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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Leyte National High School
Tacloban City


Presented by: Group 3



Presented to:


Subject Teacher


May 16, 2022. Early in the morning around 6:30 am, my mother shouted "walter! walter!
walteeeeeeer wake up!". I slowly opened my eyes and wipe my face with a clean towel, after a
while I decided to get up from my bed and go to the kitchen to eat for my breakfast. 7:30 am to
be exact. I went up to the kitchen and prepare my food then suddenly I heard a voice coming
from the room of my mother, and she says, "walteeeeer prepare all your things immediately we
are going to "Kandiwata Island, and its an island hopping, so I was shocked and confused at the
same time, then I shouted, mom! You didn't even tell me about this. So before the day of going
island hopping, I can still prepare my stuff, especially since all my clothes are not still dry. then
she replied "I've bought plenty of shirts, shorts, and also a blazer for you to use during our
outing, then I replied "let me just take my breakfast and I will immediately prepare my things.

Around 8:04 in the morning when our services car was already at the court waiting for me
and my mother, this is the time when we need to go out of our house and lock everything from
the inside, I asked my mother who are we going with, then she replied I never introduced them
to you, later if we go in, from the car you'll able to meet them, so we started walking out from
our house and went to the court to see them, then when I enter the car there was 4 of them, 2
adults and 2 young ladies when I was at the car my mother introduce me to them and she said
that Sebastian and Max was a lover at their youth time, they had their first baby when they are
still at college which is their first born baby was Kendal, after 2years they had their second baby
which is Kylie and now they are almost 15yrs of marriage and we are celebrating their 15th of
marriage and also 20th of friendship that's why we are going for a trip.

Then i "good" and replied hi kylie and Kendal nice meeting you, hi also tita and Tito then
they greeted me as well, while we are in the car driving to go to the place were we supposed to,
my mom and the mother of Kendal and kylie which is max they keep on talking sharing
thoughts and memories during their high school days both 3 of them are laughing while kylie
was sleeping, also I and Kendal were listening to their story and laugh at the same time. I fell
asleep while listening to their chats, etc. Around 11 when we arrived at the boat where we need
to cross another island to go to kandiwata island, a lot of people are talking about the island they
said the place was incredible, so in the meantime, while we are the boat we decided to eat
something like junk foods and biscuits since most of us are hungry especially Kendal and kylie
so we decided to take some foods from our bags and ate those foods, while we are sightseeing of
the sea and also the trees from the island I just realize something that the world is so beautiful
and amazing, this is my first time of experiencing on island hopping. 12:13 the time where we
arrived at the island we are amazed by its beauty because of its clear water, high mountains
rocks, and different kinds of fish on the island, we our bags from the cottage, change our outfits
and take some pictures of the mountains and sea, my mother and tita max was preparing for our
lunchtime, while Tito Sebastian was also preparing for the fire that we are going to cook, me,
Kendal and kylie was taking some pictures & selfies.

Tito Sebastian was cooking our food "singing bangus" while tita max and my mother were
also preparing for the table, especially on each of everyone's plate, fork, and spoon. Few minutes
after the fish was already cooked so we decided to eat our lunch and enjoy the vi, ew especially
since it was a sunny day. We eat and talk and also laugh at the same time, I feel comfortable
talking to them because all of them are kind and generous, especially Kendal the older sister
which is my age. After we eat me and Kendal decided to go swimming because we don't want to
waste time,e, especially on this occasion and this event, so we go to the restroom change our
clothes and put some suns screen on our skin, this will protect our skin the direct sunlight, after
that, we keep on walking around the island to take some pictures and selfies as well, around 2
pm we decided to swim since it's not that too much sunlight directing from us, there is a lot of
trees that could also protect us from the sunlight, so we started swimming playing volleyball and
also chase, we had fun until its already 3:45 pm where my mom, and tita max and also tito
Sebastian decided to join us from swimming, they also join us from playing the volleyball, etc,
we had fun until the goes by 5 pm

The sky was a little bit murky and the sun was all about to sunset, so we decided to get off
the sea and change our clothes since its time for us to go back home, we keep our things packed,
clean the area and pay for our rent for the cottage and everything, we go back from the boat and
at around. I was shocked at how great the island is. It was extremely amazing as I have been
expecting, the mountains were full of rocks I could identify it as a rock of the mountain the sea
was so clear, I even saw a different fish, while I was looking at the sea, it creeps me out when I
also saw a snake, well its kinda beautiful because the snake was colorful, especially the most
color that I have saw from that snake was color blue so I was over at the moon when the first
time I saw this.


