeding on brushing, increased
spacing between the teeth, loose teeth, teeth
loss and edentulism can occur if the periodontal

Dental Research Journal / January 2014 / Vol 11 / Issue 1 1

Gurav: Metabolic syndrome and periodontitis

Table 1: International diabetes federation: Metabolic METHODS OF DATA COLLECTION

syndrome definition based on clinical criteria
Central obesity Studies examining the association of MS with
Waist circumference - ethnicity specific (refer Table 2) periodontitis were identified using PubMed search
Plus any two with key search terms such as “MS,” “obesity,”
Raised triglycerides “type 2 diabetes,” “dyslipidemia,” “periodontitis”
>150 mg/dL (1.7 mmol/L ) and “periodontal therapy (PT).” Systematic reviews,
Specific treatment for this lipid abnormality
meta-analysis addressing the concerned subject were
Reduced HDL-cholesterol
<40 mg/dL (1.03 mmol/L) in men
screened. Only human studies published in English
<50 mg/dL (1.29 mmol/L) in women language were considered. The text of the manuscript
Specific treatment for this lipid abnormality has been prepared by screening PUBMED database
Raised blood pressure from January 1990 to March 2012.
Systolic >130 mm Hg
Diastolic >85 mm Hg
Treatment of previously diagnosed hypertension
Raised fasting plasma glucose
Fasting plasma glucose >100 mg/dL (5.6 mmol/L)
Previously diagnosed type 2 diabetes Dental plaque consists of at least 800 bacterial species.[5]
If above 5.6 mmol/L or 100 mg/dL, oral glucose tolerance test is Subgingival biofilm houses the structured communities
strongly recommended, but is not necessary to define presence of of microorganisms with noted heterogeneity, providing
a significant impetus for progression of periodontitis.
HDL: High-density lipoprotein
During the past two decades with extensive research,
we have come to realize that, although bacterial
Table 2: Ethnic-specific values for waist etiology is the prime component for the occurrence
circumference based on clinical criteria of periodontitis, its mere presence is inadequate for
Ethnic group Waist circumference (as a the disease to occur. Numerous host factors such as
measure of central obesity) genetics, systemic health and environmental factors
Europeans such as tobacco smoking, stress and various other risk
Men ≥94 cm
factors may even preponderate the bacterial etiology
Women ≥80 cm
South Asians
for disease occurrence and prevail the severity of
Men ≥90 cm clinical disease expression. Thus, the recent conceptual
Women ≥80 cm model of periodontitis recognizes the various risk
Chinese factors, which maneuver by modifying host responses,
Men ≥90 cm resulting in a change of disease expression.[6] In this
Women ≥80 cm
model, host immune-inflammatory mechanisms are
triggered by bacteria and their products. Activation
Men ≥85 cm
Women ≥90 cm of the host response in turn induces the expression
Ethnic South and Central Use South Asian of antibodies and priming the polymorphonuclear
Americans recommendations until more neutrophils to counteract the microbial challenge in
specific data are available
the gingival sulcus. Cytokines, prostanoids, matrix
Sub-saharan Africans Use European data until more
specific data are available metalloproteinases expressed as a result to the host
Eastern Mediterranean and Use European data until more response, may actually augment the destruction of
Middle East (Arab) populations specific data are available periodontal connective tissue. These observations
have led to a greater scope in change of ideas and
concepts about pathogenesis, prevention and treatment
treatment is not instituted in these subjects. Recent
of periodontal diseases. The tissue destruction in
studies have indicated that periodontitis may have periodontitis is characterized by the production
an unfathomed effect on the systemic health. A of numerous cytokines that mediate inflammatory
vivid exploration of the cryptic mechanisms linking mechanisms. Various cell types in the periodontium
periodontitis to systemic disorders has ensued produce chemokines, including fibroblasts, endothelial
into the development of a new branch termed cells, macrophages, osteoclasts, epithelial cells,
“periodontal medicine.”[4] neutrophils, monocytes, lymphocytes and mast cells.

