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Г.Е. Міхненко

(Англійська мова для інженерів-електриків)

Навчальний посібник
для студентів спеціальності
141 «Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка»

Затверджено Вченою радою КПІ ім. Ігоря Сікорського

«Центр учбової літератури»
Київ – 2017
УДК 811.111: 62(075.8)
М 69
Ремонедовано до друку
Вченою радою Національного технічного університету України
«Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
(Протокол № 6 від 2 червня 2017 р.)

О.М. Акмалдінова – д.філол.н., проф., Національний авіаційний університет
С.О. Бур’ян – к.т.н., доц., Національний технічний університет України
«Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
Я.С. Грищенко – к.філол. н., доц., Національний технічний університет України
«Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
Т.П. Голуб – к.пед.н., доц., Національний технічний університет України
«Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»
Л.В. Кучерява – к.філол. н., доц., Національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

Відповідальний редактор:
Н.С. Саєнко – к.пед.н., проф., Національний технічний університет України
«Київський політехнічний інститут імені Ігоря Сікорського»

Міхненко Г.Е.
М 69 English for Electrical Engineers (Англійська мова для інженерів-електриків) [Текст] :
навч. посіб. для студентів спеціальності 141 «Електроенергетика, електротехніка та
електромеханіка» / Г. Е. Міхненко. – К. : Центр учбової літератури, 2017. – 236 c.

ISBN 978-617-673-816-9

Орієнтовано на комунікацію та вправляння майбутніх інженерів-електриків у всіх

видах мовленнєвої діяльності: говорінні, аудіюванні, читанні, письмі, перекладі.
Запропоновано систему автентичних текстів та комплекс вправ для засвоєння
лексичного матеріалу з тем: «Основи електричних систем», «Електричні вимірювання»,
«Людський фактор у галузі електроенерготехніки». Додатки включають матеріали для
інтерактивних видів діяльності, рекомендації щодо написання письмових робіт різних
жанрів, граматичний довідник, списки слів за темами.
Логічно побудований, навчальний посібник сприятиме оптимізації навчання
англійської мови професійного спрямування студентів електротехнічних спеціальностей.

ISBN 978-617-673-816-9 УДК 811.111: 62(075.8)

© Міхненко Г.Е., 2017
© «Видавництво «Центр учбової літератури», 2017


Preface 4
UNIT 1 Types of electric current 5
UNIT 2 Induction and inductance 17
UNIT 3 Three phase power 29
UNIT 4 Mains electricity 41
UNIT 5 Hysteresis 52
Progress check I 64
UNIT 1 Electrical measurements 67
UNIT 2 Ammeter 79
UNIT 3 Voltmeter 92
UNIT 4 Meter safety 103
UNIT 5 Electricity meter 115
Progress check II 124
UNIT 1 Being an electrical engineer 127
UNIT 2 Recruitment and applying for a job 134
UNIT 3 On a business trip. Motivation of engineers 148
UNIT 4 Health and safety in the workplace 158
UNIT 5 Training and development in power industry 170
Progress check III 177
Resource pack 180
Writing bank 201
Grammar reference 212
Wordlist 223
Audioscripts 231
References 233


English for Electrical Engineers aims to help learners improve their

competence in all communication skills: listening, speaking, reading, writing,
as well as practice in translation. This is achieved in various ways, as the
material is flexible in design. The coursebook can be used by the students of
technical universities studying electrical engineering, esp. the third-year-
students at the Electric Power Engineering and Automation Department, Igor
Sikorsky KPI.
The core of the material is the conviction that students will learn more
readily and efficiently if they are actively and personally involved in their
language lessons. Teachers should make their classroom learner-centred and
accept the axiom that shifting their own perspectives can enable students to
take on more active roles as learners. Teachers are becoming facilitators whose
role is to empower students to focus more on creation and critical thinking.
Throughout the units, learners are encouraged to express their own opinion in
questions concerning various aspects of electrical engineering as well as to
discuss and evaluate the role it plays in society.
English for Engineers consists of three sections (Fundamentals of
Electric Systems, Electrical Measurements, People in Electric Power
Industry), accompanied with Progress Checks. Each section contains five units
and provides lead-in activities, reading, speaking, listening and writing tasks,
vocabulary and grammar exercises. Appendices include the Resource Pack,
Writing Bank, Grammar Reference and Wordlist.
The units are designed to be used either in the classroom or by the
student working independently at home.
The authentic information for units has been taken from different printed
and electronic sources, so the list of references is presented. Unfortunately, in
some instances, we have been unable to trace the owners of copyright material
and we would appreciate any information that would enable us to do so.
We are sure that the coursebook will give you the opportunities to
develop your professional English. We thank the students, colleagues and
friends who helped us with advice and comments and hope that you will share
the fun we had while working on the course.
The Author


UNIT 1 Types of Electric Current

From Latin, electrum means amber or shining, and the verb currere stands
for to run. Think about the origin of the term electric current and describe the
phenomenon. What types and properties of it do you know? Have you ever
heard about the War of Currents and the rivalry between Edison and Tesla?

1. Work in pairs. Match the terms with their definitions and identify the types
of current in Fig.1. Tell the class about their possible applications.
1. direct current a) a continuous electric current that periodically
reverses direction, usually sinusoidally
2. alternating current b) an unsteady, unstable type of current
3. variable current c) a steady current that changes in value at regular
or irregular intervals
4. pulsating current d) a continuous electric current that flows in one
direction only, without substantial variation in

Fig. 1

2. Discuss the following questions in pairs.

1. What is the usual waveform of an AC power circuit?
2. Can an electric current flow through a vacuum? Which one?
3. What kind of energy do batteries convert? Is it true that you can extend
battery life by storing batteries at a low temperature?
4. Who first introduced the concept of electric fields?
5. Do conductors have high or low resistance?

3. Match the term with its translation.
1. rubbing, friction a) безпосередньо
2. flammable gas b) зберігати, накопичувати
3. root-mean-square current c) максимальне значення
4. supply frequency d) крива
5. to store e) надлишковий струм
6. peak value f) тертя
7. in direct contact g) горючий газ
8. curve h) середньоквадратичний струм
9. excess current i) струм живлення
10. supply current j) частота мережі

4. Match the terms with their definitions, then choose any five and make up
sentences of your own.
1. annoyance a) refrain from doing, prevent from happening
2. apparently b) causing great and irreparable damage
3. avoid c) happen; take place; come about
4. pitch d) it appears that; as far as one knows; seemingly
5. destructive e) around, circa, approaching, of/on the order of
6. occur f) the system of circuits used in an electronic device,
design of an electrical circuit
7. circuitry g) the feeling that you get when someone makes you feel
fairly angry or impatient
8. approximately h) a sticky resinous black or dark brown substance that is
semi-liquid when hot, hard when cold

5. Read the text about the types of electricity. Write down two interesting facts
you consider to be important. Compare your notes with other students.

Two Types of Electricity

The two basic types of electricity are static electricity and current
electricity. Static electricity is the charge made by rubbing together two or
more objects and making friction while current electricity is the flow of
electric charge across an electrical field.
Static electricity is an electric charge built up on persons* or objects
through friction. It is most familiar as an occasional annoyance in seasons of
low humidity, but can be destructive and harmful in some situations. When
working in direct contact with integrated circuit electronics, or in the presence

of flammable gas, care must be taken to avoid accumulating and discharging
static electricity.
Static electricity is electricity that does not flow in the form of current.
Static electricity is generated by rubbing two nonmagnetic objects together.
The friction between the two objects generates attraction because the
substance with an excess of electrons transfers them to the positively-charged
substance. Usually, substances that don't conduct current electricity
(insulators) are good at holding a charge. These substances may include
rubber, plastic, glass or pitch. The electrons that are transferred are stored on
the surface of an object.
Current electricity appears in two forms: alternating current (AC)
and direct current (DC). Direct current does not change directions – the
electron flow is always from the negative pole to the positive pole – although
the electrons themselves don't really "move" it's the holes that are created that
"move." Direct current is almost always what is used inside of electronic
devices to power the various internal components, but it is a harmful thing in
audio signals, which are alternating current. Alternating current does change
direction – standard household electricity is alternating current, because of its
flexibility in travelling long distances. It changes direction at a specific
frequency, and the back-and-forth motion occurs between 50 and 60 times per
second (60 Hz), depending on the electrical system of the country (in the
United States, Japan, and a couple of other countries; in Europe the standard is
50 Hz). Audio signals vary their direction-alteration according to the
frequency in question.
AC is created by an AC electric generator, which determines the
frequency. What is special about AC electricity is that the voltage can be
readily changed, thus making it more suitable for long-distance transmission
than DC electricity. But also, capacitors and inductors are widely used in AC
electronic circuitry, allowing for a wide range of applications.
In a direct-current system, it's easy to determine voltage because it is
non-varying or varies slowly over time. You can simply make a measurement
with a DC voltmeter. But in an AC circuit, the voltage is constantly changing.
Electrical engineers state the voltage of an AC sine wave as the RMS
(root-mean-square), a value equal to the peak value of the sine wave divided
by the square root of two, which is approximately 1.414. If you know the RMS
voltage, you can multiply it by the square root of two to calculate the peak
voltage of the curve. If you were to power a light bulb from 120V (RMS) AC,
you would get the same amount of light from the bulb as you would by
powering it from 120V DC.

Current electricity is of vital importance because it gave rise to the
discovery of modern electric equipment. Static electricity apparently is of no
use. However, it serves the purpose of friction and helps in holding objects
Taken and modified from:

*Although the word “persons” still exists in English, it sounds very official and is used in formal
contexts. In spoken English, you should use only “people” with a plural verb.

6. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. Static electricity should be taken seriously and with caution in some
2. The substance with an excess of electrons transfers them to another
substance which is negatively-charged.
3. Insulators do not hold electric charges.
4. The standard household electricity is transferred in the form of alternating
current, because of its good transmission qualities.
5. The frequency of an alternating current depends upon the properties of
6. Determining the voltage in direct-current systems may be a problem.
7. Electrical engineers state the voltage of both AC and DC sine waves as
the RMS.

7. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What / the difference between static and current electricity?
2. When / it / necessary / be careful in the case of static electricity?
3. What / the cause of static electricity?
4. Which type of current / change / direction?
5. What / the standard frequency in the USA? What / frequency in
6. In what circuitry / capacitors and inductors / used?
7. Why / AC / use / in power transmission /instead of DC?
8. What / RMS / stand for?
9. How / the RMS voltage / determine?

Language in Use
8. Match the antonyms and use them five of them in your own sentences.
a. occasional 1. homogenous, uniform
b. harmful 2. reluctantly
c. accumulating 3. sturdiness, rigidness
d. various 4. to multiply by
e. according to 5. inappropriate
f. readily 6. safe, beneficial
g. suitable 7. variant
h. to divide by 8. against
i. flexibility 9. frequent, regular
j. standard 10. dispersing,

9. Read the text below, then circle the answer a), b), c) or d) which best fits the
Current and Heat
One of the …(1) of current is the heating of the conductor. When an
electric …(2) heats up, it is because of the flow of current. The electrons have
a mass (…(3) small), and when they move …(4) the conductor, there are
collisions that …(5) heat. The more electrons bump into the atoms of the
conductor, the more heat is created, so higher current …(6) means greater heat.
Scientists …(7) to think that the flow of current always heated up the
object, but with modern superconductors, that is not always true, or at …(8)
not as true as with normal materials. Superconducting materials …(9) to have
less interaction between atoms and current, so the moving charges …(10)
much less energy.
1 a) releases b) results c) reserves d) reverses
2 a) strength b) steel c) stone d) stove
3 a) ever b) however c) who d) how
4 a) through b) though c) cross d) pass
5 a) produce b) product c) prolong d) prevent
6 a) generically b) genetically c) generally d) gently
7 a) used b) applied c) employed d) would
8 a) lots b) latter c) last d) least
9 a) seem b) saw c) see d) seen
10 a) loose b) lose c) loosing d) lost

10. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list.
dangerous /induction /rapidly /key /subsequently /efficiently /isolated
William Stanley, Jr. designed one of the first practical devices to transfer
AC power efficiently between ______(1) circuits. Using pairs of coils wound

on a common iron core, his design, called an ______(2) coil, was an early
transformer. The AC power system used today developed ______(3) after
1886, and includes ______(4) concepts by Nikola Tesla, who subsequently
sold his patent to George Westinghouse. Lucien Gaulard, John Dixon Gibbs,
Carl Wilhelm Siemens and others contributed ______(5) to this field. AC
systems overcame the limitations of the direct current system used by Thomas
Edison to distribute electricity ______(6) over long distances even though
Edison attempted to discredit alternating current as too ______(7) during the
War of Currents.

11. Fill in the gaps with one word only and translate the sentences.
1. …(1) most DC electric circuits, it can be assumed that the resistance
…(2) current flow is a constant so that the current …(3) the circuit is related
…(4) voltage and resistance …(5) Ohm's law.
2. Although …(6) is electrons …(7) are the mobile charge carriers
responsible …(8) electric current in conductors such …(9) wires, it has long
been the convention to take the direction …(10) electric current as …(11) it
were the positive charges which are moving.
3. Most practical applications …(12) electricity involve the flow …(13)
electric current …(14) a closed path …(15) the influence of a driving voltage,
analogous to the flow …(16) a water circuit …(17) the influence of a driving

Tenses. Auxiliary Verbs

Simple Continuous Perfect
Past did was/were had
+ I wrote. I was writing. I had written.
? Did you write? Were you writing? Had you written?
- I didn’t write. I wasn’t writing. I hadn’t written.
Presen do/does am/is/are have/has
t + I write. I am writing. I have written
? Do you write? Are you writing? Have you written?
- I don’t write. I’m not writing. I haven’t written.
Future will do will be will have
+ I will write. I will be writing. I will have written.
? Will you write? Will you be writing? Will you have written?
- I won’t write. I won’t be writing. I won’t have written.
NB: Keep in mind that the special auxiliary verb for the Simple tenses is to do.
If the verb to be is used in the meaning of to exist it does not require auxiliary
verbs in interrogative and negative forms.
12. Complete the phrases with be, do or have in the appropriate form
(consider negative and positive as well).
1. Electrically charged matter … influenced by, and produces,
electromagnetic fields.
2. When the current changes, the magnetic field … too.
3. Environmental concerns with electricity generation … led to an increased
focus on generation from renewable sources.
4. Electricity is an extremely flexible form of energy, and has … adapted to
a huge and growing number of uses.
5. Charge originates in the atom, in which its most familiar carriers … the
electron and proton.
6. In the 19th and early 20th century, electricity … part of the everyday life
of many people.

13. Open the brackets and put the verb in the appropriate verb form.
Did you ever watch lightning during a storm? Did you ever wonder
about its power? You ever _______(1-want) _______(2-know) more about it?
Ben Franklin _______(3-do). Actually, Ben's interest in electricity just
_______(4-not limit) to lightning. He _______(5-receive) an electricity tube
from his friend Peter Collinson and _______(6-begin) _______(7-play around)
with it, performing experiments. However, it _______(8-be) Ben's interest in
lightning that we best _______(9-remember).
Ben _______(10-suspect) that lightning _______(11-be) an electrical
current in nature, and he ______(12-want) to see if he _____(13-be) right. One
way ______(14-test) his idea ____(15-be) _____(16-see) if the lightning could
pass through metal. He decided _____(17-use) a metal key and _______(18-
look around) for a way ______(19-get) the key up near the lightning. As you
probably already _______(20-know), he _____(21-use) a child's toy, a kite, to
prove that lightning ______(22-be) really a stream of electrified air, known
today as plasma. His famous stormy kite flight in June of 1752 _______(23-
lead) him to develop many of the terms that we still ______(24-use) today
when we ______(25-talk) about electricity: battery, conductor, condenser,
charge, discharge, uncharged, negative, minus, plus, electric shock, and

14. Make the passive sentences active and vice versa.

a) Make the following sentences passive.
1. Relatively cheap electricity has made electrical appliances, machines, and
other devices possible.
2. Electrical signals from our brain cause our muscle movements.
3. Replacement of valves with the comparatively tiny and reliable transistor
from 1948 revolutionized electronic development.
4. Such effect will generate a potential difference.
5. Magnetic fields from a colossal black hole at the galaxy's core are
generating the current.

b) Make the following sentences passive. Think about the possible

impersonal subject where necessary.
1. The first electrochemical cell was developed by the Italian physicist
Alessandro Volta in 1792.
2. Friction is reduced by the application of oil.
3. Circuits in which current is proportional to voltage are called linear
4. Lithium–sulfur batteries have been used on the longest and highest solar-
powered flight.
5. The research of planets will be developed with the help of cosmic

15. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Умовою існування електричного струму є наявність вільних
заряджених частинок та електричного поля в провіднику.
2. Для кожного провідника існує залежність між силою струму в
провіднику і напругою, прикладеною до його кінців.
3. Електричне поле змушує рухатися вільні носії заряду: електрони,
дірки чи іони.
4. Простим джерелом постійного струму є хімічне джерело
(гальванічний елемент або акумулятор), оскільки полярність такого
джерела не може мимовільно змінитися.
5. Змінний струм використовується переважно для більш зручної
передачі енергії від генератора до споживача.
6. Теорія електричних кіл змінного струму швидко розвивалася у
другій половині 19-го і на початку 20 століття.
7. В електричних мережах в Україні використовується змінний струм із
частотою 50 Гц і напругою 220 кВ або 110 кВ.
8. За напрямок струму вибирають рух позитивно заряджених частинок,
таким чином напрямок руху струму в металах протилежний
напрямку руху електронів.

AC vs. DC power
16. Watch the video (See References, No 15) and give some facts about the
famous personalities mentioned in it. Can we say that the War of Currents is
not over? Tell the class.

17. Watch the video again and answer the following question.
1. Which current won the debate at the end of the 19 century?
2. Which current ‘ruled’ for one hundred years?
3. Which current has seen a bit of renaissance?
4. What system has become inefficient?
5. What invention led to the change of situation?
6. Which current do many electrically powered devices use nowadays?
7. Why is a lot of energy being wasted in the modern power system?
8. What growing interest of electric power consumers is mentioned in the
video? What current is converted for this?
9. How can energy efficiency be increased, in opinion of the authors of the
10. What has the company Nextek Power done over the past 10 years? What
is the result of energy savings?

18. What is the main idea of the authors of the video? Do you agree with them
or think that the two currents will end up working parallel to each other in a
sort of hybrid armistice?

DC vs. AC
19. Read the article and fill in the gaps with the words from the list. Translate
this text in writing.
afoot/ medium/ networks/ growth/ ones/ compatibility/ consumers
Historically, since the early 20th century, AC ______(1) have been
dominant. This is because of the primary advantage AC has over DC as a
superior ______(2) for long distance transmission from wholesale power
generating stations to their distant ______(3). Economically, at the time, this
made sense to provide low cost power across great distances. However, there
are two large global trends ______(4) that are changing the status quo.
Firstly, there has been an exponential ______(5) in DC devices in the
hands of consumers since the mid 1900’s. The second global trend is the recent
growth in distributed power generating resources (DG), especially renewable

______(6) such as solar PV (photovoltaics) and wind turbines. Each of these
resources is intrinsically DC.
The key benefits of DC-powered networks are:
- avoided energy conversion losses (from AC to DC);
- superior _______(7) with power storage techniques (battery and fuel
cell) in DC devices;
- clean and Renewable Energy sources (solar and wind);
- higher integrated system efficiencies on the order of 25% and more.

20. Work in groups. Choose the side of the War of Currents battle and defend
your point of view. Be ready to speak about the advantages and disadvantages
of the two types of current using the words and phrases below.

Topic sentences to introduce advantages:

There are a number of benefits to / arguments in favour of…
A major benefit of…

To list viewpoints:
Firstly,… In the first place,… To begin with,…
Secondly,… Thirdly,… Finally,… etc.

To add viewpoints:
What is more,… not only…but also,
In addition,… Furthermore,… Besides,…
Not to mention the fact that… etc.

To present the other side of the argument:

Contrary to what most people believe,…
As opposed to the above ideas,…
Some people argue that… etc.

To express opinion:
I believe,… In my opinion,… I think… In my view,…
I strongly believe… I feel that…
As far as I am concerned,…
It seems to me that…etc.

21. Write a paragraph about the War of the Currents. Use the facts below and
the Internet resources if necessary.

the late 1880s

the Chicago World’s


General Electric bid

to electrify the fair
using Edison’s DC for
$554,000, but lost to
George Westinghouse,
who said he could
power the fair for
only $399,000 using
Tesla’s AC.

On Nov. 16, 1896,

Buffalo in New York
was lit up by the
alternating current.

22. Write a for-and-against balanced essay (120-180 words) on advantages
and disadvantages of two types of electric current. This type of argumentative
essay is a formal piece of writing in which a topic is considered from opposing
points of view. Follow the structure and use the linking phrases given below.

Paragraph 1 presents the topic without giving your opinion. You may address
the reader directly, ask a rhetorical question, or start with a quotation.

Main Body
Paragraph 2 gives the arguments for the topic, together with justifications and

One of the main advantages of … .

Furthermore… , In addition to this/that… , A further advantage … , Finally…

Paragraph 3 gives the arguments against the topic, together with justifications
and examples.

However, there are disadvantages … .

Firstly …, For example …
Secondly …, Especially …
On the other hand, …
The worst thing about …

Paragraph 4 summarises the arguments for and against and gives either your
opinion or a balanced consideration of the topic. You may end with a
quotation, or a rhetorical question.

All things considered …, Taking everything into account…

*If you feel that there are more arguments for than against a topic, give them before
the final paragraph to lead the reader to this conclusion.
*Opinion words (I believe, I think, etc.) can only be used in the final paragraph.

UNIT 2 Induction and Inductance

What is the difference between induction and inductance? What do you
remember about Faraday’s, Ampere’s and Lenz’s Laws? How are they
connected with the topic of the unit? Can you name any mechanisms, the
power to which is supplied by electromagnetic induction?

1. Electromagnetic induction has found many applications in technology.
Below is the list of devices and systems in which the principles of
electromagnetic induction are applied. Which of them can you see in the
pictures? Work in pairs.
Electric generator, Electromagnetic forming, Graphics tablet, Induction
cooking, Induction motors, Induction sealing, Induction welding, Inductive
charging, Inductors, Magnetic flow meters, Mechanically powered
flashlight, Pickups, Rowland ring, Transcranial magnetic stimulation,


2. Match the term with its translation.

1. induction a) лінії магнітної індукції
2. inductance b) якір
3. to shift c) взаємний
4. to induce d) індуктивність
5. rate e) індуктивний опір
6. uncoiled f) стверджувати
7. inductive reactance g) скорочуватися, зменшуватися в обсязі
8. magnetic flux lines h) переміщатися, пересуватися, змінюватися
9. eddy currents i) прикріпляти
10. mutual j) швидкість, темп
11. to shrink k) вихрові струми
12. nondestructive l) індукція
13. to state m) без руйнування, без порушення
14.armature n) індукувати, наводити, спричиняти attach o) розмотаний, розкручений

3. Match the term with its definition, then choose any five and make up
sentences of your own.
1.amount a) is a metal drawn out into the form of a thin flexible
thread or rod
2. frequency b) is a material or device that conducts or transmits heat or
electricity, especially in terms of its capacity to do this
3. conductor c) is a quantity of something, typically the total of a thing
or things in number, size, value, or extent
4. transformer d) is a field of force that consists of both electric and
magnetic components, resulting from the motion of an
electric charge and containing a definite amount of
electromagnetic energy
5. wire e) is the number of times that an event occurs within a
given period; rate of recurrence
6. henry f) is the principle by which the total value of a physical
quantity or parameter (such as energy, mass, linear or
angular momentum) remains constant
7. electromagnetic g) is the unit of inductance, equal to an electromotive force
field of one volt in a closed circuit with a uniform rate of change
of current of one ampere per second
8. conservation h) is a device that transfers an alternating current from one
circuit to one or more other circuits, usually with an
increase or decrease of voltage

4. Match the words in line a) with their synonyms in line b).

a) control, opposite, later, exactly, passing, original, notice, required,
amount, produce
b) flowing, subsequently, generate, contrary, quantity, needed, manage,
observe, precisely, initial
5. Read the text about the induction and inductance. Write down two
interesting facts you consider to be important. Compare your notes with other

Induction and Inductance

Induction. In 1824, Oersted discovered that current passing through a
coil created a magnetic field capable of shifting a compass needle. Seven years
later, Faraday and Henry discovered just the opposite. They noticed that a
moving magnetic field would induce current in an electrical conductor. This
process of generating electrical current in a conductor by placing the
conductor in a changing magnetic field is called electromagnetic induction or
just induction. It is called induction because the current is said to be induced in
the conductor by the magnetic field.
Faraday also noticed that the rate at which the magnetic field changed
also had an effect on the amount of current or voltage that was induced.
Faraday's Law for an uncoiled conductor states that the amount of induced
voltage is proportional to the rate of change of flux lines cutting the conductor:

where VL = the induced voltage in volts,
dø/dt = the rate of change of magnetic flux in webers/second.
Inductance is measured in the unit of Henries (H) which reflects this
dependence on the rate of the magnetic field change. One henry is the amount
of inductance that is required to generate one volt of induced voltage when the
current is changing at the rate of one ampere per second. Note that current is
used in the definition rather than magnetic field. This is because current can be
used to generate the magnetic field and is easier to measure and control than
magnetic flux.
Magnetic induction is the production of a magnetic field in a piece of
unmagnetized iron or other ferromagnetic substance when a magnet is brought
near it. The magnet causes the individual particles of the iron, which act like
tiny magnets, to line up so that the sample as a whole becomes magnetized.
Most of this induced magnetism is lost when the magnet causing it is taken
Lenz's law, physical law, discovered by the German scientist
H.F.E. Lenz in 1834, states that the electromotive force (EMF) induced in a
conductor moving perpendicular to a magnetic field tends to oppose that
motion. When an electric motor is in operation, the armature is turning in a
magnetic field, and an EMF is thus induced in it. Lenz's law requires that this
EMF, called back EMF or counter EMF, opposes the motion of the armature
and also the original EMF, causing the motor to operate. As a result, the speed
of the motor changes in such a way that the energy supplied by the original
voltage source less the energy required to overcome the back EMF is always
exactly equal to the sum of the energy used to drive the mechanism to which
the motor is attached and the energy is lost as heat within the motor. Lenz's
law may thus be seen as a consequence of the law of conservation of energy.
Inductance. When induction occurs in an electrical circuit and affects
the flow of electricity it is called inductance, L. Self-inductance, or simply
inductance, is the property of a circuit whereby a change in current causes a
change in voltage in the same circuit. When one circuit induces current flow in
a second nearby circuit, it is known as mutual-inductance. When an AC
current is flowing through a piece of wire in a circuit, an electromagnetic field
that is produced is constantly growing and shrinking and changing direction
due to the constantly changing current in the wire. This changing magnetic
field will induce electrical current in another wire or circuit that is brought
close to the wire in the field of force that consists of both electric and magnetic
components. The current in the second wire will also be AC and in fact will
look very similar to the current flowing in the first wire. An electrical
transformer uses inductance to change the voltage of electricity into a more
useful level. In nondestructive testing, inductance is used to generate eddy
currents in the test piece.
Taken and modified from: https://www.nde-

6. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. In 1831, Faraday and Henry discovered that a magnetic field couldn’t
shift a compass needle.
2. The two scientists noticed that a still magnetic field created current in a
3. The rate of magnetic field change influences the amount of current
4. Faraday’s Law concerns all types of conductors.
5. One henry is the amount of inductance that is required to generate one
volt of induced voltage.
6. In magnetic induction, all the magnetization is stored on the substance
when the magnet is taken away.
7. Inductance is marked with letter L.

8. Inductance and self-inductance differ.
9. Mutual-inductance takes place between two electric circuits.
10. An electromagnetic field produced by AC is not stable.
11. Inductance is used to generate eddy currents.

7. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. Who / discover / a moving magnetic field / induce current in an electrical
2. What / the origin of the term “induction”?
3. What / Faraday's Law for an uncoiled conductor / state?
4. What / “henry”?
5. What / Lenz’s law / state?
6. What / the definition / inductance?
7. What / the difference / self- and mutual-inductance?
8. How / an electromagnetic field / induce / by AC current?
9. How / a transformer / use / inductance?

Language in Use
8. Form the necessary part of speech from the words in brackets.
Paralleled windings: When AC (resist) of a strip secondary winding is
too high because the (require) strip thickness is too great, it is tempting to
simply subdivide it into several thinner strips, insulated from each other. This
doesn't work – the parallel combination will have the same losses as an
equivalent solid strip. This is because the individual thin strips occupy (differ)
positions in the field, causing eddy currents to (circulation) between the outer
and innermost strips where they are connected in parallel at their ends, similar
to what happens in a single solid strip.
(Conduct) can be (successful) paralleled only when they experience the
same field, averaged along their (long):
 Wires in the same layer can be paralleled, as long as they
(progressive) together from one layer to the next.
 Litz wire – fine wires woven or (twist) in such a manner that they
successively occupy the same positions in the field.
 Portions of a (wind) at comparable field levels in (difference)
sections can be paralleled.

9. Fill in the gaps with of, by, between, that, to, at and translate the sentences.
Ampere's law states …(1) a magnetic field induced …(2) an electric
current is, …(3) any point, directly proportional …(4) the product …(5) the
current intensity and the length …(6) the current conductor, inversely
proportional …(7) the square of the distance …(8) the point and the conductor,
and perpendicular …(9) the plane joining the point and the conductor.

10. Read the text below, then circle the answer a), b), c) or d) which best fits
the space.
Induction Cooking Benefits
To serious cooks, the most important …(1) point about induction
cookers is that you can ...(2) the cooking heat instantly and with great
With induction cooking, energy is supplied directly to the cooking vessel
by the magnetic field; ...(3), almost all of the source energy gets ...(4) to that
vessel. With gas or conventional electric cookers (including halogen), the
energy is first ...(5) to heat and only then directed to the cooking vessel – with
a lot of that heat going to ...(6) heating up your kitchen (and you) instead of
heating up your food.
As a ...(7), 40% of the energy in gas gets used to cook, whereas with
induction 84% percent (or, by many estimates, more) of the energy in the
electricity used gets used to cook (and the rest is not waste heat as it is with
gas). And one of the important consequences is a cooler kitchen: of course the
cooking vessel and the food ...(8) will radiate some of their heat into the
cooking area – but compared to gas or other forms of electrically ...(9)
cooking, induction makes for a much cooler kitchen (recall the old saying: "If
you can't ...(10) the heat, get out of the kitchen.")

1 a) favourable b) favourite c) famous d) fantastic

2 a) accept b) admit c) adjust d) administer
3 a) this b) thus c) these d) there
4 a) transported b) broadcasted c) transferred d) translated
5 a) converted b) invented c) covered d) passed
6 a) waste b) west c) window d) vast
7 a) comparison b) computation c) compilation d) conductor
8 a) oneself b) themselves c) itself d) yourself
9 a) powdered b) produced c) powered d) posted
10 a) score b) stand c) scale d) sit

11. Put the words in the correct order to make up sentences.
1. is / when / through / Current / produced / in / field / a / conductor / is / it /
moved / a / magnetic
2. generate / Eddy / fields / currents / their / magnetic / own
3. methods / Non-destructive / used / testing / are / to / test / and / parts /
without / materials / them / harming
4. Field / the / intensity / strength / electromagnetic / of / the / is / field
5. into / Wrapping / the / a / electromagnet / coil / wire / creates / an

Conditional Sentences
Types Formula
Conditional 0 Laws of nature If (Present Simple), Present Simple
Conditional I Real If (Present Simple), will + V1
Conditional II Unreal Present If (Past Simple), would + V1
Conditional III Unreal Past If (Past Perfect), would + have + V3

12. Put the verbs in brackets in appropriate form so that Conditional sentences
of Type I are correct. Make your choice between positive and negative forms.
1. If we ______(connect) the cell to a very low resistance, the current
______(depend) on the EMF of the cell.
2. If the voltage ______(be) too high, the insulation ______(break down).
3. If there ______(be) a water pressure difference between two points, then
water flowing from the first point to the second ______(be able) to drive a
4. If the pump ______(work) and ______(produce) no pressure difference,
the turbine ______(rotate).
5. The created electrical potential difference ______(drive) current flow if a
circuit ______(be attached) to the source of EMF.
6. If charge separation ______(be involved), this energy difference
______(result) in an EMF.
7. The electrostatic potential energy _____(be) negative if the charges
______(have) opposite sign and positive if the charges _____(have) the
same sign.
8. If more than one charge ______(be present), the total electric field at any
point ______(be equal) to the vector sum of the respective electric fields.

NB: In the Conditional sentences of Type II, the verb to be used in the
subordinate clause can acquire the form of were for he, she, it and I.

13. Put the verbs in brackets in appropriate form so that Conditional

sentences of Type II are correct. Make your choice between positive and
negative forms.
1. The wire ______(rotate) around the magnet if it ______(be supplied) with
current from a chemical battery.
2. If you ______(move) a magnet through a loop of wire, an electric current
______(flow) in that wire.
3. The current also ______(flow) if the loop ______(be moved) over a
stationary magnet.
4. If you ______(rub) the amber for long enough, you ______(get) an
electric spark to jump.
5. If you ______(study) the subject closer, you ______(see) many ways of
carrying an electric current.
6. A proton and a neutron ______(move) very slowly if they ______(be) in a
helium nucleus.
7. Vacuum furnaces make use of induction heating for the production of
special steels and other alloys that ______(oxidize) if one ______(heat)
them in the presence of air.

14. Put the verbs in brackets in appropriate form so that Conditional sentences
of Type III are correct. Make your choice between positive and negative forms.
1. If they ______(have) difficulties with the engine, the passengers
______(sit) in the plane when the bomb went off.
2. Audible noise ______(be produced) by cookware exposed to high
magnetic fields if the cookware ______(have) loose parts.
3. If a positive charge ______(be brought) near the metal object, the
negative charges in the metal ______(be attracted) toward it.
4. If the external charge ______(be) negative, the polarity of the charged
regions ______(be reversed).
5. If an electrical contact ______(be made) between the electroscope
terminal and ground, it ______(cause) charge to flow from ground to the
6. If a positive charge ______(be brought) near a nonconductive object, the
electrons in each molecule ______(be attracted) toward it.
7. If a liquid or gas ______(contain) ions, then the ions ______(be made) to
flow as an electric current.
15. Define the type of conditional sentences and explain its use.
1. If he had known that, he would have decided differently.
2. If he studied more, he would pass the exam.
3. He will arrive late unless he hurries up.
4. If I'd gone to University, I would have liked to study electricity.
5. If we spent more on research and development, we wouldn't be so behind
6. If you had driven more carefully, you would not have had an accident.
7. When he gets Bachelor Degree, he will do his Master Degree at Oxford.
8. I'm going to bed when I finish my homework.

16. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of
Conditional sentences.
1. Якщо до рамки з провідного матеріалу підносити й віддаляти
постійний магніт, то стрілка підключеного до рамки вольтметра
2. Ще краще це явище проявляється, якщо вставляти (виймати)
магнітне осердя в котушку з намотаним провідником.
3. Якби в провіднику виникла електрорушійна сила, то індукований в
ньому струм був би визначений за законом Ома.
4. Якби ми використовували нерухомий магніт під час експерименту, то
отримали б струм.
5. Індукційний струм виникнув би, якби ми рухали котушку або магніт
так, щоб змінювалась кількість ліній магнітної індукції.
6. Індукційний струм виникає завжди, якщо силові лінії перетинають
витки котушки.
7. Наочну картину магнітного поля можна отримати, якщо побудувати
силові лінії поля.
8. Магнітні поля, так само як і електричні, можна зображати графічно
за допомогою ліній магнітної індукції.
9. Явище електромагнітної індукції використовується у генераторах
електричного струму, трансформаторах, динамо-машинах,
лічильниках електроенергії, тощо.
10. Під час дії зовнішнього електричного поля на провідники частина
металу, що розміщена ближче до позитивного заряду, який створює
електричне поле, набуває негативного заряду, а протилежна частина
заряджена позитивно.

Induction heating
17. What is induction heating? Watch the video (See References, No 25) and
give the definition of this process.

18. What can induction heating be used for? Translate the words below and
use the appropriate ones to answer this question.
brazing, trigger, forging, straightening, hardening, encircling coil, solid
bar, welding, melting, workpiece, customized coils, pre and post heating,
pistol grip

19. Watch again and decide whether the following statements are true or false.
1. The man on the video prefers showing to describing by words how
induction heating works.
2. It doesn’t matter how high the frequency of the current flowing through
the encircling coil is.
3. It is possible to put in heat where it is necessary.
4. The encircling coil is heated to very low temperatures.
5. During this process the current is induced in the workpiece and
generates heat in it.
6. The coil slightly touches the workpiece.
7. The main task is to design correctly the coil.
8. EFD Induction is a new company dealing with this amazing technology.

Induction Heaters
20. Study the advertisement from Indian manufacturers of induction heaters.
Find the mistakes (wrong or unnecessary preposition – 4, wrong word form –
2, wrong singular/plural – 2, wrong subject/predicate correlation – 2) and
correct them.
We offer our customers with a vast assortment of induction heaters that
are exclusive designed to for the functions of mounting and dismounting the
roller bearings, pinions, gears or other component fitted on the axle shaft of a
machine or motor. The presence of latest technology intelligent
microcontroller which are based of electronic controls enables them
performing these functions in a simple and effect manner. Moreover, the
automated roll sliding arrangement and remote control facility provides with
improved flexibility for utilizing the equipment.
Our range of induction heaters comprise industrial induction heaters,
commercial induction heaters, portable induction heaters, electric induction
heater, conventional induction heaters, electric heaters and induction bearing

21. Choose any type of heaters from the advertisement in the previous exercise
and learn more about it. Be ready to make a short report (80-100 words) using
the following words and phrases. Create a slide presentation to make your
report more interesting. See the tips for it in the box below.

Welcoming: Good morning/afternoon/etc., ladies and gentlemen… It gives me

great pleasure to welcome you here today…
Beginning: I`d like to begin by introducing… My purpose is to tell you
about... In this presentation, I’d like to tell you a little bit about…I would like
to begin my presentation by ....
Main body: I would first of all like to deal with… and then very briefly go on
to … and finally show you some slides illustrating our …As you see from this
diagram...The key thing to say about_____ is …Now let’s look at…Let’s
move on to…Another interesting thing to say about_____ is …It’s worth
noting that…
Ending: In conclusion… So, remember that____ is all about… So, there are
three things to remember about… I`d be happy to answer any questions you
may have. If you have any questions, I`ll do my best to answer them. Thank
you for being so attentive.

Tips for PowerPoint Presentation

1. Use headers or titles on each slide to keep your presentation organized.
2. Limit yourself to one idea per slide.
3. Value white space. Don’t feel as though you need to “fill up” a slide.
4. Follow the “6 by 6” rule: there should be no more than six lines on each slide,
and each line should contain no more than six words per line.
5. Use phrases, not complete sentences, in your text.
6. Replace words with images whenever possible.
7. Limit your use of animation to approximately one-third of your slides.
8. Don’t stand in front of the light emitted by a projector. Keep the lights on in the
room! A darkened room will put participants to sleep and take the focus away
from you. If you must dim the lights, do so only at the very front of the room.
10. Stay connected with your audience by stepping away from the screen to
expound on a point or engage in a group discussion.
11. Use your slides to increase interactivity within a presentation. Show a slide,
and then ask participants to study it, talk in pairs, or do something with the
information before you launch into an explanation of your content.
Adapted from: Active training byM. Silberman

22. Make a summary of the text from exercise 4 (120-180 words). Remember
that a written summary starts with an introduction, including title, author (if
known), and the main idea of the text. It has a clearly arranged structure and
is paraphrased with new words without quotations from the text. Use the
patterns below and the Writing Bank, p.205.

