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CH.4. CLIMATE OF INDIA ~ TEXTUAL NOTES A. Multiple Choice Questions. 1. The temperature decreases with increasing altitude at the rate of d) 1° Cfor every 166m 2. The SW monsoon blows in summer from (b) SW to NE 3, Monsoon winds are (c) Periodic winds 4, The local winds Kali Baisakhi are accompanied by heavy rainfall. It is good for (c) tea crop 5. SW monsoon winds that brings rainfall to India pick up moisture from (a) Bay of Bengal (b) Arabian sea 6 The Retreating monsoon causes winter rain in (d) Tamil Nadu 7. Cold season extends from (d) December to February 8. Loo, the hot dusty winds blow in the month of (a) May 9. North East Monsoon blows in the direction of (c) Northeast to Southwest 10. Western disturbances originate in the (d) Mediterranean Sea B. Answer the following questions. 1, Name the factors affecting the climate of a place. Ans. (a) Tropic of Cancer (b) Great Himalayas (Factors for temperature — location, influence of Himalayas, Altitude, Distance from the sea, Western disturbances, Tropical, cyclones and Upper air currents or Jet stream) 2. Name the type of climate in India. Ans. Tropical Monsoon 3, What is the chief characteristic feature of the tropical monsoon type climate? Ans. Alternation of seasons 4, What are onshore winds and offshore winds? Ans. Onshore winds are those winds that from blow sea to land, which contain/bring moisture with them. Offshore winds are the winds that blow from land to sea. These are dry winds. 5. State the importance of monsoon season in India. Ans.{t brings rainfall to most parts of India thereby helping Indian economy Failure of monsoon/ weak monsoon affects the crop pattern; also good rainfall helps in increasing the groundwater levels. 6. Name a few local winds that pass through India. Ans. Local winds — Loo, Kalibaisakhi/ Norwesters, Bardoli Cheerha, Mango showers, and Cherry blossom. 7. Which is the more important branch — the Arabian Sea branch or the Bay of Bengal branch? Why? Ans. The Arabian Sea branch because the Arabian Sea branch is more powerful as it is three times greater than that the Bay of Bengal branch 8. Which is the first state to receive the monsoon winds and the last to see its retreat in India? Ans. Kerala 9. State two important characteristic features of the Indian monsoons. Ans. — It is orographic in nature. — It is uneven, erratic and unpredictable. 10. Name the different seasons of India, stating the months when they are experienced. Ans. The four seasons are: (i) The Hot Day Season/Summer (March to May) (ii) The Rainy Season or the season of the South-west monsoon/summer monsoon (June to September) (iii) The Season of Retreating/withdrawal of South-west monsoon (Oct to Nov). (iv) The Cold winter Season or the season of the North-East monsoon (Dec to Feb) ‘11. What is the meaning of the word ‘monsoon’? Ans. Monsoon is derived from the Arabic word ‘Mausim’ which means season. 12. How are monsoon winds different from the land and sea breezes? Ans. Monsoon winds blow for a certain period of time and are responsible for bringing rain on a larger scale, whereas land and sea breezes only moderate the temperature of a place. 13. Why are there great variations in India’s climate? Ans. Due to the location, vast latitudinal expanse, distance from the sea, altitude, varied topography and size of the land (refer factors affecting the climate of India) 14, Give reasons to justify that the Himalayas act as a perfect climatic divide. ‘Ans. The two functions of the Himalayas are: (a) they act asa barrier for the rain bearing winds of south west monsoons, i.e., they do not allow the winds to leave our country. (b) they prevent the bitter cold winds from Siberia entering our country. 15. Which winds are responsible for the rain experienced over the greater part of India? ‘Ans. South-west Monsoon winds 16. During which part of the year is the rain experienced in India? Ans. June, July, August, September 17. How are the sources of rainfall in the north-west part of India different from the rain experienced on the eastern coastal areas in winter? Ans. North-west India - Westerly disturbance/depressions — rainfall during winter; and south west monsoon rainfall during rainy season. Coastal areas of Eastern India — North-east monsoon — rainfall during winter. 18. Why does Kanyakumari experience an equable climate? Ans. Because it has coastal influence/surrounded by the sea. 19. Why does central Maharashtra receive scanty rainfall? ‘Ans. It lies in the rain shadow region of the Deccan Plateau 20. Why is western part of India a desert region? Ans. Western India - (i) The Arabian Sea branch of South-west monsoon blows parallel to the Aravalli hills, so they do not intercept these winds. 