2 Dental Research Journal / January 2014 / Vol 11 / Issue 1

Gurav: Metabolic syndrome and periodontitis

Neutrophils, monocytes and other cells produce condition is subsequent to a persistent deterioration of
innate immune cytokines such as interleukin (IL) and β cell function and hyperglycemia. IR is the salient
tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in the diseased feature of T2DM. The β cells fail to compensate
periodontal site. These cytokines play an important role for the IR, conducing to overt T2DM.[19] Increased
in bone resorption and periodontal tissue destruction.[7] oxidative stress and chronic subclinical systemic
inflammation is contributory to impaired glycemic
Subgingival microbiota in periodontitis subjects
control and increased IR; thus, paving a way for
serves as a significant and persistent gram negative
T2DM.[20,21] Chronic hyperglycemia facilitates the non-
challenge to the host. These microbes and their toxic
enzymatic glycation of proteins with the formation of
products such as Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induce
advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Although,
macrophages to secrete cytokines (IL-1α and 1β and
AGEs are physiologically produced, in conditions of
TNF-α).[8] Elevated cell and cytokine-mediated
hyperglycemia this process is appreciably enhanced.
markers of inflammation, including C-reactive protein
AGEs are reported to prime the macrophages to
(CRP),[9] fibrinogen,[10,11] matrix metalloproteinases[12]
express inflammatory cytokines. These cytokines are
and various cytokines[13] are associated with
instrumental in the release of acute phase reactants
CRP from the liver, further exacerbating the existing
The periodontal bacteria and their noxious products inflammation.[22] T2DM subjects with concomitant
gain ready access to the periodontal tissues and periodontitis exhibit increased biomarkers and
to the systemic circulation through the ulcerated oxidative stress. Impaired β cell function and enhanced
sulcular epithelium of the gingiva in periodontitis. IR is attributed to the intensified oxidative stress as a
In untreated severe periodontitis, the accumulative result of hyperactivated neutrophils in periodontitis,
surface area of ulcerated pocket epithelium liaison resulting in the boosted release of reactive oxygen
with the subgingival microbiota including their species. These subjects show decreased plasma
products, has been estimated to range from 15 cm2 to antioxidant capacity.[23,24] Periodontitis and T2DM
20 cm2, which is approximately the size of the palm reveal a commonality in the pathogenesis process,
of an adult hand.[8] Thus, severe chronic periodontitis featuring inflammatory response at the local and
exemplifies a condition corresponding to sub- systemic level.[25] Various studies[26-30] have shown a
clinical septicemia.[14] Patients with periodontitis bi-directional relationship between periodontal status
have been shown to demonstrate endotoxin activity and diabetes.
in the serum.[15] Just as the periodontal tissues
mount an immune-modulatory response to the OBESITY AND PERIODONTITIS
bacteria and their products, systemic challenge with
these agents also induces a major response. Some Obesity is an excessive amount of body fat in
patients with periodontitis have reported to express proportion to lean body mass posing a risk to general
tenfold increase in local and systemic expression of health. Obesity is a chronic disease, with a multi-
inflammatory cytokines, such as TNF-α and IL-6, by factorial etiology. The most commonly used measure
monocytes and macrophages.[16] Since periodontitis of body fat is the body mass index.[31] Obesity
itself ensues in the expression of pro-inflammatory might represent a systemic condition, cognizable of
cytokines such as TNF-α and IL-6 it should be regulating the onset and progression of periodontitis.
aptly considered as a systemic disorder.[17] The pro- The understanding with regards to adipose tissue
inflammatory cytokines and periodontal bacteria has undergone a sea of change. Previously, adipose
enter the systemic circulation and produce a “low tissue was only considered as an inert organ,
level systemic inflammation/infection” [Figure 1]. concerned with the storage of TGs. Currently,
Thus, periodontitis has clinical implications reaching adipose tissue is reckoned as an endocrine organ,
beyond the limits of the oral cavity and linking it to a major depot, capable of secreting bioactive
various systemic diseases.[13,18] agents called adipokines.[32] Some of the important
adipokines are adiponectin (ADN), leptin, resistin,
HYPERGLYCEMIA AND PERIODONTITIS visfatin, chemerin, TNF-α, IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, IL-10,
plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1),
T2DM is the most common metabolic disorder monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and retinol
characterized by impaired glucose homeostasis. This binding protein-4. Obesity ensues in decreased uptake