Introduction: State the title and the main idea of the text.

The article/book/report "…" is written by/is taken from/appears in … .

The article asserts that/deals with … .
It covers a number of problems concerning… .
The arguments made by … are summarized below.

Main body: Outline the main ideas in the text. If it is a scientific article, make
sure you mentioned: the research focus, the research methods used
(experimental research, case studies, questionnaires, etc.), the results and

According to the text… .

The authors continue to affirm that… .
The authors cite an example to prove this point… .
Then, … However,… Also,… Furthermore,…
In other words,… To put it another way,… On the other hand,…
In practice,… It is a fact that… It is of primary basic importance that…
As far as…is concerned,...

Conclusion: Make a conclusion, but don't put your own opinions, ideas, or
interpretations into the summary.

It is concluded that… As a result,… To sum up,… On the whole,… Taking

everything into account…

UNIT 3 Three Phase Power

Can you list the cases in which single-, two- and three-phase power systems
are used? How do these systems differ in design? Who discovered that the
rotating magnetic field is produced by the interactions of two and three phase
alternating currents in a motor winding?

1. Match the term with its translation.
1. to allow a) розподільчий щиток
2. neutral wire b) вентилятор
3. single phase c) напруга в мережі
4. distribution board d) нульовий дріт
5. domestic house e) однофазовий
6. to split f) решітка, сітка, енергосистема
7. mains voltage g) дозволяти
8. star connection h) інвертор, інвертуюча схема
9. torque i) насос
10. fan, blower j) з‘єднання зірочкою
11. grid k) житловий будинок
12. pump l) випрямляч
13. rectifier m) обертальний момент
14. inverter circuit n) розділяти(ся), розщепляти(ся)

2. Match the term with its definition.

1. appliance a) achieving maximum productivity with minimum
wasted effort or expense
2. load b) to differ in size, amount, degree, or nature from
something else of the same general class
3. efficient c) a place where power or information leaves a system
4. constantly d) a household device providing a hot-water supply or
serving a central heating system
5. to vary e) a machine used to supply air or other gas at increased
pressure, e.g. to power a gas turbine
6. output f) the amount of electricity supplied by a generating
system at any given time
7. costly g) having an even and regular surface or consistency;
free from perceptible projections, lumps, or indentations
8. compressor h) high priced, expensive
9. boiler i) a device or piece of equipment designed to perform a
specific task, typically a domestic one
10. smooth j) always, all the time, continually

3. Derive the words according to the tasks a) and b) and make up your own
sentences with any ten..
a) nouns from the following words: to allow, to split, to use, to vary,
electrical, mechanical, alternating, to transform, connected, common, to
combine, to serve;
b) verbs from the following words: neutral, appliance, simply,
distribution, conductor, installation, transmission, costly, equipment, computer.

4. Read the text about three-phase electric power. Write down two interesting
facts you consider to be important. Compare your notes with other students.

Three Phase Power

Three-phase electric power is a common method of alternating-current
electric power generation, transmission, and distribution. It is a type of
polyphase system and is the most common method used by grids worldwide to
transfer power. It is also used to power large motors and other heavy loads. A
three-phase system is generally more economical than others because it uses
less conductor material to transmit electric power than equivalent single-phase
or two-phase systems at the same voltage. The three-phase system was
introduced and patented by Nikola Tesla in 1887 and 1888.
In a three-phase system, three circuit conductors carry three alternating
currents (of the same frequency) which reach their instantaneous peak values
at different times. Taking one conductor as the reference, the other two
currents are delayed in time by one-third and two-thirds of one cycle of the
electric current. This delay between phases has the effect of giving constant
power transfer over each cycle of the current and also makes it possible to
produce a rotating magnetic field in an electric motor.
Three phase power systems may have a neutral wire that allows the
system to use a higher voltage while still allowing lower voltage single phase
appliances. In high voltage distributions, it is not common to have a neutral
wire, as the loads can simply be connected between phases.
Three phase power is a very efficient form of electrical power
distribution. All three wires carry the same current and have a constantly
balanced power load. Three phase power does not generally power domestic

houses, and when it does, a main distribution board splits the load. Most
domestic loads use single phase power.
Conductors used in the three phase power system are colour-coded.
Most countries have their own colour codes. The colour codes of the wires
vary greatly. There may be a standard for each installation, or there may be no
standard at all.
Three phase power flow begins in a power station. An electrical power
generator converts mechanical power into alternating electric currents. After
numerous conversions in the distribution and transmission network, the power
is transformed into the standard mains voltage. At this point, the power may
have already been split into single phases or into three phases. With three
phase power, the output of the transformer is usually star connected with the
mains voltage, 230 volts in Europe and 120 volts in North America.
Electric motors are the most common use for three phase power. A
three phase induction motor combines high efficiency, a simple design and a
high starting torque. Three phase electric motors are commonly used in
industry for fans, blowers, pumps, compressors and many other kinds of motor
driven equipment. A three phase power motor is less costly than a single phase
motor of the same voltage and rating.
Other systems that use three phase power include air conditioning
equipment, electric boilers and large rectifier systems. The main reasons for
using the three phase power system are efficiency and economy. While most
three phase motors are quite big, there are examples of very small motors,
such as computer fans. An inverter circuit inside the fan converts DC to a three
phase AC current. This serves to decrease noise, as the torque from a three
phase motor is very smooth, and it also increases reliability.
Taken and modified from:

5. Choose the correct variant without consulting the text

1. The three-phase system was … by Nikola Tesla in 1887 and 1888.
a) introduced b) patented c) introduced and
2. In a three-phase system, three circuit … carry three alternating currents.
a) breakers b) switches c) conductors
3. Neutral wire allows … voltage.
a) comparatively high b) comparatively low c) both high and low
4. Three phase power is a very … form of electrical power distribution.
a) reasonable b) expensive c) advantageous

5. All three wires carry … current in three phase power system.
a) different b) the same c) varying
6. In most countries, colours to code conductors … .
a) are unified b) differ c) are only of two
types: European and American
7. An electrical power generator converts mechanical power into … electric
a) alternating b) direct c) both
8. Mains voltage in Europe is … .
a) 220 volts b) 230 volts c) 200 volts
9. A three phase power motor is … than a single phase motor of the same
voltage and rating.
a) less expensive b) much more expensive c) of a lower price
10. An inverter circuit inside the fan converts DC to a … phase AC current.
a) one b) three c) single

6. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What / the element in three phase power system / allow / both high
and low voltage?
2. it / common / to have it in high voltage distribution?
3. How / one / split the load?
4. What / colour-coded in three phase power systems?
5. Where / the three phase power flow / originate from?
6. After what / the power / transform / into the standard mains voltage?
7. mains voltage / the same / both in Europe and North America?
8. What / the most common use for three phase power?
9. What / the systems / that use / three phase power?
10. Why / an inverter circuit / inside the fan / convert / DC to a three
phase AC current?

Language in Use
7. Choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences.
1. (Mostly/Most/Most of all) household loads are single-phase.
2. The three phases are typically indicated by colours which vary (by/of/in)
3. Single-phase loads may be (connected/combined/compiled) to a three-
phase system in two ways.
4. The most important class of three-phase (load/lead/long) is the electric
5. In much of Europe, (stoves/stones/steel) are designed for a three-phase
6. Three-phase motors also vibrate less and hence last longer than single-
phase (one/ones/once).
7. One (e.g./example/sample) of a three-phase load is the electric arc
8. A three-phase generator can be (drive/drove/driven) by a single-phase
9. High-phase-order systems for power (transfer/transmission/transmit)
have been built and tested.
10. In the U.S., a green/yellow striped wire may (point at/indicate/turn
attention to) an isolated ground.

8. Replace the words in italics with appropriate synonyms from the list.
thick already generation keeping fairly connected same
resistive problematic common due to losses

Electric Power Distribution History

In the early days of electricity _______(1-production), direct current
(DC) generators would be _______(2-joined) to loads at the same voltage. The
generation, transmission and loads all needed to be of the ______(3-like)
voltage because, at the time, there was not a _______(4-regular) way of doing
DC voltage conversion (other than motor-generator sets which today have
become super efficient). The voltages usually had to be _______(5-
reasonably) low with old generation systems _______(6-because of) the
difficulty and danger of distributing high voltages to small loads. The
_______(7-leakages) in a line transmission cable are proportional to the square
of the current, the length of the cable, and the _______(8-withstanding) nature
of the conductor line wire material, and are inversely proportional to cross-
sectional area. Early power transmission networks were _______(9-by then)
using copper, which is one of the best conductors that is also very
economically feasible for this application. To reduce the current while
_______(10-maintaining) power transmission constant requires increasing the
voltage which, as previously mentioned, was, at that time, _______(11-
troublesome). This meant in order to keep losses to a reasonable level the (DC)
Edison power transmission system needed _______(12-big) cables and local
power generators.

9. Read the text below, then circle the answer a), b), c) or d) which best fits the
Electrically Minded
If you’re not electrically minded, think of electrical power as something
easier to ...(1), like mechanical power. Mechanical and electrical power are
very different, but both ...(2) power using pressure and flow, and this power
can be calculated by multiplying the pressure ...(3) the flow. In mechanical
power, there are ...(4) terms that are used to describe the pressure and flow. In
electric power, one term is used to describe the pressure (Voltage) and two to
describe the flow (Amperes, Current).
In the earliest days, electrical power was delivered using Direct Current
(DC), meaning the power flows in one ...(5) like a water hose. Now, electrical
power is delivered using Alternating Current (AC), meaning the power flow is
...(6) alternating directions. This change took ...(7) because electrical power
can be delivered more ...(8) using Alternating Current (AC) than Direct
Current (DC).
If you’re not electrically minded, think of 1 (Single) phase power like a
one pedal bicycle where one pushing leg provides power; think of 2
(Dual/Split) phase power like a two pedal bicycle where one pushing leg or
both pushing legs ...(9) provide power; think of 3 (Three) phase power like a
three cylinder ...(10) where three pushing pistons provide power.

1 a) visit b) vary c) visualize d) verify

2 a) deliver b) dominate c) dictate d) deepen
3 a) tens b) tons c) times d) tense
4 a) much b) more c) many d) most
5 a) district b) direction c) drive d) diversity
6 a) continuous b) instance c) deliberately d) constantly
7 a) post b) pass c) place d) pace
8 a) good b) enough c) efficiently d) sufficiently
9 a) can b) ought c) are d) keep
10 a) engineer b) nerd c) engine d) geek

10. How do you convert KVA into Amps for a three-phase system? Arrange the
sentences in the correct order to get the answer.
- 60 kVA x 1000 / 208 v / 1.73 = 166amp 3 phase.
- Where you work on or where the gears are coming from would help
to answer this question.
- First determine what voltage is needed for phase to phase.

- For example, you have a 60kVA generator. And you are working in
North America, which is 208V phase to phase.
- So now you know the voltage that you are working with on a 3 phase
- Next use this formula, kVA x 1000 / voltage required / 1.73 = amp 3
- In Southeast Asia, where power is 220~240 volts, a 3 phase system
would be 415V phase to phase and in North America, a 3 phase
system would be 208V phase to phase.

Participle. Gerund
Participle I/Gerund Active Passive
Present Ving being V3 /Ved
Perfect having V3 /Ved having been V3 / Ved
Participle II (Past Participle) V3 /Ved

11. Open the brackets and choose between Participle I and II.
1. In reality, an ammeter is an electron-flow-(indicate) machine.
2. When a glass tube (rub) with silk is (bring) close to a bit of paper, there is
3. The (magnetize) effect of a current depends on the strength of the current.
4. When the (electrify) end of a similarly (charge) rod is (bring) close by, the
(suspend) rod turns away.
5. (flow) through a conductor the (alternate) current reverses its direction
6. A magnet (break) into two, the complete new magnets result.
7. An electron (leave) the surface, the metal becomes positively charged.
8. The force (develop) by the generator depends on the number of coils in
the armature, as well as several other factors.
9. If the force (cause) the electron flow is unidirectional, the current is (call)
10. The region (surround) one or more (charge) bodies is (know) as the
electrostatic field.

12. Open the brackets and use the correct form of Participle I.
1. _______(determine) the number of amperes and volts, we can calculate
the resistence of the coil.
2. The conductor _______(wind) into a coil, the fields of each turn combine
and create a strong magnetic field.

3. The ion of the metal, _______(lose) electrons, is no longer electrically
4. Any material _______(allow) light to go through it is called transparent.
5. _______(Make) many tests incorrectly, the scientists got different results.
6. _______(Test), the device was finally put into operation.
7. _______(Lose) several electrons, the atom is charged positively.
8. _______(have) the excess of electrons, atom is of negative charge.
9. _______(Finish) the test, the laboratory workers compared all the data
10. _______(Insulate) with a different material, the cable was tested once

Infinitive Active Passive
Simple (Present) to do to be done
Continuous to be doing ---
Perfect to have done to have been done
Perfect Continuous to have been doing ---

13. Open the brackets and use the correct form of Infinitive.
1. Scientists know the ampere _______(represent) the rate of electricity
2. Elecricity is known _____(to cause) by EMF.
3. These two coils are known _______(possess) a mutual inductance of 1
henry, but now the value has dropped.
4. We know him _______(conduct) his research work for three years now.
5. The results of the test seemed _______(prove) the theory, but they turned
out ________ (be) wrong during further experiments.

14. Open the brackets and use Gerund or Infinitive where necessary.
1. Avoid _______(make) mistakes when noting down the results obtained.
2. I’m hoping _______(complete) the assignment by 3 p.m. tomorrow, so
you can come and check.
3. I look forward to _______(meet) foreign students at the International
Conference this April.
4. This research task involves _______(make) reports every fortnight.
5. The archaeologist reported _______(find) a large, previously unknown
6. Eye specialists suggest _______(take) breaks while using the computer
for extended periods of time.
7. The Practical Engineering course requires _______(participate) in six
months of training at plants and enterprises.
8. Andrew plans _______(take) part in the scientific research project next
9. When he got through _______(write) his home task, he laid the copybook
on the table next to the bed and went to sleep.
10. The winner of the local competition gets _______(participate) in a
national competition in Washington D.C.

15. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Приєднавши дроти до цих клем, можна отримати три незалежні
ланцюги, кожен з яких міг б живити енергією ті чи інші приймачі.
2. У даному випадку для передачі всієї енергії, яку поглинають
приймачі, потрібно шість дротів.
3. Підтримання постійного зсуву вздовж фази між коливаннями
напруги є досить складною технічною задачею.
4. Трифазною системою електричних ланцюгів називають систему, що
складається з трьох кіл.
5. Електроте́хніка — галузь науки і техніки, пов'язана із застосуванням
електричних і магнітних явищ для перетворення енергії.
6. Трифазний струм широко використовується в системах
промислового і побутового електропостачання.
7. Більшість побутових приладів розраховані на роботу із однією
8. Потужні трифазні електродвигуни конструктивно простіші за
9. Обмоткові проводи, призначені для обмоток електромашин, апаратів
і трансформаторів, виготовляють з міді або алюмінію.
10. Обмотки трифазного генератора можна з'єднувати трикутником.

Why 3 Phase Power? Why not 6 or 12?
16. Listen to the power transmission engineer Lionel Barthold (See
References, No 26) who explains how 3-phase, 6-phase, and 12-phase power
systems work. He worked on experimental 6- and 12-phase power lines at his
company Power Technologies, Inc. before it was sold to Siemens after a long
successful career. The experimental polyphase lines were located in Malta,
New York, not far from company headquarters in Schenectady. What is he
talking about? Write the answer in 3-4 sentences.

17. Listen Lionel Barthold again and answer the following questions.
1. What are the advantages of 3-phase, 6-phase, and 12-phase systems?
2. What are the disadvantages of them?
3. What are rotating phases? An anisotropic tube?
4. How might 6-phase tower look?
5. Did his company build polyphase lines?
6. What does the speaker say about the complexity of 6- and 12-phase lines?
7. What question do people periodically raise? Will this question be useful
for transmission companies?

18. Discuss the idea of polyphase lines in pairs. Express your own opinion
about their benefits from an economical perspective.

Difference between single phase and three phase
19. Read the article and fill in the gaps with single or three.
Electricity is either connected at 220 or 230
volts (…(1)-phase, which accounts for the majority
of domestic situations), or 400 and 415 volts
(…(2)-phase). The latter is better suited to
providing for powerful appliances and fixed plant,
and is more commonly used by industrial and
larger commercial users.
If ceramics is your hobby and you have an
electric kiln in the garage, or if you have a massive
ducted air conditioning system, you might need
…(3)-phase power connected to your home. As a
rule, this comes down to the particular appliance
you're using and you should check the voltage and
power needs of the gear before making any
assumptions. Even large energy consuming heaters
and ovens are …(4)-phase most of the time.
…(5)-phase comes to the home with two
wires: active and neutral. The neutral wire is
connected to earth (water pipe, earth stake, etc.) at
the switchboard.
…(6)-phase has four wires: three actives
(called phases) and one neutral. The neutral wire is
earthed at the switchboard.
20. Divide into teams of single-phase and three-phase electricity. Prepare
information about the cases in which the two types are used and come to a
conclusion as to their effectiveness. Note the words and phrases below.

To list viewpoints:
Firstly,… In the first place,… To begin with,…
Secondly,… Thirdly,… Finally, …etc.
To add viewpoints:
…both…and… , …not only…but also…
What is more,… In addition,… Furthermore,… Besides, …Not to mention the
fact that… etc.
To present the other side of the argument:
Contrary to what most people believe,… As opposed to the above ideas,…
Some people argue that… etc.
The following conclusions can be drawn from…
The information found has shown that…
The results of this investigation show that…

21. Write a for-and-against one-sided essay (120-180 words) on the
advantages of three-phase power supply. In one-sided argumentative essay we
are either for or against a topic. Note that there should be more arguments to
support our opinion than giving the opposing viewpoint. Follow the structure
and use the linking phrases given in Unit 1, Ex.23. The text below can help you
with the ideas.

Paragraph 1
present the topic and your opinion

Paragraph 2
series of arguments supporting your point of view with

Paragraph 3
opposing argument with reasons/justifications/results

Paragraph 4
summarise all the arguments for and restate your opinion

Advantages and Disadvantages of Three Phase Power Supply
As compared to a single-phase AC power supply that uses two
conductors (phase and neutral), a three-phase supply with no neutral and the
same phase-to-ground voltage and current capacity per phase can transmit
three times as much power using just 1.5 times as many wires (i.e., three
instead of two). Thus, the ratio of capacity to conductor material is doubled.
The same ratio of capacity to conductor material can also be attained with a
center-grounded single-phase system.
Most single phase motors have switching gear and capacitors to help
kick a motor on when it starts because single phase power doesn't have enough
power to turn over a motor. Three-phase motors are generally simpler and
require no starting gear (and are normally cheaper to build).
Most workshops have 3 phase machinery for the extra power it provides.
Some motors can be 2 phase as well, but rarely.
Three-phase supplies have properties that make them very desirable in
electric power distribution systems:
 The phase currents tend to cancel out one another, summing to
zero in the case of a linear balanced load. This makes it possible to reduce the
size of the neutral conductor because it carries little or no current. With a
balanced load, all the phase conductors carry the same current and so can be
the same size.
 Power transfer into a linear balanced load is constant, which helps
to reduce generator and motor vibrations.
 Three-phase systems can produce a rotating magnetic field with a
specified direction and constant magnitude, which simplifies the design of
electric motors.
The primary disadvantage of the three phase induction motor is that
speed control is a challenge. But new technology in the form of VSDs
(variable speed drives) is now rectifying this situation very effectively.
Another disadvantage is that single phase power is common while three phase
power is less commonly available.
Taken and modified from:

UNIT 4 Mains Electricity
Do you know how standard voltages and frequencies vary in different
countries? What are the accepted values in Ukraine? In what countries are the
socket types C, F and A, B used?

1. Work in pairs. Discuss what you see in the picture.


2. Match the term with its translation.

1. mains a) лінії електромережі
2. to refer to b) коливання, осциляція
3. powerline c) штепсельна розетка
4. appliance d) електрична напруга
5.electric tension e) струм перевантаження
6. utility frequency f) мережа електропостачання
7. oscillation g) апарат, пристрій
8. electric power grid h) правила, норми
9. socket (Br.), receptacle, outlet (Am.) i) допустимі відхилення
10. earthing j) посилатися (на щ-н), називатися
11. regulations k) заземлення
12. overcurrent l) штепсельна вилка
13. tolerance m) електророзподільна система
14. plug n) частота енергосистеми

3. Match the term with its definition.

1. household a) supply of artificial light
2. capacity b) send (heat, light, sound, electricity, or other energy)
to pass through a medium
3. lighting c) person or organization having power or control in a
particular, typically political or administrative, sphere
4. equal d) danger or risk
5. transmit e) significantly, substantially
6. hazard f) so opposed in character as to be incapable of existing
7. short circuit g) identical in size, quantity, degree, intensity, etc.
8. authority h) affairs related to keeping a house, domestic
9. incompatible i) a faulty or accidental connection between two points
of different potential in an electric circuit
10. considerably j) equipment size or power, often measured in particular

4. Match the words from a) with their antonyms from b).

a) formerly, universal, portable, common, effective, vary, difference,
connect, foreign, military;
b) native, civil, similarity, remain stable, weak, unusual, disjoin,
stationary, presently, individual.

5. Read the text about mains electricity. Write down two interesting facts you
consider to be important. Compare your notes with other students.

Mains Electricity
Mains is the general-purpose alternating current (AC) electric power
supply. In the US, electric power is referred to by several names including
household power, household electricity, powerline, domestic power, wall
power, line power, AC power, city power, street power, and grid power. In
many parts of Canada, it is called hydro, because much of the Canadian
electrical generating capacity is hydroelectric.

Worldwide, many different mains power systems are found for the
operation of household and light commercial electrical appliances and
lighting. The different systems are primarily characterized by their:
- Voltage, otherwise known as electrical potential difference or electric
tension, is the potential difference between two points — or the difference in
electric potential energy per unit charge between two points. Voltage is equal
to the work which would have to be done, per unit charge, against a static
electric field to move the charge between two points.
- Utility frequency, line frequency (Am.Eng.) or mains frequency (Br.
Eng.) which is the frequency of the oscillations of alternating current (AC) in
an electric power grid transmitted from a power plant to the end-user.
- Plugs and sockets (receptacles or outlets) – devices for removably
connecting electrically operated devices to the power supply.
The other features are:
- Earthing system (grounding) – defines the electrical potential of the
conductors relative to the Earth's conductive surface. The choice of earthing
system can affect the safety and electromagnetic compatibility of the power
supply, and regulations can vary considerably among countries.
- Protection against overcurrent damage (e.g., due to short circuit),
electric shock, and fire hazards.
- Parameter tolerances.
All these parameters vary among regions. The voltages are generally in
the range 100–240 V (always expressed as root-mean-square voltage). The two
commonly used frequencies are 50 Hz and 60 Hz.
Foreign enclaves, such as large industrial plants or overseas military
bases, may have a different standard voltage and frequency from the
surrounding areas. Some city areas may use standards different from that of
the surrounding countryside (e.g. in Libya). Regions in an effective state of
anarchy may have no central electrical authority, with electric power provided
by incompatible private sources.
Many other combinations of voltage and utility frequency, including
direct current, were formerly used, with frequencies between 25 Hz and
133 Hz and voltages from 100 to 250 V. The modern standard combinations of
230 V/50 Hz and 120 V/60 Hz did not apply in the first few decades of the
20th century and are still not universal.
Industrial plants with polyphase power systems will have different,
higher voltages installed for large equipment (and different sockets and plugs),
but the common voltages listed here would still be found for lighting and
portable equipment.
Taken and modified from:

6. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. Mains is the supply of DC electric power for general purposes.
2. Domestic power and street power are one and the same thing.
3. Mains can vary from country to country.
4. Electric tension is also known as electric resistance.
5. Utility frequency is the rate of vibration of current in power grids.
6. Receptacles are devices for constant or permanent connection of devices
to power supply.
7. A type of earthing system has no relation to safety of power supply.
8. Parameter tolerances may vary in different states.
9. Military bases often have a different standard voltage from the one in the
10. In the past, frequencies were between 25 Hz and 135 Hz.

7. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. Electric power / can / call / hydro in Canada, / can / it?
2. How many / primary features of different mains systems / be / there?
3. In what countries / use / the term “mains frequency”?
4. What / voltage / equal to?
5. What / the other names for plugs and sockets?
6. What / grounding / define?
7. How / voltages / always / expressed?
8. Where / standard voltage / can / differ from the common one in the area?
9. modern frequency combinations / universal?
10. Why / industrial plants / have / polyphase systems and higher voltage?

Language in Use
8. Fill in the gaps with the words from the list.
flexible portable wired fixed central
higher larger wall
Small _______(1) electrical equipment is connected to the power
supply through _______(2) cables terminated in a plug, which is then inserted
into a _______(3) receptacle, i.e. socket. _______(4) household electrical
equipment and industrial equipment may be permanently _______(5) to the
fixed wiring of the building. For example, in North American homes a
window-mounted self-contained air conditioner unit would be connected to a
_______(6) socket, whereas the _______(7) air conditioning for a whole home
would be permanently wired. Larger plug and socket combinations are used
for industrial equipment carrying larger currents, _______(8) voltages, or three
phase electric power.

9. Fill in the gaps with one word only (mostly a preposition) and translate the
1. The choice … utilization voltage is due more … historical reasons than
optimization … the distribution system.
2. … the 1880s only carbon-filament incandescent lamps were available,
designed … a voltage of around 100 volts.
3. To maintain the voltage … the customer's service … the acceptable range,
electrical distribution utilities use regulating equipment … electrical
substations or along the distribution line.
4. … 1883 Edison patented a three wire distribution system to allow DC
generation plants to serve a wider radius … customers.
5. … the end of the 19th century, Westinghouse … the US decided … 60 Hz
and AEG … Germany decided … 50 Hz.
6. … Japan, the electrical power supply … households is … 100 V.
7. Electrical appliances are used extensively … homes … both 230 V and
120 V system countries.
8. Voltages are expressed … root mean square (RMS) voltage.
9. Generation was maintained … 110 volts to allow … a voltage drop
between generator and lamp.
10. North American practice remained … voltages near 110 volts … lamps.

10. Read the text below, then circle the answer a), b), c) or d) which best fits
the space.
Mains Electricity
Alternating current can easily be converted to higher and lower voltages
…(1) a transformer. By transporting the electrical energy from a power station
at a high voltage and low current is more efficient as …(2) a high current and
low voltage was to be used most of the energy would be wasted as heat …(3)
to the resistance in the power lines. Converting d.c. …(4) the high voltage/low
current form is very difficult and cannot be done efficiently.
Mains electricity generated from power stations is supplied to UK
households …(5) the National Grid. Mains electricity (electricity from the
power station) …(6) the house through the live wire. The live wire carries the
incoming electricity and is therefore …(7) 230V and so very dangerous. Mains
voltage is more …(8) enough to kill somebody.
Once the electricity from the live wire has given its energy to the
appliances in the household the current travels back …(9) of the house over
the neutral wire – hence the neutral wire has a lower voltage than the live wire.
The earth wire is used …(10) safety purposes and carries the current away
when there is a fault.
1 a) from b) by c) for d) across
2 a) so b) more c) what d) if
3 a) dew b) do c) due d) does
4 a) to b) by c) then d) for
5 a) versus b) via c) avail d) area
6 a) enters b) across c) accept d) exit
7 a) in b) at c) to d) up
8 a) those b) thus c) then d) than
9 a) from b) to c) in d) out
10 a) to b) with c) for d) in

11. Use the appropriate part of speech of the word in brackets.

Laboratory rooms, (medicine) facilities, (to construct) sites, repair
workshops, mobile electrical (to install), and other environments that are (to
supply) via engine-generators where there is an increased risk of insulation
(faulty), often use an IT (earth) arrangement supplied from isolation
transformers. To (less) the two-fault issues with IT systems, the isolation
transformers should supply only a small (numerous) of loads each and/or
should be (to protect) with an insulation monitoring device (general) used only
by medical, railway or military IT systems, because of cost.

Complex Object. Complex Subject

NB: Complex Object and Complex Subject are constructions in a sentence

consisting of two parts: nominal(I) and verbal(II) –
We know him(I) to be(II) a very talented engineer. (Complex Object)
He(I) is known to be(II) a very talented engineer. (Complex Subject)
Remember the verbs seem, prove, appear, turn out, happen, chance do not
have passive forms in the Complex Subject.

12. Open the brackets to form Complex Object or Complex Subject

1. One of the ways of measuring the rise of temperature (know/be) by
means of a thermometer.

2. The heat of the sun (find/be) the primary source of energy.
3. Gas particles (discover/collide) with sufficient energy to release
electrons from gas.
4. (We/water) (expect/flow) with less resistance in a large section pipe.
5. The earth (know/contain) large iron ore and pure iron deposits.
6. (Students/magnets) (know/be able) to induce a current in a wire.
7. (We/sound) (believe/travel) at a speed of 1,090 feet per second through
air at 0C.
8. (Engineers/closed circuit) (know/have) several sources of EMF.
9. This conductor (assume/be made up) of a number of conducting
10. The iron filings (appear/be drawn) to the magnet when being in its

13. Transform the sentences so that they contain the Complex Object in section
a) and the Complex Subject in section b).
1. I knew that he began his research in April.
2. We believe that Alex graduated from the university four years ago.
3. We want that they introduce the changes to the curriculum as soon as
4. The supervisor considers that the results of the test are unsatisfactory.
5. The scientists expect that the effect of the new device will be relatively
1. It appeared that the two sides solved the problem.
2. It seems that our research is developing in the right direction.
3. It is likely that these devices will be put into operation immediately.
4. It seems that the voltage has increased; we have to measure it again.
5. They say that he was the youngest student throughout the history of the

14. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of
Complex Object and Complex Subject structures where necessary.
1. Електропостача́ння – це надання електричної енергії споживачу за
допомогою технічних засобів передачі та розподілу електричної
2. Відомо, що електропостачання поділяється на зовнішнє та

3. Ми знаємо, що внутрішнє електропостачання – це комплекс мереж і
підстанцій, розташованих на території споживача.
4. Електрична підстанція визначається як електроустановка,
призначена для перетворення та розподілу електричної енергії.
5. Жодна інженерна система не зможе працювати без правильно
розробленого проекту електропостачання.
6. Відомо, що будь-який проект електропостачання повинен
відповідати існуючим нормам і вимогам.
7. Не секрет, що проект електропостачання котеджу буде відрізнятися
від проекту електропостачання квартири.
8. До проекту електропостачання промислових підприємств
пред'являються більш серйозні вимоги, адже там задіяні великі
9. Електропостачання заводу повинне мати потужність, яка забезпечить
нормальне функціонування всієї апаратури.
10. Проект електропостачання котеджу може включати в себе
електроопалення, якщо відсутнє централізоване опалення.

Types of Plugs and Sockets by Country
15. Read the passages and put the CAPITAL letters in brackets in the correct
order to get the name of the country referred to.
1. Most wall outlets
simultaneously support Types
A and I. Some outlets support
Type C as well (the holes in
the outlets are flat in the
middle and round on the
sides) so that either a Type A,
a Type C or a Type I
(Unearthed) plug can be used.
2. Type F wall sockets
countrywide standard. Type C
wall sockets are very
uncommon, and exist only in
very old installations.

3. Type E sockets are standard, earthed appliances ship with an E+F
plug. Type C plugs are common, especially for low-power devices.
4. Type B sockets are becoming more common. (EOCMIX)
5. The standard for H plugs and sockets was recently modified to use
round pins, so most modern sockets accept both type C and type H
plugs. Type M sockets are used for air conditioners. (LSEIRA)
6. Type C wall sockets have been prohibited in new installations for
more than 10 years, E type being mainly used. (ECRFNA)

16. Complete the table. Fill in the names of the countries from the previous
exercise, specify, whether it is a plug, a socket or both. Describe the usage of
each type of plug or socket according to the table.

Country/Type A B C E F H I M
4. Mexico socke

Power Outage
17. Read about the types of power outages and use the information from the
Resource Pack (p.180) to tell the class how different types of electrical
apparatus will react to sag in different ways.
A power outage (also known as a power cut, power failure, power loss,
or blackout) is a short- or long-term loss of the electric power to an area.
There are many causes of power failures in an electricity network.
Examples of these causes include faults at power stations, damage to power
lines, substations or other parts of the distribution system, a short circuit, or
the overloading of electricity mains.
Power outages are categorized into three different phenomena, relating
to the duration and effect of the outage:
 A transient fault is a momentary (a few seconds) loss of power
typically caused by a temporary fault on a power line. Power is automatically
restored once the fault is cleared.

 A brownout or sag is a drop in voltage in an electrical power
supply. The term brownout comes from the dimming experienced by lighting
when the voltage sags.
 A blackout refers to the total loss of power to an area and is the
most severe form of power outage that can occur. Blackouts which result from
or result in power stations tripping are particularly difficult to recover from
quickly. Outages may last from a few minutes to a few weeks depending on
the nature of the blackout and the configuration of the electrical network.
Taken from:

18. Work in groups of four or five. You and your friends are at the meeting of
the power engineers working in the utility industry and discussing the
problems of power failures in the region. Find the best way to prevent these
situations (use the Resource Pack, p.184, for the ideas).

19. Write a summary of the information you’ve learnt from Exercises 17
and 18. Use the instructions how to write a summary in the Writing Bank,

20. Write the passage (120-180 words) about Mains Electricity using the
following expressions in the given order.
various names for electric power – the essential features of mains
systems – voltage can be defined as – transferred from a power station to a
consumer – the secondary characteristics are – the type of grounding system
influences – two generally used frequencies are – standards that vary –
combinations of voltage and utility frequency

21. Use the ideas given in the previous tasks (17-18) to write an essay
providing solution to a problem of power outages and protecting the power
system from them (120-180 words). Note that an essay providing solution to a
problem is a formal piece of writing in which we state the problem and make
suggestions on how to deal with it. We should write complex sentences, use
formal linkers and passive forms. Follow the structure and use the linking
phrases given below.

Paragraph 1 state the problem

Paragraph 2 first solution with examples/ expected results
Paragraph 3 second solution with examples/ expected results

Paragraph 4 third solution with examples/ expected results
Paragraph 5 summarise all the solutions and state your opinion

Listing points: Presenting results:

In the first place, … To start with, … As a result, … Consequently, …
Secondly,…Finally,… Lastly, … By doing this, … Therefore, … Then,
If (people) …, the (situation) will…
Introducing suggestions:
One/another way of solving the Concluding:
problem would be to… To conclude, … To sum up, …
One/another helpful suggestion All points considered, …
would be to… On balance, I would say (that)…
It would (also) be a good idea to…
Expresssing an opinion:
Giving exmples: I believe /think /feel (that)…
For example /instance, … In my opinion /view,
In particular, … It seems to me (that)…
Particularly / Especially… As fas as I am concerned,
…such as… It is obvious (that)…

UNIT 5 Hysteresis

Do you know the origin of the word hysteresis? How does the technical term
relate to the initial meaning? Do you know the Scottish physicist who coined it
and when?

1. Hysteresis can be found in physics, chemistry, engineering, biology and
economics, and so on. Can you give the examples when this phenomenon
occurs in various spheres?

2. Match the term with its translation.

1. ferromagnetic materials a) пружний гістерезис
2. atomic magnets b) гвинтова, спіральна траєкторія
3. permanent magnet с) сумарний вплив, результуючий ефект
4. helical path d) феромагнітні матеріали
5. magnetostatic field e) намагнічувальне поле
6. fluctuating current f) атоми з магнітним моментом
7. magnetizing field g) від‘ємний напрямок
8. residual induction, retentivity h) постійний магніт
9. coercive force i) магнітостатичне поле
10. elastic hysteresis j) щільність потоку
11. net effect k) флуктуючий струм
12. varying force l) залишкова індукція
13. flux density m) коерцитивна сила
14. negative direction n) перемінна сила

3. Match the term with its definition.

1. lag behind a) place or arrange (things) in a straight line
2. coil b) apply or bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality)
3. align c) the state of a ferromagnetic material in which it is
fully magnetized. The magnetic domains are then all
fully aligned
4. d) situated on, or suitable for the inside; inner
5. exert e) a shape produced by a curve that bends round and
crosses itself
6. saturation f) the ability of a material to retain magnetization, equal
to the magnetic flux density of the material after the
removal of the magnetizing field
7. loop g) to be slower in progress than another thing or person
8. internal h) way in which one acts or conducts oneself
9. behaviour i) concurrently , concomitantly
10. remanence j) device consisting of a wire, for converting voltage
level, producing a magnetic field, or adding inductance
to a circuit

4. Derive the words according to the tasks a) and b).

a) nouns from the following words: to vary, strong, regional, to operate,
to direct, intense, dense, to behave, to magnetize, to align;
b) adjectives from the following words: magnet, to observe, circle,
station, atom, to coerce, proportion, interior, elasticity, origin.

5. Read the text about hysteresis. Write down two interesting facts you consider
to be important. Compare your notes with other students.

Hysteresis and Magnetic Field

Hysteresis is a lagging of the magnetization of a ferromagnetic
material, such as iron, behind variations of the magnetizing field. When
ferromagnetic materials are placed within a coil of wire carrying an electric
current, the magnetizing field, or magnetic field strength H, caused by the
current forces some or all of the atomic magnets in the material to align with
the field. The net effect of this alignment is to increase the total magnetic field,
or magnetic flux density B. The aligning process does not occur
simultaneously or in step with the magnetizing field but lags behind it.
Magnetic field is a region in the neighbourhood of a magnet, electric
current, or changing electric field, in which magnetic forces are observable.
Magnetic fields such as that of the Earth cause magnetic compass needles and
other permanent magnets to line up in the direction of the field. Magnetic
fields force moving electrically charged particles in a circular or helical path.
This force—exerted on electric currents in wires in a magnetic field—
underlies the operation of electric motors.
Around a permanent magnet or a wire carrying a steady electric current
in one direction, the magnetic field is stationary and referred to as a
magnetostatic field. At any given point its magnitude and direction remain the
same. Around an alternating current or a fluctuating direct current, the
magnetic field is continuously changing its magnitude and direction.

