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07 Aug 2022 PRACTICE TEST 17 – ESC 20

Part 1: (10 points)
You will hear a telephone conversation between a woman and a man who works for a
holiday company about a holiday she would like to go on. Complete the note below. Write
Cycling holiday in Austria
- Holiday begins on (1)_17 April____________
- No more than (2)_16 people____________
- Holiday costs (3) £_____________ per person without flights
- All food included except (4)_____________
- Essential to bring a (5)_____________

Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

Part 2: (10 points)

You will hear someone talking on the radio about food and restaurants in the local area.
Listen and choose the best answer A, B, C or D.
1. The market is now situated _____________
A. under a car park. B. beside the cathedral.
C. near the river. D. by the new shopping centre.
2. On only one day a week the market sells________________
A. antique furniture. B. local produce
C. hand-made items. D. utensils like saucepans
3. The area is well-known for __________________
A. apples B. ice cream.
C. a kind of cake. D. a fish dish.
4. What do fishermen do with the fish they catch?
A. They have just started selling fish in the harbour.
B. They sell all their fish in London
C. They don’t sell fish to other countries
D. They sell fresh fish in a stall in the harbour.
5. What change has taken place in the harbour area?
A. Fish can now be bought from the fisherman.
B. The restaurants have moved to a different part.
C. There are fewer restaurants than there used to be.
D. Many new restaurants have been opened
Your answer:
1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

Part 3: (10 points)

You will hear a lecture about customers’ psychology. Decide whether the statements are
true or false. Write your answers to the space provided.
1. The colour purple encourages people to spend more money. T
2. When people see orange, they eat faster. F
3. Businesses should use blue as it makes people feel safe. T
4. Colour can not only create mood and influence customers, but also attract specific groups of
customers. F
5. Bright and soft colours appeal to younger customers. F
Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

Part 4: (20 points)

You will hear a lecture about exotic pests. Complete the chart. Write NO MORE THAN
THREE WORDS for each answer:

Origin Name of pest New habitat Notes

Australi red-backed spider New Zealand and Japan even on island in

a middle of (1)_The

England Rabbit Australia 800 years ago: imported

into England to be used
for (2)_luxury food

fire ants (3)_gardens___________ imported by chance

in Brisbane

Australi (4)_earthworm Scotland introduced to improve

a _____________ (5)__soil____________

New Flatworm (6)_NorthWest_________ Accidental introduction

Zealand ___ Europe inside imported(7) plant

Japan (8)_Seaweed__________ Australian coastal waters some advantages


Australi Budgerigar urban areas of south – east Smaller flocks because

a (9)_USA________ of arrival of (10)_new
__ in recent years

Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.


Part 1: A. Choose the word or phrase which best completes each sentence.(20 points)
1. Cuc Phuong national Park ________ over 200 square kms of rainforest.
A. covers B. gets C. holds D. contains
2. He’s got plenty of ________ experience as he‘s worked in that field already.
A. second-hand B. first-hand C. primary D. tertiary
3. People in this village have got an ________ appetite for news.
A. inexorable: không lay chuyển B. inevitable C. insatiable: vô độ
D. inedible: không ăn được insatiable appetite/demand/curiosity
4. Everyone is hoping and praying that ________ peace will eventually come to the area.
A. durable B. ongoing C. irrevocable D. lasting
5. He's applied for a(n) ________ lot of jobs but he's only been short-listed once.
A. dreadful: extrmly serious B. awful: rất nhiều C. enormous
D. wide
6. I still play golf occasionally, just to keep my ________ in. keep one’s hand in: cho quen tay,
khong bi mai mot
A. eye B. arm C. foot D. hand
7. We had ________ holiday in Spain.
A. a two- week B. two weeks’ C. a two week’s D. A and B
8. We did our best to fix the broken computer but our efforts bore no ________.
A. success B. fruit C. luck D. end
9. There are a lot of computer programmes nowadays, but really good ones are few and far
A. between: scarce, frequent B. apart C. away D.
10. We were rather in awe ________ the new computers when they arrived.
A. about B. before C. by D. of: respect
11. The restaurant is popular with this film star and the ...... .
A. like B. same C. similar D. such
12. The ________ are against her winning a fourth consecutive gold medal.
A. chances B. odds: extra hit C. prospects D. bets: danh
13. We should arrive home safe and ________.
A. sound B. soundly C. warm D. warmly
14. This national park________ an area of 2,000 square kilometers.
A. covers B. surrounds C. consists D. spreads
15. New consumer protection legislation comes into ________ next April.
A. law B. force C. statute D. act
16. This is ________ the most difficult job I’ve ever had to do.
A. by far B. by chance C. by heart D. by myself
17. It ________ me as strange that my front door was open when I got home. It strikes sb as
A. seemed B. occurred C. appeared D. struck
18. Those gloves are much too small for you. Don’t try to put them on or you will ________
A. extend B. spread C. stretch D. swell
19. She waited for twenty minutes and ________ arrived at the head of the queue.
A. lastly B. finally C. at the end D. eventual
20. Our local youth club tries to ________ for all interest.
A. equip B. apply C. organize D. cater
Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.


