Final Term Examination - Sample Paper Viii 2022-23

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Allowed: 3 Hours MaximumMarks: 80

General Instructions:
i. Question paper comprises six Sections – A, B, C, D, E and F. There are 37
questions in the question paper. All questions are compulsory.
ii. Section A–Question no.1 to 20 are MCQs of 1 mark each.
iii. Section B–Question no. 21 to 24 are Very short answer type questions, carrying 2
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 40 words.
iv. Section C–Question no. 25 to 29 are short answer type questions, carrying 3
marks each. Answer to each question should not exceed 60 words.
v. Section D – Question no. 30 to 33 are long answer questions carrying 5 marks
each. Answer to each question should not exceed 120 words
vi. Section E–Question no. 34 to 36 are Case based questions, carrying 4 marks each.
vii. Section F- Question no. 37 is Map Based question carrying 5 marks with two
parts,37(a) from History (2 marks) and 37(b) from Geography (3marks.)
viii. There is no overall choice in the question paper. However, an internal choice has
been provided in a few questions. Only one of the choices in such questions have
to be attempted.
ix. In addition to this, separate instructions are given with each section and question,
wherever necessary.
x. Total number of printed pages is 11 including two maps.

Section –A

MCQs (1x20=20)

1. The temples of darkness that were falling of themselves into decay. Who said these words about
the Calcutta Madrasa and Benares Sanskrit College?
(a) Lord William Bentick
(b) Lord Dalhousie
(c) Lord Ripon
(d) Lord Macaulay
2. A list of historical events is given below. Choose the one where a precise date can be fixed.
(a) Start of Mughal Rule in India
(b) Start of British rule in India
(c) Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi
(d) Start of Non- cooperation Movement

3. Look at the picture given below. Who was depicted in this image? 1

a) Prince Authur
b) Lord Macaulay
c) Lord Dalhousie
d) Lord Mountbatten

4. Pick out the statement that does not justify the significance of a timeline in History.
(a) A time line helps to identify the chronological occurrence of an event in a planned and
arranged manner
(b) A timeline helps to keep information according to the sequence of events
(c) A timeline is not a graphical interpretation
(d) A timeline is organized according to the dates

5. Agriculture or farming can be looked at as a system. Which one among the following is not an
important input of agriculture
(a) Profit
(b) Fertilisers
(c) Seeds
(d) Labour

6. Arrange the following steps as per their series in producing a crop: 1

I. Seeds
II. Soil
III. Water
IV. Plant


7. Match the following 1

8. Osaka in Japan and Mumbai in India are two densely populated areas due to:
(a) These areas are topographically favourable.
(b) These are areas of religious significance
(c) They are industrial belts providing large employment opportunities
(d) These are areas with excellent climatic conditions

9. Which of the following is a tertiary activity? 1

a) Coal mining
b) Tourism
c) Fishing
d) Agriculture

10. Name the animal that is not reared by the nomadic herders as these animals provided milk, meat,
wool etc.
(a) Sheep
(b) Yak
(c) Camel
(d) Mongoose
11. Which is not the source of describing history?

a) diaries of people
b) conversation between the people
c) accounts of pilgrims and travellers
d) autobiographies of important personalities

12. There are two statements marked as Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Mark your answer as per
codes provided below: 1
Assertion (A): Often empires heavily depended on Adivasis for the crucial access to forest
Reason (R): The tribes charged very less for the service .

a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A

b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true.

13. Resources whose quantities are known are called:

a) potential resources
b) actual resources
c) stock
d) all of these

14. Which country’s pyramid is shown in the given image. 1

a) India
b) China
c) Kenya
d) Japan
15. What literally means the original inhabitats?
a) Adivasis
b) Minorities
c) Ghetto
d) Devoid

16. What refers to a goal or a pprincipal in its most excellent or perfect form?
a) Arbitrary
b) ideal
c) polity
d) state

17. what kind of role citizen of India play in electing representatives.

a) direct
b) indirect
c) submissive
d) no role

19. Where from the government gets fund for providing public facilities?

a) Income tax collected from people

b) Fines collected from people
c) Other taxes collected from people
d) a, b, c

20. Public facilities are so important, someone must carry the responsibility of providing these to the
people. This “someone” is the
(a) Government
(b) Court
(c) Politicians
(d) Judge


Very Short Answer Questions (2x4=8)

21. As human beings, how can we ensure sustainable development. Write in two points.
22. Enumerate any two problem faced by India after it got its independence. 2
23. “People of the nation are the greatest resource and human resource is the ultimate resource”.
Support the statement in two points. 2
Explain any two factors affecting distribution of population.
24. Mention any two points which James Mill made while attacking the orientalists.