I take a look at life and the things around me. I do not just see objects in nature. I see
meanings. Rocks are not just mineral build ups laid on earth. They are the representation of how
life changes. I see flowers, not as meaningless plants coming out of the ground, but as living
things in nature. To me water isn’t just a necessity for humans; it is the constant movement of
life using various emotions. I am a major characteristic of nature; I was created, and I can be
destroyed. I can create, and I can destroy. All these elements represent one thing in general: life.
I live, therefore I am nature.

My life is constantly changing. I never know what is around the corner. Sometimes I am
perfectly settled in one routine of life. Then all of the sudden something can change instantly:
earthquake. The changes in my life sometimes are more subtle though. I am always me, but the
more people I meet and the more things I learn and do change me very gradually but surly. I am
the erosion of rocks.

All of life on earth is growing. I have grown since I was born. I have physically grown
larger and larger like a plant living in nature. Growth takes place everyday in my life. I learn
something new just about everyday, and to me that is growing. To grow in nature, plants need to
feed and consume water. Identical to a plant, I would not live without food or water. I am a
smarter more evolved reflection of a plant.

Most water is always moving. I do not physically move every second, but I am always
moving on in life. I have not always been in the same grade at the same place with the same
people because I have moved on in life. Water also represents emotions in life. Sometimes water
is calm. Sometimes it’s rapidly raging through a river taking anything in its path, which
represents anger. I am not always calm nor, I am not always angry. Like water, I flow through
A common characteristic in nature is the ability to be created or destroyed. Like all other things
in nature, I was created. In my belief it was in result of the evolution that has taken place over
many years. I was created instantly. I wasn’t completely developed but I was there. I can be
destroyed just as easily and just as quickly. This also means that I can create my own. I can
create life simply by planting a seed of a flower which grows and becomes life. Also, because of
being conceived I can also conceive. This has to mean that I can destroy as well. Oh, yes. I, in
comparison to any living being can destroy. I can end life. I can create life.

People may not understand that these elements in nature are so commonly related to life.
Some people just see things in life not representing life but filling spaces in life. I see beyond the
objectivity and look directly into the metaphor. Flowers are the growth of all beings. They grow
and feed and reproduce. Rocks are the changes in everyday life. They crumble, erode, and can
be immediately changed in seconds. In addition, one of the main natural resource used by all
living things (water) is emotionally moving through life like me living my life. I am
characteristics of nature. Nature is life. I am alive. I am nature.


“Hello Good day! My name is Reiniza Joyce Lequin and I'm 17 years old .
I currently do not serve in any ministries , My hobbies before are listening music and spending
time with my friends . Something that most people don’t know about me, is that I was once who
influenced by this world . At age of 12 I'm started to try a Cigarette's and where we're in
Tacloban City, I had a lot of Bad record also in School . I'm ashamed to My Mama and Also to
Tita for what I have done to them. In Year 2015 We went to Province and My Parents had
decided to V&G,Marasbaras.

A lot of things I experience In Province. at Age of 16 I thought it was the Beginning of my

new journey ,but it's not. I've learned a lot of wrong doings until at the age of 15 . Problems ,
tired of everything , discouragement , depressions . I had to make a decision to do everything
what is Good for me. after this , I started drinking and partying , I never spent time around any
of my family , I was sorrounded with worldly friends , and I was hurt , in that time , I felt a lot of
pain and a lot of guilt . I was crying whole night , no one's there for me. even those friends
whom with me in Joy and Laughter's . I felt that I could've changed what happened . one time
while I'm in the Game my friend ask and invited me to attend a Crusade.

I was so Happy that time and excited for it was my first time attended at that kind of
activity. while I'm sitting on the chair I don't want anybody to disturb me , I feel so comfortable
and loved while I'm listening to many songs, spoken poetry , Testimonies, and preaching Truly
that God is always There for us . And I knew then that God still loved me despite what all I had
done , in December , after the Crusade, I receive Jesus Christ in water Baptism Acts 2 :38 , And
about months I receive the Gift of the Holy Ghost .


Senior high plays a vital role in a students life. Because this is in accord with the students
career path. An additional 2 years in high school life is not easy, but it is a great advantage for us
learners, because we gain more knowledge. And with this regards Senior High graduates are
more prepared of collage studies.

We will face many struggles. Like, facing deadlines, multiple tasks, bad weather and less
equipments. Nevertheless, we will make it through. Senior high is a mixed of being junior high
school and college students. That is why we are caught between tackling more responsibilities as
a student and the moment of being a teenager.