If the intensity of the magnetizing field is gradually increased, the
magnetic flux density B rises to a maximum, or saturation, value at which all
of the atomic magnets are aligned in the same direction. When the
magnetizing field is diminished, the magnetic flux density decreases, again
lagging behind the change in field strength H. In fact, when H has decreased to
zero, B still has a positive value called the remanence, residual induction, or
retentivity, which has a high value for permanent magnets. B itself does not
become zero until H has reached a negative value. The value of H for which B
is zero is called the coercive force. A further increase in H (in the negative
direction) causes the flux density to reverse and finally to reach saturation
again, when all the atomic magnets are completely aligned in the opposite
direction. The cycle may be continued so that the graph of the flux density
lagging behind the field strength appears as a complete loop, known as a
hysteresis loop. The energy lost as heat, which is known as the hysteresis loss,
in reversing the magnetization of the material is proportional to the area of the
hysteresis loop. Therefore, cores of transformers are made of materials with
narrow hysteresis loops so that little energy will be wasted in the form of heat.
Hysteresis Loss. If the magnetic field applied to a magnetic material is
increased and then decreased back to its original value, the magnetic field
inside the material does not return to its original value. The internal field 'lags'
behind the external field. This behaviour results in a loss of energy, called the
hysteresis loss, when a sample is repeatedly magnetized and demagnetized.
The materials used in transformer cores and electromagnets are chosen to have
a low hysteresis loss. Similar behaviour is seen in some materials when
varying electric fields are applied (electric hysteresis). Elastic hysteresis
occurs when a varying force repeatedly deforms an elastic material. The
deformation produced does not completely disappear when the force is
removed, and this results in energy loss on repeated deformations.
Taken and modified from:

6. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. The magnetizing field induced by current causes some of the atomic
magnets to line in with the field.
2. The aligning process lags behind the magnetizing field.
3. Magnetic field is observable in the vicinity of a magnet only.
4. The force exerted on charged particles underlines the operation of electric
5. The magnitude and direction of a magnetic field remain the same as in the
case of magnetostatic field.

6. Atomic magnets are aligned in one and the same direction at the point of
saturation of magnetic flux density.
7. Hysteresis losses are energy losses in the form of light.
8. Materials for the transformer cores are of wide hysteresis loops.
9. Elastic hysteresis is a physical phenomenon.

7. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What / type / magnetization / lag behind / in the case of hysteresis?
2. Under what condition / atomic magnets / align with the field?
3. this aligning / be / simultaneous?
4. How / the electrically charged particles / move?
5. What / a magnetization field?
6. What / happen / when / the magnetizing field / gradually increased?
7. When / decrease / magnetic flux density?
8. What / the coercive force?
9. How / you / get a hysteresis loop on the graph?
10. Why / narrow loops / needed?
11. What / the cause of losses?
12. How / electric hysteresis and elastic one / differ?

Language in Use
8. Choose the words to complete the sentences correctly.
1. Elastic hysteresis was one of the first (type/types/typical) of hysteresis to
be examined.
2. When the rubber band is stretched it heats (up/off/on).
3. If it is suddenly released, the rubber cools (off/down/in), very easy to
perceive just by touching.
4. Hysteresis can also occur (duration/during/durable) physical adsorption
5. The specific causes of adsorption hysteresis are still an
(activity/actual/active) area of research.
6. Even when the magnetic field is removed, part of the alignment of
atomic dipoles will be (replace/removed/retained).
7. A closer look at a magnetization curve generally reveals a series of
small, (randomize/random/randomly) jumps in magnetization called
Barkhausen jumps.
8. In general, the magnetization varies in direction, but not magnitude,
(across/between/over) a magnet.
9. The (most/must/mostly) known empirical models in hysteresis are
Preisach and Jiles-Atherton models.
10. Soft magnets with low coercivity are used (to/as/for) cores in

9. Replace the words in italics with the synonyms from the list in order to
correct the text. Decide in what cases the use of synonyms is inappropriate.
reduces applications associated desirable make use of variety
wrapped moment response retain

Application of Magnets
There is a great _______(1-range) of applications of the hysteresis in
ferromagnets. Many of these _______(2-benefit from) their ability to
_______(3-keep) a memory, for example magnetic tape, hard disks, and credit
cards. In these _______(4-devices), hard magnets (high coercivity) like iron
are _______(5-advantageous) so the memory is not easily erased.
Soft magnets (low coercivity) are used as cores in electromagnets. The
nonlinear _______(6-answer) of the magnetic _______(7-instant) to a
magnetic field boosts the response of the coil _______(8-parceled) around it.
The low coercivity _____(9-decreases) that energy loss ______(10-bound)
with hysteresis.

10. Read the text below, then circle the answer a), b), c) or d) which best fits
the space.
Hysteresis in Economics
Economic systems can exhibit hysteresis. For example, export
performance is …(1) to strong hysteresis effects: because of the …(2)
transportation costs it may take a big …(3) to start a country's exports, but
once the transition is made, not much may be required to …(4) them going.
Hysteresis is used extensively in the area of labor markets. …(5) to
theories based on hysteresis, economic downturns (recession) …(6) in an
individual becoming unemployed, losing his or her …(7) (commonly
developed 'on the job'), demotivated or disillusioned, and employers may use
time spent in unemployment as a screen. In times of an economic upturn or
'boom', the workers affected will not share in the prosperity, remaining …(8)
unemployed (over 52 weeks). Hysteresis has been put forward as a possible
explanation for the poor unemployment performance of many economies in
the 1990s. Labor market reform, or strong economic growth, may not
therefore …(9) this pool of unemployed, and thus specific targeted training
programs are presented …(10) a possible policy solution.
1 a) subject b) object c) under d) form
2 a) flowed b) fixed c) followed d) felt
3 a) explosion b) button c) press d) push
4 a) proceed b) continue c) store d) keep
5 a) Accepting b) According c) Adding d) Extending
6 a) resume b) because c) result d) cause
7 a) skills b) scores c) spells d) skulls
8 a) long-term b) long-scale c) big-term d) long-range
9 a) add b) aim c) aid d) ask
10 a) so b) as c) ever d) either

11. Combine the beginnings of the sentences with the ends.

1. When a force deforms a material…
2. In physics, several different types of magnetism are distinguished...
3. Permanent magnets are either ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic…
4. Magnetic storage and magnetic recording are terms from engineering…
5. Physicists and engineers define magnetization…
6. One application of demagnetization is…

a) …to eliminate unwanted magnetic fields.

b) …it generates elastic stresses and internal frictional stresses.
c) …as well as other materials that are noticeably attracted to them.
d) …and ferromagnetism (including ferrimagnetism) is the strongest type.
e) …as the quantity of magnetic moment per unit volume.
f) …referring to the storage of data on a magnetized medium.

Relative Clauses
NB: A relative clause (or adjective clause) does the work of an adjective and
describes a noun, it is usually introduced by a relative pronoun: who | whom |
whose | that | which.
It can define something (a defining clause; also called restrictive, or
identifying), or provide unnecessary, but interesting information (a non-
defining clause is also called non-restrictive, or non-identifying).
Information contained in the defining relative clause is absolutely essential.
A non-defining relative clause is separated from the rest of the sentence by
commas. If you take away the non-defining clause the basic meaning of the
sentence remains intact.

12. Define the type of relative clause in the sentences about James Ewing (who
discovered hysteresis) and put commas where necessary.
1. Ewing was a great physicist and engineer who is remembered primarily
for his works in the field of magnetic properties of metals.
2. In a family whose chief interests were literary James Alfred Ewing took
his pleasure in machines and experiments.
3. There is a class of metals that can be bent or stretched plastically back
and forth many times without hardening.
4. At outbreak of war in 1914 Ewing was put in charge of code breaking
which earned him many nick names in the popular press, such as
Eavesdropping Ewing.
5. In May 1916, Ewing was offered the Vice-Chancellorship of Edinburgh
University which he accepted.
6. Engineering expeditions to Brazil were led by William Thomson and
Fleeming Jenkin both of whom would have a significant impact on Ewing’s
7. Ewing established a new science campus at King's Buildings which
allowed science and engineering to expand and evolve.
8. A reminder of Ewing's connection with the University College is the
University of Dundee's Ewing Building which was built in 1954 and named
in his honour.

13. Fill in the gaps with a relative pronoun.

1. AC current is supplied to a primary coil … induces an oscillating flux
within the core.
2. Eddy currents are also induced within the core … act to lower the applied
magnetic field … created them.
3. A ferromagnet is not uniformly magnetized but is divided into regions of
uniform spontaneous magnetization … degree of magnetization is
4. All students … registration numbers begin with 5 should come to the
library to receive the books.
5. A higher educational institution is a place … people obtain advanced
knowledge in specific academic disciplines.
6. Albert Einstein, … devised the theory of relativity, is known by many as
the most intelligent person in history.
7. The student … achieves the highest score in this department will be
awarded a prize.
8. This is Dr. Brown, … we met at a conference in the USA last year.

9. What’s the name of the person … was the first to journey into outer
10. The lecture hall in … the consecration into students will be held is now
being decorated.

14. Combine the sentences using relative clauses. Tell the class about James
1. James Clerk Maxwell was born on November 13, 1831. He graduated
from Trinity College with a degree in mathematics.
2. Maxwell's first major contribution to science was a study of the planet
Saturn's rings. The nature of the rings was much debated.
3. Maxwell next considered the question of molecules of gases in rapid
motion. He treated the question statistically.
4. Maxwell's most important achievement was his extension and
mathematical formulation of theories of electricity and magnetic lines of
force. The theories were coined by Michael Faraday.
5. Maxwell showed in his research that a few mathematical equations could
express the behaviour of electric and magnetic fields. The research was
conducted between 1864 and 1873.
6. These equations are one of the great achievements of 19th-century
physics. They are known as Maxwell's.
7. In November 1856 Maxwell took up the appointment in Marischal
College. It is situated in Aberdeen.
8. Maxwell married in June 1859. The bride’s name was Katherine Mary
9. Maxwell calculated that the speed of propagation of an electromagnetic
field is approximately that of the speed of light. He was in London at the
10. One of the greatest scientists the world has known passed away on
November 5, 1871. He was 48.

15. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Форма кривих, які зображені на цьому графіку, залежить від частоти.
2. Значення магнітної індукції залежить від середовища, в якому існує
магнітне поле.
3. Матеріали, які намагнічуються в зовнішньому магнітному полі,
називають магнетиками.
4. Причину, внаслідок якої тіла мають магнітні властивості, вперше
встановив Ампер.

5. Магнітні властивості тіла можна пояснити струмами, які
циркулюють у ньому.
6. Гістерезис – це залежність змін фізичної величини, яка означає стан
тіла, від зміни іншої фізичної величини, яка визначає зовнішні
7. Феромагнетиками називають тверді тіла, які можуть мати спонтанну
8. Існує поняття температури Кюрі, при переході через яку у речовині
феромагнетика відбувається фазовий перехід.
9. Діамагнетизм спостерігається у таких речовин, атоми яких у
відсутності магнітного поля не мають магнітного моменту.
10. Змінне магнітне поле збуджує вихрове електричне поле, яке і надає
атому додатковий рух.

Monster magnet meets ferrofluid
16. In Fig. 5 you see a ferrofluid in a magnetic field showing normal-field
instability caused by a neodymium magnet beneath the dish. What do you
know about a ferrofluid and its properties? Is it a solid or liquid? When was it
invented? What for? What are its actual and proposed applications?


17. Watch the video (See References, No 22) and answer the questions.
1. What happens with the ferrofluid near a neodymium magnet?
2. Is a ferrofluid toxic? What will happen with you finger if you
touch the spikes?
3. What does a ferrofluid contain?
4. What happened when the speaker sprinkled iron poweder near the
strong magnet?
5. What is Brownian motion?
6. Can spikes move easily?
7. What did the author do with his golden magnetic putty?

Hysteresis Loop
18. Work in pairs. Complete Fig. 6 with the phases below, matching each
phase of hysteresis loop. Describe this figure to your friend.
a) The driving magnetic field must be returned and increased to a large
value to drive magnetization to a zero again.
b) The material follows a non-linear magnetization curve when magnetized
from a zero field value.
c) When driving magnetic field drops to zero, the ferromagnetic material
retains a considerable degree of magnetization. This is useful as a
magnetic memory device.


19. Work in pairs. Figure 7 shows the hysteresis loops taken at room
temperature for all measured Ce/Fe samples. The magnetisation is normalised
relative to the iron layers volume only. The hysteresis loop for the 20/10
sample is shown truncated in the main plot for clarity, but is compared to the
other loops in the inset. Describe this Figure using the following words and
Verbs: remain steady, fluctuate, increase slightly, decrease dramatically,
decrease slightly, increase rapidly, rise dramatically, plunge, drop suddenly,
stay the same, go up a little, go down slightly

Dynamics: Between points … and … the curve rises/falls
There is a sharp increase/decrease in the value/of the curve … .
Beginning, Main Body, Conclusion: This graph shows the information
on… .
Turning attention to another point of the graph, we observe… .
Comparing the two values… .
Overall, we can see that… .


20. Summarize the information by reporting the main features of the hysteresis
loops in Fig.7. Write 100-120 words.

21. Write the passage (120-180 words) about Hysteresis using the following
expressions in the given order.
Hysteresis can be defined as – magnetizing field causes atomic magnets
to – is an area in the vicinity of a magnet – which drives electric motors – is
called a magnetostatic field – when the intensity grows, the density B peaks –
if H equals zero, B reaches the value of retentivity – the heat generated
constitutes hysteresis loss – the magnetic field doesn’t get back to its initial
measure – the elastic one takes place

22. The graph below shows the demand for electricity in England during
typical days in winter and summer. The pie chart shows how electricity is used
in an average English home. Use the Language for Graph Description in the
Writing Bank, p.207 to write a report (150 words). Make comparisons where


Read the text and decide if the statements below are true or false:

Electric Potential
Difference in electric potential is also known as voltage or electric
potential energy difference. The unit for electric potential is the volt, in
memory of Alessandro Volta. Electric potential is like a push. Electrons are
pushed through a wire by the voltage.
A good analogy is water in a river. The water is like electrons flowing.
When the river goes over a waterfall, the water drops and loses energy. When
the electrons go through a circuit or wire they "drop" in voltage and lose
There are positive ions on one side and negative ions on the other side.
The negative ones are attracted to the positive ones but cannot get to them
because there is a wall between them in the battery. So you make them go
'around the house and through the back door' i.e. you make a circuit which
goes from the negative side to the positive side. Then the negative ions go
through the wire and mix with the positive ones. When all the negative ones
go to the other side the battery is flat and needs to be recharged. Think of a
turbine in water. Water passes through it moving down and turns it. When the
negative ions move through the wire they go through things like bulbs,
microwaves etc. Instead of moving them, they collide into them, but only
some go through. When they collide they produce light and heat. The reason
why we have electrical appliances today is because these negative ions collide
into the positive ions in a circuit.
Taken from:

1. The action of an electric potential can be described as a pressure

applied to electrons.
2. From the analogy to the river, when the water goes up it loses its
3. When the current doesn’t flow, both positive and negative ions are
situated on the same section of a battery.
4. The negative and positive ions eventually meet as the circuit is
5. Positive ions produce light and heat through collision.

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
output / grids / reliability / consuming / domestic / torque / load / mains
1. An appliance is a piece of equipment designed to perform a specific
task, typically a _____ one.
2. With three phase power, the _____of the transformer is usually star
connected with the mains voltage.
3. Even large energy _______ heaters and ovens are single-phase most of
the time.
4. The torque from a three phase motor is very smooth, and it also
increases _______.
5. After numerous conversions in the distribution and transmission
network, the power is transformed into the standard ____ voltage.
6. A _____ is the amount of electricity supplied by a generating system
at any given time.
7. A three phase induction motor combines high efficiency, a simple
design and a high starting_______.
8. Three-phase electric power is a type of polyphase system and is the
most common method used by ____worldwide to transfer power.
Grammar in focus
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form.
1. The results of Galvani's work … (know) to Mary Shelley when she
authored Frankenstein.
2. Substances that … (not conduct) current electricity are good at
holding a charge.
3. The engine would start if Ben …(connect) these two cables.
4. I really dislike it when I … (give) the incorrect change by the ferry
5. If I … (study) hard when I was young, I wouldn't be a porter now.
6. He … (offer/pay) the tuition, but I said no.
7. It … (say) that these substances have similar properties.
Explain the sentences below in your own words.
 Science and technology multiply around us. To an increasing extent they
dictate the languages in which we speak and think. Either we use those
languages, or we remain mute.
James Ballard (English novelist)
(10 marks)
Use the Internet to find information on the power supply system in Ukraine
and write a summary (140-190 words). Use your own words.
(15 marks)


 talk about important elements of electric systems
 make the presentation and express a view
 write a for-and-against essay, an essay suggesting solutions to a
problem, summary, describe graphs
Good ˅ Very good ˅˅ Excellent ˅˅˅


UNIT 1 Electrical Measurements

What part do measurements play in our life? Can you complete the following
proverb: “Score twice before you …”? What does it mean? What similar
proverbs do you know?

1. Electrical measurements involve the set of the methods, devices and
calculations used to measure electrical quantities. Match the quantities and
measuring devices and make up sentences.
Example: An electric current is measured by means of an ammeter.
1. electrical resistance 1. electricity meter
2. voltage 2. electrometer
3. S-matrix 3. voltmeter
4. electric current 4. ammeter
5. magnetic field 5. network analyzer
6. electrical charge (electrical)
7. electrical power 6. ohmmeter
7. Hall sensor

2. Work in small groups. Look at Fig.9 and identify the measuring instruments
in it. See the link below for help.


3. Match the unit of measurement with its symbol and tell the class what
instrument can be used for these measurements.
Hz a) kilo volt ampere hour
kWh b) Pascal (unit of pressure)
W c) joule (unit of work or energy)
V d) watt (unit of power)
T e) volt (unit of electric potential)
H f) tesla (unit of flux density)
Pa g) henry (unit of electric inductance)
J h) hertz (unit of frequency, equal to one cycle per second)
kVah i) kilowatt hour (equal to 1000 watt hours)

4. Discuss the following questions in pairs. Use phrases from the box.
a) Have you used any electrical measuring instruments before?
b) Why do we need them?
c) Can we do without them?
d) How accurate should they be?
e) What properties should they possess?
Accuracy: good enough to make an estimate of the potential energy/resource
savings and to determine the technical, environmental, economic feasibility
Properties: light in weight; easy to handle; robust; easy to maintain;

5. Do you know the difference between measuring instruments? Match the

term with its definition and tell the class. Find these instruments in the picture
Indicating instruments These are those which keep a continuous record of
the variation of magnitude of an electrical quantity to
be observed over a definite period of time. Such
instruments are generally used in power houses
where the current, voltage and power etc. are to be
maintained within certain specified values.
Recording instruments These are those which measure the total amount of
either quantity of electricity or electrical energy
supplied over a period of time. The summation given
by such an instrument is the product of time and an
electrical quantity under measure.
Integrating instruments These are those which indicate the magnitude of an
electrical quantity at the time taken when it is being
measured. The indications are given by a pointer
moving over a graduated dial. Ordinary ammeters,
voltmeters are examples of it.

6. Read the text about electrical measurements. Write down two interesting
facts you consider to be important. Compare your notes with other students.

What are Electrical Measurements?

Electrical measurements are those that measure the voltage, current,
power and resistance in an electric circuit. Also there are those that measure
electrical characteristics of the circuit itself and the materials or components
comprising it. In addition, electrical measurements are measurements made of
the electromagnetic field surrounding a conductor carrying an electric current.
All types of electrical measurements involve methods, devices, and
calculations specific to the measurements being made.
The most commonly-measured quantities in an electrical circuit are
usually determined with a meter. An ammeter measures current in amperes, a
voltmeter measures voltage in volts, and an ohmmeter measures resistance in
ohms. The electrical power of a circuit in watts, which is the product of its
voltage and current, can be calculated once those two quantities have been
determined, or, if the resistance and one of the quantities is known, by
applying Ohm’s Law. The functions of ammeter, voltmeter, and ohmmeter are
combined in a device known as a multimeter. It has a switch on the front that
allows the user to select the function of the meter and the sensitivity of
The electrical field around a conductor can affect other conductors in its
vicinity, and electrical measurements of its characteristics can often be
deduced from the effect it has on these conductors. If the electric current in a
conductor is changing, or is in flux, it generates a magnetic field capable of
inducing a current in any other conductor within the field. The magnetic field
around a conductor with a changing electric current, such as one carrying an
alternating current in a constant state of flux, can be measured with a Hall
sensor. A stationary current, on the other hand, generates an electrostatic field
that can be determined with an electrometer, which measures the force of
repulsion induced by the field in two similar conductors.
Electrical circuits and their components have characteristics that affect
the ability of the circuit to conduct a current and generate a magnetic field.
Electrical measurements of these characteristics are often determined by
calculations based on measurable quantities of the circuit, like voltage, current,
and resistance. For example, the capacitance of an electrical device designed
to hold a charge, like a battery, is determined from measurements of the
electrical power and time taken to charge it. Inductance, the ability of a circuit
to generate a voltage when immersed in a magnetic field, can be inferred by
measuring the strength of the field with a Hall sensor and the amount of
current generated in the circuit with an ammeter.
Taken from:

7. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. Electrical measurements involve measuring electrical characteristics of
the materials or components comprising the circuit.
2. Calculations are often used in the process of making electrical
3. An ammeter has the switch on the front that allows the user to select the
appropriate function for measurements.
4. A stationary current generates an electrostatic field that can be observed
by means of an electrometer.
5. Electrical circuits have features that influence the ability of the circuit to
generate a magnetic field.
6. Inductance can be deduced by measuring the strength of the field and the
amount of current generated in the circuit.

8. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What / electrical measurements / involve?
2. What / ammeters and voltmeters / measure?
3. What / measure / by means of an ohmmeter?
4. How / can / the electrical power / be / measure?
5. it / possible / select / the function of a meter in a multimeter? In what
6. How / can / characteristics / the electrical field / be / measure?
7. What / can / be / determine / with a Hall sensor?
8. When / an electrometer / use?
9. What / often / determine / by calculations / based on measurable
quantities of the circuit? Give some examples.

Language in Use
9. Match the synonyms and use them in your own sentences.
a. component 1. to influence
b. calculation 2. to conclude, to deduce
c. characteristics 3. to produce
d. to infer 4. element
e. to include 5. to use
f. commonly 6. to comprise
g. to generate 7. to keep
h. to hold 8. usually
i. to affect 9. computation
j. to apply 10. features

10. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences about the units of
measurements in the field of electricity.
1. is / free electrons / atom to / the electrical force / "Voltage" / causes / to
move / that / from one / another
2. "Voltage" / the measure of / causes / or "volts" / "electrical pressure" that /
is / current flow
3. amperes or "amps" /is / in units of / Electrical current / for short /
4. resistance / The electrical /of / is / in units /measured / called / a material
5. horsepower / still / U.S. motor manufacturers / motors in units / rate /of
6. unit of / The most / the "watt" / electrical power / common / measurement
/ is

Magnitude statements
a) Note the types of Magnitude statements:
1. The box is two feet long.
2. The box is two feet in length.
3. The length of the box is two feet.
4. The box has a length of two feet.
b) Note the word forms:
long (adj.) – length (n.) – lengthen (v.)
short – shortening - shorten
wide – width – widen
high – height – heighten
tight – tightness – tighten
loose – looseness – loosen
c) Useful expressions:
It weighs 9.85 kg, let’s round it up to 10 kg.
We need a piece of wood 3.5 m long by 2 m wide.
It’s 70 cm by 30 by 40.
The pipe is 1 m in diameter.
Can you take 15 mm off it? = Can you reduce the length by 15 mm?

11. Choose the correct form of the word in brackets.

Example: You need to widen it by another two meters. (wide)
a) What’s the … of the room? (wide)
b) How … is the tank? (wide)
c) I think we need to adjust the … of the shelves. (long)
d) How … is the axle? (long)
e) Can you … this workbench? (long)
f) Please make sure the tank has the correct … . (deep)
g) Do you know how … the reservoir is? (deep)
h) I can’t reach that shelf. It is too … . (high)
i) We might need to increase the… of the new shed. (high)

12. Express the idea below using different possible types of magnitude
statements (Type 1, 2, 3, or 4).
a) the box: volume = 20 cubic centimeters
b) the highway: length = 2, 344 kilometers
c) ice: melting point = 0ºC
d) proton: mass = 1.672 x 10-27 grams
e) thunder: intensity = 120 decibels

13. Round off the numbers where possible and rewrite the statements from
Ex.10 using one of the qualifying phrases below.
The box is precisely/ exactly 2.131 The box has a precise/ exact length of
feet long. 2.131 feet.
The box is about/ approximately/ The box has an approximate length
around/ over/ just over (≠ under) of 2.1 feet.
two feet in length.
The length of the box is on the order/ The box has a rough length of two
roughly of two feet. feet.
Example: the highway: length = 1673 miles. – Round off 1673 to 1670 or
1700. The highway is just over 1670 miles in length. The highway has an
approximate length of 1700 miles.
14. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Метрологія — наука про вимірювання.
2. Однією з найважливіших галузей електротехніки є електричні
вимірювання, тобто вимірювання всіх тих величин, які зустрічаються
в електротехніці.
3. Найважливішими величинами в електротехніці є напруга й сила
струму, для виміру яких служать спеціальні прилади, так звані
вольтметри, і амперметри.
4. Важлива ознака вимірювання — точність.
5. Сила струму вимірюється приладами, які називають амперметрами і
6. Як і будь-який вимірювальний прилад, вольтметр не повинен
впливати на значення вимірюваної величини.
7. Для вимірювання неелектричних величин досить широко
використовуються такі електричні методи, як індукційні,
фотоелектричні, п'єзоелектричні та ін.
8. Дана смужка паперу 4 см завдовжки і 7 см завширшки.
9. Хоча цей вимірювальний прилад є саморобним, він виконує багато

The Importance of Accurate Measurement
15. What is the difference between ‘accuracy’ and ‘precision’? Watch the video
(See References, No 23) and answer this question. What does the speaker use
to explain the meaning of these words?

16. Watch the video again and decide whether the following statements are
true or false.
1. Accurate measurement influences the human life all over the world.
2. The scale of an object is crucial in the choice of the type of an
instrument to make physical measurements.
3. Engineers sometimes use micrometers to measure small objects.
4. The substance being measured determines the appropriate instrument.
5. The user’s line of sight doesn’t need to be perpendicular to the object
being measured to avoid the parallax error.

17. Watch again and complete the sentences.

1. We measure wind speed to … .
2. A tape measure is suitable for … .
3. The distance travelled by a car is measured … .
4. Systematic errors may arise because of … .
5. Meniscus is a curved surface … .
6. The measurement that ensures the safety of a carrousel swing is … .

18. Tell the class about the possible reasons for erroneous measurements.

a) Arrange the following sentences in order to make up a dialogue between
Speaker A and Speaker B, then answer the questions that follow.
- It’s up to you. Tell me what size you want and I’ll order the wood.
- Sure. So let’s see. We need a piece of wood 3.5 m long by 1 m wide.
- I’ll order it right away and I’ll be able to install it next Tuesday.
- Of course, where do you want me to stand?
- Well, it’s about 65 cm at the moment. Could we increase it by about a
- Hi, Tom, can you help me? Could you hold the end of the tape measure,
please? (1)
- I’m glad you’re replacing it. We need more space to work on things. How
deep will the new workbench be?
- Just there by the door. I need to measure the length of this workbench.
We’re going to replace it. OK – 3 m 47 cm. Let’s round it up to 3 m 50.

1) What does Speaker A ask Speaker B to do?
2) What size of workbench do they decide to take as final (and what was
the previous one)?
3) What material are they going to take?
4) When will they install the workbench?

b) Work in pairs. You need to have the desks in your classroom replaced
and ask your friend for help. Discuss the size and design of the desks
and set a deadline for their installation.

Describing a Multimeter
A multimeter, also known as a volt/ohm meter or VOM, is
an electronic measuring instrument that combines several
functions in one unit. Contemporary multimeters can
measure many quantities.

20. Read the description of the multimeter AC/DC

milliGAUSSMETER and fill in the blanks with the
appropriate words from the box.
data дані
range діапазон, ряд, серія
axis вісь
sensitivity чутливість
probe датчик; зонд
reasonably priced за помірною ціною
warranty гарантія
toggle тумблер, перемикач
logging реєстрація (даних), запис
readings дані (в таблиці, на екрані)
time sampling час замірювання
USB(universal serial bus) універсальна послідовна шина
LED(light-emitting diode) світло діод

Two High (1) _______ Meters in One
A useful and reasonably priced meter for measuring both AC and DC magnetic
fields. Easy to use with external single axis (2) _______ . Excellent range with
great features including:
 DC and AC (4Hz to 10 KHz) magnetic field measurement
 High sensitivity: down to 0.1 mG
 High range: up to 3000 mG
 Accuracy: ±(2% + 2 mG)
 Easy to read (3) _______ Display
 N pole/S pole indicator
 Reads in mG or µT (toggle)
 (4) _______ hold function for freezing the current value on display
 Records Maximum and Minimum (5) _______ with Recall button
 1 second time sampling

 (6) _______ computer interface option (sold separately) for logging and
analyzing data
 Low battery indicator

What is unique about this meter? Measures both AC and DC magnetic

Uses 6 AAA batteries (not included). Can also be powered by external DC 9V
adapter (sold separately).
1 Year Parts & Labor (7) ______, Made in USA
AC/DC milliGaussmeter (Cat. #A112) – $399.95

*Useful information:
G – the gauss, is the unit of measurement of a magnetic field (which is also
known as the "magnetic flux density", or the "magnetic induction"), named
after the German mathematician and physicist Carl Fr. Gauss.
1 µT (microtesla) = 10 mG (milligauss)
mG - 1 milligauss = 0.001 Gauss
AAA – a 1.5 volt dry cell battery size

21. Use the information above to describe the multimeter AC/DC

milliGaussmeter and convince your friend to use it. The following expressions
will help you to complete the sentences.
►I would definitely recommend the multimeter AC/DC milliGaussmeter

To express opinion:
In my opinion,… From my point of view,… It seems to me that…because…

To list points:
First of all,… Secondly, …, Moreover,…(even) more importantly,…
Furthermore,… Apart from this,… Not to mention the fact that…
Last but not least,…

To emphasise what you say:

Obviously,… Needless to say,… No doubt.

To conclude:
As I have said,… To sum up
22. Work in groups of three or four. You and your friends have been asked to
buy a new multimeter for your laboratory room. You have only £20 and can
choose only from the proposed items (See the Resource Pack, p.182). Discuss
the advantages and disadvantages of each and come to agreement.

23. Choose any proverb below and comment it (40−70 words).
 Score twice before you cut once.
 Second thought is best.
 Look before you leap.

24. Write the passage (120-180 words) about Electrical measurements using
the following expressions in the given order.
Electrical measurements – methods, devices, and calculations –
commonly-measured quantities – determined with – current in amperes –
voltage in volts – resistance in ohms – electrical power – Ohm’s Law –
combine the functions of – known as a multimeter – electrical field – affect
other conductors – characteristics of the electrical field – deduced from the
effect – for instance –magnetic field around the conductor – a Hall sensor –
characteristics which influence the ability – determined by calculations based
on measurable quantities

25. You’ve watched the video about the importance of accurate measurements.
Now write an opinion essay (120-180 words) about why it is important for
future electrical engineers to study metrology. Follow the structure and use the
phrases given below.

Paragraph 1 state the topic and your opinion

Main Body
Paragraph 2 first viewpoint and examples / reasons
Paragraph 3 second viewpoint and examples / reasons
Paragraph 4 opposite viewpoint and examples / reasons

Paragraph 5 restate your opinion

Giving opinion: Listing viewpoints:
I believe /think /feel (that)… Firstly, … To begin with, …
In my opinion /view, Moreover/Furthermore, …In addition, …
It seems /appear to me (that)…
To my mind, Introducing reasons / examples:
As fas as I am concerned, For example /instance, …
I (completely) agree (that/with)… …such as… because /since /as …
I (strongly) disagree (that/with)… In particular, …
I am totally against… …especially /particularly

Concluding: Introducing opposing viewpoints:

All in all, … To sum up, … On the other hand, it is accepted /said
All things considered, … /argued… /some people say/argue that…

Choose the ideas to begin your essay:

A quantitative analysis of design based on sound metrology principles will
help electrical engineers to design better products and services…

The effects of the science of measurement can be seen everywhere, allowing

people to plan their lives and make commercial exchanges with confidence.

Use the expressions: choose the method of measurement; select the devices
for …; assess the measurement error; identify instruments; define reliability;
identify different types of failures

UNIT 2 Ammeter

What is an ammeter used for? What types of ammeters do you know? What
properties should they have? (e.g., light in weight; robust)

1. Match the term with its translation.
1. accurate measurement a) магнітне відхилення
2. compass needle b) магнітоелектричний
3. magnetic deflection вимірювальний прилад
4. moving coil instrument c) тонка гвинтова пружина
5. moving iron instrument d) перегоряння запобіжника
6. hot-wire ammeter e) аналого-цифровий конвертер
7. clamp-on [clip-on] f) нелінійна [нерівномірна] шкала
ammeter g) механізм вимірювального приладу
8. non-linear scale h) електромагнітний вимірювальний
9. meter movement прилад
10. fine helical spring i) добуток струму і часу
11. radio-frequency current j) точне вимірювання
12. analogue-to-digital k) високочастотний струм
converter (ADC) l) компасна стрілка
13. product of current and m) повний номінальний струм
time n) наражати будь-кого на небезпеку
14. blowing of a fuse (ризик травмування)
15. full rated current o) тепловий амперметр
16. to expose smb to injury p) амперметр-кліщі

2. Choose the proper expressions from the previous exercise to fill in the gaps.
Add articles (a, an, the) where necessary.
a) _______ is a mechanical device, which is typically used to store energy
and subsequently release it, to absorb shock, or to maintain a force
between contacting surfaces.
b) ______ converts a continuous analogue signal produced by a sensor to a
digital (‘off and on’) signal for computer processing.

c) In a television the loading of the circuit is engineered, in a home the
loading is random, so ______ or circuit breaker in a home is simply an
overloaded circuit.
d) Lenard showed that the greater the penetrating power of the rays the
smaller was their magnetic ______, and therefore the greater their
e) The shunt has a known resistance, and is designed to have a 50mV drop
when it is carrying its full _______.
f) Wear a riding suit, gloves, kneepads and a pair of riding boots. Apart from
your skull, your legs are most _______.
g) According to the first Faraday law of electricity, for any electrode process
the amount of material converted by electrolysis is proportional to the
________ of its passage, that is, the total electric charge.

3. Read the text about the different types of ammeters. Write down two
interesting facts you consider to be important. Compare your notes with other

Types of Ammeters
An ammeter is a measuring instrument used to measure the electric
current in a circuit. Electric currents are measured in amperes (A), hence the
name. Instruments used to measure smaller currents, in the milliampere or
microampere range, are designated as milliammeters or microammeters.
Early ammeters were laboratory instruments which relied on the Earth's
magnetic field for operation. The relation between electric current, magnetic
fields and physical forces was first noted by Hans Christian Oersted who, in
1820, observed a compass needle was deflected from pointing north when a
current flowed in an adjacent wire. By the late 19th century, improved
instruments which could be mounted in any position and allowed accurate
measurements in electric power systems were designed.
The earliest design is the D'Arsonval galvanometer that was a moving
coil ammeter. It uses magnetic deflection, where current passing through a coil
causes the coil to move in a magnetic field. The modern form of this
instrument uses two spiral springs to provide the restoring force. By
maintaining a uniform air gap between the iron core of the instrument and the
poles of its permanent magnet, the instrument has good accuracy.


Fig.10 Galvanometer diagram: The wire (1) carries the current to be

measured. The spring (2) provides restoring force. This illustration is
conceptual; in a practical meter, the iron core is stationary, front and rear
spiral springs carry current to the coil, which is supported on a rectangular
bobbin. Furthermore, the poles of the permanent magnet are arcs of a circle.

To measure larger currents, a resistor called a shunt is placed in parallel

with the meter. Nearly all of the current flows through the shunt, and only a
small fraction flows through the meter. This allows the meter to measure large
currents. Traditionally, the meter used with a shunt has a full-scale deflection
(FSD) of 50 mV, so shunts are typically designed to produce a voltage drop of
50 mV when carrying their full rated current.
Since the ammeter shunt has a very low resistance, mistakenly wiring
the ammeter in parallel with a voltage source will cause a short circuit, at best
blowing of a fuse, possibly damaging the instrument and wiring, and exposing
an observer to injury.
Moving iron ammeters use a piece of iron which moves when acted
upon by the electromagnetic force of a fixed coil of wire. This type of meter
responds to both direct and alternating currents (as opposed to the moving coil
ammeter, which works on direct current only). In the repulsion type of this
ammeter the iron element consists of two pieces of iron – a moving vane
attached to a pointer, and a fixed vane, surrounded by a coil. As alternating or
direct current flows through the coil and induces a magnetic field in both
vanes, the vanes repel each other and the moving vane deflects against the
restoring force provided by fine helical springs. The non-linear scale of these
meters makes them unpopular.

Fig.11 Demonstration model of a moving iron ammeter

(attraction type). As the current through the coil increases,
the plunger (a thin flat piece of soft iron) is drawn further
into the coil and the pointer deflects to the right.

An electrodynamic (induction) movement uses an electromagnet
instead of the permanent magnet of the moving coil movement. This
instrument can respond to both alternating and direct current.
In a hot-wire ammeter, a current passes through a wire which expands
as it heats. Although these instruments have slow response time and low
accuracy, they were sometimes used in measuring radio-frequency current.
Digital ammeter designs use an analogue-to-digital converter (ADC) to
measure the voltage across the shunt resistor; the digital display is calibrated
to read the current through the shunt.
There is also a whole range of devices referred to as integrating
ammeters. In these ammeters the amount of current is summed over time
giving as a result the product of current and time, which is proportional to the
energy transferred with that current. These can be used for energy meters
(watt-hour meters) or for estimating the charge of battery or capacitor.
A portable hand-held clamp-on [clip-on] ammeter is a common tool for
maintenance of industrial and commercial electrical equipment, which is
temporarily clipped over a wire to measure current. Some recent types have a
parallel pair of magnetically-soft probes that are placed on either side of the
Thus, there are different types of ammeters, depending on the various
effects of electric current and potential used for their operation (the magnetic,
electromagnetic, induction, electrostatic, heating effects) as well as on
conditions of practical applications of these instruments.
Taken and modified from:

4. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. The operation of early ammeters depended on the Earth's magnetic field
for operation.
2. Accurate measurements became possible in the 19th century.
3. Moving-coil instruments with a permanent-magnet field respond only to
alternating current.
4. Thin coiled springs of the moving-iron ammeter provide the restoring
5. Hot wire instruments have good accuracy.
6. To measure current a portable hand-held clamp-on ammeter is clipped
over a wire for a limited period of time.
7. Only practical applications determine the design and type of measuring

5. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What instruments / use / measure / electric currents? What types /
ammeters / there? What effects / electric current / the variety of ammeters
/ depend on?
2. Which instruments / respond to / both a. c. and d. c.?
3. Who / the first / note / the relation between electric current, magnetic
fields and physical forces?
4. How / good accuracy of a galvanometer / achieve?
5. What / allow / the meter / to measure large currents?
6. Why / should / care / take / that an analogue ammeter is always / connect /
in series?
7. What / the common parts / of a moving-iron ammeter?
8. moving-iron meters / unpopular? Why?
9. What / happen / with a wire / in a hot-wire ammeter when a current / pass
/ through it?
10. In what ammeters / the amount of current / sum / over time?
11. Where / clip-on ammeters / use?