21. What are western disturbances? Ans. During winter there is an inflow of low-pressure depressions called Western Disturbance in North-west India. These originate in the Mediterranean Sea and come to India after crossing Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. They move east causing/bringing rain in Punjab, Haryana, Delhi and Western Uttar Pradesh. 22. Name one part of India that receives rainfall in winter and summer as well Ans. Punjab and Haryana Winter- Western Disturbance Summer — South west monsoons 23. Explain how retreating monsoon winds are different from the south west. and north-east monsoons. Ans. Sonn ry Retreating Monsoon 24. Name a place in India which receives the heaviest rainfall. To which state does this place belong? Ans. Mawsynram in Meghalaya (state). 25. Name the winds that are responsible for causing heaviest rainfall in the above question. Ans. The Bay of Bengal branch of South-west monsoon. 26. What is meant by a ‘rain shadow’ area? Give an example and state the mountains responsible for the rain shadow area. Ans. Rain shadow area is the area/or the other side of the mountain which receives very less rain, e.g. Pune lies on the rain shadow or leeward side of western ghats and it receives less rain. Mountains responsible are Western Ghats. 27. Name the winds that bring rain to the Tamil Nadu coast. Ans. North-east Monsoon winds and Retreating monsoon, 28. Give reasons: (a) In spite of the Aravalis many parts of Rajasthan do not receive much rain. Ans. (a) Western part of Rajasthan is a desert as the Arabian Sea branch of South-west monsoon blows parallel to the Aravalli hills, so they do not intercept these winds. (b) The Malabar Coast has less rainy months but receives more rain than Coromandal Coast. (b) The Coromandel Coast gets little rain from the Bay of Bengal branch of South-west monsoon during summer as well as by the retreating monsoon during October and November. Hence, it has more rainy months but less rain, whereas the Malabar Coast gets heavy rain from South-west monsoon, which are more stronger during June to September. (c) Punjab has three sources of rain (c) Yes, Punjab has three sources of rain. (i) South-west monsoon (ii) North- east monsoon (iii) Western Disturbances. (d) Mawsynram receives more rain than Shillong. (d) Mawsynram lies on the windward side of Khasi hills whereas Shillong lies on the leeward side. 29. Explain how is the winter rain caused. How is this rain beneficial? Ans. Winter is caused due to: (i) In Tamil Nadu the Retreating monsoon winds and north east monsoon winds pick moisture from the Bay of Bengal branch and cause rain, (ii) North-west India including states of Punjab, Haryana and UP — the cause is the Western Disturbance/temperate cyclone that originates in the Mediterranean Sea. [Temperature and Rainfall conditions in major cities of India] Station Altitude in Metres Refer data of Pune and answer the following questions: a) Calculate the annual range of temperature. ‘Ans. MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE — MINIMUM TEMPERATURE {a) Pune 9.2°C, Mumbai 5. , Mangalore 3.1°C, Madurai 10.4°C, Chennai 8°C, Srinagar 24.1°C, New Delhi 19.8°C, Kolkata 11.2°C, Ahmedabad 12.2°C (b) What is the total rainfall experienced by the station? Ans. Add or total the rainfall of all the months Pune 67.15 cm, Mumbai 183.2 cm, Mangalore 328.14 cm, Madurai 91.83 cm, Chennai 124.7 cm, Srinagar 61.54 cm, New Delhi 66.5 cm, Kolkata 158.6 cm, Ahmedabad 74.25 cm. (c) When does the station receive maximum rainfall? State a reason for your answer. (©) Pune, Mumbai, Mangalore - In the month of July due to South West Monsoon of Arabian sea branch. Madurai - In the month of October due to Retreating Monsoons. Chennai - In the month of November due to Retreating Monsoon. New Delhi - In the month of August due to South West Monsoon. Kolkata - In the month of August due to South West Monsoon of Bay of Bengal branch. Ahmedabad - In the month of July due to South West Monsoon of Arabian sea branch. 34. Give reasons for the following: (i) Mumbai gets more rainfall than Pune. Ans. (i) Since Mumbai lies on the windward side of Western Ghats and Pune lies on the leeward side of Western Ghats, it receives less rain (ii) The moisture laden winds passing over Rajasthan do not saturate. (ii) As the heat in the desert region increases the capacity to hold the moisture. (iii) S.W. monsoon withdraws from India in October/November. (iii) Due to the apparent movement of the Sun towards south, the low pressure in Central India gets weakened and is no longer able to attract the monsoon winds towards the land, so the South-west monsoon begins to withdraw from the mainland of India. 35, Answer in one word (i) Withdrawal of SW monsoon (i) Retreating monsoon (ii) Low pressure depressions during winter in North-west India, (ii) Westerly depressions i) Land and sea breeze on a large scale. (iil) Monsoon

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