11. __________ 12. ___________ 13. ___________ 14. ___________ 15.


16. __________ 17. ___________ 18. ___________ 19. ___________ 20.


II. Read the following text which contains 10 mistakes. Identify the errors and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes. (10 points)
Example: Line 1: in stake => at stake: to be won or lost; at risk
Line1  With so much in stake, the Inuit are determined to play a key duty in teasing out
2 the mysteries of climate change in Arctic. Having survived there for centuries,
3 they believe their wealth of traditional knowledge is vital to the task. And Western
4 scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom, increase referred to as 'Inuit
5 Qaujimajatugangit', or IQ. 'In the first days scientists ignored us when they came
6 up here to study anything. They just figured it these people don't know very much
7 so we won't ask them,' says John Amagoalik, an Inuit leader and politician. 'But in
8 recent years IQ has much more credibility and weight.' In fact it is now a
9 requirement for anyone to hope to get permissions to do research that they consult
10 the communities, who are helping to set the research agenda to reflect their most
11 important concerns. They can turn away applications from scientists they believe
12 will work against their interests, or research projects that will impinge too much
13 on their every day lives and traditional activities.
Your answer:
Line Mistakes Corrections
1 1 duty role
2 2 Artic the Artic
3 4 increase increasingly
4 5 first early
5 6 Figured it figured
6 8 has Has had
7 9 To hope hoping
8 11 Turn away Turn down
9 9 permissions permission
10 13 Every day everyday

Part 3.Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition or particle. (10
1. The soccer player was ejected because he had done something that was against________ the
2. Another way of saying 'old-fashioned' is 'behind________ the times'.
3. You shouldn't pick on________ him just because he's different.
4. Being a nurse is hard work, especially if you're on________ call all the time.
5. She is, wout________ a doubt, the best student in the class.
6. No matter how hard I work on my essays, I keep getting really low grades. I think my writing
teacher just has it in________ for me. She doesn't seem to like me at all. To be determined to
harm or criticize so
7. When John and Frank first met, they hit it off_naturally friendly_______ immediately. They
have been good friends ever since.
8. Wayne missed out________ on the chance to go with us to the concert because he had the
9. Diana had wanted to spend Christmas in New Zealand, but her plans fell through_come to
nothing_______. She couldn't get enough time off from work to make the trip worthwhile.
10. When she told me she was going to climb Mount Everest, it didn't really sink in fully
understood ________. Only later did I realize how truly dangerous her latest adventure was
going to be.
Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.


Part 4. Complete the following sentences with the words given in the brackets. You have to
change the form of the word. (10 pts)
1. I am looking to leave in order to find a new job, _regardless___________ of whether Mr.
Perkins offers me more money or not. (REGARD)
2. It was a seemingly____________  minor accident but tragically, one of the two drivers died.
3. Most of the activities we did on the course were meaningless____________  and irrelevant. I
think it is very wasteful to spend money on these things. (MEAN)
4. The best way to solve this dispute is to find a neutral, disinterested_ko vu
loi___________  third party and follow his or her suggestions. (INTEREST)
5. To join the police, there is normally both an age and a height requirement____________ .
6. You have been immeasurably____________  important to the success of this company. I don't
know what I would have done without you. (MEASURE)
7. His performance in the match today_belied___________  his reputation as a great player.
8. Rabbits are often seen as_symbolic___________  figures at Easter, representing rebirth and
springtime. (SYMBOL)
9. The survivability ____________  of any manned mission to the planets will be increased if a
secure fuel supply can be found beforehand. (SURVIVAL)
10. His behaviour in his father's presence caused his disinheritance___________  and his sister
ended up inheriting the whole family fortune. (INHERIT)

Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.