High five Senior High means we will make it. High five Senior high means everything will
be okay. Senior high is coming to an end and we will face new challenges and friends. All that
we've been through is a memory that will remain forever in our hearts. High five guys.

As students, we must complete all tasks promptly because time does not wait for anyone.
The greatest attributes of a student are respecting and loving one's parents , obeying one's elders
and teachers, and being obedient to them. A student's social life is another crucial aspect of their
daily lives. A student needs to be well-behaved and cooperative with everyone.


The strong scent of cinnamon tickles my nose, as I assist my mom, as she bakes her well-
known apple pie. The apples I am cutting make a distinct and crisp sound, as the sharp shiny
knife carves into their bright white flesh. The squishy beige dough forms in my hands as I knead
it back and forth, back and forth. My whole family looks forward to inhaling it, always helping
themselves to seconds or even thirds. I imagine scooping pieces of it into my mouth and how the
warm, soft, and caramelized apple pieces, send a wave of happiness and delight throughout my
body, each and every flavorful bite. The buttery, yet crunchy crust is the perfect golden-brown

The flaky crust and the balance of sweet and tart from the apples are still vivid in my
mind and stomach. The taste still lingers in my tastebuds and thus it really brings families
around the table for dessert after a good Thanksgiving or Christmas meal. Mentioning apple pie
to people and the first thing that enters one’s mind is a flaky crust with a sweet, apple filling
merging together with a scoop of homemade, vanilla ice cream. There is no other dessert more
looked forward to than a good slice of homemade apple pie. However, making this outstanding,
mouthwatering, apple pie is no easy task, but with a little devotion, you will become one of your
family’s and friends’ favorites.

The proper ingredients need to be selected. For an apple pie, it needs, you guessed it,
apples. But picking the “right” type of apple(s) greatly depends on where you are and what time
of year it is. Generally speaking, there is no “right” type of apple(s) because everyone has
different taste preferences; some sweeter and some tarter. Some examples of sweet apples are
Braeburn, Fuji, Rome Beauty, Empire, and Golden Delicious. Apples with a little tartness
include Idared, Macoun, Newton Pippin, and Northern Spy. And apples with a good mix of
sweet and tartness are Jonathan, Stayman-Winesap, Cox’s Orange Pippin, and Jonagold. But
not all apples result in delicious apple pies. Some apples, such as Macintosh and Cortland, come
out of the oven mushy when cooked. The widely used choice of apples would be a mixture of
sweet and tartness; particularly Golden Delicious and Granny Smith apples. Now that we have
the apples, time to make the filling.

Apple pie filling includes these ingredients; 10 to 15 of your choice of apples that are
peeled (optional), cored, and thinly sliced to about ¼ inch thick, 1 ½ teaspoon of ground
cinnamon, 1/8 teaspoon of nutmeg, ¾ to 1 cup of sugar (this varies depending on how tart or
sweet the apples are), 3 tablespoons of cornstarch, ½ of a lemon (juiced), and a tiny pinch of
salt. Now, put the sliced apples into a large bowl and add the fresh lemon juice, sugar, nutmeg,
cinnamon, and several grains of salt. Toss until the sugar dissolves and the apples look a little
wet, and then add the cornstarch. Continue mixing until the cornstarch is no longer visible.
That’s it.

The type of apples and the amount of spices and sugar are key elements in making a
flavorsome pie, but the foundation lies in the pie crust. There are three basic ingredients in a pie
crust; flour, fat, and liquid. Trying numerous variations and changing basic ingredients and their
ratios is a fun way to enjoy baking. The type of flour you use is an important decision in
making the pie crust tender. To promote tenderness in the pie crust, choose low protein wheat
flour such as cake flour and pastry flour. Although these are acceptable, all-purpose flour is the
best choice, for it is readily available and works well for pie crusts. Bread flour and instant flour
are very high in protein so they are not the proper flours to use here.

Next is fat. The type of fat used will affect flavor and flakiness, and the amount of fat
used affects tenderness. The available fats for pie crusts are vegetable shortening, butter, and
lard. Vegetable shortening produces a flaky pie crust that is slightly easier to work with than
one made with butter, but the flavor won’t be as rich. Crusts made with butter are very
flavorful, though they are generally not quite as flaky as crusts made with shortening or lard.
Lard (pig fat that was often used in cooking and baking, but soon posed health concerns as it
perceived as being unhealthier than butter or vegetable shortening) produces the flakiest crust of
them all, but processed lard can have a chemical aftertaste. So which is the right fat to use?
Some of the best pie crusts are made with a combination of butter, for flavor, and shortening, for

Lastly is the liquid. For a tender crust, you want just enough liquid to moisten the flour
without drenching it. Liquids should be ice cold and added gradually to the dry ingredients. If
too much water is added, the dough will have to be mixed with more flour, resulting in over
working the dough, thus having to start over. If too little water is added, it will cause dry,
crumbly dough with poor handling qualities. Some recipes use apple cider or oil instead of ice
cold water because it gives it an extra flavor boost, but this is personal preference.

