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DBM-1 Feb'23 Plan (Q-Pave)

Starting Ending Side Length Quantity (MT) VG-40 (MT) Current status
Chainage Chainage

1 292950 293250 RHS 300 950.68 44.21 GSB Rectifivation

2 292950 293250 LHS 300 950.68 44.21 GSB Rectifivation
3 293420 293600 LHS 180 570.41 26.52 SG Top WIP
4 293420 293600 RHS 180 570.41 26.52 SG Top WIP
5 294070 294390 RHS 320 1014.06 47.15 Prime Coat
6 293760 294040 RHS 280 887.30 41.26 GSB WIP
7 294040 294200 RHS 160 507.03 23.58 GSB WIP
8 299760 300010 LHS 250 792.23 36.84 SG Top Completed
9 300650 300790 RHS 140 443.65 20.63 GSB Rectification
Total Length (m) 2110 6686.44 310.92

DBM-1 Feb'23 Plan (Sociam)

Starting Ending Side Length Quantity (MT) VG-40 (MT) Current status
Chainage Chainage

1 315540 315830 LHS 290 918.99 42.73 WMM Completed

2 315540 315830 RHS 290 918.99 42.73 WMM Completed
3 316350 316730 LHS 380 1204.19 55.99 GSB Dumping
4 316350 316730 RHS 380 1204.19 55.99 GSB Dumping
Total Length (m) 1340 4246.36 197.46

Material Requirement for DBM-1 Feb'23 ( Plant-Wise)

Q-Pave HM Plant-03 Sociam HM Plant-01 & 02
Grand Total
292+950 to 309+000 310+700 to 319+400
Total Length (m) 2110 Total Length (m) 1340 3450
DBM-1 (MT) 6686.44 DBM-1 (MT) 4246.36 10932.80
VG-40 (MT) 310.92 VG-40 (MT) 197.46 508.38
RS-1 (MT) 20.63 RS-1 (MT) 13.10 33.73
SS-1 (MT) 33.72 SS-1 (MT) 21.41 55.13
Coal (MT) 106.98 Coal (MT) 67.94 174.92

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