Language in Use
6. Re-read the text, count the paragraphs and find the words, which can be
added to the list of synonyms.
(§1) to name, to entitle, to denominate, …
(§2) to place, to set up, to rig, to locate, …
(§3) to sustain, to keep, …
(§3, or §6) to guarantee, to secure, …
(§5) to harm, to hurt, to injure, …
(§6) to affix, to fasten, to join, …
(§9) to gauge, to graduate, to standardize, …

7. Use one word from each line of the previous task in the sentences of your
own (7 sentences).

8. Fill in the correct prepositions.

Zero-center ammeters are used …(1) applications requiring current to be
measured with both polarities, common …(2) scientific and industrial
equipment. Zero-center ammeters are also commonly placed …(3) series …(4)
a battery. …(5) this application, the charging …(6) the battery deflects the

needle …(7) one side …(8) the scale (commonly, the right side) and the
discharging …(9) the battery deflects the needle …(10) the other side.

9. Complete the table below with the words required. The asterisked cells
should contain the words from the text (the paragraphs are indicated). Pay
attention to the word combinations they are used in.


para 1 measurement *
para 2 * relate
para 3 causative *
para 4 * deflect
para 5 * resist
para 6 * magnetize
para 7 response *
para 8 expansive *
para 10 * productive
para 12 * vary

10. Revise the comparative structures and complete the table by filling in the
adjectives in positive, comparative and superlatives degrees, as in the
Positive Comparative Superlative

very +positive much/ a lot/ far/ a little/ a by far + the +

as + positive + as bit/ slightly/ even + superlative
not as/so + positive + comparative
as comp. and comp.
twice/three times/ the + comp., the + comp.
half as + positive + as

low lower (than) the lowest (of/in)


a) Use Fig.12 to complete the sentences and compare two gear systems.
For example: 1. D has a greater number of teeth than F.
1. D has a ___ number of teeth ___ F.
2. B has a ___ diameter ___ C.
3. F has a ___ speed ___ ___.
4. ___ has a faster speed ___ F.


5. The speed of ___ is slower than the speed of ___.

6. C has a smaller ___ ___ ___ ___ A, so A has a ___ speed.
7. B has a greater number of teeth than A, the speed of ___ is therefore ___.

b) Use the following expressions to compare two gear systems.

the opposite of the same as different from the same different
1. The ratio of the number of teeth is ___ the size ratio.
2. The two gear systems in Fig.12 are ___.
3. A:C and D:F are ___.
4. The movement of A is ___ the movement of B.
5. The speed of B is ___ the speed of A.
6. The direction of movement of D is ___ the direction of movement of F.

12. The table below shows the density and melting point of six common metals.
Use this table to complete sentences.
Metal Density kg/m3 Melting point ºC
(kilograms per meter (degrees Celsius)
lead 11300 600
mild steel 7800 1495
silver 10500 1230
aluminium 2700 660
copper 8900 1350
zinc 7100 420

For example: Aluminium has a lower density than zinc, but a slightly higher
melting point.
1. Copper has a _______ density than silver, but _______.
2. Lead has _______ melting point than aluminium, but _______.
3. Mild steel has _______ density than copper, but _______.
4. Silver _______ than lead, but _______.
5. Lead _______ mild steel, _______.

13. With the information below, fill in the gaps with the appropriate words or
phrases from the box that follows. Use all possible phrases in each gap.

Kyiv – pollution level 45 ppm
Warsaw – pollution level 45 ppm
Berlin – pollution level 40 ppm
To express similarity:
(almost) as X as resemble
be alike a resemblance
be identical a (great) similarity
be similar (to) the same (as)

For example: Berlin _______Warsaw in its level of pollution. – Berlin

resembles/ is similar to Warsaw in its level of pollution.

1. The level of pollution in Kyiv is _______ that in Warsaw.

2. Berlin and Kyiv _______in their levels of pollution.
3. Warsaw is _______Kyiv as far as the level of pollution is concerned.
4. Warsaw and Berlin have _______ pollution levels.
5. Kyiv and Warsaw _______ in their level of pollution.
6. One ______ between Kyiv and Warsaw is the level of pollution.
7. Berlin is ______ Warsaw.
8. Between Kyiv and Berlin, there is a ______ in the level of pollution that
9. Kyiv is ______Warsaw.

The Black Sea – salt%: normal
Lake Synevir – salt%: none
The Dead Sea – salt%: high
To express absolute To express difference
be (completely) unlike differ (greatly) from Adjectives: X-er than;
as opposed to (great) difference more X than; less X than
in contrast with be (very) different Nouns: more + all nouns;
contrasting X with from less + uncountable nouns;
not (nearly) as X as fewer + count nouns

For example: The Black Sea _____ the Dead Sea. – The Black Sea is less
salty than/ not as salty as the Dead Sea.

1. The Black Sea _______ the Dead Sea in that the Black Sea is _____ salty.
2. The Black Sea has _______ salt molecules per unit of water ______ the
Dead Sea.
3. The ______ between the Dead Sea and the Black Sea is that the latter is
4. The Dead Sea contains _______ salt ______ the Black Sea.
5. _______ the Black Sea, Lake Synevir contains ______ salt.
6. _______ the Dead Sea _______ the Black Sea, solar pond engineers have
found the former preferable for electric power generation because of its
_______ salt content.
7. The Black Sea is _______ salty _______ the Dead Sea.

14. Complete the following sentences with as, like, or such as.
1. Galileo worked ____ a mathematics professor before the invention of the
telescope enabled him to make his famous discovery.
2. _____ Mars, the planet Neptune has two satellites.
3. Many modern appliances, _____ dishwashers, consume a lot of energy.

4. It appears that the earth’s core is not nickel-iron alloy, _____ had
previously been believed, but a mixture of iron and some lighter elements,
_____ oxygen and sulfur, which have metallic properties at high
5. At 455 ºF below zero, materials _____ niobium become superconductors
and lose virtually all electrical resistance.
6. The first graph is _____ the second except for the slope of the plotted

15. Translate into English. Pay attention to using ‘as’.

1. Після закінчення гімназії він працював професором математики у
Технологічному інституті Нью Джерзі.
2. Друге питання не таке просте, як перше.
3. Швидкість досягає максимального значення за 33 секунди, як
показано на малюнку 1.
4. Цинк не має стільки ж ізотопів, як срібло.
5. Корабель затонув, оскільки наштовхнувся на великий айсберг.
6. Не виснажуй себе. Присядь, як тільки стомишся.
7. Як показано в додатку, вартість блоку живлення набагато нижча.
8. Вони не могли залишитися, оскільки поспішали.
9. Він також буде брати участь в проведенні експерименту.
10.Я можу розмовляти з вами тут, так само як і в будь-якому іншому

16. If the line is correct, put the tick (√). If it has a word that should not be
there, write this word on the line. There are eight correct lines altogether.


0. An ammeter is an instrument for √

1. the measuring the electric current in amperes __
2. in a branch of an electric circuit. It must be __
3. placed in a series with the measured branch, __
4. and must to have very low resistance to avoid __
5. significant alteration of the current to have be __
6. measured. By contrast, a voltmeter must be __
7. connected in parallel. The analogy with an __
8. in-line flowmeter in a water circuit can help __
9. visualize why an ammeter must have a low __
10. resistance, and why by connecting an ammeter __
11. in parallel can damage the meter. Modern __
12. solid-state meters have digital readouts, but the __
13. principles of operation can be the better appreciated __
14. by examining the older moving coil meters which __
15. based on galvanometer sensors. __

17. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to

comparative structures.
1. Амперметр підключається послідовно до тієї ділянки електричного
кола, в якому вимірюють силу струму.
2. Найпоширенішими є амперметри, в яких рухома частина приладу зі
стрілкою повертається на кут, пропорційний вимірюваній величині
3. Найточнішими й найчутливішими є магнітоелектричні та
електродинамічні амперметри.
4. Магнітоелектричний вимірювальний прилад можна описати як
електромеханічний прилад, в якому підвішена котушка вільно
рухається в магнітному полі.
5. Залучені сили є дуже малими, набагато менші за магнітне
притягання між збудженою котушкою та залізним повзуном.
6. Чим сильніший струм, що проходить по нитці, тим більше
подовжується нитка й тим більший кут, на який повертається стрілка.
7. В усіх описаних амперметрах властивостями приладу (товщиною
нитки, пружністю пружин, числом витків котушок і т.д.)
визначається найбільша сила струму, за якої стрілка приладу дійде до
останнього ділення шкали.
8. Однак, у цілому ряді випадків доводиться вимірювати сили струму
набагато більші, ніж ті, які відповідають максимальному відхиленню
стрілки приладу.
9. Оскільки струми у паралельних ланцюгах є обернено пропорційними
опорам, то опір шунта повинен бути в чотири рази меншим, ніж опір
10. Це такий же підручник з метрології, як той, що я загубив.
Following the instructions
18. Before listening let us see how you can follow the instructions and check
who can work more quickly. Have a pen ready and begin when you hear
“Start!” You must not talk to anyone else in the class and let them see your
paper (see the Resource Pack, p.185).

19. Watch the video (See References, No 21) and listen to the instructions how
to use a clamp-on ammeter to determine current flow in an extension cord.
Why are people who watched the video so grateful to the video maker?
Discuss in pairs.

20. Watch the video again and write down all the instructions given. Then tell
the class and compare with the notes of your fellow students. Have you
included all necessary instructions into your notes?

Comparison of moving-coil and moving-iron meters
21. Use the table to complete the text and discuss both types of meters. Work in

Moving-coil type Moving-iron type

Current d.c. a.c. and d.c.
Price expensive inexpensive
Sensitivity high low
Scale divisions equal unequal
Main parts coil on a frame, 2 hair coil round 2 magnets, return
springs spring
Magnetic coil pivots between 2 magnets repel each other
action magnets

Moving-coil meter Moving-iron meter

Fig.14 Fig.15

Moving-coil and moving-iron meters are both electromagnetic devices
commonly used as ammeters and voltmeters in electrical engineering.
The moving-coil meter is an expensive and delicate type of measuring
instrument. It measures only d.c., and has a_____ sensitivity. As shown in the
figure, it has_____ scale divisions. The main parts consist of a coil_____
and_____. The current enters and leaves the coil via _____. When the current
is switched on, the coil_____ .
The moving-iron meter is an_____ and robust type of measuring
instrument. It measures both____, and has a lower_____ than_____. Unlike
the moving-coil meter, it has_____ divisions. The main parts____. When the
current_____, the magnets_____.

22. Use the task above and your own ideas to write a report
assessing / comparing the operation of moving-coil and moving-iron meters
(120-180 words). Remember that a report is normally written for a particular
purpose, in an impersonal, neutral style, deals with facts and contains
headings for each section. Include an introduction and conclusion with your
opinion / recommendation. Use comparative structures and linking words.

For introduction: The purpose of the report is to … .

For main body: Both … and …

But there is a difference between how …
The obvious difference between … is that the former …, while the latter …
While …, whereas …(also, see task 13 in this Unit)

For conclusion: While I support…I recommend that…,

In conclusion, it is recommended that … be used for…
This would provide an immediate effect

UNIT 3 Voltmeter

What measuring instruments do these symbols represent? What quantities do
they measure? How are they connected in a circuit? What is the difference
between them?

1. Fill in the words to make the expressions and match the terms with their
rough live spring-loaded test intermittent
power continuity perceptible
1. _______ solenoid a) провід під напругою
2. _______ prods (probes) b) силовий потік
3. _______ handling c) вимірювальні зонди (щупи)
4. _______ conductor d) пружинний соленоїд
5. _______ operation e) перевірка цілісності електр.кола
6. _______ test f) помітна різниця
7. _______ path g) недбале поводження
8. _______ difference h) уривчаста робота

2. Match the term with its definition.

1. analog a) information telling how something should be
voltmeters done, operated, or assembled
2. digital b) a cylindrical coil of wire acting as a magnet when
voltmeters carrying electric current
3. instructions c) a sprung metal clip with long, serrated jaws,
attached to an electric cable for making a
temporary connection to a battery etc.
4. probe d) instruments that give a numerical display of
detailed voltage by use of an analog to digital
5. residual- e) a small device, esp. an electrode, used for
current device measuring, testing, or obtaining information
6. solenoid f) instruments that move a pointer across a scale in
proportion to the voltage of the circuit
7. crocodile clip g) a circuit-breaking device installed in electrical
equipment to protect the operator from

3. Read the text about the advantages and disadvantages of using solenoid
voltmeters. Write down two interesting facts you consider to be important.
Compare your notes with other students.

Solenoid voltmeter
A solenoid voltmeter is a specific type of voltmeter used by electricians
in the testing of electrical power circuits. It simply uses a spring-loaded
solenoid carrying a pointer (it might also be described as a form of moving
iron meter). Greater voltage creates more magnetism pulling the solenoid's
core in further against the spring loading, moving the pointer. A short scale
converts the pointer's movement into the voltage reading. Solenoid voltmeters
usually have a scale on each side of the pointer; one is calibrated for
alternating current and one is calibrated for direct current. Only one "range" is
provided and it usually extends from zero to about 600 volts.
A small permanent magnet rotor is usually mounted at the top of the
meter. For DC, this magnet flips one way or the other, indicating by the
revealed colour (red or black) which lead of the voltmeter (the red or the black
lead) is positive. For AC, the rotor simply vibrates, indicating that the meter is
connected to an AC circuit. Another form of tester uses a miniature neon lamp;
the negative electrode glows, indicating polarity on DC circuits, or both
electrodes glow, indicating AC.
Solenoid voltmeters are extremely rugged and not very susceptible to
damage through either rough handling or electrical overload.
The probes (test prods) are very sturdy and they can be stored within the
meter's body. A probe may also be extended from the meter's body, allowing
one hand to both probe and hold the meter in a useful position. Probes are
usually securely or permanently attached to the unit, so leads are unlikely to
slip out if the tester is dropped.
The solenoid voltmeter has no switches that can be set incorrectly,
simplifying operation.
For "go/no go" testing, there is no need to read the scale as application of
AC power creates a perceivable vibration and sound within the meter.
Solenoid voltmeters draw appreciable current when operating. This
makes them useful for testing residual-current devices because the current
drawn will trip most RCDs when the solenoid voltmeter is connected between
the live and earth conductors. Also, when testing power supply circuits, a high-
impedance connection (that is, a nearly open-circuit fault such as a burned
switch contact or wire joint) in the power path might still allow enough
voltage/current through to register on a high-impedance digital voltmeter, but
it probably will not actuate the solenoid voltmeter.
Some manufacturers include a continuity test lamp function in a solenoid
meter; these use the same probes as the voltage test function. This feature is
useful when testing the status of contacts in energized circuits - the continuity
light will display if the contact is closed, and the solenoid voltmeter will show
voltage presence if open (and energized).
In contrast to multimeters, solenoid voltmeters have no other built-in
functions (such as the ability to act as an ammeter, ohmmeter, or capacitance
meter); they are just simple, easy-to-use power voltmeters. Solenoid
voltmeters are useless on low-voltage circuits (for example, 12 volt circuits).
The basic range of the voltmeter starts at around 90V (AC or DC).
Solenoid voltmeters are not precise. For example, there would be no
reliably perceptible difference in the reading between 220 VAC and 240 VAC.
They draw a moderate amount of power from the circuit under test and
are meant for intermittent operation and will overheat if used continuously.
The low impedance and low sensitivity of the tester may not show high-
impedance connections to a voltage source.
Taking everything into account, one can say that despite some
disadvantages mentioned above a solenoid voltmeter is a useful measuring
instrument, especially for debugging of electrical power circuits due to its
extreme ruggedness.
Taken and modified from:

4. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. A solenoid voltmeter is a moving iron meter.
2. The permanent magnet rotor vibrates when it indicates that the meter is
connected to a DC circuit.
3. Electrical overload can damage a solenoid voltmeter.
4. The probes are very robust and can be kept within the meter's body.
5. The absence of switches complicates the use of solenoid voltmeters.
6. Solenoid voltmeters have a number of built-in functions.
7. The meters under consideration don’t tend to overheat.
8. There are more advantages than disadvantages of solenoid voltmeters use.
5. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What instrument / can / be / call / a solenoid voltmeter?
2. How / a solenoid voltmeter / operate?
3. How / can / indicate / which circuit the meter is connected to?
4. it / possible / use / a solenoid voltmeter with one hand only? Why?
5. Why / it / said / a solenoid voltmeter / to be simple in operation?
6. What / make / these instruments / useful for testing residual-current
7. What additional function / some producers / include / in solenoid
8. solenoid voltmeters / accurate measuring instruments?
9. What other disadvantages / solenoid voltmeters / should / mention / while
describing their principle of operation?

Language in Use
6. Fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.
to be susceptible …; to be calibrated … AC/DC; to be connected … a circuit;
to be attached …the unit; to be mounted …the top …the device; to be meant…

7. Use the proper verb given below in a suitable form to complete the
following sentences. One of the verbs should be used twice.
to handle to allow to calibrate to register to overheat to convert
1. The analog signal is______ into a digital code proportionate to the
magnitude of the signal.
2. We are sure he ______ not ______ the new job.
3. If the engine ______, the first thing that will happen is that a gasoline
engine will start to detonate.
4. To complete the form you will need to provide details including your
current address, a previous address where you were ______ to vote, and
date of birth.
5. The immense amount of solar energy which growing plants capture by
photosynthesis and ______ into chemical energy is a renewable source of
energy which offers great potential.
6. No one actually knows the valid effects of all these pesticides and
chemicals that we have been______ corporations and farmers to put on
our food.

7. We will identify your recalibrated tool with a sticker indicating when it
was ______ .

Modal Verbs
NB Modal verbs (can, could, may, might, must, shall, should, will, would)
are followed by a bare infinitive (only ought is followed by to).

can not Active Passive

Simple could use be used
Continuous may be using ―
Perfect might have used have been used
Perfect must have been using ―
Continuous should

8. Revise the functions of modal verbs and complete the following sentences
using the correct form of the infinitive in brackets. Refer to the table above.

1. Many analogue voltmeters have several arcs drawn on the meter face and
a needle that can ______ (to rotate) from one side of the arc to the other.
2. When a sensitive meter movement needs to be re-ranged to function as an
AC voltmeter, series-connected “multiplier” resistors and/or resistive
voltage dividers may ______ (to employ).
3. Using a voltmeter can ______ (to be) a relatively simple task if you know
a few things about them.
4. The television isn't working. It must ______ (to damage) during the
5. If I had gone to the University of Miami, I could ______ (to participate)
in their engineering program.
6. The lamp might not ______ (to break). Maybe the light bulb just burned
7. The machine can ______ (to turn) on by flipping this switch.
8. Peter failed yesterday. He should ______ (to revise) for the test all day,
not an hour.
9. He must ______ (to leave) tomorrow. Everything is arranged.

Modal Negative Examples Comments
(maximum MAY ― The system may be May is most
choice) insulated. frequently used in
should should not The system should be scientific English.
insulated. ( = is Shall is used by
must must not recommended) convention in
The system must be design
(minimum shall insulated. (= is
shall not specifications
choice) required)
The system shall be
indicating that
insulated. (= is instructions must be
required) followed exactly.

9. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb of obligation.

1. Researches concluded that gas stoves ______(not) be used without
adequate ventilation.
2. Cold box temperatures in the specified refrigeration unit ______ be
between −40ºF and −80ºF.
3. For an exact description of the cost calculations, the reader ______
consult the appendix.
4. A radiation badge ______ be worn in the reactor control room.
5. It ______ be noted that the deflection of the light ray is a measure of the
average density gradient integrated over the X coordinate.

Modal Negative Examples Comments
(relative must must not It must result in a = is certain to
certainty) blown fuse. (80-98 %)
should should not It should result in a = is likely to (40-
blown fuse. 70 %)
may may not It may result in a = will perhaps
blown fuse. (20-40 %)
(relative might/ might not / It might / could = will possibly
uncertainty) could could not result in a blown (5-20 %)

10. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb of probability.
1. Analogue voltmeters ______ appear complex, though they are typically
easy to read once you understand how they work.
2. I've redone this math problem at least twenty times, but my answer is
wrong according to the answer key. The answer in the book ______ be
3. Anomalons, atomic nuclei that interact with other nuclei more readily
than they should, ______ exist.
4. The common cold ______ be caused by a virus.
5. The oil-soaked bird ______(not) have died if it had been brought to the
rescue center earlier.
6. The Titanic ______ (not) have sunk when it hit the iceberg because it was
constructed of separate watertight compartments.

Modal Negative Examples Comments
(strong CAN (most cannot The bridge can = is capable
capability) frequently used) support 8 tons. of
could could not It could support = would be
8 tons. capable of
should be able to ― It should be = should be
able to support capable of
8 tons.
may be able to may not be = may be
It may be able
able to to support 8
capable of
(weak might be able to might not be It might be able = might be
capability) able to to support 8 capable of

11. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate modal verb of capability.
1. A cheetah ______ reach a speed of 70 mph.
2. Electrical shock ______ occur under certain conditions.
3. Some astronomical physicists have stated that the universe ______ be
able to expand indefinitely.
4. Astronauts ______ control the space shuttle manually if the computer
navigation system failed.
5. We ______(not) be able to halt the “greenhouse effect’ if we continue to
burn fossil fuels at the present rate.
12. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of
1. Вольтметри, по суті, є тими ж амперметрами, які відрізняються від
останніх тiльки деякими особливостями й способом підключення до
електричного кола.
2. Однією з найважливіших задач в галузі електричних вимірювань,
мабуть, є вимір різниці потенціалів (напруги) між будь-якими двома
точками електричного кола. Для цієї мети потрібні вольтметри.
3. Якщо відомий опір приладу R й сила струму І, який протікає через
прилад, то різницю потенціалів на затисках приладу можна
визначити за законом Ома: U = IR.
4. Легко збагнути, якими властивостями повинен володіти прилад, що
задовольняє цій вимозі.
5. Слід згадати ще одну причину, чому вигідно робити вольтметри з
великим внутрішнім опором.
6. Якби опір вольтметра був малий, то через нього протікав би дуже
великий струм, і підключення вольтметра збільшувало б втрату
струму в колі.
7. Наше підприємство повинне було відразу налагодити
виробництво нових вимірювальних приладів.
8. Ви могли б вирішити це питання без додаткових домовленостей.
9. Йому слід було внести зміни в курсову роботу відразу ж після
консультації з науковим керівником. Наразі він не може пригадати всі
зауваження професора.
10. Не може бути, щоби представники міжнародних організацій
побували тут раніше за нас.

Conversion of a galvanometer into a voltmeter
13. Do you know how to convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter? Watch the
experiment (See References, No 17) and answer the questions.
1. What devices and tools do you need for this laboratory
2. What is a galvanometer?
3. What formulas are used in the experiment? Write them down and
describe their components.
4. What is a half deflection method? Give the procedure of the

14. In pairs discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using solenoid
voltmeters in the process of measuring electrical quantities. Then present both
aspects to the class. The use of the following linking words and phrases is

To list advantages/disadvantages:
One major advantage/disadvantage of…, The best/the worst thing about …, A
further advantage …

To add advantages/disadvantages:
Furthermore,… In addition to this/that,… Besides,… Also,… Apart from
this/that,… Not to mention the fact that …

To make contrasting points:

On the other hand,… However,… Nevertheless,… It can be argued that …
Despite… Although…

To conclude:
All things considered… , On the whole…

How to Operate a Voltmeter

It is useful to be able to measure the gain and loss of potential difference
(volts) throughout a circuit. Do the tasks and practise in giving instructions, or

15. Work in pairs. Put the following sentences in the correct order to make the
instructions for measuring voltage with a digital voltmeter.

- There are 2 sets of numbers on the scale – read the set that
matches the positive terminal you are using.
- Use the positive terminal with the highest value first.
- The plugs with red plastic covers should be placed in the
positive terminals (+) and those with black plastic covers in
the negative terminal (-)
- Connect it parallel to the part of the circuit across which the voltage is
- Positive terminals of the voltmeter should be closest to the positive terminal
of the power supply.
16. Сombine the parts of the following sentences and put them in the correct
order to have the instructions for measuring voltage with a clamp-on meter
HIOKI 3286-20.

1. Turn the …
2. … live wire and neutral wire is …
3. … naked part of the live wire.
4. … instrument on.
5. Clamp the red crocodile clip to a …
6. Clamp the yellow and …
7. … a naked part of the neutral wire.
8. … displayed in the display screen.
9. The measured voltage between the …
10. … black crocodile clips to …

17. Use the instructions above to explain to your groupmate how to use a
clamp-on meter HIOKI 3286-20 for measuring all electrical parameters on 3-
phase, 4-wire circuit. What can be measured in this manner?

NB: In a three-phase circuit there are three coloured wires: red, yellow and
black. The power measurements are taken for each individual phase, i.e. three
readings in total, of voltage, current etc. The average is taken of the three
measurements. The figure shows how the leads from the instrument are
connected for three readings.


18. Write the passage (120-180 words) about a voltmeter using the following
expressions in the given order.
A voltmeter – the change in voltage – two points in an electric circuit –
therefore – in parallel with – on which the measurement – made. In analogy –
a water circuit, a voltmeter – like a meter – pressure difference. It – necessary
– the voltmeter – a very high resistance – it – not – an appreciable affect – the
current or voltage – the measured circuit. Modern solid-state meters – digital
readouts, but – principles of operation – better appreciated – examining – older
moving coil meters – on galvanometer sensors.

19. Write a descriptive abstract for the text “Solenoid Voltmeter”. Use the
phrases from the Writing Bank, p.203 and write 100-120 words.

UNIT 4 Meter Safety

Can electrical measurements be dangerous? What happens if electrical
measurement instruments break down? Do you know how to choose a high
quality meter?

1. Can you answer the following questions? Work in pairs.
a) Why are the pins made of brass and why is the case plastic?
b) A table lamp usually carries a current of 0.5A. What fuse should be put in
the plug: 3A, 5A, or 13A?
c) A kettle is protected by an earth wire and a 13A fuse. The live wire comes
loose and touches the side of the kettle. The fuse blows. Explain why.

2. Match the term with its translation.

1. to knock smb flat /off one’s a) запас міцності, коефіцієнт
feet безпеки
2. safety precautions b) незалежна експериментальна
3. to be unheard of лабораторія
4. stray voltage c) витримувати перевірку часом
5. out of harm’s way d) у безпеці
6. to go against the grain e) авторитетна лабораторія
with smb f) бути нечуваною рідкістю
7. margin of safety g) дотримуватися правила
8. outdoor environment h) ручатися своєю репутацією за
9. third-party testing laboratory (щось)
10. stake one's reputation on i) збити когось з ніг
smth j) запобігти (ковзанню)
11. to stand the test of time k) заходи безпеки
12. reputable laboratory l) бути не до вподоби, не до душі
13. to adhere to a rule (кому-небудь)
14. to prevent (slipping) m) паразитна напруга
n) n) зовнішнє середовище

3. Choose the proper expressions from the previous exercise to fill in the gaps.
Use the appropriate tense form.
1. The term "_______" is used by both utility workers and the general public
to describe all occurrences of unwanted excess electricity.

2. In addition to the information listed in section I of this manual, the
following ________ must be observed.
3. Many government agencies and industries (such as aerospace) require the
use of a _______ to describe the ratio of the strength of the structure to
the requirements.
4. "I am not greedy," he insisted, adding that he always _______ of lending
no more than $10,000 to any one individual borrower.
5. The teaching method ________. It is still used at colleges today.
6. By using this independent _______, we ensure that the results are fair and
7. Why is it that these problems _______ 200 years ago?
8. All outdoor electrical boxes must be weatherproof and waterproof to
protect them from the _______.
9. If someone or something is _______, they are in a safe place away from
danger or from the possibility of being damaged.
10. You can _______ electric shocks by plugging in plastic socket-coverers
keeping water and electricity away from younger children.

4. How to choose a meter with the high level of safety capabilities? Look
through the text and try to explain the meaning of the expressions in bold.
What do the abbreviations stand for? Use your dictionary if necessary.

5. Read the text and write down two facts you consider to be important.
Compare your notes with other students.

Choosing a high quality meter

You’ve heard the war stories. The unexpected jolt that knocked someone
off his feet. The digital multimeter that turned into toast because it couldn’t
handle the measurement it was hooked up to perform. The guy who reached
into a tight space to adjust an alligator clip and came out with a little less skin
on his finger.
If your job is to measure electricity, the truth is, you’re at risk of injury.
When it comes to testing and measuring electricity, all that stands between you
and a nasty shock or worse is the quality of the test equipment you use on the
job and the safety precautions you take.
The hazards of working with electricity aren’t new, of course. But as
electronic and electrical systems become increasingly complex, the dangers of
measuring its flow have increased and unprepared technicians can suddenly be
faced with a simple job gone bad.

For example, it’s not unheard of for an electrician to find himself the
victim of a transient power spike that knocks him flat before he knows it’s
coming. Occasionally an electrician may end up working with more voltage
and energy than he realizes. Choosing the best digital multimeter is critical
when you work in such environments. It can help to handle an unexpected
situation, even if you wander into dangerous territory.
The key is choosing a meter with a high level of safety capabilities.
Here’s what to look for next time you go shopping for a meter:
Safety-rated fuses. You don’t want a meter that uses just any old fuse.
Specially designed high-energy fuses dissipate stray voltage before it reaches
you and are designed to blow in time to get you out of harm’s way. Use only
high energy fuses approved by the meter’s manufacturer.
Component spacing. Proper safety design in a digital multimeter begins
deep inside each tool. Adequate spacing between internal components
provides a measurable margin of safety, but can be hard to check. Look for an
approval sticker by an independent third-party testing laboratory. The lab
stakes its reputation on the fact that the meter is as safe as its manufacturer
says it is.
Independent verification. Don’t trust the word of just any laboratory.
Look for those whose analysis has stood the test of time, such as TUV. Beware
of wording such as “Designed to meet specification...” Designers’ plans are
never a substitute for independent testing by a reputable laboratory.
Best value, not lowest cost. In fact, you often get what you pay for.
Some cheap meters say they’re adequately safety rated and they’re not.
Selecting the lowest-priced equipment may be a false economy.
Appropriate CAT ratings. The International Electrotechnical
Commission (IEC) sets the safety regulations multimeter manufacturers must
adhere to if their products are sold in Europe. The IEC has set four categories
of electrical testing activity, ranging from Category I protected low energy
circuits to Category IV installations where high-powered lines can be exposed
to outdoor environments. Always make sure your test tool category rating
matches how you’re using it, even if that means switching from meter to meter
throughout the day. Better yet, invest in a good CAT IV rated meter and use it
exclusively — then you never have to worry about which CAT level you are
working in.
CAT-rated accessories. A tester is only as good as the accessories that
accompany it. Select high-quality leads, clips and probes that also are designed
with safety in mind. Select probes slender enough to easily reach into tight
spots. Most important of all, make sure the CAT safety ratings on your
accessories match your meter.
Ergonomic design. Proper ergonomic design makes a tester more than
comfortable. It also makes it safer to use. A cushioned rubber design ensures a
strong and stable grip and helps to prevent slipping.
So you’ve selected your meter, and outfitted it with high-quality. Just a
few more tips to make your safety preparations complete.
Read the manual! Yes, we know that goes against the grain. Do it
anyway. Manuals actually are full of valuable safety information and tips on
making the most of your new equipment.
Replace the battery when it says to. Sure, a failing battery is not what
you want when all that stands between you and a powerful electrical circuit is
a meter flashing, “low battery.”
Don’t ignore what you don’t understand. Take the time to find the
reason. It could save your life.
Taken and modified from:

6. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. While making electrical measurements people can be injured heavily and
even die.
2. At present the risk of injury is the same as it was some decades before.
3. There are no unexpected situations when measuring electricity.
4. The choice of a meter with a high level of safety capabilities is a crucial
5. Only high-energy fuses can get electricians out of harm’s way.
6. Any laboratory can ensure the quality of the meter.
7. A meter and its accessories constitute a complete system, so you should
consider all details to provide safe work.
8. It is not necessary for multimeter manufacturers to adhere to safety
regulations set by the International Electrotechnical Commission.
9. A good CAT I rated meter is the most capable of withstanding the hazards
caused by transients and other dangers in today’s electrical systems.
10. In manuals you can read tips on using your new equipment to the best

7. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What / happen / if safety precautions / not / take?
2. the dangers of measuring electricity / increase /or / decrease /this century?
3. an electrician / always / realize / the oncoming danger?
4. What / help / handle / an unexpected situation?
5. What rules / should /remember / when / you / go shopping for a meter?
6. meter / safe / if / it / improperly used?
7. What / the IEC / stand / for?
8. How many categories / set / by the IEC?
9. manuals / full / valuable safety information?
10. What / show / in the figure below?


Language in Use
8. Match the expressions/phrasal verbs used in the text with the definitions
1. to end up a) to search, to seek
2. to turn into b) to be a person or thing acting or serving in place of
3. to look for another
4. to be faced with c) to encounter
5. to be hooked up d) to be linked to electronic equipment
6. to be a substitute e) to do smth though you did not originally intend to
for f) to change into

9. Fill in the gaps with suitable expressions from the previous exercise, using
the correct tense/form.
1. Last year he _______ the dilemma of whether or not to return to his
2. Everybody knows money ___(no)____ health.
3. The meters you _______ are not available.
4. I think that cable TV _______ everyone __ a vegetable.
5. Most parents try to set a good example for their children, although they
may ______ setting a bad one.

10. Replace the words in bold with suitable synonyms from the text. The
number of the paragraph is given.
1. You must adhere to safety regulations at work. (§2)
2. Selecting an appropriate meter is not an easy task. (§4)
3. These industries are crucial to the local economy and are called the
economic base of the region. (§4)
4. Before purchasing the meter ensure that it works properly. (§10)
5. Action must be taken to obviate further accidents. (§12)
6. Of course, nobody could predict this damage. But if had taken the
expert’s advice, it wouldn’t have happened. (§13)

11. Use the correct preposition or conjunction to complete the following

sentences. As a result, you will get the rules on working safely while
measuring electricity.
whenever then of(2) before with after when in(2) on(2) if(2)
that across or and

 Work on de-energized circuits _____(1) possible. Use proper lock-

out/tag-out procedures.
 When working _____(2) live circuits, use protective gear: insulated tools,
safety glasses _____(3) a face shield, insulated gloves.
 Stand _____(4) an insulated mat _____(5) remove watches or other
jewellery. Wear flame resistant clothing.
 When making measurements on live circuits, connect the ground lead
first, _____(6) make contact _____(7) the hot lead. Remove the hot lead
first, the ground lead last.
 Hang or rest the meter _____(8) possible. Try to avoid holding it
_____(9) your hands.
 Use the three-point test method _____(10) checking to see _____(11) a
circuit is inactive. First test a known live circuit. Second, test the target
circuit. Third, test the live circuit again. This verifies _____(12) your
tester worked properly _____(13) and _____(14) the measurement.
 Use the old electrician’s trick _____(15) keeping one hand _____(16)
your pocket. This lessens the chance _____(17) a closed circuit _____(18)
your chest and through your heart.

12. Complete the table below with the words required. The asterisked cells
should contain the words from the text (the paragraphs are indicated). Pay
attention to the word combinations they are used in.


para 1 adjusting *
para 2 * equip
para 4 wandering *
para 6 dissipated *
para 7 * depend
para 10 adherenсe *
para 11 accompanying *
para 12 strength *
para 13 * prepare
para 16 understanding *

Prepositions of Time
13. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate preposition of time from the list
through until between…and (from…to) since for by
within over during (=“at some point in a certain time period”)
throughout (=“for the whole time”)
1. You cannot do the second thing _____ you do the first thing.
2. _____ 1961 _____ 1989, the Berlin Wall separated West Berlin and East
Berlin, which were reunited in 1990.
3. The experiment will begin in May and continue _____ the Arctic summer
until the first snowfall.
4. Life on our planet has existed _____ approximately 3.5 billion years.
5. The “Big Bang” theory states that the universe has existed _____ its
explosive beginning 15 billion years ago.
6. The final plans for the building are due _____ 8 a.m. Monday morning.
7. Ice can develop on the wings of planes _____ cold weather.
8. Michael was an excellent engineer _____ his 25 year career.
9. The action of wind and water _____ time can change the shape of rocks.
10. Thunder is usually heard _____ a few seconds of a lightning flash.

Clause of Time
Computers were large before the silicon chip was
until invented.
Computers became smaller after the silicon chip was
Computers have become smaller since the silicon chip was
I’ll let you know as soon as I have the results.
I learnt a lot about multimeters while I was listening to the
as lecture.
NB: I don’t know when I’ll have the results (when is a question word).

14. Complete the sentences in any meaningful way using an appropriate word.
1. He didn’t start measuring electric power __________.
2. __________ she began the seminar.
3. They were working on the project __________.
4. __________ I’ll report about the results.
5. __________ they agreed to cut down on pollution levels.
6. __________ he published his findings.
7. Our students have been studying the fundamentals of electrical
engineering ________.

15. Fill in the gaps with the expressions from the list below. Identify the type of
the clause.
however (2) as soon as so that (2) in spite of the fact that (2)
whereas as therefore so in spite of

1. _____ you get into large industrial motors, you’re in Category IV

2. The work was finished _____ the risk of injury.
3. Machines lose power because of friction; _____, they must be frequently
4. Computers must be cooled _____ the silicon chips do not overheat.
5. In cold climates water evaporates slowly, _____ in hot climates it
evaporates rapidly.
6. _____ he left home early, he was late for the appointment.
7. There was a strong wind _____ the bridge collapsed.

8. Incandescent lighting is relatively safe; ______, fluorescent lighting may
cause a form of skin cancer.
9. _____ holding rails can increase cyclist safety, many cyclists prefer not to
use them.
10. Many governments are hesitating to take such steps _____ they are
afraid that a changeover would result in high job losses.
11. If you are unable to come, please phone me as soon as possible ____ I
can arrange an alternative date.
12. Several models are already available; _____, consumers are slow to
make the change.

Cause → Effect
The building had a weak foundation; thus, it collapsed.
as a result,
The building had a weak foundation so / and it collapsed.
Effect → Cause
The building since it had a weak foundation.
collapsed because
due to the fact that
Clause of Purpose
He works hard So that he will have better career
He wore sunglasses he wouldn’t be recognized.
Clause of Contrast
She is bright; however she is rather lazy.
Although the bomb fell, it didn’t explode.
Even though
In spite of the fact
Despite the fact that
The ammeter is connected in series with whereas the voltmeter is
the circuit while connected in parallel.

16. Translate the following sentences into English. Pay attention to the use of
clauses and linking words.
1. Електричні установки стали багатофункціональними і більш
досконалими, однак кількість нещасних випадків під час
вимірювань електричних величин не зменшилась.
2. При роботі з електроустановками напругою вище 1000В нещасні
випадки відбуваються приблизно в 3 рази рідше, ніж в
електроустановках напругою до 1000В, тому що останні є більш
розповсюджені. Більш того, дуже часто працюють з ними люди, які
не мають відповідної спеціальністі.
3. Порушення правил безпеки під час проведення електричних
вимірювань може призвести до серйозних травм. Тому необхідно
завжди приділяти увагу вибору якісних вимірювальних приладів.
4. Хоча працівники, що обслуговують електроустановки, зобов'язані
виконувати всі правила їх безпечної експлуатації, вони іноді ними
нехтують і не користуються захисним приладдям.
5. Електрики повинні чітко усвідомлювати небезпеку в той час, коли
працюють з електричними приладами.