When making pie crust, remember this vital key: cold ingredients and limited handling
is the key to preparing a wonderful pie crust. The main difference between a good pie and a
great pie is the crust. Pre-made pie crusts are fine to use in a pinch, but for an award-winning,
knockout pie, nothing is better than a homemade flaky crust that perfectly complements the

So now that we understand the importance of making a delicious, homemade pie crust,
let’s begin! The ingredients you will need for the pie dough are 2 ½ cups of all-purpose flour, ½
cup of cold unsalted butter, ½ cup of chilled vegetable shortening, 1 teaspoon of salt and sugar,
and 4 to 8 tablespoons of ice cold water. Cut the sticks of butter and shortening into small cubes
and put them in the freezer for about 15 minutes. Next, whisk together the flour, salt, and sugar.
Adjust the ratio of sugar and salt to satisfy taste buds. Add the cold cubes of butter and
shortening into the mixture and continue to mix until the consistency of small pea sized chunks
remains (a silver fork works best here, but nothing wrong with getting a little messy). Note: if
using a food processor, don’t overwork the dough by using short bursts. Drizzle in the ice cold
water until the dough turns solid, making sure not to add too much water. Next, cut the dough in
two and wrap the selections tightly in plastic wrap which will eliminate as much air as possible.
Refrigerate the wrapped dough for at least one hour (even for days if you are making this ahead
of time).

When ready to use, let the refrigerated dough sit at room temperature for about 5 to 10
minutes in order to soften the dough just enough to make rolling a bit easier. Then, with a
rolling pin, flatten the dough and work it into a circle until it is a few inches wider than the pie
pan on all sides (no thicker than a centimeter and no wider than 5 centimeters). Then, gently
remove the flattened dough from the work station into the pie plate and give extra attention to
the edge of the pie plate. There is no need to butter or oil the pie plate since there is so much
butter and shortening in the dough. Cut off the excess dough and put the pie plate back into the
fridge. There is an option of “Blind-Baking”, pre-cooking base to avoid a soggy base when
using moist fruits, but since we need to add the top layer, it isn’t suggested. The bottom pie
crust is now done and so is the filling. All that is left is the top layer, the final bake, and then
devouring the mouthwatering apple pie. Making the crust was the hard part, so it’s smooth
sailing from here on out.

Finally it comes time to prepare the top layer of the apple pie. Take out the second piece
of dough that was left in the fridge and let it cool to room temperature for five to 10 minutes.
Just as we did for the bottom crust, roll out the dough until it fits the pie pan. Take out the
filling and pie pan out of the refrigerator. Add the filling into the pie pan and put on the top
layer, folding both the top and bottom edges. Another optional method for the top layer is a
lattice (a weave). For those who want to lattice the top crust, use a pizza cutter or a kitchen
knife and cut the rolled out dough into strips ½ to ¾ inch wide. As if weaving a scarf, place the
strips on top of the pie and weave them in and out every other strip. Then, tuck in the ends
along with the bottom crust, just like the normal top layer. After tucking in the sides, it is time
to crimp the edges.

Crimping is another optional method in making the pie look appealing. Use your index
finger to push the inner edge out while pinching the outer edge in with the thumb and index
finger of your other hand to make a little, classic scallop edge on the pie crust. Repeat all
around the edges of the pie, glaze the top with a little egg white (a beaten egg), and dust off with
sugar. Another optional technique to use here is cutting strips of aluminum foil to cover the
edges. This will greatly reduce the burn of the crimped edges since they are the most vulnerable
to burn first. Put the pie into the oven at 375 degrees Fahrenheit for one hour. Take the foil off
at about 15 minutes before the pie is done to ensure nice golden brown edges. Take it out and
let it cool for about one or two hours and then dig in. You’re done!

That’s all there is to make an apple pie. Making your own apple pie is much easier than
you think. It’s perfect for holiday parties and special occasions when you want to make your
family, friends, and guests feel special. At first, this all sounds daunting, but it really isn’t. My
mother’s delicious apple pies, fill me with energy and zeal. The world’s best cook is my mummy
because she makes everything so yummy. I forget everything when I think about my mother’s
mouth-watering homemade dessert.

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