Part 1: Read the following passage and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each
gap. Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes. (15 pts)
Running for the office of the President of the United States is exceptionally arduous and should
not be undertaken by the (1)_________ hearted. The candidates must first compete in the local
primary elections. During the primary campaigns, the candidate endeavors to: try hard
(2)_________ the votes of his or her constituents: being a part of a whole. Any new candidates
are the opponents (3)_________ the incumbent: duong nhiem the holder of an office, the
President currently in office who is running for re-election. The candidates refrain from actions
that might create animosity: strong hostility (4)_________ them and the pubic. Rather, they
attempt to appease: pacify or placate so by acceding to their demands their constituency: a body
of voters by using promotional gimmicks and ambiguous equivocation: suspicion, as well as
(5)_________ decorous protocol: nghi thuc ngoai giao dung dan. The pubic is indeed curious
about, if not (6)_________ of, the candidate’s professional life, in addition to his or her personal
life, which will be under (7)_________ scrutiny during the campaign. Since his or her private
life becomes public domain, the candidate may (8)_________ to disclose any controversial
behavior in his or her past before the press digs it up. (9)_________ history has shown us, even a
prominent politician can be revealed as a phony. A politician exhibiting scandalous behaviour
might even be subjected (10)_________ censure from his political colleagues.
1. A. faint B. meek C. mild D. weak
2. A. extract B. gain C. exist D. drop
3. A. with B. by C. for D. of
4. A. by B. beside C. between D. to
5. A. observance B. observing C. appeal D. appellation
6. A. adventurous B. dangerous C. querulous D. suspicious
7. A. near B. care C. close D. front
8. A. to fit B. see fit C. look fit D. be fit
9. A. Contrary B. Despite C. As D. Where
10. A. by B. under C. to D. with
Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.


Part 2: For questions 1-10, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each
space. Use only ONE word in each space. (15pts)
The Greek philosopher, Socrates, referred_____________(1) to peace as 'the time when
children bury their parents' and war as 'the time when parents bury their children' . War, in other
words, is a time when the natural state of things is thrown into_____________(2) chaos and
nothing_____________(3) of any good comes out of it.
The people who suffer in a war need not _to _only___________(4) be the losing party. There
are always two sides to an argument. Both warring parties will inevitably sustain casualties, and
it is the people who pay for all the senseless damage. In a war, the soldiers
_may____________(5) be enemies to each other, but they are still somebody's father, brother,
son or husband. Someone will grieve_____________(6) for them if they die.
Our generation is fortunate becuz_____________(7) we have not had the misfortune to go
thru_____________(8) a war. We should prevent such tragic events from recurring in the future.
We should do our utmost to preserve peace, first in our _own____________(9) lives, and then in
others. Only then can we live in harmony_____________(10) with one another.
Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.


Part 3: Read the following passage and choose the best option A, B, C or D to answer the
questions. (15 pts)
When people learn to play video games, they are learning a new literacy. Of course, this is not
the way the word "literacy" is normally used. Traditionally, people think of literacy as the ability
to read and write. Why should we think of literacy more broadly? There are two reasons.
First, language is not the only important communicational system nowadays. Images, symbols,
graphs, diagrams, artifacts, and many other visual symbols are particularly significant. Thus, the
idea of different types of "visual literacy" would seem to be an important one. For example,
interior designs in homes, modernist art in museums, and videos on MTV are other forms of
visual literacy.
Furthermore, today words and images of various sorts are juxtaposed and integrated in a variety
of ways. In newspapers, magazines and textbooks, images take up more space. In fact, in
modern high school and college textbooks, images not only take up more space but carry
meanings independent of the words in the text. In such multimodal texts (texts that mix words
and images), the images often communicate different things from the words. And the
combination of the two modes communicates things that neither of the modes does separately.
Thus, the idea of different sorts of multimodal literacy seems important. Both modes go far
beyond images and words to include sounds, music, movement, bodily sensations, and smells.
We obviously live in a world awash with images. It is our first answer to the question why we
should think of literacy more broadly. The second answer is this: Though reading and writing
seem so central to what literacy means traditionally, reading and writing are not such general
and obvious matters as they might at first seem. After all, we never just read or write; rather, we
always read or write something in some way.
So there are different ways to read different types of texts. Literacy is multiple in the sense that
the legal literacy needed for reading law books is not the same as for reading physics texts or
superhero comic books. And we should never dismiss the latter form of literacy. Many a
superhero comic is replete with post-Freudian irony of a sort that would make a modern literary
critic's heart beat fast and confuse any otherwise normal adult. Literacy, then, even as
traditionally conceived to involve only print, is not a unitary thing but a multiple matter. There
are, even in regard to printed texts and even leaving aside images and multimodal texts, different
Once we see this multiplicity of literacy (literacies), we realize that when we think about reading
and writing, we have to think beyond print. Reading and writing in any domain, whether it is
law, rap songs, academic essays, superhero comics, or whatever, are not just ways of decoding
print, they are also caught up with and in social practices... Video games are a new form of art.
They will not replace books but sit beside them, interact with them, and change them as they are
already doing strongly with movies. (Many movies are based on video games and are influenced
by them.) We have no idea yet how people "read" video games, what meanings they make from
them. Still less do we know how they will "read" them in the future.