Think safety when selecting a multimeter
17. You are going to watch the video that gives the advice what should be
considered when selecting a handheld digital multimeter. Before watching
ponder over the rules by yourselves. Work in pairs.

18. Watch the video (See References, No 24) and answer the following
1. What three criteria of a handheld meter do you need to consider when
dealing with the main circuit measurement?
2. What does each CAT apply to?
3. Should a fuse be considered and why?
4. What can arcing cause in a meter?
5. How can you understand that a handheld DMM is safe? What should
you check?

19. Watch the video again and try to write down the main rules when selecting
a multimeter. Then compare with your partner’s notes and discuss them in
pairs. Do they coincide with your own ideas from Ex.17?

20. Work in pairs. Give your friend the tips how to choose the high quality
meter. Don’t forget to ask about the installations your friend will deal with.
Remind him/her that CAT rating and voltage rating marked on the multimeter
near the input jacks must match the equipment category. Use the table below
to choose/ identify the category of installations properly and dramatize the
NB: Remember that the level and energy of voltage impulses is dependent on
the location. The closer the location is to the power source, the higher the
available fault current, the higher the category.

Category I Category II Category III Category IV

typically covers single-phase three-phase three-phase at utility
electronic receptacle distribution, connection, any
equipment connected including single- outdoor conductors
loads phase commercial
Protected Appliance, Equipment in fixed “Origin of
electronic portable tools installations, such as installations,” such as
equipment and other switchgear and where low voltage
household and polyphase motors connection is made to
Equipment similar loads utility power
connected to Bus and feeders in
circuits in which Outlet and industrial plants Electricity meters,
measures are long branch primary over-current
taken to limit circuits: Feeders and short protection equipment
transient - outlets branch circuits
overvoltages to at more Outside and service
an appropriately than 10 Distribution panel entrance
low level meters devices
from CAT Service drop from pole
Any high- III source Heavy appliance to building
voltage-low- - outlets outlets with short
energy source at more connections to Run between meter
derived from a than 20 service entrance and panel
high-winding meters
resistance from CAT Large lighting Overhead line to
transformer, IV source systems detached building
such as the high-
voltage section Underground line to
of a copier well pump
21. Your colleague/friend is going to apply for the job that involves dealing
with electrical measurements and asks for advice how to avoid the hazards of
working with electricity. Choose the appropriate style and write him/her a
letter giving advice (120-180 words). Use the phrases below.

Formal Informal
Opening Thank you for your letter I just got your letter and think
remarks asking for advice about … I can help you …

Suggestions I strongly recommend Why don’t you …

that… What you should do is …
I would advise you to… You should…
You should… The best advice I can give
You ought to … you is …
Closing I trust you will accept this If you follow my advice I am
remarks advice… sure…
I would very much like to Let me know how it goes
know if this was helpful …

Some ideas for giving advice:

• Never attach the clamp to a circuit operating > maximum rated voltage,
or over bare conductors
• Connect clamp on probe to the secondary side of a breaker/fuse
• Use rubber hand gloves, boots, and safety helmet to avoid electrical
• Consult the operation manual before using the equipment etc.

UNIT 5 Electricity Meter
What is an electricity meter used for? What is the unit of
measuring the energy consumed? What type of electricity
meters is more common: electromechanical or digital?
Where are they usually located: inside or outside the

1. Match the term with its translation.
1. worm gear a) коефіцієнт потужності, cos fi
2. brake magnet b) будівля з прилеглою ділянкою
3. rotate clockwise c) вихровий струм
4. eddy current d) максимальний струм споживання
5. maximum demand e) виставлення рахунку, тарифікація
6. power factor f) розподільчий щит
7. billing g) години найбільшого навантаження
8. on-peak hours h) (монтажна) плата
9. premises i) обертатися за рухом годинникової
10. distribution board стрілки
11. circuit board j) гальмівний електромагніт
12. powerline k) зв'язок по лініях електромережі
communication l) тариф на електроенергію
13. electricity rate m) черв'ячна передача

2. What do the following abbreviations stand for? Use the dictionary if

kWh, VAr, LCD, LED, GSM, GPRS, RS-485, IEC

3. Read the text about electricity meters. Write down two interesting facts you
consider to be important. Compare your notes with other students.

Electricity meter
An electricity meter or energy meter is a device that measures the
amount of electric energy consumed by a residence, business, or any
electrically powered device.
The most common unit of measurement on the electricity meter is the
kilowatt hour, which is equal to the amount of energy used by a load of one
kilowatt over a period of one hour, or 3,600,000 joules.
The meters fall into two basic categories, electromechanical and
electronic. The most common type of electricity meter is the
electromechanical induction watt-hour meter. It operates by counting the
revolutions of an aluminium disc which is made to rotate at a speed
proportional to the power. The number of revolutions is thus proportional to
the energy usage. It consumes a small amount of power, typically around 2

Fig.19 Mechanism of
electromechanical induction meter.
1 - Voltage coil - many turns of fine wire encased in plastic, connected in
parallel with load.
2 - Current coil - three turns of thick wire, connected in series with load.
3 - Stator - concentrates and confines magnetic field.
4 - Aluminium rotor disc.
5 - Rotor brake magnets.
6 - Spindle with worm gear.
7 - Display dials - note that the 1/10, 10 and 1000 dials rotate clockwise while
the 1, 100 and 10000 dials rotate counter-clockwise.
The metallic disc is acted upon by two coils. One coil is connected in
such a way that it produces a magnetic flux in proportion to the voltage and
the other produces a magnetic flux in proportion to the current. The field of the
voltage coil is delayed by 90 degrees. This produces eddy currents in the disc
and the effect is such that a force is exerted on the disc in proportion to the
product of the instantaneous current and voltage. A permanent magnet exerts
an opposing force proportional to the speed of rotation of the disc. The
equilibrium between these two opposing forces results in the disc rotating at a
speed proportional to the power being used. The disc drives a register
mechanism which integrates the speed of the disc over time by counting
revolutions, much like the odometer in a car, in order to render a measurement
of the total energy used over a period of time.
One should mention that the type of meter described above is used on a
single-phase AC supply; therefore, for different phase configurations
additional voltage and current coils are used.
Most domestic electricity meters must be read manually, whether by a
representative of the power company or by the customer. When the customer
reads the meter, the reading may be supplied to the power company by
telephone, post or over the Internet. The electricity company will normally
require a visit by a company representative at least annually in order to verify
customer-supplied readings and to make a basic safety check of the meter.
Electronic meters display the energy used on an LCD or LED display,
and can also transmit readings to remote places by means of Low Power
Radio, GSM, GPRS, Bluetooth, IrDA, as well as RS-485 wired link.
In addition to measuring energy used, electronic meters can also record
other parameters of the load and supply such as maximum demand, power
factor and reactive power used (in var-hours) etc. They can also support time-
of-day billing, for example, recording the amount of energy used during on-
peak and off-peak hours.
The location of an electricity meter varies with each installation.
Possible locations include on a power pylon serving the property, in a street-
side cabinet (meter box) or inside the premises adjacent to the distribution
board. Electricity companies may prefer external locations as the meter can be
read without gaining access to the premises but external meters may be more
prone to vandalism.
Current transformers permit the meter to be located remotely from the
current-carrying conductors. This is common in large installations. For
example, a substation serving a single large customer may have metering
equipment installed in a cabinet, without bringing heavy cables into the
In the UK and other IEC countries cables are connected directly to the
meter. In some areas the meter is outside, often on a utility pole. In others, it is
inside the building in a niche.
At present, networking to meters is rapidly changing. The most common
schemes seem to combine an existing national standard for data (e.g. IEC
62056) operating via the internet protocol with a small circuit board that does
either powerline communication, or ties to a digital mobile phone network.
Taken and modified from:

4. Decide whether the following statements are true or false and correct them
if necessary.
1. An electricity meter and an energy meter are the two names of the same
2. The number of revolutions of an aluminium disk is equal to the energy
3. Both coils produce a magnetic flux in proportion to the voltage.
4. The equilibrium between two opposing forces results from the disc
rotation at a speed proportional to the power being used.
5. For three-phase supply additional voltage and current coils are necessary.
6. Electricity company representatives visit a customer to verify the readings
twice a year.
7. The main function of electronic meters is supporting time-of-day billing.
8. The location of an electricity meter varies according to the type of
9. Nowadays the process of transmission of customer-supplied readings is
changing quickly.

5. Use the prompts to complete the questions and answer them using the text.
Change the form of the verb, add the auxiliary one and the proper preposition
if necessary.
1. What / an electricity meter / measure?
2. What / the kilowatt hour /equal / to?
3. How many / basic categories of meters / there?
4. What / the principle of operation / the electromechanical induction watt-
hour meter?
5. What / the role / an aluminium disk?
6. How / the electricity company / verify / the customer-supplied readings?
7. What parameters / can / record / by electronic meters?
8. What / location of an electricity meter / different installations?
9. Why / electricity companies / prefer / external location of a meter?
10. meters / outside or inside the buildings / IEC countries?
11. What / the most common schemes of networking to meters / seem /

Language in Use
6. Form the necessary part of speech from the words in brackets.
AMR (Automatic Meter Reading) and RMR (Remote Meter Reading) describe
____ (1-vary) systems that allow meters to be checked without the need to
send a meter ____ (2-read) out. An electronic meter can ____ (3-transmission)
its ____ (4-read) by telephone line or radio to a ____ (5-center) billing office.
____ (6-Automate) meter reading can be done with GSM (Global System for
Mobile ____(7-Communicate)) modems, one is attached to each meter and the
other is placed at the central utility ____ (8-official).

7. Match the synonyms and use them in the sentences of yours.

1. to verify a) neighbouring
2. to exert b) property
3. to vary c) to connect
4. to tie d) distantly
5. via e) physically
6. adjacent f) by means of
7. additional g) to check
8. premises h) to differ
9. remotely i) to apply
10. manually j) extra

Noun + Noun
Noun compounds consist of two or more nouns placed together to represent
specific items. They can usually be interpreted by reversing the order of the
words in the noun compound and inserting prepositions and articles.
1 2 3 3 2 1
A water purification system = a system for the purification of water

Noun compounds can be classified in the following way:

Material: copper wire (wire that is made of copper)
Operation: friction brake (a brake that works by means of friction)
Purpose: air filter (a filter for cleaning air)
Location: dock crane (a crane located on a dock)
Time: night tariff (tariff used at night)
Shape: worm gear (a gear that is shaped like a worm)
Inventor/ D'Arsonval galvanometer (a galvanometer invented by
Professional D’Arsonval)

8. Choose the correct definition for the noun compound on the left.
1. energy usage a) use of energy / the energy for using
2. meter reader b) a meter of the reader / a reader of the meter
3. test data c) data from a test / a test of current data
4. voltage regulation d) normal voltage as prescribed by regulations /
regulation of voltage
5. radar scan e) a kind of radar that scans / a scan performed by
6. surface metal f) metal at the surface / the surface of the metal
7. process research g) research into the nature of process / the process
of doing research

9. Classify the following noun compounds according to the list given above.
Then define them in terms of classification.
Example: (operation) gear pump: a pump that operates by means of gears
a) electrical measurement instrument
b) aluminium rotor disc
c) rotor brake magnets
d) display dial
e) register mechanism
f) phase configurations
g) safety check
h) street-side cabinet
i) internet protocol
j) powerline communication
k) digital mobile phone network
l) electromechanical induction watt-hour meter

10. Change the words in italics into noun compounds.

Example: The vent for air should be open. – The air vent should be open.
1. The facility for electric power which is made of concrete was seriously
damaged by the earthquake.
2. The material for insulation which is made from formaldehyde burned
rapidly, releasing toxic fumes.
3. The company announced that it would end its program of research into
superconducting computers.
4. The program for monitoring the chemical contamination of city water was
confirmed by city authorities.

11. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Найбільш загальноприйнята одиниця виміру електроенергії –
кіловат-година, яка дорівнює сумі енергії, яка використовується при
навантаженні в один кіловат протягом одної години, або 3600000
2. Частота обертання диска пропорційна потужності навантаження, а
кількість обертів пропорційна кількості електричної енергії, що
проходить через прилад.
3. Принцип дії індукційних приладів обліку полягає у взаємодії
магнітного поля напругової та струмової котушок з вихревими
струмами, що наводяться цими полями в алюмінієвому диску.
4. У 1894 році Олівер Шелленбергер розробив лічильник ват-годин
індукційного типу для компанії «Вестінгхаус» (Westinghouse). У
ньому котушки струму і напруги розташовувалися на протилежних
сторонах диска, і два постійних магніти сповільнювали рух цього
5. Крадіжка електроенергії є одним iз серйозних чинників
дестабілізації внутрішнього енергоринку. Існують три основні групи
способів розкрадань електроенергії: механічні, електричні, магнітні.

How to get free electricity
12. Is it possible to get free electricity? Watch the video (See References,
No 20) and answer this question. Have you known about this ‘method’ before?

13. Watch the video again and continue the sentences.

1. I learned this trick from …
2. All you need is four magnets or …
3. The bigger your house, …
4. We put the magnets on the circuit breakers because …
5. When we arrange the magnets like this we …
6. This is not illegal as …

Tampering and security
Meters can be manipulated to make them under-register, effectively allowing
power use without paying for it. This theft or fraud can be dangerous as well
as dishonest. At the same time tampering can be detected by the electric
company, and many modern meters can detect or compensate for them.

14. Work in groups. Use the table below to discuss the possible methods of
tampering and effective ways to prevent this energy theft.

Methods of Counter-measures against tampering

a. attaching magnets training of meter readers to spot signs of tampering;
to the outside of the charging the maximum rate each billing period until
meter (These the tamper is removed;
magnetically saturate
the coils or current the service is disconnected → to prevent tampering in
transformers, future;
preventing the
alternating current meters' mechanisms and connections are sealed → to
from forming eddy secure the meter against tampering;
currents in the rotor,
or inducing voltages installation of meters able to measure VAR-hours (the
in the current reflected load), neutral and DC currents (elevated by
transformer); most electrical tampering), ambient magnetic fields,
b. rectified DC loads
(DC current does not mechanical flags that are dropped by magnetic
cause the coils to tampering or large DC currents;
make eddy currents
in the disk, so this installation of newer computerized meters (e.g.
causes reduced Automated Meter Reading meters) with sensors that
rotation and a lower can report opening of the meter cover, magnetic
bill); anomalies, extra clock setting, glued buttons, inverted
installation, reversed or switched phases etc.;
c. glue buttons;
installation of remote-reporting meters → to enable
d. inverted remote detection of tampering;
power companies investigations of discrepancies
e. reversed or between the total billed and the total generated in
switched phases etc. order to fix power distribution problems → an
effective method to discover tampering.

Problem solving essay
15. Use the ideas given in the previous task to write an essay providing
solution to a problem of tampering (120-180 words). Remember to include an
introduction which states the problem (reasons can be included), your
suggestions with results/consequences, and a conclusion in which you
summarise your opinion (see Unit 4, Section I).

To introduce suggestions:
One way would be to … Another solution would be …
The most effective method of … is to …

To express effect:
Thus,... Therefore,... As a result,... As a consequence,...
…result(s) in…

To conclude:
To sum up,... All things considered,…

Read the text and decide if the statements below are true or false:

The International Bureau of Weights and Measures (French: Bureau
international des poids et mesures), is an international standards organisation,
one of three such organisations established to maintain the International
System of Units (SI) under the terms of the Metre Convention. The
organisation is usually referred to by its French initialism, BIPM. The BIPM
was created on 20 May 1875, following the signing of the Metre Convention, a
treaty among 51 nations.
Under the authority of the Metric Convention, the BIPM helps to ensure
uniformity of SI weights and measures around the world. It does so through a
series of consultative committees, whose members are the national metrology
laboratories of the Convention's member states, and through its own laboratory
The BIPM carries out measurement-related research. It takes part in and
organises international comparisons of national measurement standards and
performs calibrations for member states.
The BIPM has an important role in maintaining accurate worldwide time
of day. It combines, analyses, and averages the official atomic time standards
of member nations around the world to create a single, official Coordinated
Universal Time (UTC). The BIPM is also the keeper of the international
prototype of the kilogram.
Taken from:

1. The BIMP is a strict French organisation maintaining the international

standards of measuring.
2. The abbreviation ‘BIMP’ comes from the Latin equivalent of the
organisation’s name.
3. The BIMP provides the homogeneity and invariability of measurements
around the world.
4. The BIMP continuously organises developments and experiments in the
5. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures is responsible for
keeping time, mass, and speed equivalents as well.
(5×2=10 marks)

Fill in the gaps with the correct word from the box below. Two words are odd.
installation / approved / connect / known / appropriate / location /
improperly / alone / within / dependent
The level and energy of voltage impulses is 1____on the location. The closer
the location is to the power source, the higher the available fault current, the
higher the category. There are four locations or installation categories (CAT I,

No meter is safe when 2___used.

 Use meters 3____ their rating.
 Use meters designed for measurements on power circuits.
 Use replacement fuses 4____by the manufacturer.
 Use well maintained tools and 5____safety gear: safety glasses, insulated
tools, insulating gloves, insulating mats, etc.
 Don’t work 6____.
 Practice safe measurement techniques.
 Always 7____ the grounded lead first, hot second.
 Disconnect the hot lead first, grounded lead second.
 Use the three-point test method.
 Test known circuit, measure target circuit, then re-test 8____circuit.
(8×1=8 marks)
Grammar in focus
Complete each sentence with two to five words, including the word in bold.
1. It’s possible that she has forgotten to call.
may She……….. to call.
2. It wasn’t necessary for him to buy a gift, but he did.
needn’t He………… a gift.
3. I advise you to have your car serviced.
should You………… car serviced.
4. I’m sure Sam didn’t mean what she said.
can’t Sam………… what she said.
5. I’d better start studying for my exams soon.
ought I………… for my exams soon.
6. Although he was tired, he decided to go for a run.
spite In………… he was tired, he decided to go for a run.
7. I have never had such a tasty meal before.
best This is the………… had.
(7×1=7 marks)

Explain the sentences below in your own words.
 Engineers like to solve problems. If there are no problems handily
available, they will create their own problems.
Scott Adams (American cartoonist, writer)
(10 marks)
Use the Internet to find an article on any modern electrical measuring
instrument operation and write a descriptive abstract (100-150 words). Use
your own words.
(15 marks)


 talk about electrical measurements and meter safety
 compare tools, convince and give advice
 write an opinion essay, a report, a letter giving advice, an essay
suggesting solutions to a problem, an abstract
Good ˅ Very good ˅˅ Excellent ˅˅˅


UNIT 1 Being an Electrical Engineer

What do electrical engineers do? What are they responsible for? What
knowledge and skills are necessary to become a highly qualified electrical
engineer? Are communication skills important during his/her working life? In
what situations of the professional environment are they most required?
Do the following tasks and you will be able to discuss these questions in detail.

Listening and reading about electrical engineers’ job

1. Watch the video “Electrical Engineers Job Description” (See References,
No 17) about the job of electrical engineers and decide whether the following
statements are true or false.
1. Electrical engineers work on complex electrical systems, called grids,
that provide power only for the part of the country.
2. Knowledge of computers and electronics for electrical engineers is
3. The ability of working comfortably with others is a valued attribute.
4. Electrical engineers don’t have to fully understand government
5. Safety equipment for engineers is seldom required.
6. Most electrical engineers studied maths and science in college
graduating with at least a Master’s Degree.

2. Match the term with its definition:

1. pristine a) to stress, point out, give a special meaning
2. deployment b) competence or knowledge in a specified area
3. to emphasize c) to fit together the separate component parts of (machine,
4. literacy d) to observe and direct the work of smb
5. to account for e) cause of anxiety or worry
6. to assemble f) the state of being no longer needed because something
newer or more efficient has been invented.
7. essential g) fresh, clean, and unspoiled
8. obsolescence h) absolutely necessary; extremely important
9. concern i) to make up a specified amount or proportion of
10. to supervise j) organisation and positioning of smth

3. Read the text and choose the most suitable sentence from the list (A-D).

What do Electrical Engineers Do?

From the global positioning system to electric power generation,
electrical engineers are responsible for a wide range of technologies. They
design, develop, test and supervise the deployment of electrical systems.
Fundamentals to the discipline are the sciences of physics and
mathematics as these help to obtain both a qualitative and quantitative
description of how such systems will work. Perhaps the most important
technical skills for electrical engineers are reflected in university programs,
which emphasize strong numerical skills, computer literacy and the ability to
understand the technical language and concepts that relate to electrical
For most engineers technical work accounts for only a fraction of the
work they do. 2_____ Many senior engineers manage a team of technicians or
other engineers and for this reason project management skills are important.
Most engineering projects involve some forms of documentation and strong
written communication skills are therefore very important.
The workplaces of electrical engineers are just as varied as the types of
work they do. 3_____ During their working life, electrical engineers may find
themselves supervising a wide range of individuals including scientists,
electricians, computer programmers and other engineers.
4_____ Membership and participation in technical societies, regular
reviews of periodicals in the field and a habit of continued learning are
therefore essential to maintaining proficiency.

a) Electrical engineers may be found in the pristine lab environment of a

fabrication plant, the offices of a consulting firm or on site at a mine.
b) For example, they may work on the operation of electric power stations,
the lighting and wiring of buildings, the design of household appliances
or the electrical control of industrial machinery.
c) Obsolescence of technical skills is a serious concern for electrical
d) A lot of time is also spent on tasks such as discussing proposals with
clients, preparing budgets and determining project schedules.

4. Fill in the gaps with the correct word/phrase from Fig.20.
Skills Necessary for an Engineer

1. A(n) _____quickly catches on to a new idea.
2. His father, a man with a constant ______, often found the “one thing
you forgot out of 150 items you included.”
3. Our highly motivated and well _____has meant that these companies
regularly rely on us to carry out their electrical installs.
4. “Innovation is not the product of_____, although the result is tied to
logical structure.” (Albert Einstein)
5. I would like to be able to promise you that developing your ____will
make you rich, famous, and fulfil all of your dreams.
6. The ability to communicate effectively is critical to your success at
work as well as in your personal life. Discover ways that you can improve
your ______skills.
7. Good _____skills are fundamentally important if you're going to be
successful in your career. But problems are something that we don't like.

Talking to a Foreign Partner

5. Choose the correct question to complete the dialogues with a foreign
a) How do you stay alert during long shifts?
b) What hours do electrical engineers work?
c) Where are ABB headquarters?
d) So, who do you work for?
e) And how many weeks of holiday do you get a year?
f) What is the normal work day for an electrical engineer?
g) How many people work for your company?
h) How often do you go away on business?
i) And which side of the business do you work in?
A: _____________________________
B: I work for a large multinational company called ABB Group. ABB is a
leader in power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry
customers to improve their performance while lowering environmental
impact. Our business comprises five divisions: Power Products, Power
Systems, Discrete Automation and Motion, Low Voltage Products, and
Process Automation.
A: _____________________________
B: Power Systems division. I work in our Swedish factory. We manufacture
components for power transmission lines.
A: _____________________________
B: We are headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland. But the ABB Group of
companies operates in around 100 countries.
A: _____________________________
B: Our company employs about 135,000 people.
A: _______________________________
B: The typical work day of an Electrical Engineer is usually making projects
and discussing the projects.
A: ________________________________
B: Like any other job, it depends. Some EEs may work a traditional 9 to 5
job and others may work long into the night.
A: _________________________________
B: When the hours are long, the only way you can really survive is if you
genuinely find the work satisfying. That way, you are enjoying what you are
doing all day long anyway. You really need to be a bit of a workaholic to be
a good electrical engineer.
A: _________________________________
B: There are heaps of opportunities to travel, both within the country and
overseas. I find I move to a new town every 6 months or so (because I do
project work), but you can just as easily settle down somewhere if you
choose to.
A: _________________________________
B: Four plus public holidays. I usually take two weeks off in August and the
rest at New Year.

6. An electrical engineer from the UK describes his professional activity. Fill
in the gaps with the appropriate word to complete the information given by
Electrical Engineer: My life as an Electrical Engineer
a) Skills Required
As ____(1) electrical engineer, I spend probably 50% of my time
coordinating electricians and working ____(2) mechanical/chemical/civil
engineers. If you don't have good management skills then deadlines will
____(3) missed, work will go undone and small problems will turn into
disasters. If you don't have the respect ____(4) the people around you, they
won't take you seriously.
You also need excellent time management skills. Engineers are in short
supply, and have been, as far back ____(5) I can remember. ____(6) wants to
be an engineer these days, because it seems too hard. There is a huge
difference between the number of positions available ____(7) the number of
people to fill those positions. This means that the working engineers have
____(8) take up the slack. Having good time management skills means you
will get ____(9) lot more work done in ____(10) same time period as someone
else. This will reduce your stress level and make you worth your weight in
gold to your employers.
b) Job Function
Every day can ____(1) completely different, and that is what I like the
most about my job. It never gets boring or tedious. ____(2) day I will be
writing computer code to automate a machine, the next day I will be designing
electrical circuits, and the next day I will be commissioning equipment.
____(3) I am a very technical person, I enjoy anything to do ____(4)
technology. It ____(5) perfect because I spend all day working with gadgets
and figuring out new ways to do things.
However, there is the occasional time ____(6) things can get very
repetitive. Sometimes you will find yourself in a situation where you have
____(7) commission 20 pieces of factory floor equipment - and each one is
exactly ____(8) same. Sometimes these jobs can last ____(9) a few weeks.
Sometimes if you are unlucky you ____(10) get stuck doing jobs like that for a
few months.

Grammar in focus:Active and Passive

7. Read the sentences and choose the correct variant.
1. Great attention ………. to foreign language studies in higher educational
a. is being paid b. are paid c. is pay d. is paying
2. Agreements on scientific cooperation………… by the KPI with a
number of foreign universities.
a. was concluded b. concluded c. are concluded d. concluding
3. This laboratory ………… with the latest equipment.
a. fits b. is fitting c. is fitted d. have fitted
4. The machine designed for cutting metals …………. in this workshop.
a. install b. is installed c. installing d. to be installed
5. The energy generated by the plant ………. to industrial enterprises
starting from the next week.
a. supplies b. being supplied c. will be supplied d. will supply
6. Volts and amperes are measured ………. voltmeters and ammeters.
a. on b. for c. from d. by
7. Usually, the thermal energy in the reactor ………… directly into electric
a. was transformed b. is transformed c. transformed d. transforming
8. A group of cells connected together………… a battery.
a. are called b. called c. is call d. is called
9. He ………… to a graduate training programme for raising his
a. is sent b. sent c. sends d. is sended
10. Great progress ………… in radio engineering since Popov’s invention.
a. has been made b. are made c. had been made d. is made
11. The workers achieved good results after the methods of their work ...
b. had been
a. are improved c. improved d. are improving
12. Three years ago he …………… but began to work only now.
a. was graduating b. has graduated c. had graduated d. graduates
13. We …………… all the examinations.
a. have passed b. will be passed c. would pass d. are passed
14. They ……………the device by the end of the next week.
a. will have
b. to design c. will design d. would design
15. They ………… the experiments before they received the instructions.
a. are finished b. had finished c. have finished d. would finish
16. You …………… the telegram before we arrive.
a. receive b. had received c. received d. will have received
17. This month we…………… to fulfil a difficult task.
a. had managed b. managed c. were managed d. have managed

18. I …………… her since she left to another country 10 years ago.
a. haven't seen b. hasn't seen c. have seen d. hadn't seen
19. He admitted that he …... a mistake and apologised.
a. has made b. had made c. will make d. makes
20. Persistent efforts ………… to improve the training of specialists.
a. was made b. make c. are made d. will make

8. Work in groups of three or four. Read the “Six reasons to study electrical
and electronic engineering” (see the Resource Pack, p.186) and discuss them
in groups. Add at least one more reason of your own and tell the class.

9. Work in groups of three or four. Each group reads one of Rudy Karsan’s
texts (see the Resource pack, p.188), discusses it and then presents the main
idea of the text to the other two groups so that everybody can get the point.

"Laughter is the best medicine"

10. Complete the joke about engineers by choosing the correct tense form.

Three Engineers
There were three engineers in a car. One (is / was / were / being) an
electrical engineer, one was a chemical engineer and one was a Microsoft
Suddenly the car just (stop / was stopped / stopped / was stopping) by the
side of the road, and the three engineers looked at each other wondering what
(can be / will be / should be / could be) wrong.
The electrical engineer suggested stripping down the electronics of the car
and trying to trace where a fault (might have occurred / might occur / might
occurred / might to occur).
The chemical engineer, not knowing much about cars, suggested that
maybe the fuel was getting blocked somewhere.
Then, the Microsoft engineer, not knowing much about anything, came up
with a suggestion, “Why don't we close all the windows, get out, get back in,
open the windows again, and maybe it (work / works / will work / is

Unit 2 Recruitment & Applying for a Job

How do companies organise their work on recruitment of the best people?
What does the process of recruitment and selecting suitable candidates
involve? How can a candidate present himself/herself to the best advantage?
What documents does he/she prepare?
Employers receive hundreds of CVs and letters of application. They make snap
decisions on whether or not to interview you based on their content. So, how
do you put together a CV that will get you an interview? What are the
interview techniques to help you get the job?

Do the following tasks and you will know how ScottishPower, a leading
international energy company, recruit and select the best employees.
Furthermore, you will obtain knowledge to succeed in applying for a job.

Listening and reading about the ScottishPower company strategy

1. Listen to the information about the ScottishPower company and decide
whether the following statements are true or false.

1. Recruitment of the best people does not help companies achieve their
aims and objectives.
2. ScottishPower is part of a larger company.
3. The three key areas of ScottishPower are: growth, safety and productivity.
4. The Energy Retail unit supplies electricity to over 5 mln UK customers.
5. The Energy Wholesale unit provides a secure and growing network of
service across the UK.
6. ScottishPower sister’s company deals with renewable sources of energy.
7. Carbon capture is considered to be a revolutionary development.

2. Match the following descriptions with the terms for forms of energy,
mechanisms, and developments mentioned in the recording.
1. ___________ this type of power is produced by using “large fans” as
generators to harness the kinetic energy of air in motion. It is gaining
popularity worldwide, but still provides only less than one percent of
global energy consumption.

2. ____________this type of energy is produced in a similar way to a coal-
fired plant production. In both cases there are turbines, which turn metal
shafts in an electric generator. However, the power source here is not
steam, but water in motion.
3. _____________this mechanism acts in a very similar way to those on
wind farms, but acts underwater. Water is some 800 times denser than air,
and even a slow moving flow can exert much greater force than wind.
4. _____________this development involves trapping “greenhouse gas” at
its emission source with special devices, transporting it to a storage
location (usually deep underground) and isolating it.
5. _____________ this industrial facility is used for generation of electric
power and energy from fuel and may be based on a combustion turbine.

3. Match the term with its definition:

1. apprentice a) evaluation or estimation of the nature, quality, or
2. assessment b) process of burning something
3. capture c) sale of goods to the public in relatively small
quantities for use or consumption rather than for resale
4. emission d) selling of goods in large quantities to be retailed by
5. combustion e) a quiz designed to evaluate a person's mental state,
personality, and thought processes.
6. wholesale f) a person who is learning a trade from a skilled
employer, having agreed to work for a fixed period at
low wages
7. retail g) long cylindrical rotating rod for the transmission of
motive power in a machine
8. shaft h) to enroll (someone) as a member or worker in an
9. to recruit i) production and discharge of something, esp. gas or
10. psychometric j) absorption of an atomic or subatomic particle

4. Read the following text concerning recruitment strategies of ScottishPower
and replace the given words with the synonyms from the list.
a) workers b) diploma c) neighbourhood d) fulfil
e) desires f) promoted g) combines h) show
i) accessible j) background k) fill in l) personal
m) achievable n) succeeded o) evaluation

Recruitment into ScottishPower

Recruitment into ScottishPower takes place at a number of entry levels.

Two of the most important of these are at the apprentice level and at that of
graduate trainee. Since the 1990s recruitment activity for large companies has
taken place online. In addition, specific jobs may be _______(1-advertised) in
the _______(2-local) or national press.
The ScottishPower website provides a wealth of detail about the
company and careers. It makes it ______(3-possible) for applicants to
download details and application forms for Modern Apprenticeships and
Graduate Programmes. In both cases, applicants must ______(4-meet)
minimum requirements of qualifications or ______(5-experience). Literature
about careers with ScottishPower is ______(6-available) through the Careers
Service in schools and universities.
Apprenticeships allow new ______(7-employees) to earn a good wage
while working and learning new skills. They lead to nationally recognized
qualifications. The Apprenticeship programme at ScottishPower lasts three to
four years and ______(8-blends) training with work based learning and
assessment. To apply for an Apprenticeship programme an applicant must
_______(9-complete) an online application form. ScottishPower then invites
applicants to attend an assessment centre. Here candidates undertake practical
and written tests. They are then interviewed to check that they have the
competencies required to fill the job. This is ______(10-followed) by a
medical to check their fitness levels.
ScottishPower’s Graduate programmes are for candidates with a
university ______(11-degree). The graduate programme lasts two years and is
tailored to each graduate’s individual _______(12-aspirations) and business
requirements. Candidates need to be able to _______(13-demonstrate) in their
application form their motivation (why they want the job) and competency
(their ability to carry out the job). Those candidates who meet ScottishPower’s
requirements are invited to a one-day session at an _______(14-assessment)
centre. Selecting suitable candidates currently involves:
• a group exercise
• an _______(15-individual) presentation
• psychometric testing
• a competency-based interview.
Taken and modified from:

5. Answer the questions to the text with one word only.

1. How many entry levels of ScottishPower recruitment are considered to be
most important?
2. How long has recruitment taken place online?
3. What provides a wealth of detail about the company and careers?
4. Who is to meet minimum requirements of qualifications or experience?
5. What is the kind of Service that provides literature about careers with
6. What allows new employees to earn a good wage while working and
learning new skills?
7. Where can one find an application form for an Apprenticeship
8. What is the last test to check the applicant’s fitness level?
9. What kind of degree is required for ScottishPower’s Graduate
10. How many years does the graduate programme last?
11. What do the candidates need to demonstrate in their application form
besides motivation?
12. What kind of testing are the candidates for Graduate programme to

6. Complete the text with the words from the list:

order necessary visions framework happen
individual effectively behaviours

ScottishPower states that ‘at the heart of all business 1) ________and

activities it is the people whose 2) ________efforts and performance make it
3)________.’ Its people need to have the 4) ________skills and competencies
in 5)________ to carry out their roles 6)______. ScottishPower has developed
a competency 7)__________. This sets out what 8)_________ employees need
to have to perform job-related tasks.

7. Find the synonyms to the following words from the text above:
1. achievement, exertion, struggle
2. action, deed, operation
3. ability, expertness, mastery
4. to grow, evolve, initiate
5. duty, charge, assignment

8. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.
The process 1)___ selection gives candidates different ways of
presenting themselves 2)___ best advantage. A clear and compelling
application form showing 3)___ a candidate has achieved is the first element.
4)___ interview, he or she then has the opportunity of expanding and
explaining their suitability 5)___ the role. In assessment 6)___ role play
exercises, applicants can demonstrate key competencies 7)___ as team
working, planning capabilities and leadership potential. This is important as
ScottishPower looks 8)___ those people who will have the capacity to develop
9)___ themselves and the business.

9. Using the information on selecting candidates in the previous text, complete

Fig.21 with the given phrases below:


A) Successful candidates invited for interview

B) Vacancies advertised on website or other media
C) Successful candidates asked to complete job related tests post-interview
D) Screening of applicants to find the best match with person specification
E) Successful candidate(s) sent offer letter and contract

10. When recruiting new employees ScottishPower sets out its skills
requirements in two key documents – Job Description and Person
Specification. Complete them with the words formed from the words given to
you. Make sure you use the correct Part of Speech and singular or plural

Key elements of the job description include:
• the purpose of the job and its main ______(1-response) and tasks
• who the job reports to
• its ______(2-locate) and salary scale
• the skills and ______(3-compete) needed to carry out the job.
The person specification describes:
• the _______(4- person) qualities an individual will need to perform the
job in question
• what qualifications, experience, skills and ______(5-able) are
______(6-essence) to carry out the key objectives of the job and which are
• a candidate must have the ‘essential’ elements; being able to ______(8-
demonstration) the ‘desirable’ factors gives him or her an ______(9-advance)
during _______(10-select).

11. Read the interview with a Human Resource professional and discuss what
CV is considered to be a promising one. Dramatise the dialogue.

Q: We are talking to Peter Brown, who works in the Human Resources

department of a large UK-based company. Peter, tell us about your work...
A: I work on recruitment, especially – so I’m the person who reads the
hundreds of CVs we get sent each year!
Q: What advice can you give us on writing a CV?
A: Keep it short, keep it simple, keep it relevant. Anything longer than three
pages will automatically go into the bin. Just tell us what we need to know.
Make sure it’s clearly written – and that there are no spelling mistakes on it!
And no fancy fonts... or photographs. We don’t need to know what people look
like, just what they’ve done, and what they’re capable of.
Q: So we’re going to look at a couple of CVs now...
A: Yes – these are a couple that arrived just this morning, so let’s take a look...
OK, I can see straight away that we have a good one and a bad one here...
Q: How can you tell so soon?
A: Well, as I just said, this one here is... how many... one, two, three, four
pages long, it’s written in tiny type, I can hardly read it... and, wait, yes, there’s
a photograph attached to the front!
Q: Too much information?
A: Yes... just leafing through it, I can see he’s written about where he went to
primary school – that’s just not relevant...
Q: What kind of educational background should be included?
A: Perhaps your high school, but it’s mostly further education we’re interested
in, university or college, then any professional qualifications you may have, as
well as work experience of course.
Q: What about personal information?
A: A bit is necessary... but look, this guy has written he was a member of the
stamp collecting society in secondary school!
Q: What about the other CV?
A: OK, again, I can see right away this looks more promising... only two and a
half pages, lots of space on the page, easy to read, well-organised. Hmmm, a
couple of impressive looking references, that’s good. And, yes, they’ve
included language skills – very important...
Q: What languages are you looking for?
A: Well, English, obviously – as we’re a UK-based company and English is
still the language of global business, and then, well, anything really – Spanish
is useful, Russian, Mandarin Chinese too...
Q: OK, we’ll get studying! Thanks Peter!

Writing CV
12. Complete this example of common CV (Curriculum Vitae) form with the
correct variant. Write your own CV using the Writing Bank, p.214.

Personal Details
1)____ name: Antonella Carter
Date of Birth: 14/02/93
2)________ address: Linden Cottage
88 Whitecross Road
St Albans
Herts WD3 8KY
Tel./Fax: (01923) 0865841
Mobile: 0789 755742
Personal e-mail:
3)_______ Status: Single

Educational History:
I am 4)________ following a part-time programme in Engineering at
Worcester College Of Technology
2012-2015 Sheffield Hallam University: BSc Engineering 5)_______
2009-2011 Dr Chalmer’s Sixth Form College: ‘A’ levels in Italian (A),
Mathematics (B), Physics (B)

Word-6)__________. Excel. PowerPoint. Clean driving 7)________.
Languages: Bilingual English/Italian

Employment History:
September 2017-present –
Chertsey Tech Company: 8)______________ engineer. I 9)______ visit
tech exhibitions in the south of England and our partners’ 10)_________ in
Malta and Morocco.
January 2016-September 2017 –
Kilt Corner: Shop 11)_________, then Deputy Manager
August-December 2015 –
La Sorpresa Italian Restaurant: part-time waitress

Hobbies and Interests:

Soccer: At University I was captain of the women’s soccer team. Playing
the cello. Member of SN Chamber orchestra. In my 12)_______ year I
travelled round Australia and south-east Asia. I developed a much broader
awareness of other cultures and ways of life.