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of insulin by the liver, increased gluconeogenesis Periodontitis is a risk factor for the establishment of
in the liver and dyslipidemia. There is a steep atherosclerosis.[54] Studies have revealed that subjects
elevation in the TG level as a result of increase in with advanced chronic periodontitis show increased left
free fatty acids.[33] The immunologic activity of ventricular mass.[54-57] It is proposed that periodontitis
these adipokines may play a significant role in the induced systemic inflammation may perpetuate
development of IR and in periodontitis. Recent cross- atherosclerosis. A state of systemic inflammation
sectional studies and a meta-analysis have divulged conduces to the stiffness of large arteries and increases
positive associations between obesity and periodontal the pulse wave velocity. This arterial stiffness as a result
disease.[34-41] of impairment in elastic properties of large arteries
Recently, Han et al. concluded that the visceral fat could be a contributory mechanism to the pathogenesis
area was the most appropriate indicator of obesity in of HT. Further, increased blood pressure adds to the
relation to periodontitis and that obesity could act as risk of cardiovascular events. In hypertensive subjects,
a substantial risk factor for periodontitis.[42] Although, periodontitis may enhance the risk and degree of target
the meta-analysis points to a positive association organ damage.[57-60] Although, the present literature
of obesity and periodontitis, the magnitude of the shows a possible association between periodontitis
correlation is still not defined. This warrants further and HT, the existence of a causal relationship needs
prospective studies to clarify the association. to be ascertained. The effect of periodontitis on the
blood pressure of periodontitis affected subjects and
DYSLIPIDEMIA AND PERIODONTITIS the increase of blood pressure with the deterioration in
the degree of periodontitis should be examined. Well-
Dyslipidemia is a state of abnormal lipid profile, designed, prospective randomized controlled trials
characterized by an increase in the serum concentrations should be carried out henceforth.
of TGs, total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol, accompanied by a reduction in the levels ASSOCIATION OF PERIODONTITIS
of high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. It has AND MS
been proposed that this dyslipidemia conduits to a pro-
inflammatory state, further leading to an increase in MS as defined by Reaven consists of obesity,
the levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and oxidative IR, HT, impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes,
stress. The presence of systemic inflammation hyperinsulinemia and dyslipidemia characterized
can lead to the down regulation of host protective by elevated TG and low HDL concentrations. The
mechanisms.[43] The association between altered constellation of the features mentioned above, are
lipid profile and periodontitis has been investigated decipherable risk factors for atherosclerosis.[61]
in several studies.[44-51] Although, it is suggested that Fibrinolytic dysfunction, characterized by elevated
dyslipidemia could be associated with periodontitis, levels of PAI-1 is implemental for the pathogenesis of
its role as a risk factor is still under investigation.[52] cardiovascular events for subjects with MS.[62] Thus,
Serum pro-inflammatory cytokines may orchestrate a MS is an established risk for coronary heart disease[63]
vital role in the association between periodontitis and and T2DM.[64] Various studies have demonstrated a
dyslipidemia. It is proposed that periodontitis is not statistically significant association between established
only associated with the severity of the deterioration periodontitis and CVD.[16,65] Recently, Buhlin et al.
of lipid metabolism, but also that the aggravation showed that periodontal inflammation and bone loss
of hyperlipidemic state is linked with periodontal is related to angiographically verified coronary artery
inflammation by the up-regulation of serum and narrowing in patients with stable coronary artery
gingival crevicular fluid pro-inflammatory cytokines.[53] disease or acute coronary syndrome.[66] Romagna
et al., in across sectional study on 150 patients,
HT AND PERIODONTITIS demonstrated that bone loss in periodontitis is
associated with a risk of multiple coronary lesions.[67]
HT is a highly prevalent chronic vascular disease, Studies have reported a positive association between
which is a significant cause of cardiovascular MS and periodontitis[51,68-82] [Table 3]. Two hypotheses
morbidity and mortality. Current evidence implicates could be suggested to explicate the relationship
periodontitis as a risk factor for atherosclerotic cardiac between periodontitis and MS. One hypothesis is a
disease and possibly peripheral arterial disease.[17] cause-effect relationship. However, longitudinal and

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Table 3: Studies with perio and MS