1. According to the first paragraph, the broadest definition of "literacy" is

A) The ability to analyze literature B)The ability comprehend basic cultural cues
C)The ability to read and write D)The ability to compose poetry
2. All are mentioned as being types of "visual literacy" EXCEPT
A) Musical tones B) Interior Design C) Diagrams D)Modern Art
3. An example from a science textbook of the phenomenon the author describes in the third
paragraph could be
A) A genetic tree that coincides with the discussion of specific mammal classes in the text
B) A diagram of a specific chemical reaction that is used to explain a broad definition in the text
C) An illustration of a plant cycle that accompanies a chapter on photosynthesis
D) A cartoon that references the same methods discussed in the text about laboratory
4. What is an example of a "multimodal" text?
A) A dictionary
B) A movie script
C) A photo album
D) An art book that describes the art as well as reproduces images of the original prints
5. The phrase "beyond print" is closest in meaning to
A) Reading to understand the underlying meanings and themes of the author's words-not just a
literal interpretation
B) Reading text that defines different types of wheat and grains
C) To read the text from right to left rather than left to right
D) To read books that use recycled paper and other green alternatives
6. In the seventh paragraph, the author suggests that literacy is multiple, meaning that
A) To be "literate" can mean participating in any form of expression
B) One's literacy increases exponentially as greater mastery of reading and writing is achieved
C) Different genres and modes of expression require different background knowledge and
perspectives to understand them
D) Literacy can only be gained by exploring every type of media and expression
7. Why does the author give the example of superhero comics to explain multiple literacies?
A) To explain that comic books are written for children and purely for entertainment. They
require only a basic knowledge of the action that occurs in the story
B) To once again refer to his earlier points about "multimodal" texts
C) To insist that even when an author may intend multiple meanings and interpretations, they are
rarely successful in conveying those to readers
D) Things that may seem on the surface to be only meant for a particular group of people
can actually have very profound meanings to those who possess other types of literacy
8. The author suggests that all of the following require different types of literacy and the ability
to decode meaning EXCEPT
A) Rap music B) Comic books C) Academic papers D) Symphonies
9. The author says that video games
A) Are not yet entirely understood in terms of literacy, but are already impacting other
forms of expression such as filmmaking.
B) Are unrealistic and should not fall into the same categories as the other texts he describes
C) Are too violent to risk experimenting with for the purposes of understanding literacy
D) Are irrelevant in academic discussion because no one has yet determined how to explain the
ways that people understand them
10. What would be the most logical information for the next paragraph to contain if the article
A) A technological definition of video games, how they are made, and how they are played
B) A historical explanation of the very first video game and its evolution
C) Examples of the way that some people currently interpret video games and what they
mean to them
D) A price comparison of video game consoles and whether or not quality has a direct impact on
Your answer:

1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.