Silvia Flynn Professor K. Radesh
Manager, Kilt Corner Worcester College Of Technology
Gorton Street 32 City Road
London W8 London EC1B 7HG

1. a) fill b) fall c) feel d) full

2. a) prevalent b) prevaluate c) permanent d) premature
3. a) marital b) married c) measured d) maritime
4. a) currency b) concurrent c) currently d) curtain
5. a) studs b) stunts c) studies d) stabbings
6. a) prophecy b) providing c) progressing d) processing
7. a) listening b) license c) lesson d) listing
8. a) maintenanceb) maintence c) mantelpiece d) maintendence
9. a) regimely b) reliability c) respectively d) regularly
10. a) factors b) tractories c) factories d) fractions
11. a) assembled b) assailing c) assistant d) assassin
12. a) gape b) gate c) gap d) gust
13. a) referees b) reflectance c) refracting d) refining

Writing a letter of application

13. Write out the electrical engineer covering letter below with capital letters
and correct punctuation. Your address is done. (Tip: use capital letters for job
1234, West 67 Street,
Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.

Date: 1st October, 2017.

mr john smith
national electricals
257 park avenue south
new york ny 12345-6789

dear mr smith

i am enclosing my resume in hopes that your company may assist me in

locating a position as electrical engineer i am very much interested in
obtaining this position with your company
as you will see from my resume i have completed my post graduation in
electrical engineering from new york university currently i have been working
as an electrical engineer with navarro research and engineering for the past 4
years i have strong background in the principles and practices of electrical
generation engineering design and construction i believe that my energetic
multitasking will be the asset to your company
i look forward to meeting you i will call early next week to set up an
appointment for an interview
thanks for your time and consideration

mark anderson
At a job interview
14. In the example of a job interview match the questions with the answers.

My background to date has been centered around preparing myself to
become the very best ____I can become. Let me tell you specifically how I've
prepared myself …
2. __________
Because I sincerely believe that I'm the best person for the job. I realize
that there are many other college students who have the ability to do this job.
But I also bring an additional quality – my attitude for excellence. In _____
and _____ I have consistently reached for becoming the very best I can
become by doing the following …
3 _________
Although it's certainly difficult to predict things far into the future, I
know what direction I want to develop toward. Within five years, I would like
to become the very best _____ your company has. I will work toward
becoming the expert that others rely upon. And in doing so, I feel I will be
fully prepared to take on any greater responsibilities that might be presented in
the long term.
4 _________
As you will note on my resume, I've taken not only the required core
classes in the _____ field, I've also gone above and beyond. I've taken every
class the college has to offer in the field and also completed an independent
study project specifically in this area. My capstone course project in my final
semester involved developing a real-world model of _____, which is very
similar to what might be used within your company. Let me tell you more
about it . . .
5 _________
Very much so. In fact, I've had opportunities in both athletics and
academics to develop my skills as a team player. I've seen the value of
working together as a team to achieve a greater goal than any one of us could
have achieved individually. As an example . . .
6 _________
Yes, but never major ones. Certainly there have been situations where
there was a disagreement that needed to be resolved. I've found that when
conflict occurs, it's because of a failure to see both sides of the situation.
Therefore, I ask the other person to give me their perspective and at the same
time ask them to allow me to explain my perspective. At that point, I would
work with the person to find out if a compromise could be reached. If not, I
would submit to their decision because they are my superior. An example of
this was when . . .
7 _________
I would say my greatest weakness has been my lack of proper planning
in the past. However, since I've come to recognize that weakness, I've taken
steps to correct it. For example, I carry a planning calendar in my pocket so
that I can plan all of my appointments and "to do" items. Here, let me show
you how I have this week planned out . . .

a) How has your education prepared you for your career?

b) What is your greatest weakness?
c) Why should I hire you?
d) Are you a team player?
e) Tell me about yourself.
f) What is your long-range objective? Where do you want to be 10 or 15
years from now?
g) Have you ever had a conflict with a boss or professor? How was it

15. Read the job interview and consider the mistakes that were made by Daniel
(use the Resource Pack, p.190).

Marcia Boardman: Good morning Daniel!

Daniel: Dan, please...
Marcia Boardman: I’m Marcia Boardman – we spoke on the phone – and
this is Philip Hart, our CEO.
Philip Hart: Hello!
Daniel: Nice to meet you both.
Philip Hart: So it says here on your CV that you’re interested in rock
Daniel: Yeah... love it!
Philip Hart: Great – so do I! When did you last go climbing?
Daniel: Oh, err, well, it was a while ago now...
Philip Hart: Anywhere interesting?
Daniel: Yeah. I walked up the hill behind my house. Took me about thirty
Marcia Boardman: OK, erm, Daniel, can you tell us a little bit about your
current position?
Daniel: Certainly – as it says in the CV, I’m part of the European Sales team at
Networld. We’re the world’s leading supplier of IT hardware.
Philip Hart: Why do you want to move on?
Daniel: Well, they’re too small for me.
Marcia Boardman: Networld!? Networld are too small for you?
Daniel: Oh yeah. I’m looking for something much bigger.
Philip Hart: Well, we’re not a big company by any means, but we are looking
to grow! What first attracted you to WebWare in particular?
Daniel: Well, I see WebWare as kind of like a stepping stone...
Marcia Boardman: Sorry?
Daniel: Yeah, start here gain the necessary experience, then move onto
something bigger.
Philip Hart: OK... well, I do admire your ambition!
Daniel: Thanks – I’ve got lots of it!
Marcia Boardman: Let’s move on to managing people. Can you give an
example of a time when you had to deal with a particularly difficult managee?
Daniel: Sure – well I think that’s one of my strong points actually. A couple of
years ago, I was working with a guy, he wasn’t pulling his weight, basically
being lazy – so I told him to get out.
Marcia Boardman: Oh, you didn’t give him a performance review, or a
warning, or perhaps try to help develop his motivation?
Daniel: No, no, no. None of that rubbish. If someone’s not working hard
enough, then they’re out! That’s the way I work. I’m a hard man.
Marcia Boardman: I see.
Philip Hart: How would you handle a rapidly changing market?
Daniel: Basically not change anything at all! Just continue on as normal
Marcia Boardman: According to your CV you are fluent in Mandarin...
Daniel: Well, I wouldn’t say ‘fluent’ exactly... but, I like Chinese food a lot –
so I can read the menu!
Philip Hart: So you can’t actually speak the language?
Daniel: Erm, no.
Marcia Boardman: Can you tell us about a time you had to close a
particularly challenging deal?
Daniel: I haven’t had one. They’re all easy for me. I close deals all the time!
Marcia Boardman: OK – well do you have any questions for us?
Daniel: No.
Philip Hart: Oh. OK. Erm. Thanks.
Marcia Boardman: Let’s move on to the presentation...

16. Match two parts of the question so the longer one makes sense and
dramatise the conversation. Use the phrases from Tasks No 14, 15 as well.
1) What qualities can a) you leaving your current job?
2) Can you give a recent
b) and why do you want to work for us?
3) Why are c) apply for the job?
4) What makes you d) yourself in five years' time?
5) Where do you see e) you bring to the post?
6) What do you know about our
f) think you are the best person for the job?
7) What made you g) that you are proud of?

17. Write a letter to your friend giving advice how to be successful at a job
interview. Use the Resource Pack (p.190) and your own ideas.

18. Divide into two groups: companies seeking to hire employees and people
seeking to find jobs (see the Resource Pack, p.193). The job seekers go from
company to company and ask about the jobs. The job seekers are primarily
interested in what benefits they can get. The companies are primarily
interested in the qualifications of potential employess.
Both groups should fill out the table on their activity worksheet. And when it is
done, the employers say who they would like to hire and why.

"Laughter is the best medicine"

19. Insert the phrases in the funny story so that the dialogue becomes complete
and logic:
Engineer at a Job Interview
Reaching the end of a job interview, the Human Resources Person asked
the young Engineer fresh out of MIT, “1)……………………………”
The Engineer said, “2)………………………………”
The HR Person said, “Well, what would you say to a package of 5-weeks
vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, company matching
retirement fund to 50% of salary, and a company car leased every 2 years –
say, a red Corvette?”
The Engineer sat up straight and said, “3)……………………”
And the HR Person said, “4)………………………”

a) In the neighbourhood of $75,000 a year, depending on the benefit’s

b) Wow!!! Are you kidding?
c) And what starting salary were you looking for?
d) Certainly …but you started it.

Unit 3 On a Business Trip. Motivation of Engineers

What is the role of motivation within an engineering environment? How do
motivated employees differ from unmotivated ones? What methods of
motivation do you know? Do you know anything about Maslow’s theory and
his hierarchy of needs?

Do the following tasks and you will know how the company like Siemens
benefits from the use of motivation theories to influence its management style.

Listening and reading about Siemens

1. Before going on a business trip you will have to learn the information about
the receiving party. You will hear the general information about Siemens. For
questions 1-5 decide whether the statements are T (true) or F (false).

1. Siemens designs and manufactures products and services for both

industrial customers and consumers.
2. Siemens generates about 40% of the UK’s nuclear energy and maintains
the BBC’s website.
3. The company employs under half a million people around the world.
4. Innovation is one of the most important pillars of Siemens business
5. A career of an engineer is exciting as the work is unchanging.

Booking a hotel room

2. You are phoning to book a hotel room. Choose the appropriate question to
complete the conversation and dramatize it.
Receptionist: Good morning. Kensington Inn Hotel.
You: Hello. My name’s Bondar. I’d like to book a room, please.
Receptionist: Certainly. _________
You: Three. Starting next Wednesday.
Receptionist: Yes, we have rooms available. Double or single?
You: Double, please. _________
Receptionist: Yes, by the way _________
You: No.
Receptionist: It’s five nights for the price of four. _________
You: _________

Receptionist: Just confirm your reservation in writing and pay a ten per cent
You: _________
Receptionist: ₤ 30.
You: Yes. I think I’ll do that. _________
Receptionist: The Kensington Inn Hotel.
You: OK. I’ll post it today.
Receptionist: Thank you very much. We’ll look forward to seeing you.
You: Thank you. Goodbye.
Receptionist: Thank you.

a) Who should I make the cheque payable to?

b) Is one with the sea view available?
c) Have you heard about the special offer we are running at the moment?
d) How much would that be?
e) Why don't you take advantage of it?
f) What do I have to do to qualify for it?
g) How many nights will you be staying?

Advice about a journey

3. You are giving a colleague some advice about a flight he is planning. Fill in
the gaps using should, had better or have to.

NB: Had better is used for a particular situation, when there is a danger or a
problem if you don’t follow the advice. Should is used in all types of situation
to give an opinion or to give advice. Hence, in this exercise, should can be
used instead of had better, but not vice versa.

I know you haven’t done this trip before so I’d like to give you some advice
about it. First, you 1)_________ make sure you get to Boryspil airport really
early because you always 2)_________queue for ages at check-in. They really
3)_________ introduce a more efficient system, but they won't. Anyway, then
you 4)_________ go through passport control and so on. You 5)_________
take something good to read because you'll have quite a long wait in the
departure lounge. At least you 6)________ be able to sit down there. That's
another benefit of being early. They 7)_________ provide more seats, to my
mind. When your flight's called, you 8)_________ follow an official out to
your plane. You 9)_________ not take very heavy hand luggage because you
10)_________ carry it yourself and there aren't any trolleys. Everyone agrees
there 11)_________ be, of course, but there aren't. The flight is quite short.
You get a meal, which you 12)________ eat, even if it's not very appetizing,
because you have a long car journey at the other end. Now, do you have any

4. Match the term with its definition.

1. absenteeism a) to help or stimulate (an activity, state, or view); to
2. to be b) lodging; room and board
3. to empower c) conditions in which a particular activity is carried on
4. d) all of the people born and living at about the same
accommodation time, regarded collectively
5. to thrive e) to receive what one deserves
6. impact f) to develop well; prosper; flourish
7. environment g) effect or influence of one person, thing, or action
8. generation h) practice of regularly staying away from work or school
without good reason
9. to implement i) to put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect
10. to encourage j) to give smb the authority or power to do smth

5. Read the text and choose the most suitable sentence from the list (A-E).

Motivation within an engineering environment at Siemens

Motivation stimulates people and encourages them to put more effort
into doing something. Well-motivated employees will feel fulfilled and happy
in the workplace. _1_D_
Motivated individuals are influenced by a number of different factors.
Initially, everybody has basic needs, such as for food or accommodation.
A creative environment, such as that provided by engineering, can be
very stimulating. Some staff at Siemens thrive on the problem-solving aspect
of their roles and respond to challenges. _3___
Siemens employees also value the fact that they are allowed to be
imaginative and can influence their own work.
The structure of Siemens motivates individuals by empowering them to
improve processes. Siemens provides the sort of environment where workers
can learn new things and are given the opportunity to progress within the
business. This culture demonstrates that Siemens values its employees and
helps to recruit the next generation of engineers.

 Motivated employees feel that their work is special.
 They are encouraged to take pride in what they do.
 There is low absenteeism because employees are happy to go to
 Individuals are more loyal to the organisation and stay longer
because their needs are being met.
Unmotivated workers will not be satisfied with their role in the work
environment. The job may not be important for them and this may lead to poor
performance. The workers may not be efficient. _5___
All of these factors will have a negative impact on a business, either
through a drop in reputation, poor productivity or increased costs involved in
replacing workers or covering absent staff.

A - They are likely to be absent more often and

may ultimately leave the organisation.
B - Other employees find the varied nature of the
work motivating having the opportunity to try different
С - However, there are many other different factors
that motivate individuals.
D - Additionally, they are likely to be more productive and produce work
of a higher quality.
Е - A motivated workforce puts more energy into work in order to
achieve the required outcomes.

6. Match the following synonyms from the report.

1. employee a. include
2 ultimately b. enable
3. involve c. worker
4. performance d. influence
5. impact e. eventually
6. empower f. fulfilment

7. Match the term with its definition.

Monetary methods of motivation

1. Fringe a) Employees are encouraged to ensure that the
benefits business is profitable, however, it is usually spread
evenly between both hardworking and less hardworking
2. Bonuses b) Additional payment made for extra hours worked.
Can provide greater flexibility to the workforce but may
result in low productivity during normal working hours
so employees can access overtime payments.
3. Profit share c) Examples include company cars and discount
vouchers. May not encourage greater productivity but
often build company loyalty.
4. Commissio d) Payments are made per item produced. Encourages
n productivity but sometimes at the expense of quality.
5. Piece rate e) Payments are made in relation to the number or
value of sales made. Encourages increased sales but may
lead to heavy handed selling techniques.
6. Overtime f) A payment usually related to the achievement of a
target. Usually easier to apply to sales or production
rather than the provision of a service.

Non-monetary methods of motivation

1. Job rotation a) Employees participate in organisational decision
making through such things as quality circles and
works councils.
2. Job enlargement b) Allowing workers greater autonomy. They have
greater freedom and power to control their own
working lives.
3. Job enrichment c) Involves organising workers into groups, setting
team goals and awarding team rewards to achieving
4. Empowerment d) Workers are given a wider variety of different
tasks to carry out although there is no increase in the
level of responsibility. This is sometimes called
horizontal loading.
5. Team-working e) Giving employees the chance to fully utilise
their abilities through, for example, providing a
range of challenges, training workers and allowing
them to demonstrate their skills.
6. Participation f) Employees move between different jobs e.g. on
a production line. Results in flexible, multi-skilled
staff but ultimately workers may just be moving
from one boring job to another.

8. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.
Hierarchy of needs
In 1954 one (1) _____ the most famous theorists on motivation Abraham
Maslow developed a 'hierarchy of needs' (2) ______ represented it as a


The most basic needs are (3) _____ the bottom. They include the needs
for food, water, warmth, shelter and clothing. Once these needs (4) ______
met, individuals then want safety and security. It includes safe working
practices, job security and financial security. Social needs are all about groups
and belonging. Self-esteem (5) ______ might include the rewards from a
workplace. It might include a benefits package or even status within the
workplace. Self-fulfilment is concerned (6) ______ workers fulfilling their
potential that involves doing something challenging, creative or interesting.
Siemens provides the opportunity for employees to fulfil (7) ______
higher-order needs. It runs schemes in (8) ______ suggestions and projects for
improvements are rewarded. The company offers (9) ______ train and develop
staff and allows employees to take responsibility (10) ______ their own jobs.

Speaking about Siemens

9. Are you interested in working at Siemens? Put the words in the correct order
to make Frequently Asked Questions and read the useful information.
1. employees /benefits /its /what /Siemens /does /offer?
Siemens offer a Flexible Benefits scheme which you can join once you
have commenced employment. Examples of our flexible benefit scheme
include the following: - Private Medical Insurance, Dental insurance,
Personal accident cover, Additional life assurance, Critical illness cover,

Travel insurance, Retail vouchers and Childcare vouchers, Bicycle
2. cars /you /company /do /provide?
The Siemens Vehicle Plan is a comprehensive provision for those
individuals who are eligible for a vehicle with their role. The scheme
typically gives you the option of choosing a vehicle you desire or taking a
cash equivalent.
3. Siemens /what /offer /pension /scheme /does?
Siemens provide a defined contribution pension scheme where we will
match your contribution up to a maximum of 10%.
4. development /do /what /you /personal /offer?
Siemens is keen to progress people through their chosen careers and
ensure that they are constantly being challenged and learning in their jobs.
5. dress /company /the /what /is /code?
Business Dress is defined as clothing that is appropriate for an office
environment, professional and presents a good image of Siemens. Within
certain Siemens businesses and roles, you may be provided with a uniform
you will need to wear.
6. there /how /will /many /interviews /be?
This depends on the role but it is likely that it will be a two stage
interview process.
7. interview /of /what /it /type /will /be?
The majority of our interviews are Competency Based Interviews. So
you will be asked to give an example of when you have demonstrated a
particular behaviour in the past. There may also be a technical or functional
element to the interview such as a case study or technical test.

Grammar in focus: Verbals

10. Choose the correct item.
1) Siemens employees are motivated by … for their achievements.
a) recognising b) having recognised c) being recognised d) recognised
2) Self-actualisation is concerned with workers … their potential.
a) being fulfilled b) fulfilling c) to be fulfilled d) having been fulfilled
3) Original solutions and ideas are required … problems on a regular basis.
a) solving b) to solve c) to be solved d) being solved
4) Working to one’s potential involves … something challenging, creative or
a) doing b) to do c) to doing d) do
5) Motivators at Siemens are the factors that stimulate engineers … in the
best way possible.
a) to working b) work c) working d) to work
6) Unmotivated workers are likely … more often and may ultimately leave
the organisation.
a) be absent b) being absent c) to be absent d) absent
7) The list of products … by Siemens is almost endless.
a) to manufacture b) manufacturing c) are manufactured d) manufactured
8) Most employees find the varied nature of the work …
a) motivating b) motivated c) to motivate d) having motivated
9) The person … the job is encouraged to work as part of a team.
a) who doing b) doing c) is doing d) does
10) It is also possible … technology to identify new ways of working and new
a) use b) to be used c) using d) to use

11. Write out the acceptance of job offer letter below with capital letters and
correct punctuation. Your address is done. (Use capital letters for job titles).

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.

Date: 1st November, 2017.

mr john smith,
national pumps
257 park avenue south
new york ny 12345-6789

dear mr smith

i am pleased to accept your offer and i am looking forward to joining

you and your staff next month
the position is ideally suited to my background and interests i assure
you i will give you my best effort in making this an effective position within
your company
i understand i will begin work on november 15 2017 if in the
meantime i need to complete any paperwork or take care of any other matters
please contact me at 444-5678
i enjoyed meeting with you and your staff and appreciated the
professional manner in which the hiring was conducted


richard anderson
senior student mech dept
tech manhattan

Case study
12. Read the case and answer the questions (see the Resource Pack, p.194).
Then present your solution to the situation.

Writing a paper for conference

13. You are invited to take part at the international students’ conference
“Engineering Ethics” which is going to be held at Toyama International
Conference Center, Toyama, Japan. Date: February 28th – April 2nd, 2018.
Study the modern research into the issue of teaching engineering ethics at
technical universities.
Prepare the report for this conference and write a paper /conference
proceeding (1-2 pages in Font 14, Times New Roman, with single spacing).
Comply with the requirements/advice given in the Writing Bank (p.205).

"Laughter is the best medicine"

14. Complete the joke by choosing the correct form of the verbs.

The Frog & The Engineer

An engineer (take / was taking / had taken / took) a walk when a frog
spoke to him and said, "If you kiss me, I (turn / would turn / will turn / would
have turned) into a beautiful princess." He picked up the frog and put it in his
The frog (speak / spoke / was speaking / speaks) again and said, "If you
kiss me and turn me back into a beautiful princess, I (become / became /
would have become / will become) your girlfriend." The engineer took the
frog out of his pocket, smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
The frog spoke again and said, "If you (kiss / kissed / would kiss / will
kiss) me and turn me back into a princess, I (become / became / will become /

had become) your wife." The engineer took the frog out of his pocket again,
smiled at it and put it back into his pocket.
Finally, the frog said, "What (be / was / are / is) the matter? I'm a
beautiful princess. Why won`t you kiss me?" The engineer said, "Look, I'm a
busy engineer. I don`t have time for a girlfriend or a wife, but a talking frog,
now that's cool."

Unit 4 Health and Safety in the Workplace

Everyone has the right to be in a safe and healthy workplace. What legal
requirements should employers meet to provide a safe workplace? What are
the responsibilities of employees? What safety rules for electrical engineers do
you know? What organisation defends employees’ rights? Do modern trade
unions play an important role in ensuring agreement between employers and

Do the following tasks and you will know how health and safety in the
workplace can be ensured.

Listening and reading about safety legislation in the UK

1. Listen to the report on the vital role of modern trade unions and fill in the
In the interests of both parties, the relationship _______(1) needs to be a
fair one. If either employers or employees act unfairly, it can lead to disaster
for a business. An employer unwilling to pay a fair rate, or to treat workers
properly, _______(2) with low morale that produces poor output. So it is vital
that employers and employees work together to agree _______(3) and then 'get
on with the job'. Unions have a key role to play in ensuring agreement is
During the Industrial Revolution (circa 1750), when most work moved
______(4), many employers treated their workers unfairly. As a result, trade
unions emerged _______(5). Among other activities, the first unions lobbied
for laws that would require employers to offer decent conditions and fair
A trade union is a collection of workers who agree to negotiate
______(6) with employers as a group, rather than as individual employees.
This gives them greater power to make bargains and keep them. Over time,
unions _______(7): representation and protection. In negotiating with an
employer, union representatives can speak with one voice. This makes
eventual agreements ______(8) and workable.
Unions also worked to establish workers' legal rights and _______(9)
from unfair practices e.g. long hours, low pay and dangerous working
conditions. This role _______(10) today.

2. Match the following synonyms from the report.
1. representative a) essential
2. decent b) lawful
3. disaster c) delegate
4. legal d) appropriate
5. properly e) final
6. vital f) catastrophe
7. ensure g) set up
8. emerged h) guarantee
9. eventual i) duly
10. establish j) appeared

3. Match the term with its definition.

1. to abide by a) laws, considered collectively
2. fire b) written ordinance of Congress, or another legislative
extinguisher body
3. to dispose c) fixed regular payment, typically paid on a daily or
weekly basis
4. act d) portable device that discharges a jet of water, foam,
gas, or other material to extinguish a fire
5. legislation e) fixed price paid or charged for something, esp. goods
or services
6. first aid kit f) to accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or
7. wage g) to behave toward or deal with in a certain way
8. to treat h) to come to an agreement over smth
9. rate i) to arrange in a particular position
10. to make j) a box with everything necessary to help sick or injured
bargains person until full medical treatment is available

4. Read the text and choose the most suitable sentence from the list (A-E).

Health and safety legislation in the UK

Everyone has the right to be in a safe and healthy workplace. This is a
basic human right as most people spend a large part of their life at work.
There are a number of different pieces of legislation that govern health
and safety in the UK. Some specifically govern working conditions and
working with hazardous materials, for example, chemicals.

_1_B_ They include, for example: providing a written policy on health
and safety and ensuring that this is communicated to all employees; providing
training on safety procedures or use of work equipment.
However, UK health and safety law is rooted in one particular piece of
important legislation. This is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. _2___
It also identifies the responsibilities that employees have to themselves
and each other.
Employees are expected to carry out their work in a way that has regard
to the safety of others. Employers are expected to abide by a range of
requirements governing such aspects as providing safe machinery and
equipment, carrying out regular health and safety checks, ensuring the training
of employees in health and safety issues, and carrying out a risk assessment to
assess the dangers of particular work activities.
Equal Opportunities legislation states that all employees should receive
the same pay and conditions for carrying out the same or broadly similar work.
The Minimum Wage Act sets out the Minimum Wage that workers can
expect to receive which today is more than £5 an hour. _4____
There are also European Union requirements governing the maximum
number of hours that workers will be expected to work in a typical week
which is currently set at 48 hours.
Trade unions are still vital today. _5___

A – There are also laws against sexual, racial and disability

B – These pieces of legislation provide legal requirements for employers
to lay down standards of health and safety.
C – The Minimum Wage is regularly reviewed and will increase over
D – This Act outlines the duties which employers have towards
employees and members of the public.
Е – They are set up to look after the interests and welfare of their
members, working in a partnership with employers to ensure high standards of
Health and Safety.

5. Match the term with its definition.

1. Trade union a) The lowest rate on which any worker can
legally be paid, as determined by
2. Discrimination b) The state of being connected or related.
3. National Minimum c) Organisation set up to represent the rights of
Wage workers.
4. Legislation d) An agreement or contract establishing what
each party will give, receive, or perform in a
transaction between them.
5. Welfare e) Act or process of making laws.
6. Bargain f) Health, happiness, prosperity, and well-being
in general.
7. Relationship g) Unfair treatment of worker based on factors
unrelated to work requirements, e.g. race,
religion, gender, age.

6. Choose the correct word and fill in the gaps.

profits employees responsibilities range lengthen regulations
requirements rights

1. With _______(1) and shareholders in mind, private sector employers can

be tempted to look for ways to cut earnings and _______(2) working
2. Suddenly many ______(3) found themselves working for a new and very
different employer.
3. There are many unions, covering a wide _______(4) of employment
4. The trade union ensures that its members’ _______(5) at work are upheld.
5. The Health and Safety at Work Acts set out ______(6) and rights for both
employees and employers.
6. There are also specific ______(7) about the way in which potentially
harmful substances should be used and stored.
7. There are a number of _______(8) about the minimum temperature at
work, and other aspects of working conditions.

Electrical safety
7. You are going to watch the video (See References, No 19) about electrical
safety. What ideas do you think it will deal with?

8. Watch the video again and answer the questions.

1. When does electric shock occur?
2. What should you check before beginning your work?
3. What five safety measures must an electrician follow?
4. How many people should work together to make work safe?
5. What colour are emergency switches?
6. Why should the environment be kept dry?
7. What should and shouldn’t you wear in the working place?
8. What is the first aid for electrical accidents?

9. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.

Electrical Shock
Electricity ______(1) one of the most commonly encountered hazards in
any facility. Under normal conditions, safety features (engineering controls)
built into electrical equipment protect workers _____(2) shock.
Shock is the flow ______(3) electrical current through any portion of the
worker's body from an external source. Accidents can occur in which contact
_____(4) electricity results in serious injury ______(5) death.
Most electrical systems establish a voltage reference point ______(6)
connecting a portion of the system to an earth ground. Because these systems
use conductors that have electrical potential with respect _______(7) ground, a
shock hazard exists for workers who ______(8) in contact with the earth and
exposed to the conductors. If a person comes in contact ______(9) an
energized (ungrounded) conductor while also in contact with a grounded
object, an alternate path to ground ______(10) formed in which current passes
______(11) his or her body.

10. Read the text and decide which word best fits each space.

Safety Rules for Electrical Engineering

Electrical engineering can be very ______(1). Safety should always be
the main _______(2) of anybody involved in any type of electrical
engineering. There are a few general safety ______(3) to keep in mind when
dealing with electrical engineering.
1. Clothing is an important factor to look at ______(4) of electrical
safety. When working in electrical engineering it is essential that shoes are
worn and cover the entire foot. Long hair should be tied back and all metal
bracelets and jewellery removed. Protective eye wear (goggles) should always
be worn at appropriate times.
2. A fire extinguisher, first aid kit, emergency exits and an emergency
telephone should be _______(5) during the electrical engineering.
3. Check all cords and outlets before using them. If a cord is
overheated, torn or exposed in any way, _______(6) it.
4. Know procedures for storing, handling and disposing of all high-
energy storage devices, such as cells and batteries. Any _______(7) equipment
should be reported immediately and put out of use.
5. Think before you act. If you are unsure of something, ______(8) it.
Also know that the higher the voltage you are dealing ____(9), the higher the

1. a) risky b) dangerous c) danger d) hazard

2. a) concern b) problem c) interest d) business
3. a) hint b) advice c) tips d) advise
4. a) by means b) in terms c) with regard d) concerning
5. a) extensible b) excessive c) accessing d) accessible
6. a) discard b) discharge c) dissolve d) destroy
7. a) flaw b) fault c) mistaken d) faulty
8. a) annoyed b) avoid c) prevent d) cancel
9. a) of b) in c) out d) with

11. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. hazardous voltages / between people / Specific values / for / are / not /
completely reliable / because of / physiological differences
2. was / the accident / the substation / collecting equipment / The electrical
fitter / from / when / happened
3. should / Employers and employees / to be upheld / their rights / expect
4. fire / turned off / should / of / The electricity / be / in case
5. expected / in the workplace / concerning / Employers and employees /
standards / are / to meet / the treatment of people /

12. Complete the warnings with a), b), c), d), and e).
a) when handling
acidic substances.
b)A mask or goggles
must be worn
c) Helmets must be
d) when operating
… when working with … when operating a
overhead loads. grinding wheel
e)The electricity
supply must be
switched off

Guards must be … when working with Rubber gloves must be
positioned correctly … electrical cables. worn …

13. Rearrange these words to form questions.

1. it/where/hurt/does?
2. move/arm/you/can/your?
3. happen/it/did/how?
4. get/the/I/shall/first-aider?
5. keep/first aid/where/we/box/do/the?
6. injured/anyone/been/has?
7. anyone/ambulance/has/yet/called/an?
8. your/to/what/done/have/you/hand?

14. Read the safety warnings below and complete the labelling of Fig.23.
 Always keep hair short since long hair can be caught in moving
 Fasten all buttons as loose clothing can be caught in moving machinery.
 Feet can easily be injured when lightweight shoes are worn.
 Sleeves should always be rolled up because loose cuffs can catch in
moving machinery.
 Falls can easily occur when overalls are too long.

Use because to complete the following sentences:

1. Lightweight shoes are dangerous because feet can easily be injured.
2. Loose cuffs…
3. Long overalls…
4. Long hair…
5. Loose clothing…


15. Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use
only one word in each space.

A typical electrical room in which the accident occurred

Two experienced electricians had just installed a fuse disconnecting

switch. They were checking to see 1___ the phases were correctly installed. To
do that, they opened a second disconnect enclosure. They planned 2___ use a
meter with one probe on Phase A in disconnect #1 and one probe on the
presumed Phase A in disconnect #2 – if the phases were 3___ same, the meter
would read 0V.
However, the leads were not long enough to reach across the room to the
other disconnect – so they attached a wire to one probe as a lead extension.
The first electrician 4___ mind was not on what he was doing then put the

wrong probe 5___ the terminal. When 6___ second electrician contacted his
terminal with the wire, he 7___ created a phase-to-phase fault. There was an
instant fireball. He fell to his knees 8___ crawled away. His clothes were
melted. He suffered severe burns and was rushed to the hospital. He survived
and his sight 9___ saved because he had 10___ wearing glasses.

Safety in Workplace
16. Choose an answer from the box for each question and discuss the
situations when these sentences could be used.
- Raise the alarm by breaking the glass of the nearest fire alarm. Call Security,
say 'Fire' and give your name and exact location. At night you should phone
the fire service from the nearest telephone.
- It means there must be no naked flames or sparks anywhere near flammable
- Yes, it is. As you know, some of the materials we use are highly-flammable
so we have a very strict non-smoking policy in the factory.
- I'll get the first aid box. There's some antiseptic cream and a bandage in there.
- Yes, of course. When you hear the fire alarm, which is a very loud,
continuous ringing noise, you should go to the nearest fire exit or fire escape as
quickly as possible.
- If you discover a small fire, you can try to put it out with a fire extinguisher
but only do this if you have been trained.

1. Is that a no-smoking sign?

2. What does that sign mean?
3. Could you just run through the evacuation procedure?
4. What should I do if I notice a fire?
5. Should I try to put the fire out?
6. My hand is bleeding. I cut it on that blade. What shall I do?

17. Work in pairs. Match the parts of the sentences to read about the first aid
for electrical injuries. Make up a dialogue based on this information and
dramatize it.

First aid for electrical injuries includes the following:

1. Remove the worker from the conscious, offer reassurance.
heat and put out the fire on any
2. Wet dressings and any clean administer first aid for burns.
source of water
3. Initiate priority action following workers unattended.
the ABC approach:
A. Airway: Establish and maintain an
open airway.
B. Breathing: Check and maintain
breathing. If the injured
C. Circulation: Monitor the worker’s they are transported to medical aid.
circulation constantly. Initiate
4. Keep the injured worker may be used for cooling. Never apply
5. If the injured worker is by smothering the flames with a
blanket or dousing the worker with
water. Never apply ice.

6. If the injured worker vomits, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

turn the worker onto if necessary.
7. Transport the injured worker to one side to keep the airway clear.
medical aid. While waiting for
transport or en route to medical aid,
8. Do not leave injured warm and at rest.
9. Maintain a constant watch on worker is not breathing, start assisted
their airway, breathing, and ventilation (using mouth-to-mouth or
circulation while a pocket mask).

Grammar in focus: Participle

18. Choose the appropriate variant to complete the following sentences.
1.While _________ we improve our knowledge.
a) studying b) being studied c) study d) studies
2. _________the data received we applied it in our experiment.
a) having been studied b) studied c) having studied d) studying
3. The _________parts of the mechanism are to be cleaned carefully.
a) moved b) moving c) move d) having moved
4. While _________a number of experiments the researchers used different
a) make b) made c) making d) having made
5. _________the properties of several elements Mendeleev left blanks in his
periodic table.

a) having predicted b) predicted c) predicting d) being predicted
6. This substance when _________showed valuable properties.
a) examining b) examined c) have examined d) having
been examined
7. All matters consist of building blocks ________atoms.
a) are called b) call c) being called d) called
8. Electronics and automation are the branches ________an important role in
a) playing b) played c) having played d) having been
9. The plant _________produces large amounts of electric power.
a) building b) build c) built d) having built
10. The out-of-date equipment is to be ________.
a) replace b) replacing c) replaced d) have replaced

Worker’s Report of Injury

19. Translate the Consent and Declaration Section from the Worker’s Report of
Injury into Ukrainian (see the Resource Pack, p.195). Swap the translations
with your friend for peer-checking.

20. Work in pairs. Do the Quiz (see the Resource Pack, p.196) on Electricity
Safety and find who knows more about it.

“Laughter is the best medicine”

21. Complete the joke by choosing the correct tense form.

An Engineer goes Golfing

A priest, a doctor, and an engineer (waited / were waiting / waits / were
waited) one morning for a particularly slow group of golfers.
Engineer: What’s with these guys? We (should wait / must wait / should
have waited / must have been waiting) for 15 minutes!
Doctor: I (not know / don’t know / have known / doesn't know) but I’ve
never seen such ineptitude!
Priest: Hey, here comes the greenskeeper. Let’s have a word with him.
Priest: Hi, George. Say, George, what’s with that group ahead of us?
They’re rather slow, (don't / are / haven't / aren’t) they?
George: Oh yes. That’s a group of blind fire fighters. They lost their
sight while (save / saving / saved / having saved) our club house last year. So
we let them (play / to play / playing) here anytime free of charge!
Priest: That’s so sad. I think I (am saying / am going to say / will say /
say) a special prayer for them tonight.
Doctor: Good idea. And I’m going to contact my ophthalmologist buddy
and see if there’s anything he can do for them.
Engineer: Why can’t these guys play at night?

Unit 5 Training and Development in Power Industry

What are the benefits of having a well trained workforce in power industry? Is
the knowledge obtained at universities enough to enable a person to carry out
a specific job? Can you guess the difference between training and professional

Do the following tasks and you will know how the Nuclear Decommissioning
Authority develops its employees and succeeds in operating to the highest

Listening and reading about training at NDA

1. Listen to the information about the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and
decide whether the following statements are true or false.
1. Nuclear reactors were first used to produce electricity in the middle of the
XXth century.
2. Nuclear Decommissioning Authority was established by the British
3. The NDA task was to clear the industrial and military sectors from waste
4. There is a head office of the establishment, as well as three other offices
across the country.
5. Management of the nuclear sites is contracted out to seventy operators.
6. The NDA annual budget is over £2 billion.
7. The major part of the budget is spent on research and development.
8. NDA employs directly over 2,000 people.
9. Most of the work places in NDA concern science and engineering.
10. Other areas for employees include: finance, health and safety, human
resources and administration.

2. Match the term with its translation:

1. briefing a) знезаражувати, дезактивувати
2. to decommission b) введення, ознайомлення
3. to decontaminate c) наглядати, стежити
4. induction d) здійснювати; гарантувати; зобов’язуватися
5. opportunity e) завод-підрядник
6. to oversee f) виключно, самостійно
7. solely g) ціль, завдання
8. sub-contractor h) списувати, переводити в резерв
9. target i) інструктаж
10. to undertake j) шанс, можливість, перспектива

3. Read the following text concerning Nuclear Decommissioning Authority and

answer the questions using terms and expressions from the text.

Training at Nuclear Decommissioning Authority

Training is the acquisition of knowledge and skills to enable a person to
carry out a specific task or job.
The Nuclear Decommissioning Authority offers training in the form of
induction, on-the-job and off-the-job training.
- Induction training takes place for new employees. It helps them
understand the workplace and how they fit into it. Examples of skills and
knowledge required by a new employee may involve work rules, benefits or
health and safety. These help them to carry out their jobs safely and efficiently.
As part of the Energy Act 2004, NDA implemented induction training for new
staff, alongside its programme of stakeholder engagement.
- On-the-job training takes place at the workplace and is related to
specific job roles. Basic training may be given by a member of the team
already doing the job. The benefits of on-the-job training are that it is usually
cost-effective and directly relevant to the employee’s role. Every employee
develops a Personal Development Plan (PDP) that sets clear objectives. These
relate not just to the individual’s job, but also to the overall objectives the
NDA sets with government for the whole organisation. PDPs have targets and
‘stretch’ targets. Achieving these has a direct impact on the amount of annual
performance bonus an individual might receive. In this way, every employee
understands how his or her job fits into the ‘big picture’ and has clear
incentives to work to deliver results.
Some training may be off-the-job. This is undertaken away from the
workplace by professional trainers. It may be provided by another
organisation, a college or a university. For example, the National Skills
Academy for Nuclear is part of Cogent, the relevant Sector Skills Council for
the nuclear industry. It works alongside NDA to provide careers advice and
guidance on career progression, jobs and training. It covers aspects such as:
• career pathways
• up-skilling – i.e. focusing on addressing skills gaps by providing nuclear
standards and qualifications. These include NVQs in Radiological
Protection (Levels 2, 3 and 4) and Nuclear Decommissioning (Levels 2
and 3)

• industry passports – used for nuclear site induction training and
maintaining a record of achievements.
Some training programmes, such as apprenticeships, combine both on-
the-job and off-the-job training.

