Pet Waste Stormwater

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et Waste Pollutes Our Waters What You Can Do To Help Protect Our Water Clean and plentiful water is important to oux families, ow environment, our economy and ous quality of life. Did you know that animal waste from pets can pollutc our waters? When left onthe ground, pet waste is ‘washed by sain and melting snow and ice into storm drains that camry itto our rivers lakes, the ocean. and inking water. Animal waste contains a high concentration of mutsients as well as bacteria and disease-causing microorganism: that can cause problems, What you can do Petowners or anyone who takes your pet for walks mit properly dispose ofthe waste by pickingitup, wrappingit andither placing tin the tach or flashing it unwrapped downthe toilet. “Your smunicipality is required to adopt and enforce local pet-wastelaws. Atamininmim, your community amst require that pet owners or their keepers immediately and properly dispose of their pet's solid waste deposited ‘on any public or private property not owned or possessed by that person. People with assistance animals suchas Seeing Bye dogs are exempt. Make sure youknow what your municipality sequires—and follow it. ‘Thank you for doing your part tokeep New Jersey's watersclean. ‘For more information, please contact the following: ‘New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Division of Water Quality ‘Bureau of Nonpoint Pollution Control “Manicipal Stormwater Regulation Progam. (609) 633-7021 ‘Visit wwwanjstommwater org or Additional informationis also available at U.S. ‘Environmental Protection Agency Web sites -waw:epa goviapdesstomawater or wrw.epa.govinps Jon S. Corzine, Governor Gat ate LisaP Jackson, Commissioner “#771 Heit olutions to Stormwater Pollution Easy Things You Can Do Every Day To Protect Our Water A Guide to Healthy Habits for Cleaner Water ca streets, parking lets and lawns is Posemesi:, toour donking water supplies and theocean ‘ad okes on childcen play in. Festlizes oi, pesticides, detergents, petwaste, grass clippings: You ‘same it and itends up in cur water. ‘Stormwater pollution i one ofNew Jersey's greatest ‘threatsto clan and plentiful water, and that's why ‘we're all doing somehingaboutit. ‘By chasing the responsibility and mulkingsmll,eacy ‘changes in our daly lives, we can keep common pollutants out ofstonmwate. Itall adds up tocleaner ‘water, and itsaves the high cost of cleaning up once itediry. As past of New Jersey's initiative to keep our water ‘clan and plentifl and to mect federal requirements, many municipalities and othe public ageaciesineluding colleges and military bases smust adoptordinances or coher rules prohibiting As aresident, business, or other member of the New Jersey community, it is important to know these easy things you can do every day to protect our water. Limit your use of fertilizers and pesticides = Doasol testto seeif youneed aferties. = Donotapply fertilizers heavy rniniz predicted, = Hyoubavehazardous products inyourhome or ‘workplace, make sure you store cx dispose of ‘hem propesty. Read the Inbel for gidamce. = Usenamsalorlese = Recycleused metro. ‘people thatstorm drains = Donotlet sewage or coher wastes flow into a Clean up after your pet = Manysmnicpalities and public agencies must ‘enact aad enforce local pet-waste ules. = Ancxamples sequiring pet ownersor ‘hear keepers to pickup aad properly dicpoze of petwaste dropped on [public or other people's Property. = Make sare youlnow ‘your town's or agency's sequirements ané comply ‘withthem. I's the law. Andiemeabes » Use newspaper, bags or peoper-sconpers to pick up wastes. += Dispose ofthe ‘wrapped pet waste inthe trash oran- ‘wrapped natoilet + Never discard pet ‘wastein astom drain, Don't feed wildlife = Do not feed wildlife, sch acducks aad geese i public areas. = Manymnicpalitesand other public agencies must ‘emactand enforce arule that prohibits wildlife feedingin ‘these areas. Contact information See eterna eee ‘www ojetomnweter org or www: ncapointcossce org Additional information isalzo available at US. ‘Eeviroameatal Frotection Agency Web cite: ‘www epa govingdecistocmwater or wow.epa.govinge New Iecsey Department of Eaviroameatal Protection: Division of Water Quality ‘Buceav of Nonpoint Pollution Control Manicipal Stormwater Regulation Prog:am (609) 633-7021 © gaduiy

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