Part 4: Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow. (15 pts)
Light pollution
A . After hours of driving south in the pitch-black darkness of the Nevada desert, a dome of hazy
gold suddenly appears on the horizon. Soon, a road sign confirms the obvious: Las Vegas 30
miles. Looking skyward, you notice that the Big Dipper is harder to find than it was an hour ago.
B. Light pollution—the artificial light that illuminates more than its intended target area—has
become a problem of increasing concern across the country over the past 15 years. In the
suburbs, where over-lit shopping mall parking lots are the norm, only 200 of the Milky Way’s
2,500 stars are visible on a clear night. Even fewer can be seen from large cities.
C. America has become so bright that in a satellite image, the outline of the country is visible
from its lights alone. Mark Adams, superintendent of the McDonald Observatory in west Texas,
says that the very fact that city lights are visible from on high is proof of their wastefulness.
“When you’re up in an airplane, all that light you see on the ground from the city is wasted. It’s
going up into the night sky..”
D. But don’t we need all those lights to ensure our safety? The answer from light engineers, light
pollution control advocates and astronomers is an emphatic “no.” They say that overly bright
security lights can actually force neighbours to close the shutters, which means that if any
criminal activity does occur on the street, no one will see it. And the old assumption that bright
lights deter crime appears to have been a false one: A new report concludes that there is no
documented correlation between the level of lighting and the level of crime in an area.
E. For drivers, light can actually create a safety hazard. Glaring lights can temporarily blind
drivers, increasing the likelihood of an accident. To help prevent such accidents, some cities and
states prohibit the use of lights that impair night-time vision. For instance, New Hampshire law
forbids the use of “any light along a highway so positioned as to blind or dazzle the vision of
travelers on the adjacent highway.”
F. Badly designed lighting can pose a threat to wildlife as well as people. Newly hatched turtles
in Florida move toward beach lights instead of the more muted silver shimmer of the ocean.
Migrating birds, confused by lights on skyscrapers, broadcast towers and lighthouses, are
injured, sometimes fatally, after colliding with high, lighted structures. And light pollution
harms air quality as well: Because most of the country’s power plants are still powered by fossil
fuels, more light means more air pollution.
G. Darkness was threatened. “We were totally losing the night sky,” said a scientist. Now, after
retrofitting inefficient mercury lighting with low-sodium lights that block light from
“trespassing” into unwanted areas like bedroom windows, and by doing away with some
unnecessary lights altogether, the city is softly glowing rather than brightly beaming.
J. Legislation isn’t the only answer to light pollution problems. A representative for the Ohio
Light Pollution Advisory Council, says that education is just as important, if not more so. Simple
actions like replacing old bulbs and fixtures with more efficient and better-designed ones can
make a big difference in preserving the night sky.
Question 1-6: The first six paragraphs are lettered A-F. Choose the most suitable headings
for paragraphs A-F from the list of headings below. NB There are more headings than
paragraphs, so you will not use them all.
List of Headings
i. Why lights are needed
ii. Lighting discourages law breakers
iii. The environmental dangers
iv. People at risk from bright lights
v. Illuminating space
vi. A problem lights do not solve
vii. Seen from above
viii. More light than is necessary
ix. Approaching the city
1. Paragraph A _ix________________
2. Paragraph B _viii________________
3. Paragraph C _vii________________
4. Paragraph D _vi________________
5. Paragraph E _iv________________
6. Paragraph F _iii________________
Question 7-10: Complete each of the following statements with words taken from the passage.
Write ONE or TWO WORDS for each answer.
7. According to a recent study, well-lit streets do not deter crime_________________or make
neighbourhoods safer to live in.
8. Inefficient lighting increases ___air pollution______________because most electricity is
produced from coal, gas or oil.
9. Efficient lights block light_________________from going into areas where it is not needed.
10. In dealing with light pollution _education________________is at least as important as
passing new laws.
Your answer:
1. __________ 2. ___________ 3. ___________ 4. ___________ 5. ___________

6. __________ 7. ___________ 8. ___________ 9. ___________ 10.



Part 1: Use the word given in brackets and make any necessary additions to write a new
sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do
NOT change the form of the given word. You must use between TWO and SIX words,
including the word given. (10 points)
1. You are not a bad lawyer Martin, but I don't think it is a very suitable job for you. cut
I just don't think you _are cut out to be_________________ a lawyer.
2. I don't have the foggiest idea whether he will be coming or not. whatsoever
I have _no idea whatsoever_________________  whether he will be coming or not.
3. He failed the exam as he didn't work as fast as the rest of the class. pace
His failure was blamed on his inability _to keep pace w_________________  rest of the class.
4. Everyone is criticising the government for its poor unemployment record. come
The government _has come in for criticism_________________ over its unemployment record.
5. He was always going to leave that house after the divorce was finalised.bound
He _was bound to leave_________________ the house after the divorce.
Part 2: For each of the sentence below, write a new sentence as similar as possible in
meaning to the original sentence but using the word given. This word must not be altered in
any way. (10 points)
1. I'm afraid I believed his fake story completely! TAKEN
__I regret to say that I was taken in for his fake story.
2. This washing machine will give you years of service if you care for it properly. AFTER
_Properly look after, this washing machine will…
3. The news that the President had quit came as a great surprise to everyone. ABACK
_Everyone was taken aback by the news that the P had quit.
4. Do you mind if I observe you while you draw that sketch? OBJECTION
_Do u have any objection if I observe u while u draw that sketch?
5. None of us was expecting to have a test this morning. BLUE
_This morning’s test came out of the blue for evr one of
Part 3: Write a paragraph(150-200 words) to answer the following question: (20 points)
You are to write the introdution to people from other countries about a custom of Vietnamese
people that make you proud. What is the custom and why?

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