1. How many main forms of training does NDA provide?

2. For what kind of employees does induction training take place?
3. What is the example of knowledge introduced in induction training,
except for work rules or health and safety?
4. Where does the on-the-job training take place?
5. What does each employee develop in his or her Personal Development
6. What is another type of objectives except for individual to be set in the
7. Is off-the-job training provided by your own company or another one?
8. On what kind of progression can National Skills Academy provide
9. What kind of industry document is used to maintain a record of
10. What is the name for the training programmes combining on- and
off-the-job training?

4. Match the term with its synonym:

a) to decommission 1) resource, property
b) to decontaminate 2) worker
c) site 3) notable, important
d) to oversee 4) administration, control
e) management 5) help, aid, assistance
f) asset 6) to withdraw, dismantle
g) significant 7) location, place
h) support 8) smth. useless, garbage
i) employee 9) to remove, neutralize
j) waste 10) to supervise

5. Match the term with its definition.

1) acquisition a) to be of the right size, shape, or number to occupy a
particular position or place
2) to enable b) to keep (a building, machine, or road) in good
condition or in working order by checking or
repairing it regularly
3) induction c) an arrangement to do something or go somewhere at
a fixed time
4) to fit into d) to give (someone or something) the authority or
means to do something; to make possible
5) benefit e) a person with an interest or concern in something,
esp. a business
6) stakeholder f) a payment or concession to stimulate greater output
or investment
7) to implement g) total, taken as a whole
8) engagement h) the effect or influence of one person, thing, or
action, on another
9) objective i) buying or obtaining of assets or objects
10) overall j) a thing aimed at or sought; a goal
11) stretch k) an advantage or profit gained from something
12) impact l) an unfilled space or interval; a break in continuity
13) incentive m)a formal introduction to a new job or position
14) gap n) long period of time
15) to maintain o) to put (a decision, plan, agreement, etc.) into effect

6. Complete the text with the verbs from the list.

see lacks work undertake expand improve solve

I _________(1) in a team of engineers and managers from different

backgrounds and we are solely responsible for improving and maintaining
plant operations. I like the opportunity to _________(2) problems and the
technical area of work. I _________(3) many different stages of a project,
from procurement through to design. The nuclear graduates programme has
_________(4) me with an opportunity to ________(5) various training courses
to _________(6) my knowledge and _________(7) my understanding of safety
and other areas related to my profession. The industry __________(8) some
key engineering expertise in terms of numbers so the opportunities for
graduates now and in the near future are wide, varied and exciting.

7. Fill in the gaps with the most appropriate variant.

Professional Development
Development helps ________(1)
• broaden capabilities
• progress their careers
• increase ________(2)
• become ________(3) productive and valuable.

NDA supports talent _______(4) through investing in its employees and

creating great teams. A learning and development package is provided at
_______(5), team and organisation level. Individuals take _______(6)
development paths, depending on ______(7) abilities. Nuclear graduates also
act ________(8) industry ‘champions’.

1. a) work b) workers c) working d) worker

2. a) motivate b) motive c) motives d) motivation
3. a) more b) mere c) much d) must
4. a) develop b) development c) developer d) developed
5. a) individual b) individualization c) individually d) undivided
6. a) differ b) difference c) differing d) different
7. a) there b) their c) them d) thus
8. a) if b) at c) as d) from

Real-life Story
8. Complete the graduate’s story with the words formed from the ones given to
you. Make sure you use the correct Part of Speech and singular or plural form.

‘My first placement was at the NDA headquarters in Cumbria. Three

weeks of team building exercises _______(1-to include) kayaking and
trekking provided an _______(2-introduce) to the industry! I started working
in the Communications Directorate helping with the marketing of the graduate
scheme. I am ______(3-current) on my second secondment for the ______(4-
nucleus) Industry Association based in London and I'm working in
communications again as a lobbyist. This means providing ______(5-to
inform) to government and the industry ready for the nuclear new build and
giving briefings _______(6-to report) on what is ______(7-to happen) in the
nuclear sector. You need to be _______(8-to innovate) and dedicated because
the sector is so complicated and you need to keep up-to-date with what is
going on. I am _______(9-please) to be part of changing the _______(10-to
percept) of the nuclear industry in the UK. The NDA scheme offered
something more: one of its best selling points was that it gives you lots of
_______(11-opportune) and ______(12-to challenge).’

9. Write out the electrical engineer letter on salary negotiation below with
capital letters and correct punctuation. Your address is done. (Use capital
letters for job titles.)

1234, West 67 Street,

Carlisle, MA 01741,
(123)-456 7890.

Date: 5th May, 2018.

mr john smith
national electricals
257 park avenue south
new york 12345-6789

dear mr smith
from our meeting and phone conversations i got the privilege to know
your company in detail i am very excited by the prospect of working for
national electricals your heavy voltage transfer team is among the most
impressive i have met in my job search
in short i am eager to accept your offer and begin working for national
electricals however i should be telling you that i have received another offer of
employment with regional electricals new york while everything at your
company holds a greater opportunity for me and my career i must tell you that
they have offered a salary $5000/annum higher than your offer
instead of accepting their offer immediately i wanted to reaffirm my
interests in national electricals and express my hope that we can come to terms
on this matter and begin our happy association as soon as possible
i eagerly await your response

richard anderson
senior student of electrical dept

10. Write the comments on the quotations (see the Resource Pack, p.198).
Write 80-100 words.

Case study
11. Read the case and answer the questions (see the Resource Pack, p.199).
Then present your solution to the situation.

"Laughter is the best medicine"

12. Insert the phrases for each profession in the funny story so that the
conversation becomes complete and logic.

Desert Island
Three guys are alone on a desert island: an engineer, a biologist and an
economist. They are starving and don't have a thing to eat, but somehow they
find a can of beans on the shore. The engineer says: “_____” The biologist has
another idea: “____” Finally, the economist says: “____”.

a) Let's assume that we have a can opener

b) Let's hit the can with a rock until it opens.
c) No. We should wait for a while. Erosion will do the job.


Read the text and decide if the statements below are true or false:
Keeping Safe
As an employee, you have responsibilities for keeping yourself and others
You can make your workplace safer by: being involved in processes to
improve health and safety; sticking to correct procedures and using the right
equipment; wearing protective clothing and equipment; helping new
employees, trainees and visitors to the workplace understand the right safety
practices and why the practices exist, and; communicating any safety concerns
to your employer.
You are a hazard to others at work if you are: tired; stressed because of
family or work reasons, or under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. Your
practices may become unsafe, putting yourself and others at risk. Avoid
behaviour that puts you or others at risk.
Tell your employer or health and safety representative about anything that
might affect your ability to perform your work safely. That’s in the best
interests of everyone.
Never think “just this once, because the job has to be done”. Taking a risk
once is once too often.

1. Any worker has got obligations to keep safe and provide safety of
2. Protective garment is unnecessary in all types of situations.
3. If you notice any safety issues you should communicate them to the
safety commission immediately.
4. Family problems do not influence the safety at one’s workplace.
5. Taking a risk once may have grave consequences.
(5×3=15 marks)
Watch the Promotional video of Daewoo E&C (See References, No 16) and
complete the gaps.
1. We have created the vision of future life through…………….
2. Through our endless challenges we have proved that there are ……….
3. Based on ………. years of experience Daewoo Engineering and
Construction is opening the better future.
4. Daewoo has been recognized as the leader in ………………….through
its global standard capabilities and its acquisition of…………………..
5. By implementing …………………… as our primary
concern, we promise to keep the highest level in the industry.
6. Daewoo ……………….in Construction capability Assessment in 2007.
7. Daewoo is the prominent global name in the construction of LNG
(Liquefied natural gas) facilities: LNG…………………..
8. Daewoo is the leading company in the global ……………….industry.
9. Units 3 and 4 in nuclear power plant have the world record of ……….
10. The hard work has led Daewoo to the huge ………….including making
a global landmark throughout the world.
11. With such projects as the construction of hydroelectric dams, high-speed
railways, …………………harbours, motorways Daewoo is able to
maintain the leading position in the field of ………………...
12. Daewoo has made its remarkable position in the world through the
………………and developing all potential markets.
13. Our challenge toward the future will ………………….
(13×2=26 marks)
Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
loose / overalls / cord / sleeves / helmets / goggles / concern / faulty / tips /
1. There are a few general safety ______ to keep in mind when dealing
with electrical engineering.
2. Fasten all buttons as _____ clothing can be caught in moving machinery.
3. Falls can easily occur when _______ are too long.
4. _____ gloves must be worn when handling acidic substances.
5. If a ____ is overheated, torn or exposed in any way, discard it.
6. ______ should always be rolled up because loose cuffs can catch in
moving machinery.
7. _____ must be worn when operating a grinding wheel.
8. _____ must be worn when working with overhead loads.
9. Safety should always be the main ____ of anybody involved in any type
of electrical engineering.
10. Any _______ equipment should be reported immediately and put
out of use.
(10×1=10 marks)
Grammar in focus
Choose the answer that best fits the place.
1. If they had known about difficulties with the engine, the passengers _____
in the plane.
a) sit b) won’t sat c)wouldn’t have sat d) has sat
2. A job is a collection of tasks which an employee _____.
a) have been b) being c) responsible for d) is
responsible responsible for responsible for
3. It is _____ today than it was yesterday.
a) warmer b) warm c) less warmer d) warmest
4. The rubber prevents the electricity from _____ your body as a path to the
a) using b) to use c) used d) having been
5. I hope you will be able to complete the task _____ possible.
b) as quickly than c) more quickly as d) as quickly as d) the most
quickly as
6. You _____ check the results again.
a) are b) should c) ought d) has to
7. I read _____ interesting article in the newspaper today.
a) the b) - c) an d) a

(7×2=14 marks)
Explain the sentences below in your own words.
 The walls between art and engineering exist only in our minds.
Theo Jansen (Dutch artist)
(10 marks)
Think of the positive aspects of providing engineering students’ mobility and
take part at the conference “Mobility of young engineers”. Write a paper for
the conference / conference proceeding (140-190 words). Use your own words.
(25 marks)
 talk about jobs for electrical engineers, duties, opportunities, safety at
 have a job interview, take part in discussion
 write a letter of application, CV, a paper for conference/conference
Good ˅ Very good ˅˅ Excellent ˅˅˅

Section I, Unit 4
Ex.15, 16, 19
Protecting the power system from outages
Power failures are particularly critical at sites where the environment
and public safety are at risk. Institutions such as hospitals, sewage treatment
plants, mines, etc., will usually have backup power sources, such as standby
generators, which will automatically start up when electrical power is lost.
Other critical systems, such as telecommunications, are also required to have
emergency power. Telephone exchange rooms usually have arrays of lead-acid
batteries for backup and also a socket for connecting a generator during
extended periods of outage.
Different types of electrical apparatus will react in different ways to sag.
Some devices will be severely affected, while others may not be affected at all.
The heat output of any resistance device, such as an electric space heater
will vary with the true power consumption, which is proportional to the square
of the applied voltage. Therefore a significant loss of heat output will occur
with a relatively small reduction in voltage. Similarly, an incandescent lamp
will dim due to the lower heat emission from the filament. Generally speaking,
no damage will occur but functionality will be impaired.
Commutated electric motors, such as universal motors, whose
mechanical power output also varies with the square of the applied voltage,
will run at reduced speed and reduced torque. Depending on the motor design,
no harm may occur. However, under load, the motor will draw more current
due to the reduced back-EMF developed at the lower armature speed. Unless
the motor has ample cooling capacity, it may eventually overheat and burn out.
An induction motor will draw more current to compensate for the
decreased voltage, which may lead to overheating and burnout.
An unregulated direct current linear power supply (consisting of a
transformer, rectifier and output filtering) will produce a lower output voltage
for electronic circuits, with more ripple, resulting in slower oscillation and
frequency rates. In a CRT television, this can be seen as the screen image
shrinking in size and becoming dim and fuzzy. The device will also attempt to
draw more current in compensation, potentially resulting in overheating.
A switching power supply may be affected, depending on the design. If
the input voltage is too low, it is possible for a switching power supply to
malfunction and self-destruct.
In power supply networks, the power generation and the electrical load
(demand) must be very close to equal every second to avoid overloading of
network components, which can severely damage them. In order to prevent
this, parts of the system will automatically disconnect themselves from the rest
of the system, or shut themselves down to avoid damage. This is analogous to
the role of relays and fuses in households.
Under certain conditions, a network component shutting down can cause
current fluctuations in neighboring segments of the network, though this is
unlikely, leading to a cascading failure of a larger section of the network. This
may range from a building, to a block, to an entire city, to an entire electrical
Modern power systems are designed to be resistant to this sort of
cascading failure, but it may be unavoidable. Moreover, since there is no short-
term economic benefit to preventing rare large-scale failures, some observers
have expressed concern that there is a tendency to erode the resilience of the
network over time, which is only corrected after a major failure occurs. It has
been claimed that reducing the likelihood of small outages only increases the
likelihood of larger ones. In that case, the short-term economic benefit of
keeping the individual customer happy increases the likelihood of large-scale
Title XIII of the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, signed
by President Bush on December 19, 2007, makes it the policy of the United
States to upgrade the United State's existing electricity grids with advanced
communications and embedded sensors to create a smart grid that can avoid
power outages (in addition to lowering grid- related C02 and reducing energy
consumption). The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) has estimated that
each year power outages and disruptions cost Americans more than $100
Taken from:

Section II, Unit 1


RRP £24.99 save £8.75 (35% OFF)

A professional quality full size Digital Multimeter with LCD Display. Comes
complete with Probes and Battery. With an extremely accurate reading in every
mode makes this one of the best value for money multimeters on the market today.
It comes in a protective cover to withstand drops and bumps around the workplace.
 Auto power off (15 minutes)
 Measurement rate: updates 2-3/sec.
 Over range indication: ‘1’ figure only in the display
 Large Liquid Crystal Display: 3.5x6 cm
 Low batter indicator
 Automatic negative polarity indication
 Overload protection
 Capacitance measurement auto zeroing
 High impact rubber case with stand
 Probes and leads included
 Standard 9V battery (supplied)
 Safety compliance: IEC 61010-1,2000 CAT II 600V overvoltage standards
 DCV: 200mV-20-200 to 600V……+/-0.5%
 ACV: 2v-20v-200 to 600V……+/-0.8%
 DCA: 2m-20-200-10A…..+/-0.8%
 ACA: 20m-200-10A…..+/-1.2%
 Ohms: 200-2k-20k-200k-2M-20M-200M….+/-0.8%
 CAP: 200Pf-20n-200n-200Mf…..+/-0.2.5%
 Transistor test: 1b 10 MA Vce 3V
 Diode: 3V/0.8Ma
 Protected by 10amp fuse when measuring current
Dimension: 200 x 95 x 52mm
Includes: Leads and probes (red and black), 9V PP3 battery, Soft plastic protective


A professional multitester offering 32 testing ranges and 8 functions.

The meter has a very large easy to read display and is ideal for checking Voltage
(AC & DC), current (up to 10A), resistance & continuity.
It has features diode, capacitance and transitor tester.
It comes complete with probes, battery and a shock resistant rubber surround.
Ideal for home and business use.

 Supplied with shrouded test leads, shockproof rubber holster and 9V PP3
 Auto power off
 Continuity test with buzzer
 Transistor test function
 Reading hold function
 Complies with EN61010 - 1:2010

Power supply 9Vdc (1 x PP3 supplied)
AC current 2mA - 10A
DC current 2mA - 10A
AC voltage 200mV - 600V
DC voltage 200mV - 600V
Capacitance 200µF - 20nF
Resistance 200 Ohms - 200M Ohms
Test lead length 660mm

Dimensions 190 x 90 x 33mm

Weight 190g

Draper 60792 DMM1A Digital Multimeter with Light DMM Electrical Test
Meter Tool

RRP £31.61
save £15.74 (49% OFF)

A Multi Function Meter Ideal For General Electrical And Automotive Use.
A Versatile Comprehensive Piece Of Kit That Will Help Resolve Most Domestic
And Car Electrical Issues More Quickly, Accurately And Safely
Meter Can Perform The Following Check Functions for: DC Voltage, AC Voltage,
DC Current (Amperage), Resistance (Ohms), Diode Check (Flow) and Transistor
HFE (Gain)

 20 Position Rotary Function And Range Selector
 Recessed Input Terminals For Added Safety
 LCD Screen With Backlight
 Integral Stand For Easy Visibility
 Replace Battery Display Indicator
 3 Jack Socket Points To Suit Each Test Condition
 Socket For Transistor Testing
 Hold Test Button
 Supplied Complete With Test Leads, PP3 (9V) Battery And A Comprehensive
Instruction Booklet

Dimensions: 140mm x 64mm x 50mm approx

Material: Durable Plastic Body With Protective Rubber Casing

Packaged Weight: 356.00g

Section II, Unit 2
Can you follow the instruction?
Let us see how you can follow the instructions and check who can work
more quickly. Have a pen ready and begin when you hear “Start!” You must
not talk to anyone else in the class and let them see your paper. Good luck!

1. Read through the questions carefully first.

2. Write your surname in the left-hand box above.
3. Draw a circle around the word surname in sentence two.
4. Draw two small triangles in the right-hand box above.
5. Put an ‘X’ inside each triangle.
6. Put a circle around each triangle.
7. Write your first name in the middle box above.
8. Write Yes, I can after the title.
9. Put a circle around the word follow in the title.
10. Underline sentence 5.
11. Multiply 123 by 76 and write the answer in the following box:
12. Underline the seventh word in sentence 4.
13. When you reach this sentence, stand up, clap your hands twice and then sit down again.
14. Write your teacher’s name in this box:
15. Cross out the second word in the sentence which begins with the word Read.
16. Draw a tree in the box in the bottom right-hand corner of the page.
17. Draw a picture of the sun above the tree you have just drawn.
18. When you reach this sentence, say out loud I have reached sentence eighteen!
19. Count up all the words in the first three sentences. Write the total in the following circle:

20. Put a circle around every the in the first ten sentences.
21. Find the word carefully in one of the sentences and underline it.
22. When you reach this sentence, walk to the door, touch it
and say, I have almost finished.
23. Cross out all the odd numbers in front of each sentence.
24. Now that you have read through all the sentences, just write your
name here: ______________________
Taken from: Grammar games and activities by P.Watcyn-Jones, 1995

Section III, Unit 1
Six reasons to study Electrical & Electronic Engineering

Electrical & Electronic Engineering is a fascinating field, and one which could
make your time at uni a challenging, enriching and rewarding experience. Just
as the world needs its Doctors, Nurses and Teachers, Electrical Engineering is
something which we simply couldn't do without. If you like the idea of
creating electrical systems which could help millions of people on a day to day
basis, like the systems used in phones, or computers, then read these reasons to
study Electrical & Electronic Engineering.

1. Electrical Engineers have good Graduate Prospects

Graduate Prospects remain high even a bit lower down the table. Certainly in
the top 10 institutions, Graduate Prospects are formidable when compared to
some other subjects. This suggests a higher employability in graduates of
Electrical Engineering, an obvious bonus and real incentive for undergraduates
to start a career in this field.

2. Electrical Engineers enjoy high starting salaries

Electrical & Electronic Engineering is firmly in the top half, with a salary in a
professional job rising above £24,000. This means that graduates benefit from
a degree of this kind, and whatever time and money you put in now will pay
dividends come life post-graduation. With Electrical Engineering, you are
helping society and getting paid a decent wage for doing so.

3. Global opportunities
You will be hard pressed to find a corner of the world where electrical
engineers are not required. And there's even opportunities to study abroad too!
There are 17 possible courses on offer in the UK, across several different unis,
which offer time abroad as part of the degree programme. If spending time
overseas in a job you are passionate about appeals to you then perhaps
Electrical Engineering is the right degree to choose.

4. Electrical Engineers are always in demand

What with the rapid expansion of the technology sector over the last few
decades, the demand for those who can create, understand and alter electrical
control systems has risen accordingly. Computing for one is constantly
evolving and therefore innovative new thinkers are required to configure new
ideas and pave the way in electronics.
According to the Engineering Report 2015, Engineering, including Electrical
& Electronic Engineering, is one of the most in-demand professions in the
UK, with vacancies set to rise into the millions come the turn of the decade.

A degree in Electrical & Electronic Engineering therefore develops your skills,

and makes you highly sought after in a world where graduate job markets are
unpredictable and tough.

5. Electrical & Electronic Engineering helps people

For any budding altruistic engineers out there, you'll be pleased to know that
the profession is built on the idea of improving systems to help humanity.
Smart phones, for instance, have revolutionised the way we communicate,
electrical systems in medical equipment allow us to monitor more effectively
the behaviour of those in need, and the electronics in security systems allow us
to feel more secure.

Electrical & Electronic Engineers therefore offer an unquantifiable benefit to

society; if you want to be part of that then perhaps a degree in Electrical &
Electronic Engineering is the one for you.

6. Electrical Engineers are at the forefront of future technologies

Electrical engineering is at the forefront of developing new technologies for a
number of industries including transport, healthcare, construction, and
robotics. What an exciting time to be alive and what an exciting time to be an
electrical engineer.

Section III, Unit 1
Essential Skills: Flexibility
by Rudy Karsan
The half-life of a career nowadays has shrunk drastically, and we need to
think through and maintain our place in the broader picture, and to do this,
flexibility is paramount. In the words of the Aga Khan, “As the economic
arena has been globalizing, openness and flexibility have become prerequisites
for progress, and success has gone more and more to those who can connect
and respond.”
Intellectual flexibility is a skill we need to develop, accepting that our
world view will keep changing because there are multiple views to the world,
and we need the ability to understand those. Behavioral flexibility involves
constantly changing the way we think and behave in light of an understanding
of other perspectives, and openness and willingness to change. One way to
develop flexibility is by reading or talking to people whose views are
diametrically opposite to ours. So, for example, if I was a Democrat, I would
be reading what the Republicans are writing about. Another way is by playing
games that are difficult for us, putting ourselves into challenging situations out
of our comfort zone. So, if I was really good at physical sports, I’d try taking
up games that involve mental challenges, and vice versa.

Resilience and Flexibility

by Rudy Karsan
The general trend over the past 6-8 weeks has been that every time you
pick up the newspaper or watch T.V., all you see is a blast of bad news, either
about banks losing money or people losing their jobs. This constant drumbeat
is naturally generating a lot of anxiety. One of the questions that are frequently
being asked is how to manage this anxiety; how an individual can cope with
this sort of stress. I think the form of anxiety generated by the possibility of
losing one’s job can be alleviated by one attribute: resilience. It is flexibility
that gives us the resilience to cope and we are able to listen to and learn from
the lessons life tends to teach us.
If you lose your job, treat it not as a failure but as an opportunity to forge
a new path. With my knowledge born of experience and having witnessed such
situations numerous times in the past and from hearing clients’ views, I can
say with certainty that no-one is immune to the disruption caused by the
economy and the resettling process that we are all going through in the job
market. This drumbeat, from all indications, will continue at least through the
balance of this year in one form or another. As an individual, employed or

otherwise, the one thing that should be your mantra is resilience in the face of
change and which is driven by flexibility.

The Ability To Learn

by Rudy Karsan
We all have the capacity to learn. We may not all be the smartest person
around or win prizes for knowledge, but the ability to learn is an innate skill
we all possess, which is driven by our need to satisfy our natural curiosity. The
mind has an amazing ability to absorb knowledge, analyze it, filter it, keep
some and forget some. Some knowledge remains dormant and emerges at the
moment when you most need it. Most of the learning, though, results in the
development of new competencies, skills, values and wisdom. Some of it is
conscious and some is involuntarily absorbed and processed by the mind.
Learning offers flexibility, knowledge and the stimulus to learn more and
more—the more you learn, the more you realize you don’t know and the more
open you are to learning and want to learn. It stimulates the brain, kindles new
ideas that can impact efficiency, productivity or outcomes or may help solve
problems you were struggling with.
I was very lucky that I learned the importance of continuous learning at
an extremely young age from my grandfather, who always told me “The day
you stop learning is the day you start dying.”
Taken from:

Section III, Unit 2
Ex.16, 17
Interview techniques to help you get the job

The Engineering Interview

Many engineering interviews consist of the candidate speaking with several
people within the company. These can include managers, peer engineers,
project directors, and human resource personnel. Each of these people will
have a specific agenda for the interview, and will ask the candidate different
types of questions.
 Managers - Managers are interested in knowing about the successes of
the candidate. This can include education, publications, patents,
leadership experience, and how the candidate can help the company
provide a cost-effective product or service.
 Peer Engineers - Peer engineers are most receptive to technical
information, and they will relay their opinion on the technical
competency of the candidate to the hiring manager. Engineers can get
the most in-depth into technical discussions with peer engineers.
 Human Resources (HR) Personnel - HR personnel do not have the
technical expertise that managers and peer engineers have, but will be
asking questions to examine the candidate's personality and overall
qualifications. Engineers should be able to discuss their technical
qualifications and experience in a simplified manner to get their
qualifications across to non-technical personnel.
Preparation: How to prepare for interview
Once you have received confirmation of an interview date it is important to
make preparations. This can be done by going to the company's website to
read about any latest developments, useful facts such as where the company
operates, up-to-date information and news, especially if there is a press
releases section.
Make sure that you fully understand the responsibilities and requirements of
the job so that you can present your skills, experience and abilities effectively.
Read over your copy of the application form or letter (cover letter) and your
CV and write down examples of your strengths for relevant areas such as:
 qualifications
 skills
 experience
 personality
 abilities

Address your weaknesses
If you do not meet all the requirements for the job, do not give up. Think
positively about how you could convince an employer that in spite of any gaps
or weaknesses in your experience or knowledge, you are still the right person
for the job.
Anticipate questions
Typical interview questions:
 What do you know about our company and why do you want to work for
 What made you apply for the job?
 What makes you think you are the best person for the job?
 What qualities can you bring to the post?
 Why are you leaving your current job?
 What was the most important thing you learned in your last job role?
 Describe your strengths and weaknesses.
 How would you like your role within the organisation to develop?
 Where do you see yourself in five years' time?
 Describe a recent situation where you worked as part of a team.
 Describe a problem you have encountered and how you overcame it.
 Can you give a recent achievement that you are proud of?
Be positive, but honest and give clear explanations for any unaccounted
Ask questions
An interviewer will nearly always ask whether there are any questions you
would like to ask. Try to make your questions positive, for example:
 What opportunities are there for staff development or training?
 Are there opportunities to get involved in other aspects of work?
 How does this role relate to those of other members of the team?
Whatever you do, do not ask questions about wages or salaries at the
beginning of your interview. Leave questions like these until the end of the
interview or until the interviewer raises the subject.
Travel arrangements
Be in time! This means at least 10 to 15 minutes early.
The day before
Collect together everything you need to bring to the interview the day before,
for example:
 the company's contact details and name of the person you are meeting
 a copy of your cover letter, CV and/or application form
 the job description
 a pen and paper for any last minute notes
 educational certificates, if requested
 records of achievement
 any samples of work that were requested
 references, if appropriate
 your list of questions
 a passport photo of yourself (you may not need this, but it might help the
interviewer remember you when making their decision)
The interview
Make sure you:
 dress appropriately, wear something smart, rather than anything
 keep make-up and jewellery to a minimum
 arrive clean and well-groomed
Body language
Tips to remember:
 give a firm handshake
 wait until asked before you sit down
 maintain eye contact with the interviewer
 control any nervous mannerisms, such as fidgeting, nail biting or foot
 smile, take deep breaths if you start to feel nervous
 listen carefully to the interviewer's questions and make sure you have
understood the question before you answer
 if you don't know the answer to a question - be honest
 give as much relevant information and as many illustrations of your
experience as you can
 avoid giving yes/no answers to questions; always expand your answers
with reasons
 do not talk too much and never interrupt
 be enthusiastic and give positive answers; never criticise a previous
employer or your school/college
 remember to thank your interviewers for their time as you leave
If you do not get the job
Do not take it personally and do not get downhearted. Competition for jobs is
tough and only one person can be given the role. Be positive and learn from
the experience.
Taken from:

Section III, Unit 2

For the Role Play ‘Job fair’

Employer Sheet A Applicant Information
Name of
Good Points
Bad Points

Questions to ask applicant: You Company’s Profile and Available Job

Could you spell your name please? Company Name: ___________ Labs
What kind of experience do you have? Job Description: Researcher
What did you study in university? Job Salary: $45 000/year
Do you have any special skills? Location: University Laboratory
What are your good points and bad Benefits and Incentives: Medical/Dental
points? Promotions and Raises: 2% raise every
Promotion to senior researcher after five

Employee Sheet A Job Types
Name of

Questions to ask employers: Your information

What company do you represent? Your Name: Sam Spade
What kind of job do you offer? Work Experience: 2 years serving at a
How much does the job pay? restaurant.
Where is it located? Your Major: Electrical Engineering
Do you offer any benefits? Special Skills: Drivers License
Is there any chance for a promotion or Good Points: Funny
a raise? Bad Points: Lazy

Taken and modified from:

Section III, Unit 3

Case: Backwards Maths

Jay's boss is an acknowledged expert in the field of catalysis. Jay is the
leader of a group that has been charged with developing a new catalyst system.
The search has narrowed to two possibilities, Catalyst 'A' and Catalyst 'B'.
The boss is certain that the best choice is 'A', but he directs that tests
should be run on both, 'just for the record.' The tests take longer than
expected, but the results indicate that 'B' is the preferred material. The
engineers question the validity of the tests, but because of the project's
timetable, there is no time to repeat the series.
The boss directs Jay to work the math backwards and write a report with
phony data to substantiate the choice of Catalyst 'A', a choice with which all of
the engineers in the group, including Jay, agree.

1. Should Jay write the report? Why or why not?

2. What would you have done had you been Jay? Why or why not?
3. How should Jay deal with the lack of time to run more tests?
4. What role do Jay’s colleagues play in this problem?
5. Are there alternatives to writing the report? If so, what are they?
6. What other factors should Jay consider in responding to his boss?
Adapted from a case study provided on-line
at the Murdough Center for Engineering Professionalism, Texas Tech University at Lubbock

Section III, Unit 4

Consent and Declaration Section from the Worker’s Report of Injury

I believe this is an injury related to my work and I declare that all information
I have provided to the Commission is true and correct. I understand I must
immediately inform the Commission if I return to, or become capable of,
performing work of any kind.

I consent to the Commission collecting and using all information it considers

relevant for the purposes of determining my entitlement to benefits and
managing my claim under the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation
Act (WHSC Act). This includes, but is not limited to, collecting and using
information from physicians, hospitals, health care providers, and employers
pertaining to my examinations, treatment, medical history, injury/incident and

I consent to the Commission disclosing to my employer or my Employer's

Authorized Representative, a summary of my injury costs, which is disclosed
to the employer for the purpose of verifying claims' costs. I consent to the
Commission disclosing to external physicians, hospitals and health care
providers all relevant information necessary for the purpose of determining
entitlement to benefits and managing my claim under the WHSC Act.

I understand information may be collected, used and/or disclosed for other

purposes and/or disclosed to other parties only as permitted by law, including,
but not limited to, the WHSC Act and the Access to Information and
Protection of Privacy Act and I agree that this consent is valid for the duration
of my claim.

Name please print _____________ Signature ___________ Date________

Section III, Unit 4
Quiz Electricity Safety

1. There are about 325 mln people living in the US, and 1000 of them get
electrocuted each year. How do you think, how many of them get struck by
a) 100
b) 35 (one in 28)
c) 7

2. How would you describe the most common situation when electrocution
a) job-related environment (one of top 10 most dangerous professions is
power lineman)
b) unattended children and uncovered outlets
c) foolish behaviour with live fences

3. Children safety is very important. Sadly, ‘electric’ accidents take place,

mostly due to...
a) ...wall outlets (13%)
b) ...electical appliances and cords (63%)
c) ...rechargable batteries

4. ‘Electrocution’ and ‘electric shock’ – what is the relation between these two
a) absolute synonyms
b) close synonyms with a slight difference in meaning (one fatal, one
c) these are British and American variants of the same term

5. ‘Octo’ means ‘eight’ and ‘pus’ is ‘leg’ in Greek. What is an ‘octopus

a) a type of motor ‘star connection’ with eight components
b) a joint place of underwater cables
c) a tangled and twisted ball of cords connected to an outlet

6. Ther are many variables that determine what injuries may occur because of
electric shocks. Leave the odd one out.
a) type of current (AC/DC)
b) pathway through the body
c) air humidity

7. What is the voltage that does not normally cause significant injury to
a) less than 220V
b) less than 500V (children 110-200V)
c) less than 400V

8. What happens to a person electrocuted from an AC source?

a) having received one jolt, the person is thrown away
b) muscles go in spasms, prolonging the contact with the source (Mr
c) AC is not dangerous, nothing happens

9. In case someone received electric shock, you might have to make some use
of CPR. What is that?
a) pseudoreduced compressibility
b) combat power radio
c) cardiopulmonary resuscitation

10. There are restrictions in dealing with an electricity victim, which one of
these is odd?
a) Do NOT apply ice, butter, ointments, medications, fluffy cotton
dressings to a burn
b) Do NOT leave the person near the open electricity source
c) Do NOT touch the person with your bare hands

Section III, Unit 5

Some ideas to discuss

We have to abandon the idea that schooling is something restricted to youth.

How can it be in a world where half the things a man knows at 20 are no
longer true at 40 – and half the things he knows at 40 hadn't been discovered
when he was 20?
Arthur Clarke

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.

Mahatma Gandhi

The captain of a ship received a message one night, “Change your direction 15
degrees North to avoid collision”. A little indignant, the captain replied, “I am
the captain of a large ship and recommend you divert 15 degrees South”. The
captain received the reply, “We are a lighthouse”. No matter who you are, life
will require flexibility. Be ready to make an adjustment.
Rudy Karsan

As the economic arena has been globalizing, openness and flexibility have
become prerequisites for progress, and success has gone more and more to
those who can connect and respond.
Aga Khan

Happiness lies in the joy of achievement and the thrill of creative effort.
Franklin Roosevelt

Section III, Unit 5
Case: The White Lie Test
While many engineering issues deal with potentially catastrophic
matters, such as bridge design and automotive safety, fortunately most ethical
problems that engineers face do not life and death issues. More frequently,
they deal with ethical issues require them to choose between loyalty to their
firms and colleagues and obligations to clients. Some practitioners choose the
"If I'm not asked, I won't tell" philosophy about problems.
Engineers may also minimize problems or re-characterize them in a
better light. But when serious defects in design come to light, courts have
made it clear that engineering defects are not considered confidential issues
and rather, must be disclosed to clients and, in some cases, to the public.
Here are some issues to ponder:
- Why am I considering concealing this information?
- Is it because I want to spare the client or firm unnecessary
- Am I concerned the client will not accept the firm’s proposal
or go through with a contract if the truth is known?
- Do I not know how to tell the truth in a tactful way?
- How will failure to disclose appear to the prospective client?

- Will it appear as a white lie?

- Will the client say "Thanks for sparing our feelings?" or will
they say "Now that we know you lied to us about this issue, what
else have you lied to us about?"
- In other words, will my relationship to the client or firm be

Michael Josephson, founder of the Josephson Institute of Ethics (1995),

notes that in relationships of trust, any act of concealment, any undelivered
promise, any exaggeration will be perceived as a lie. It is also likely that the
lie will be found out, and when it is, the public is rarely forgiving of the
professional who failed to provide information that was perceived as critical
and necessary to their purchases.
Adapted from a case study provided on-line
at the Murdough Center for Engineering Professionalism, Texas Tech University at Lubbock


Ideas for Brainstorming

New devices
Break students into groups of three. Ask each group member draw a
picture of someone doing something. (The ideal subject will be someone
caught mid-movement.) After all the drawings are complete, ask the students
study them with the object of creating for each a device that will support the
position shown in a steady state. Explain that the devices the students create
can be made of paper, wood, plastic, or metal. (The object of the exercise is to
show the value of ambiguity in stimulating creativity.)
Multiple use
Ask the students to generate as many uses for the known object in two
minutes. (As a variant, ask the students to find out the new ways to improve
the object)
Objects that can make you crazy
Show the pictures with unusual, even useless objects. Ask the students
invent the ways when these objects could be used by people and what for.

Pictures are taken from:


Writing a Summary

A good summary has the following characteristics:

►Proper Citation: The summary begins by citing the title, author,
source, and, in the case of a magazine or journal article, the date of publication
and the text.
►Thesis Statement: The overall thesis of the text selection is the
author’s central theme. There are several aspects to an effective thesis
- It comprises two parts: a) the topic or general subject matter of the text,
and b) the author’s major assertion, comment, or position on the topic.
- This central theme is summarized clearly and accurately in a one-
sentence thesis statement.
- The thesis statement does not contain specific details discussed in the
- The thesis statement is stated at the beginning of the summary.
►Supporting Ideas: The author supports his/her thesis with supporting
Use the following basic guidelines when summarising supporting ideas:
- Cover all of the author’s major supporting ideas.
- Show the relationships among these ideas.
- Omit specifics, such as illustrations, descriptions, and detailed
- Indicate the author’s purpose in writing: to inform, to persuade, or to
entertain. If the passage is a persuasive piece, report the author’s bias or
position on the issue.
- Omit all personal opinions, ideas, and inferences. Let the reader know
that you are reporting the author’s ideas.
►Grammar and the Mechanics of Writing: Grammar and related
concerns ensure that, as a writer, you communicate clearly to your reader. The
following are particularly important:
- Restate the ideas in your own words as much as possible. Avoid direct
- Use transitional words for a smooth and logical flow of ideas.
- Edit and re-write your work.
- Check your grammar, punctuation, and spelling
►Length: The length of a summary depends on how long the original
document is.
Some linking words and useful phrases

1. The article under consideration deals with…

It covers a large number of problems concerning….
2. Beginning: First,…/To begin with,
First of all
Continuing: Secondly,
After this / that
To add more points on the same topic: What is more,
In addition (to this)
Besides (this)
To rephrase: In other words,…/ That is to say,
To put it another way
To contrast and compare: Although,
On the other hand,
In contrast,
In comparison (with) /As compared (with/to)
To express reality: It is a fact that, / In fact,
As a matter of fact,
In practice,
It goes without saying
To emphasize: Clearly,…/ Obviously,
Needless to say
One cannot but mention
It is of primary basic importance that…
To list advantages: One advantage of… is that
Another advantage of… is that
A further advantage of… is that
The greatest advantage of… is that
Reference: Considering…/Concerning…/ Regarding
As far as …is concerned
3. To conclude: In conclusion,…/ To sum up,
As it was previously stated,
On the whole,
Taking everything into account
Writing an Abstract

An abstract usually appears at the beginning of a report or study. Its

purpose is to provide a summary of the most significant material so that a
reader can get a good sense of its content and decide whether it is worth
The person writing an abstract must keep to one tense-form, past or

Для забезпечення логічної цільності вводяться специфічні кліше:

1) що подають загальну оцінку змісту:
The research is devoted to… Дослідження присвячене…
The article deals with… (the topic, Стаття присвячена… (темі, питанню,
question, problem) проблемі)
The article consists of (includes, Стаття складається з (включає в себе,
contains) … (three chapters) містить)…(кількість частин)
2) характеризують поставлені та розв’язувані автором задачі:
The first chapter highlights… У першій частині висвітлюється…
The author states (points out) that... Автор відмічає (вказує), що...
The introduction notes that... У вступі відмічається що...
The author describes (states, Автор описує (відмічає, аналізує)
The following topics are considered Розглядаються наступні теми
According to the author’s point of На думку автора...
In the third chapter... В третій главі...
It should be remembered that... Потрібно пам'ятати, що...
There is no doubt that... Не має сумніву, що...
3) представляють результати та висновки дослідження:
The results obtained reaffirm\prove… Отримані результати
підтверджують/ доводять…
The author concludes that... Автор робить висновок, що...
The author ends the article by В кінці статті автор показує ...
It is pointed out in the conclusion У висновку вказується що...
4) вказують на адресатів тексту:
The article is aimed at the specialist Стаття призначена для спеціалістів
in the sphere of... в області...
It is of interest to... (wide range of Представляє інтерес для... (широкого
readers) кола читачів)
5) відмічають наявність ілюстративного матеріалу:
The author illustrates his opinion with Свої судження автор ілюструє
the help of the concrete facts and конкретними фактами та
examples... прикладами...
The author presents the figures, Автор приводить малюнки,
photographs, tables... фотографії, таблиці...

