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What are Limitations in a Study?

Study limitations refer to those characteristics or constraints that

hinder or influence the interpretation of the writer’s findings from
research. To put it simply, a limitation is any shortcoming that impacts
a study and its outcomes. They are a normal part of any study,
observational, or cross-sectional study. In most cases, they are often a
result of flawed methodology, insufficient academic resources, or a
lack of previous research studies on the topic. These limitations are
usually part of the discussion section of the survey, just before the

Why Should You Include Limitations of a Study in Your


Before we even head over to the examples of study limitations in

various papers, take time to see why it’s essential you first understand
why you should acknowledge your study limitations below

1. They Acknowledge Your Study’s Flaws before Anyone Does. As noted,

every study is subject to limitations of the study. Therefore, regardless
of how experienced a writer you may be, your work will always have
flaws. So it’s wiser to openly acknowledge them rather than wait for
your professor to point them out, and give you a lower grade because
you appear ignorant.
2. They are Proof You’ve Done Enough Research. Limitations of a research
study also prove to the reader that you did serious research on the
subject. They also show you took time to think critically of the subject
questions, understood what was needed, and correctly assessed the
various methods available for solving the problem. As a result, they
have a reason to believe you did your best with the available findings,
hence resulting in greater grades even on a subject with limited
3. Study Limitations Create Room for Further Research. Study limitations
also create room for you to propose further research on a particular
topic in the future. This, in turn, keeps the reader tuned for any
developments that may come up in the future.

Examples of Limitations of Study in Research Proposal

Now that you know study limitations are normal and help make your
grade stronger, what are the various limitations of a research study
that you should mention? Here are a few to study limitation examples
to get you started.

 Language Barrier: Some studies will require you to use a different

language other than your native one. In such instances, you might need
to use a translator or translation app. Even so, you might not get
accurate information or some data might get lost during the translation. 
An example of this is when you study the effectiveness of a certain
model of study on students who are learning English. In such a case, you
might deal with language-related issues. If so, make sure you have
highlighted it in your discussion. Explain how the language barrier
affected the finding.
 Culture Bias: Another factor that can impact your research is cultural
bias. Unfortunately, most people are not conscious when it comes to
cultural bias. Though you might get positive cultural bias, in most cases,
this is a negative issue. So, you should be alert when proofreading your
work so that you can take notes of bias. It could be in the samples you
offer or any other detail in your research. If the sources you are using for
your report have any form of bias, acknowledge it and explain the effort
you used to avoid it.
 Timing Study: At times, your resort might need you to investigate a
certain phenomenon long after it took place. In such situations, you
might be late in your data collection. If so, you might not have the right
respondents, and that will affect your study’s outcome. Thus, the timing
of your study might represent a strong limitation. Highlight this fact
when presenting your research and discuss ways that your study’s poor
timing might have influenced the outcome.
 Financial Resource: Some studies might need you to buy certain tools to
help. In some incidents, you might have to hire people to assist you with
the data collection process. Some studies will need you to buy specific
statistical software or reward those who participate in products and
giveaways. If you do not have enough financial resources, you will not
carry out your research as required. Since such limitations will impact
the results of your study, include them in your report. Discuss how lack of
financial resources has impacted your outcome.
 Limited Access to Data: Limited access to data is one of the most
common limitations of research studies, and one you will face more
regularly. For instance, if your subject topic involves researching specific
government organizations, then you may lack access to vital
information. Also, you may have no respondents. This often limits the
scope of your analysis, leaving you no option but to restructure your
study based on the findings. In such a case, you must state this as the
limitation of the study. But don’t just list it as “limited data access.” Make
sure you explain the reasons for limited data access, so the reader
doesn’t question the validity of your research.
 Sample Size: This is one of the most common limitations of a cross-
sectional study. It often comes about because the nature of the problem
dictates the sample size. For instance, if your study seeks to explain the
perception of teenage consumers towards a particular product, but you
only conduct your study with 50 respondents, your results will be
inaccurate. This is because the number of teenagers in a country like the
US is incredibly high; hence, the opinion of only 50 respondents doesn’t
adequately represent the opinion of the rest. Therefore, if this is your
limitation, be sure to state your study is based on a smaller sample size
and that you could have generated many accurate results on a larger
 Lack of Previous Research on the Subject: In other cases, you might
have unlimited access to data, but if there is no research done on the
subject matter, then this will also impact the interpretation of your
findings. For instance, if the research subject is whether a cryptocurrency
will replace fiat currencies as a future currency, then you may not find
enough studies on the subject. But if you chose to explore the impact of
crypto on the finance industry, then you’ll find tons of information. On
that note, if you’re researching a particular subject and find that there it
lacks prior research studies, ensure you acknowledge this study
limitation and propose further research.
 Data Collection Methodology: Very often, the method used to collect
data usually affects the results of the study. For instance, your professor
might have assigned you the topic ” is the impact of mobile phones on
teenagers negative or positive?” Now, there are various to find out. If you
choose only to interview teenagers for answers, there is a high chance of
your results being flawed as they will only provide the positives. The data
collection method is common among limitations of case-control and
observational studies. Contact professional writers to learn more about
 Equipment: The type of equipment used to carry out a study can also
hinder the findings. This is usually a regular limitation of observational
studies. For example, if you’re surveying the effectiveness of
smartphones, it’s important to note there is a vast array in the market.
Therefore, you may use a high-quality one means your results will be
positive, but low-quality ones mean your findings will render
smartphones ineffective. That said, you have to consider such a
limitation during your research, and if it’s unavoidable, ensure you not
only list it but also explain it in your discussion.

As you’ve seen, the limitations of a research study are normal and are
quite many. The above are just a few examples. So next time you’re
doing research and lack access to data, make sure you include this fact
in your work. Honest is a virtue, and admitting as well as explaining
why your findings may be flawed will impress your readers.

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