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Name of the Student :_________________________________ Date : /03/2023
Grade : VI Subject : English
Roll No : ________________ Max. Marks : 80 Marks
Max. Time : 3 Hours

General Instructions:
• Read all instructions carefully before answering the questions.
• This question paper contains Four Sections. Answer all questions of each section together.
• All questions are compulsory and the choices, if any, will be indicated against each question.
• Write the question number correctly before every answer.
• Do not write anything on the question paper, other than your name, grade & section.
• Present your answers neatly with good handwriting and leave a gap of two lines between


Q1. Read the paragraph and answer the following questions 15x1=15
What do your dreams mean? 8x1=8

I bet that each and every one of us has had the same dreams: teeth
falling out, walking on air, missing that train, falling, drowning, being
chased, being a king, having lunch with Messi. The list goes on But, have
your dreams been more vivid since the lockdown? Social media and
online forums are awash with stories of vivid dreams and even
Experts are claiming that there is a lot of truth in this phenomenon. People
are sleeping longer and this allows more time for dreaming. In addition,
the more boring your life, the more your night time brain activity tries to
recompense and the more exciting your dreams become.
However, what do those dreams mean?
Experts refute that dreams can predict events, but they can help us
interpret our feelings. The events in dreams are symbolic. For example,
missing that train might indicate that you are feeling left behind, or simply
that you are anxious. Walking on air shows that you feel invincible and
capable of anything. If you dream that your teeth are falling our or
crumbling, you have bitten
often more than you can chew. Slow down and do less!
Dreaming of natural disasters - earthquakes, tsunamis and volcanic
eruptions can be intense and terrifying. They show that you are feeling
frightened by events outside of your control, like the coronavirus.
It is worthwhile to try and decipher your dreams, as this can help you
interpret your feelings. One way to do this is by association. If you dream
about people, ask: what does this person mean to me? If you dream
about, let's say birds - think: do you love birds or do they make you
Some people claim they never dream; well, they do, but they just forget. It
may be useful when you wake up, to try to recall your dreams - they
might be telling you something important.

Answer TRUE or FALSE.

a) Everyone experiences similar dreams.

b) There are reports on social media that people's dreams have become
more intense.
c) Dreams have become more interesting because life is duller since the

d)Experts agree that dreams can foretell the future.

e) Events in dreams are based on reality.

f) What are social media sites saying about dreams?

g) What do experts cite as the reasons for this phenomenon?

h) Have your dreams become more vivid since the lockdown? Describe
one of your dreams

Read the poem and answer the following questions

Q2. 7x1=7
Be the Best
If you can’t be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be a scrub in the valley—but be
The best little scrub by the side of the rill,
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree
If you can’t be a bush be a bit of the grass,
And some highway happier make;
If you can’t be a muskie then just be a bass
But be the liveliest bass in the lake!
We can’t all be captains, we’ve got to be crew,
There’s something for all of us here
There’s big work to do and there’s lesser to do,
And the task we must do is the near.
If you can’t be a highway then just be a trait
If you can’t be the sun, be a star,
It isn’t by size that you win or you fail
Be the best of whatever you are!

a) What is the poet’s tone in the poem ?

b) What is the message of the poem ?
c) Winning does not depend on…………………….
d) Which word in the poem means the same as “piece of work is
e) What should be our attitude towards our work ?
f) Find the Antonym for the word success.
g) Find out the rhyming words from the given poem.

Q3. Write an e-mail to your friend about your recent trip to Warner Brothers. 2x5=10


Write an article about the need of recycling the plastics.

You were planning to make a trip to Warner Brothers for one day.Prepare
your Itinerary.


You bought a speaker from ABC electronics recently.But it’s not

functioning properly now.Write a complaint letter to the store manager
regarding the same.

Q5. Identify the main clause and subordinate clause in the given sentences.

a. My brother fell sick because he ate too many chocolates.

b. When I go to the super market, I must buy some bread.
c. It won’t rain unless we have a barbecue.
Q6. Underline the verb and identify the tense.

a. She will have done her work.

b. We are studying English.
c. He went to the market.
Q7. Identify the following sentences as simple, compound and complex.

a. Do you want to go to the park?

b. While Max was at recess, he fell and hurt his knee.
c. Maria wanted to go to school, but she was sick.

Fill in the blanks with appropriate forms of verb.

a. Sun __________ in the east. (rise)

b. He ____________ tomorrow. (come)
c. I washed the floor when the painter_______(go)

Rewrite the sentences in reported speech using the reporting verbs in

a. Sam wrote to Peter saying, “ I am studying French” (informed)
b. Alex wrote,” Please forget about that dreadful letter I sent you last
c. Teacher said,” Did you complete the homework?”(asked)


Q10. Answer the following in 30-40 words: (ANY FIVE) 5x3=15

a) Who is Ebenezer Dorset? When do the two kidnappers realise that

their plan may backfire?
b) How does the Fir Tree feel when it cut down?
c) How does the poet relate planting a tree with bird song?
d) Describe open-air classrooms.
e) How do the singers decide the next destination?
f) Why did the child lose interest in the things he wanted earlier?

Q11. Answer the following questions with reference to the context: 5x2=10

1.‘With lutes in our hands … world is our home.’
a) Who are the ‘we’ in the first line?
b) What is the poet trying to say when she says, ‘All men are our
c) Can the whole world be one’s home? Why or why not?
d) Name the poet

e)What tales do the songs depict?

2. He had the most appealing look in his eyes I ever saw on the face of a
dumb or a talking brute.
a) Who is the speaker? Who is he talking about?
b) Why does the person being spoken about has such a
look on his face?
c) Who is the author of the story “ The Ransom of The Red Chief”
d) What are the nick names of Bill and Sam ?
e) What all games did Johnny play with Sam?
3. ‘He plants the forest’s heritage;
The harvest of a coming age;
The joy that unborn eyes shall see’
a. Who is ‘he’ being referred to here?
b. What is ‘harvest of a coming age’?
c. What does the poet mean by ‘unborn eyes’?
d. Name the poet
e. What is the message conveyed through the poem?

Q12. Answer the following in 80-100 words: (ANY THREE) 3x5=15

a) Briefly narrate the story “The Ransom Of the Red Chief”

b) Why is the Fir Tree not happy in the forest?What happened to Fir
c) What message does the poet want to convey in the poem “ The
Heart of the Tree”
d) Shantiniketan,which means abode of peace ,is a cultural icon of the
country .Do you agree with this ? Support your answer with


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