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Dur to my incredibly long engineering article which will have to drop the whole article in order to

identify the 3 main components therefore I’m going to bring in a whole new article. Sorry for the
inconvenience I’ve caused. Many of my articles is medical related due to my mixed major of an
engineer and medical field

Researchers have found a way to reduce organ rejection following a transplant by using a
special polymer to coat blood vessels on the organ to be transplanted. The polymer substantially
diminished rejection of transplants in mice when tested. The discovery has the potential to
eliminate the need for drugs -- typically with serious side effects -- on which transplant
recipients rely to prevent their immune systems from attacking a new organ as a foreign object.

- August 9, 2021, University of British Columbia

Topic: New way to reduce organ rejection in a transplant.

Main idea: A special polymer coated blood vessels of the organ can reduce post-transplant
Supporting ideas: “The discovery has the potential to eliminate the need for drugs”
“To prevent their immune systems from attacking a new organ as a foreign

When there is a gas leak in a large building or at an industrial site, human firefighters currently
need to go in with gas sensing instruments. Finding the gas leak may take considerable time,
while they are risking their lives. Researchers have now developed the first swarm of tiny - and
hence very safe - drones that can autonomously detect and localize gas sources in cluttered
indoor environments.

- July 14, 2021, Delft University of Technology

Topic: Using drones to operate in a dangerous task

Main idea: The swarms of drone can autonomously detect gas sources in a cluttered indoor
Supporting ideas: “very safe”
“Finding the gas leak may take considerable time, while they are risking their
Researchers used artificial intelligence to obtain a more objective understanding of cell growth
and division without preconceived assumptions. Using a deep-learning neural network, they
were able to more accurately model the complex processes that affect cell size over time. This
work may lead to advances in microbiology and industrial production of microorganisms.
- July 9, 2021, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo

Topic: Understanding cell growth with artificial intelligence

Main idea: Deep-learning neural network can accurate model the cell growth
Supporting ideas: “they were able to more accurately model the complex processes that affect
cell size over time”

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