Tata Cepeda Pelo Mundo Media Kit Inglês 1

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+55 11 99302 9694 TATACEPEDAPELOMUNDO.


2022 Media Kit


About 64.3k views


the author 368k blog views

Sao Paulo, Brazil

Follow her on all her social media
+55 11 99302 9694
channels (@tatacepedapelomundo) for

Born in Brazil, Tatiana Cepeda a.k.a. Tata better serve her clients and audience.
is an East enthusiast and mad about the Since 2011 she has worked as a
West. She loves to explore new Consultant for the Brazilian travel agency
destinations and revisit places she Ganesh Turismo, being responsible for
considers special. In her perspective, making reservations and creating
interacting with the local community, as personalized city tours.
well as being surprised by new cultures, Currently living in Brazil she has also lived
local food and wine are some of the major in Mexico for 5 years. She fell in love with
ingredients to have an incredible travel traveling early in her life and has been to
experience. 5 continents and over 70 countries.
Tata has a Bachelor's Degree in Business Dedicated to the luxury industry, she can
Administration and is fluent both in also say yes to a cruise ship or a theme
Portuguese and Spanish. She is always park, which is an aspect that her audience
working on her English and Italian skills to really appreciates about her.

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