Author, year and Sample size, age Parameters Results Conclusion
Shimazaki et al. 2007[68] 584d BMI, TG, HDL, BP, FPG, MS subjects > CAL, PD MS ↑risk of perio
Nibali et al. 2007[51] 302 severe perio 183 non-perio WBC, HDL, LDL, FPG, Perio pts - ↑WBC, ↓HDL, +ve link - perio, systemic.
PD ↑LDL, ↑FPG inflammation and MS
D'Aiuto et al. 2008[69] 13, 994, b d≥ 17 years BMI, TG, HDL, LDL, IR, Prevalence of MS ↑ Severe perio ≈ MS in
PD, BOP with severity of perio middle aged
Khader et al. 2008[70] 78MS; 78 non MS ≥25 years PI, GI, PD, CAL ≥3 mm PD and CAL in Pts with MS showed ↑
MS severity of perio
Kushiyama et al. 2009[71] 1070 b d 40, 50, 60, 70 years BMI, HT, HDL, TG, BSL, ↑BP and ↓HDL=CPI code Suspected ≈ between
CPI 4 ↑comp. of MS= ↑ CPI MS and perio
Morita et al. 2009[72] 2478 b d mean: 43.3 years BMI, HT, FPG, TG, ↑BMI, BP, TG and HbA1c perio ≈ MS
HbA1c, PD ↑ (P<0.05) with PD ≥4
Li et al. 2009[73] 152 MS; 56 non MS BOP, PI, CAL ↑BOP, PI, CAL in MS perio ≈ with MS
Timonen et al. 2010[74] 2050 b d 30-64 years PD, IR, BMI, TG, FPG, MS with PD ≥4 mm and MS weakly ≈ MS and
HT dental caries dental caries
Morita et al. 2010[75] 1023 b d mean: 37.3 years BP, TG, HDL, PD PP ≈ +ve conversion of PP ≈ +ve conversion of
≥1 comp. of MS MS comp.
Han et al. 2010[76] 1046 mean: 37.3 years CPI, FPG, TG, HDL, BP MS strongly ≈ with perio MS might be ≈ perio ↑
FPG and HT ↑ ≈ perio link with ↑ FPG and HT
Nesbitt et al. 2010[77] 112 b (56.7 years) 78 Radiograph, FPG, TG, advanced alveolar bone perio ≈ comp. MS
d (60 years) BP, BMI, WBC loss ≈ comp. of MS
Benguigui et al. 2010[78] 255 b d 35-74 years BMI, TG, HDL, LDL, IR, Perio ≈ MS (P=0.050) IR Perio ≈ MS, with a
CAL, PD, PI ≈ severe perio central role of IR
Adriankaja et al. 2011[79] 7431 b d ≥20 years BMI, TG, HDL, HT, FPG, ~ with ≥2 comp. MS ≈ ~ perio ≈ MS; obesity
PD perio; ↑obesity ≈ perio contributory in | ~
Kwon et al. 2011[80] 7178 b d 19 years BMI, TG, HDL, HT, CPI, MLR analysis, MS ≈ MS ≈ perio
PD perio
Chen et al. 2011[81] 253 HD pts BMI, CRP, TG, HDL, MS ↑ perio pts.; ↓ non Perio ≈ MS in HD pts
FPG, PI, GI, PDI, HT perio pts
Han et al. 2012[82] 167 MS; 166 non MS BMI, CRP, TG, HDL, Perio ≈ MS risk as Perio ≈ MS
FPG, CPI compared to non- MS
b: Male; d: Female; BMI: Body mass index; BP: Blood pressure; TG: Triglyceride; HDL: High density lipoprotein; LDL: Low density lipoprotein; FPG: Fasting
plasma glucose; HT: Hypertension; BOP: Bleeding on probing; PD: Probing depth; CAL: Clinical attachment loss; IR: Insulin resistance; ≈: Association; comp.:
Components; pts: Patients; WBC: White blood cell count; CPI: Community periodontal index; HbA1c: Glycated hemoglobin assay; PP: Periodontal pockets; +ve:
Positive; ↑: Increase; ↓: Decrease; MS: Metabolic syndrome; HD: Hemodialysis; MLR: Multivariate logistic regression; Perio: Periodontitis; CRP: C-reactive protein

large-sample studies are needed to corroborate, which markers in various components of MS can up-
disease is the cause. The other hypothesis proposes regulate the periodontal inflammatory process and the
a commonality in risk factors (excess caloric intake, persistent periodontal inflammation may worsen the
sedentary life-style and poor oral hygiene) between inflammatory components of MS [Figure 2]. Obesity
the two conditions.[73] It is observed that periodontitis can result in exuberance of various cytokines, which
shares some common risk factors with MS, including can further exacerbate the periodontal inflammation.
hyperglycemia, obesity, dyslipidemia and elevated It is demonstrated that subjects with MS have
blood pressure. Although, the causative association of elevated levels of PAI-1, compared with healthy
periodontitis with most of the mentioned factors is yet controls.[83] Tissue plasminogen activator and PAI-1
to be emphatically proven, periodontitis can pose as a are instrumental in the pathogenesis of periodontitis
risk factor, capable of modifying the disease course. by regulation of the proteolytic events in the
The inflamed gingival tissue in periodontitis can act extracellular matrix.[84] Obesity can affect the levels of
as a perennial source of pro-inflammatory cytokines, PAI-1, which can promote periodontitis. Dyslipidemia
bacteria and LPS furnishing the impulse for systemic and impaired glucose homeostasis can result in
inflammation and infection [Figure 1]. It has been endothelial dysfunction. This may interrupt the blood
reported that the association between periodontitis supply to the periodontium. Nutritional deficiency
and MS could be bi-directional.[76] The inflammatory may play a role in the modulation of chronic disease

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Figure 1: Systemic consequences of periodontitis and possible links

