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People Have Become Overly

Dependent On Technology.
Technology has aided in the beneficial transformation of the globe. According to
Ginés (2010), there has been continuous technological improvement in
numerous industries, which has impacted how things are done. Man has gotten
more innovative in coming up with technological breakthroughs that can aid in
transforming the way of life due to the need to make the job easier.

The growth of technology has improved transportation. Modern transportation

machines, such as planes, vehicles, ships, and bicycles, have been steadily
improving. The movement of individuals on the planet has been redefined due to
this. Massive machines now do the majority of the physical work in large
corporations. Machines are faster, more accurate, and less tiring than humans.

Speed is also essential because of the importance of time as another factor of

production. When a product is delivered to the market quickly, it can be priced at
a lower cost. In social life, speed is essential, especially in movement from one
place to another, meal preparation, and personal documents, among other

Efficiency means operating effectively using the least possible cost and within the
shortest time possible. In the current society, firms are under pressure to ensure
that their production processes are very efficient to set competitive prices in the
market (Bauwa, 2008). Efficiency in production, transport, and product delivery in
the market has become the core of business units. In social life, efficiency has
become very important. Human beings have become overly dependent on
technology. The need to ensure that speed, perfection, and efficiency are
maintained has driven people to depend on technology for various activities.

Emerging technologies have proven capable of addressing various issues related

to production processes in firms. It is becoming apparent that for firms to
maintain an edge over other firms in the market, they have to maintain
technology as the core of their business strategy. Emerging technologies have
proven to give a firm an edge, primarily when it is geared towards delivering new
products in the market or a new product delivery method.

Human beings are the makers of technology and develop technology to help
advance their activities. According to Borgmann (2007), technology is dependent
on people. People will always take technology to levels they believe are
appropriate. This scholar says that people use technology as a tool and they use
it to make work easier. It does not mean that they are overly dependent on
technology, and this is because technology is a creation of man.

Although these technologies have been embraced by various companies

worldwide, it is a fact that technology cannot replace human labor. The machines
have to be operated by human beings, and strategies have to be thought through
by people. Technology is, therefore, to improve speed, perfection, and efficiency.

Bauwa, R. (2008). Technological advancement in the 21st century. Journal of
Technological Innovation, 35(1), 37-56.
Bereano, P. L. (2009). Technology as a social and political phenomenon. New
York: Wiley.
Borgmann, A. (2007). Technology and the character of contemporary life: A
philosophical inquiry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Ginés, M. (2010).
The meaning of technology: Selected readings from American sources.
Barcelona: UPC.

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