Also the following key-patterns can be used:

 As the title implies the article describes …

 It is specially noted …
 It is spoken in detail …
 It is reported …
 The text gives a valuable information on …
 Much attention is given to …
 It (the article) gives a detail analysis of …
 It draws our attention to …
 The difference between the terms … and … should be stressed.
 It should be stressed (emphasized) that …
 … is/are noted.
 … is/are proposed.
 … is/are examined.
 … is/are discussed.
 An option permits …
 The method proposed …
 The article is of great help to …
 The article is of interest to …

Writing a Paper for Conference

Conference Proceedings
The conference proceedings is the publication of papers presented at the
conference. A conference may require that papers missing the publication
deadline for the proceedings cannot be presented at the conference.

Proceedings usually contain four kinds of information:

• purpose or rationale of study (why they did it)
• methodology (how they did it)
• results (what they found)
• conclusion (what it means)

It is not easy to include all the information in just a few words. Start by writing
a summary that includes whatever you think is important, and then gradually
prune it down to size by removing unnecessary words, while still retaining the
necessary concepts.

Edit your paper

 Scientific writing must be accurate. Although writing instructors may
tell you not to use the same word twice in a sentence, it is okay for
scientific writing.
 Make sure you say what you mean.
 Be careful with commonly confused words.
For example:
Temperature has an effect on the reaction. ≠ Temperature affects the reaction.
I used solutions in various concentrations. ≠ I used solutions in varying concentrations.
Less food (can't count numbers of food), but: Fewer animals (can count numbers of animals)
A large amount of food (can't count them), but: A large number of animals (can count them)
The erythrocytes, which are in the blood, contain hemoglobin. ≠ The erythrocytes that are in the
blood contain hemoglobin. (Wrong. This sentence implies that there are erythrocytes elsewhere
that don't contain hemoglobin.)
 Write in a formal style, but at a level that's appropriate for your audience.
 Use verbs instead of abstract nouns (Instead of: take into consideration –
Write: consider)
 Use strong verbs instead of "to be" (Instead of: The enzyme was found to be the
active agent in catalyzing... – Write: The enzyme catalyzed...)
 Use short words and short sentences. A sentence made of more than 40
words should probably be rewritten as two sentences.
 Check your grammar, spelling and punctuation. Use a spellchecker, but be
aware that they don't catch all mistakes. Don't use commas.
Language for Graph Description

Introductory Expressions
 The graph/table shows/indicates/illustrates/reveals/represents...
 It can be seen from the graph/table...
 As the graph/table shows,...
 As can be seen from the graph/table,...
 As is shown by the graph/table,...
 From the graph/table it is clear....

Per cent is the word form of the symbol %. We can write 10% or 10 per cent. Percentage is the
noun form: The percentage of children using supplements. NOT ...
Note! You can use a combination of adjective + noun, or verb + adverb, to avoid repeating the
same phrase. Example: There was a sharp decrease in the numbers. The numbers decreased

Look at the graph below. Following the graph, there are 25 statements about
the data.

remain (-ed, -ed)

unchanged, steady, stable, constant, plateau, fixed/static

From January to March the percentage of children using supplements

remained fairly static at approximately 10%.
The percentage of children taking dietary supplements was relatively stable
during the first two months of the year.
During the first two months, supplement use remained fairly unchanged.

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (dropped, dropped), plunge (-ed, -
ed), decline (-ed, -ed)
slight (slightly), steady (steadily), gradual (gradually), gentle (gently), slow
downward trend

It then fell gradually in March.

There was a slight decrease in the use of dietary supplements in March.
The graph shows a slight decrease in March.
Supplement use experienced a steady decrease in March.
Supplement use decreased slightly in March.

fluctuate (-ed, -ed)


It went up and down widely over the next two months.

It fluctuated for the following two months.

rise (rose, risen), grow (grew, grown), climb (-ed, -ed), shoot up (shot up,
shot up)
dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), significant (significantly), rapid
upward trend

There was a significant increase in the percentage of children taking dietary

supplements between June and August.
The period between June and August saw a dramatic growth in the use of
dietary supplements.
Between June and August, the percentage of children taking dietary
supplements shot up dramatically.
The greatest rise was from June to August when it rose by 22% for two
consecutive months from June to August.

peak (-ed, -ed), reach (-ed, -ed)

The percentage of children taking dietary supplements was at its highest

level in April.
Supplement use peaked at close to 25% in April.

It reached a peak of 25% in April.

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (-ed, -ed)

dramatic (dramatically), sharp (sharply), significant (significantly), rapid

Between August and October, this figure dropped dramatically to 11%.

From August to October, there was a drop of 14% in the percentage of
children taking dietary supplements.
Between August and October, there was a considerable fall in the percentage
of children using supplements.
This was followed by a sharp drop of 14% over the next two months.
Supplement use experienced a dramatic fall between August and October.

fall (fell, fallen), decrease (-ed, -ed), drop (dropped, dropped), plunge (-ed, -
ed), decline (-ed, -ed), reach (-ed, -ed) its lowest point
slight (slightly), steady (steadily), gradual (gradually), gentle (gently), slow
downward trend

Between October and December, the decrease in the use of dietary

supplements was at a much slower pace than in the previous two months.
Supplement use continued to fall steadily over the next two months until it
reached its lowest point in December.
It fell to a low of only 5% in December.
Taken from:

Model answer
Task: The graph below shows the pollution levels in London between 1600
and 2000. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main
features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

(1st paragraph introduces the topic of the graph, explains what the graph
shows and outlines overall trends or patterns.)
The graph shows pollution levels in London between 1600 and 2000. It
measures smoke and sulphur dioxide in micrograms per cubic metre.
According to the information, the levels of both pollutants formed a similar
pattern during this period, but there were always higher levels of sulphur
dioxide than smoke in the atmosphere.

(2nd paragraph describes the trends in more detail and illustrates these using
data from the graph.)
In 1600, pollution levels were low, but over the next hundred years, the levels
of sulphur dioxide rose to 700 micrograms per cubic metre, while the levels of
smoke rose gradually to about 200 micrograms per cubic metre. Over the next
two hundred years the levels of sulphur dioxide continued to increase,
although there was some fluctuation in this trend. They reached a peak in
1850. Smoke levels increased a little more sharply during this time and peaked
in 1900 at about 500 micrograms. During the 20th century, the levels of both
pollutants fell dramatically, though there was a great deal of fluctuation within
this fall.

(Final paragraph draws a simple conclusion from the data.)

Clearly air pollution was a bigger problem in London in the early 20th century
than it is now.
(176 words)
Taken from:

Writing a CV

Employers receive hundreds of CVs, they make snap decisions on whether or

not to interview you based on its appearance and content. So, how do you put
together a CV that will get you an interview?
Some golden rules
 keep it brief - no more than two sheets of A4
 include only relevant and current information, and give the most
important information first
 do not be tempted to bend the truth - employers are checking
information more carefully now, so you will only get caught out
 use active verbs which highlight your achievements, such as 'achieved',
'organised', 'produced'
 make sure it is easy to read with space between each section
 avoid large areas of text - use note form instead of long sentences
 check your grammar and spelling - then check and double-check again!
 ask someone to check it through for you and get help with your word
processing if you need it
 print out a copy of your CV to keep yourself
Note: Adapt your CV to show how your skills and experience match the
requirements of the job.
The Reverse Chronological CV
The most popular format and is generally the one preferred by the majority of
employers. It presents your most recent experience or qualifications first and
works backwards.
The basic structure is:
 personal details - name, address, phone number, e-mail address and
date of birth. Rather than heading the page 'Curriculum Vitae', which
does not really need saying, simply use your name.
 personal profile - this section is optional. It is basically a very brief
summary of your skills, experience and achievements.
 qualifications and education - keep this relevant.
 work history - start with your most recent experience and work
backwards. List your major responsibilities and achievements for each
 leisure interests and other activities - only include relevant to the job.
 references - these are the names and contact details of two people
outside your family who know you well. It is not essential to include
these, but it may be useful if you have enough space. Otherwise just
write 'available on request'.
Writing a Letter of Application

As part of your application for a job, you will need to write a covering letter (a
letter of application) to accompany your CV - even if you are sending it by
email. Its purpose is to state clearly why this company should employ you and
your motivation for the job. Make it sound interesting, focusing on your
achievements and strengths rather than just job responsibilities.
 Remember to put your address and contact details in the top right hand
corner. Then the employer's address underneath, aligned to the left.
 Put the job title and reference number, if there was one.
 Write to a named person - look on the internet or ring the company and
find out exactly who you will be dealing with. Then address the letter to
them. If you cannot find a name to write to, address the letter to 'Dear
 Include in your letter where you saw the job advertised.
 Use the first paragraph to say why you were attracted by the advert -
show you have done some research into the company and you are really
interested in it.
 Then describe how your skills and experience make you suitable for the
job. Highlight relevant information from your CV, but do not just repeat
what is already there.
 Use action words and active verbs such as 'accomplished', 'achieved',
'organised' and 'produced'.
 If you are writing to a named person, finish the letter 'Yours sincerely'. If
you are writing to an unknown person, finish with 'Yours faithfully'.
 Sign the letter by hand and type your name below your signature.
 Keep it to one page, breaking up the text into paragraphs and using
bullet points if appropriate.
 Make sure your letter is unique both to you and your prospective
employer. Does it need to be very business-like or more creative, for
example? Take the opportunity to say the things that do not comfortably
fit into your CV. It should be formal - but give a sense of your
personality too.
 Check your spelling, grammar and punctuation.
 As with a CV, your letter should be clearly presented on good quality A4
plain paper and set out neatly with margins and equal line spacing.



CONDITIONAL TYPE O (general truth or scientific fact)

if clause main clause
If/ When + Present Simple Present Simple
If / When you heat water to 100°C, it boils.

CONDITIONAL TYPE I (real or very probable situation in the present or future)

if clause main clause
If + Present Simple will /imperative/
/Pr.Cont./Pr. Perfect/ Pr.Perf.Cont can/may/might/must/should/could
+ V
If the weather is fine we will go to the countryside.
Якщо погода буде гарною, ми поїдемо за місто.

Note: Unless she works harder, she won’t pass the exams. – Якщо вона не буде сумлінніше
працювати, вона не складе іспити. (unless + affirmative verb = if + negative verb)

CONDITIONAL TYPE II (unreal present)

if clause main clause
If + Past Simple / Past would/ could/ might + V
If we found oil, our country would become one of the richest countries in the
Якби ми знайшли нафту, наша країна стала б однією з найбагатших країн у світі.


if clause main clause
If + Past Perfect / Past Perf. Cont. would/ could/ might + have + V3 /Ved
If І had been more careful yesterday, I wouldn’t have made such a big mistake.
Якби я був уважнішим вчора, я б не зробив такої великої помилки.

Замість “if” можуть вживатися: otherwise, even if, even though, when, provided (that),
providing, as long as, suppose, supposing, since, as, unless (if not), but for + gerund/noun, in
case + Present (for the present ) or Past (for the past).

Інверсія в підрядних умовних реченнях

e.g. If he should ring, tell him to come at 7 pm. – Should he ring, tell him to come at 7 pm.
If I were you, I wouldn’t do that. – Were I you, I wouldn’t do that.
If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have done such a thing. – Had I known earlier, I wouldn’t
have done such a thing.


Verb Tense Use

wish (if only) + Past Tense wish/regret about a present
(wish/regret about the situation we want to be different
I wish we were on holiday. (It's a pity we aren't.)
If only I didn’t have to attend boring lectures.

wish (if only) + could + V wish/regret in the present

(wish/regret about the concerning lack of ability
I wish I could speak French. (but I can't)
If only we could talk again.

wish (if only) + Past Perfect regret that something happened or

(regret about the past) didn't happen in the past
I wish you had listened to me. (but you didn't)
If only I hadn’t missed the train this morning.

wish (if only) + subject + would + V wish for a future change unlikely to
(impossible wish for a happen or wish to express
future change) a. "wish" and "would" dissatisfaction; polite request
should have a different implying dissatisfaction or lack of
subject. We never say: I wish hope
I would, He wishes he would

b. wish + inanimate
subject + would
is used to express the
speaker's disappointment or
lack of hope
I wish you would pay more attention in class.
If only it would stop raining.

We can use were instead of was after wish and if only in all persons. I wish he were/was more


Aspect Active Voice Passive Voice Verb + Ving

Present / Ving being V3 /Ved accuse sb of, admit,
(Simple) writing being written appreciate, apologize for,
avoid, be/get used to,
Her greatest pleasure is writing The Lecturer insisted on the be worth, can’t help,
emails. lab work being done can’t stand, can't face,
I am fond of electrical immediately. (Викладач carry on, complain of,
engineering. наполягав, щоб confess, consider, delay,
I remember visiting Paris. лабораторну роботу deny, detest, dislike,
It’s no use talking about it. виконали негайно.) enjoy, escape, excuse,
I don’t mind taking the English fancy, feel like, finish,
course. We insisted on the contract give up,
He went away without leaving his being signed. (Ми go (for activities),
address. наполягали, щоб контракт imagine, insist on,
After monitoring for an hour, he підписли). involve, justify,
was allowed to have a rest. keep (on),
Perfect having V3 /Ved having been V3 / Ved look forward to,
having written having been written mention, mind, miss,
it’s no good, object to,
He mentioned having read it in He was surprised at having postpone, practice,
newspapers. been asked about it. (Він prevent, put off, quit,
був здивований, що його recall, resent, resist, risk,
запитали про це.) save, succeed in, suggest,
. tolerate

Participle I Active Passive
Present / Ving being V3 /Ved
(Simple) writing being written
пишучи / пишущий (рос) будучи написаним
Означає дію, одночасну з дією, вираженою дієсловом-присудком (y теперішньому,
минулому або майбутньому).
While writing the task, he was listening to his favourite song.
Perfect having V3 /Ved having been V3 / Ved
having written having been written
написавши оскільки/після того, як був написаним
Означає дію, яка трапилась раніше тієї дії, яка виражена дієсловом (присудком).
Having finished school, he went to MIT.
Participle II V3 /Ved
Означає завершену дію. виконану над яким-небудь об’єктом, або дію, яка відбувається
He saw a broken cup under the table.


Aspect Active Voice Passive Voice Verb+to+infinitive + bare

Present to+V to be + V3 /Ved agree, guarantee, undertake, must, can
(Simple / to ask to be asked ask, demand, beg, dare, (could), may
Indefinite) attempt, seek, can't afford, (might), will,
He expects me to She wants to be can't wait, long, choose, would, shall,
come. (Він очікує, informed of… decide, claim, pretend, should,
що я прийду.) (Вона хоче, щоб її expect, fail, omit, neglect had better,
проінформували) hesitate, happen, chance, would rather,
I saw him enter the turn out, prove, hope, aim, would sooner,
conference room. (Я learn, train, manage, offer, and, or
бачив як він promise, swear, plan,
увійшов до arrange, prepare, refuse, Verb + smb. +
конференц-зали.) seem, appear, tend, threaten, bare infinitive
wish, want, need, need, make, let,
would like, would love, help, see, watch,
Continuous to be+ Ving --- would prefer, would hate hear, feel
to be asking
Adjective + to + infinitive Verb + Ving or
He seems to be likely, unlikely, certain, to + infinitive
smiling. sure
(Здається, він (with no change
посміхається.) Verb + somebody + to + in meaning)
infinitive begin, start,
Perfect to have+ V3 /Ved to have been + V3 advise, allow, ask, beg, continue, intend,
to have asked /Ved encourage, expect, force, like, love,
to have been asked need, invite, order, prefer, hate,
He is said to have persuade, remind, teach, adore
returned at last. He is happy to tell, want, warn (+ not),
(Говорять, що він have been invited. would like, would love, (with a change
нарешті (Він щасливий, would prefer, would hate in meaning)
повернувся.) що його remember,
запросили.) forget, regret,
stop, try
Perfect to have been +Ving ---
Continuous to have been asking

He is known to have
been working on the
project for several
(Відомо, що він
працює над
проектом вже
декілька місяців.)

Infinitive Constructions

1. adjective/noun +(for sb.) + full infinitive: Do you think it is safe to drink this water? This
is a difficult question (for me) to answer.

2. (It’s) nice (of you) + full infinitive: It was nice of you to give me a lift. It’s silly of Peter to
give up his job when he needs money.

3. (I’m) sorry / surprised etc. + full infinitive’ expresses how somebody reacts to something:
I’m glad to see you. Was Tom surprised to see you?

4. the first / second / third etc. + full infinitive: He was the first to develop this method.
the next / the last / the only + full infinitive: Everybody was late except
me. I was the only person to arrive on time.

5. too + adjective/ adverb+ full infinitive (negative meaning): He speaks too quickly for me
to understand him.

6. adjective/adverb + enough+ full infinitive (positive meaning): He is strong enough to lift

the suitcase.(NB: Enough after the adjective/ adverb!)

7. enough + noun + full infinitive: We’ve got enough employees to set up a new factory.


Infinitive for expressing purpose:

1. full infinitive: The inspector came in to check safety in the workshop.
2. in order (not) to + infinitive: In order to get a higher qualification you must attend additional
3. so as (not) to + infinitive: We have to work overtime so as to get a bonus to the salary. We
can keep this accident a secret so as not to upset the foreman.

NB: In order to + infinitive’ and ‘so as to + infinitive’ are more common than a full infinitive
before be, have and know: He worked really hard so as to have expertise in his field.

‘So that’ also expresses purpose and is used in such cases:

a) when the purpose is negative (so that… won’t/wouldn’t): I hurried so that I wouldn’t be
b) with can and could (so that … can/could): He worked as an apprentice first so that he
could become a qualified worker.
c) when one person does something so that another person does something else: We launched
a new advert so that anybody would recognize our trade mark.

Complex Subject (Subjective Infinitive Construction) consists of a noun in common case or a
personal pronoun in subjective case and infinitive.

James is said to take part at the conference next month.- Кажуть, Джеймс візьме участь у
конференції наступного місяця.

It is used with the following verbs:

1 2 3

in Passive Voice in Active Voice with ‘to be’

to know
to think to seem (здаватися) to be sure (безумовно, без
to consider сумніву, обов’язково)
to believe to appear (виявлятися,
to suppose видаватися) to be certain (без сумніву)
to find
to say to prove (виявлятися) to be unlikely
to report (малоймовірно)
to expect to turn out (виявлятися)
to state to be likely (ймовірно,
to happen (ставатися, вірогідно)
to announce
to see траплятися)
to watch
to chance (ставатися,
to observe
to make (примушувати) траплятися)

The scientist is known to This method proved to be The weather is likely to

develop a new method. – valuable. – Виявилося, що change. – Ймовірно, що
Відомо, що науковець цей метод цінний. погода зміниться.
розробляє новий метод.
This problem seems to be very He is sure to pass his exams. –
The delegation is expected complicated. – Ця задача, Він обов’язково складе
to come in two days. –
здається, дуже складна. іспити.
Очікують, що делегація
прибуде через два дні. It turned out to be a success. –
Це виявилося успіхом.
This experiment was
considered to be dangerous.
– Вважали, що цей
експеримент небезпечний.

Complex Object (“Object with Infinitive”) consists of a noun in common case or a personal
pronoun in objective case and infinitive.

They would like James to take part at the conference next month.- Вони б хотіли, щоб
Джеймс взяв участь у конференції наступного місяця.

It is used with the following transitive verbs:

verbs of senses: verbs which verbs which verbs of some other
to hear, express express wishes, perception: verbs:
to see permission, order like, dislike and to know to find
to feel and request: desire: to think to say
to watch to allow to want to consider to report
to observe to permit to wish to believe to expect
to listen to to enable to desire to suppose to state
to notice + bare to order to like to understand to require
infinitive to command to love, to prove
to request to hate to assume
to cause, to prefer
would like
I listened to James This device Do you want me We believe They reported
sing a song. – Я enables accurate to help? – Ви him to be a him to win the
почув, як Джеймс measurement to be хочете, щоб я good engineer. prize. –
співав пісню. carried out. – Цей допоміг? – Ми Повідомили,
прилад дозволяє вважаємо, що що він здобув
зробити точні він гарний премію.
виміри. інженер.

BUT: to hear, to BUT: to make, to

see, to feel, to let + bare
watch, to observe, infinitive *
to listen to, to
notice + Ving form Teachers should
to describe an make their
incomplete action students study. –
Вчителі повинні
I listened to Pete зробити так, щоб
singing a song – Я їхні учні вчилися.
чув, як Піт співав

*Note: When the verb make is passive (Complex Subject), its complement is infinitive WITH to,
when active (Complex Object) – infinitive WITHOUT to.
They should be made to comply with safety regulations. – Їх треба примусити підкоритися
правилам безпеки.

Reported Speech
Tense in Direct speech Tense to use in Reported speech
Cindy asked: "Do you like watching TV?" Cindy asked John if he liked watching TV.
John said: "I don't mind watching TV, but John answered he didn't mind watching TV, but
there are things I like better . there were things he liked better.
Frank declared: " I am thinking about Frank declared he was thinking about moving.
She said: " I have just seen an old friend of She said she had just seen an old friend of hers.
He asked: "Paul, how long have you been He asked Paul how long he had been studying
studying English?" English.
She said: “I bought it two days ago.” She said that she had bought it two days before.
He told them: "I wasn't expecting your He told them he hadn't been expecting their visit.
They said: "If we had arrived two minutes They said that if they had arrived two minutes
later, there would have been no cake left". later, there would have been no cake left.
He declared: "You had been telling me you He declared they had been telling him they
wanted to see her". wanted to see her.
FUTURE Future-in-the Past
I asked: «Where will you spend your I asked where they would spend their holiday.
holiday ?" Anna declared she would be announcing her
Anna declared:" I will be announcing my engagement the following month.
engagement next month".
Tony said: "I would like something to eat. I Tony said he would like something to drink and
wouldn't mind a drink either." wouldn't mind a drink either.

Don’t change in Reported Speech when:

1. the reporting verb (said, told etc) is in the Present or Future (“The weather is hot,” she says. – She says
(that) the weather is hot.)
2. the speaker expresses general truths, permanent states/conditions (“Water freezes at 0°C,” he said. – He
said (that) water freezes at 0°C.)
3. the speaker is reporting smth immediately after it was said (“The hotel is awful,” he said. – He said
(that) hotel is awful.) (up to date)
4. the reported speech deals with unreal past, wishes, conditional type 2/3. (“I wish I were rich,” he said. –
He said he wished he were rich.)


Possibility Logical Assumption Probability Ability

can /could – можу (міг) must – ймовірно, має may/ might – can – вмію,
за обставинами бути, очевидно може бути, можу
(неперфектний інфінітив можливо
Anybody can make a відноситься до теп., (неперфектний He can swim
mistake. – Помилитися перфектний – до інфінітив very well. – Він
може кожен. минулого) відносить речення дуже добре
до теперішнього вміє плавати.
may (лише у He must be a scientist. – Він, або майбутнього,
стверджувальних мабуть, вчений. перфектний – до
реченнях)/ can He must have lost his минулого) could – вмів,
=It's possible – можу за mobile phone. – Ймовірно, міг (минулий
фактом він загубив свій They may arrive час від can)
мобільний tomorrow. – Вони,
You may (can) find можливо, When a child, I
everything here. – Ви ought to – щось очікуване: приїдуть завтра. could run very
можете знайти все тут. повинно бути, напевно fast. – Коли я
Can he buy it here? – Він They may have був маленьким,
може це тут придбати? You ought to be hungry by arrived yesterday. я бігав (вмів
now. – Ви, напевно, – Може бути, вони бігати) дуже
(not) be able to, be unable голодні. вже приїхали швидко.
to – замість can та can't, вчора.
коли їх не можна, а також should / ought to – тепер/
у значенні "зміг / не зміг" майб.

He had been unable to get The students shouldn't come

a ticket. – Він не зміг for the class. – Студeнти
дістати… навряд чи прийдуть…

Offer Polite Request Threatening Absence of

shall – в питаннях, can, could (більш shall needn't + have
перекладається ввічливий) +V3 – дарма, не
інфінітивом наступного That day shall було до чого
за ним дієслова Can you pass the router? – come. – Цей день
Не могли б ви передати прийде. We needn't have
Shall I read? – Мені маршрутизатор? You shall suffer. – waited for so
читати? Ти будеш long. – Ми
will, would (більш страждати. даремно
ввічливий) прочекали так
Would you please pass the
router? – Не могли б ви
передати маршрутизатор?

Criticism Surprising Permission Invitation

oughtn’t to /shouldn’t+ can, could (великий may (офіц.), might must

have +V3 – щось було ступінь) в питанні – невже (дуже офіц.), can
зроблено, але не повинне (неофіц.) You must come
було Can it be so late? - Невже and see me! –
(і навпаки) вже так пізно? Can we go home, Ви обов'язково
You oughtn't to have Miss? – Можна повинні прийти
laughed at his mistake. – Щоб сказати про минуле нам додому, міс? провідати мене.
Вам не слід було використовується Perfect Might I borrow
сміятися над його Infinitive. your book? –
помилкою. Can it have been so late? – Можна мені взяти
Невже було так пізно? вашу книгу?
You ought to have helped
him. – Тобі б слід було be allowed to –
допомогти. дозволено кимось
і виконане
could– щось було не
зроблено, але повинно When translating
було – міг би the story we were
allowed to use a
You could have met me at dictionary. – …
the station. – Міг би й нам дозволили
зустріти мене на станції. користуватися …

Advice Obligation/Duty/Necessity Doubt Prohibition

ought to/ should must (переважніше) – can't/ couldn't mustn't = be
(переважніше) – слід повинен (для теп. та майб. (більша ступінь) not to – не
дії) не може бути можна,
You should see a doctor. – (неперфектний заборонено
Вам слід піти до лікаря. I must leave the building by інфінітив
midnight. – Я повинен відноситься до Students mustn't
покинути будівлю до тепер. або майб., use gadgets in
опівночі. перфектний – до the lectures. –
минулого) Студентам не
Для вираження минулої можна
дії використовується have He can't be so old. користуватися
to. Did you have to write a – Не може бути, пристроями на
dictation? – Ти повинен що він такий лекціях.
був писати диктант? старий.
may not – не
have to – повинен за He couldn't have смій
обставинами: змушений, told the truth. – Не You may not use
доводиться може бути, щоб your phone in
I have to work hard. – Я він сказав правду. the lecture. – Не
змушений багато смій
працювати. користуватися

be to – повинен за shouldn't –
розкладом, домовленості слабка
When is the exam to be? –
Коли має бути іспит? You shouldn't
use your phone
need – потрібно in the lecture. –
Тобі не слід
Do you need to work so користуватися
hard? – Тобі насправді телефоном на
треба працювати так лекції.

У питанні сподіваються на
негативну відповідь

Need she go there? – А їй

туди треба йти?

Moral Obligation
ought to(переважніше),
should – слід

You ought to be polite. –

Вам слід бути чемними.

This list contains the key words from the units. Write the part of speech (n – noun, v – verb, adv – adverb, adj – adjective, prep – preposition, phr –
phrase) and translation of unknown words.

Word Translation Word Translation

I. Unit 1 Types of electric current I. Unit 2 Induction and inductance
annoyance (n.) amount
apparently armature
appliance attach
approximately cause
assume consequence
avoid conservation
benefit constantly
capacitor definition
circuitry difference
compatibility directly
conductivity due to
consumer eddy current
curve exactly
dependent flux lines
destructive inductance
determine induction
discharging intensity
efficiency line up
flammable mutual
friction needle
harmful notice
household observe
inductor permeability
medium rate
occasional reactance
occur required
peak value sample
property shift
rapidly shrink
root-mean-square state
rubbing strip
sine wave subsequently
store through
suitable uncoiled
supply frequency winding
various wire
I. Unit 3 Three phase power I. Unit 4 Mains electricity
allow affect
boiler apply
cable authority
circuit breaker capacity
circuit switch choice
come down to consider
common considerably
comparatively earthing
compressor enclave
conversion equal
costly express
decrease flexible
delay foreign
distribution board general
economical hazard
equip incompatible
grid lighting
hence listed
include mains
increase oscillation
installation otherwise
inverter circuit outlet
load overcurrent
mains voltage plug
maintain polyphaser
neutral wire portable
output powerline
pump protection
reasonable range
rectifier receptacle
reliability refer to
rotating regulations
smooth short circuit
split socket
star connection support
switchboard surrounding
torque tension
transmit tolerance
vary utility
I. Unit 5 Hysteresis II. Unit 1 Electrical measurements
align ability
appear accuracy
atomic magnet appropriate
attraction calculate
behaviour capacitance
coercive force charge
core commonly
density component
designate comprise
diminish deduce from
elastic depth
exert function
fluctuate graduate
fluctuation heighten
flux density high
helical path hold
internal infer
lag instrument
latter involve
loop length
loss logging
magnetizing loose
magnitude measure
make use of meter
neighbourhood on the order of
net effect probe
permanent quantity
reach readings
remanence record
remove reduce
repulsion rough
residual sensitivity
response specify
retentivity still
saturation tight
simultaneously value
strength warranty
waste weigh
wrap width
II. Unit 2 Ammeter II. Unit 3 Voltmeter
adjacent appreciable
analogue-to-digital assemble
blow of complicate
calibrate consideration
clamp-on /clip-on continuity
consist of cover
deflection create
drop crocodile clip
estimate debugging
expand describe
expensive draw
expose examine
expose sb to injury extend
fine spring fault
fraction flip
full rated current for the reason
fuse glow
hand-held handling
hot-wire instrument intermittent
iron core joint
mount lead (n.)
movement live conductor
moving coil instrument match (v.)
moving iron instrument meant for
nearly obtain
operation perceptible
processing pressure
radio-frequency readout
recent rugged
resemble securely
respond to simplify
restoring force spring-loaded
robust sturdy
scale susceptible to
shunt tend to
speed terminal
temporarily test prod
vane therefore
velocity vibrate
II. Unit 4 Meter safety II. Unit 5 Electricity meter
accessory act
adhere to a rule ambient
adjust annually
approve billing
capable of brake magnet
dissipate by means of
end up cabinet
ensure circuit board
face (v.) clockwise
harm confine
independent consume
insist detection
knock sb flat dial
make sure electricity rate
manual fraud
margin of safety gain
occurrence glued
outdoor environment in order to
outfit in series
perform instantaneous
precaution investigation
prevent manually
properly maximum demand
realise niche
remember off-peak
reputable on-peak
safety power factor
spacing premises (n., pl)
specification prone
stand for pylon
stand the test of time remote
stray voltage representative
substitute result in
tip reversed
transient revolution
unheard of substation
valuable tamper
verification utility pole
weatherproof worn gear
III. Unit 1 Being an electrical III. Unit 2 Recruitment and
engineer applying for a job
account for achieve
as far back as advice
boring aim
budget applicant
commission (v.) apply for
concern appointment
continued learning apprentice
deployment assessment
design asset
effort assist
emphasize carry out
enquiring mind check
essential competence
figure out cover(ing) letter
genuinely currently
get stuck employ
guidelines (n.,pl) employee
heaps of employer
impact evaluation
improve experience
literacy framework
obsolescence graduate
participation job-related
proficiency last (v.)
qualitative look forward to
quantitative personality
reflect perspective
responsible for promising
review promote
satisfying prospective
schedule proud of
society quality
stay alert recruit
strip down relevant
suggestion research
supervise session
tedious succeed
varied suitable
III. Unit 3 On a business trip. III. Unit 4 Health and safety in the
Motivation of engineers workplace
absenteeism abide by
accept accident
accommodation agreement
assurance ambulance
background defend
bonus dispose
career emergency
challenge encounter
commence establish
complete fair
concerned with fasten
desire fire extinguisher
eligible first aid kit
empower gloves
encourage goggles
fringe benefit govern
fulfil grinding wheel
generation helmet
hierarchy issue
implement lawful
keen to lay down
manufacture legislation
needs (pl.) look after
offer loose
opportunity machinery
outcome make bargains
payment negotiate
pillar overalls
rewarded put out
salary rights (n., pl.)
satisfied with rubber
staff sleeve
take pride in trade union
target treat
thrive unfairly
ultimately uphold
vehicle vital
wage welfare
III. Unit 5 Training and development in power industry
acquisition incentive
alongside innovative
assistance knowledge
authority lack
briefing major
broaden matter
capability objective
complicated off-the-job
contract out on-the-job
cost-effective overall
decommission oversee
decommission perception
dedicated property
development qualification
enable R&D
engagement qualify
establishment reaffirm
except for receive
expertise significant
finance solely
fit into solve
guidance stage
headquarters stakeholder
human resources stretch
implement sub-contractor
impressive training
in terms of undertake

Section III, Unit 2
Businesses need to recruit and select the best people. This helps them achieve their aims
and objectives. This is particularly relevant in the fast-moving energy industry that plays such a
significant role in powering the UK.
ScottishPower, which is part of the wider Iberdrola Group, is a leading international energy
company. It focuses on three key areas: growth, safety and service. There are three main business
 Energy Networks/UK - providing a secure and growing network to supply energy across
the UK
 Energy Retail/UK - one of the UK's top suppliers of gas and electricity selling to 5.2
million UK customers
 Energy Wholesale/UK - trading large quantities of energy and supplying energy in bulk
to the UK market.
ScottishPower's sister company, ScottishPower Renewables, is also part of the Iberdrola
Group. It provides renewable energy and is the leading provider of green energy products in the
UK. These have low carbon emissions and use renewable sources of energy, such as wind power.
ScottishPower and ScottishPower Renewables are at the forefront of innovation and are
involved in major engineering challenges. These range from wind farms and hydro-electric power
to tidal turbines, gas power stations and new technology to produce clean energy, such as the
groundbreaking carbon capture development.

Section III, Unit 3

Siemens is the engineering group that is behind many of the products and services people
take for granted in their daily lives. The list of products designed and manufactured by Siemens is
almost endless.
It includes traffic lights, gas turbines, superconducting magnets in medical scanners, wind
generators, automated factories as well as domestic appliances like kettles and fridges. It generates
about 40% of the UK”s wind energy and it hosts, supports and maintains the BBC's website
including the development of the BBC iPlayer. The company has been operating in the UK since
1843 and employs more than 18,000 people. Across the world Siemens employs over 427,000
Engineers use scientific principles to develop products or systems to solve real life
problems. Much of engineering is about innovation rather than invention. This means that
engineers transform creative ideas into improved products, services, technologies or processes.
A career within the field of engineering is exciting and varied as the work is constantly
changing. Becoming an engineer at Siemens is about using energy, ideas and passion. It requires a
range of skills and abilities that are needed across the whole business.

Section III, Unit 4

In the interests of both parties, the relationship between employer and emplyoee needs to
be a fair one. If either employers or employees act unfairly, it can lead to disaster for a business.
An employer unwilling to pay a fair rate, or to treat workers properly, will create a workforce with
low morale that produces poor output. So it is vital that employers and employees work together
to agree what is fair and then 'get on with the job'. Unions have a key role to play in ensuring
agreement is reached.
During the Industrial Revolution (circa 1750), when most work moved from fields into
factories, many employers treated their workers unfairly. As a result, trade unions emerged to

protect employees. Among other activities, the first unions lobbied for laws that would require
employers to offer decent conditions and fair wages.
A trade union is a collection of workers who agree to negotiate their terms and conditions
with employers as a group, rather than as individual employees. This gives them greater power to
make bargains and keep them. Over time, unions developed two main roles: representation and
protection. In negotiating with an employer, union representatives can speak with one voice. This
makes eventual agreements more meaningful and workable.
Unions also worked to establish workers' legal rights and to protect employees from unfair
practices e.g. long hours, low pay and dangerous working conditions. This role is still vital today.

Section III, Unit 5

Nuclear reactors for the production of energy (electricity) were first used in the mid-1950s.
In 2005 the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) was set up by the UK government to
clear and decontaminate the UK's civil public sector nuclear sites. NDA is a non-departmental
public body formed by the Energy Act 2004. The NDA has its head office in West Cumbria and a
network of four offices across the UK.
NDA oversees the decommissioning of nuclear power stations and waste materials.
Management of the nuclear sites is contracted out to seven different operators known as Site
Licence Companies (SLCs). These SLCs directly manage the clean-up of the 19 public sector
nuclear sites across the UK.
The NDA has an annual budget of around £2.2 billion. This comes from the government
and NDA's commercial assets. Much of this budget is spent on specialist sub-contractors who
clear the sites and remove waste. However, a significant part of the budget over £280 million - is
spent on skills support, research and development and employee benefits such as pensions.
NDA's mission is to 'deliver safe, sustainable and publicly acceptable solutions to the
challenge of nuclear clean-up and waste management.' To achieve its mission, NDA must ensure
the availability of a skilled workforce for nuclear decommissioning and clean-up. This workforce
will be able to:
 ensure the highest standards are set for safety, security and environmental management
 create an efficient first-rate industry
 increase value for money and effectively employ resources
 efficiently and effectively eliminate site hazards and develop waste solutions
 win the agreement and support of all stakeholders, e.g. contractors, government, local
communities, the public, trade unions and employees.
NDA directly employs around 200 people. Although many roles are focused on science and
engineering, NDA also needs people who are qualified in other areas. These are as wide-ranging
as project and contract administration, health and safety, communications, finance, legal, human
resources and administration.


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141 «Електроенергетика, електротехніка та електромеханіка»

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