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Republic of the Philippines

Region V
San Jose, Pili, Camarines Sur
Bula, Camarines Sur

School SAN RAMON HIGH SCHOOL Grade Level 7

Teacher SHIELA R. NAVAL Learning Areas ENGLISH 7
Time & Date 9:00 AM- March 25, 2021 Quarter Duration WEEK 1
A. Content The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/her
understanding of multimedia resources.
B. Performance Standard The learner transfers learning using the appropriate multimedia resources when
orally giving information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events
in personal or factual recounts.
C. Most Essential Learning MELC (EN7OL-IV-e-3.10)
Competencies/Objectives Use correct and appropriate multimedia resources when orally giving
information, instructions, making explanations and narrating events in personal
or factual recounts.

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
a. Define multimedia and its 5 components.
b. Identify appropriate multi-media resources to be used in different
c. Use correct and appropriate multi-media resources in different oral

ICT – Multimedia Resources

II. CONTENT Using Appropriate Multimedia Resources and 6 Components of Multimedia

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials pages English 7 Learner Activity Sheets, pp. 1-4
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B. Other Learning Resources Sarokin, D. (2019, April 9). 5 Components of Multimedia. Chron.

Clowder Zone. Multimedia Resources || English 7 Quarter 3 Week 1. (2021,

March 11). Retrieved from:

A. Reviewing previous lesson Let us recall the last topic in 2nd quarter which is about linear and non-linear text.
or presenting the new lesson What is the difference between linear and non-linear text?

Linear text refers to traditional text that needs to be read from beginning to the
end. Generally, texts printed on paper are considered as linear texts.

Non-linear text is the opposite of linear text. It is nonlinear and non-sequential.

This means that there is no specific reading sequence, thus you can choose your
own reading path. Visuals or graphs are examples of nonlinear texts.

short stories
educational texts

graphs (pie chart, bar graphs)
graphical organizers (knowledge maps, story maps)

B. Establishing a purpose for Motivation: Guess the Gibberish

the lesson
The aim of the challenge is to guess what the gibberish words displayed on
screen mean before the time runs out. You have 10 seconds to guess what the
real phrase/word before the answer is revealed.

SAD HERD DAY - Saturday

You begot Attic smash age

-You’ve got a text message

Ode You Phi Isles

-Audio Files

Paw harp ain’t


Vie Dee oh Press in taste shone

-video presentation

Fought oh indie may gist

-photo and images

Gee I if india knee may shown

-GIF and Animation

All those words are connected with our first topic for the third quarter.
From our activity, what do you think is our topic for today?

Possible answer:
Our topic for today is about using correct and appropriate multimedia resources.

C. Presenting instances of the What is multimedia?

new lesson
Multi means several or many and media means in the middle. Multimedia are
materials on the internet, or in your class presentations, involve several forms of
communication to connect (that is to be in the middle of) the sender and the

Multimedia resource is a broad term for combining multiple media formats.

Whenever text, audio, still images, animation, video and interactivity are
combined together, the result is multimedia. Slides, for example are multimedia
as they combine text and images, and sometimes video and other types.

Multimedia presentation is a presentation file which is not limited to just text in

terms of content. For example, it would have interactive video, sound links,
images, animated gifs and transitions in it.

Let’s do this!

In your notebook, list 3 names of cellphone applications or computer software or

program installed in your computer that are helpful in your study.

Possible answers:
Microsoft office

These applications are the common multimedia resources when we give

information, explanations and instructions.

D. Discussing new concepts and Six Components of Multimedia

practicing new skill #1
1. The Text Materials
-a primary way to transmit information and simplest and oldest resource means
of sending written messages back and forth between communicators
-can be used in writing instructions, making announcements, giving information,
narrating events, etc.
-used to augment other forms of communication, such as a text description of a
photograph, subtitles of audio and video, in slides and many more.

2. Powerpoint
-PPT is short for powerpoint
-a presentation program developed by Microsoft
-Powerpoint is often used to create business presentations, but can be used for
educational or informal purposes
-presentations are comprised of slides, which may contain text, images, and other
media such as audio clips and movies.

3. Photos and Images

-the oldest form of media
-take a photograph of your subject and present it as you orally give information,
instruction, explanation, or narration

4. Audio File
-from a musical background to a spoken explanation, audio files can be added to
websites or presentations
-recorded information, instruction, explanation, and narration using smart phones
can be played before the class.

5. Video Presentation
-video presents moving pictures and typically combines images and sound for a
compelling multimedia experience
-can include text as well, which often appears as captioning for spoken words or
as text in an image, as in the case of slide presentation

6. GIFs and Other Animations

-Graphic Image Files (GIFs) and animations are best to use when you explain
and/or narrate events that are just short

E. Discussing new concepts and Guide questions to ask before using an appropriate media resource in a class
practicing new skill #2 presentation:
1. What is my task and my purpose?
2. What media resource is applicable to use?
3. Do I know to apply such resource in my presentation?
4. Will I be understood if I use this particular resource or the other?
5. Is the resource accessible during the preparation and during presentation?

F. Developing mastery (leads to Let’s try this!

formative assessments 3) Write the letter of the correct answer in your notebook.
1. If you were just simply asked to write a narration of your most unforgettable
experience, what resource would you likely to use?
a. Text b. Audio c. Video
2. What multimedia resource allows you to combine the use of texts, images, and
other media such as audio clips and videos?
a. Text b. Audio c. Powerpoint Slides

3. What multimedia resource is best to use if you were tasked to explain gravity
through a demonstration?
a. Audio b. Video c. Powerpoint Slides

1. A
2. C
3. B

G. Finding practical application Group Task (5 minutes)

of concepts and skills in daily
living Choose the multimedia resources that is appropriate to be used in performing the
given tasks. Then, explain the reason of your choice. Use the guide questions to
guide you in answering.


1. You are asked to
create the events of the
story “Maria Makiling”.
2. Explain the difference
between “Enhance
Quarantine” and
“Modified Community
3. Give simple
instructions on how to
properly recharge the
battery of your mobile
4. Explain the process
of cooking adobo.
5. Narrate an experience
of being praised or
awarded by your

H. Making generalizations and As a student, how does multimedia resources help you?
abstractions about the lesson
Possible answers:

Multimedia helps me to a deeper understanding of the topic or content in the

discussion through verbal and visual representations.

It helps to solve mathematical problems easily.

I can access to a vast variety of information.

I can learn places, things, animals and others that is beyond my imagination.

I. Evaluating learning Guided by the hint words below, give the appropriate multimedia resources to be
used in the following situations or works you need to do.
______1. Somebody from other country would like to know the Philippines
______2. In your class, you are asked to make a report about a certain topic.
______3. Submit a proof that you are done with your group activity.
______4. You need to create a birthday present to your friend that will showcase.
your creativity and the messages of all your friends.
______5. Presentation of a weather report.

Facebook cellphone Twitter email Youtube Microsoft camera

Instagram computer

J. Assignment Pretend that you are making your own vlog on “How to present yourself in an
interview”. Write a script and create your powerpoint slides to prepare your
video presentation using the template below.

A. No. of learners who earned
80% of the formative
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities to
C. Did the remedial lesson
work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue
to require evaluation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other
teacher teachers?

Prepared by:



School head

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