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Marie Angeli F. ealr, CE

 an riice is an pening (usually a circle) clsed
parameter thrugh which luid lws.
 rimarily used t measure r cntrl the lw 
 The upstream ace  the riice may be runded
r sharp
 Accrding t shape, riice maybe circular, square
Vena Contracta
 Sectin n the jet where the cntractin caused by
the riice cease. It is lcated at   the riice
diameter rm the upstream rce.
1. A 50mm diameter circular sharp edge riice at the side  tank
(pen n tp) discharges water under a head  5m. The Cc is 0.63
and the head lss is 0.25m. Determine the Cv, Cd and the actual
discharge thrugh the riice.
2. A calibratin test  a 12.50mm diameter circular sharp edge riice is a
vertical side  tank shwed a discharge  590N  water is 81secnds at a
cnstant head  4.70m. Measurement  the jet shwed that it travelled 2.50m
hrizntally while drpping 0.30m vertically. Determine the three riice
3. A clsed tank has an riice in the vertical side with a diameter  100mm.
The head  il having a speciic gravity  0.85 is 2.50m abve the riice.
There is a pressure  20ka at the tp  the il surace inside the tank.
Determine the discharge  the riice i ceicient  discharge is 0.60.
4. A 115m diameter riice discharges 60 lit/s  water under a head  2.70m.
A plate held nrmal t a jet dwnstream rm the vena cntracta requires a
rce  423N t resist impact  the jet. Cmpute Cv, Cc and the area  the jet
5. 75mm diameter riice in the side  a 1.50m diameter tank draws the sura
e dwn rm 2m t 1.5m abve the riice in 53s. Determine the Cd, CC and
the diameter  the jet at the vena cntacta.
6. A tank circular crsssectin is 10m high. It takes 8.40 minutes t empty the
tank thru a hle at the bttm when the tank is ull at the start. Hw lng will it
take r the water level t drp by 3m?
7. I a cnical vessel 1.80m high and 1.20m in diameter is initially ull  water,
hw lng (in secnds) will it take the riice with a diameter  25mm lcated at
the tip bttm t empty the vessel? Use Cd=0.60.

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