Short Answer Based Questions (3x5=15)
25. List any three political developments in the mid-1920s in India.
Explain in three points the people’s participation in non-cooperation movement in 1921-22.

26. Point out the pattern of distribution of population in three points. 3

27. Mention any three important features of the Wood’s Despatch. 3

28. Write in three points the scenario of public water supply in Porto Alegre. 3
29. Point out the procedure that is to be followed if the criminal trial has to be a fair trial. 3


Long Answer Based Questions (5x4=20)

30. ‘The powers and functions of the central and state governments have been divided by the
constitution.’ Elaborate in five points.
Explain in five points the special privileges were offered to the poorest and most disadvantaged
Indians by the constitutions.
31. Classify industries on the basis of raw material, size and ownership in five points.
‘Sakchi was chosen to set up the steel plant by TISCO.’ Elaborate in five points.

32. Mention the two important beverage crops. Write about their climatic conditions required for their
growth. 5
‘Commercial farming is profit oriented.’ Explain the statement along with its different types in five
33. Explicate the advantages to foreign companies in setting up production units in India. 5

‘Child Labour Prevention Act is an important step taken by the government.’ Summaries the role of
court and government in ensuring protection of Children in five points.


Case Based Questions (4x3=12)

34. Read the source given below and answer the question that follows: 4

In the histories written by British historians in India, the rule of each Governor-General was
important. These histories began with the rule of the first Governor-General, Warren Hastings, and
ended with the last Viceroy, Lord Mountbatten. In separate chapters we read about the deeds of
others –Hastings, Wellesley, Bentinck, Dalhousie, Canning, Lawrence, Lytton, Ripon, Curzon,
Harding, Irwin. It was a seemingly never-ending succession of Governor - Generals and Viceroys.
All the dates in these history books were linked to these personalities – to their activities, policies,
achievements. It was as if there was nothing outside their lives that was important for us to know.
The chronology of their lives marked the different chapters of the history of British India. In 1817,
James Mill, a Scottish economist and political philosopher, published a massive three-volume work,
A History of British India. In this he divided Indian history into three periods – Hindu, Muslim and
British. This periodisation came to be widely accepted.

Answer the following questions-

34.1 Mention the first Governor-General of India. 1

34.2 Who was the last Governor-General of India. 1

34.3 Enlist any two points the periodization of History done in 1817. 2

35. Read the source given below and answer the question that follows: 4

The dissatisfaction with British rule intensified in the 1870s and 1880s. The Arms Act was passed in
1878, disallowing Indians from possessing arms. In the same year the Vernacular Press Act was also
enacted in an effort to silence those who were critical of the government. The Act allowed the
government to confiscate the assets of newspapers including their printing presses if the newspapers
published anything that was found “objectionable”. In 1883, there was a furore over the attempt by
the government to introduce the Ilbert Bill. The bill provided for the trial of British or European
persons by Indians, and sought equality between British and Indian judges in the country. But when
white opposition forced the government to withdraw the bill, Indians were enraged. The event
highlighted the racial attitudes of the British in India.

Answer the following questions-

35.1 Identify any one feature of the Arms Act. 1

35.2 Which act was passed to silence those who were critical of the government? 1

35.3 Highlight any two features of the Ilbert Bill. 2

36. Read the source given below and answer the question that follows: 4

36.1 Define the term Adivasi. 1

36.2 Cite the any two adivasi areas where important industrial centres are located. 1

36.3 What makes adivasis radically different from communities organised around the principles of
jati-varna. Write in two points. 2


Map Based Question (2+3=5)

37. (a) Two places a and b have been marked on the given outline map of India. Identify them and
write their correct names on the lines drawn near them. 2
A. The place where police station was set on fire in 1922.
B. The place where satyagraha was organised against indigo plantation.

(b) On the separate political map of World locate and label the following 3
a. Leading producer of rice
b. Russia- An iron-ore producing country
c. USA- A cotton textile producing country



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