Figure 2: A possible two-way relationship between periodontitis and metabolic syndrome

6 Dental Research Journal / January 2014 / Vol 11 / Issue 1

Gurav: Metabolic syndrome and periodontitis

process.[85] As a chronic inflammatory disease process, subjects; it is notable to consider the positive influence
periodontitis can also have an adverse effect on MS. of PT in the down regulation of various inflammatory
Subjects with periodontitis display an increment markers, associated with components of MS.
in the levels of various inflammatory markers in
López et al. conducted a parallel-arm, double
comparison to periodontal healthy controls.[86]
blind, randomized clinical study of 1 year duration
Products of periodontal inflammation may upgrade
in patients with MS and periodontitis. The
the levels of systemic cytokines, which may further
experimental study group (n = 82) received scaling
enhance lipolysis. This may result in the increase of
and root planning (SRP) plus antimicrobial therapy
circulating TG[87] and exacerbate IR.[23] Nishimura et
(amoxicillin and metronidazole) and the control group
al. aptly proposed that periodontal disease should be
(n = 83) received only supra gingival scaling with
considered as a component of MS.[25]
placebo. Periodontal parameters and serum markers
Certain studies have revealed positive effects of non- (lipid profile, fibrinogen and hs-CRP levels) were
surgical PT on MS patients. PT has demonstrated evaluated at 3, 6, 9 and 12 months after therapy. A
amelioration in the tiers of inflammatory markers, total of 79 patients in the study group and 81 patients
expressed by the components of MS. Shimada in the control group finished the complete trial.
et al. investigated the results of PT on serum leptin Reduction in CRP levels was found to be statistically
and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels in chronic significant at 9 (P = 0.024) and 12 months (P = 0.001)
periodontitis subjects. The study sample consisted of in both groups, without a difference between the
33 chronic periodontitis and 18 patients with healthy groups. Fibrinogen levels diminished significantly
periodontal status. Serum samples were evaluated for in the experimental group at 6 and 12 months, but
leptin, ADN, TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP levels before and not in the control group. Hence, it was inferred that
after non-surgical PT. Non-surgical PT ensued in a elimination of periodontal inflammation by SRP and
significant diminution of serum leptin, IL-6 and CRP antimicrobials had a salutary effect on the reduction
levels. It was hence deduced that non-surgical PT is of CRP levels in MS patients.[91]
efficacious in amending the dysmetabolic status.[88]
Acharya et al. assessed the effect of PT in a sample
of periodontitis patients with MS and other group of
MS is likened to an epidemic gripping the modern
systemically healthy individuals (control group). The
civilization. Life-style, genetics, stress and dietary
study design consisted of 31 subjects with chronic
habits are the preliminary factors. Many studies
generalized periodontitis. This sample was segregated
point out to the positive relation of MS with
into16 subjects (Group A) diagnosed with MS and
periodontitis. Further longitudinal, long-term,
15 subjects as healthy (Group B). Non-surgical
well-designed, multi-centric studies based on a
PT was instituted in both groups. In both groups;
large sample sizes are mandatory to boost this
high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), total
relationship. With reference to the outcome of
leukocyte count, parameters of lipid metabolism were
periodontal interventional studies in MS subjects
evaluated at baseline and 2 months later. In the MS
there is still a vivid scope. The non-surgical PT is
group, PT produced a significant improvement in the
a relatively simple and cost-effective intervention
levels of inflammatory metabolic markers as compared
consisting of SRP. SRP eliminates the microbial
with the baseline values. Systemically healthy group
deposits favoring periodontal health. Gargantuan
showed no statistical change in these markers. Thus,
research in this area of periodontal medicine is
PT produced beneficial effects in patients with MS
anticipated. Periodontitis is a widely prevalent
and chronic periodontitis.[89]
disease, but if diagnosed in the initial stage can
Sun et al. noted a significant decrease in the serum be managed successfully without much morbidity.
levels of hs-CRP, TNF-α, IL-6, fasting plasma glucose, The outcome of therapy largely depends on the
glycated hemoglobin, fasting insulin, IR index, TG in motivation and maintenance of patient. PT is noted
the T2DM group receiving PT as compared with the to be instrumental in amelioration of the various
T2DM non treated group (P < 0.01 or P < 0.05). ADN inflammatory biomarkers associated with MS. MS
levels also escalated significantly in the treated group subjects should be recommended to go for frequent
(P < 0.01).[90] Although this study did not involve MS periodontal screening and PT should be instituted at

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nationally representative sample of adults. J Clin Periodontol
Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None declared.

10 Dental Research Journal / January 2014 / Vol 11 / Issue 1

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